The Goderich Star, 1929-10-31, Page 7THURSDAY, OCT. Era 1I$$
Tor quick
Klok'up awl
andorniim$ Vial
!the report of the wont of the Chime ` tel �C •s ' in her geography chime
aetroots aauidoen for the post. yoer. Uwe sifted. Armstrong per heeled
teapot the .r,erturtrwt coetuttotia teatW,i' aid paper on The New knglieh HU-
suitilreeatt mceit*nt ist
m of ,iaa !R
tory. &tore diecuselag Ow new
gree., sang, *neve eti moth in VW k' �� text she palat�t' out wow et the t«a
a,tateiaernt tor which all woo are rn- 11111111trona for the teething of /eater in
tereste°d sin the splendid worse besot 1 theSor fourth, the . urea= sea which
the net text is need. (1) To teach
the debt we owe to our forebears for
the social, iwlitical and ether condi-
tions in which we live. (2) To
arouse an intelligent, patriotic. .n, I
tei•eit in our own country Anil eat-
!lire. .f3) To build up a taste for
history for the pleasure it will give
in later life.
She thought the new history an
improvement on the old because of
its interesting content and sitnitli'
fled language. Pupils want to read,
it. The increased number of inter-
esting pictures anal its conciseness
add to its value as a teat. Intrleate
social conditions. wars and treaties
are avoided,to be taught at a later
Period when the minds of the child•
ren are more fully developed. She
then illustrated the use of pictures
in the teaching of a history lesson on
<'The Aneient Britons:"
Miss Ryerson of the Stratford
Normal' :School, gave at paper on
"Teaching health." To make the
moat of our lives our spirits must
be served by healthy physical bodies.
Human life, once so cheap, 'today hes
enormous actual and potential value..
Today* prevention of disease, rather
than corrective meIistire, oceupiert
the centre of. the stage. Adult life
as well as child life requires to be
conserved. Tracing the History of
health movements from estrly days
up to the present she `showed how
governments, .federal, prorineiat and
municipal, are carrying on a greet
health • erusade through health nur-
sea school nurser, child clinics aided
by educational warp through. tteinn-
clone 4y the erg:rnlaat:an Can thane
;sett and take courage. "dib* tetra
number of intestionerie,1 an me melee
hat at the ewe of last year was 1,167.
`itne report clews Kitts the teilovong
The ending of the period of evacu-
ation, the zeopening ort the door of
opportunity, aro happenings which
can not only tor thenesgivang, bU
for solemn heart-searching. "Be-
hold! I have set before thee an open
door." "Behold! I stand at the door
and knockn' here is the terrible
contrast -the open door of opportun-
ity and the shut door of the heart.
God grant that we may be willing in
this day of His power':
The greatest prerequisite of sue -
cess in the offensive which is now _
being undertaken is that there
should be,from the first, unity of
cooks 1* 2% t 1N trRiaicommand. The lesson which was ou-
irii�tiMtMittttMeialiptttlMtMMulMatq on-
ly learned in the (reat War otter
RI eeitteee ► teeeetRiCrlliomemieserante years of bitter failure must belearn-
ed now: If the Chinese Church, the
neon • missionaries, and the great army of
�: auppQrters in all the home countriep, kaeYist tiro etoateietii, llwr slid batrala
esti a d Afternoon an whose prayers wa ao conildently #sand upg is prwt' tiaaeatit to ali.,r that
•' rely, recognize that in all things it will aleenotte take tatter of the bead.
