HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-21, Page 3THURSDAY. NOV- Slat, hies A s�w.rs "17Neighborhood News etsLift Her `' CHR(S�11iI►t�S�esome �„ !Picked From Our Exchanges CARDS �alas. leiderskaw, Iliorrell,:P L 1-. ;': : -"Sone blew ago 1: was mixed erWt a severe sold that left res with t A large Shipment of Apples ; of the district and had lived in Ilen- * t e, tiresome tough.1 Mr. G. M. t'hainbere, of Blyth, re- seal' for 35, Yeats. Before mooing to "After treeing different cough midi- t Gently completed the packing and Heneau, Mr, and Mira. Taylor live elnelr. to so swat, my bueband brought i shipping of 1000 barrels of apples to Teekersmith, Mr. Taylor precut are tome o bottle ol' Sasitetcliewan. f °Rg i eeesecl bee about 10 years ago. .. Mr. 8. Reid faces to tlrillia KsIbeeiscb'Praag • Wwsi Mr. IT. S. Reid, annanalCer Af the The marriage of 'Veola Elizabeth, Plerway • Bank of Montreal at Lucknow since eldest d'aughte'r of Mr. and Mrs. 'We are novo showing a lance its establishment ,and before that of Louis A. Prangy of Zurich, t• Mr. display of both three made iu PIiM the Nelsons Bank,' has been transfer -1 lean 1. K.albSeisch. eon of Mr. and Vaned* cards. sip red to the Mike at Orillia. Fred C. I; albMeiscti, was iluietly An invitation is extended to Purchases Starts !Mrs. solemnized utlieat flit altar of St. I'etei;'e all to come and inspect our Lutheran shard', zurirli, on the -Wale 1 ,carni to take at once, and Walker Stores, Limited, of 'Wing- morning of Tuesday, Nov. title with 'siege assented stock et Cards bete»aI had tekea toward &was I ham, the other day completed sego- lEiaov, E, Tuerkheint -officiating. and Christman Gifts.. *Mired a change, add whoa I llticl Nations for r urchase of the northern Ea. Teerkrete Golden itrng.Wedding *lathed ed the bottle my cough was •cone part of the ll<annttabbeek, which they ppiefely gone, I cannot recommend, Dr. # have occupied since opening up in 'Mr. and 'flea• Rd. (hinter, of Exec E. C. ROBERTSON ''feud's N. 1'. %rap too Wetly." Wrotham about four years ago. !ter, celebrated %heir golden weddingE. Price, 35 cents a bottle; large tonsil,' A j anriivcrsary nn Tulesay, Nov. Gth. x1 afire CO cents at all to or dealers. Hydra Break sumptuous wedding dinner was serve druggists A break in, the hydro wires at DIAMOND MERCHANT ad JEWELLER Y ed to the relatives and during the ?it up dii 1. only hr Ties T. Halban► Gen., Clinton caused by heavy 'Armistice afternoon about 69 friends congratu- Pima 136 CODE RICH , Toronto, Qat. Day decorations becoming soaked m fated the honored couple. Their 4<• the rain and dragging -upon them, daughter. Mrs, Divine. of Clinton.. LEGAL CARDS plunged the town into darkness Sun- N.J.; Mrs. Clarke, of Salvador, Sask., day evening about half past eine, It + Engagefnents Announced and ntrs. Goa. of Godarieh., were Mr, and Mrrs, Wesley Vadden, 11ul- It. DAitii(1V4; was several hours befoie complete present for the occasion, one sop, ' connections were resit. Wilbur, of Saskatchewan, bets un- lett township, announce the engage-: i Barrister, Solicitor, tary Public, tato. g went of their este daughter, Dora Successor to J. L. Killoran Fire at Zurich I able to attend. Lampe 07 office, The Square, 0040401re 'The villagers of Zurich were anus -,Death of James A. Carlin. Seaforth M, to John Albert Shobbrook son of EH N E S T M. LEE E ed from their slumbers . recently; The death occurred at his home on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook, Hut - a:1 �«-.