HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-14, Page 8PAGE )LII? /0000/14••MoIk, .46.001,Amailklikb Sheaffer's Lifetime PE - ' . • . , • 1 ThVAS pens are gaeratateea. sae' • 1 conditionally for sver. fife. • s; "it need reser te replaced, thia _ . Lifetime Gift." asss•a- as 7 te. I ' . Wfu e line a :li sekofstisese . L. Pena, el.,..o Sheaffer's Penii15. • . 4, Izost ,p3t:I. and Skrip. - alsna ••-1 ' stiles siseseca rene• aria Peva -1- .: .... a 1.,.. g:, . , , k . . '• C: ak - . . • ! .4 ,. e., : -, . ,, ,,,; • a • r THE GODER1C1-1 STAR episaive &owe.; tale Stet Ne. Bum' CARLOW ;ask:wart, Neweisrastait Fa / Ilessionahl, Msckenet.iStratford;rNies 4Intendt4 for last week/ ze, ot Toeseis Mr. send Mrs. Poiterfividillefgrave, aaliss 41113-lotte Neakeuster of Meihniatiiited with"frieniks Imre on Mundt 111IrsiCiSi" tisno faVils s I, a Actin, r' Mrss *Aerial* is not_ in sevipg Nadine 1I�I lies Aliwiiregfw • kid malts SA her may fru:tide-4 root% Nisi Poti$' g gt.sf Hinear. tin Notably night t e Il '4I hatefien4.r: Mr. Jas. ° .4. w oula 'Ike to age. h -511 dvERHAuLED • young peoge gave their pies'. s Parte; Oik, ();ODERICH TOWNSHIP house ard the audieriee :were , , aa. Bolts Modica 'ate. Mk'. and ncr, "157 4re‘ IteV. /1. I.3malt•eelled on seine of Thotr;c4S Stjvil," to 0, *kg inked t•ct whit t progia :. • lisasitteg at the of. Me. aria Mv3. old friends while heres over the MIS$ • 'isveglaend. We were ail pleased ale . NOBLE. s/ • The • Young l'aople's Soviets'sees ban looking ae Iven.aftny an riih, BRITIS... EXCHANGE BLOCK : %vela oat collectiog fee the Bible So - 1 'Lle. end 'Mrs, rrolgi, 074 of Toren- . leiety. Their ear was von . into at „-e. gsT, 44•41-413r.livi. • P' flok•nr.atorcl up and esset the weeh- Cariew by iniether-•ein;it cramp freer • s seciaLevening unser the. ais4pf;e3 . 't1e east surd both ears daraagea. the nir,ed ptillrekt; %MA' tacit en • " iassi eslatives here. losing • both Monilay. evening tif last week -'at the I ...salts) Helen saes is tesehing at. Mies Yoting's .-Xotse••14 Mealied "Mts. Thos. Diekseit • iviedsera spent the holiday week -end" :wheelie ;IYnion church will inert this k ridaY Mis3. Ruby Youtne and Miss Fisber -""r•-,7 .eeveing in the elansia 1 father. Mr. a. att„ thr •aatuedeen,.gueslay night two hi innor pf, their tiangliter, , log '74%, lilin Atte ii !ii.-, of Teraina pigitv tearing books, sikintsnlatsia, evening wee ken tip wita.' games entered' NA 8 B6001'4)14' 'Wife left the following day aetakea let Of damage, breehtng • virgin* position in a mission hospital. Ihe ' the -holt ay -weeksend at te t o * and reesie Which 3fkitekssr1 s en U borne of her father, gr. 'Win. 'Sower.- few •days •Sna. conduct 'should he • was PreseAted with a handsome tense • t • : • Mr. and Mrs. J. Wt iimp.aon„ senen.af 25, gears, , • •-• • - •• 4 a ""at• a • lea •••,. esseeisisedsteverely at the start. .• and "tenet:at-I pen following • • .4 r,. Co o oo tore , • ,Tnto,o weelaend at the home pf Mre. James aremtored np and spent the held in Carlota- United ehureli SunJ The luervest thankoiferant serviees - nose. ; day last were a decided success. and lirs. Elwyn Atidereon and Rev. S. L. Smull, o St. George, a, NILE . ..eltiidren, of Lendon, Teetered up and fernier pastor presided and ,gave two . . visited at the home of M. and Mo. excellent, .sermane. In the niarniug layagn* harmunt in hang nt, Ihkt. Dovlason over the ,Neeli.ena. ' he