HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-14, Page 140ecil Offer te New %sullen 'I* a ritiv 'ostl..s, tits us Tin:, Sun' hie sent front new to eee, let. 1931, for seen,. including oa‹ of titi"- I•eautifut lb,id calendar% fruit, Ttsi, to the caul of the present z tee te new wee, otribers 25e. •SleVENIILTII TEAL Sabieription: 12* year'in Canada UM a nou to U. S. points. -eteetee- -.—e-_ • e Huy n borne, Your West ihint Moo van 11111 yikor aL inkid•rutAr (Joe. Pais nil th., city i.altnonan awl Call lip "The Star," Phone 71 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, 1929 WALTER NAFTEL• Publisher. South Huron Recount increased Medd's Majority to 32 -Some Talk of the Election BeingProtested Quo Lifo bureau Damp% of Venda LIFE INSURANCE THE BEST WAY TO ACCUMULATE FUNDS • • it is always difficult to accumulate funds for purposes that in the dim future. The temotetion to live up to one% earning capacity le va•er present. Life Assurance is a form of eompulsory saving. It is the only meane by which both protection antrifielestment con bo ob trailed. It is secure. dt f3cientitle. It is supervised by Govern. talent departments in the interests of policy.borders. Consult us as • to ranee eta t Th. 'Offtee 118 •eunne5: 1 Residence sp. H R. LONG. District Agent ,, as follOWS: W. M., Bro. 0, M. Rob- items of business ware discussed. alt. T• Newell Wtts tIP Trent Tor- Der and Mrs aleikle and ehildren, Huron Investments Ltd. Stock Brokers _ hist:ranee • TOWN TOPICS ere ' _ - ere-, ;Guelph and leaves leter fee Winnl- MEMORIAL SERVICE IN KNOX Painter, who for three pare operated PEOPLE WE KNOW , Baseball Meeting A meeting of the Goaerieh Baseball flub is celled for Wednesday, Nov. 20th, in the town hell. The treasur• er's statement for the past season ' will be presented and officers for next a ladies' beauty parlor. on Wc$t Bt., It' Peg, where she littereieete spend the Tile Goderieh Poet. Canadian Lego will be interested to hew of her tear- Miss. Helen Zavitz w -as honie foam „winter. ion., attended service in Knee l'azby, *age on Frieley, November 8th. et Toronto. A liss Dorothy, Smith, ef Terente, terian chureh r unday morning Hall, of Shillington, New Ontario.' in Toronto, Matheson, New Ontario, to Mr. John Miss Emilie Stiellantilt is visiting' visited at the home. of her inireni,3, last in commemoration of Arntistiee Ur. and Mrs. Ja9. Smith, over ti bay, and the Uoderiell tioy Scalds Mr. and Mrs. Hail .viill,,reside on the Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Currie vieited ..heneea. Seined with them in. the nrvice, The groom' farm five miles ,from in Detroit. • ML !sane Gooks? and eon and 'motor. Rev. R. C. Mellormld. previt. ton. ' Miss Rah MatiLt was 111)01$ imiss *menoek of crew. spent the ed on the eubject. "Armistive atet Ree membrence," tekieg for his lest Here XI:40. 'Oral lowing nrovided. "some better thieg for us thet they witheut A• should not be maee eerfcet." musie for the enlace was rare tieularly apprepriato The opening nrelude Was , Guilmantei "'Velvets leunebre et Chant Serapieeittee' J. F. Tiummon sang Zigaric "Land. of Hope awl Glory." with fine effect, and the anthem Was "The Remeiont al." rellowing.the eertuon and hymn the organist, efte D. IL Major, Play.. ed the Deed March (Sault - and Mr. R. Henry sounded The Lazt Poet, and the postiude was .L'hear's "Pomp and Cireunistance Mange" t After the service: In .tbk .ehureh ed. jourrenent was made to the soldier's' menument in the Square. where a . Women's Institute Meeting Toronto for the holiday. - year will be elected. It IS not tni. Miss Leoitt Hem was in Toronto h9)1(1/111 at the home of Mr. and Mee. probable that !Stratford maY join the league next year and it is Imped,that Exeter also 'will be back in the lea. gue.• Masonic Elections The regular meeting of the Gotta. rich Woraetes Institut* wits held in MacKay Ilall Thursday afternoon, Nov. 7th. The president. Mrs. G. Bisset. presided. After *opening ex. ercises and roll cell answered with during the week. Miss Jean Johnston is visiting in Toned° this weelc. Mrs, II. T. Edweros was * recent' visitor in Toronto. Mt EthiStk iitdi tat-. , Van. toauley. 