HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-21, Page 7a
?BURMA'S% NOV, 214. Inan
.. • -
When hail* tarried behiad A LESSON IN ECONOMIC3
, Remus in Jrtissalom it was not *has
.; Was loath to go honer, or shy Labas. its Produriale Rau Pregnant e We Import freak ntatiris Weald
I, hie pi:meant' conmeay. nut Innaalie he tare Nanneesseat dalinal011
had business to 4411do there, and would ' ---
LUtemente know that he had a With oneeiettath a the world's known coal under her soil, with huge
Feeler in heaven, whom he wee t4 it -ori ore &peeks and with unparalleled relfiarCeS itt hYdrikkleCteiC' envrgY,
be (1,,bsen8nt of nn than of them- Coined& in tne year enden Augest iil. 1520, iluporti.d from the traiteil StliW.3
) Wfien. JcI•wPb• d narY difd!nve-reil iron and its produsts ta the ealue of $d2146n.000.
their son wile not with the cony, I Of this vent bUla Only $&5 represented iron ere.
they_turned 'Leek to Jerusalem seek- i All -ea the bnse was pains, et Wily manufactured;
ina hint. The third day then found •• The tend of all inetale impotted teem the United Stat ee lin that peried1
him in the telnele• fin some of the resented $enn691,2$2, or practically the •equivalent iiti amount of 75 per cent.
• apartments where the neetors a the et all United -tates purenases from Canada. in the same perion,
!law kept their schools for disputa- ,: The DominionBureau
of ntati sties issued a summery of thew. imports..
I tient and there they found him "eit- •• Heli the value, according to • in Department ef Laiein. may tenni.? be credited
naing in the irddst a thew," not stands ' to the labor involved in their pre:hation incl manufaeture. Roughly that -
ing as ene to he instructed but Its a ;wind give employment ta 260.600 Canadians at $1.0n0 a year, the means eic.
fellow member of their society-. t his eubsietence far that number of families. • ..
. is an instanse, not onlyaht he was ,11 our imports from the United States under the heading a metals are •
"filled with wiedornat ..but that he 8 Ezhown on the official records foe the per/ed. quoted. and for the prezedien
Ilene been' playing with the children i Aluminum
‘. . aherielaboditathaes tdaes,ciormeratounitikearte:Ite. itkaallnycl it-welve menthe, as follews
. $223,3g3,011 $394112991,2n2
a youth at Christ's age now, would Metals (Total) ..,... ...........
7,159,0SO na0;1,0-19
in the temple, but he was sitting Mese 636
. 4,,691
I 6,131,065
with the doctors in the temple. He Clocks and watches 1„268,O5a -1,376,$00
heard them; he asked them quest- Electric apparatus 19,933,185
ions; he returned answers to them Iron (total) 271,173,492
and at his wisdom and understand. 'Copper 8,293,46G
mg they were much amazed. 'Iron (ore)
When his matins maw where he Rolling mil/ products (0. o..p)
ristialtassmitimailiwitionawwwwwwirwitienalasailasumsamaseiwww001141011 was they were. astonished and when Figs, ingots. ete
• he went with them his mother ads iTubes. pipee *and fittings
.111 a y ternoon 'Kugines and biles
Sun Itu for causing them so Wire
about egilleer:of erleng=ta
°aerie , Oat.
te. the meaning ef his reply as we can :Hardware mid calory
• today for it has been explained by :Machinery
in 4 1W hls after words and deeds. It was . Tools. .... . . . ....... . ........... ......... ... 2 , e
ormenamentrianieemiremensaleasmiaialliameinenaasetteneenutnattnnitenallaullna his errand into the world, and his Nehkles (totel) ......., 0.. 83,800,903
meet and drink in the world, tei do 'Autos, freight e ..
his Father's will and finieh his work; Autos, passenger ........
sind yet at that time his parents un. Auto peen
When mothers of Salem that'the children are of more value
Their children brought .to jestis, 1 than mann mien creatures. May we
The stern disciples drove them back be diligent in instructing them in
And bade them depart; the way ' of Life for Jesus' sake.
But Jesus saw them ere the,y. fled, Amen.
And sweetly emiled4 and icindly said, S. LESSON FOR DEC. 1st. 1929
'Sufferelittle ehildren Lesson Topie-The Christian Home
• God was upon him," Matthew
. ,44,,,,,,
, Hent- . soya -oe this Nereer - lie grew
in the growing age; and his eoul in-
creased in wisdom, and in all the en,.