93y !WEL HAMILTON, 000erntch f
H.adaeh.e sew* to be tabloid! aie t
DOM ; some erre seldom, if ever',
free from tywar. suferiryl eoutiausl};v
front Ow dolt tlirsbbiegs, tee iatesee
;pains; semetisses is ons tart, soatetheee
is soother, sad area ore the *hole
'Them re fie only stn ear to get relief
from time prraluteat kqs*laehee, sell
that is by gulag dueler to the treat of
the trouble, for mime tip cause is
mewed the 1lcod*eh s will still ICOR*
Daus to west, sad ills unlet first
ii Christ count have the Menge,
fMIalIiteNaum melees ssensteleite+•ggtiot phe t inn a., Keen. .'rottlsalee 1 I hi
a +r « • that Ile trust reign," we may xpect
NlwatwrtlaluU�eltttrrat>WtlllraMRg#rMMI' to hear goad tidings of the, tr 1tha ' �`„q�, wrsttw.•-«+"S'srr tr peeled lE 1t1u3
of His Bross from end to end of Was troubled with k sid*ekss esd, tksy
.God is working Ilia .purpose 'outs, session of His awn house, it could China. tom :to badkept tie snake air
not be but that some *rest chs nges see p H' eaglet. X ear aeli.atid by* *Mod, Liner
,the year succreede tell year 1
nes want to s. Thee triumphing
God itf working fila purpose out, would take place in its economy and The whole world o'er" i liming used „,asy difsr at Med* of
And the tithe is drawing near— its condition. And such there 'were. The hounder of Thy don n]on nmilleise to try Burdo lz Bleed Ditties.
Nearer and wearer draws the time— When our Lord was ascending,. He Extending more and more, ,A r � .te bottled f *nut eam-
The time that shall surely be, said, "All power is given unto see in Till all men know Thee, pletely" relieved, }a, and realrtttaeard it
When. the earth shall be. fitted heaven and in earth: We believe in And Thy gleret seeeg to be a purred medieiaa,"" •
With the Riney -net -Gee. ' slis-power-ln-heaven;- tut, e,erstiere-ta--..B , -ivl; le- I wait TIi se's, 'ataga�:►"e� etr4Cl Ircrlt liths h
}" I+ut--+;p-aa�'x=-��IptA Ott., . er ra>tdemtt:I- tt .s'hlltl_: A�_gtLtLtitT_i._T
----,.-A--°tho•-waters-ov "tits"se a;-;-,.>--.,.-;syt, usual-.,heathenteeto--1prudge: tri mph --..T --- :..... ;.__.T,tel,,..T.o t4irOto,•,.•..-.--;,t-•--.•-.�..... x. ,. ,� •attd-dulteelurell►ouTd be sure ihateleil
A. C. Ainger. Aim His power upon earth, Ile is the .iiit robin Thou in me l P- t;dacati011, "situ: as'#(, shoubct tier 'With h is not defective
Your Kids Need Sugar
11 ivaplles body fuel for the
warty that keen them dOltlit and
*row(n !. No trawl to stuff or let
tat end Ism
Use WRIGLEY'S chewing sweets
for sugar and flavor. and so bow
ruddily the boys and curls resso id.
ft's the newt fs�crience of he�-
buildins. Tr, WRLGlrf:Y' yourself
end star thin«
preventive of eye trouble. In core1
restive work the wall. sltart test 1
functions only to a degree and is ,
not always successful, more expert
examination is possible"..end before a ;'
h h 1 1sight
• 1 \ \4; •i '`
1 1 r1, 1 �', 1 1` + 11
1 [ 1I 11.SI(3N
the p ystca as we ave with the mon- iss .Everson of Stratiotd, spoke
,•.. who Proven s . ma...., e e y d, Past methods. r.
for it does not. at all follow, na a tea. it is neiesea ry, 1` ••zuoa . e to have t on "Phases Economics Possible in
ldpett our oyes, O God, that wq may .a monarch is withdrawn from Ow Since asthma existed there itael been been born ae Soret sato between•18'4O of physical education ant, hygltlnce ori Raral ;dcliaol Educatfion,' House.