1 and Mrs. Wilfred Mariam ei 'Waterloo.. were holiday visitors witn etIrs. mother, Mrs. Robin- , son, Waterleo st. Miss Rose Stran Kingsville Miss . ss e oesta e n The election of officers of Maitland sing, say, paY or play, Mrs. Abell ford on the holidey, Lodge, No: 83, A., F. and A. M., was gaeee a splendid relent of the meet- Mists 'Ivy Elliott woe; up from Lon- G3TritgarSettr aTitgtrtigu'eliplr,Tpte°4 held on TuesdaY evening, resulting ing held in /Teeswater. A:Different don visiting relativee. giving at the old home. AUCTION SALES • • A UCTION SALK oe IIOUSEII01,11 tee. FURNITURE -Property of the late C. niackstone, coosisting -of parlor, Jiving room, bedroom and kitchen furnishings, will be heldat the store. corner et Square and coborne street. -7Terunsily occiftwo by _cierilyete,on___ NftV. nerd. ' • eontmenoleg 1.nooteeleek. T. GUNDRY SO, A•uctioneeraie — , ROYAI. BANK BUILBING 7,Urlicaptaln.k,1 •Goderich. Cratere) HOLD -PURNITIell_E AND EiTE,CTS. • liltoneta 430 and 445 Nte are instructed by the exeentnia 1,of • the Estate of tile late jeseph. wletety to sell by Itutele 'emotion at LOST the premises, litiron Road, Ooderiell. Lust— Tate keys tin a 911. SATI:11DAY NOV loth " • mease letAl,ile,:t ftoe oliggig.F.41n.attr.reregliA jeogignancillig at ii3hr Veloek shorn due in April: lIerferd cow 7 yeere week in pott are the Goderieh, the miss obleys Murray, of Toronto, Marys and, Mies Simpson a Terento. • The public school trustees whese • ettson; S. W., Bro. H. It, Hall; .1. Nete This was followed by 0, menu for a onto over Thanksgiving. „ of Elora opent the week.end at tier Bro. J. tr. Gotham; chaplain, War. Ntibliker party by one of the membera. Mrs. la. L Diekeoson Was up Trews helm a.m., letelkleis reroute. Mr. Bro. U. C. MeDerraid; treasueer, Bro. Refreshments were then served and Toronto for the holiday. and ales. A. D. eleteen. R. G. Reynold'; seeretary, Wor. Bro. brought the meeting toi a erase. 141"aek Salkeld lvas In)rne frnm ' Mise Maly Persona, from McGill Geo. MaeVicar; tyler, Bro. A. T ' ' ot rime Theft Toronto for Thanksgiving. College adoutreal, and James Par- • • , Mrs.' Geerge Prifl ee arat ItIr. Fred .sons, iron% Bt. Andrew's College, Hall -Painter 131/Ting Sunday nIght °Int snenh Frio visited in Detroit. Aurora, were home for Thanragre. their entered the hen.house of Mr. Anse Irene Abel, of Toronto, spent hue The mane friends of Mrs. alaey_Henry, Homey, bfowcf„ato_nand.441-, 11iaaa., .4._bevehente. bevel, met sorviee_ivas-coneMeted . Y Re_ti_. h fiLlaninl AUCTION' SALel tay, leNeM celled mr. 4.i-orzP (ay it , ItIr. el lecbeson Avila IMAM from Ne . STOCK ona IMP1.EMENT . ton and visi(tied hi:prents. Mr. irad " anmeibyYtheleAlfrage:kill' all'Clt5tiele .. the more des i able and mean be. ' . deposited at the base of the mene- t b ti / i b If LORA ri:e;.11, t De n ble Mileiel ft r 11 htViilday. Ed. Curren. of Saltecird, eommeneing at 1 o'clock sharp:. ' ;10,:samv, Nov,. ist,i1 xs a. peer citizen. The footprint; of Miee Laura Fatetow vita up frora Windsor,, and Mt,. Clarence johns en, two persons Were . BRIEF TON N T PICS 1441-11..in the soft Toronto over Thanksgiving Day. of Detroit, spent Thanksgoo g , . , , tele* evitli ! e oeth• Provincial ronce Officer Miss 'Catharine Sale was lion* their parents, Mr. . rani mrs Jack A meting of the county nroprty 7.1.1 A 4 . oatasPoartwnouis- 011.1s m944114m 411°1311-1)4t1AiYfris .411--;o1Ntroln6st-°a_f14-or"-tilidltilter4iday-"s-11 "114 141" 1,Y -speritIlitiliorktiO at hie home in Clin. It. C. MeDermid, and evreafite-Seere to work for almoSt se °year: 1.A.ny sa IDe ghtt u spent the holt. .5101idaY. Chapters, L O. Le :E. Ailat 32 cen. 4..Goderlelt twee on .,Man. wile would steal irtent o. cripple day in Banda and Port !Wren, Mr. and Mrs, -George Little,t of consisting Of' the- follawit? old about 1100 ms.• Pereberon and has the case in hand, • • Mr. Ernest Pritehard, of Toronto, miss McNaughton soent Wedriesdar. S. S. Goderielt to Winter '.liere • ProMiscsifrone Toronto for Thanksgiving. Johnston. uorses,-Teran of grey Percherom, 'Whitesides eXamined .the committee wati held in Goderie on years , • coil rising 2 years; l'etell'oron (*tilt 2 • - Wan a week -mid visitor -with friends. chine at ber home, Chatham; • U '1 bo hold In u years old. tri ;TIT wrleigular ineetinga:f ntyhe g of catthe-euritam grade cow 5 yearo Three grain vessels .to 'arrive the; - ' elte Ches. Humber was- honte from Powell wee. at Preoeott, Mies Shipley Toronto University for Minikes:tying. at Amherstherg, Mise Cowan at St, Mondat. NOv. lath. at 3 p.m. eow 4 3.