HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-14, Page 6PAGE SIX
You Must Have Sugar
war is one of the much wad
eIeincn li in a balanced diet.
Wi lIGGLY'S chewing sweets sup
sugar in a convenient way. The
humor is as extra delight
Then too.-- you know you aren't
adding weight. Sugar is a tool that
burns ur needics fat.
Whin tires! p1' bun•
agar. pen t►ourseif
► ~•'""-`•� with !!Mints r°S
b,m lar., ,.411,10111.11010111111101111
(Furnished 6y Ike Oita areDeerartoteu(ifiig fullers)
that this was most pronounced where for-
i C°MP.4'C i t) talt43 t9ngs care: tae I'tniii' „ D� Spoils p reT.tinj; ;Oil tarnzi }Rsa.e peen etzt�I=
anent n Senn
Pftl, et;o flcliatitir,Qait ilii Se�4n illy
..- .._ jF specters t;otrsrtantly fin itis road with
For Four Years sic;: to visiting each fleck four .0
t' ra=ze:tial
fertilize -at a.hen ape't+ares sa ye:ar sand culling zanct, �lraz le
pi.e to Garieue crepe in esteetn_tien Get wore EveryYee!° <<six=tYr+ ens> `Iiic�t;eand cad l�Yood esssza-
9 "1
with p;s:a:l fool uzag method.] 1,siR, trzg.� lrfea ciz°e islet;- incl f'erwra►ciei fie uhf:
3fca, J. 33CilzrCtti, N0riia FSR•de , ' revertt; are acid rtee tor tuna. t'3 tt, inspretm i
N.fl;. wretrae sI ascci to h,ra3 i,aiat ,
au,l tray opx7l3, for Soar yc;3r. an, ; toi'mc, who act upon the.- It tenable
10.3 ctt0g wrar.e every year. i ?teen
achieveacnt un paai.}ias .x14. Iareia has
�'bcen achieved in ;;fi:s way.
Big Value Su l�ettiliasrs
re:tuten, Pi eephatee intrcasa yeati,x
of aleteet all etapaa on 431aare sail
types et coil in the term -inn. Pet -
rah pen eeecea.any en tha sandy
coils. Nitroge3 for ra'ar,u frac scope
abould, as far 00 peseible, bo obtain-
ed for ,;rowing Ioguraca.
ere)) Yield Average
tae estimated yield of fall wheat,
opwing wheat, oats, Marley, rye .aunt!
peas in Ontario for the year is given
at 114,120.0.15 bueheoa as t=ouapered
with 105.377,22e bushels logit year.
`i'lae potato crop eras below normal
e?fine clay ray iaaa;:bau/n Antal nye if
X hail ever nisi!
New Interest iso Field Peas
Thirty or forty scare ago ilntatio
s rd,:d 2 lull net, fanners grew saunuaally bit half a
so Le sot me sr ; million acres of field peas, but wrcn
l;as, and after );
?ani falcon hew of the wevit lecame troubieeozue, inters
i8 I found I was cst in the crop gradually waned t.;;a• '
c ttYtts better.
e ; til there was less than 100,060 a,deea
thou got two show,!. however, dut ire . the !oast
mora rind atter few years rea;a have been eompara-
fiuiel leg them I
and turnips and znaugels due to a timely free from znse .t poste and td..e •-
thought lie lz ] k i 1"ltd t., .. t Great Britain Idled by some other organiz=ation tied
continuo,aaare smaller 1 was ,greatly iln• =cage gas cc» ncrcaslug e comer o points an -
ciao than usual. Small fruits primed leased tri Demi. 3 usrd lino I'itls for every
THURSDAY, NOV. 14th, . in
Try t� ,air'o�blend
°PEKOE' Biel"
*Fresh heap the gardens'
year.. the
Ireland and the Channel Islands lel, agree to allow free use of the aehools
to be a Rant eroai, but winter appees two month®, and that was eve yearn Renewed %tercet has been obtain- $u".U0 per standard box and $0,011 pelletal phones under the supervision of
are plentiful average
szxnill in sane. giro, anti aG 'lave Hover land tt faint or ed nista by the development at the standard bafrel, including rcfrigtpe r eta emanon!= and earotapery
'Tho tobacco average wo per
cent „ Ontario Agricultural College of an tion, - t _ u t
dizzy spell since, I Protect the child from the ravage,=
below 19b3, Taken all In all, the r outstainiing variety knoxrti gas (3 t' . For rates to Canadir'.n PU 3. of -worms by using Mother Graves'
•crop is ;an =average one, and the qua- Fticer GO cents a bon. at all druggists 181, lvhielz is now being distribeted through xatee to Continental points farm Exterminator. It iaz = a aatazt»
lity good. anti dealers, or mailed, direct on receipt through the Experimental CTu£ion. and other particulars, consult any -ard years -.0 have
of prise by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd,.. This variety la u between I?rul C d' Nat' l E A `
Grading is Vital Toronto, tzaat.