......- _........ ._ ....... ,. ,.
Arn,-"Illak lit
fit, 6 clovvinente•,ot a human soul. And he
(riot Rio
29,274,814 I
n23,469,542 •
PAC* elr011n
With alt the bra*
of the whole wheat
Protrina and carbohydrates nicely balanced with thaawsier
tint mineral salt* and vitamins—crisp, throseirasib
oPPetlxittit—cat it with *ilk or cram or fruits, for tail ammiL
15,900,490 fendant W. Sanderson read* bt theHwage s* . I B°8 Pil bcle""
3,690,575 District of Perry Soiled end Ida fath. riteifor Ina gets all ot lifo WIMPS
51,424,913 .er the eo-defendan‘ Robert Jolm 'on. PO. Dal.;
.,...9s,114 :Sanderson, is a farmer of &wick '
13747:7780,31:8;82,iiols .twaownvassnh;p:trt.bieduErg. 41,evs.tirhirm. oinnapaisiniettufurtria.ueplaidi400; t.:(.1.,0...14(.34tuarwsioeiti.4....lee• reAeleitn:utio:ns16004:34:21117_,,...7,we:siohawaimprosi....,,_:„61741,1;
1,788,146 tiff. J. W. Bashfield for defend/int. 4.1ke 31e311" IfN,Yi143VA:1313ibt Illienttnra.*'*"1114:
0 itp The plaintiff, Ernest Vanderburg
anournsofiroatuatthobauntydneAfervieruldnaltssittrftive.lbetrp; 1)Iwpuhrtiststioeum'aurpotranblogIvgbrintletitcsonilikosaelee*!.siorise"
Twhenetaeittoon pliera*stnfeorrshaipn tamp opeunrituarte oiti Ili "Qoutird:018,:se°Iltrahinianio4sYtetitic8,140112.11.16141aajteli44.........1"*.ter
purchased lot 10 con 1 II liet
tlAt pnartzehipInge litki trim crt_inent,_and even hortailyists riews.
derstood not his saying nor Ins pro- Niekel plated ware 1,719,407
**Weal office- but "Mary all Sil i a'Eflittali
Ikepteer ti re. ete ....... ........... ......... 066,013 , a lo s a direction that the tali. -
these sayings in her heart," Tin, bloeke, pigs, bars 1,677,078 1,417.910 fairs and business of the partnership
This _glimpse of his glory was In all nietals in a single year there was an increase of more than $71.- should bo wound Inn L. E. DAMON,
hort. lie did-ot-try--to-Tersuatle--000,000 L....0,44e LAMA the Zwted Bcotes for Pialnun r it
--pRAymt --Golden TentessEtilieitians Ma :nss hnsivneyenhe ----------------. ripper- inoreliiner$16•61A0007-Rolling millProducts ira imparted iumPed ne 1 $15
W. M. H.-U*V5OWZ�r de.
utchings. Lesson Passage -Enke 2:42. his Parents to settle aeristilemem_anufactured eleetticelegoonsethera. wa,e.,-an.-inereasealneitiroortErnf-tendittits—
We Immo Thee, -0 Gad. that .in.In Luke's gospel, chapter verse
?Thy weed Thau hast told us that not 39, we read that after Christ' was
sperrow is forgotten by Thee and presented in the temple they return.
ed to Quince whereas Manion tells
ee their going to Bethlehem where
ent utp o erns ern, o The whole list speaks for itself. Of the entire $394 091 000 worth of
• There's a lot more
eackling--“i've laid an
egg" --when you give.
• your hens a daily.tlose
of . •
'tunnies for improvement and pre- 000,000. • Machinery imptirts jumped $12,000,000 and vehicles ininorted were
ferment, but very willingly returned $13,000,000 higher than in the preceding twelve menthe. Fm ariniplements
to Nazareth were doe MAIO' years he to the value of $37.338,618 were imported, Electrical goods imports were
was, as it were, buried alive. Doubt- 'valued at $29,274.000. engines and boilers et $17,703,000.
less, he w , the wise •irien of the east found them, worship at the easts. three times a metal inverts there is naively an item which could net have been produeed
and there they lived until the flight year, but whether he ever went or manufaetured id Canada.
into Egypt; and then be relates the again into the temple, to .dispute with Instead, the payroll of prdbably nomoomo represented by this net
return to Nazareth where they took the doctors there, we are not told. went to foreign workmen in a foreign country which will brook no competi.