---. vwhen the cry of fire sounded through nigh street. Seaforth, on Friday, lett, the marriage to take .place this the streets. The garage owned and November 8th, of Mr. James Carlin. month, Barrister and SackerMr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett., Hay • operated by Mr. Barry Rose, on .the one of the best known and most pop - Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria corner of the Zurich rad_ and Fred- alar men of the districThe deceas- township, announce the engagement Telephone Elgin 6301 er•n k street as a n-1.885 being • of -Meir -eldest -daughter, Bertha -Ma Telrgtktt- 2._. w ten-theepeopierariinted-an;thee. steps. son..ofr#hie..la#e-Freneis�• D eaear1iri'garetrto•-•Williamereay+....only.. son ---01- """"-"'"''`""" The building was of frame construe" For a number of years the family re- 1111. W. L. McLaren, Hensel'. Aug UTII,SY. iiOL:iiES. ; tion and made an easy prey. sided in Statin, and later in Mensal marriage to take place the latter part ((� Barrister,......... �Solieltpr,. Notary Gameror�.Scrimgeour before moving to Seaforth. He is of November. Public. Conveyancer, Etre. Mr, and 'Mrs. Lorna Scrimgeour, survived by one brother.' Mr. Frank. Mrs. William Davis, of Exeter, an - PHONE. 27 'iA�IILI'u. STRUM of 131 h, wish to announce the max— .': ar •'7• Carlin, of Detroit, and two sisters pounce the engagement of her riage of their second daughter, Verna Mrs. (Dr.) H. C. Swartzlander, oft daughter, Angeline Maud (Lena) to SPECIAiJST Marie,to Mr. John Cameron, . 'of Calgary, and. Miss :molly Carlin. at t Mr Warren Clark, . of Welland, the - -„A, . marriage to take place in Novem` er. R. I w. J, tt, 1 ORST>*R. formsdr• The ceremony M. P lens er. home, �r�, p The engagement is announced of i 7 formed ,•by. Rev. Ii. M. Paulen in St. + Murdock -Edgar Dorothy Cresswell daughter a Mrs. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Andrews's church, Windsor, on Tues -1 .. A very pretty wedding was salon).- Hodgins of Ridge 'Drive and the late Leto'teasel Surgeon 'New Rork Dpltw day afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. The sized nn Monday. Nov. llth, at the Rev. James Walter Hodgins;•former- thalmle and Aural Elosaital, assistant at happy young couple will reside Sri Howard Park Unite.. church parson- ly. of Seaforth, to Dr. Alec Cameron MaoreOeld's Eve Ilospitel and Golden Windsor. rrage, Toronto, when Vera Gwendoe MacNeil, of Cleveland, Ohio, only son. • Square 'Throat Hospital, L.ondou, Eng'. Broedfoot•McDonald I.lvnne. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ee eer. Wrote n Hutchison .onlsoMacNeil 58, �Vatei'loo fiat,; S. Stratford: Tele- A quiet but pretty wedding. took. II. Edgar Wingham, Ontario, becante and the late Mrs. MacNeil of Oak- phone 207, place an Saturday, Nov. 9th, at the the bridle of John David lelardoch, ,eille. The marriage will take place. At Hotel Bedford,. Goderich.h,Next United charm parsonage, Kippen, eldest son of Mrs. James Dick end in Christ echureh,•Deer Park, ori Nov. vislt Tuesday, Nov. 19th, from 10 a.m. when Mary novena Isabel AND YOUR Personal Cards The nutritive tale of (torn Syrup is recommended by doctors -=•it's known to be the healthy food for .everybody. So why not assure strengtik. energy and happiness. by having, Crown lydsnd Corn Syrup (always ready: in • ,•our kitchen. It s delicious. WAR BURG t� p'm• �M- Y eldest the late John David Murdoch. of El- 30th. 0. daughterof Mr. and Rte. William gin. Scotland; Rev. Amos J. Thonnas; Ii sop M•e'Donald, Hippen, was Mated . in ,officiating. After a short honeymoon f GAS r� • CHIRt)t'I -ea.0 marriage to Ross Dickson Broadfoot,: Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch will reside at GAS N STOMACH C DRUGLk ace rn.tsteeeerw.fNu - .ekestson of Mr. and Mrs. William 85 aSilverblrch avenue, Toronto. i DANGEROUS i� ----- •,: Broadfoot, of Tuckersnsith. The, Death of John G. Grieve AS �1 ANGEROUS L'IiTROPRACTQR AND DI.tUGLESS ceremony was performed by Rev. R.