•ears old• due May rad, due in eine; Durham. tow 7 evert Restore and the Bricelane, The Pine visited feiends here over, the holiday.. eon. terms expire this year are Meeers. Miss .prineioal of the reeelve.rewarde let; eersee e,olv, due in Jul'.; dise old, due in Jan.; Durham cow 6 ve'ars ore and the lericoldoc are to unload mr, ,peeey Sheardown was home P. Miller, J. Cutt, et. I,. Parsons at d tinttation sehool at Holstein, Grey . 'harrow: se seeti Diamond hate .rad, ------------------ how f; yrs, aud the Goderich to, held her cargo from Toronto University ter the holle County, was ot }tome of her par. W, Naftel, • t 3- o rows, mower, hayralte, grain cradle, ead, clue in April; eliolce Holstein heifer tbe Zi.,14E6-11S.N WANTED with car to scythes, bend souther, set P1 (1101 in ear; Durham ouv1/4, '1* 11 Old, loaded her come of. 40,00o Mr D '1 11111 andon outs. Mr. and Mrs, M, W. Howell, foe The regular meeting of AhTtelt in winter stotelge. kilt° ICeriora' Un. day. • ." represent a peogresstae tea dem, settles, 240 Ibs., Portland cutter, light ing geed; ilereeord heiter witit.o.„a bushels. of Inverter of teas and coffees, Write Wage% dereeerat; Set light 4eighS, set mote 2- Beata rasing 2 ;years olf , 1 steer h .w d It Itt Wlleat, 26,00 bushels outs and 18;000 DaNivfellpnednt thex1rihitLY ;e,eek- . 1. and t leen'ed.Dorialtisen and the public library on Monday after - 'Chapter, u. O. D. ele will be held in 11ANKIN TEAS, Methane Out. teem harness, 2 sots segle ti 11111'.'. 1 rlsin 2 rears old* 2 in c• Ives us le s screen hgs -len ednes ay ford. cargo of the Goderieh is 43,000 h lc ' Ity,, arid.51,,,reLPLSchmey.ke,sruir.scl... clitl, noon, Nov. 18th, at 4 teclocx. 1930 calendars will be on sale re tine and the liricoldoe bee 1217,000 bush- Miss Margeret Redditt, of Toronto els of wheat and 51,000 of oats. The University spent Thanks iving at nt tae"ea s.'"'"e"" 1v' "‘"-•"'Y '''''''' her ome, 14v. An‘te YneTeltieing'tOwn council took a trip to bushels of whet. The Kenitra clear- Miss Tully, of Victoria school btorrss:ivci, nth, enluandibie:;.1rarents, eci for Toronto to take on package ataff, sPent Thanksgiving at Detroit, Mrs, Ti. Thompson, of Toronto, Mita:ell, Woodstock, 1Stratferd, and freight, BIATil eati have Yene • leather bed made onto a .santtary vat 1 mattress or down omnforter. Highest price paid for feathers. Droie curd ito 00Nirs;ION FEVIIIERS kNil) set .surry harness. poteto sereeert reed Pins. -I4 store hegs about i2 1h boxes, pruning hooks, shears, lawn fnepleinents.-.4.11assey Harris sPking roller, lawn mower, reeve, noes. Iran cu11lvater; 2 Bain wagons; set at' dia. gate, 3 panel doors, quantity orturnbere rnonct barrowe; steel mho; . walking ewer kettle, 2 Water tubs, -4 oak bar- plow; gravel bo; set team harness; er. sniffier and numerous offier artieles. MAPTBES eli.. linkmen, and our liousehotd Arlietes.-oak hale seat, Everythine iedvertised to be toed as .tagent ;wet call, - • extension dining table, secretary and ,proprietor has lost his barn by nee, • book ease, small tables, . bed and TERMi5--All sums Of 810.00 .and WANTEle-telee wanted in +/woe and springs, large osternroor mettrees aer, easht, over that amount nine Y.7 Per,th Counties as.. clistributors wow), ebildAs et, drop-leaf kitehen months? credit will be given op turn- .' 'for Wattinao. wen known ,produels. table (therrY). 1-2 dozen chMrs,`threer ishing aPproted Il_',Whiakable 1-nteer, ."..... .spices„ extranS.., illealcinal- and toilet oturner oil Anew and ,nven. washing' or a disrotuit of 4 per tent ,stralglii al - =Icing business, Werlirs largest flue, eft liarred Bock bell% R a. eielLWAIN, Promoter; tory to consumer organization, (lredi6. N n niernin OtIONC articles, Every- • , ifko. II. 4LLIOTT, Auetioneer, . furnished to suitable partY. EatalillSh- Thing, to (be din(osed of as proaerty is ' ed 60 rears. liOr fall partioultra writeoeold. sisillffif -age; le -THE. -3:- t's. 'm411. 4.4`6, TE;R:k18.--,All SUM5 of 010. an " ender, - ......e- „ fe -------AkWit.V.1;` eieele OF OAIIM-C7,YOCI.:. , .001s1P.A.Nr. llarnilton. lint,* Bold. liS. , cash; over tied amount, six months!' m lot 12, Ibr,vileld Line, thee,. neles tredit '.'.I,1 hr -given on. furnishing UP- emit tot )34ylleid, on ' •Sfr011l *CVINI)OWS• , proved John. poles. A discount at . Steele Wiedowe reulekly pay f 6 per cent per annum eitowetl ,e1„oritEeDne,NIEnkSpaAt‘i• No.,,e(-7107.0c2°stiibtaiill: -or tor rash on credit airtoUntS. 