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The Goderich Star, 1929-11-07, Page 6
1 !AGM SIX 7 = • ,07 • ." ('MI • .1.004,10, r GOLD PellED-XL 11.• ••11 " ' 5 .. •410110 "!,:, ,,,,,,,,,, •• .• 4,', , 4" • ef.ai. . . . . . SMC OTC MELLOW old rkotiCIRAN11- ) a The fulbodied richness and mellow flavour of Gold Medal have made it a most popular bever- age, You'll like Gold Medal, Tea. /I E NEWS.AND- INFORMATION. FOR THEB .FA THE GODERTCH STAR THITSDA.a, NOV. Ite. 19 •••••••••••••,-.••••.° ••••••••••1•••••••••• o Purebudnumiern 7L " "lheld 11 CheSt lettere, Exceptions to tali rule ere !leer earloatie, have reaci • the ran- segetables with ore toe_ issues (hes el Weetern Canada. lirivy lege- tutted or green segatablee and pie, • shiree, -retiwahla and Iprised Southdowns, Cheviot -a, Haran- reOligh.dagaCOUghled tettiesi offered in closed barrens` , JLincoins, the latgeat single ohipment ever sent, but the Canatustt Etay anti Night Cu doe m Hr ure tding to Prof, Caesar, who has Co -alterative I,Vool Growers exla.et Mrs, E. E• alielten, 'seeder, &eke tlirixted the war *gains: the Eurser: . thes; next Year's aliment will be wriosc--"1 hail very a severe cola ou can corn borer in Ontraie a conaider. . evert greater. vay plea aid would conga era COliffh, able improvement Mrs beta ehowa in ---- . .lay anti alert, until 1 nes wetly be- he borer -infested efaintiee daring Valuable Ilainfell I 'do Resit A tout: all ltieds of metla the pest Year. and although ore or Resent rains have been of untold tale, hut nothiug seemed to reach it two vounties in Wes'xin Ontario GUI. 'ealue to the province. Regatta front "74''druggist toll me to take • have a eeeious infestation and the j the various counties indicate chat farmer's. umentitting vigilanee will laviSile too lam to materially Improve Pastorea, the widespread rainfall hes improved fall wbeet wonderfelly and mittd fall lowing to pr F Ists perepu, ced. Live stock is generally ported in rev conditiop. and with , Over fifty satilies pack ages are sold each year. Acco. Finkties pp Dr. Woathmt no relawthotit tiW alumnae', LA If' Wood s The work of the county inspectors , pine ' during the oast two years and the ir — Ai !aspects have been sne.'dy E.Zi.;:igittefl. NorwayVW e increased co., oneration of farm). a , syrup 1 generally hew played a prominent ' 'Fresh frosts the gardens, grain actin° and feed high, :he whole , role in the deateup. Prof. Caesar is. milk oupply rihort Parts of. C and see if tied wouldn't help rue, so I now concentrating. on a machine that' • the province. Most of the applo amtook kerne a bottle, att0 from the first will cut the corn stalks. elose the ase- - . e • -- • . • s • root crop3 have been harreated. dose I could feel great relief', aria by ground and make "plowing under" ite an attractive leolting flags . The ..1. I-3 cops flour. 'kWh ehortening, the time I hail linishea it my tough an easy precess. Next year he hopes Ina Ontario Potatoes had completely' aapprared, Lia UOW 1 that this Theehlwa will find general witely one, that it would heedittieult sift dry ingredients. • bteara in. gown but,- "Ontraio potateee are otaging a ' always kep a hettle of 'lar. Wood's' 'used in the corn-grewing ar ea --` to have the white field looking clean tered meld from two itetbree hours. come -back," stittes J. A. Carroll. of . on band.' Farluers who desire to learn more and freoli and not bedrasseed. . - the Crops and Markets Brangh. Price, i5 ends it bottlerlarge family *bout 'Sze proper methods of cleaning Canada hos become a tome among "Ontario bas always fgood po. size GO seats, at all druggists or dealers. up their aids and of waging effect- tbe nations of the world, and aa ouch tutees:Ant owing to a faulty market. Fut up only by The T. Milburn, C0.4 ive War waited the borer shpuld oh. 0111Y objection night be the house- add onolasses, milk, egg well beaten. tato from their agricultural represen. ssIrliv4Va° pillaecre au° tit Vat! fy '11f121 ing system the bulk of the .erop bas 'tta.; Tomato, Ont. ' grad- tatty° one or other of the instruction reached the rrzarket improperly Pamphlets which have been iseued bY awe combination for Canade's flag ed. In strong' competition this meant est fletaity..