- One of. the Pioneer residents of. Gas, Pain, bloating and sourness McKillop and one of the hest known,. !after .eating. almost always means THF1tAP1ST, GODEBICH. R. Conner:' 11 n- f most popular and most highly re- Moo ninth acid"' in the stomach. The E q u. ipped with electro -magnetic Geddes-Ferruso baths. Electronic electric treatments The manse, :Campbellville, was the spected men of the community passed condition: is dangerous. Acid irri- mid chiropractic. Chronic, . organic, scene of ,a quiet but pretty event at to the great beyond on Sunday. Nov. Rates the stomach lining and may lead and nervous diseases. ",eddy in at high noon on Thursday, Nov. '7th, loth, when Mr, :John G. Grieve to Ulcers. Gas forms: andpresses tetidance. Office hours 2 to 6, and 7 when Isobel, only daughter of Mr. died at the home of his 5011 in De- against heart. The stomach needs an to. 9 p.m., excepting Monday and and Mrs. Andrew. ;Ferguson, Bel- trait. He had been in declining a alieee • Bieseated..... Magnesja_:...od of lursday and by appu}ntmexYt. __Jprairee_av arriage-ter calm eorthe_ _past _two years. On o tablets...is the -ideal--metbodof -""-` A. N. A B.INSO1 resid'ence� and Norman M. Geddes, son of Mr. and January .17th, 1877, Mr. Grieve was ,getting safe, quick, lasting relief. It _ office, corner of Soutth street and Bri- Mrs. W. P. Geddes, Bel rave and y t neutralizes the excess acid,sweetens c , Belgrave, united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth . taimia road. Phone 341. •..former: public school principal at Somerville, who died in 1880. and the stomach, breaks up the gas, stops AUCTIONI�1N:Ift1lVG 1'Clnnton-a with Rev. GGraham, afar- ; three years later on Oeetober'' 31st. the pain nd sourness._.Eood rtjigests.--ti THOMAS GUNDRY et SON. F tor,-oflwiatingi Baas, fie married ass Mary, A. Scar- naturally. It must give prompt re - The Death of, Mrs. Jas. Taylor lett, who predeceased him three years "lief or 'money back say druggists Makers of Famous Food Products since 1858 The CANADA STARCH CO. Limited MONTREAL. WHAT OTHERS SAY prohibition are two very different t STAR ADS GET RESULTS A Bouquet for The Globe • things. Prohibition may.eoma to this country some day, ebut. if it, ie to be (Milverton Sun) effective and: the boon that it should The political party which follows be, it must came thrqugl>: ovo'utibn, the lead of The Globe will find itself not revolution,' and to force prohlbi- heading up Salt Creek, tion now, in the face of the declared Fair. Play, opposition of a very large majority (Saturdtty Night) of the people of the country, would be revolution, and revolution of . the • The' "Get Rid of Vergy" cry has worst kind. received one of the most smashing answers ever recorded in political --- history.. It,was the usual answer to virulent personal' assaults on men . who Have served honorably in public ]ifee le--spirit--••of••-•fair blay'-h streetive in English -•speaking -peoples —and in. most other peoples . also— and when .any' political group r=eeks to attain ' -political power by .vilitica bl-y rouses -this instanct. Te ranee or Prohibition Evolution Live Stoeic and General Auctioneers, There passed away at the reed- • ago. Ile is survived by one dough everywhere . who sell .t on . this iron Elgin Ave.. o er a t, time ofher daughter, to b his first marriage 31rs 'Thos card guarantee. j the second marriage Mr,W T Why suffer from corns whey they A B d i I d Mrs John L r Y s r ma g, Sales rade everywhere .and all efforts Wren Toronto, on Monday last, .Mrs, Beattie, of Seaforth, and one son by toads to give you satisfaction. dictio'i. Jas. Taylor, aged 78 years. hies: ' can painlessly rooted out by using Harmers' Salo Notes dlscoaated Taylor was almost a lifelong resident ;Grieve, of Detroit. ,1t10ne.4i� ay's,Corn Hollow mover: ill rondlxct .styles anywhere.. My feigns ere reasonable and I a'91 try and give a atisfu,tion. . Phone Carlow. 