took for his text, Neb. 8:10, "'1 u.. raugea for in the Nile United church , Mise Margaret Pentland, teaches' at ioy of the Lod is your strength," the eichaat home to be sure but rarely en the evening of Thursday Nov. I s. S. No. 0, spent the week -end and. Which anis listened te by a large and. de we. meet ".the. underprivileged as: Met. ROW W. A. Dreinner, of 'Bruce- i holiday it the Immo of her pareuts,• verY anpreeiative • Imaience. In ,,lie site 'de in the,• foreign element in our We, (mit Rev. Beni. SWUM, na snoo, i Me, and Mrs. A. B. Pentland, Dina evening he spoke oli ol,,See, and mama fair country. 1"The harvest Is great are the 'speakers. The supper is ti gonlima. ,1,, • .., . ettli011eSi" 11440 of Mr; Smaire old and the laborers are frwv." There ia behig &en by the Nilla W. M. S. and I •The' relar ghmeeting and els;etiols, frionela Vallie to see and hearhim', a gr,ent'•field Of opportunity among all the men of the three ehurches, i of officers of the W. M. S. of Union again.It. s. 25 Years since • Xs; 'these ;1*.ePle, They live come ..to teeloiriasPo.rtaAlliert mid XIV. ere ' United church will be he at the, Small SV((. PletOr'over Auburn- and o•Ur land -bto sbare n.our press cerdlully Waited. There is no ehurge. •hone of Mrs, U. Her:woos: this wee- . I& a.,..4 le, esa is,y ‘14044E,v• ,,,, , 41113.0t*RiVe•-4-to-411 eel*" --"a 1A -most • seisioaabla ' rinds lirofitables,nesdaysafternoon„,-------...-_-___,. tilesthealearle. Many .1;146ve sgoneson *lb., eurallul-o. a-ot 4,ondeadlia-We! fiveningis anticipated; - Sutt, the. and. others have taken i1. -.:..i1.-.:.. places to with toartve them thelninpinesa of• Dear Nurse Bickson We, the members of St. Andrewa:' United sehurch your...neigliborsz are happy in this event, happy be- ' cause from (MrthisthisClQflt, midst gpo .one ate ! helptbe sielt and needy. - We ba i Last lanuday li4v. G. se • tapeatal rayon. wan palpar. Christie:94Y end 411 eonle th • •• tor, occupied the pulpit in Union earry an, who • • Cooke of Ottawa, • rendered a solo 011 144 cherge ti.f the elieirs wide 'dividualf than a imp:tit:11 "Christian ASIWIELD mow, is 'viiting friends bere. - P.- quartette. lin; presided at the service you ere to render for Mr. Nennetli Thalia of Toronto, For Stalde or Ilurns.--Dr. Thomas the orean in her usualcapable man Christ and. yes.'for Canada too. Put visited friends here last weels. -Eciectrie 011 is a etandard remedy :for net 'The male ouartette consisted of Yet our boPniness is mingled with ea for the occasion; Mr, Melrin •11P4rer of es.famliY or an In- . church. During the service Mi. Clips. In ibis sinty are are proud ;of Miss Murdena McLeod, of. Leeks watch' was very uels op reeiated. v4I's -6 'ma° eb°ir and 4154) mall/t B aa? 11 ars Ed, mom, M. Tyndall, regret. We feel the .loss -of a bright Rev. P. M. And Mrs. Colgulioun the prompt treatment of seol a an to, is the guest of Mrs. Duncan Me., covery from. the injury. It is ekes - beet moved into the new manse. burns. Its 'Miss Louise, ElacOonuld, of Toren- eoothes the pain and aids a speedy re- heating Power quickly 'WUlters and. Arthur Trevers. , BENM1LLER ' lennen, ;c: an excellent remedy for all nu711171710rr Mr. Edgar Vanstone, Toronto, Mr, and Mr.TanMcRae, of Strath. of eats, bruises and sPraine, as well spent the week -end with his mother. ror4 8Pont the, week -end atthe home as for relieving the pains. arising- Miss