1. preparations. oto. Permanent money ulaeitin1. lowed for resit on credit amounts. '1km-selves fuel saved. !Sfeene Gpepay snee ettotioneers, cousisting of the tollowing used one-third less -3. McGitith seved Rorseseeoreemeedetegrieuliiiml- Selat eeweetetetioefielfer-ea4-; Smite saved- one. • - bete 4 and 6 yeaes old. and a Jima tOn$ out of six—B. Turner FOR SA ,Cattle.--Iersey cow 7 l'ears old, thus .6iirlied isVn tons leSsedr• 'Cannier 15.0f4 "r‘00 SALE . -A new teueeee ranee 'In Febrtrary z Jersey 'heifer, due In Doe; 2tie fano out of 6. Your home Wilt be Je -- with iiih oven Anoi.„ to 3...is: Durham. VOW 5 years eke era. in retie warmer, year fuel bills less with Storm a . - - --• - - -.. Dui -ham ow 8.-vears' Old, due In Feb. 1V,Intiows. Write:, for Free:,PrIce Lial..1'.41.11. 'E. -N4E- ' . . ' - ' blerk row 6, yeats old, dee in April : • ready elazel, AddreSk II A 1,.1., 1111X II 04 .•$,ALE.....-„ka wil4,300 plionogivii, Durham taw 5 years old, clue in jute; DOMPANy. leox 153, liantliton,. ' 'a, with , Meter` attachment Also a )(intern ettsv. 6 years olie-due in july: n not bee ' of reeordee neeli al; H. 2 lierefoed betters, due In 'Sitwell; 4.. $510 Returns $1.50 Eneli Month or $90.00 Yearly Monarch fOI1) kleyalty Preferred -StoOk has paid reeelar monthlY • ditieenes fin' over six years. IL le IL WEI•LED kV). 18 Toronto SL. Toronto e (Established 1890) T is Is an exceptionally good lot of tatvie otherwiee Chief Deeokele Was ' tee' THE TOWN' OP tiODERICII be sold will t voT:Ettse LIsTs, isefe mitempeetere stock and .tri good eondIllop, and win. -the entertainer. lie gave au India BLACIMONE'S, West street. • eteers, from 800 to d000 lbs.; 3 heifers, 2 years old; 3 yearlings; 3 miring SALE.--nevelve pureoreci talVes. - (ter owe lambs. 3, W. MLItEILD, Pine -Sow with five Nee a Weeks h old ; 2 store begs about t50 ibct , 2. or p one 000r2. Ilens.-e0 Bock Oullets: 20 year-old Lean> Provided bountifully and there - -VOTERS' LIST •NOTICE , Rock hens:- 50 White 'Leghorn hens. was no lack goOd things. After eveypertse Lev NoTICE. , 13 cords 14-ineh bpdr m*ood, given, Mr. Chas. A. Coolie of Oto The xecount proceedings in connec. nod Miss Nelson at Paimereten. toent the vveek-end with relatives in other. places this' Thursday investi. ' . eatieg seeittg some motor lire ladder wood, visited the former's mother, Mr. and Ws, Alex. Donley, of At Goderieh and on ber 'return bomiemervectl: A firing party yam 0040101 im. neeonlOardell by her (laughter. Mrs. truens. South Huron Recount ': s opened on ,Toesdmr morning, in the Mrs. A. Donley, over the holiday. - Wee McDonald and 'three eh tion with the South Buren election Prof eSser Rotor iVieRaY. of Tor. who will make a visit there. tier conunand ot Sergtellialor Jainen took part in the ceremonies at Luck. two full tiare, the argnMent and tie - for toonwnto,.etva - _VI 1 I • vi 't • " M • d M -Ed 1Vi'll t. and _two $ a an tag mg si ot in I. an Mrs . i e . Court Ronne here -and eolatirtiled nesday evening. The presiding -judge ----- -... Wed- spent the Thanksgiving holiday at with the formera mother and two The college Rua Clinton street Miss Verna aleVittie, ' of TorOntes: iiht0Un(irrilliVerreereTlitindn—ktelgiehnleg* tIviisTiat:r1'7-46*---s ,nieranurnfo.311-°"nrundoNrilitvwelleend•tliert.-T4' dkre T.18ion not being omelette' till -trandiciatesowere bottrptesent, also tYtto 31- le Nelannene of Guelph, and . ate, and.. Mrs. Grahani,geth.inS,s2n ler, Mr -Aileen avther oceompan. Terolittee.whigh• else e_robbed at neon, her 'home, . : brothere, lereesrs. 'Will end Ogle Mil- branch of toe Bank of Comirietae, ter, xot mr. mead., Bourtlin 0 aft: Robinson's mather. Mrs. Wee Mr. and Mil. Jarnee 'Connolly had. and family spent the eleeetend with led them back to Hamilton, on TuesdaY is the branch of which. Mr. il. H. Reid, formerly of Goderich. t eir tounsel, , Mr. D. E. Robles for Mr. Elliott and J. G. Stanburr, Exe" Robinson.. Ford a Iv( J h i°L' Das Jaffrey, of Galt, was a visit-. sneV. IL A. Wright and Mrs. Wright, . as their guests for Tiranksgiving the in the manager. The regular meeting of the lloino and his clerk, Th negelnifisoc7, or for Thanksgiving at the home of of Antherstburg; James A. Wright, and *boor Crab of Vietoria school ark?. wesureuprasent ,,ti....uriigitlitrecount. Aft, and Mira Abram, of Toronto, of St. Ililda's College, Toronto: Mr. commencement exercises, the date of liott, increasing ..fo,r_re . Ai. Awes ,ope for Mr. Medd anti...4763 for -unti--.4E,815; efvoerretiiteeithhoiefidraoya.ed Mrs. J. W. PraSer] 0. E„ Dtinhar, of 'AinherstbUrg, and Willeit 'Will be abnounced" niter, ' ities. • • Mr.Medd's mgiority. m• s b d Mr.James' , lq, r• Otis. _.,...Dturtbar, of Altoona, Pee Smfth spent the week -end in roronto : I be announced later. . ler eitevotes, It le etated that a pro- ' r. Reg. Sowerby an . 