-0, A. 21. Piro. Thet'e could be ao more sui a reduced price which the distress conditions of last year meant about si Ileiping -inc Newcoiner Before It Be! I TUE MELANCAOLY DAYS .Tack. 50 per. cent. below the top. Growere ilhere is a moral in this little story: I top foolgestion and are producing tubers whieb wbeu roman, a welah miner, landed in with less frequency. Scientists tell and our good friend, the sp,appears [than the Maple Leaf with the Union Prof. Caeear. are improving their cultural methods In the erring of 1929, William A. • The 'melancholy days have come, properly, ,graded cannot be beaten for quality. Canada with his wife and family of nine children. They, had no money Don't wait fax sourness, gas and us that the rays of the sun are a migration agent got in touch with ,t' t t ek great help in preventing disease. We know this to be the case, because Q.A.C. Live Stock Sale and no prospects of 'vork. Th© Arts the .gnawing, griping pains of Indi- gos ton o at a youbefore you see 1Th° recent annual sale of'purebred relief. Stop these things bolero. they The when Fall comes so do the enifilea. live stock at O. A. C. attracted manY The latter furnished them • with t; Mr. Mon Weir, a Norfolk farmer. start. Even the worst stomach suf- buyers frsm all pares of the province. tenant house, hired the head of the , ferers avoid indigestion by forming airily. cold and there fs more sickness gen- children are forever eatching , Many choice specimen of beef, dairy, on neig"- the safe and pieasant . practice of fest thatEavilte_getiens_na " is due to , till. ,. end fat cattle were readily sal and boring farms for four of the older .41tkotae_tritttits thswated_41agnenu.....„... family, and found positions tratteatood--_,-priceae-411--Ontstanosmooys andtwo-ef tile girls.S All have either- tablets or powder immediately The sun is. one. of the aources of • . Mg lot of swine, including York- atop every meal. This instantly , shires, Berkshires and Tamworths, neutralizes excess acid in the stem- yteitaaarniunpdaunsind so is cod-liver oil, In- ing i. mmar.derugioiamtla. U Inthecourseofup psrear 4., ach, prevents its further formation cough 'medicine after. thee have g your children with , d4Freici AIL rntreikwahnt, auk ' • was distributed. Tile top price in the own farm and with the assietancebrii5 ROUP caught cold, try giving them a few /eattle sale was $200 paid for a'abc" Ms boys he shoidd become a highly and really makes indigestion iinpoe- drops of cod.liver oil A.5 A preventive year-old coos Total receipts were succeeeful fernier. shows -the pos- a Bible. Food digeststnaturidly, lieultie. • sued them up, so that they 7s/59. This sale has become an !n- eibilitiea ef malting these newcomer:1 etitution with a truly educating in- into useful members of. tbe rur fully, just tie Nature intended, gg the body the full beim% ef its *lour.' .11cm-when they.once have it, Sounds . 1. catch cold, instead of trying to one ' - will not Aortae. By the distribution of tbese nimunities if soraeone will only un- is a wicked disease; high-class animals throughout the dertake to befriend them and instruct _ated_magnes4135111 4 s_usea":.'73,444;_sor- more sensible, doesn't it? 'notion - (Partridge, oy the Ontario attartment etelgricalture) province. clealrabie improvement in them eee.,..wayse_ee_elseedesreeess- - world over, by mans; thousand;itho; ptally the cod-liver oil will help sup- , iy minerals and sitamins for tee Ontario.bred live stock' will Ise ef. fected. Guelph. Winter Pair -,-December Stli to 12th. Ottawa, Winter Faire -December ISM to 0th. Royal Wir.:er Fair, Toronto—Nov. 2.0-28. • Ontario Ee3keeper& Association TonatitoseeNov. 