HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-14, Page 74 .44 • THURSDAY. NOW, 14th, Peee Lovely., New ifirpOlOrdlo Eny,1Ish Chloe Illsogne b* every package QUAKER OATS 650 •Marked '•‘elsinow.are" . ........„............,., milamilimmisommoommilimism*RaimemEtwilitwaiammiNilaiiiimiliiiiiiiii4 a a • . I .' . .. . i. Sunda A ternoon. • 1 Ty ISABEL tusittrox, Goaerirk Ord, 141 i IN IN ,, inNININNIIIROMIRKPIAni/lakenaaNINIIINININNIMINIONNIZONOWNINchrommvouroNAMINNIINININNINNI. Lesson Topc--The Higher Patio- ' --.'"i•iiiiii all that dwell below the skies tine e Let the Creator's praise arise: L e e son Passage -Jonah 1;1-3; • Let the :Redeemetht name be sung 3414; 4:54.1. . . Through every land, in every tongue. Golden Text -Acts 17426., Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord! , 1 The Book of Jonah is distinguish. Eternal truth attends Thy word: 1ed from the other peophetical boons ote-thee-preo- . Tin ilmssnsnarlro, _iige_und et no Tay suoreAlthey, but the imperial experiences ,. saint 11i. , centres. in order to escape the (Re- lent men, eta -which -the tet • PRAYER line summons to preach repentance to Our Father •ete pray that Thy will Nineveh, he -embarked from Joppa or Tarshish, but during a storm may he done On earth as it is in hea. -I was, at his own suggestion and be vela so that every tribe and every 1 the issue of a lot, thrown overboard ' tongue may crown our Saviour Lord and swallowed by a great fish. Three -,, of All. In His name we pray. AMen.i days afterwards he was thrown up - 1 upon the land, and, after a second S. S. LESS( FOR NOV, 24th. 1929 I summons, began preaching to the ` Ninevites. When both Icing and . ---- ' -- -••••• -- taee - ----4 I people . began to ropent, Jonah be- . lierbs are Best for ; vame indignant at the divine corneas- ' I don but was convinced by God of his 'foolishness by a gourd (4:5-11). AiliA wee Tr* 1 ; Jonah would not stay in the city ng iudneys I and reeeive'hospitality from the sit. . i zens nor even behave towards them I with common civility. He was in a Natural, safe and wonderfully very bad humor, so he went off by himself and made a booth of boughs and lived iii itwaiting for the expir- ation a the forty days. The tender.' ness of Gad is seen in the care. he took to prated Jonah from the (4old of the night.and the heat of the deg. . , healing. Herbs, tine herbs only, aro used in Gal- • e loghee's Kidney Remedy which is eno of the old, proved, Herbal Household • Remedies that the noted herbalist, • „a) odi ineoevernences would just James Gallagher, compeUndeti himself , have Increased the feet of min -a':411(1 , ..more than 50 „veers 1g0, And t hese good soul. The growth of a gourd naturt herbs, Nature's gift, have great healing ally was slow but God caused it to power. Even noun) kidneyseihnentis etning up in a night. But to teach • like Illieumatismearo relieveelby_fte. •. Jonah that: those . who lova . to fret higher's.: 130 Itaekadies, dizzy spells awl complete• should never be left • and. bladder Miseries soon doe. without something to complain, of Try thisr hI I • and their folly be dearly shown up. - • _ _ _JOB remarhablo-eand safe. Sold by 34 and if possible cured. God pr ?hared • , -faiths A. Capipbell, Goderich Irtrarm 4.0 ca#30 U10J-1'Oni4 • Jr,t •" t/41b. 1111 IMION411,1 ritV SEA14A11.411.1111 J1 •ItAPDACCOD CS • eett6theAterereatere The one flooy 1. ./hathEirtryulizes 114fkkkv. every stifle of decova.-tikx‘_ 11111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 BUCHANAN'S .