HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-29, Page 8k 1 rAt: c 't, lt MT ma* ,t..-.4,,a.n...e.a.,-,... ••• - • - • n 41141.4.,,,44,-.,....,.. r-,..........,.......* _ . 4 • -- - --- ' • ' ra ' .--' ; ,S•! and Viihs B1 -3.77!:o jc,:m.st-m,cf (.•-..,-;.,',),.'''' . ' " ' " I dZi2kc572 1 ZZOY UtiO uttezAai tha tialt-. Now is the time to have ,1 -1cral of tizeir re':atilce. tko tato birs,1 scllooL opENs sErTEmBER 3ru ' ift.2311:. and Mrs, ehaVes G4iiri,''ef' '' otz,o-i.. your „ ..(iktakcma, WC 7C- reozw,log former 34Z.. - ewing acrnneh. . 4i1Uaill?,2,11.7C3 at Dongsnorn and Loa:- . t;owdr.3-Ang., the „potOVERHAULED OurAiw School'Supplies Will Be - I made tile trip Ali the „way. hy, motel.' • r In eailing' til.F.iiil relatives 'and former' ' Pa, ts, Oils, rirpaairtairee3 • in. Dungawn - they'' • !felts, Neidles,",ete. ware nee -en -Tama by, the forniek. 6. • Ready For You Next Week THE GI/DEM:CH ST\T Irjather, Mrs-llogh Girvin, of Lock -1-: now. nd hi5* Sister Mrs -Fred Anderson' Mi5S S NOBLE ',also from near IfAiiirtgiV. Befora - Boy 3Wilir Scribblers, Pencils anti other supplies you kilOW you I; turning to Oki4orao. it is their :Men-, E it Fp; E ricci; will It will 1.,,iVe thcizifilM ilia> Net rush on litE0n to visit a sister. Mrs. Ciediton, and tit° former's etun,i;, . _ ,_COM11111,1Ver V Opennag Day. Vh 1J. Cullen Penland, of. GritriSbY:1 . I) An unfortunate aectdent (se aurred ")L ltte:s L3 T'O.-204 Mr. 34 J Vie aiso 1:31TY Ilige (15;30,111121it o Futmtain Pens and Ever- • Ito Xr. James 510WhilMey while, with .‘';111,:;:44.11'....40 nr,thc,r. Airs. w' sharp Pncils. • Iwo other men. be was employed En 4n -owing, a email building ot the scoot Ham Lecd, and his daughilte;u1411;11,1aiist,li i3 to, your advantage to trade with nn old established firm. Ife was taken to bia home and 11141314n* at Alexandra Marine and - ion unroday afterroen, wren ba trif.,4 Evelyn Reel all. of Goderie.i red and the building toppled. owl lot thno of writing it was not known Gene:1108P40, Gedee.oll, ardor- .. Our Guarantee means something, lima our Prices are right. and fell upon bin a and injured both her holidays with her uncle and whetter moo or-hoth of bis legs werets_ing COLE'S BOOK STORE _ broken or not us there WAS ,e4a23•40*-- , Il_rt fc,,reMre... aind Mrs. R. 3. Vurnin. abie swelling. It will be tome tiinuratliz"".'-',3' '''Yrs itceir,,I,G°11eliell uad • almonet CoTter c. oronto Vie.e.,1 , ,bar.FYZolslaotiweinbgef:aeT.rsoetsene137)1114"Y woinlgli7gud )-i t. ._4picenbredwhich _ Didaayvidastonth. e home of Mr. varied at fr ttle daughtv Mar t ' h gave , tint Mr. and ilAire. ..1.KM'qa5 McCrea and daughter Shaw,t of Lorni".3,. Were • UNGANI.ION nee t 10 to II cents per loaf. our er bus finnally set the Pri°:04 EF,14,eal'orc.1 :„Gnadicilgraan,404:";derk.11,zegizae'nit4 -q 1, . guests r.tt he home of 11,1r. and Ill:1 vents. With th.. itistallstion Jew "'"4 4'44 led upon former Dunggaunon friends this week. rIS rear half of the school roof is being shingled. M. U. Illaellonald hav- ing the vontract. • Mr. and MTS. A. D. Pentland, with members of their fatuity, spent Sun - (kV at Southampton, Afr. Gordon Reid and sister, Miss Frances Reid, were guests on Sure - day, with relatives at Port Elgin. Mrs. Thempson, Thamins, are guests • - with her Mother; Ge sego Free. Miss Alma Free, 1i. N. accompan- led by Miss Pearl Finnigan, took in • the Toronto. Exhibition this week. Mr, ltd Mrs. Robert Saint and family, of Wingharre .were Sunday guests- with Mr. tend les. Thomas Parks. " • B. Macrie teller of the Dun. • garnon branch of the Bankof Corn - mace, was a week.entl visitor with hie parents at • Goderich. 