Tile fact that more than 1139,000 ' --------e-nee ,.m, .. :
urea of !potatoes are grown in On-°' ed European beans which compete
tario every year, it is highly_ impart- with Ontario crown of good quality,
ant that an ee-neat marketing aye- have gone up during recent week-%,
tem be perfected. This me=ans that the Nov. 1st price being ei3.75 a bush»
every grower should cooperate in el f.o.b. Montreal.
properly grading• his potatoes sand in
placing them tin Cha market ina eta- . i+onger Light Pays.
able container. Only in this Suzy can .For several years' past poultry -
the bo repetition' of the ooteide In'o- breeders have been trying to diseovcr
duct be alt t. .. whether the use of electric light in
Weed Advisers laying houses really does increase
It is the: opinion oi' the. provinoittl theory. is tixat in prolongiingsdaylight
h h 011 its
cross a W0033 s-, and, San td, lana I z 1U 00' gena. t enhanced; its reputation. ..
itn ii!oudat and is a
fairly early ripening pea. Under 7A WREN. YOUR BABY If one be troubled with. emits, he
ten-year test at O. A. C. it has yield-' (4 COLD
will find in Ho}laway's horn Remover
• an supplication that will entirely ranee v4, µUM\,M MM' t.L'4 ysisa., [4a.:W'.4 returns
than most common varieties. Sew In spite of all precautions little 1 !leve suirering.
oral farmers in rho Guelph district
have reported excellent crops with ones will take. Caldseneslzeelall r dur-
this variety. ing.the changeable days of our Fallt
season. When . the first eymptonn l
Buy Certified Seed Potatoes Now {appear•-eeeexing, redness of the
Certified seed will do more, per- eyes, running; nose-�-B'
haps, than any other single factor to lets should be given a
improve the potato crops on the aver- will rapidly break up size colt! :and
aby's •bmz_ Tub-
,once. 'Tlze;r
age farm. certified seed will tinny prevent more serious .complications.
be scarce and expensive next spring Mothers who keep a box of Baby n
and therefore the wise fanner will Tablets in the home. always feel
weed inspector that w on c nc the hen-. were enticed to .lay more 'sato, In fact they are like - having a
u�u r,t US,rciij , tliS eQtalFi• tllt3y -+�I1L Lltd .,, v alTIngn hitt IIU•_ _e now•
- ehaose. �'{mea'.t,-•a dv er'�3'. --rH xo-. 1__. �"e�• �'k..ensaW` arni L4 j1Uler i 1 _ ^• - of(1etiet At# 4 " Itt,Fltic. J.IIU. awl a.
„ ,„ fever years w the Donun,lun 1 'nn1 K D N_ ct__ li, b iII t►urfi, one ty undo- but atIIQrO'n live~-+t,IDc:
m policeman. , : Excellent progressWASfn,!wits ental .Station with two pens, one the best !mown pro users ol~tfue ality
Mpplieil tvitti iiia extra>< - lighting Potat when acting as field main sweeten the stomach and regulate the .
it s zectoz; �vho .faclldties and thin oilier `ruthaut, •,hese during the past summer, had. an ex- and andia;estien and relieving the
th following, It ,
bowels, 'thus driving out constipation
the +Crops and Ma 13razncla '
Royal Winter 'Toronto--• e:�i number of points •in all sections a 'malt Was C13000n 45 a resu s .
Quer the fi=re -year period, the ween cellent o ortunity of observing dzf`
to re- h ferences in patatoorops, he says.,
November 20.285. ., for vegetables, et the Royal. Winter was cntbusinotie about weedweontrol
• Guelph Winter Fair--•4Decenzber Pah. A miniature of the trophy and could advise farmers lzof 100 ens supplied with light pro .
nth to 12th. will be given to the winner each year. duce thol weed' menace. Much bet- duced.an an, average SUC,f, •eggs ata My ayes wene opened to the sectous
(ktatvsa Winter" Fait—December An insight into the ifaterzzatiaaal .ter to encourage, is man to properly cost •of 20e per .dozen in , the six state of the potato business on the
2ni'.to C.tlt\ eltaarieter of 0, A. C.'may be derived prepare a field than to come along menthe. The pen without lights pro. ordinary fszxm. tI was amazed at
Ontario Beekeepers Association, front. the announcement that stud later in the season. and order the crop diced 5071 at to cost o£ 224 or dozen.. the amount of black •leg and rhizoc»
Toronto --»\owe 26, 27 and 28, eats are in attendance from the fol* cut because of need dnfestatiolr. This gives an advantage of p bout 000 tonia� in the average Yields. In Maane'
thel f thesetwo dig-
eases alone -would run front 10 to 25
" - Wins meant to rna
Asilver YiyesA,,,vIVAAMva:;a as,P�4MM1N.waa M4,).M, • , Mexico,
lowing .countries: Trinidad, Rho --
eggs for the pen with lights' and at •a eases loss from
The .Bean.Market reduction in cost of 2e per dozen.
