HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-11-07, Page 2PAGE IWO tang to the taste. • Raver ittnise cup, more s what =akee Red Rode Tea ckage guaranteed. Oa THE CODERICH STAR, The se the hoar *Whitlow! by Patties in •tite Petavio Legislature • as the reit& Of last Week'a Progressives There is oue *deferred. confect in 'North Bruce. where election had re be poetponed due to the death on .tbe 18 00d tea ['ratlintiote, 66 • eve of the Outten of tho RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE heaths" oo ORLis EVENT sturinnew Nova Scotia Detests Prohibition Nova Sotto yeted last week ree two questions, one as to tontinuanee of the whibitory law, known so 010 NOVA Temperanee Act, the teller as to tbe wisdom of swinging into teen vdth the rest of the Domin- setting up a system for the govern - meat saht of liquors, and when the results were totalled, A atalarity of 28,000 had been given for government With 45 entail polls to hear from 014 Of a total of 1,127, the figures were r Voir the N.S.T.A., 61,02; ogainst 60,024, For government • control, 85,757 against, 41,150. • Seetitt Temperance Act 7 42) Are YOU favor of the sale of tikoholie liquors under a Govern- p mr.ort IN SOUTH HURON labor Triable ef 311 noon ill A tacks wo Medd,' Prftruldve, the L' elected member for South Huron in Wiwi the liver gets Put of miler it the Prorineial Legielature, secoroing " is IsccesA31 so piclitit, Tekume its vv.". to the e friend figurer, given out Tiles, .sykseT,gi, a 4) oa an g member for this ;Whig in the last of a cii*ordered liver may be wieldy The result a the ejection had been .4 relieved by aging int doubt since October 30, supporters of George Elliott claiming his elee. = [Oen by a entail majority. -Their con- ; I tuition was born out by unofficial re - I turns made to the returning officer, illiahurnts giro the Coneervativee (Wats, woe CHAS. BLACK Outfitters Fur Men Hand Tailoring Ready.to-Wear and Special Orders. QUeerAtlag [ that his scrutineere reported a small t: THE LAST THING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR 0 ment an ail -time record in majort- Miss Amy Gardiner, will be not les? than 4. eurpasetree nate elefally bad` bilious spite ney govermaeut, which was the pre. E;iver IN& end I got wonderful relief, were °Pened "`"Qted- tiC3. 'The Coriservetive neeierity In S., wrie,sr For years wee tniajority for him. The matter WaS ,0Ver the combined opoeition ft tees troublee with my !leer. end used to teettle4 Tueaday night when the ofil- THE SQUAW' Phone 219 GODERTCH , After 13 year* Ty„F.0. * very short, thee." The official result We% in doubt ow- -- ins, to the fact that the deputy re- No, 97 27 No. 5 Maftitoulin has *gain ioined l'riee, 25 emts a, visit at *II drug- turning officer for Seaforth hod omit- No, 7,, ...... 23 211 No. 6 98 74 went Control Act?" the Conservetive ranks, Anal Warns ed bun oneeof the two queetione pro., 10 over Thomas FarquIter, Farmer peunded, with the result that .,tiotheenember of the hot -Howie, 'were answered in the affirmative; the , Lord Irieht on India first, As to whether or not the present The British Government doires prohibitien act should be couthmed, that bdia, in the, fancies of Own, by minority of a,000; the second, as sbould take her Owe in the Empire [to whether or not a system of Gov- in mai p*rtnership with the Dien - eminent control was favored. bY Miens; but adjustment of relations majority of 43,000. between British India Mai the Indian In the 1920 plebiscite Prohibition naive. states in neeessary before Brl- won by an overwhelming marinity, tish policy in