3iessrs. Benson and •LaYerna Pent- land, of -Detroit, spent the weeloorid with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. f mil • 0 001- 0 85. Mrs. Shaw and, daughter. Miss El - GR AND.BEND LABOR DAY DANCING AlIERNOGN. and EVENING SOFTBALL GArviES Last Week of NelaNN4Y'S CHOCOLATE DANDIES That Noted Colored Orchestra Every Night Except Pr*y Saturday Night Dancing During September *Ow ,o• ysionssalumarasammolowom bake ovens whieb was made necees- •Mr. R. L. Reed, of Goderich, 94." siallt by his ever increasing business Congratulations aro being exten., ded to Mr. and Mrs. J. *B. Young, TfIrtST.DAY. M f2Wr,, 192,) Men's Broadcloth Shirts Men's tient English Broadcloth Shirts in neat hairline stripes, Blue. tut White ground, separate collar and French cuffs, sizes' 14 to Regular valife 32.30. Special $1.48 MEN'S COMBINATIONS, $1.95 A splendid knit garment in mixture of cotton and wool, suitable for between seasons, coutfrotably cut, in natural shado, long sleeves and ankles, sins 30 to 42, Per suit . $1.95 WOOL. BLANKETS 'White and „fleeb.y, thoroughly shrunk and • scoured, single whipped a n 41 finished with colored borders; blue. or. • 1'030, 513e 72 x SS. Special pair.$9.95 Black: MEN'S PYJAMAS, mate from superior • English Broadcloth, plain and striped patterns. Special.. ....... .$2.50 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS . Large double bed size, white with pink Or blue border, Canadian make, sin 72 x 90. On sale per pair... .$2.25 •FANCY BATH TOWELS Jacquard patterns, in large. sizes, Omit 22 1;16„. heavy • cpiality and various paiterns Fink, Blue, Gold, Lavender, Green. Special per pair... ..... 98e •111......11.P..../...ara,s,.....mor...2.•.000., W. ACHESON & SON companted by his son'William li*'be ""I be (tble nary to meet the de" tith- concession of West Wawatiosh, ing the course of the rme be made Reed, of Detroit, were visitors en mand for his splendid nder. In proveto full capacity and was often unable- upon the brth of a son was rum.aug i/on ThOrstlay feeling references tthose belo o vbd. August 22nd. members of tile, congregation who Oursday at the home of Mr. and tbe past his 0111 oven Mrs. (Rabert :Davidson. Mr. land Mrs. Howard Cose an bad passed to the better country. Tie Mr; and Mrs J. Ryan and daugh- to supply the demand. With his preo- mother, Mn II. Glenn and sister, and panner, Mr. IErly, „„ vompanied by Miss Ethel. Case of of Rev..0., S. ,Shortt of Barrie, and on two children of Saskatchewan, ae- service next Sabbath will oe in charge ter, Margaret. visited Mrs. Ryan s ent equipment of oven, eloetrie mixer v to date bake shop. Two motor ,,„, ,i, „„d has zmw -- Toronto. WOre visiton 'Imre at the the following Sunday, September 1st,: Rev. C. II. McDonald expects.to oe- Mrs. Charles Thompson, of London, n- on Sunday. / trueka driven by Harvey Trsleaver 'yea ."- ` Mrs. James AL Nilleon, who Iwisa, .,,,,d_pharlea_iiivett_olv_Asstii,,s,s,,,,,,,___Msr,m1_31re,„„pepald Wiellovin.,..of en..PYrois....0.1to...PUIP4 , --- • st---witiriter-sisterrfirst- d 1. i h. ' "'-'" Goderielf cabled upon ADungatmon re- .„ , '. , J,-,•-----;-. 