tufo Vegetable Growers' Associo- . Africa, iio}lalnd, . Gamma, Peru The Ontario lean crop will be little per cent. a s rif fro 1.0
a DToxlva Unite larger than last year. A �lea<rease in faz�mers tlii� .year is to q Sar $
will almost
tion, open to members in good stand- Ukraine, linear, yd, g Poultry Breedi... Stations „
Sept.1 offered England, Wales, S tl d t} avenge yield per acre to $40 per acre. Certified seed not
ing prior to et, 1920; is, o f ere States; Eng and, . _co aan , ie a rng One important way in which th• e
to the exhibitor obtaining the -high- Irelands Czecbo-Slovakia sand Canada. • offset the .great, increase in acreage."
only reduces the disease Lase but in -
Scott's Emulsion
Poultry X?epartment at O. A. U. is e s he ' Id and unlit
hon. Jahn S. Martin, }Minister of The American crop o£ snivel white carrying its 'knowledge in a practical �x a es t See q y�
Agriculture,` returned to his duties at.. beano. has been estimated. about two manner• to the fanners of Ontario is 'seed,
can afford; tause poor
the Parliament Buildings last week Per •vent larger then last year. :The seed. •_ -_
after. an absence of live months data European production is about nor- 'br the establishment - of pugs of lie,sebocl board on Monday, Nov. 4th,
to illness. He was warmly greeted' mal in contrast to 11025, when the l'reeidgng. stat}ons for purposes of RUDDY CANADIAF AFFIX'S VER RAs the report or the principal as Victoria.
n- crate was vent ohort, culling rand gentian! #leek 'improve, PDK D 3;. ThE '=awl =!lowed 176 bets and 3'79 girls,
y head ehes£h differM. ent tMartinnw t 'Tile hold over in the .United States, zee Last year there were -ap- <'WHAT SHALL I SEND ' Tlon rho roils, with an average attend-
actively supervise activities of Canada sled Europe was very small, Proximately 50,000 hens on 160 farms FOLKS IN THE OLD COUNTRY?" _once. _o#.1iZti boys and 'x58 ghee, 133:
the department, although he =mill be canaeauently neer beans ;ire, meeting whichhiall over :100,nder000 b plan,his drepro- le SeaMaraiiiap roaches,heard ebut if the! Christmas
else Of
the out t3,i,$• sickness
m readysale,. Cuoiations on importo palate(' tut k c
baby orthe many childhood aailznentss
which are the direct result of a cion;:
lied condition of the bowels or sour
stomach. They are absolutely safe—
beim guaranteed to contain no drive
at All hnrmfuj to even the youngest
babe. lIhey cannot possibly do harm
-"they always do good.
Baby's Own Tablets. are sold by all
nietlicine dealers er will be sent by
email at t5 cents a box from The The'
Williams` Medicine Co., Brockville,
At the monthly meeting of the pub.
age Canadian realized how witch our mud tether causes which caused same
Contain No Nareatics
Witi5N rnur ahtlQ rs restlas,, eat
sl •cMcnS. ur �+funcuavW:uohs th�c�,Rctr, •
sea t! �ppyrt�t�p wtl,mll Ami_th?t
- 3130!3384035 �tYCDbril)0\lulu :0..11 :4NMI+M
_1,11 Ltiia4.t. M, hr's \t'ornl'rrW114ra 6414
proms, rat$Fomkratthatrrhealtbtlitr3,
ptorS Rhv dt,!Ss,... a^;nits 30 Rl hr 43ti,y Son•
Altion. o-..: 1R Tour 14tvalcrs 143
1 Northrop $:1 yroac Co., iw.td,
utpt.Ei W., Toronto M8:
big,. juicy, red apples. are appreciated pupils to be absent most of the mo ttla
and enjoyed by people .overseas, the had been effective in redwing the >♦'';'� j r i 'i'j �I
problem `would be immediately sole- percentage of attendance, Penny
. ed, Ziank deposuta, 3146 7E number
relished by young,. and old oinks. plied one clay for Mips L ltobunson ;f practice convinced hint many were
ruining their health by careless'seiec
tom xif 'tires.He determined to
miss=. prescription which. _
'rice reductio
on the New 1930 Models of the famous
ROGE matteryless)
Rogers •
"51o" Lowboy
er loft lob
��t R4drs.