26, slit and 284 , During the past year more than SA00 girls and women took advent - age or the oysteraatic instruction given by the 'Department in thlr7.7.- Anwing short toureesi "Food Values and VoolrerY.'"'Itorrie Nursing find rs.t.St Aid," "Sewing" and "Minns. are This training slutuld rove of great value to the home of the aver- age Ontario farmer. lt" prophet is said to 'be without .9zonor.iti his ,own country. -But after .• he has made good, it is a different matter. So it proved in the ease of Dr; George /. Christie, who returned froni the United States to assume the presidency of Outgrip Agricultur- al College and who recently was AC - corded an enthusiastic reception when he visited his tattoo village of Vim. chester. • As federal law requires that all potatoes in comnierce be graded; far - mere are instructed in standards and methods of grading. This will be a feature of an exhibit at the Royal, Show, being arranged by the Crops and Markets Branch co-operating with the Ontario Agricultural Col Ontario Rams For West The first'. consignment of Ontario Potato Gradinu former sufferers who now eat what 1growing bones. will 'help to make Y• WI WI* no more fear of hull - e ion, Druggists everywhere • sell Tarn to Durioi The Roots and Vegetables Act, as . and recommend Bisurated Magnesia, the body generally. It is almost as , presentatives during the past two dealing *with *Mg, distinctly pro. From reports of agricultural re- amended thisyear, in the Sectiofl be Vela e rem. The child under. three . •good for the growl -u s re for the and a good time to start its use would weeks,.it appears that there will be vides thit "every person, who by 7' - should' be pure to get it to prevent I, a decided falling off in the area of himself or throng the agency of an- OUR WEEKLY ....„.„, . Rickets. When they iteoirtise tod- fail •wbeat to be harvested next year. other persons offers for sale, sellS; ''''""‘" Is4"1.•-•I'lw liver oil as Bottled %nubble, they are In all probability, the land on which or has in his posses len Intended for ' • IN ENGLISH not far astray. Children do. not find it eves intended to sow fall wheat sale any vegetables for which grades , (By W. L. Gordon) it hard to take, especially if trio' New Regulations gD • sound teeth, will feed the nerves and ----- • , have started to take it wben they are 4 d in closed bar- Words Often Misused a few months old. You will and will be utilized for some other grain we iprovided by these regaletione mother t that is, barley. The increasing de- rels, closed crates or in bulk, shall Do not say, "Any one of .these that they will remind their mend for this grain for industrial mark the initials of his Christian boxes are suitable." Say, s suns to take yourself, try few grains of purposes in Ontario practically as- names and his full surname and ad- ' for which gthere is e steady demand , packedbaskets,bags, te give it to them. If you find it hard sures the grower of consieteritly good dress or in the case of a firm or cox- l)o norsay, ttf beg to state." Say, salt after, to cut the oily taste. • Da ws sure death if you don't stamp it out with • ROUP TABLETS , • Save the Flock Sold by all dealers Writs tetPratta Poultry, Book...Pram ' • Pitaxr FOOD CO.. of Canada. La.' -320 Carlmv Avow , Tom 8. Ont. disposition at good domestic' prices. poration, the firm or corporate name "I wish to state," f not take emulsions or miXtures but ONE PRESCRIPTION As a result of several years' special and address and the grade of the Do not say, "Conditions lied conni 'Polo cod-11vOr development.effert on the Pert of 0114 vegetables, also the weight in a plain to that point, etc.,' SaY, "to such a e 'r • g d oil MADE FAMILY DOCTOR tario growers and a Aldendid harvest and indelible =armor.