HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-21, Page 8P1G MUT
parents in Coi118i119 t'-".wnohip, .aii:1 General hospital, Goclerich, Ow.
A nue-ince o Noun; people from ing Ye the feetthst hie thigh wars, die•
GIV - Dungannon arse ce.a;iity attended the! located, he tiiida it necessary' to crit
= plain wtihirh 'nil vtriontetr in blakts'ii'!cratt!tie3,
- • Ianby tee Feting ecaitle Eft' liialie'ri The thankoffering meeting of the
chafer.. l Willnut Wurkera" Atioeion ]'sand of
- -Welt ltia,c'an L.N I.az roil 4he iiXl'_1•'r,.kine: Freanyterien c•hur:h, which
1)1$ ChrRISTMAj a z , f it. a ,.cu , h, J'l f•ru,1ee ilwsa to be held Thursday evening al?
I5' a+:reet iiy Mr. leen. Lein t!i Mr. ithis, week', hes been pestwewe owwifle
ilr&I Fail to Soo Orr tiew
List of
Geauise Inverted Wens
aecl °fiesta. Tapeitiies
!rashd i z-logtnn and, son; J. d. I',ro •to the stormy weather and 'poor con- mace 1`'onr'C i)taati,tas (rdeta
New Fiction iitii;tt n, edition of the road, 'the profrrazin Eeily to lrneure PromptJahn Kilt�atr t�i., au el:3 owl esteem- was to have been presented by the The i. ritt,:i f ....:, epi ceeident or the ristrt eimeession, of Mission Band of 1 u.knrw Pi°es63ter-
ifitair4, 13racano Fate, Gee _- the tc,an hili of As11fie1,1, stiffered a lion church. It will be held at a later,
folic Ag , 12oPci =--1ieeelO Deli - stroke ot raraa5'!Zi3 cit hes, home en 1 date wvi,en wreather conditions use
Wright ; Sunday reorritztr. more favorable.
Bemire 1JeetOy =--rt'er.ilile Bailey - . Mr. R, L. Heid and In daughter,
White Bofors, pit Jalna—Maze Ise MISSt, ', Evelyn heir!. • ,. tilt' staff' of UUR1
I,a liecl.e tete Royal Lan!. a*, fo34'11'111 w;z:ro
Another Etaeo Jeipc�i�; Fauns! 1 F'ae,trt on i'ueodwd 41.-uMsraS t; " re '' son wer. fiat I itehener last Mondayw-
i9rr,Calaas -cuo,an I;i tz',novo in')urgarmenEiir
!)faire e, tett i<;- close h C. Lin:oln 3ir3. 1 13 Ind gr} gue�t ; recently, rib. -mei litre, Wends
s at " eafortspent a
z� fern days with friends at Sciaforth.
ono the +t':oratii�rerr-1'ets�w L. 'y a1r. Rad !lira. }len 1 ' khart and two Derwin Aiaekhn. bee - sttcrted to
hype - ttlaug tern, Mary and Fditlb of Blyth, ;cam ttia barbers .g with Reg. Carter
_- Tio.o Prodigal Girl—grasp 1.in- and. Mr, and hire. A. 51. 5traugsalr of Auburn,
i'ingetonc hill • and ianii1 , of •lieniniller. hire. tii'tn. j,kson, of °ii 1 ' ri, is
roe (orate of the Morning— - Zi:.or. Erma MO Ali, nursc'Ili train-
- Joiai "Mohan g - ia:;� at the Mezm dra 'Marine _ eerie e hatesat present. n, J blies, at 1Vtilk4
gi;e itoi, ti Priiz,e—Sabatini ' "General rim ital, spent Sunday. and • Mr. `1vi11iaam Mutch and fai-Yiily.. of
Tito: Glenlitten Mori er E. i iail- ( Monday at the home of her parents, Clinton, visited friends In the village
fps Opl;enlleilia - 1 Mr. and alba. marten Roa.h. • the foinner pa4 of the week.