Note these sensational .ww I .ruses t
Redu6ed Price
Rogers Model �" 530'
Rogers Model. 1±40"
Rogers Model "" 5o.
Rogers " hono ectro- .adio"
(Radio Phonograph Combination)
All prices complete wit!, Tubes
Here's good news! . Sensational new, low prices on. latest
1930 Models of Rogers Batteryless Radio! Nothing more
to buy—all these models -• are complete with genuine
Electrodynamic Speakers and the famous Rogers filly»
guaranteed Tubes.
Largest Radio ProductionIn in Canada
Results in New LowPrices -
- 198
. *258
Rogers sales in October -were nearly $2,000,000—setting
a new record for all Canada in radio production for a
30 -day period. Rogers ° sales in the four months of
July, August, September and October were practically
equal to the sales for the entire d` year of 1928. The new
factory has made possible not only greatly increased pro-
duction but improved production. New economies and
new efficiency have brought about savings in manufactur-
ing costs which 'are now passed on to you.
Take advantage of these New Low Prices*
COMP la and eb� your Rogers *now 2
Our p�1 Terms Make:� y
. JOHANN, lode h, Ontario
.44044000., .ateemeneteetnt
Canada's; lueeioaM rosy' : apples .are deposits, -543. Miss. +F' Sturdy; suit•ler. Caldwell- loved, peoples his year
They symbolize our brilliant sunshine and one half . day for. the principal o
and Warm summer days and they do supervising'. 'Tho report of the prizz-
lotik Christmasy and cheerful Nor i 1 f Q k l h
tze�t-•Spzes�to boys -and A t;ls u.. �,4 .J.ls monk
c pa o en a schoo .EI owe ` lOt
-t sired= -,and -:mil ' o .bar
wine are the bast and the most pope- average attenaance of 90: boys and 43 Would. get at the cause. of •constipatiore .
lar to carry your kind thoughts z,nd girlsa 90 per cent. Penny Bank de- and Correct it,
lord bibleood s andssbarrelsa of dchoai a posits,. $60.910 number. of_ deposits, . Today, the prescription he wrote In
hand piokad, and hand backed fruit, 208' 'The reports were adopted and teen • is the world's most popular
Government inspected are procurable nun order Sassed far the payment of laxatirc } ile prescribed a mixture, of •
e y the supply teacher. The levelling up !leis= and otiucr tare ink dicnts now
at reasonable. prices from an gooier, of the Central school grounds' with p �xc
hi m n iss ti
while the matter of s P e t d dao cinders Was referred to the pre known as lir. Cat<llvt;l} s Syrug !'cgs z,
simple as the mailtng,of a card. . petty committee. A number of ac- in thousands bf cases where bat[ f�
. THE.. C A N AMAX NATIONAL counts were ref ed to the finance breath, coated tongue, gas, headaches,
EXPRESS will call for your apples, committee to pan if found eorrete biliousness and lick of appetite or .•
transport and deliver• them by quick The ne tion. with reference to the energy showed the bowels of men,
service. to any station in Great Bri- teaching of piano in groups as pro- women and. children wore sluggish.
toile Ireland and most European posed by the Canadian Bureau for the It proved successful in even the most
countries, giving them refrigeration. Advancement of Music refereed to do obstinate uses; :old folks liked it for
service on fast passenger steamers. another item in this issue was moved
The - transportation charge . from by Trustee Parsons, seconded:. I:,y it „vete griges.; children. liked its
. Montreal and Quebec up to November Trustee Wallace, and carried, an,i Pleasant taste, All ydrugstores taint
28th or from , Saint. John, N.B.,.,,end was as ;follows.. That the rbrourd. ap,, lrtve Dr. t aidwell s Syrup Pepsin
Halifax, N,S., thereafter# by direct prove'of; the prouosition :being hon- in bottles.
The ,"ONLY Radio
cow/oiling ALL the big outstanding
features of the year
t Screen Grid Tubes
. - Band Pass rater
t Pusll Pull Arnpli•
245 Power Tubes
Power Detection
Complete Shielding
Cabinet Acoustics
227 Heater Tubes
Simla DW
PADA 35-
C7S Complete
sug to boyGo��� "�to' your VADA gooierNot b� dranlpnetrat. the
P -'^R of 1 �'Y. �•!.�•, He rethat l *how whom other
radios offer coo, two torr... of limo foetnros, FADA
.01111 roily VADA- --ol font doom ol!.
Coins in astal fast ors 4hs.onstrroto thorn now'irzodn'is,