• Coderieh °•Pl• aning Mills, L• t'd •GODERICH Estimates gladly furnished for any job, in any Grade of Seaman -Kent Oak, Maple or Birch, iiiiiiiiiii1 ••I• 1111 11f•L 11 - - • Now,•••••• 4: Sting deprittel of the shelter he felt ,the te-weine heat wet mucit that be . became taint tine wished to die, H. I is better hn /UP to ctio than to 11 Juni& nee iealeue for hie county t. hewnand for hie own honor. If tne tenievece were to repent it weult ' shame tee loraelges, who Wee tt 1,x) reformed; :feel tile laver Gee chewed ,to thete tientilet teceaki Ile an evil smell to the Jewish natetu, .11W NVQ3 jeeleree en his own aesount; tearing lest, if Nineveh was not de p stros-ed within forty days, he dieule re al:counted a tette el-eel:et. He hal a zeal far God as the God ef ,israel bet net anarding to krett, ;ledge. His passidn /teen:Idea hi.; :1 mind and conscience and he seoke I untalvisetily with 2th lips caying he did well te be wagry when Ged de - Ipriced Wm -of hie last bit, of conitort, in his sore strait. "Then it tea: God began to reason with Jonah end thas showed him Ina foolish eonduet. I"Thou hest had pity on the aourd. for the whieli thou hest not 13botcti, neither, inanest it 'grow; whieh came up it: a night end perienea in a nigitt .Should not I epar ° Nineveh?" God's reason for spewing! Nineveh ie a very tender one. Surely Jonah' a • -heart would be :touched when God mehtlon- - ed the thousands of little children that would perish should the city be dotroyed '11-iev and 1 the• ttl were of much inoro value than that over whieh Jonah 'was grieving. God taught Jonah and through him the world at large, that there is one Lord over all, that is rich in mercy to all that call upon him, :and in every na. tion, in Nineveh, as well as in Israel, he that fears God and works right- eousness is accepted of him; he that repente, and tuns from his evil way, Ault find merey with him: THE CODERICLI STAR. Dylipepsilik 'tea what' wee the eeneitteitin teeteut tten the choir wo-and up with semis rareeie toilet-AI/meet mete\ nate retiew; gen.:Vete:1a •1.:QU 1 Thai Rmmers. of tte.ehl het ti tereketton (1 any Ultfilegklit 1!, t Oler than tees tea. these L' .1111: -411111.1t • $tsaacb8ty and eteetaatel to do ;to. if tete W8 Let given tee eertreanity et what he tt.t,tet bat bow one* otenetberi, send ell ef Siski of it, that A. deepeptie mut bit vow careful oe iteng se, teal idfulmar MV.1 temptingii pliteed before fit -EK) (141 licaccn gaguta im„rit, v -en blotting that if the ehatmel of 'lie inspirate he doe; he will suffer for it *fter, yet wtt let thew peeele tante that theet ir he lea not, liesitatt, to pintas freely " wealth). was traceeteale twee Hite. a it aud torten* Iiimasif. Arel thr.. editor., O'fl S t1V4, kri" rTtheTack**vs)t"ft wht tdewhI tebleentreat s o da itit,ethdo Not c/umeiwt out awl feop shott, or whether sees. ,Itati better get ie a War) newo.• eriat, publiele tate e wed:. itet a want to dere this letter v.it.4 euettion, arel epicede, Does the taarintian, in eagle . through thin world, tired insParatio Can he •er she get through withet it? certein lady said to me, not s ieng WO either. and a mighty nie lady too at that, and she cart tak that fain me,. Mei "slut eays, eay he .(naming a vertein rdigiou WORLD-ettresI0NS The_ =rent issue of TheJlible-' the World has an interesting ortiele by the famous Indian Christian, Sad - hu Sendai- Singh. entitled: "What the Bible Is to Me," from Mach we quote ae follows : People can aee the Beek and its readers, but its wonderful unseen Intwer and force of attraction are known only by those who read it sincerely and prayerfully. Just as the magnet and needle can be seen, but the magnetic force which draws the needle to itself is hidden and un. seen and is tot visible by telescope or microscope, so the unseen power of this Word of God draws sinners like me to the Saviour. Further, just as the power of attraction in the magnet does not depend on its accep- anee or denial by 'people, so this hid- den drawing power of the Bible ex- ists and is always present whether people believe it or not, It • 'makes no dilterence whatever, so much so that even many non-Christians have somehow or other felt its power; for instance, Hindus and Mohammedans in India nften forbid their people to vend the Bible, lest they be drawn away by its power and „ become Christians, as many have already come. - Frorn "Outlook of The Church." Don't Submit to Astlima.