'tethers, for tho past two Weeks,...is Jt tl, 1 t - h •ii/a if tatives rn Sunday. They rare ;meant- A'at.thlb.WW.0 Folocv-isTbeio. is Sear - a' Meta ‘0 t o late rt a inirday e wer Mr for mt. tely 4 voisler of this great DoMinion now visiting ralatives in Goderielt ponied by Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ifiggio- where. the. merits of ,Dr, •IThopme fey a few days. 16.11°11°1' 'bc't"ed '-wie Dr 3ir' . jaP.-san also of Goderich. . seph Stotitm. of Dlyth, who passed Imes Fin= Durnin who.'has been Electric;.thl hove not teen:tried and Mr, Stephen Stathers and- datigh. away in the General Hospital, Ham, : ' ' 'proved. It is one of the 'cverld's roost i lecture' ter, Miss Clara &others, of Goderich, Mon. early on Sunday morning, fol- • . - "effivient remedies -for sore throat, who cattended the funeral of their towing an o rati n o Tit 4 In Leeds and Slincoe covorges: is now -tat Ian* back and many ether ailments cousin, Mrs. Stlithers, else visited rel- was held from her late home In Blyth " ° n' ur8 "" •st the home of her.parentsi' Mr. a arising from inflammation. Rubbed Alves m Dungannon on 'Wednesday an wednesdar • Mrs, It. J. Durnin ef Asibtiold. , aternaon. interment orr„ and we. R; J. wiggine left im the skin its healing power is read- nestlay. 0 11 being urea iti-the family plot in Dun- do absorbed and it can also be taken Representatives of the loeal branch Fannon eenietery. • The funeral sore- this week for Tobermorey to move , -, II > of the Women's Institute bare been ice at the home was private. 'erilY Inl* their houeehold furniture from there 'n'ern4 Y. . - mediate relatives being present,and on to Brantferci, where Mr. Wiggins will eaneassing the villag? for funds foir WESTAELD " the upkeep of the electric street /KIS 4011dqted by Rev. George Weir,September Srd, assume his duties , . lighting, which is now due for ,nnoth- as, principal a one of Brantford Mr; D. -C, Rodger, of lloodstoek, pastor of St. Andrews United ehurch,oehoob. i . , is spending a week atlas :some here. el six months, . Blythe of s which Mrs. Stethers was al Mrs. It. E. Willis and daugnter, very notice arid devoted member. Het• Guests on Sunday at the home of Threshing is the order or the day. .Miss Beth Willis. returned on Sum. w assist d b•Rev E `c Anderson ' Mr and Mrs: 'William Carr of West Grain seems to be turning out very day to their, 'home Ill Detroit after mister of Queen street United -church, ard Wawarmsh, fifth eoneession, were Mr. . Blyth. Feeling reference was model Mrs. Jock Ireland, their three Mrs. Palmer, 'of Earnontoty was onJoYing a ,delightful boliday with daughters.. Gladys. Gladys. Grace and Louise renewing old acquaintances'•in this the Iowa parents , Mr. and Mrs. during the service to the sterling and sans Russel, of Teeswater, viciity last week. B. J. Crawford. . . eharacter of the deceased, who was ivirs,4,01. Mi. Earl Sharp ,and lit. Mr, Webster, 'hi St. Helens vis - from 'visiting her untie and aunt; passing to and 'fro among the.i I Miss Edna Parks has returned never happier than -when slid- was Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell and ited on Sundaymeivin al the home of Mr. s -e -t daughter Verna. were SuralaYrrguests ond Mrs. Mr. Ind Mrs* William Begley, of and needy, adminetering to their at the ham iv wiz max•vifs, wawa 11415s Eva Stackhouse, of Bruce- 14anillartaa' he was accompanied wants and speaking words of comfort Park. mrs. -Caldwell and daughter field , is the guest at the home of by Mr. Howard Black, the