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The Goderich Star, 1929-11-21, Page 6
MN WE .nul,u11ni011 1 pi 4, 11 111 111191.!11111,.111 1 111111 I1w1, 1 IN 1111 1111 11 11 1 II I MOM Chew and Grow Thin You know that certain foods furnish body energy without adding uncomfortable fat. Sugar is one of these foods. sup I tna needed energy in concentrated °form. Mrdg WRIGLEY'S chewing sweets give You sugar and flavor, These ingredients dissolve in your mouth. What pleasanter waY of taking sugar? • Casa MiiMMir :till' pttat W1t2. THE GDDERICH STAR, Mala hem Present users of town pro,ui;c> cleanup has been started at once petty, and the chief oY police is an, Ysphone Operator' A special meeting of the town, etre-ted to ()feet rental* and that' cuanril vett i rld on Dtu»dtiy evening the neceesar-,,a steps be taken to have 1 to council. wee II A. t arrmachawl ening Had n Serious l�rrreperty? vacated 'write are not eel- ' N , lected, dent of iTie°] ©roe Firs retinue, Ltd-, nefarther letter to the mown from Nlorious Break Mitchell, niakera of the ladder truck N l as. F. Mann as to steaaner >,eri a the caune:l had been looking into, the eniy question apparently heing the quesiion of what make of -chassis toe get for the equipment to be mounted en. Vepalty Reeve Craigie and Coun- eillor Gould were the only absentees. The first motion was by .:Councillor McLean, secondee; by :Councillor Mpn. Hinge, that fire equipment be pur- chased as per the Lorne Fire Equip- anent specification Tiias motion car - tied, the only member voting against it being Reese Turner. Tho second *notion was that the mayor, the clerk and the chairman of the fire aommitteo prepare the agree- ment, which was carried. The specifications include u Chev- rolet 1.1;; ton chassis; seven ladders to t.o,lerath was refereed to the spe coal eerareittee. The mayor mentioned conn ainta Ilia Ben" Shield* Oxen Se+ ma, tit, vrtitea:=-"I ami a telephone operater, arida tett months alto 1 Ilea a very ne to the conduti to of tho Blue Water, i aerioue nerroaei hmeeeewru, smite through the Pinery and •wit. i ogee nen were w bail 1 could not I exoted that taoderich should awe if i sleep at night, wad T had a great deal Larebton county woaitle vet bring itup to a better standard, This was of 1 af earn in ray laearte ma ieinen vital interest to Gederieh as tourists i not "1 Wed s v lee csande :ab t did pati to pass through the Finery en get route b Goderich and would get a,' adrieed nia to try bad impression of the route from the x oaf to ono 1condition of the road through the ' lx;x and part of Piner3r.•I I, g u R N' the *roma, and 1 A motion was raised that the may- aur vary thankful or and the clerk write to the Blue H E A Kt I I took them as I b Water Highway .A,ssrseiation and also NERY� ���t to Lambton eauntyy with rofeeenfie to now sleep soundly rials matter,' abet liar° uo meso (a 45 -ft. trussed ladder , extension, Requests from the Be11 • Telephone iii n r. ; a aur with support poles, as 36 -ft. trussed (o, for permission to erect poles on THE TOWN COUNCIL 6Ccarutinuod from page 2) ,fr-er- =lira depted with ---the rd.. that the'committee 'Whig~'in a. . ustherreport as to details anprice. the • eda and relief committee rpartie4 as follows; As the Mackey .denial t:w. 'is still- selling ;bread *aoand 3aan and has not tnlscgc. out itrlankett issuers' lieense.the Chief +ad Polk laid another iaforma- tfion the police magistrate.' allogantran. 'letter from Reflex itagn Cr. ,quo on ;street train- signs we enemonnteenel that no more eigna be Jairoolerted. this year but that all *Cigar retreiritg Tepaire or repainting iiirtalate mean this fall and fixed up. abeam the winter. oaRboariewomutitteareflartlahlateU Ste: Tour ire committee, with lather mt la rs• at the council, visited allisteleio Stratford,. Hrespeler, Galt, ligkeelsliede and Ingersoll, to look over TEETHING BABIES W WELL ON SCctfs Emulsion ` ladder extension with voice, a 26 - William streetand on Oxford street, Prieo, 50 cents a box at all .draggisei ft. trussed wrap ladder, two' 16.ft, were