-If you uffer without hone of breaking the c w n you do not pin oft another day the purchase of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Remedy. A trial will drive away all doubt as to its efficiency. The sure relief that comes will con- vince you more than anything that can be written. When help is so eine why stiffer? This matchless remedy 4 • ie sold by dealers everywhere. Telephone Accounts dated October fst, which local subscribers Will receive within a few days, will be accompanied bynotices explaining important changes in future accounts. a Sa easy to give children a warm, nourishing brealSasi. All I. me food elements their growing bodies. need, in such a de4 it licious, digestible form. Saves mother a lot of wort 4 worry. • - - - - - o O ef commissiontevertateit of the eity, through dandy •ceillsb, Immo s including ., the ehurch in question. cd plaris. abut the ruloilerni a But the church was peeked above and hoe created Ly far tee men PAGE erwEet , .„. . • ,•-• •••••••• OFF TO SCHOOL WITH A JUMP READY FOR STUDY OR PLAY REDDED tesocin;•-;.11inlimellesitree !nowt UV/Lull-the brim of the whi,le below,. and the pastor made aPologY, has adorned her text beolte clique. "Mr. Baer, are you a so -am - stos the how** nrenotal so. You telk sornetung nee my for the • b I numb propaganda which is meonven mice sa ( _ g n, tones up the fitentielt, health awl ataeafilh te lIke 1lelatstall in the least bit annoyed either, not 11)11/tehl, 9a1(1. "I um net." And not feeling e men were working on the system, and than abommatent to fl time. But as the choir eould nut entirely contrary to an light was likely to be thrown on any that she caprice a :vete , - =slaw pure blood, end restorer perfeet grandmother used to talk." "No." UM, Okar (loots, Emilworth, Ont„ er because she mentioned that eer- funetiont the • whole coageegation ore' in the . order • of di - disconcerted. nor diseomposed, neith. writoo:--"Por s, year I was bothered - tain clique, nor because she said 1 NoVrOgUalnd Vmlaiendand Jot in singing (no o.nd E,iin some. flit by you) ithat grand old mission, atel the Edito with dyseiepthe and tried all kindo of was like her grandmother,. for i am hymn, "All hail the power of Jesue' those nn singly and , medichte. . going to !tell you, Mr. Editor, if' we name." to the old Coronation. tune. the faith that is in : but after taking two bettleor of Burdoek to get very far from the blazed trail One little tallow dip away down at Thula:lug The St .110 pastor's pulpit dek, .while the. , • (To be c •tt X was so bad I was afraid to eat, - weak of generalities, no one is going Blooll Bitters I can eat ealytbinlr X if they stay like grandmother. tethering were in almost darkness). t &tie- churolt y with toe little leee eaven4 anti nt of effoet d contrathet. vine deeree -- heaven'a wr- en. I may take give season for 00, My eQnSelentiZA But ulna MY honest word, Mr. Edi., tilte. !I now feel due and have ha Ito just tell you, rut up only lee The T, tab= 00, had she said, "My daughter's granit. tor, I thought the roof of that big! • .$ -%y,o_uld have beep much more smitten _ehuret 0 4. 4 • . Leg, Toronto, slie_ean-tVer_4110po_Eck.„:,er tseentifte Oeviesefeelft ahlleaudt. in ceder to smooth out te. e -Rats ilia not come on • until the wrinkles a bit, and at the same time That noeny of our clerger are retired• brush ola the dust from any othe . curious quiz column, 1 maY lustns • well tell you, some of 'the articles of lily faith, or perhaps I should say, • anon -faith," for 1 will tell you more - "of what I do not believe rathec than • just to ,tell you what I do believe. 1 do not believe that our habit and form of using our Lord's prayer was ever so intended, nor that the mod- ern church policy regarding the tenth • is applicable to the Christen Era. We de not believe that a largo proportion of our prayer reaches mueh beyond our tee, • We do not believe that nearly al of our modern church service in eel- rnono song and much else, is• aeopt able o . • r 1 •i often. - • 4 1 s• Q It eases the pain, guppies . •• the .jointo, puts new lifc . into the tissues. S•Rub it in 1 u 1 1 • . 