trip being and cheer. She was spoken of sas a her uncle, Mr. Earl Wight -non. Trode by motor. • ministering angel who has been cal- rtalenvdshntert Thomas rW4weiglirris.,with Mr. and Mrs. Manes. of Dlyth _ Mr. and Mrs. Melville Glenn, sof ied up higher. The many ver beaut-.1 Detroit, arrived on yliwhich were bank- ,..sh'inlav-Shaekleton, son of Mr. and latter',visited sersitelialt..laslagclt‘ovoithhantiline. uredaY at tit.,0 iful floral tributes Mr. Norman - Shackleton, has ao- home of the former s sister, Mr.., ',/' ed around the casket, 'bore silent tes- fsIgutTie- rettirm an Friday morning they were -friends, and of their deep regret Tor he:: dayi'411:wItthi"hiass teacher 'on the Mr. lan:ls_rde. jogett,,, ..1. Ryan, for a short visit on theirAhnony of the sYinlistilY et 14"X tenehrriq staff of Toronte and is now . =orbit, i i accomparded to Detroit by Mrs. Ryan, the passing of orm much' loved. parents, foIlow-1 letters tarents, Mr and likrs. Leon- i•ooloink .ot Memorial Hospital, St. Dungannon sixty-fiveiat Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cowan, of Ooder- Miss Winnifred MeClure, nurse -40 The late Mrs. &others was born at ing a saMmer:ecurse at To!Orito lin- cl iftottles..___Visited 'at her home on years ago, and-ivertasiet rm.+ lc who 1:11ilesstgerat Ve'livoMI:Y:f %lite 7:1"ss. Thuesday afternoon being aceom dwasusirrteers°fotn Ithiletni/laYtr Mtre.n atInshafritaa. e-red-ilis 74-14elly ill Guelph is Tralv* enieying some holi.2hrother. Mr. Jaelt Cowan. _ Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.4., Maslow& and otroled by Mies 1Vtario Stoner. Mr, wanton litallouth, piOnecr residents Dill Pell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred '11P of the village of Mungannon, -who attil2trat.liSealniwreel °EfilhettrPleir otl'AMst fondly visited on slindaY a1 the home • gave the latter place its name M Ire.. field, eft were Toroeto visitors this weektfour daughters. -only threo sisters • Prior to, ossuining his duticia of. Mr. and Mrs. WesleY Staelthouse, Lorne .Melfensie and Chrodes Itiv-. land. Of the familyof SIX sons and ;na prim' 1 p.e rot' Dungannon , schooL et,1%Bur,pconeffilelivxd ss- ..stonemuse and son end mole% the Centidian NutionalNurrlvel vit.* Mrs- Andrew Stewart 4ne tor s tio t i) oho ln Donald. Goderieh, visited ;,his week. Ira, Snte.P1111 aySttorsersr had as eesdev they bronobt with them Mr. earition, and , Mrs. Arthur Greer of w o was accompanied by two of trier - - 11 9 P c, Extobition. On their return on Wed l and Mrs. Stephen ,,Stathers, of Dun" law, Ilr. Joseph, Stottiers of Myth, with thL. e former's pareand nts. Mr. and ther monde. A.tt.,.., ter niarristre r,a Th.. •daughters. Mrs. LlOyd fdp-Neii, .os itietide. . stethers, they resided on a farm one sarnti and Miss Alberta SI:others of 3,.I's. J Mtr. Douas glCampbell. and Mr. and one-half /rates south of Dantean- Deaver. Codortalo. • .. and Howard Campbell were Veitsos now WillYs-Xaight s'bread 1 -molt *Melt is now in use for the dollvera of brood in the distriet. I - Guests at the horne'Of Ur. and Mrs: B. J. •Crowford on ifednesdaff wore Mr. Arthur -Perham And •sans Ittra in .the village. gotta (Ivor_ thirty were _Miss Patience Scott d ten. 11. tArlmOW. , daughter Margaret, of ',port Euron they were engaged in hnsiness .ptitilttcn, M. Mills. of 'Strathro, mr. ;Ltlei„ . also Miss Susan Johnston, of Varna• two or three votes ago when thevibeurne "."4"".