Tliy hand working; "to prosper that tlaerefare.•,r>I a • ki. dont ' i he no-lac°k of much: heralded.•Temeaies. uninttresting,and. wastefw. To sue•• Ap �
incrcabe..f lle , luraththe Pring .all that • ng, and our own time. hold Science means more than rood un
ce but the vo roved chart 1#ved and th (theicessfolly team health the teacher give
t>'itinkiind'' the reign' of the Prince • tie
Pewee." Amen,
PRAYER -• invisible king... of. a• visible kins. r th R tta d 'tai *she t^onder{ntte
lobo to ba' a fact, Y p. ••{Vh we. lough at em and clothing. It is meant to r~ 4e
Isaiah in these words ` prophesied worthless: The ever growing .repot books) toda is not easy to; explain. ,trust believe and practise' health useful information, not so much to
� r y TRAIN SERVICE t0 ��l�nl
the perfecting of nations into :a real tation ofi z„r. Iz, Kelloggs Asthma . but no doubt one of the things laws, Cleanliness of schools. proper develop skill. in cooking or sawing,
9. S LESSON FOR NO".. leth. 1929 family of nations.whieh shall own Remedy' as given it a place in the that has bellied '«o make you so pop• _deans, t3ood ventilation, and facilities as to ive a sane tittitude towards -f• SUNDAY
Lesson Topic --World Pace Through God as theft F'athezr, and Christ as field of medicine which no. anter eau for _ cleanliness moat be ,providrrl, g fl'111.k l.'''i 'Hal'7 ^'
wee is your talent for making life -
Mutaal Understanding their . elder brother. approach. It has never been pushed co as frivolous that to dip' into Common a lata ie and defective teeth, 'eerne
rur feint homalr clothing
.solei Lve. Gaderich (1,20 ti.m. ':. pate
Lesson Passage-fsaisth 212.4; Acts Acts 1.7e22.28, by sensational methods, but has sine- ewe
pages is to take a perfect halm tonsils and adenoldr 4hauld be detect- these ma be viewed from three sell-. ”" Clinton O.d�i tem, O,IrO mea
77:22.28; John 4;20, 21.., Paul in addressing the Athenians my gone tin efl.'ecting relief and mak your
roseriousness. There arc ed by the alert teacher. orate standpainta: viz: health, emit. ," Beefed)) 0.59 atm. 3.0� p•t*-,;
t�olitllel>« 'Text,�.Isaiall 11;9, assembled . at Mars' Hill to hear him ing new converts. plenty of facetious writers, but you Mum Everson then ' outlined a omy and art. A- good course of " Mitchell 7,21 a:nt: 0.11.2 p.iat-
Isaialt 2;2.4, of this new doctrine whereof thou afro not facetious. Your characters eatirse in Hygiene throughout the i
• s skeet " proclaimed the amt of `""e -` '�" i jokes; a !I the use of study in a rur! settee! require i t asst+- Ayr, Stratford 7,45 a.m. 4:.03 feta. •
The old , prophet was anticipating pe , pr l reed Y do not deliberately make jo ; th y grades recommendin frit cltnsideratfion on die pant of the " Kitchener 8.40 a ux. f►""O D
the .Gospel or Christian age oi the the human race; the continued inter- + are for the, most part as solemn .ab health songs. stories, gamest dramas, teacher. A health °-lesson may 11e a " Guelph .1.04 tent. C1.t5O pee
world, and was pointing out what eat of the rDiety in them, "determine : //�11 projects and group interest to add
p g �� Lovers' Corner sextons. It is the very stuff of their i i t t and e 4 ' 7 G:s
hum While) tl, , ' ]lyes dials is frivolous. and they owe e n ores effectiveness o drawing lesson sins is one of l.eturnint» :heave Toronto , Line
( y h I e) the teaching,
the standpoints from artwhich home 1$.G:r p.m. and O,f)G p,►tt.
"A Goal Book sir lira ilea .CsrnFreieN ' with which the Mr: Anderton, and Sea sol• of Mu- 1 m may bcrvrd. • The etre. Porter Cat.: Car Csnderich to Tore
ordinary seriousness h y
site in - Clinton Seaforth public Problems i y
play their Inane parte. Bettie Woo -n *rnrntian and servlet„ of a Reit lunch 'unto an morning train, and Toronto
schools, then settee ecce the subiect at noon gives an incentive, for ere- to Goderich on G.05 pati, train. No
of music in schools, Ifs deplored the pawing .certain dishes, teaching tabic- *barge of ears between Goderieli and
lack of. serious attention to the sub• manners: ant` improving seller} Toianta.
jeer in Ontario .as compared with the. roams. The. teachers' attitudes is. 3. A. LAtVUENcE,
attention given in the schools of the perhaps the greatest elrn\vhack to
British. Isles and on the Continent 01 „„•w„ode tr, the areas of hewn Teen , sawn i'assenftet anoi
liber• l Mine'► Ticket Aetettr•
household science lesson. so may ai ” Toronto 10.25 aerie 7.30 paw
aught to be its condition always, . ing the times before appointed; and
what, some day will be aetualiy'its -the bounds of their habitation;” and: half their comic .quality to the cittre.
condition. more than that he announced God •ta.