up their life again among their rela- He returned to Nazareth and was tion from Canada or Canadians.
obedient to his parents, observed
their orders. and went and came as
they directed; and, as it should seem,
worked with his father at the trade
of a carpenter.' "Tholinlin then were
poor and his father only his suppos-
ed father. yet Jesus was subject to
there; though he was strong in spir-
it and Ailed with wisdom, he was
obedient to his parents. Herein is an
example .to 'children to be dutiful and
obedient to their parents in the Lord,
tives. We read that there "the child
grew, and waxedstrong in spirit, ill -
led with wisdom; arid: the 'grace of
increased in favor with God and man,
this is, in all those graces that rens
tiered him acceptable both to God and
men. Herein Christ accommodated
hinaself to his estate of humiliation,
that, as he condescended to be an
Ininnt, a Child, a Youth, so. the im-
age of God shone brighter in bine
when he grew to be a youth, than it
did while he Was an Infant and a -
(Auld. Thi e is seen in the incident
that folletvs-am only incident in
connection with his lite in the home
which he left at twenty-nine years of
age. It was the custom of Jewish
families to -attend the feast of the
passover at Jeruestlem. Though it
was a lon?cjourn4r the men had to
4 ak year 1.14 the fast...
•Pentecost, tabernacles and the pan..
oe-er but the women were onliged to
• attend only the greatest of these,
Makes Hens Lay
'1 More Eggs
. Sold biali dealcts
' . ' • wide* forPraitsPoutiry Roele-Frial
. PRATT FOOD CO.. of Canada Lid. •
• . 328 Ckdaw Ave,. Toronto% Ont. 41 ;
- . .
Rheumatism' no
e that of the passover, 'With them at
She offers -her healing nerve ;this time went dneus. he having
to stop suffering reached the age at which children
Whoa Americi was wilderness, Indiana I bn Jewish Ittet had to begin to fast
were using herbs successfulles From I from time to time, that they might
the Redmen, 50 years ago, Seines learn to fast in the den of Atone -
Gallagher learned herbal secrets and I merit. At thirteen they took upon
"8 compounded Gallaalter's Irerbal House- themselves the duties of church -
told Remedies. His famous. lRh1ley membership. It is for the honor of
Remedy has helped many a sufferer Christ that all children Mould at -
from Rheumatism. j tend Public worship for he is pleased
This fine, time -proved remede, drawn :with their hosannas; and th4ose chil-
e front the heart of Nature, heals and dren that were in their Infancy decla
cleanseshidneYs- Quin* gals 'backs • eated ti, God, should b calledupon,
. d
ath6 dizziness and other naggion kidney when they are grown up. to come to
and 'bladder ailments. 1.17 For tne gospel passover-the Lord's sup -
male by ' 31 per, that they may make it their own
James Campbell, Goderich act to, join themselves to the Lord.
Treat -every skin injury with our antiseptic
Thisfine herbal balm prevents germ
infection, allays inflanimation, removes all trace
of polio° and ensures quick, clean beeline.
' -seen • ,
The $3O—. $120 Per Week Class
° Real Jobs, Top Pay, Advancement
▪ Aviation Pew WeekS,practical training.operated ri Building
UAuto underOovernmentCharteredeempany Trades
Endorsed by Engineers and Graduates 12 Designing
Free Canadian Employment Service. • la Drafting
Lifetime Scholarship. Write at once ct %long
and•bendt by new Income Platt While Estimating
learning. Action to -day insures an
'Mee tontOrrow. Decide Now. n show card
• Mechanics
O Welding&
Battery Work
O House
• Wiring
0 Industrial
Mork with X the,cource you aro interested in and Mail this Catty, to•t
Illustrated Booklet to
79 (been St. W., TORONTO. --Room 100.357 St. CatherinoW., MONTREAL
444-•-•-•`t itla 44•40.414•1•11104•41•0•1141011
and all Chest and Lung Affections
To revisit and feign colds, influenza, bronchitis, there is
nothing betterthan acourceofANGIBR'SEMULSION.
Ito seething effect: and its, tonic invigorating influence
upon all the bodily functiorm =keit iniequalled for the
prevention of colds and catarrhal affeakain It a told
at cough has already cerienencod, ANGIEIt'S is the
beet *mann of throwing it eff and repairing then:weep
• it has canted. The meet •lielatabla ef all Entunionn
ANGIER'S agrees petfectle With delicate, gensitive
ttomaeln, Equally maul for adults and clahlrera, it in
an intettrabie remedy for all client affettican
stSetilit.20 * It * Si
dirsoitn,.. A 11600 Peder "t Anet Aniftea invatuabf• for
bronchitis Agatha:rat affociecnor . (Stud) -
Is your daughter
enjoying life?