Elda Dolan, of Bartonville, 4af the foriner's parents, Mr. John from inflammation of various kinds. Iramilton, spent Sunday and Monday . A bottle in the house and stables visiting friends in the village. Among those who spent tlie luivesonany a doctor's -and veterin- Mr. and Mre. DO Blair, Mildred Thanksgiving holiday at their res arv's fee. ' and Pairter, of Eesex. spent Thanks - Mr.. Atobt. Cumming has returned. . front Toronto where she bass been ma SOLICITOUS OP :YOUR PATRONAGE tier the care of the doctor for the past • "CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPE " 'Vkc4nksgiving. Day passed eft very. quietly, the temptation to vetch up (OVER Ple.fthrt"77!$ itARDIPAR,E) with t'he ploughing owing to the late West Street season's rain keeping many at home. who otherwise would halve teen ral•IONE • 239 Open evenings big *Jetta. • 1 FOR APPOINTMENT, Sy appointment only The mailman, William Moore, has started delivering the mall in the forenoon now, which means that all mail is a day late. 'This is a slight reminder that dark gay s and bad roads are not very far away now,. ritbz wo,a 4.vv$4.$44, the churches on Sunday. A tribute of silence was paid to those who made the supreme SOGriliCe; their name liveth forevermore. Attention was called in the sermon to the need for cultivating the spirit of goodwill irt eiteh human heart as the only bas- is for a sitatanti lasting peace, /4 the evening -Reit. R. B. Cumming- ad- dressed a special Armistice Day Ser- vice in Gerrie. , • Word has been received by. Mr. John Long of the very sudden cloth of his brother, Findlay F. Long, in Dallas, Texas. The late Mr. Long had just moved from California last July and was engaged in girrler con-. •• giving with Mtg. Nellie Edwards. WE MITE YOU To, SEE OUR MID -WINTER illinerY Display Friday anci Saturday, Nov. 15t1:1F7 16th Showing the uesi ,Styles in Velvet, Felt, Satin and - combination effects in new designs and smartly trimmed. Corsage 'Flowers; Scarfs and Novelties. MISS ^ MacVICAR KINGSTON STREET AllItILLIANT, shining black and spotless stove la a *iv of home pride . oho . a sign; of Zebra Liquid. Stove Polish ... and a sign of good judgment too, be• canoe Zebra is the quickest* emit:at and cleanest beauty treatment you eon ghe to a *tyre . • Jo make it look brig* and ntati, ZED usu. STOVE POUSIf 1111101131r1r11 (O•00000) 11.111112T111111 emeorese yommerow ventigilme 11111111411MONENIIIIIMmmilimmulmailimis"....11 Christian life in our, community and elaireh. However we trust. that • = wider -field of service has opened it- • Transportation self for_ you.. Our sylph and prayer ,is that vpu roes serve to the maxis a mum of our ability byathe guidance k of Gods! We •are inspired and feel It •it • of the meinbera of this congregation ' • . Chrysan,themtirns talie:,tiscvee imourstoLoliztlyteez THURSDAY. NOV. 1ik 1 '2 en $ liusrpCoats,sat. $26. , A wicle range of choice at this price, Fashioned a Erie quality broadcloth and .. tweeds, trimmed with selected furs sof opossuon. caracui atul,French beaver, in the leading styles; straight line, Princesos itogor lots7,11;11e, i:po7p,u,la,r slAIad,; ORM CHINCHILLA COATS ,bla.:1:, r navy, browns, sims' 32 to 42. ,,, :: . , • Az- • 0 ,-- , kV -•''' 41in 1,14,i' style. SUS' 10, 11,, 14 and 16. .'1:1::etsatruilAsSjite,,YLeisel)1.1alanniesfs,irilial:cutealscu!lv:a:n-i,itlibir:orsinS.:+.: Fine panty ,a: tan Mlle, tweed I ned. deep self collar, belteil;,and very smart BLANFrpoeisacnvii pl ur.chase, ,fine au Sw80.90: ; ' , vac; nii if !teas, . 