Whet Christ Came and tools' pos be the Father of men. • "We are also
• Itis o (spring " titer. is as.' grave as Jeeves when it
Paul proceeded to .declare unto comes to the discussion . of the color,
them that because He was the Fath- of a pair of socks. Socrates was a
er of their spirits, the making of the jester compared to either of them.
Godhead like unto gold, or silver or admirers. You have invented for us a world in
stone was degrading and abominable. Yr y which a man disturbed by the pro-
His whole desire Was to convince E th, h' blem cif the origin and end of life.
them that God loved the whale world y or a man crossed in love has less',
and bad sent His Son to take upon sense of the awful aide of things.
Him the nature of the dweller in than a man who has gone out wear -
Athens, as •much as of the dwelleir M 1 b ing his spats on the wrong feet.
itt Jerusalem. ••
Jahn .4:20«21. ehtpected .o. enthuse over R+ontiie And you have also: a prolifiift
Christ 'lived in anot}ter rei;ien for the invention of ludrrierous �inci-
- _ than that of reliitious' ;quarrel, -It dent.. . h Your books from Love
wits•-a-burningequestion--as`.to h = Among 'the Chickens' to `Suiitnier
er Samaria or • Jerusalem` was the hyperboles.
a !r�L a,,./. ..J.,l1
place where men ought to worship„ hyperboles.... slut again, I carafes re
The woman at the well took the .op-
portunity to .learn from the lips of so funny as you continue to make
one whom she perceived to be a pro- them, Character, incident, dialogue
a e �j . , r tt�+ ;tint: description play into each oth-
e`'? .' L►het, the truth. p i
*t s -• �"= � •° er s hands in your - stories n such `ai
11c '' t • - '_' lie. ieveaTed to her the tcieid ;e . gr
- `'t i� '"� Christian worship when he 'laid to' , way that live, while we read. you,,
in au Utopia of farce, where love it -
r.. fret that the time•was near at hand M self is a part of the general topsy-
...-- ,,/r �' when heaven and earth spiritually rur do result,
j would become • one; "when the true ft h d i th H have made And,orpeople laugh more
worshippeirs shell worship, the Fath prize pig a
er in: spirit and in truth.' ` often than any other living writer:
If every laugh you have caused
� WORLD MISSIONS u neer s and dto a counts as a good deed, you must
China's Millions for July contains.stand high in the books of the Ire-
cording Angel.Itwould,I .t 'n
g ,
Summer Lighting
Pe G. Wodehouse has again writ-
ten a book thatwill delight his many
"Hugo Carmod secretar , to Lord
niswor lovedis • employer's
niece Millicent, but he was also ver
good friends with Sue Brown of the
Regal Theatre—an attachment which
illicent, perhaps, could hardly, e
Fish, nephew of Lord Emsworth : alt
Aq loved.. Sue, but was moat suspi-
cions of her rosily admirers 'and en-
ertainece feeling of terocitY 'to -
weeds the man Pilbeant, . Y1 o was
pestering her with flowers. When
Millicent and Ronnie found: out that
Hugo and Sue were having dinner
"on the quiet"therewas a e
storm in a teacupbrewing, and when
Ronnie, : descending in wrath upon
Mario's, found not Hugo,but the
execrable Pilbream, . summer light-
n pl Wes 'stolen,ow
bow Sr•Gregory. Parsloe•—Persloe
was .accused of the crime, 'how Mr.,
Baxter fell out of windows v a v
Lord Emsworth to the verge of des-
peration,. and how the leveret quar-
rels were finally cleared up, is all.
told in Mr.. Wodehouse's inimitable
brae Miloand ��r
Hack Stables,
IVlontr ea7 Strut
Just off the Square
''Baaetaa Meet all Trains Mid
('aeaenger Boats
'1Piaaengerecalled tor In any
Wirt of.,the. town for all
trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R,
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance,.
ry .