P mere in Cream.--•Agtitiaa _ • Mr. and Mrs- Richard - l ei VIlluney, Air: and Airs. B. Bruce, Miss Ding-
d;larietiQ a)f' Greene;. left an Wednesday fortide andPrankDramspentaday
t • muni many others. - - Toronto, where they will visit rela'' with R.!frown, ref I:ondesbore.
Ata Reprints et Bvc. :#lues and attend the Royal Winter Miss- ak!Isie lerwlor, who line been
Pair, teaching near London; has resigned
Mr. Arthur Culbert, who resides bar charge and arrived home lust
coie's 1 about one mile south of Dungannon, week,
��■ n has rented the fax= of Mr. Donald . Mr. and Mrs. Il,. Rutledge, of Dun-
Boo4 Store ; Fowler. which 1u arrows' he road from .eannan,;spent a day with his parents,
r_jxu, his own £arm. Air. and Mrs. It. Rutledge, of West
;.< 11 •. Albert Dec. uoid, who disposed
1r !h
- - --.�-- -------.� �- --� 1Mr. anosh. tery. amid the sorrow and syitiPatbY
DUNGANNON of his farm on the ith can. Aulzfaeld There are two lady evangelists in of the whole 'community as far north
to Mr, pert b'innigan, had a succes" the village this week.. 'They will as Ashfield. where Mrs. Long' Vvas
Mand Mrs. G. M. nIeiaenzie were £ul auction sale of hid Term maehin^ have services in the Baptist church born. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Long. of
recent visitors at London. cry, stock and impleitlents recently. each night during the week. Hamilton, were present. sir. Oliver
Mrs. Robert `Treleaven has return- Mr. Thos. Culbert, of the4th eon. Last Monday.evening the Women's, Long, of Lethbridge, came east with
�vl from Toronto where she visited, . lliessrs, harryy and William Wat-Institute were at Clinton and put on the remains and will. stay a week or
relatives for a few weeks, sten. Lorne Jo]tnstan and Thotzttrs the play, "Lena Rivers,,, which was ,two bore, Rev. Campbell Tavenor,
Reserve Wedue;rc'ay, .Dec. 4th, for Shields, who joined -the liost of nim-, very much apprcelatvd by the Clin- (oi' Ashfield, and Rev. .1+. Clarke, of
tale tamer an not rows supper in Teets wilw► >Knnutfi;y 04411.I60 [1.... • . ,a,, on aU eueo. '1.0001.1011. nssisteti neve K. .u. urini-
- ii anion ohed'-enuren." iartitat-n--(ntari� .: , , . . o c 'relsl to>yad lain. a!-fremm�lilc;,•, .,, �,,hr • bervicer
lgtes !Edith G, Deeks was a recent. bringing with them two deer. •church intend having a bazaar in the 'rhe .#brae tributes were exceptional
visitor, with her parents, Mr, and I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Errington and Foresters' ]tall in the village on Sat- 1y beautiful.
Mrs. John Rieke, of 'Beamaville. 1 two sons. Harvey and Roy, of liar- urduy evening. the Nth of the Pres-
me. miser C. Beacom. I. 1'. S..of'; low, visited at the home of 11tr, Er- ent month. All are invitedtoattend GODERICII TOWNSHIP
West Ihr1.0n4: paid his semi-annual rington's eistor. Mrs. Cherlotte Reed, and have a good evening's entertain -
visit to Dhneannon on Wednesday, j on Sunday, being accompanied by meet. t7oderieb township nominations will
Mrs. David Glenn. who, had. been• Miss Walsh, school teacher at S. S. The session of Knox Presbyterhai be held at Holmesville on Monday
visiting- reletivers at Alstberley and No.. 1. Colborne. 'church has decided to ask the cow .mitt.