TT is just in her "teen
age" that a girl should
• be getting the most fun
°tit of life 1 -Yet so often
• it happens that girls of
sixteen - to- twenty have
• outgrown their strength
• -are quickly tired, pale,
nervous, generally run-
down •and unhappy I.
These • are sure signs of
armeinia, n condition that
results from thin, worn-out,
undernourished Mood. Dr.
...Williams' Pink Pills have
• corrected this in thousands
of girls. • I -fere is the actual
experience of Mrs. • Ben
Nicholas of Scion', Ont.
• "My daughter was in a
rundown state. • She was
easily tired and did not wish
to associate -with others. As
this was unnaturai 1 began
giving bee Dr. Williauve
'Pink Pilia, and they soon
made a strong healthy girl
• of her. Now she is as hdPP$'
a girl as one tvould wish to
Start your daughter on
this proven treatment now
by buying Dr. Williatris' Pink
Pills at your druggist's or any
dealer iri medicine or by
mail, 50 cents, postpaid,
Iron The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont. '•g.g
Auto and florae Livers
• fad Stables, Eto.
' Montpaal *oast
• non off the Square
1 •
• 'Boma Meet all Tarns slid
Passenget Beat*
Passengers galled tsr litany
*sort at the town tsr all
trsine at 0.1% R. ar C.P. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
Our Liver, and Nick eervito
tern be timed tepstenlint
i. evetv teepatt.
. +1116 -41*,
'VOW PiltroqPigr SCI(5I504
Phases 107 Meettesl street
* .0000~41hAihoWtook"^ot ovotoweev
and growing in statute they will grow
into young people held in fay* with
God and -man.-- • - - -
There le no doubt in my mind that
our Leper Home is one of the most
strategic points of our missionary
work. It is a vital centre where the
gospel message can be sown anti Me
Christian life lived amongst helpful
surroundings to bring forth fruit and
!action for damages to John Render-
; km, a . Seaforth teamster, and his
I witeellerse Henderson; suetaineain
Ian automobile accident on the I2th
, of June, 1920, about 2'e miles west
ecn Seatorth, when a motor' vehicle
owned by the defendants, or one or
'more of them! -collided with the plain -
:tiff's car, which was overturned and
seriously damaged and the plaintiffs
'thrown out 'and seriously injured.
•be anvil emit in wider tielda when' The defendant E S. Currie, Ltd., is
the leper who has not only been heal-
eorpoiation carrying on businesin
ed in body, but in mind also. jibes Toronto, and the defendants, T. A,
forth to take up his life again it; al Drage and Geo. Bruce Tudhope, are
salesmen in the employ of the coin -
normal citizen, The message of the
Cross holds and grips the mind of !PanY' Me. John Henderson was eut
those who know only too well what , and bruised and suffered concussion
theof brain and his wife was also
means to suffer mad to be despised. of sorrow to ru
It was a reveicet and bruised and had her legs and
lation, e, an an -
!knees seriously inJured, and the me-
easion when I was showing same !tor vehicle was damaged beyond re-
t° the lepers
lantern slides of the Life ot Christ pair. Such was the elaim, and Stin-
hear the exclhi our leper church, to '000 damages were asked. Judgment
iiiiititiefen and ,
sympathy spontaneous/h. ,onthresseh 4/-444,4 e latererk.ltic Lhe
piainein, John
when the picture of the Christ being Henderson, for 2,500, and for th
plaintiff, Mare Henderson, for 1,000, n
crucified for us was thrown upon the
screen, against the defendants, E. a S. Cur -
Now that we armore rie, Ltd., and Geo. B. Tudhotie, with
e dietnarging
symptonnfree _eases iis
costs. find -dismissing it as againtit
cash year, t
the defendant Drage, without ems.
an ineteashige peoblem to help those
In connection with sa
NA° are able into some useful work. deal With the women and girls dent an action was brought by Mr. who becoTudhope and. E. &S. Currie. Ltd:,
me, symptom-free and have .
become Christians, and cannot, there-
against Mr. and Mrs. John Hendee -
is a :4hin. son. claiming that they were resnon-
greaAllele for the accident through' driv-
't.„er °FrreobiniereWithout. return to their homes, is
The Camp. ing out from a side street without
• stepping. This eetion was dismissed
HON. M. usncE WRICUIP with eosts including costs of motion
iett eungiltiticpapmetidlivseauyed by the order of, Mr.