Our Livery ins flack Service
will be totted appto-:tate
10 'VOMIT' respect,
we leer
Your Patronage: Solicited
? Meares'
tl 1
t1 M
o.;These 1d. Creaky
t r
^• ` ' la gl}rh t"tl "S miner 'Lig1iE
Stiff 'Joints Limber d i b EAST HURON
� ...
manner." •
This book is published in the 'Unit-
ed States under d r thei
n title of
Preferred," but in Canadat '
n is title ofu
nine, an s putout y
be a modest calculation to .estimate
that you have already made several•
Million people laugh several thous-
anc's each. And you are not vet fif-
Bi - ht -� With
Right � Up
a ease
J �n�
Balance your partner -•-dawn' the
center—Gosh; but dont it feel good
to have those old joints working as
smooth and easy as those of the
champion hurler; at the Fair 1
Funny. too; Paw Joint -Ease soaks,
right in and in two • minutes hoes
clear thru skin and flesh way down
to the ligaments and bone.
It surely does oil 'em up; takes out
all the stiffness, lameness, kinks,
creaks, soreness and swelling in next
to no :time, and makes yon lett like a
young buck again.
for bad, stiff acting
i t ase is
o n 'E
> le
whether in foot, ;anklet. knee~,
hip, eerie shoulder, elbow, fingers or
spine and for that purpose is the
fastest selling remedy ' in Canada.
Made right here—a :tube for GO cents
t Ter-• nd remember
• u so a
t anydr
a �
when Joint -Ease gets in joint agony
' gets out -quack 1
Enjoy a Restful Night on Lake Erie
an your trip East or 'est, or to and from Canada
Wilms traveling�**�by train or auto, enjoq stn all night's tide
W on beautiful Lake hitt. C&B Line Secareas are magnificent
dotting hotels, with large comfortable etateroome, excellent dining •
tooen setvke and cotuteous attendants. Music and Iianciag on the '
great ship ""SEnAN'DiIEB".
Ainoita, taro a die eadtLee wsy. Avoid meet andtaalias of carece:ed rau1c av
r,- - - Buffalo and Cleveland Divisiaf,
New C ltci3 co e� m'every eTe new tet se Oslo Dia..
Triangle Tour pt. Stanley, Can., and Cleveland Division
loge eithetneeralete 9itate mice, iceone'reascaslt€y.+i:QaNee srcivien
dt� Ei Cit
- y a
r . G., t3'lji 67r u G
11 .: atGlc�C• d : a ra . 9
Poi 5.aaf y!' rGIELcIriY , 9 S ft
• woe, Cnaoccunnsatrerstiadroseee7:aF:or,ta',La:.:•3.y
rv'sloa.• d r,c c.
nt1 arts rj l .teas ...
Vika as or as. Toe $l�r3cit. & )i[tt9@ ECttrA
tictersscuear el 111_,1 NE\ LOW VA1t1:S
on this mes.d, •Q.etfcd! ti4,4emroaai� Pest atO T AnaoCseetc:l
weekesitaar, $5.5Ord. ttip • CLINIZl:lf) $6,5tecattup
�a'dlts Ott Qeriat ; sten ena,?ny 1`11. c,xAtfl• rest rr, C tSc.1
$scor3 w:p tocf.i:vA.,".'scvt.^ C5.,occ:lu,^..
CC.b'7flAND zt_ND 0/31 At(J x'i stele T •Centel 'A I?