Ripley for at. few days; has 'returned Rev. Mr. Curry, of Torontn. Neu. gregation for an addition to their Next. Sunday the :service will 'b
to lief !tome. pied the pulpits of Dungannon and numbers. The required° notice has. held ars. usual in Unictt church, at
l ra, Robb returned to her liana in Crewe United churehes on Sunday. been given' the last two Sabbatlis.l'"
no Sunday school at 2 p.m. Be
Dirngainnon fo1lowing a month's visit Mr; Curry is a, vepresentative of the The voting will take place on the 24t.i . G. Butt, the pastor, will preach.
with- her daughter. Airs. Cordon Bit- Prohibition Union rind si)oke on pro- of November and the 1st of Deem- Arrangements are .)slug made ,f
e1,U of Ashfield. hibition, The poorer was p1 sent for her.. , the. Chxisttna f tree ane concert to b
. - ,thuit by the Sunday overeat, Deo. of Union
_:_. etre. , rd .to �, theevening<6@Y•ve4e,� _ w _ ._ _... _ e� to - in st
._. _. _ ilrrsltulxlttans-- ..extent 1 _ ,rte. . A� th last oetiug.".uf .lVlarit gar , __
Mr. ens! Mrs. Geo. Glenn upon the Tice regular monthly meet11n1,"' 01 Lodge No. 304. Grand :Register of ihuireel on 1' ridgy' even.ng, ;Dee. 20th,;
advent of a daughter on Thursday, the Dungannon branch of the 'Won-. Canada. held :ori the 13th inst.. the in the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston and
'Nev. 14tle
en's Institute will he held at the home) fallowing . atricers were electedi W. Mr. Geo. Falconer and Miss Marguer-
Mr and Mrs. Richard Parks, of of Mrs, R. A. McKenzie on Thursday, M.,' Bro. .Ernest Mitchell; S. W., Bro.
Ashfield, were . guests on Sunda-. with Nov.. 28th, at 8 p.m. The meeting Leslie Pentland; .1, W., Bro. 'Wiliam its Falconer metered to Toronto on
Mr. awl Mrs. W. Maitland AicyA11ist- will be in t hnrtre of Mrs. Cecil Tre• Craig; chaplain, Kra. Jamas .1?liver ; Wednesday and attended the Royal
Or "ith con. 'West Wawanosh. leaven. Mrs. Heber Eedy acid Mrs. treas., W. Bro. Chas. A. Robertson : Winter Fair.
be a real .1 hrletmas venue, en Fri.
daw,. Dee. 220th.
`Tee young , people field an im-
pronWtu debate on the subject:. 3e'•'
eolvcd,that immigration sliould lie re
strieted. A ...good mauler took part
in the debate but it looked as if the
negative Aida had the greotest talk-
ing strength and the 1:ulk .oil the ar-
'The community hal bean cadly
touclied during the week by the pas-
sing of the late Mrs. dames Long, at
Iled Lear, "Alberta, whose obituary
appears, eIsewheee in this .issue.
Within two weeks of the passing of
one of her sena, Findlay, in Texas.
Airs. Long had an unfortunate fall
which led finally -to pneumonia. The
remains weFa brought hone and tire.
funeral took place from her date real -
deuce at Senmiller to Colborne ceme
THDRSDAY. Not' 2slit, tete
Sill .> E f .SWomien's* usesy
acrd Junior Misses
Take Advantage of This Opportunity
11:•iiut 30 high-class Winter Coats of exceptional value—
Tweed, Broadcloths, etc., beautifully lined and fur �1 (](�
trimmed, one of are style. Sizes range.. 16 to 42. , ip Aa . - sVV
Special prices, ranging; from........... . . .
eiMossfield"" fine all wool white, with
fancy blue or pink borders: or fancy
plaid, in blue, rose, mauve. or camel,
size 72 x 90, finished 'singly. At per
pair, eattr'4 ,t :$12.00.
Oil Blinds, 37 inches x 6 ft., "in green
or buff, mounted on good heavy roll-
ers, complete with brackets. Each 69c
Green and wvhite or green and buff, full
size and .complete.. Each $1,$5
A marked feature this season ----Combi-
nations and.2-piece garments in fine
wool and union. .Every size in
ri eland P edi�J :»
Velveteen for dresses, etc., 24 inches
wide, black, reds, browns, grey, green,
and blue. Plain apd cord. Reg. 69e
and S1.0O per yard for, , . ,... , .SOc
Men's extra heavy all wool warranted
' alts :,Faxtri`"'"�,_: d 1.abenT.ostzes 36 to
44. Ext ar, peal airmel�t . .... $1,9,5.
Penman's"95"women's Vests and.