1 1 - 1' d , w 14 IVIinardet is the enenty of all rheumatic troulalee. theaven Rub it in thoroughly and UT•ilEWS eteiception in modern church evangel istie and missionai-y polley and- ef • We believe there is mach ids • fort, and that many engaged• in t* No. 1 opened its meeting on work are possessed of motives whit Thursday', Noy. 7th, with inspeetion, savor more or less of romance atu ionowea by an interesting talk by other personal allurement. Ther Troop Leader Lodge, on nnding dirt 'are evidences to bog this out. action -without a eompass when lost • We believe that modern ehurci in a bush. The boys took milt in- building conceptions and (instruct tercet in it and showed enthusiasm tons are far separated and .diversitlei toward wanting to try _them out, from the heavedesigned plans o The remainder of the evening was .pre -Christ,. as well as Crhist's an pent in arranging matters iareon- Ghristian earlier ages in- temple neetronterterrettreterepee - Lee--gaing . , paign. 'The boys report good sup- •the worship of the Eternal God- poet from the public end at this time, We believe that although our dedi. - - • 'A. - wish to thank all those who helped In catory form and service is seemingly the sale of the poppies he aid of tho sincere and honest before God, Inso. • , Igger soldiers, . • ear as dedicatory ritual is observed• • S -M -I -L -E • desecration of God's sanctuary be- lt isn't any trouble just to s -m -i -We vins right in the wake of the dedica. Pay 11 1 It isn't any trouble just to son.i.1-e dem and Is being done by the .profes And if you've,any trouble - • sing Christian part ' of .. our churn It will vainish like a bubble If you'll, only' take the trouble gatherings -to an extent that i Just to ,. shameful, disgraceful and sinful be som-I-1-e • • • •• fore God and not jest as in the mot MEN WEWITCHED • • ancient ttnies when outsiders wrough • AND WOMEN TOO the desecretiens in God's holy temple We believe that ?rodent church peo ; Better jobs (Continued from page 2) little solemnity, revei once, sanetit plc (including cierg•y) attach might or nozzle -sizzle eiTcrts she is putting od lime is not worth the elbow grease and dedicate to HIN worship en( ter holiness to the houses we ere(' presence. upon it. Our church is completely We believe that no individual can burl d 1 • t $1 00 Per Hour to . , • • - $4 50 Per Year • f Y ' • y ' Vrdi:pen Enginecriug Schools t erectile !ly train. ambitious le nfen in :my of the following e Dig, Pay Trades: ' A ci •: viotion 0 Beck • N. DARR. ontinued) Thin Children N E. D Scott's Emulsion CANA TRAI Lve, IAN NA !ANAL RY N SERVICE to TORONTO DAILY Itetatterl SUNDAY Goderich 6.20 aan. 2.20 p.m. Clinton 6.44 a.m., 2.50 tent. Seaforth 0.59 a.m. 3.0a pan. 1 Mitchell 7.21 aan, am pan. Are Stratford 7.45 :tan. 4,03 pee. " Hitehener 8.40 tent. 5.20 p.m. " Guelph 9.04 a.m. 6,50 p.m. " Toronto 10.25 aan. • 7,30 pan. Returning -Love Toronto 7.55 a.m., 12.55 pan. and -6.0e 'pan. • Parke Cafe Car Goderich to Ter- mite . on morning, trait!, and Toronto to Goderich an 6.05 pat. train. No • amigo of earn between Goderich and Toronto. • • • J. A. LAWRENCE, • ' • Town Passenger and I 'hone R Tieltet Ageht 411) 10 and worldly display of -her). insonoetyv,„ be a Christian 'without giving evi- - - her art, her educationi and dences of the . new birth, also that ". . ° A other talent she posses, until todayand there is vast ditterenee between feral - 0 honest -hearted souls over *the breadth and oeremony. • . B sinking, are .failing, are lagging i We do not believe • that a regetter of .this land are discouraged and are he struggle. ate - person can find enjoyment.- and •11•• pleasure or • gratiecation, as .the un-, • (of the younger peo le u • ' b regenerate'find it -and do believt that a Christian has to straggle bard And now someone is ready to say uto. Tho -common mune of digestive dine • eietio io egeess arid. feetta (linnet allot' Mechanics 12 Designing •' ' this rendition, anti it burns the stounsch. . .