1 Goclericb radio fans were interest. " IAN McICAY WINS CUP od and pressed to hear the well- s- .1, Aurae n an Komi:* coming oVer "C. IC. o. lc from the Thanksgiving .Go.ose Dinner . ' at her home 'here. o.....— Fidly 400 persons were fed on ' Collegiate staff, spent' Thanksgiving Race in 3914 etinutes nesclay evening. Mrs. Saunders gave King Edwaed Hotel, Toronto, Wed - e o n nection eerie; Vieto 1 , t t lttr. and Mrs, Haley Kneeshaw and For the Lions Club eroso-countrY a number of selections, . Monday ni et + te church. T,he ledies' society. under gee a. ...,e goosa din. r a s ree ner in • eon Billy, •of Toronto, were Thanks.- voaci race on Thanksgiving Day tele .• The November. at 'home of the enesetung -Canoe Club evas held the presidency of M • giving vieitors in town, Mrs. Ada Walters :rad Constance and all of. them Meshed the course. year there were but five competitors 31 Wednesday carotin of this week Thompson spent the holiday with Ian MacKay, age 17, was serateh x. u. N i gm 1 x 1" ao o ns n, clerk of the court, Nees N rri. • • of Osgoode Hall, and Isobel Wright will be held the Same evening as the test against the eleetidn MaY be on- and Hamilton. ered on account of alleged irregular. Mit$ Ot'al Cooper of the Port Elgin Make Th C I Th its • known ;voice of Mrs. reeek Saunders • Is W Ilf lill friends in Brueefield. iss c aug don. te. V. tate , Mau and made the course of six Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worsen, of miles in 391e minutes, the shortest MI** R. xemellen and Mi. T. Prit4- ard were the prize winnere at rive Toronto, were week -end visitors with time of any of the contestants and Hundred. The muele for the doming their relatives, •• thus wins the cup for .the year. 11%11,u:five . ished by the Blyth orthestre, Mr. IL It Murree, of London, and /cues time this year was a minute 51r. Harold Murray, of Dutton, spent and a quarter better than he made A 17 -acre prolierty on the 1st; the holiday in town. last Year and his time record wee on- front near Kintail bas beet optioned Mr. J. E. Johnston, of •Toronto, is ly half a minute over the record last bY the Presbyterian church for a visiting relatives for a few weeks in year, -Mien Menton McKay woe the summer camp and training school for town and Godericia twit. winner. Earl Moro ogee let and the Synod of Hamilton and London, , Dr. Mary Tom was in Graleneh for Ralph IlenderSon (aged 10) were It is propood to establish a chain of the holiday and Mrs. Tom has re. given a five-minute start ahead of ouch camps aeross the Dominion for turned to Toronto with her. the scratch Mail and made the ecurse the training of S.. S. teaehere, Boy . Miss Leola Bern spent the week- in 44 and 46 minutee respeetIVely. SCOUt troops, Tuxis boys' groups and end in Toronto and visited friend:; at Wm. Barrow (aged 16) had a four. C. G. I. T. groups. Kingston and Brighton. minute start over scratch and mitre ' OB rftr Aitty Mr. Harold Metean spent ' the the course in 41 minutea. and Robert week -end with bid parents, Mr. and •Groves (aged 17) with a theee.min. Mrs. Wm. eleteen Saltford. • lite starter/lade the course in 45 min- PLATT.-erhe . fune'ral ,of Mr. J. It i aid PI tt whose sudden, death • . •Collie dog. the dinner, an entettalitment Waa A EARN Si Tit $10 pima OAS Ambitious, reliable men .wanted at oiler. Part time; pay white training for AV1101011 Merhaules, Cleraile 'Work. Delvinft, natiery, E I e tete Atettlyna Welding, , Reuse IVIrintt• Industrial Eke.. Meeldnist, Brieklayinte Plastering, Drafting, ' Barbering a n d Ilairdressing. Art quick, opt your implication in now, 'Write nr ettill for information. , liDDINION TRADE saropics, Eastern tieniideartoes, 1634 King Se. We Termite Etneloyment servlee:-eo4st to toast. NEAL ESTATE AND. INSURANCE, Mita AIINISTRONG UAL ESTATE and Ae INSURANCE' AGENCY. Excellent opperternity offered , just 0ow to anyone wishing to eectire .a' nleo ron rt f h A number of wood homes and 10(4 Meted for gait at, very lowopttices. Much •Iess than the ihottees tati. be Wit, lust a few ,of the many Hided : • /feat eottoge, modern eouliTed, two I t. ; St, .P It • Pine two-story ree thrie.k.'bouse. fine emidition, tmodern; two lots. $2300. • "Two-story brielc house, lett modern. Gunge, East St. Vette $1500, Fine Mimeo house. Full Modern. Itesidential. .Prirto 32200. aood two-StorY brick housee,,o_o_fult etiedern, gawp, lernee Pr:te argue. Good. bouteve-41)00, NOM, e1100, $i260, wok 01400. , , ,A numbre""of fine Arias; all neees-' miry bitildinge. 