Drawers, sizes 36 to 44. Per garment
,.,,..... ,,.,$"�.5A
Neat stripes and effects in light, znid
and darker shades, best English broad-
cloth, separate collar to match, coolrs
warranted, standard maks, sixes 94 tel
1634. Regular 92.5ta per garment;
for ,,,.1.48
'Barryrnore Rugs in Wilton and Ax.
miuster, late patterns.
3 x .3i4 yarttac- • , .. .$39.30
3.. lc '1 yards.,, ... ..... . .aa,Q'
W► CH S .4 0,C P
...'a mael!�!t,1.Ii.�i.YM)1,"17!!IWeI■ti1{:i•i _. ..
--- —
r Nearly* -all children are subjeet .to
8 worms, and many are born with them, •
Bev` Spare them suffering by using Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator, an.ex-
°r eellent remedy. •
Mies Bessie McCabe, who is. assist- R. Mt�D'onald. , W. Bro.. R. D. Munro, secretary ;',
Ing tliarhes Alton :in the Patter's .. Mr. and Mrs.iCharies Elliott and Bro. 11, How, t'vlert V. W.,Bro, B. C. C
store, spent a few days visiting her little.son, Rentz 'returned on Tues-, Weir and. W., Bro. John Wilson, audi- Alts. JoiW3n ' 11114 /40111y had 4,.
day fromGolden Valley, where they ' tors. radio installed 'in their 'home lash
had been guests with relatives dur-1 (From another correspondent) week. -
Ing the" past month. Ur. Elliott was I Miss Alice Fingland spent Sunday- Mrs. . ,li1,. hasty is visiting her
'I buy Hides, Poultry,
Cease Peathers, .;Etc.
iPiorwa 270 tiatierltli
' fortunate in securing •a deer, which1 with Mrs. Harold Sprung. daughter„ We. A ve McWhinney, for
he brought with: him to Dungannon. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Beadle and soh" d; few days,
• Arthur Stewart, who three weeks Gordon, of Detroit, are visiting rein* Mrs:: Wm. Shackleton,. of Dungan
ago was injured while plowing with a tives in thin district at present, non;is at present visiting her
tractor on his farm in Ashfield, has We areglad to report that Miss Mat, Shackleton. , , l
1returned to his tome after spending Alma Mutch, who has been' i1l at her Sewieral from here took in 'the. play,{
isomer time. in the Alex ndra Marine home here since Thankgzving, is re- .'Beads on a String;"" in :Burke'sha
y if -� 1covveering. �y_,, last Friday event' and alt report a
,_ ! - :V.. v... V-.. Moe....R+.:C...:. Race . was.. called..-. <._. ._._. _.. _...._.,..=1K.-,.__..._.. _4'..._..Y .. _..
-' to Goderieh early this week on lie-• °Mr ': lbs Mcgp had a ivory
SOLICITOUS OP" YOUR. PATRONAGE vournt of this-seriaue. illness of, her succ!:,..e . u i
dip a y grandaughter,. ]Baby Donaldson. e a e t ori sale last Tuesday. CltilllwRi I aA BEAUTY SHOPPE" The Junior Hugo Class of Knot Mr*
, ameb,1 38he sold' leis ifarm to
tittered church held its ;annual dinner
(OPER 7'J1'ftrirS I'r1]R'DifWR1f) rind c+lectian of oilicers in the base. Mrs, J'.ohn` igeyigry'returned home
/Pee/S/tree Ment of the church on Monday even- Sunday front street; waste 8iho visit
ing, N,iv. 25th. ell her +laughters,, lllrs..Keruz3r Caritp
PHONE 239 Open Evenings The play put ou here by members be. Wend Mrs. Aulirrey Higgins, for >a
1 FOR APPOINTMENT BY appointment only of the W. L last spring was given_ in tew.days. „t,
Clinton on Monday evening and in 'intended 't`or foist WeQk)
spite of bad weather there wits a
good attendance, thelocal troupe . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1 )urnin rind son,..