*"... disposed of their liminess and retired. Hernvorth oft Saskatchewan, •• Toronto; and Mr, Of a bright and elmerful disnosition mr.:17a.Mram. J. Durnbrand Miss JUST ARRIVED mourn her loss. •fl *eel a verY fond alll WU $attble Beach, i • ' 'PO at Present owned Iv Dr, Jos* Recent- *As th It 'Ir the gvfAs nu SuellsY--0-thearae rawarglessomeosoisefelesewitiVisensolfrsosistleareseifths, Toronto this week, after spending -her parents, Mr. and several weeks'among Ids fnends Twaroley, bore. While here Mr .Cook helPed, the choir in their services of song, the qualities of Dr. Thomas' P,cletrhc. by rendertig iseveralt ,s1ollos," which On it is the cheapest of till prepara:: were much enjoyed and appreciated tions offered to the .public. to. by the people of Westfield. be found in every drug'store in Can- coaStAnd...alLecorp.,, •VELFA-81: • • try merchants kiep It for solo, So, 1 ' Miss grashY. of Pear illyili, spent a week with Miss Elsie Vint. ' - - ''beineeasily pracu- ra,ble and extreme- ly moderate in price, no one should , freek-end with her sister, Mrs. nom, ' be without a bottle of it. -. Mms Mary Phillips, • spent_ the as Ferguson ,• •i , ?Ir. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson. and • • ehddren, of Iolcitztow Spent Sunday A Daily Dip evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ' Ferguson. . of Goclerich are spending a weetc sm. Misses Verna and Freda Barbour, , 1 is invigorating anti Retrestung - with their brandparents , Mr. and me, GODERICH • turned to her home out West on Mrs. Sam Shervroode. INC BEACH • Oars. Earl Begley and sons, re- 'Is in splendid condition and the Thursday, after a pleasant fv;s1;; with ' ' • ' '‘.......--; New 'Verandah at the Bathing House on South Pier, adds im- • venience of Bathers. SUITS TO, RENT menseiy to Comfort and. COrk. • •C. OMMeEDERIOEUstmUERNETSS8INAIR0005 • John MCIend and son Renneth land Hannlyeara t°11.-og:fttdo fi41:::tin7y:Yhre,:11::"1-5y Asittield 01 the letter's' brother, dar. :C. ;40067 grave, M"19:::115Souirein:onol'of Hazen- Mr. A. E. eeelscsieturited hen19 tik,, PARR S for CHOICE GROCERIES, PRIM'S, 'VEGETABLES, BUTTER... EGGS. . • MEATS, FLOUR • ; morerartning the Best. SIL'VERWOOD'S .ICE CREAM Frigidaire' •Equivned for 'Your • protection. Call in, look around and be con- vinced where cleanliness is paruniount , • • • Spares ,Grocery The 'store of satisfaction. HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH Phone 140. -Vire deliver irrtinvir FELTS SPECIAL in Art Needlework • For Early Fall VItt at rOt1 First AVeek of Sept. In shades of brown, red, navy aendeggrcen, tyith the Ivig back ff to Or With medium and 4413ABY NVEEIC narrow brims. KIDDIES' BERET TAMS - Madeira Dresses W'oolen Jackets, hand mad* • Woolen Blankets. for crib or buRint • 'Woolen Boots and Bootee; Rubber Bibs, To and Dolls. We invite you to see our Merchandise. Universal Millinery and Gift Shoppe NORTH .SIDE SQUAFtE GODERICH obe made many friends "w'ho' Iwo Flora D11111121 spent Simday at -South. t • and devoted mother, and will b tompanied en their return by bliss A Shipment of Pull Fashioned greatly wdosed by her sorrowing Pauline Campbell, a fertner teacher Pore silk Stockings in Sub -Stan. partner -in -life , and to, her four in s S. No.6, Aslifield, who will • dards Latest !had.! and S ri s Aho daughters and one grand -daughter remain witiv them for a short -visit! who survive, Her Daughters, Mrs Benson Pentland returned to De...! men.W 4-.114°'SlkS Lloyd e cd, o • Sarnia, Miss Al- troit following a short holiday at hi' For &item Feetery3tet Street berta.' of Derlyet, Colorado. and Miss home. During his visit he accompan.; Iona, were all home previous to her tied- his sister. Miss Margaret Pent.i going to hospital, and for the furter- lard and other friends from Goderiell God ' h Wag C al. her fourth daughter. Mrs. Jack on a nestor trio which included Tor- erIC ill I lb* King. of Atlanta, Georgia, 4being un.