referred to the public world committee. The G. C. L board asked for the and. dealers, or mailed direct on receipt ;land+ side roof ladders with folding of price by The T. Milbura Co., Ltd,, hooka, and 2 12 -ft, solid side roof lad - Toronto, Ont. ders), two 35 -gallon chemical tanks, lsalence of the 1029' levy and also for 1 ea_ ------w with 200 feet of chemical Bose and ping an additionalrequirement classroom. fegTh s anyone not familiar With the shift ebu. kattta earrylhose and tcal iara cose has- convert- $500 nd art. $600 was not provided for in the to operate the trnel�, molts for canto, 'hoots, etc., ai plat.. estimates, but the request was refer. Under the heading of new business 1 form under the truck'to carry small. red to the finance committee. Reeve Turner said he lead taken the equipment, a revolving searchlight The following applications for trouble to Walk through the =odd - building permits were referred to the pal !building and it was a disgrace fire +committee: From E. A.Maak- the eondition ,of the the hall. The ell, to re -roof Mellen of dwelling on council should fix it up and snake it West 'Street, from Fred Seabrook to tidy. • motor truck ladder and chemical erect garage of France covered with . 'Chairman Gould of the market equipment for fire department Pur- Latent rook«faced shingles on the ,committee asked 'whether to use the poses. Our ladder equwpment, whichsouth side of St. Demi Street; from Old plank for the platform for the is hoarse drawn and 'years old, is en- L. Whitely, to *over garage on north market scales and should the founda- tirrlvr tiradenuato and of veru little 1 -ewe_ tion for the buildini...hg net iri't1i to o ;.-flVUr an > -.menu-• r,safin from fleshJ. N H. lttills. fall as cement suflleient rI to dais mend that an up -to -data combination rector of Bt. Geore's church, to °feet was on `'Wad. It wee left to the ladder and chemical meter truck be e. sold 'brick baptistry, with slate committee to get suitable material purchased without deley, the cost to roof; the poor, plaster walls and for the platform and, on motion of lea :taken care of by the issue of de- av'ood ceiling, at an estimated ,cost of Councillor Croft, seconded by Deputy hentures spread over a term of years: e1000. "This baptistry, which is a. Reeve .Craigie, the +market comimit- Wel have passed an applications for memorial gift to St. George's . tee is to prepare plans of a building building; permits ass referred toyour church," the application stated, "will .and; bring in a report before the foun- fire committee at the :last meeting. l be ereeted exactly whore the North dation is laid. The finance committee reported as street entrance to the chureh now Reeve Turner said the public works follow.':. The T'oro Oto General rusts stands. It is proposed to move that .c ommittee• should inspect the side. Corporation has Paid the town the entrance way to the street line m- walks laid this year 'before final pay.,suit:_ off $1286.12 as the town's share ng aspout 12x12 feet,. not chgak nging.' "went is made. It was stated by of 0. W. S. R. Victory bonds and the aarchiteiture- and doing away with; Chairman Bailie that the engineer amount has been deposited totate North street entrance for the time had gone over a number of the 'walks credit of the town special Q. W. S. R, beinme -eh and would finish the job... .necou ie _The..�ommittee. alsO-rezone-- .. - ..... _. - I.....Ch.ainnian-M .. _ Tate •�#ayor inontiorrccthat i� Rev: clan of the- eon , mended the filing of the tax collect -Mr, Mills was inviting the council is mittee thought it might be a good ,oral report oNov. 1st and the pay- at%rid the re-opexunra services o£ rho idea to•have folding in doors in the ment of a number of accounts. church an II°a, 9th and the formal fire hall as they had seen in one place A report from thesliest inspector invitation would be received' hi due.they visited, so as to avoid .trouble was a# to the time s t b B Bros. on the sidewalk contract as; A ietter from the Bide° Fire En :the hall was not strong enough