32 to 44`.`-- Each s10.50 Special, each - . . ;.. ,... 44, , , :0/...OVES ' " ' ' ' ''' • '' white with borders, fancy, in blue por - • ! rAPveillkkiit alii,'Iolinibli4grAn7is2bxe8(14, svinagra ' • 50 dozen Miomen's cl,tareolset e Gloves $14.00. ier pair 2-dorne and pull on style, browns? - , UNDERWEAR , $. 1.1°94 ..t: '--, -"-niudesp(groy, tan., black, • fill and winter , • 'Wilight, embiordered tops, 20 styles. Sizes 6 to S3'. Regular 75c. 1)e r! 4a owe, , Wonien's and PhIldren's Cornbina- , tions, :"Roody's Peerless"; every style and size in fine "wooltef and all wool. for • a. r -., •!„ Amiesommetaiggaae47,,,, • ,churelt and with them the best wishes 'eness, fa11.for vnur App_piness and sue. .1d-ItS'f-T,737)01TMTI,C1:- • JAS. McHENZIE ' • Miss Dickson, although taken corn- pietely Sy surprise, made n very sult- able • renisa and after sertr.ing• Inneb. a Pleasant evening wasbrought to n -dose by ell joinang, in singing Auld Lang Syne. HOWARD QUAID Grain Board to Neve Vase Durniuilnr-Benrd-Of---CeraireeCoreiniss• sinners, announced last week that the head office of,the Grain Board mould be moved from the Head of the Takes to Winnipeg. bo change .of headvarterk said' Mr. Ramsay, is being made primarily with" the view of facilitating. the ad- ministration of the Grain Act, and should result in better service to;i•all I, • 4 • i • tikokE $30 • For Ophoisterimi, gepatrAng - A biro," mote. SamRattiniaiohhtar:tr• • P. A.hiligigit.111VIAN' • . Nelson Street litivVr'ater4" :Transportation Service HOGS A SPECIALTY NOVEMBER the month for and neighhers we ask you to accept - " Long Distance - S,hort, Distance Now is your chance these gifts (this purse end pen) tie a . ChOiCe stock always on hand small remembratee frein the home For Engagements Phone • • I I I SEQUIN TURBANS BRIGHT COLORED HAM so appropriate With the Furs. • HOSIERY in the now shades for Autumn Priced at $1.50 $ 4 strudtion work over a viaduct when a SCA RF S, BEADS: PURSES he was seized with heart failure on and LINGERIE in the Gift - Thursday, Oct. 31st. He was in his Shop. 4/th •year and leaves to mourn his loss 'his wife and mother and seven brothers. •Mr. Long was *ell and favorably known in these parts be- fore be went West. WESTP MED Miss Gladys MeDowell, of Nile, was home over the week -end. Miss Mary Bilis, of Toronto, It spending a week under the parental reef. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowan spent over the week -end with Toronto frieride. Mrs. James Anderson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Sibthorpe of Blyth. Miss Mom Vincent returned home onTuesday after spending a month _ at Goderich. Mrs. J. Cook h*a returned home after a length( visit with Godeeich -- Mr. Reg. Jennings, of Windsor, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. George Snell soul other friends. A number from Westfield attended the fowl supper mad concert at Len* &Aar° on Monday Sight. Mr. end, Mo. 3. N. tan:9W bent last Thurstley with the forrner's ter, Mr& it Hoover, of Blyth. • Mr. and Mrs. Coventra, of iloronto, spent over the week -end et the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell *ad family spent Sunday with Mrs. Campbell's sitter, Mrs. Itobt. Fits - genial, of Ashfield. Mr. Goo. W. Snell motored to Burk Falls