HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-29, Page 4PAGE FOX it THE GODERICK SLAR •••• I it TOWNSHI p ?it,i;•(• 3 4-zzi).57 a.c. Suci - 34.'41 , Mr. Pard:, assisted by THURS'IlAY. Ar 1019 CODER' , PORT ALBERT 7 War. Bogie, " I The hum .of the thr.i.tata niachitte • the Tor.atte titer. Din Tewrialiend, tie church he,, , „ 'Threshing It the 01.4,1tr 40t the , i'eg packed to the diors, and many 4"lel,hatit. 140,4e*, and, w* I j.is tc0 be heara and the grAin , "4"Yo " -1.-°nLQ' *h° "a Misses Dor* Jentbson, and Eva .1130%; able gEt %Ile calm -84u roasts tire the order of tile daD. ..turning (a.rat w. nderfuity for sig.( beell 3;2"731.1§ " the 11°111e a 414 Ikrt. n• are t. -e gustas. tnair *untrder 6t Fo-tstem attralcd in a MIL 401111 MetrLiie .613;34 f": len dry spell. iu Mrs, ilare.--eod has returned to St (Leo .4oare, (of toriaos • body. and via butiat 4aYli with 4r r• MS.3' Ed' ' RN and 304. Tayic..-.- siac childrertl Totanto. Miss Fawley Quaid of Detroit, is service. hit on Saturday t Fthel aftaq Mrs Jessie Olivet) bsis bvir f 4.1 ith id - (11 John, of Toronto,- motored up at;(11..‘" he? iiiSter° Mi�known La both Goderich and Stanley doolf iwr 4.1.8tera 3irc /101450 C4t'" Mts. Tlionntatsa ilei7IsollitY,a Ns miat111:./.4itf.1 Siarilltstos, clud11„.maintg„ her vacation at' the tome The Into Mr. Heard was „ iC Site r. an . t 3 r. and Mrs., Russel Milli and law .tawnships„ having worked ils a fram, lot, , , „ : . , Mr. and Mrs. Rev. CE. 1Taykr re- h apart the weelKaid at file hcrfie ofliiiy. of Detroit, are. visiting at the .er and builder for many years paw% '-‘"9 0'95‘e ".4)Y la alleruillit, lil 4ew turned home after a pleasant vitit. . Ilt's' 8411r331*5 rinther, Mrs' 44461e3 home of Mrs. Mills parents. Mr. and' Ile was of a quiet disposition, a go aa Mays with her sister, Srm. N...-;,,,tararn, with the Iatter'a parents Mr and Aire.. Ross. Dili. Maeniarmid and son stre,m1,,,,, w. G. /tete, father, a good neighbor one respcei.- ot Godnleh. IT. Pieksm ...... .... •-•1 Kill0X Preabyterlin church, mean/ ids departure, his wife, thretitspent Stmday with Ms daughter, Mrs.. in -training ,-it Gocierieh, /5,4 spendinp* R0S3 and Dim Georg: Falconer ac,,, af• a .0 ..- tline 1.,); mera .r.s. of. the cd ihr all who knew him. Ile leaves to ' G2r47-0 Green, ° MiSs• Catherine erawf, nuree- rersui'lang for a week, while Airs- -t be IN II NW e Rexall Drug Store Always carries a complete line a - Drugs Patent Medicines Toilet Articles c'':alrahrs'il 31r* cd24 AIr3° Sid3P°11 Godekh, me -------------------------------- red, and Cesrge Rienardson. her holidaya.„ with friends tat P011; - Ora Tuezday evening cf last tveek,,nean. , Mrs. Castle of the ,village and Mrs. bop eriti a few ("lays last week with her rot er, Mr. A. SUGee. the Y°011 Pe9140'3 14-'6eletY IIIII°131 Miss Flora Ilorton returned to Tor- William lioward of liktreit, ahe sym, ------ vacation at her borne here to the sorrowing friends. back 0 Ti-e7,no for a tycek•& '4164%Areliie ilorton last rfa...s(lay after.'one daugliter, Nina, and two sistera,1 ma .4 ic ae Mr. and Mrs. Grey raturned front ellwell lie 4 '3 14°2e "ic'Y411ble wcillet" craw an Sunday after a ideasant two pathy of the comnunity extended Forest on ThursdaY, whero wero roast on the Iracit at Albert. Mm. Adam Schaefer, of Kitchener"; il spend:mg some Om with her 1 mother, Mrs. James:Quaid, who has and addresa prior to her leaving tor e t ues a,y a us Pipes and Tobaccos been indisposed for *owe time. Mrs. Irl'T Fritzley mai son, George,. a e had a great number of, oral daugh(er. ' win. this week in the village. visiting falends, Ted and Elsie, who campers this yeal. enjoying the re- litaive been touring Na the United • lin and iltrs. Archie nor:Ion ,verei The funeral of William Heard, ono . Mr. 3. M. Beattie, C. r. Ti. agent fr2aning breezes of Lake /bran. Rockwood on SaturdaY hist- to eon- c.......e.... at Albert friends thi.s. week. States an*....d Cal...ada, 'Visited their Vert in Ripley on Sunday. . .• id our most respected citizens,. who at Godsrich, was calling on friends Rev. William Taylor .v. -as all a t MIMS Quaid of Goderleit, spelt passed away ort Friday evening .ias;;, in the village on Sunday lust. the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 0. 3 . took place on Monday at 2.0d. A Miss Lilian and Dorothy auk et dart a funeral. Air. Taylor is station- ' Onee more fashion decrees that 1 short service was held at the home, Port Stanley,- were visiting their aunt ed th3.e• . .. skirts shall be longer. But the dicta Telephone Cook. 