- onto,. Oshawa. "Kingston, Ottawa and • able to be present owing, to illness. Amherst Island, , She was tenderly laid to ' rest ire, Mr. 'and, Mrs. Frank Oliver and - Dungannon ;cemetery where a large' four children left to -day tie their number of former friends and ac- return to their home at Fort Will:am ausintaeres o‘vsited the funeral cor- after visiting relatives in this vicin- ter% Tre otilirbeorers were Messrs. ity and at Nile. The trip is being D. Leith, W. R. Erskine tlerb Melt- made by boat from Sams to .Sault roy. D. Porniestorte. William Mills Ste. Marie. and front the latter place and Robert Watt, all of Blyth. to their destination by motel,. ntentled for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Little. tI of North Bay, who have recently re - Mrs. Stephen•Stothers visited Blyth turned from a motor trip to British • Wen& on Paley. . Mr. And Mrs. B. 1tbekbart of Blyth Cauurana, were renewinir former*le- -441Mo/tees in Dungannon and vic-i called upon Dilitga1111011 friends on nits,. .ting rented their house in. Friday eveine. • North Deo, it is their intention to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson nom to Toronto to reside. visited friends in Goderieli township Mr. find.hirs. B. J. Crawford. with4 on Sunday evening. Mrs. S. J. Young xeturai:d to her 3118s Ev$, Gardiner* returned Mi _PrI*1 home in Goderieh icilowitur a visa don from Port Albert where they had ________ _ _ _ . __. with her aunt. Mrs. Robert Treleaven. enhKred 4 al?asiiiit holiday in their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. R. It, ,., Mr. and Mrs. Otto. Herman Popp Willis and •daughter. Miss tieth'Williat who returned .'n Thursday from their slisilent the -oast • honeymoon left forhome their in aforraistihretitao inane Detroit on Sunda itt:kv: 'CO theta re -4 Miss Margsret.ityari was the quest, turned on Saturday evening to unn., garruyn where they spew, i.110 week - of tier friend. Miss Beth Willis. at Port Albert for a few days and to- tad' Mrs. Joints I.oekhart,, toeher nt tnrned on Saturday,. Ur. and Mrs. John tr, garage, Sioux bim okout, who hbeen visit4 Br ophey iiros. . James Stimehouse pienieked at Grand Esinn" and iFrank ,Sainge and gir. and Nes. i ing her inIther, Mrs. E. Cuff of Dati-r., her sister, Ivirs. A. M.1 Bend on Wednesday. a traughan of *miller, left on Fri -I day for Myth and Auburn, where shell M. and Mrs. J. R. MeNath of -the Old 1?eliable will be. a guest with her sisters. Mrs, trteknow spent Sunday at the home B. Laeldmit and lifig. ,Istioza Ifiehol- ' - Oar Old and New Patrons that - son efore returning to her hOme.f have always in stock for inspection the finest• • 1 • assortment .o.f Beds, Springs and Ventilated f Spring Mattresses -The Marshall, Fishman, E 1 It motored up from Elora on Sunday' bShe WIS acempanied liy Mr, OOP who will remain in Blyth for a visit.!