190 acres. $21100;, 100 a"r. • 100 a ree $4000; iAlt $4300; 160 atre$ • $6000; 200 'serge,' *ZOO; .Asit about thent, See or write . W. AlletieTRONG, Matte 502 Sole $9. "IsEllsetrliteelL *OM. „. is %, MOE Esosi cocrny or Hyrax. too reserve as the prontee- sceee and a talk on Indian customs, n , tor le leaving the farm for the winter. music, etc.. lihich was very intetest. Notice is hereby given that I bate -der, cash; over that amount ton TERNS -III iiums of et0.00 and on- ing. He also gave an ititerestini C0!59111'11 With section I Of the 'Voters' months' credit will be given en fur.:-. . program of songs, reading% and reel - 141:4s Aet and that I have posted itp In failing approved joint bankable pap r: nay office, at the Town Hall, Gederiell, Wiens. For the program the pas - with a tliecount oi eve Per eon' ter. Rev. G. Butt, occupied the chair. an the thitly.urst day of October, 111211. stmieht allowed for eaeli o' n credit Addresses were given by Rev. C. F. the list of all persons entitled to vote amounts'. Clarke and Rev It C MeDermid and • • . In the said etunieiemity at munielnal , A, TONtesiSIIEND, Proprietor, Billie Joe Johnston ContribUted sev- elections and that -such itst remains there for inspection. G. IL. Etworr, Auctioneer, awl recitations at intervaln in' the And I hereby 'tall u ' program. mr, ra, D. Mann wile tie - on an voters to CLEAIIING AUCTION SALe on MM. companist for the entertainer. take Immediate projedin • t I gs • o PARSI STOCK and IMPLEmENTS. any erro s or onliattiOnS corrected ac- — • Bible Society Canvass Miss Mary Clarice and Mr. Doug- utes. The order in which the com- i:sgt ,,.Li ay 'evening woo noted in lag Clarke Were home from Toronto petitors came in was as, follows: rording to law, the last day' of apoeaf • WESLEY PISHER At a eecent neettiog of the execue - , p o y riated Oils lifth day of Nottember, at Sanford on being the 21st day of 'November, 1026. will sell by public auetion at her farm tive com itte h the 11 0 ' 1920. TUESDAY, NOV. 19th to -continue. the Ant of last veer for e .niBimee• osfoctieetylvaw1 atanedenittdool u yore y or a sg v mr. 1st, Wm. Barrow; 2n11, Earl Moro ; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hero visited 3rd, Ian McKay; 4th, 'Robert tGrovea; it f Th nk 1 afternoon froin the Yesidente of hie L. L. E.);OX, commenciug at -one ,Veleek sharp : raking etmois A ei st. Marys over the holiday th ju lor rac there Were 42 Mr. Herres sister, Mts. Whaler. of 5th. Ralph Ilehderson. , parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Platt, apd the y 1 I d ver large turnout was an indie-- L. Go er;ell. The Perin, not sold before sale date, sent Ont, With titi a I t hstrib rcu ar IS being ...E. e n of BO acres f Vhi ir ppea o au -ane Misses JarVis. of Terento, starters, ranging in age ail the nay tion both of esteem for the deceased f th h h 1 b end o y w t t e faro IY. teransew ers to inerease FOR their subeeriptione to SALla OR TO RENT ,annoutreed'Ales cla;. were holiday visitora et tbe home ef from 6 years to 14 years. The tint 51 tt t ve vith th • • arneilitts trent *IA to sin on i ,Mr. and Mrs. C. IL to finish wad Billie Carteegsr4 gat ° r"" Horses -1 draft gelding 9 i yore' oic; . it•ort le Miss Ethel Williams And Mr. seCOnd. Jack Grid' (aged 9); third, t a tery and during hie eers; e .1 RE:O.-Brick house on East st, 1 amletriture gelding 10 years oid, der to roiss:st leitst $500 from the in Om Great War suffered wounds • Apply to ,elets, omelet, ;tramline Cattle , -,-.4 ehoigkimrhaiii eow ,y(asi anderich ;branch, /. est ereor eut den Williams, "Ibronto, Vialte‘Gode- Harold Mohring (aged 8); fourth, which hed given 'him some trouble. erne% to rich friends over the holiday.alr MmleY Blimmfield (8°4 9): fifth' The members of the Canadian Legion hloal' . old, to freshen about sale thee,: • n contr ute was $206.40. ' - ' -e-. choice roan cow, 9 years old: fresh:, I This sincluded One subscription oe James Wallace, of Toronto Univele Edwin Dean' (aged 11), sixth. •Ben- , turned out in good number; for the Vi011 ReNT.