1�eaC5 'ICy0ia9lcla Z,'r`e ,tete et
p17Till-iGliiul, tap/ 1 .._�ipi�a
jilrPg l�ra�'tli11; IJ1�
and 3t r
Stewart, publishers. ub hers. r
r P
Toronto. • ' •
C� k�
In .writing of Mr. Wodehouse. Rob.
ert Lynd in John *'London's Weekly. Summary sof The Papers ]lead at
in the series of "Letters to Living East Huron Conventinn
Authors," addresses him as follows :
"You u are the greatest living,
g'i i Fallowing the brief referenee made
er of school stories. I have often in- in our last issue to the East Huron
tended to read , these stories but, Teachers' - Convention, we now pre -
whenever T go to the shelf that con- sent the following -summary of the
tains your, works 1 somehow find various papers read before the con -
myself taking out instead "The hi- vention :
*ratable Jeeves,"or spine old favor- Mr, E. It: Crawford in Itis pres}-
ite; and I doubt if I should ever read •dentia! - address chose the subject,
the school stories till "The tnimit- "Teaching—a Trust,il He wondered
able Jeeves begins to fall to pieces. if teachers of Ontario are .always
"In 'Jeeves' I think you have writ- cognizant of the importance of the
ten • one of • the supremely funnv truat reposed in them, and cited ex-
'woke in the English language. Itenviesthat had tome under his own
is. of course, ditictilt to compare You •observatioif 'wherein teachers had
with the masters of fun in the past, apparently -. forgotten. if they had
because .eau e
s funse]d'
om taste except in ever known, the high character of
ie comae
n of pathos
por tragedy. e .
Y their calling.Teaching,
s id
he a
p a s and Dfeken s . jokes never degrades but always dignifies
continue to amuse es from one gen- those who are engaged in it. The
eratian: to anothei, because Shalce- work is difficult, requiring wisdom,
spears and Dickens were 'serious' tact and above all patience. The
authors. teneher must, to be sueeessful, be an
"Mot that I wish to prophesy for active aggressive, intelligent com-
you i
an immortality mm rt lit t • 'i
that twill make
pound of love,zeal, wisdom,
a virtue
translation of your books a and above all justic.y..:,cholarsliip,
task for schoolboys in Patagonia though a necessity must, for success,
centuries ratan the English language be reinforced by that eubtte power
has perished from the lips of men: we call .iA"oree of Character. A tea -
I ate sure that, if English ever be- cher reproduces herself in tier pup -
comes a dead language it will be ort- Ile, they being hero-warshippere and,
le grey -bearded scholars who will be mimics, and in her Tarr nutny more
able to elucidate the meaning of hours per week than they are in dir-
eome of your titles, such as "The cel touch with then' parents. The
' Clicking of Cuthbert' and 'The heart responsibility' for buileing character
of a Goof.” and to explain to Path- rests heavily on the teacher, and is greater strength to combat the cede
gonion classrooms exactly what the most important part sof her '•of defective sight than the young„
April Bassington meant when, on work' hence the imnortanee of close elite-
leaving Ilertie Wooster shes said, Teaching is an art; the teacher is tine t the y 1 t,
'Toodie-ooh' and what Bettie Woos- the artist, the school and Wcbool yard
ter meant when he replied. Tipple!' her studio,- her material, childhood,
with equal gravity. In order to op- and the resulting picture is a human
predate the beauty of this dialogue, soul,
' _- , ..., Teachers are often ntisunderstooc:,
` and uneppre ektted, but the teaeber
e.. who undertakes; the task of etiarne-
S , to banding asoinuee a greet res 1on-
r.urope, unit expresses his pleasure ,
at our Education Department's pres.
amfrs. government grants are lr
eat efforts to remedy those condi- al, especially if the teinher taker ac
tions. He stated that the three ventarn of the. slimmer -course's in
most important reasons for the ht- this subject.
struction� of children in music and wee fl' "lntonr of Auburn. spoke
singing :are. (1) for health: "Largely en fifth class art divieing the year
for this reason sin ilia is a compel-. into fall: winter and Bering; seasons
she would choose eabjeets for art
sory subject in ,eery Board School i to he season; in fall vines
au table t
in Pn"•1•and (2'F_ d .t1ie Art t "*� n"' ., ,�.i*ntids; leave:; fN}it,- il,•wers•
is so so important- or so used in after winter,. calor cltnrty .for shoitening
life. (3) For the brain -training
of circles,. letterina; in sprinlr, lister
the theory and »ractise gives. 'In the and flowers in neutral •shrilly'; and in
sixteenth century music was placed solar. In Waive. :ttvdv she este
second only to arIthrnetie as a math- clippinga:no'tedit'• tl'e ionto in art
erratical °subject: Sinking' hilly be clipping books, collection or nettle'
taught fn three ways, all good. so far niece:' in. tee, . collections of c•nloi'„d
as. they go. viz: - (1) Note singnigt drawlers Pictures and small eou-
which at least develops the voice, les of thein teeth what is beautiful le -
trains in musical appreciation, and in a picture Wert how the attipt bee
some extent time, pitch and rhythm. brought out this beauty. She cur•.