Judie is tollowed to its Baxters Denies Pitrlees complete fulfilment. No conferences have been held he- This is the gist of a long statement tweets the Provinees look- bY Lord Irwin, reeroy ot India, log toward e Merger of the three -pro. Made public a teW days age, vinees tinder a centralized govern- ing n visit to Enghend int Lord Irwin. ment, said Hon, J. B. St- Baeter,`Pre- The statement follows Publication of rater of New lirtinswick, last week, letters excluinged between Sir John political 'chiefs of New Brunswick, Minister Rameay rt Nova Scotia and, prinee tdward dieates the real mtentione of the Sri - land, published in t4001100 newspa- tish Government, following much on the possibility of granting Denten- ion etatus to India. "The great fluter; of Indian opin- ion, irrespective of all divisions of rece or religion, is rundamentally loyal to the Empire, only wanting to the Nticeroy'e statement. The Advantage of ‘I'snitr, Since iatity is a strong, rich fiour With gre, expending qualities, use tablespoon lees per nap if your cake recipe calls for ordinal/ pasty or sok wheat flour. milk is called fort use half nour end your cakes vill,stay moist longer. .7" Milk and half Inter (icke.warte) when. using Purity Semi .30c. for Parity Near Cook Book PieS 91111115 P.1;1:'ilt):attY Now Recipe roe [erro Ole Alois use 2 PCPs ,Purity• 14 feast)** salt. r4 tup geranium ;4 cep Cold° water. „ ikfitt flour anti salt, cutting in. Mt altnrtetung until, the nusture lihe tine meal. keeping it thomughty dry. For extra rich - Pastry use half butter and tali lard. western Canada lane -sees CO, Linlitei Toronto, Ont. 9ttit "'Eddie Cantor" Star of "Nhoopee" and other f anion s Broadway sue - equally faniona as a personality of the air world of entertain.. 1 mu ilea ere, or melee direct on ted to enclose sereturn with his bid- No e . a2 - 31 • No. 7....... ....... 22 42 ee p 0 priee .y Tlie T. )(Ohara lot box. He and lea clerlc were sum atoned to Clinton by rir. Pord when 431 431- No. 9- 8 • 89 this was' discovered and* they were Usborne Tide is Alt increase of 173 over the alde to give the cortect figures. Elliott, remit. ,. . 452i 1,52 similar month a year ago. The ler. It hi stated thet Mr. Elliott. the No. 1 na 52 Majority for litedd--97. - • gest number of homesteaders are Conservative nominee, will not decide No.41. 27 io The Oimadisen Government grants mitt"' ,T14° "etleiltIton , No. ....... 4 • • • • • RI 'There may be other corn removers,. -11, ACtueardileaannes,, and the next largest, ponentriunenstlohnnohiadapepolnyainnigtedfobristteorme: it, 4 07 70 farms of 100 *Acres etch in stiPuleted hue yeeravill noe be compleeely sak- e nett unte you have used tionowere **vas te settlers, tree of [charge, in onsideration of certain settlement and residential duties and the pay- ment of au entry fee of $10. e The 'new Labor Government o Austral* under 'the premiership e matter is to be reviewed with tito militartr authorities with a view to eatThedoietnintesy4saatem,re 'satisfactory and More Room for Civilians Speakers tor the Leber Govern- ment in the British House of Coin - mons hist week were [called upen by Tory members for an explatmtlon of proposed ehanges in. Armistiee Day ceremonies at the Cenotaph and oth- er war memorials. Right lion. 3. It ChmeS, iterriO:ISeeretaryi and Right Hon. Toro Shaw, bead of the War Office, both assured the Commons that no chenge in the eharacter the ceremony was contemplated, bat only a decrease in the number of mil- ry participating, The emote of this is to give the 9here. and to make more ream fet relativee of deceased