and Pen Mounted on dash, a siren suitably mounted, two nickel-1plated lanterns, two- hand ,chemicals, the truck to be painted The department red, hand' rubbed, scrolled and striped in gold leaf, suitably shaded,. with "Goderich POD, No. 2"Ion each side of body and "G.F.I)" on hood, delivery to be made in about 60 working -days' from ine Tune unassis xs ri'ceivea at toe. fuctaiy, above fiounted- on''Chevrolet, chassis lengthened to suit, complete delivered at Godexioh for $2,822, pay- able in 80 days after delivery. The lire• ladder the council had al- ready bought will form part•of the equipment, itsprice being deducted :from the price above mentioned. The truck will have foul! speeds. el time, torn snow. Also he said the floor of asked for by the council. e Co. stated that the gear shift on. general clean-up of the' walls and gin A letter from the Dominion Road ,the Goderich fire truck could be ;premises should be made. The care -hi'achinery Co. and one from Roy changed to. the standard shift at of the fire hall and apparatus should Patterson, cowity* engineer, asking small cast and this was referred to be in 1 harge of the fire committee as to use of vacant factory space on'the faro eotnmittee with vQwer to 'A. ;notion to place this in' charge Use This For E RI 1 d , "Neuritis may be localized in a sin- gleinerve or may-' be general,.involy- �ng .a large number of . nerves." For quick and lasting relief phar- macists have for the past few months dispensed Joint -Ease• -a quick' pone. trating reniedy that, when rubbed over the affected parts for about one minute, soaks right in so . that not a I) 4r at' for atorii a ur oyes w ro f th fi trace is left on the skin. 11. g p p e have the change made. At present ° e re vomanittee • was, etude by referred. to the `special eenouitt„ee..-the shift,is exactly opposite to start - it Deputy •Reeve, Crave, seconded by iThis brought up the matter of son-. lard which _. makes .difficult for Councillor Bailie,'• and carried, and TAMERS chattering noisily all around you . cold engines balling and eoughin . » but your ear ?wings instantly out from tlw rue ,pickling up m speffortlessly. You are always first away with Shell thethat mitigates cold -weather engxne troubles. !f ! *wish aril and don't worry about cold weather starting. 1 - Joint -Ease (made in Canada). is for limbering up, stiff Joints, reducing the swelling and causing the pain a dis- appear, wind for this purpose thous- ands of tubes :are told dally -60 cents at any live amorist anywhere. TOWN COURT' OF "ea.EVIS1ON The. Court of Rolston for hearing alspealei.. a1rninst tine assessment rorj, of^lie 'town for the year 1929-30 opened on Izhursday►: morning, Oct~ 31st,.. at 8 p.m. The following mem- bers, having filed their oath`of office, took .their seat at the boated; David Sproule, Wm. Bailie, Geo. P. Gould, Wesley M. Mclean and S. -D. Croft. Mr. D. E. Holmes, town solicitor, and Mr. ,1•. i . libbertet3n, assessor,. were present and gave evidence on each of the appeals. Moir. Wm. Ahl's appeal was dismis- sed and: his assessment was confirm:: ed. A *eduction of $500 was Made in •the assessment one lots' 56, 66 and 57 belonging to Mr. R. ' C.. Hays, sr. The appeal of North street United church against' theassessment on; part lot 858 as too high was dismis- sed. The appeal of the •Boyral Bank against business assessment of ,000 $8 on part lot 934 was sustained, and the assessment was reducedto business having been carried on in these premises for, only a, month and a half when they were usedby the . i Bank of Commerce,. An adjourned sitting of the court THI:TPEDAY. NOV. 21st, 192 If you wish the very finest teitujnat try iter 'SAL *Fresh frost the TEA' woos held en Friday, Nov. 1st. The appeal of . Joseph Ilaechler against hie a-,scsament on part of Park lot 107 was eusta:ned and the am -moment, area redeced from ee00 to $800: The appeal of labs, S. A. Cornell against Lies assessment on lot. 1280, 1281, 1282, 1233. 