• Welding 8c Something that -win-neutralize (ho fled. 13 Drafting ntiery Work tr is the sensible thintro take. That is To simplify' and expedite our to billing work, we have divided our exchanges into six groups. Each group will receive ac- • s way) "Why, Mr. Baer, do:you talk . counts under one of six dif- ferent dates. In that way the I • work of preparing thousands • of accounts will be spread evenly over the whole montb. In future the accounts of local subscribers will be dated the sixth of each month. You will appreciate the new form of account we are intro- are;to keep a firm erre upont Chrest. older people do net talk in that HAWES' Lemon Oil FOR FINE FURNITURE PIANOS .4" rc. CLEANS -6., 8,-.0•Iteli;eveatiutt dull Ma& smumizajteveala the original beauty of the:wood. lantanas- -.Impart* a radiant, lasting lustre. BE. SURE IT'S HAWES' !!!!!! • 2.1 • • A Sue Relief For 41 Worrapn's isbir dem • TEN'..DAV TREATMENT Orange, Lily is a MAK certain relief for all (44 cox disorders of women, it is applied locally into suffering tissttes. The. dead waste matter in the con - gated region is ex - pelted, dying itn- eluding delayed and painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, falling nerves are toned and strngthened, and the circulation is ren. &red to normal, as this treatment is based on strictly scientific principles, and acts MI the actual location of the diseas, it cannot help but do good in all forms of female trouble, in- cluding delayed and painful menstruation, lettcorrhoea, filing of the womb, grWths, and °vain troubls, etc. Price82.on per box, which I* sufficient for one month's treatment. A trial Treatment, ettMgii for .10 da,, Mirth 75c). will be sent to any sullenly; woman wit. will send me her addres,z, Undone o cents and addre: WS. lIALI W. Ladd, 1ept. ite Wnd- • 5415, Ont. - Sold LEADING DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE like that?" "Well, 'I ;will tell you • why I do it. . For the last several PRINT- THIS ABOUT years (much more than ever In nnt • entre land. And besides this, I have OintlEaS life) have I watched and -,studied lunch reports- and church doinge as well as ,every ether doing over th!s lao taken pains to make personal ir- . . estigation into, much of what is ‘• Druggist eing . dope throughout - our land in Says ter. Illiatandardlarinanpedopoinee awa, ways wghoclietlii, o tell the editor and his readera that ca:i t'itmati.Int-ygyse'ifitcL;(., L.:ii,t1i.n.nitwitIfta i,,hoot ad and indifferent, and 1 just want • amide ,as a nation, Canadian people 'wonderful and :weedy remedy. eia• all 5 mdividual enits, and the Canadian joint troubles. iiiitirleahveasa tilliaernreelipyiojunssignfwiarnoreffilleetr: thousands Of euffering people tenne• "But why . not impress' on ti no of 1 to be se boastful of, that whole ar the thinge that dozens of my etI4- • el'arnMcd into email print in eider to towers tell me almoet daily. heap. over night--oth ,rs that for ationie nay that it knoolis out bun- Pagee of daily newapapet's need be ifiplasnndalnag.. tiYnnens, fjevierlhlyhesitreeil:Iv'eonifaeert, cheet eolde and sore t) i•oat it hat ho equal, while many inure that there ahem every (tenet:nen and aide line is: limiting they ever tried that is so ea, neuritis and a:lvde_ lt,)1:.oesieu„mgsati(;vplite,rttclo .0-; we aerrveini.,,Inad, colds and vile natal tut - hon. 1 Answerher the ;tbove letter. we. Several yeara e'er) while in the city the makers of JointtEase, know that f lorcreo for a couple of week-ende, , what this thriving Ottawa druggitt took ifi several different church. Zaell 15 true. but we, still maietain in prepared for atlas oce became I waa Methodist indite. i e 11 amed, paitifue swollen joints, ietIda.) sletrovoielcesittilblootnhemO(firtnhiengbiagndmeevtieitio: whether in ankle, Imre, hip, elbow, ehouldez. fIngero or spine. dist (hurdler:. en. the afternoon I You'll liketo use stainless Joint - 'watt not Methedist. The morning, Ease, for with just one minute's rub- nd moat of the day, was most beau- bing. it o aks in through the flesh fol weathee ' bet' quite entremely direct' to the ailing. bones, joint; and