1314, or address It 4, Goderlch. •' NOTARY PVBLfC, la`re. M7Af, BAILIE NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done , Coed Companies Represented Phone No. 208. • Ooderlch, Ont. INSURANCE •kac1{ILWP MUTUAL „lift'. 1',dStiR- ea • ANCE COMPANY. e • • • a'AR% ANY It OLATED% TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of property insured up to Jan- . nary. 4910. 33,648.975,00. . OP FICI- R.$--J4amea +Connolly, Presi- dent, Genoese•#: Jas. Evans, 'Vice-Prersi- dent. 73eerhwood; 'II rl. Hays, See. - Trent. Seaforth. DIN E (; l fins --D. i'. McGregor, Sea. • forth ; J. G. Grieve. Winthrop ; Wm. Wein, Conetanco: George McCartney, ?uckersmlth ;. John Perris, llarlock: John Benn0V/1St Ilroadhagen; Murray Gibson, Bruceileld. AGEN"tS-J. W. Yee, GOderleb; Sandy Leitch, (.Linton ; Wen. Chesney, Sea - rel: R. Illnchley, Seatorth. , Poileyironiers can pay their assess - mute at Galvin Cuff's store, Goclerieh; A. J. Moorish's Clothing store, Clinton; or J. H. Reid':, Bayfield. FIIRL INSURANCE Have It attended to by the •NEST' WAMMIONi MUTUAL flat; INSURANCE CO 1itabligfied 1978. Head Ofpee; Dungannon, Ont. `Wm. Watson, Auburn, President; ,Chas. Hewitt, Vice President; Jas. girvin, Hon. Director; ;Directors— .'Ilan, SThompson, Het ns;EW..iP. Reed, R. e- a o.. 2, Lucknow: Harry L. ,Salkeld, ' oderich: Alex. Nicholson, Lucknow; Pim Griffin. R. R. Ni. 7, Lucknow ; Chas. Hewitt, Kincardine; ltobt; Dav- idson, I)unaannen. Rated -42.00 per thousand. TI1:0S. STOTIIERS. Treas. 'CECIL TREL'EAVEN, Sec'y. roIidll Bros. GonitRiCH to '.eating ''`neral Waders 4#Ihall+aatwlrere ° j' also Alalralaace Service Orders carefully attended tr t all hours—night or dory. 'OW the inspectors of anatomy its for the County of Mtaroda. nee: Store 320; I'latideses t die atria 3'. E. Wheeler F'a'tes' Director and E nbebner Godcric 1, Ontario All d ills l rattlptiy Mtertde tine '' day or night, t'iyoacss /three SSi; lienee Sew GER,SB*tte71 RADIO Pri es d fr ODAY .you., can buy the greatest radio value A. in Canada the Rogers --at new low prices just announced» imagine a genuine Rogers Batteryless Radio, with 8 fully -guaranteed tubes --gent tine Electro- dynamic speaker—"sensitivity" developed . to a point without equal in any other set --the Rogers 5 -year reputation back of it—sold at the previously unheard of low price of $198—all complete, ready • to operate. Here is rock -bottom price, yes, but here first of atl is quality, value, performance and dependability: Choose yourRogers today. New &Allred Price ' Rogers Model "530" - - 0198 "" Rogers Model 540" . - $218 Rogers Model "550" ,, 0258 Rogers eePhonolectro-Radio" 0358 (Iiadio-Phonograph Combination) .ill pokes canpl ete with Tubes Canada's Greatest Radio Sales Record Sales of the Rogers -Majestic Corporation Limited in October were the largest in Canada. The four months of July, August, September, and October were practically equal to all of the preceding year. The greatly increased productiicm brings about savings now passed 011 game A small flrst payment will place' a Rogers Radio in your home for Christmas. • Rogers 1,540" 1170 00 Roizers ee,sdi1 1igbboy Rogers "Phonolearo•Rerdi©" . OTTO .'OHANN, Dealer, Goderkh, Ont. L. ZXNN ani 11. STURDY' ERNES" FITT Salesman atiGadsrich Salsman at Wingham i or Revolution (Huron Expositor) Every loyal. Canadian should be and we believe is behind the temper- ance cause.: But temperance and_ "PINKNAM'S COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" Read This Letter from a Grateful Wolman Vanessa, Ont.