(2) The stair system. (13) The rouse Bested the summer courses in art -an
Soffa system afterwards applied . to an .enjoyabha as well as. .instructive
the staff. Both these systems are and profitable way of 'nendinf;.+ioi•`
satisfactory, but, with children,• of (neet summer vaention.
tetprogress can be mads
a s,
Dr. Field was the final meeker .c n
the thirdr. Anc:erton traced, the the program: He *pelta of 111' •t••n.
development . of the system, and with
a class of small boys and'girls brief- in the ins Trios e and ► ht reel
ly demonstrated his method with
emphasis an time, vocalizing, breath-
ing. application of solfa An stair"Ito-
ar ss was listened to
Cation. His - address, i
' fi byall re, -
interest •and benefit
e at st ff
.Miss Mel -tan of the S of r h ;x ,
next addressed the convention on
leReading with Children.” . Readers
must be trained in childhood, and.
people are not buying books as they,
once were,• owing perhaps to higher
costs, lending libraries, -public lib-
raries, moving pictures, etc. - She
advocated the use of the story:hour
for enjoyment, enlargement of voca-
bulary,.and .for morals; the mora.
should on:no account be paraded as
part of the story, as children are
quite as capable of seeing:the moral
as anyone else. She..illued:ratet with
the story of Betty Wait a Minute.
She advocated the giving of books to
children, rather than toys, and, re-
commended the Beatrice - Potter
books And Burgess Books as suitable.
This interesting chstus.ign avast
e . htful conclusion
to a d 11 n
when Miss McLean told the story of
Pussy Willow. H4i class of the 7tiii-
dergarten could not have been inure
attentive : than her auelence of tea-
Mr. Savauge, optician of eteafortlt,
,, .
fl, c.
briefly on Im )nt'tancc o
spoke brit
y I.
lasts for Children," using a model
of the eye he explained the function:;
of the more. general detects, and
shelved how much nerve energy de-
veloped through sleep and rest, could
be wasted through the improper
functioning of the: ' eyes. Resulting
from: this waste of nervous energy
pupils With defective sight are oteeit
dull ane; stupid. .Older people have
o 1 ayes, to proper lighting
rof schools, and to the teacher beim,•
'alert tci such symptoms of syr-troa-
ble an headaches, squinting, eionn•
le or too far
ing, hnlciinit
book tea close i
away, poor reading, inflamed lids,
nervousness, ' (reser(' ryes, rte.
Training' in proper habits of rind-
• lug, the peeper placint; of light, out
1 �r si Atty. she roust be egenrplary in above all avoiding' ill-healiba shy tiav-
ai - $ iter duties as a citizen, for from her Mg proper hraltls Itabitn. is the best
wilt be reefed probably 20 or 30 eiti- """ s
vrns of 4jc'
. This,T +You Wonderfully Ise felt, i~t'eutc*at�.�A°°/.I ine world. !
• Mhos Done:Ito of Remick, gave nn , , ,
. Weil `instructive tall: on "Geography in ., _ ` i t !
second thee. For ev ening inter- . ' ,
work, play better. ..iloutd lie correlated; a nhort time le -
Eat better. Slee /
i" ke t L'� Study d �
tx rNature . t t `-
11s -:;rat (.rgt~1°airllJ and toe Y r /
'i PiLLS S
Ril d t \\\1"' 15t
A, SA( rrACNrr.tS
�aDts rn')'r-
Aiothrr Nature's own ti00r1 hete7, pick ..neat in the outdenr:i she thought
in Lealtheelying hone•', thecxy arcs what , preferable to cat and dried a hr i•
make (tale her'a 'l''r o awed i$vr�teztt tions that have little' or no meaning .