on Friday and was *tempi:riled • home by his parents, Ur. and tin. .0.o. Swell oli the following Weariest- dey. . • The thicken pie supper given by the Wettlield W. M. 8. on Fridsy lost was * great *octts& Mr. Cook, of Ottawa, the ootartaintr, was nitwit appreciated by all. Mr. Douglas Campbell WSW at Seio. riarvitia int Thursday ijudging stock. Xt. James Joinkstork„ of Aulonte, is batty tastalliagt a Annus for lir. Al. loot Camplbell. Itr. and lin. Strmeholso and DN. et Goarrick spent Ilmolustirleist with 4,1** forsvar's par- r** Kr. sod Mt* J. L. Stenelmem. Mr. mod lirs, W. 1ya .1 tbresima, Mrs. J. Irmilige J. et landarberm, siellont ea Motrarkty Irma latase's Mame. lbs. J. N. maw. orm% lbw aritia=dy toe trAbie strS Zirre "01=SItillre• rs sibs • A good assortment or STAMP- sa ED NEEDL SWORE to choose trate.. ' • LINENS, WOOLENS and a er,od,•nssortment of - GIFT 'CHINA, to choose from. • Universal' Riney and Gift Shop PRONE 424w North Sills Square Coderiti and Auburri fr ends. ItorlasiViztore sot oak othort rzletel soiW horata "Our hoes boos ever aim* 1 aterisol &idiot It ignoribises" nusrecties, , FOR WEEK ustve. Posik lie Solt. 114 WM. Illoolaso pot 10)*1 3 11610416.014 par GeSt astelor* et tatkoi Cos *4;11.14 .•a irs=aisit $ fur. 23* Yn* ...... XI* 4. • ••. Cilium II bis. *,3111* Uhl hew 7 ralls20• B TW14010110 wim••••••01. A Prowled A Is Pious tar s STOW sfix:r3041‘,1ont flthiinoone ime;:uniao... t • GEC). S OI TEWART FLORIST Gre otle Phone 105 it t r Noio, is fko time to bay your Men's Fine Rubbers sizes to Special .95c MEN'S ONE -BUCKLE WERSP OES sizes 6 to12 Special $2.39 MEN'S LACE .11114 RURBERS in black or brawn, all sires Special $2.65 MEN'S FINE RUBBER BOOTS size* 6 to 12 from $3.25.to $5.50 M. ROBINS Agent For Tip.Top.Taitors •V, Phone 381 Rubber Footwear trAtesiss o*Ittikte: Footwear . ALL Mt MOM ARE GUARANTEED Prices Aro brans This Yon Let as sopply yaw Ribber Footwear Nerds W. Nero See Store Ommeorme • FOR - Groceries Fruit and Vegetables caill ors -More Profit for the Fanner ,1 • ROY MUNNINGS PRONE 6014.32 R. N. 1 n000001 IF YOU NEED New Furniture of any description SEE US FIRST GEO. PRICE & SON we positively save you Cor. North St. and Square • Money Specials in Tee and Cottee Goods delivered on ehort notice • •when required, . Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 248 • 1 • HAROLD BUCKSTOHE'$ FURNITURE EXCHANGE AGENT FOR MARSHALL wirrassms The Most 'Liquid Investment A SAVINGS Bank atter:it is print- arily an investment. But it is - the only investment yielding a $nir 'rate of interest, that is available for - your use at a • moment's notice. 'Emergencies can be immediately met by the bank account that has been ConSitstently developed. Your invest. ntent, as suchasrields regular returns in interest. Your investment as a bank account yields eonstant satire- . faction and peace of mind in the fact that it is Okays ready for other time without the trouble of converting in's • to tub, ME CANtiMAN BANK OF COMMERCE tis wise.1,0.miolrnost • ( THE MANSARD, BANK Or CANADA) New linter Coat for Lieu or Gentlemen Your last season's coat will look Brand New if cleaned and pressed at Vroomsnss. Have your winter Suits and Coats Cleaned and Pressed now I et 1 BropheyiBros LEADING HOUSE FOR High-class Beds, Mattresses 1 and Springs INSPECTION INVITED J. VIROOKAIN nom on WO* 9409$ Fv,mdi,u1uIb I Stare Mose 120. ikosidesce 217 0