—"I think. Lydia E. reinkham's Vegetable Compound is wonderful. I have ad six children of which four are liv- ing and my young - t is a bonnie.._ aby boy now i ht months old ho weighs 23 ounds. 1 have aken your meds- e before each of hem was born and ave certainly re- eceived great benefit front it. urge my friends to take it as I tun sure they will receive the same help l did."—Mits. MILTON Ma- MULLSN, Vanewa, Ontario. THE. GODERIHC • mtnost WANT TO ENdc1Y YOUR. RADIO THIS WINTER ? tt" A friend of ours fast winter kept hearing strange, elieking noises when he tried to listen to his rsdlo. Ite bought a better set; but the noise kept on. flintily ho discovered that this queer sound was nothing more nor Jess than his teeth chattering with the Ir bought a load of Heat Folks' Coal to *UM up his house,—and the atoise stopped I Try this on your radio for CCGlean Goal titetttOtt J. L MUSTARD calix Ms. Ossistials I r�•� �9 tieff' rr LET THE HEAT FOLKS Milt Ydug ETHER 4 WITH NAT WAVES F`O R Nursing Mothers Scotts Emulsion rit Fruit C 3' cuibutter 1 cup brown sugar, 214 r .. citron 1 teaspoon cinnamon al tea- cups*'uri Ivlour, tx , Y lb. raisins, Y (e epoch nutmege-1 ter, 2 • eggs• t cup (scant) molasses, a cup sour cream or fruit juice edteaspoon soda. Flour the fruit. Bake in 'oder- ' ate overt, (375°). How to get Better Results in Cake and Pastry Baking A' baking escort flays "Purity a a atrou0, rich flour with great expantlina. qualities ... it your cake recipe calla for ordinary traatr.r , flour use 1 tablcapoon leso- per cu 'of Purity and if mitt: is called for use half mint and bolt water (lut:cwarnO, and your. cakes will otay moist imager. Thew'' fledge for natty pie crust—For two pia shells use 2 cups Purity Flour, t tcaapoon salt, .14 cup shortening, j cup cold water. Mit flour and oak, cutting in the nhortenine until' the mixture is litre fine meal. Mb: thornufthl with the water. Roll out thin, keeping it thoroughly dry. For extra. rick pastry use half -butter and half lard. Being milted only from !elected Western hard wheat, Purity Flour has the strength andquelity to mates' it'•bept for all your baking." Get a sack from you dealer tatty L i Still awe Best for Bread Our Amour 700-r aipo Purity Flour Cook Bak 11, ambled far 30r, ®rico for iL . Western, Camas Mout 3While Go. Limited, Tomato . 9t014.. • AA. 0.111 •"t--11ZW:2E QUALITY cove '.'",f' 76. r1.a T.eq.t est Cber,ekus Cab, seas s h dt sand ..s flu tatat+M b.wwlte, wle .*Cu bnrsir en Soot Is .6Wr .twthit 14, ,Mho with 144 fa. rr dleeb far th,w Iwo tia,eH. (Stills."' aloha*. 2 neml.f x xt.,f. be. t.,t «;41t,A ► t►rte .hlale••nt.e f.e. � , g ,tygl,l],;d*, r aminr Aas1n. 48 raggtt .nd chi. w4k4 bn w ,:h 1h1, wut 41 .d Oatr,m,lr NW 41444. ounceAAtu3Tit+AMAN WFiItans L�Lsq' �i'!.S(ii►it'i.2Ih.,2A Q l,e•tr lett-Cleaned C roe t lb'_ 1 e Austsaliatn Ch DOtitse�� �►�i kLOTiaa iste2 This 290 rot Pott 103141 Wheaten* rats .mc* natot Reindeer,Coftea *Alt rotate Cern Meal etEitefln`I Peri limn LOWS Mt Quaker Orta educe:re mane Pkg. 29e Raisins 1atos. Pkg. l7c rte10E T1OMr8OS ....Large Tice 20a Seedless Raisin* 2 lbs. 27c KAL t'AN a10N!1 E 5 Ib. 5c Dates 2 Pkgs. Zee MEW atLK 2 Peas. 25e : Ili Iowi Dates 2 lbs. 23e come tltAttry 29c Lrvteperated Peaches lb 7.-9c aim t� SA A1l1► Arnow p r°1.a1cr` else atoms Llrfbsl hI sewsµ 0e atilt tkrUU Aee.friar g1.00111 Jdie . I Ma 11540 Lobster A4EtteeAM 5 Attrt Shrimps . 4 Phos. $de %db. Tia 37e lett 21e C,ateet Seep 111 ileus 4k owing Raver abeam Pkg. 306 et41144,106 SAW At5r 4!MII4A Buckwksat Fleet Pkg. 22s CAn,n.st4 111A11ONS 11444,11 Walnuts lb, 3:a severer (Fruits for s Tian 27e lame ea *caseate 'Bees' Pl w.Mle=Ne, S, Sine Tina* tease aat.e3.Cte - 'JlieOetl Almonds ...... nes Mi. She = S2 1111e 2 " L THER4 2 t"aitea 25' COIWIET RICE.5