--Pour rooms id alma- eiledee eow 8 rears 011. stumosed 'to '$50. 4 of $10, 5 of $5. 2 f 050 10 altY. visited his Parente, Mr. and Mra. mon Steep (aged 11); seventh, John o . , funeral end at the graveside each vete . , 4- ment house on soath st, Apply Iresben in March; 1 ehoice red row 5 . of ;2; 1 of $1.50 end 37 ot $1 04 . • este • b Wm W 11 e•• v tit 1 Ilda 0 * i h . • . Keys St. • . yeers old, juat made Jerser 1511.4-444*11 V . g .1)11104 Miss Alice and Mr. Douglas Nairn Bloomfield (aged 10); ninth, Jack emu of the war dropped a poppy of remembrance on the casket of their were home from Toronto and Mr. Barton (aged 10); tentb. Harold .Chae. Nairn from Detroit for the Wilson (ageti 11)4 eleventh. 'Donald ;comrade. Mr. Platt Was also a mean - holiday. Wigging (aged 10); twelfth, J. A. ber of Huron Lodge. No, 02, 1.0.0.re land there was a lar e attendance of Mr. and Mrs. Ito Munro and Mrs. -Graham (a d 8) ge . •• eovv 7 years old. fres); 7 Weeks; Ittleer.-elx-roont house •on Otte. stein cote years, freshened about •••• bee street: with all modem. eon- Oct I: l•wlItto heifer 4 nitre tad, calf teuienees. Apely to MISS TAIT. foot; 1 red and white cow 0 yetis, , • re e Isi: vealea . e weighs about nee The above tows . • • r are geed eews and in the pink of eon. WAN• TED NOW 2:1-,41,0grol. feeder ;steers.• - nverage . Plase-f Yorkshire brood sow; 3 lorkshire awes. supposed to farrow * Salesman in Anon Countyedure firet tavek in Feb.; a inure pigs, average , ing rail and Winter ntonthe to 'about le3 lbs. a sell fruit trees, Flowering Poultry -45 White Leghorti hens. 'Shrubs, ete. Good pay, Exclus- Implements. -4 Deering binder. 7 ff. ive territory. Wbole or, part cut, in, first class werleing shape: 1 time arrangement. Prost A. Wood mower. fr ft,..ent: 1 MAO. soy Barris seed drill; le set Mee hate A O0 MRL NURSERY rows ; i walking plow. Hamilton eiL I' new; 4 one-horse plow; It set We w end vRatuond barrows; 1 Plenty smith% reellteeideeed Weer", *MI eine': fleetly note; 1 heavy ene.leferse wagent pey our custot•ners with thtinest I f.or baggy, in good shave; 1 tatter. eitialityeend vatilety.t neat tieve; illtgv Bask thayeteek'i %tribe Clemediaregrown Nur-. weter trough 120 ft., Just new; 1 evy Stock.end you will be aneo 'London haY fort. ear, and about 140 eeseful. Our titmice ie -vale feet inna'' oPn; I gravni 6°." 1 . e • Of. the. total. $13745 was reeeived from North St. United congregation, $25 from St. George's, $19.50 from Victoria St. 1,Init, 2.00 from line*, and 21 75 -reer:P Aset1otertitt,1 Gibbs, of Mitchel , were week.end l'he entries were as follows: 'Scheel. This rear each chtneh. is --tflie8ts With friends, - Three nil nu to hatelicap-Buti 'vices of the Anglieati church, ef • If all co.operate beartily it will ot n their reletivee in town. Jackie Bell, 7 years. 1 years; i were conducted at the horde and at Welt the deceased %VAS a member. 4 Mr. and lats. Watson Straitone of johnstote 6 yeas; Bert Bsechler, 7 ft:eh:titan entlinitrml, :th:leecnitrelliTdeni;e. Toronto, were recent visitors with years; Billy Duckwortb, be difficult to reach the objective of Mrs. W. IL Worthy and &welder. Two and a haat minute handicap:- , rector of St. George's, and at the the gravesidreby Rev. J. N. IL Mills, .. aldtisist:ielva. firma the 'Thanksgiving leek termer, Billy Byriger• X0,111001 Y. its. . ra 010, 00. reve the, burial Muer of the Three - inked Order. woes eonducted by WS - $500. County Armistice Day Parade holiday with edre. Worthy's parents Pennington, J A G h G Delta, Harold Mohring, Pally Sohn- ere J. W. More and Geo. MacVlear. A number of Veterana front (lode. • Miss Marion Murnee• and Mend, of ston, on 8 years of age. .1Tiltaitt.41%-tatteri8r weret, ISI"s". IL C. vich attended the tetintet arridatice -Terento, emett the '0001. n4 with the Two Initiate handicsip-,-Iley Mute. ' -e""ee D. ee etoallee. Welter Mich. day -parade at clinton on &mot afo formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred day, Stewed Sehonbals, Jack ,riff, anani'•114trY wAts", Bert 8"der" ternoom