soldiers, whose memories are to_ be honoted, instead tolfonfiplaling all available space with A Cosmopolitan College One of the tosreopolitan education- al institutions of the world is the Onterie Agricultural COnege at Guelph. Registration for the pres- -Mad, Rhodesia, Bermuda, Mexico; South Africa, Holland, Germane', Peru, Ukrainia, Japan, Norway, United St t . "The people of Canada Army rale mem the Canadian tariff being made urNisTER woe to serve Canediart interests. The Government is felly['preparedrin the' Han. Junto A. Robb, Minister of Fig- ance, who is confined to Ids meant alni'lls4teee-artiesailts-nfelha,Cfnar*:ie:leqininit°00xlitseiting4dtiitrtlietwitattos [1108theileu:::,edi:tli:rt.ihkedlkateS Itairglintt°4twtaCk structure which meet .afreet our mar - Elliott St. George's Ward.. 130 St. Andrew's Ward.. 127 582 19 f Advance Poll.. 93 262 439 133 Majority for Medd-177. _. Stephen 420 Elliott 11Iedil Trouble Signs For Tnose Past 40 113 allif Majority for Elliott -173. - Elliott Medd 004 , Majority for Elliott -246. Seaforth - Medd genuine enseryief bladder Meekness, oxen orings [. uneointorts of old ege" 253 The embarrassing annoyanee and to those- who really -ought to he -in the very prime m the. 'Countless thousands, perhaps seven out of ten, of links near middle lite, are • pitiful victims of Headaches, Nervousness, Pains in back and down througb groins, frequent but ecanty and painful urination-Geteing•up- .. ordinarily' a simple matter ta relieve Darer Aspirin is like ail old friend, 'While eertous„ if neglected -it is Medd these troubles by the -pleasant *nee • n A i • ' I t d '' GO which have been victorious in thaw - 37 No matter hew serieue or of how ,,,, eit ands ot VMS after other treatments ways. ee relied on for an occasiona antidote for palm Its relief may eal- 02 have failed. , 50 long standing eour condition may be, ' - e' 1 headache, to head -off a eold, or for ore serious pain from neuralgia nett - e6 - uniaAns witilont. !lel; -of- cost -tor bears 4he -word-. "genuine'e in ...re.d, and - - - , 0 YOU cao quickly prove the value oe rids and rheumatism. Bayer .4 epit rt — any good druggist will supply you fon you quick and certain comfort, you the ante Beyer, on the box, $0 an absolute guarantee of satisfaction . or money back, If URATABS brine^ mead willeba-groatle tf,..4. If they de 00 'not fully sotisfY, their use will lost .e3 Yen tothing. Trir . MaJority for Elliott -430, ,• Stanley Majority foe Elliott -18e. Kellett • Corn Remover. _ Maybe those wbo. don't believe in cburch lotteries were married he e Matk of Aspirin A tiro utTs4. poll [nomEsitsAiDs , other eauntre, 'does trot want to teade . The rush,. for Caeadian.free home- I. tern„. stead lands. continues, ,rteeeoirding to never'liefore to the restr:iii the iid , the September eePerti rose eeSued 'et arid partieularly to the met of the rTitlisehseThnstroPridres:"spoken. by Rt, 110;11. British. Celturibia during that monte. in the course Of the Orat aneech of his present westeek tour, are inter - TOX E St) LIFE-ILIHRE A uatiotee problems were not tole - ed by rear or rhetoric, the Prime i Minister declared in dealing with the [I new tarie bill tete before the United I. States Congress, „rind the proposal ;Parliament in session that it might lie in Position to hit back irnmettire- tely if the United States put on a tariff which ,would seriously injure Canadian Applee 'Again Winners . At the Impeilal Fruit Show held at Birmingham, England, Canadian ex- hibitors carried oif a big share of the most coveted awards. At the close of the show it was found that •Can-, Ada