! realizing 830 as • their snare of` the OinrvillLticke; nspentow,Sunday ` with relatives
proreedst ,. ,,
Mr. and Mrs• ti' rn. lusty and fan -c
113J(N:NAI LER . fly spent Tnankogiving .umy with Mr.
Harold Walters and Alonzo Oke, and Mrs* Earl *Liebe, of Holmeavilie.
of Toronto; Were Baine' over Sunday. and r. and M"' n i11 Begley and Mr.
Lester Walters. of 10etroit..'is visit- J e L.y,, of 1tamttton, agent
ing with his brothers. the holiday- at. e,. home of Mr and
I3enmilier is having its fii�st•touch Mrs. Bohn: Mena.'
of winter, rain, sleet and snow with Mrs. 'seed Gouley and son Alex.,
freezing temperature makes the and :Miss Agn s Malloch, spent.
country look like the arctic regions. `Thanksgiving at t'he home of Mr. and
John Million hail the misfortune to ;Mrs,. Wm. Gouley, Goderich.
lose one ;if his horses' ,last Wednes- n ,.
day. Caught in a rope It threw it. ASH IT LD
self in such a way as to break its The Mary Hardie Misslott Band
• Louise Maeda and Mary Long at
h at.. gave a .pageant ,illustrating the,work
tended time service at Carlow last of Missions in Foreign lands, at Ash-
Sunday, where Mrs. (Rev.) WVeir, of :held P',resbyterate. church on Friday
Blyth, addressed a special W. M. S. evening. .
thanko#feriug meeting; Married ---On Nov. 11th. at Godes
A meeting of the Christmas tree -rich, Ont., Katherine. only daughter
concert committee was held at the of Mr- aid Mrs. D. MacDonald, -to.
parsonage last Monday evening. The William. youngest son or Mr. and
program was discussed and if ar• : Mrs. William Johnston, of ,Kinta%
rangements work out well there will The Union Club of the U.P.W.o.
held their annual at 'home in the form
e of a goose dinner at Lochalsh on the
1 evening of Thursday, Nov. 14th.
About 140 were present to partake o4
the bountiful repast provided by the
ladies. After the dinner n shortppro-
by Messrs. rs. Jiro. McRae. Donald Pit.
layson, Rod. Ross, Murdoch Matheson
and Rev. P. M. ('olquhoun.
to he sold at Special Prices
Rubbers for Men, Women,
Boys ane' Geula
The balance of
B. ►.SSA.
Harriston, Ont.
. M
Heavy Soren just
the Rubber foir
Sizes 8!;!', to 13
Men's Fine
alt sizes
while they hist
sizes 1 to p„;
- Special while they
Girls', Misses'
and, ladies'
79c to be sold at half.
price or toss.veummaniumwasar .
Uwe prices are liar 111 lays oily
itomftiMr 710-T0sa Toasts
rms. 1S4
Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin spent
Sunday with the latter's parents in
' Auburn.
Mr ltobertsen, of Auburn, spent
last week with, his daughter, Mrs.
Spence Irwin.
Mi. and Mrs. 'brill McLean, of Salt -
ford, spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Alton.
A little out of season that Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton entertain
one, ne, slid you say's~ Maylte free €d members of the united church,
but you stopped to read it, 1)un.0nn021, on 'Monday evening.
didn't you 7 Avid in season cir Lir. and Mrs. Treleaven and dough
out of aea'on Ewcrything is fine ter, of Lueknow, spent Sunday even -
at Riiechler's. This week we ing with Mr. and :airs. Geo. Lane.
sire aifirrine the following sea.
sortable speeialw; tome on in
they're fine.
Fresh Roasted Paasnuts,
per lb.. . „9,,., .19c
Gard Rd Salmon, large,
Seeilloos Ream* 2 *s..2 e
Catrsriiatt 01.01#0,11r.. , i+.,,ti
tl CAW, 11l .... SSe
nThena meed Giat rls' Gs. T their I New Winter Coat for
i e b Mrs,. T. Nixon'.hutiy
The boys meetingl i1 were away pantlnjf;', _,-►rW,,....--w.,«r ti,�..��
'are home, ringing with theta * con-
spF ask iMclat,tmummer ismhome
o elraft r Indies or Gentlemen
pPrank 1lCctlrraeha
Syrnnnd a track. '
Sale of Honie inado Baking,
Aprons, Fancy' ,Work, 'C'andy,
Tex Serval From 3.30 to 7 p. m.