( Mr. and Xis, .1511)15 M. Wilsar0 dismiewaiimmomp aad -were guests with teethes itir; t gmmons and Brantford Mattress -all the finest Gcderith and Dungannon. Mr. WiW a 8" return"' " 1W"d" "thing' f that will be seert in all the larger citieWith every Marshall Mr s. An in- , while Mrs. Wilson is returning for a v•-• - • :4- • • Clefriland's Bread is tempting. e, orriptemerit to any meal--dehmous in itself and lending zest to the rest of the menu. ' any other. Eneourage them to • do so, as it is the most health- • twice as Much of will our Bread as Model Theatre - ONE NIGHT-.. 'Thurs., Sept. 56,79 'Transportation Service Long Distance.- Short Distance Far Bligagements Phone. S.R. McNutt', Mattriesville; 601 r 34, Clinton Central How to Make:MOO and .Spot Atari with a small, mediiim ot -,targe spot cia. any garment. Rub ' with cloth saturated with a home dry-cleaning- fluid. Result -rings .streaks and swafls asafice as- the Tipples sent out by a pebble cast ..on the. water. Pmhance you have tried -and have tired' of •the effect -send your garritbnts of • whatever fabric for safe, removir- • ECKIIRDI'S • of all spots. as well visible and GO. of BELL RINGERS fEATuRitIG •CARMAN .GAY WITH HER • GYPSY BAND • invisible soil to The Goderich French Dry Cleaning Woks J. H. VROONIAN Phone 122 West Street IF YOU NEED ADMISSION, SOo and Tau New Furniture "MIEN' 25°• • of any description OAMM We can furnish the finest ar- rangements of flowers in all •styles for thee bride. • -SEE US FIRST We Positirly Save you Money HAROLD • CEO. S TEWART BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE ful ar:d nourishing food theY „motor AUNT fOR MAITIISSIS Coach Phone 105 MARSHALL E. U. CLEVELAND • ran take. spection will convince an seeking what is adver- tuts' sold during the month of tortsishes Amt. They wer,, more• - tined. Furniture sold, either from catalogue or lAugust we give a slip cOVerittill tri1401.41011:11!iitStUtri). free of charge. Now is a, visit With nee (lam Miss Natitite:• ' • a personal visit to any factory's show rooms, at 'time to buy your Mattress. the RTIts'aall with melt ntesiure that Rock Bottom Prices. 1 R WHEELER nem'n t/f Riv Th‘v/d "" of *al' the rengtematiots of h�Pr hyterian Char+ heard oire sa •Nanday, former vsituider in 11* 4,1 • Brophey Bros. IFURNI.TURE DEALER am* WEST STREET. (10T)ERIC}( laraitargr. who some twenty -fire year ago Perin4 the ronstrooration as a • imtadest meter in isattitme his noels, FUNERAL DIRECTOR !Ai* hop no. chief% no0+411Ard.. rs. onew stote, is Rs..-. - WhW**lnallWr %Math la Mat HMO, ao, MONIIIIMOMMINIM - , • -- • - 'There were swanv hipartr handelaspr. iii�iit��.jsGejoria. ti.e0ssamotoowl, (fa, ••• • -••• 0.01Kimmoicii suipm.11[111106001.11,iiiiMinlielllhe 11******fiel• Phone 114 ViteSt - SCHOOL FOOTWEAR E CARRY ACamplete Line of GROCERIES' CALVIN CUTT Kloaston Phone 116 Boys and girl's, it 'will soon be time to go back to school, and we have not forgotten to have on hand a good supply of School Footwear in all lines. ' A new Scribbler will be given with every pair of School •i Shoes or. Running Shoes bought between now and school opening. ., . LET 1.13 SUPPLY YOU wait coop FOOTWEAR We have just received a large shipment o Travelling Goods. • Our stock comprises a large assortment of Suit Cases, Club Alp, Overnight Bags, Trunks, Hat Boxes, Travelling Cases, Tourobes, etc. Club Bags, Suit Casts, at ... Hat Boxes, Travelling Cases, at.- , .....$11.00t $15.00 :,. W. Horn's Shoe Store P41;6:4 a 0