1t;lederr:etr ad. It t -ti;. i o,kow mi t r3 :to the yount; resold. :alar i°ee"ustrnien.l -
for pi(t4)1•enkourno1, " 10t111,i'm:tiot/n, ed the tteoi'e frequent tele! e'C pi.Kite
nervous foil: who ll5'.O Cl.tnsd! ircic. ',from i�iC�Ca:;leo, t•ut+rut 4 iNIWj;ItDAi;'
Lyell dr-Pad:A 12r .r-tn_c yie•bls to it. trips, anile tiunn anti t;riart•d l;ropnr_
'rev,rttle. Yl tsill keep yarn els ee ,.l "d l:n ,itttl�ilo fiz nt e.ei to Cretin tit,
r;dd t.r311:cr Elt. teed rs oll.or tont- isttctest and cntl➢uiiaelir of the eta.'
1Met! z elethalllle e3a;a'.ea 1tctazdErz n -Too !;c had r1t1 eXtidibitinn @ 6ut-nU"i 100).
tv : Cl aiteee village prei aiod Uv l:st• din"' i
that rawettee�d the interest e:f the con.
Jatite a b. tampt:ti1, F«eieciera 'ecetien G.,.1 meet Levu btcn e�"e,.tse ;
.. II •�_.�..�.
11 1 11111
cess of some of the _;chord fano held
n 'st t oil' r e
other schools nii'tht profitably:take •
part in this t.raneh of edtu ation, Ile
ao rn l nen
tee achnnl :hoer& owl t i
'Hers nn ininiovt'ntent in beniitlfien•:
tion of 'school amends rind huutrlinr i
in most of the genions though a few
ore dilatory' in #hie resect.. ` He
brought to the attention of enc' ton-
• r e
1 /clip
Thera the re1,u atlons ir19m
tirious instruction. new attendance
forms; new registers, ' circular un
hiitory. school - library grant c, and
other items of .interest, . '
hmmbers it wi3'a f
CIdedBy 111voteat pofartte cifethe funds of 1:lhy•-
Institute Ir„ used to movide. (Keener.
snipe for Entrance frotn Rule
s1 who* et the, 1030 Entr•nne•e
n0n11.10,ione and that the 'Ynciliue +•f
Fh' Tn'•titute he 'a committee to ar-
range for this.
) !nom ao
w �.w.F'• rr
r ,
Wash by
Cook by Electricity
Iron by • Electricity
Cheaper than Coal or Wood
An electric Vacuum ti4tane ' •
removes the dust, a brim,
just moves tate curet.
We guarantee. alt 11 y d • (1
L t lljl; for 1,5m) Iiotirss,
Walk in tt:lei see. .li:rlat at
fine.�r� �
.., rl
��xx. 1'02 l; EI�t1 i'r
the time.take d o
h mei it ce a, vers f teen
to bring a little temporary relict of sest
and sola stomach, Phillips Milk of Aug-.
steels has acidity
e •
iuld the digestive organs all immunized.
Once 'you have tried this forma of relief
you will carte toworry afoul your d'i!ta
and experience' stns freedom Mother.,
This ]rte 1E111apreparation is inst.9111
good for children, too, Use it'wirtnev,•rr°
coated tongue or fetid breath sig::it nett:
n t••c
f rt .nr a tvncr. ] Il�s.rians will till von
Prat tarry .poonftil of 1'dilllipp?liilli id
]ttagnc:sin neutralizes many times its
olu►nr in acid. Get the genuine, take
name 1'11111 pi 1:; imperiled. Iaritati, a
do not art the aunty 1.
of Magnesia
The est. Street
Electrical Shop
We Tony a good clod: o1
1 Electrical Appliance:
1 Fixtures, ete. 4...
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
• 1'stimatee green on
All Work Guaranteed i+
Frank McArthur
Phone S2.. RAW , a rest ?,
Mutual LiTA
Assurance Company
rf Canada.
span:: ridsd SPG)
.. D. t100�.�1, �li���ll
•e*s r. __�an.c•
a -