verm. There wan a large 'emearega.' ligaments -that's why it, suce(tAn-- ion. The body of the larg.eeehuren for telt n joint -Ease gets in joint tel many tif the gallery pewit were agony get) out-eand without any eettpfod. The' choir gallery, with waste of time all swelline and con - !mon 150 voices, and organ of iteecit, gotten disappears. Made in Can - ewer, volume and renge, coating ada ode only Me re tube. All any thounands, all culminating in eirwerirsteeeell tote of it. ' ' 1 ' n ..45 r ne to me) wo hymns in which tint 'arm gath- Imootly unintelligible): tivb solos and &Bv coE lemur teareely joined, anthem (to ine duet, all of which to me were leraely 44 tingeseliable and quite (J 0., of in• - rpiration even of the kind which I' was aeoletemed to mttina in a eom mon country dmpel. Tlie saint -it two gond, lout otter feerealiree ei eh ed It oft and flattened i! out. Ilat I ora not through even yet. for ft little before the evenina al t100, the city me:dented a Lure 1:6,vere Oct:1*ra rfo411,3. 0 viiivilipv a 1404,z heike I-1track. and Hats were ht oat 4, during at the same time which will have all the figures clearly, b printed and accurately totalled t by machine. rn addition, 0 charges will be shown right up 0 to the date of the account. (.: a The plan la ettplained more a fully in notices which accent. pany October 1st account). Our Busirleoa Office people will be pleased ,a give you further in- • vater--front and shipping station to 111Z BELL TnIXPIZONN COMPANY' g efficient for meurals OP CANA • t e 1 urnos. The first Sunday a sup- that Jeint.Eas ,- 4 5-` 74 '4"4.1.*44,44,44444.4.41044•14 3 -04",i401044;*4;;44,\P,444441,1%;4* P T SWARTS' flask Stables, Etc. Mottitvettl stroda ra Just off the EgUhre 1 Oa *1116.41110•ID SEVERAL FIRSTAASS AUTOS READY •' m FOR SERVICE - 6ET YON ANIIVIIENE AND WHEN YOB WANT TO GET THERE• t kisses Meet Tr*In and mowner Beate • PasSengentealleti for litany eint ot the town for itH treine at 0. T. it. or C. P. R. • Depots, Prompt Service and • Careful At tendatie. Our Livery mod thick Serele.e • wilt be lowed optodste • in every respect. ea times Veer Petteesge Solicited T. SINARTS Phone 102 Meet -eel Street `111111•4404. • Cluid.ren, (Irv' Mit FLETCHER' CAST041A 0 Reg, Building , meet hstamating D Industrial 0Shew Cord • Electricity• A it Unlisnited, life time Scholar. ship. Prue Canadian Misplay« • went Servie. Endorsed by • I:amneers ss d Graduates. • Benefit by New Income plan . while lerning. Action to -day • • ' in<asres Mreeeyi to-tittor.4. . 'Mark the trade you are in- • tereeted art,' Mai1 11314 roll- • pun for Illmtrated 11holclet tO- • rrly phyalehttra tell t ieeplablic tis use • "!1111k tit Mam.81a. • i! • • fine-.'eponnittl•ef tliim delightful prrisse •• ration eon hentralize Many Omen' it81. volunte in acd. It netsinstantiv is Oleic, and very applyent. A11 gm 10 dispelled; all soernese IA 00011 gen110 the. • 148tern '14 sweetened. Do try 'tido perfect nisttaeld, and remember it Is eve. ha good far ebildrert, too, and pleasant for thent to tette. . • • Any drue‘qtcire has the permine, pro COMMERCIAL • • • ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 79 Queen W., Torooto, 00. Catherine W. Bon3m5710503, Montrenir Quebec • 11111IPS of Magnesia 44_444,, '• • I ! The West Street U S E Hydro -Electric 111E PEOPLE'S STORE Cook by Electricity Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheaper than Cosi or Wood 1 ' An electric, Vacuum Cleane2 ,;. Assurance Company removes the dust; a brogft2 '3 . of Canada ! 1 'Viet laftWee the dist' ,e' , ! compete:Imo [ We guarantee all 11 ;44, A: 1 I. 11458)Mt. 1,1: , w %.,.11.1 “.., *IV ti Electrical Shoo• We t 'any rood 01001: of • Electrical Appliance• .; Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on application All Work Guaranteed -Frank McArthur Phone 82 Went Street treete = - -011=11611 •INSURANCE The . Mutual Life Lamps fr:4500 itou Walk in and. :sae lirplay at !' -OONn7 ageal I D M„, The yr11 do Sto' e "." 4 MI 1 Inigmr:LammiormosommessinifininLamm.aftwisida___ • •