bad ton awarded 13 first prizes for apples, one first for pears tied flour seconds for apples. Eight first , and three eccond prizo tor *plea wenn to Nova ,Sc,otia and• five !irate . and one [second 'were W0111 by Britiele Columbia. The first for pears. went !repro. :arum ter orte year rind fine of $100,000, the identtcal amount of the bribe whieh he was found guilty of acceptIrc, was the sen. tome meted out to Albert O. Fall, Scerctary of the Interior in reesitierit Herding e Cabinet. "the sentence le being, nprealed Wank] Visit. Great Daminientr Teti SORT HIM FACE TO FACE TWO KNOW HIM IST . VOICE This great artist is more than a voice when, you hear him over the New Kolsyr Radio. ile becomes a living, pulsing personality— vividly present throne!' the magic of a life. like tonal quality winch is today drawirtg thousands to the New Kolster Ita110. quality is tl,e Yegnit of 21 years of research tion of a fine radio. Your nearest dealer will demonstrate gladly. Quieker, Easier Tuning - With the Selector Tuner turn the thal till it stops autontaticallys perfectly tuned to vour pre=seketed station. tweet canals° be toned independently of the &lector Timm karst ilett Majority for Medd-161. • Ellioet. Medd riejority for Medd-52; • Hensel' Elliott Medd ' 151 19e Majority for Medd-48, Now 1' 69 20 ." Turkersmith Elliott 38 Medd 78 84 10.1 63 :17;renNetwChainntia 649 ATS • Marked "Chicaaware" 275 .527 Majority for Medd-252. Hay Elliott Medd milk/ Having' sounded a^yt tl)c ilanited )Mates. ; Un ' naval disarmament and cstnblisirnd doze ointoet with Can4 ado, .')mater Ramsay Iciereidonald ram desirru to 'v{sit Eoutl) .Atr°ica, Australia and 'New i;O.aland. •'! he t3.°en�iei•, �:.Izei ar)ri%;ed in l;n;Tlaral last 1.voek otter t ti American trip, look - int; relrd and tc,7Ii; believes be ebould round coot his visits to the Clrrwt Iloratiiniesns. ;, 'repar nr for World Gain Exhibition 'Official invitations are being i;ent ,by the Canadian flavernment to many countries to attend the Werld'a Grain Exhiin:t[rst and Conference, to be betel in IZep;ina in august, 1032. '1"Irr exhibition premises ter be the lamest of it : 'kind ever held. Aleut InJ.00P is t;e offered in 'Drize I; zroner. try ize3 run as high as S:.!;<ilO. and the.' are frail) twenty<[ix to. fifty. prizes to zt ctaaa. More '''rembines" tieing Used In the three panni Eas,vin e3 of t'*nad rtb tut 4,00k7 ha) v� :st- airr'rrne inneltineA were wed thk ?;ears daring, the u..heat harce,.t, 1 The Selector Time: TheNewle'ebterisaten. There En two 0214 lir* lets tate Made fit Canada by 'mono (Assns. KOLSTER RADII "MORE THAN EVER A FINE SET" ,Coughs, Colds, awoneblal Troubles 11 the idsal ipend itOv ma/ not komte get there -rArds. The Santa Ft offers you the only extra fast, extra fine, extra fare aerviee to Southern California• -.It has no rival,. Six dater Californi* trains to choose franit-m* The irkiel...extra fare beteure extra fast and SON The tifinlitsilscinsively first hass—no [MU* fare. The Velma drevegamentositrol.-exelasteety aret Am. No extra fare. /tune direct to Les hawk* tarrylos PORMIUM for Phoenix mei Grand Coven ros well as Los Ansrirs. The Norstios The Irma itesitharaforsam Trod Harvey SUAIng atetelee is smother dim, thaetlint feature at Me distinctive lace , CASTO R IA Por and Cbitdreit Use For OVer 30Yeare Wholesak Distributors-- BENNEI ELLIOTT,, Ltd ca, sake is tht certsion isedicinei filmes are itiVt" eft winch renter iiiree! !work an reps *meths mot edtetp the throw? etrae the Ste* tbost better 11110111 marmot/ow froorip flak itiv, NO. ape 76.eeett.maek rad 4,4f,u;IsuAgs or* Zia.)