The parade formed at Liho`Marfk6Y. Morley Bloomfield, Silly Carter, Rex and Ernest. Videos'. Mr. Plett was inn Seat:milt hands, =welled to St, PUN Pinkerton, Aiwa Thersday with theft 'Kay, Harold Monday, a lYts years 6 his thittyesieth year. He Was, born rarer park endateeden by ninon tole mr, she etre, Doe Needham, from 'Duckworth, Henry Fritele I Man Sfee in Goderiele In 1914 he thumb, Which was packed to the granprentst Mr. find' Mr-. It. Me- age, — '- A A frorn the University of Toronto end graduated 'Int, a year was triausger cet drug door e and Mawr were MAIO in gain sell. oderieh. Gine/find * half Minutets hendietnee- admittente: The ticrvicia were eon. and Mrs. W. MIA° Anti Ulu" &neer Bleeinfiehlo OW> SWiger• CAnt years he hod been grain inspktOr ter -store in• the equettuo ,YOV Sante „ dueted by Ret, too C. Harriman, the of Kittioas, were Smiday visitors Batehler, Stoddart, Murrey nn, insurance sompoty let*, Ile wii,, teeter. tlitialated Bev..B. It Paull, with their patente, Mr. and Mire. R. Doer, Donald Wiggins. Jaek Barter', 1 r Member of Meriesetung 41(74 -fleld. end the aernion was deliver. Rime% GOderichA Alin McLean, Ernest McLeod, all 10 cm 6 041) 0 . ittrIleSS: I tee team breieldng harnei;e: ludr 1406r Ittv'r CanOn W4 V. Chit patents, be one brother Ernest Platt, Ile is 'suevived liy ble , • Mr. end Mrs. Itorry Mitehrli and years of age. I. Established 115 yeers. 1 Pt platform Sealelt; it now $.gallon fiS tltretfowrcle je bIlie pt000Duk asi hithes subject Mr. Benson Sowerby end friend mot.i ' omd te, Burford and Toronto over the lier, seleabligreird ust4iis01161,40114eieir-'ritt nEditoottn. ermritnrtA.C1,r,orthisesitd, , offIrptrivantitoslogferan3ti ',moot NERSERE. CO. milk fano; 1 Delay barrel eillirrt, arms I era rt P. r fig serval*, h im 1... -7 Tora,to Ontiirk•T. nearly now; t Empire treem sepera. ,the memorial tablet was decorated 0 lee field, mon teep, nar S ear. Mrs. D. C. MK of Detroit. 11 „ toe needy neW; 1 Delat-01 /cream sep. and the Last Post was eotantled ------Tom GritY• of WelivYn. Sask.. in down, Jack Black. Murray Shearl -.-. orator No. It; grein grinder. Engkr Morgan Agnew. Following .itimt at the home of his tanare clown Billy Dosk, Thoa. Page, all 11 CARD 01P 111ANN$ Os FR CAREY& SON, Ltd. g t-gsi 2F-`1 444antber rn tossirmandlifteott teaching tkintestie science in the Col. aged 12 years, ° plate: 1 set sta.* and olatform scattek, itero.mhottes, silence, Aorhe reeteowe tnts, mg., and mta, ,--'j;. year's' of age, Gutzon offers his shieors-4 Manila rombined weight thi lbs.; 1 IleeriagISoldiet" wits sew by Mrs. C. E. Pon!. MEM St.„• . Ifs" i !late hsnd.l."1._P-1). ..,eu.• to his kind filen& Ond neigebore for ' low 41ortln utlantirt, sormerr: to MR 'gore At the clime of the servke edeaflor Doughertr wait PeOws aged 4,a years: menSru rtit2to focapathv seottteieta on tee demi teRINI oat straw; n tons %KAKI 11-1Y; veterans is i he eou home from Woodstock IYhere she is ley, siker 13 years, Itonald Virerth 0 er his bc/oved daughter. MSMARIAM VESTIMIE And oilier artielei too numereus to Coombe. .1M &Mod to make the %Vide. Telsoilaite.23. MASONIC TEMPLE BUIL:DING 111111C11 ONTARIO 1 Scratche-Wilfitun MeKay, 'aged 1ay 4 /.40 ein ioutt no„inet„ tee-. stun% td NO end mulm., ;Serrker us, ia Goderkn. drtrt, of•Toront.o. vieited the foltreeee The glris trete keen to have a race, Isticoye4 Itta• .„ ILAnsh: over thlt arraigns in month,/ - 'parents Mr. VA Mra, Aden% Foster, Ito the eomtoletee put oft a race ewe tivintim - a r so41 hold hi e yea s. (1.0.4it 'Ism be oven turteohineole. The Aliestivdoster Guird of login ve Illootate nct th e, for Thera, attd the Sloop tti-at etlit. • urrh will Ott the *ley. ‘IfOtotli_TM.. and (r Iknciford` IPA Mr, and 'row& wag Inflows: First, /Attie ;ewe voyage ts Maws" Is the lettere rosy* StS Mrs,s-Cannet'oa and chi/droll, Jenn Elliolt;,,secOnd• irettiat tofe_; Writ 0, Thy Il:k is am...rioted. ellestielity oast friday. Der, Sth 'sod 'and..Doridi we're here_ yleitere st ,Litty4 fourth, Louvain Bloomfield ; Deem1 lifets eliere. *lit • ?Jetta 'keep these dates tloolerno Mr. *sit r8, Bratiferd, ,fift $ehrnme • Seth, • ;Dee. f. SallYtric0/114ii bard Luttmtv..tt .,21% ese • Mr& Reg, Sharman 1/ vititing in pldee Kennedy. ionverl Joint 19drok nOtra, *oolong filf,tv-• -est at 7 ger tent, prr alRe, WESIote' VISRER, Prop...fit:trig GEO., IL ELLIOTT, Atiettererte. 1