1290, 1291, 1292 ;and 1293 was nustained end the a.:seSe- ment was reduced to $2000. Mr. T. 11. Mitchell of the Dominion Road Machinery Co. appealed against assessment of the 'Company. wvhula should be for vehool rates only in se- cordance with Bylnv, 46 of 1929, Was sustained and the assessment of 520,- 000 property and $12,000 busmess 710 Number on roll 20. Average attend. calve 18. M, 1. JEFFERSON, Teacher. Perslan Balm is the one true fatn- ily aid for skin health and beauty. Aids the mother in .ncditionai loveli- neeo. Protects the tender skin of the child. Delighto the fattier as a . hair fixative or cooling shaving lotion. No matter to what .use it .s put, it is al- waya beneficial -to the skin. Every woman should use it, Persian Balm cools and caresses the skin and creates complexions of surpassiaa loveliness. assessment was passed to ,..be . .for WW1, school rates SCHOOL REPORTS S. s..No. o. Colborne The following i -i ;the.. +•euoa of S. S. No. 7,` Colborne, for October. 'rde es .,a se sce`fouie e a~veeiudtC+lfis:: Sr. IV. --Willa Bolton, 72; John Hut- chins, 71 o Emmerson Durst, 031; ',El- mer Lee, 60. -jr. IV. --Harold Stay - ens, 74; Dorothy Fisher, 64; 'Elmer Fisher, 62;' Verna Ilutehins.. 61; Ruby Hutchins,. 53; 'Edward McMichael, '53. Sr. 'IL—Frank McMichael, 78; :Roby Young, 73; Norma Lee, 58. III, ---Ruth Durst, 69; Arthur Me- Miehaei, 68: Ruby IVO/lichee], 66; Leonard. Fisher. 65; ' Lorrine Fisher, 00. Jr. I,• -Helen Fisher. Pr.- Laura Durst. Perfect attendance, Ruby Hutchins. Verna llutchins,.I)or- othe Fisher, ,_Elmer Fisher. .,Lerrine,. Fisher, Leona:el Fisher. Arthur ,Me- Michael, Helen Fisher, Laura Durst FAMILY DOCTOR MADE MILLIONS OF FSS - CANADIAN NATIONAL RY DrneaeklJterteltftrcire has ua-sdufatriou a �,, YA,• , . t . • ,. ye 1 ! • TRAIN SERVICE D TORONTO single p1'c8crihtion.-which now, after t forty years, is still making friends.. DAILY E :toe:Xi SUNDAY Today Iar. Caldwell's Syrup .Pepsin; ', Lye. Goderich 0.2U a.m. 2,20 soli, is the world's most popular laxative. n Mi:iliians of people never think of „ 'Seafarth .n 6.59 axle 2.50 p.m using; anything else 'w when they're, h a m. 3.05 p.m constipated, headachy; bilious, feverish <` MitcheIt ,,..1 fan. 3.>35 p.m Arr. Stratford 7.46'a.m 4.03 p.m or weak; when breath is bad, tonne'; • " Kitchener 8.40 a.m. '5.20 p.m. coated, . or they're suffering from " Guelph 9.04 a.m.' 5.50 p.a;. nausea, gas, or. lack of appetite or " T'oront o 10 `r3. a.nw.. 7.30 p.m, energy. Returning --Leave Toronto 7.bfi a,in,,: fir, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin; is 12,55 pan and 6.45 p.m. made today according to the original Parlor Cafe. Car Goderich to Tor- onto on morning train, and Torontose oredicaafs. Ir- ss-- lessen: -Pleasant ` to-'Goder'ek-on- 6-05--p :."train, i°:y b p g; change of cars between Goderich and thorough' ui the most obstinate cases; Toronto. gentle effective -for women and chit - J. A. LAWRENCE. --. diens tlbove Ott, it' represents a . Toien Passenger and doctor's cthoice of what is safe for .the ` bowel$. d'ilnryi .ft 'Ma„Yn, 1,01,0..,., tom, formula: from herbs- and other Sure ---'44)rhat • "tuAT persistent cough 46 strains the delicate t#da . UM 01 the throat stnd makes your chest raw and sore. There Is nogreater aource of relief for throat and brondhlais than Peps, the breatheable medicine which alirealy benelite the tlfected airspassages. As aPeps tablet dissolves to the mouth. *Within* and healing fumes pass down the throat and bronchial tubes bringing an Inline• hats Knee of relief. Pepe soothe the tender its• teamed tnelnnraaaea t they sea* tits theist, Matin 'Metes. deer the brenc,aale, Ire the Maas• het, yrnl t*nlah tsa Old me 4h. smash. me thleekrat ou knowhow good you whoa the feel whoa weather hright That sparkle ira dm air gam right Into the blood and your bible► fru s dear and atuo:tS. liteu Tat feel Iiia that you play the best golf that's Int ]iftta. And you fel like that whoa youplaysolflo California. 21* Sew' PeeKtnalta alitdray tedeitia aoCalltreaia�it *mhos Colifeeeds. Peed Odes sonic, is yfirttte% es eieriei eseeleserve elMwerye izikosee ref .pis r.rleseaket,