Supreme Court and Sessions of the Thos. A. Agar counsel for Tud •
e's 11(4d IZee•elal$' hopeert'filord TCuurrdhl:ip' e randR‘C:putini:117)i.°1(i".
Rom Mr. justice. Wright presided Makins, K.C.. counsel for the Ihm•
at the Supreme Court sittings for the doyenne, R. S. Mays solicitor for the
eeunty held here on Tuesday find Hendersons..
Wednesday, Nov. 5th end 6th, • . Barger vs. the Townehip of Aelte
A grand jury was sununoned for field was an action by Margaret and
the collet. Their presentment will be Annie Barger for r,;10,000 daneeree
found elsewhere in this issue. for injuries and sieknese alleged te
The -grand jury brought in true have been caused by the defendant's
bills again -'t Donald Meltinnon and negligence in maintaining and cleat -
Harvey Beattie for theft. The ease : ing a nufeance ty failure to
agaiest IVIr. it/Winton wee traversed certain ditch cr. sing the 12th eon -
to the next sessions of the peace for 'cession. caueina water to come en the
Heron comity. Mr. 13eattie men plaintiff's lands and into their lumen
reigned pleaded guilty to thenheft of land for damages to land: and build -
a car from Mr. Maitland nen end ings. This 'wet; eettled between the
wee let out on nisPended sentence., parties, it being agreed that the ac-
tLet thedismissed trwsihthatal
000 for two years.
ravines his own reengnizanee for $2,- Itinoants selixoeaupldt
The rnaeon fee the nostporeirent pay towards. defentiantn vests the
of the trirl of Mid hieldinnon wee nis sum of $50. D. E. Holmes for plain -
being in }manna suffering Vete in- IL C. Hays for defendant.
juries smitained in an •autoreolnle I Wennige vs. Judd. ---An action for
eident. The armee ie of steal -Inc n libel, coming from London. The
nem of money Siam Me T. C. Jont, Judge refused to hear this case a:4 it
hie employer, at Henna was not properly entered for this
neer Bet :
'The following yeses were en the court.
. • The following eases were on the
ne, enneaseenseeers.. Cook vs. Huron ("tinning and Evap-
Hendereon vs. Currie et al.-- An non -jury list :
Next time a oaten tongue, fettillierenk
traerid skin gives evidemseeteoutinentatlic
ill --try Phillips Milk of Maga:. "voie
• Fralay--went to a kids party to -'6
annitde radmetaheyaandadaeta. lojtaaket kotakntel'eatetizahmhevsa. uTtiayhaditoNilieulkever a ilitekr3"'
prise in speling anti Bltsters tuk see- Phillips Milk of Magnesia into w'*:
antinall Oa, WIthreIntnibzurtli.se:onutte3ttie lonViea; Illeil-tileauts' °tint:11°111/17W' °MAti$1141 theV"Illr°44atit
thilsin.aegin:Irdilttiauyals1,07,,vaesu riplay hdeadp;lielerueveti, te:1407:k44:74111:eistolio;;eoZtetd,:,,,itarth. net:
• tuffer; just remember Phillipertesente
day on acct. of he reeked a junk &et; The mime .8)8118"Ps 75 'int/441"4 "
ern cart the ether day and then 41. Me:AMOS the genuine roiled., sin* on
IlansniCintt3dt-eh• detTraSeatojt4iirdr.1Pbtarile'eliit"wyilstelilld lictreentata4hdt.ateUtrad"1"4""7:8441."°°11.48anbeelldhitiltPbrede Ue.:4"4"*t5s14154113Ltail;
Mr. Gillem that lie wittited to let pa
costs. IL Phillips eince 1876,
judge charged pa ten $ and
After the trite 1 of the jury men told
go but he cuddent spell supsittle.
then inent when they tawked about
Sunday -1 woe tuning na intent MU
yemete Control. He studyed a wile 1
ma tiets in the hack seat of the ford 0
I gear veu wood call that Remote of Magnesia
and attends to all the &teeing why ,---...-. --- -- - .