- On haskete point.” , plan to put the bottle ef cod-liver available nod spring almost anlimit- or printed on bag; in barrels by. .3.1 God."Sea', "there is no God." though I c vful as it makes an abominable ed.supplies of aeed Wrier of the fin- inch letters; in crates by eXpressedthe present 1-2 inch What exists permanentlyteshould. be brown stain after it is vvashed. If it season Otis -Year; there -should he tag01WI the handle, in bags by tags Vinot say, "She Bahl there was no, °II too, as 4 lem 4der' bo FAMOUS pith Christmas juseround The corner *Ricamitrow is the time to order a ROGERS*BATTERYLESS RADIO' ectrookRambdiinaotoo 00e cow:cells Sfriptive at * risk sofpeti at *Also,* thit evomrefill lorotrowit gen tume awl* e-retwit6 at 0414 *fa *say :NA& bps streefipt *Om, se* axial slit jittatfortheir Mont TB the sales of Rogers Radio increasing on the, average 100% each year for the past four years—the demand for "the-oriened batteryless radio" every' holiday season is MC - SO if you are planning to say "Merry. Christmas" to your family with a Rogers—right now is the time to place your order. The iiew Rogers uses eight Gliaranted AIC Tubes. It is ruggedly built forlong troublaree ser- vice. it is completely shielded—minutely adjusted. The cabinets are of distinctive beauty and finish. Electrodynamic Speakers built into all console models. Automatic voltage regulator and phono. graph plug•inojack. GUARANTEED PERFORMANCE —proven for the past five years in thousands of Canadian homes—yours with a Rogers. COM* in my, choose the model you prefer, sod boreal us to do. liver it for Chrimmes. Coreimieet permeate, if dodged. O. JOHANN, Goderich, Ontario is looked atter at once t May be tak- • Avoid saying,appreciate your en out by applying earbon tetrachlor- by: nse. eery le es highly." ' 44Appreeiater ide frequently, and these thoroughly "highly" is superflous. anus Otle efresh. a a 1 t bil It i ana—to—fiteefff adequately washed in svarm -soatiy water. But him doing the work " S Do not say, "There is no use in good.pl n to give •it to a,baby when et, hi a in the bath, as you eannot stain its tt, .. " ...,* ay, . 8* birthday suit. • Auburn; pronounce mu -burn, au as Thanksgiving Day is approaching, in 4'haul," not aur -burn • . I . TANICSGIVING DINNER worsts Often raispronounceu Drone*: o as iri."no,0 .not as in 1 thsoatI,stillill gbeinsguitoto,bgleivfeors°TinheanrieeesigPievs-. "of." ••- n. route; pronounCe ang-mat, a as ing dinner. This time the last shall • • be firstso we will start with the in "411," u as in "tel, e," accent last d e• •• • . syllable. • "aer Fiancee; pronounce fe-ang.sa, ti as! ' Canned Pumpkin Poe In "ine,'! first as in "arm," second 1 tan purapein, 2 cups brown sugar . \ a as in "say," accent last syllakle, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 cups milk, 1 • Intrusive; s as in "so," not as z.of - tiihtanTiok'ab°$ in. NI," accent third 4134 - Philanthropic;• pronounce moue eggs. Mix ingredients in order also sreater benefit to mankind than that teaspoon ginger, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 Seldom has any single act been labia, Ps as -in "i," a as in en, Bake in hot. oven, then reduce of Dr. Caldwell in 1885, when he heat and bake till mister& sets. wrote the prescription which has 1 Carmel Squares carried his fame to the four corners Words Often, Misspelled yg cup butter, 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, of the earth. . . , is Fiery; not firey. Appropriate; not 1 -, "IV flour, 1 teaspoon baking Orperresacnrdiptoivoenr, aDsr.hCeaffdowuepldl witroettle, powder. Cream the buttey and stir- the plate. Hiekorys, ory. Madonna; two n's. Serge (woollen material); surge, or. Add beaten egg. Stir in sifted women and children suffering front (a large wave). Chestnut; two t's flour and baking po_arder. rut this those common symptoms of constipa. • M bottom ot pan and spread with fol. h''reath. headaches, gas, nausea, bilious - Syn Synonyms • such as coated tongue, bad Language, -diae-tie- -a; *lowing MiXtUre l 1 egg white beaten "°4, expression, :atm ee eup chopped walnuts, 1 cup nO energy, lack of appetite, and 1111Z5leet).11gpYa'bre,caeboumlaperYient. qualified, 6Brafe 1 1 in slow oven.Cusvgaunairleia*s. sniemssil'ar things. '' adequate. Demand for this prescription grew tion, vindication, shield, safeguard, i ulz rm. about way it relieved such symptoms of Defenee. excuse, apology, juetitica-'nge eeseerekmeiakneeeige Ws tolia'a so fast, because of the pleasant, quick .A.dherent. ally. follower, diacipla; supporter, partisan. • procure, obtain, achieve, realize. i Bauble, trinket. trumnerY. firma', teaspoon soda, 1„fi teaspoon lard, 1 'cup molasses, 3 tablespoons astellutdedr,inf tabiespoont 1 cup milk, well Syrup Pepsin, as it is called isal a sale, Y,-. ready for use. Today, Dr. Caldwell'; stv°enisititi)vaatsimliorced to have it put up Gain (verb). win, earn, acquire,' that by iSRS Dr. Cold - gewgaw, gimcrack, gaud, memento 1/4 teasix" autaleg, 1 Pakal"tea`ready teaspoon cloves, SO teaspoon 1 I at any drrgstore. 1 W ys -Word Study• • "tlse a word three times and, it is yours." Let us increase our vocabu- lary by mastering one word each ' day. \Sores for tilit! lesson: DEVIOUS; , winding or leading - away from a straight course. "There were devious and perilous wers." • ASSUME; to take for granted; Suppose. "Are you satiefied to as- sume that tine is true?" CALUMNY; defamation; slander. •la was cruel and botseball calumny." 1 . BEREPT; deprived; dispossessed ; robbed. "1 was like St MU bereft, of life."—Banyan. ECCLESIASTICAL; of or peitain. ing to the church. "Eeclesiastical tyranny is of all kinds the worst" - Bancroft. TURMOIL; worrying confusion or 1111 t rbanee- turbulent* ' "After • night day comes. and after turmoil 1 pest*: —.Edwin Arnold. • . , 1 HINTS F-'-'Z-R ii0nrCEBOMES - ,(By ilessie Allen Brown) = ...---.-. :the $30 $120 Per Week Class • RealJo4o, Top Pay, Advancement a mkt" Pew weekkimicticaltudnint•operated 0 ilailtilna „.,Mer•blit" Endorse/by Ungineers and Graduates a OnsiTst: hate undetGovernmetitChatteredCompao • wadts.1 Free Canadian Employment Service, 0 Draftier ,,sPatt,t6rY " Ltfethne Scholarship. Write at once• ri Oulidleg 14 "Waltaairint sad benefit by new income Plan while Estimating industrial learning. Action to.day insures suc- a show caul •Electricity cuss to -morrow. Decide Now, •Aft • Mark wisitXtlatreentieyeu at* iaterearad in and MOO& Napo* for Illastrmsd Booklet so • COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING SCHOOLS 19 Queen St. Va0RORTC1*-Rsost 100,357 St. Catherine Vi.„ MONTREAL There has been At recent revival of • interest in the question of as distinct. Caladiall flag. The members of The • Canadian Weekly Newspaper Asso- elation started it at their annual con- Ivention. An article itt MaeLeati's by Hugh Savage fanned the dame. I cannot, ace how any person can oblert to a Vallaldiltil deg. If it were, suggested to give up the Union Jack, that would be a very different ques- ties, for none of us would want to do • At the present time we are using ion land The Canadian Ensign which Is Canada's fiag for her Merao* Marine, and apparently it la not good forms to use a aroolles on land. 1.41t ada should have Iser flag which tells that she is part 'Of the ilrftish Em - pit*, but *leo show* which part of it she• is. was never any objection to our Canadian sold** riesignating width part of the Empire they claim- ed sat hetet", by the wee of the Maple Leaf feet as well as leer toddlers. 'Ilitt seggeofiert Imo bit** wads that - C.41.111141.4 OM Ant him the bMeIt Jae* with a grOOlk maple leaf on as Wane told. That satolsehtedly would -1141 II 1111. -1,11 • .• SUCINANAW11 Alownimal Gaderich stIgiritu Mills, Led Istimarre gladly ferolkheti for any iftb, itt any Grad* of Seamaa4Camt Oak Maple or Bloch v