Any. Size of MiacLe Made le
Kiroph,Curtaitt Rads
MI Kind*
Salithxs Art and GiftShop
Long Distance. -..Short Distance
Foe Engagements
laieMath, Holmesvilie:
601r 84, Clinton Central.
For Upholstering, Rrapairieg
A targe. range of Sample Cover
roes carried
Nl,4itan. Street
Robber Footwear
Our Stock I»; Complete
Irl. All Kinds of Rubber:
Prices Are Down This. Year
Let us supply your Rubber
Footwear Needs.
W. llern's Shoe Store
lair.John -.Shetiparde ' et CIi*torr, Your last seasons coat
with his atm, aim* Sunday with 1[r,' .
&n vel Sheppard. 1Wlll Look Brand New if
We aro sorry to report Mira, J .H.
Pentland it unthe e doctor's Bare at Cleaned and peed at
than et writbir. We wlbh her ar Vroomanas. Have your
*needy weeny.
• Mrs. 'and
d nesse, Will McKnight, with ,winter Suite and Coats.
slay. of *,t" 'L on . rot and Premed now
tate see ds labs weekaMtr.
and Mrs. Will Stranghsa with at
Mhos. Made ossf Yeats,,, alfa Master lie
Sark lit, of Miura, violin' with
Mr. and Kra. C...1 s+mtt art iritiy, I1 Works
W. sis parr, ii. loran tit •1Krl.
!rat, Criet1.+r it is iwr4ta1 sit tiai..
*lett.ar >»«sr* a*«e{- . J. H. N
sooNay wr'fries*, how Mat
s1M lamb iN ,s.%af,M t9 ltoaltb noes 112 W.et tltroe4
A`PCJ (d of Ile mad'usti rent
"lite present 000 .4 abide wbichin . _e as• 0,41s, i hofs s -h! d
on advisaFitl ty orpurchasing;high gradebonds. Such purchases. '
are being made with the Object of obtaining the. maximum securit},
-together with an assured income. . The following list of securities
'combines ;Hese investment features,
Guaranteeing Canadian National Railway
. • Due 1 February, 1954' ....:.:..:...x,..,,. 100.00 L00%
Guaranteeing Grand Trunk Parlor Railway
4% Bonds,
Due ?January,1962,....,.':.........., ".84,02 5.00%
Due 15 October, 1938 , • «.. 100:00 5.00%
Due 1 October, 1955:......,..:;...,.: 100.00 5.,Q
Due 1 November, 1959... .:.....,, ... 140.00 .. ' S 00%
ssst for: r curranl�a�G' "1'tiveslitaCntr:n
K ns,&. CMPORATION. UTEDi ort t>ti
Witr►3,,g iHeafi Offcet TORONTO, 26 King St. 1?. New York
"'wive *lraoft* Londa+. One, ,I Kitclrnet :: Rift. Londa,, Eng..:
FL F. eouO R, Reprokatativa, 0OAE1I01. Oniririrk ,
. rw... wigs.
• 1111111111111111111.1001.111111111
We have a large;stock of Lamps. of all styles, colors, etc.
Now is the time to make your selection, whll'e the
choice is good. SHOP EARLY..
Goder ch"
Furniture Dealer Funeral Director
Phone 335'
NEW HATSinmetallic, Velvet and Felt, in clever-
ly blended materials and latest shades.
Corsage Flowers, Scarfs and Novelties.
Brophey Bros.
High-class Beds,
and Spring
Stirs Phooe 120. Rasiilaace217
!r. i!. rel I.,. 1.11.1.. .1.111 •1!i. _ low ,.1 pip 1. I! 1111®,I.!-
.•..IR1!011, 1 R - .