Coarol 'niebby. My muther did not
here the delynishen. es
lifunday--Well 1 got a 100 per et.
in bietry today, all most. 1 only
had 1 liwestion . rang. The leather ,
give us 2 leivestione and 1 of them
was to Hard to answer an ter as I
was 'yonetened_
and thee.int sed, well sun when yule
Teusday--Pe and ma had a argu-
mint • at the supper table tonite. Pa
sed that men has the nimit wirk to
do. After they had argued for a`
long time why mad tied to pa. Well
mebby the men doe e have more.wirk
to do than (vioten do. But never the
Lest the wimen Do more wirk-than
the men does. So that wile the end
of that. Settled and ended its
The forertinnerof etas
and grippe.
Heat and inhale
party tonne over at Elsyn house and • ..'tahrrcroa0 taatinddrilleteiett."1 ale
ensday-well they was a wither
• I wood of had a pritty good time if - -
it wassent that rug' 'Stevens and The great preventhrt.
Jane • got intirele • to Thiek with each •
un-otber. But Pug in all 'ways <tack- - - --
ing aloe of crazy Jolts and =tieing
'silly bedded girls keep Wren. I eud
vet off. a lot of joaks to, but 1 never
think about them.
Thine:aye-Pa, and Jr. Gillein was
haveing a discusslien thin p.m. all
about weather 'whim beleinged in
jobo wirlcing like men dues. Mr,
Gillem sed there place teen In the •
home. Pa sed they had a site to
wirk andwar all so intitled to mena _ . • - -
oar •••••••_**
•••••••••••• aaa ..••••••*. .
Pesky Pimples •orating Co. et al, an action by West Street
W. G. U 5 E Th
Cook, a fanner of Goderich town
• -
• PaInfol Boils • feet -tam moneye to the • company
I ship, and one on the tainpanyte ll E
,:actor during 1027, who advanced
y ro- ieetne •
Electrical Shop
It w • used in installing
Caused By By Bad Blood
mery. Mr. Cheer, one of the defend- i
l3oils and pimples ate eansed by bad
blood and there is only 0110 way to get
rid of them, and that is to get to the
seat of the trouble by 'paw a good,
reliable blood eleanging medicine mirk
. This preposition hits been on the
Yearket for over 60 ens oand is the
moot tellable remedy. for'all troubles
•ariit sing front bill condition. of the
• Xt removes aft tire impurities from
the system, and leaves s. clear, healthy
Ain devoid of all, eruptions.
• Welk j. Fiteeitereene, North Bey,
• Ont., writest-'''or Ave yws 1 was
troubled with boils and viittes and
tried everything any one wottld retort -
mend, but found nothing did rue toy
"Ottoday when r teal three belle
i en my levA and lay face *badly Wisest
' oat 1*pplei.., s friend meenneended
, Pardo& Blood Pittos. 1 got a bottle .
sad la a very short thee everything I
toss eiesred away, mid 1 felt take as i
twit so I ever aid", • ,z
it ap only by Zia It Milbern Co.,
Ltd„ l'onsesta, Oat,
rHE PEOPLE'S STORE We carry l!°"1 1311"4 4
ants, in his statement of defenve,
said• that the fact was Iw and the
plaintiff entered into a partnerehip 7I--:•:::-
whereby each whe to advanze certainnet.
moneys to purchase machirery, Inc • '
the aiming fartory, the plaintiff and
• Mr. Cheer (who wan to be manager) '
to receive the profits, if any, from
the sale of ermined goods. Judgment
• entered for plaintiff for the sum of
$3200 against the defendant Com -
patty with costs and dist:tined
against .the defendant. Mr. Cheer,
without Lento. IL C. Ilays, counsel
for plaintiff. J. ('. Mellins, solicitor
for plaintiff'. 1), 1. Holmes commel
tor defendants.
Grim Manufacturing Co., Ltd., ea -
Sanderson, an action on an account
for $937.48 for machinery, was net- a
geed between thee partial. The de -
Cook by Electricity
• Wash by Electricity
Iron by Electricits.
Cheaper than Co*` or Woolii
An electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes the dust; a kooln,
Iust mol/os Th deft
We guarantee all Hydro
Lamp for 1,500 MAIM
Wath in and see display at
The Hydro Store
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc. it.5
We Specialize
Wiring of All Kinds
• Estimate° given ors
• application
Ali Work Guaran,toolf
Frank McArthur
• Phone 82 - West &met kt
Mutual Life,
Assurance Company
of Canada • •
CistebVseted MSS
; I!
MAO en yr,
1 1! •
D. D. MOONY, Atoot
• thiatet is. notorea• 15, Ct.iv. •