't Mr. John Ci;isbolin, Sr., and coral after Wilieli the remains were taken Airs. Charles Toms, in the Village Dlr. and Mrs. Tont Bogie and of fashion do not seern to have, the , N°. 1 . Benson, 'motored to Hamilton on Suite the Anglican church, where the last week and,returned home on Sun- daughter,' Delores, 'spent Sunday with power of other days. --Buffalo COUP. -' kV. i Amoral service. -was conducted by day . the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. ler Express,. i • Chocolates ml 3311111W the eveullig 5Ie Della tier sistv Miss Olive went baek Ivith -Rev. IL M. Gale Ic.ft on Alondo..;;. guests at the Rectory. Cox was pef:eratd with a cake plate tor to hike in the Eshibition. . for a roonth's holhlays with frienus 3.II*1 'Jessie II°Y is spending a row I f T d f ti - 'wk for Dash- z-.?eks with her sisters. Dirs. Neal her Immo in God:rich. Miss Marguet' BitIttIELD in Nortitern Ontarie and other points. Mr. John Woods leavea this week annul, Essex „strecP• Gaderick. •wood. to be prosent at the marriage of Mrs. Pritzley's sister, (at Solar- _ iThe many, friends of Mrs. Tigert, ,d3v O33. ltp, and urs. Alex sparks,. of un. Ls tilde to be up and around again. Blind River August 31st. ite, Falconer made the presentation. and Miss Marion Calweit read the : i Wended for last week). on a trip to Saskatoon on nusiness, having pronerty mar that %SM. tjellior, are pleased V., know that alto mr. and pun. jitlax, 14 le f ...........--....--•_-_, I Miss Belot Beattie of Winghara - We Ilave Ontariti,-wIth ten sort ,. w MS,. 0 LEEBURN is visiting her aunt, *vs. A. E. .c.r- don, were in the Village on TnosdaY Kodaks and Films Printing and Developing -Prompt Delivery H. C. DUNLOP, Phm. B. • nedford our 0402, emiftti AfewsJitto Mack •••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••••.•si.„ :941'71k • • • A • • • il 111 ,..... ,..• K .- -... • • ., • --..,....,„...4..„.„.•_;,.;.....,.„..,..,,„.... .„...„.......................................,_.:.......,,,,,.. • .........„.....„..,„:„....,.,...................,...,...........„............:_,.....„,,,....„ . . • • ... • t •tv g-B;rigains In Every tine Continued ',to SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th, the Closing Day of the Sale ° READ TIIEF0 LOWING LIST OFSPECIAL MONEY -SAVING CHANCES--- 1444.4•4.4.••••••••••.1. ,•••••Prilli**1•- .Ladies' and Misses' Summer Dresses' at. Clearing Prices 'Checked Dimity Dresses', trimmed with organ- riy, • regular $3.50 value, Anniversary Sale, Price. rear • sk00411••••rir••r••••*•.*4$1.48 • Dresses'of Georgette, 'washable crepe, trice.; • Acne and rayon materials. Regular price • $16,50. Anfiiversitry Sale Price; .......$8.00 They 141 soon Clear at this price, wr•••••••••••.•,:or••••„ •••••••••••••••••••••mmoom Soiped Ticking Ladies' Gloves Bleached Sheeting • Fine heavy bleached Sheeting, 814 •Sike. An111- • * • Best quallty striped Ticking. Regtilat price ' Silk Gloves in "Queen Quality," fancy cuffs, Anniversary, Sale price per pair..•• ...... $1.19 Ea' N t Wabasso Pillow C Oen, 42 inches wide. Re- it . LaCe Curtain Net,. 38 inches wide. Regular. • . versary Sale price pe /ere, „ • • • .150 50c per yd. Anniversary Sale price per yd. .390 season's latest, shades. Regular price $1.45. Pillow Cotton ur e • Ladies Sweaters aidar price 50s, perlerde',..igniversary, Sale zifr price 45c per yard. Anniversary, Sale prlie • Ladies' Sweaters in black and white, birch and prim yard , « « ; 4.00 . • . . .42e Per yard. . . . • • „ , white, powder and white, surf green and white. • - • = Regular plied ; $3.75; Anniversary Sale:. $2.76 •• • • • Factory Cott it . •Cortains . Silk Bloomers. . Ladies' and Misses* Coats . • Factory Cotton 34 in. , wide. Regular pr -ice , • Serim •Ruffte Curtains, suitable for bedrocims. • silk Bloomers and Bobbettes, all.shades. An•'• • ' ' ' • • . '1•1',.. • ./,-euivers VI: ale---prite- ver yard.. •*-7-.14-e--- ----44gt.)!ar Pae-69°'-'Atillweltsar.Y" Sa. le-...- - nife.aarTS'ale- PriCe per pair... ...*........9Se ' ........._ _ A few ladies'f Surnmer,COatS of tweed And tri- ' • - . • ' .. . ,,.... price , per .patr.."............-........,................" .. , , .., ... • . , .. , .1 d d •fur errni: , , -.Pattory- Cotton,' 40` in .' wide, heavy weight•-• -..- • • • .._.• mod, - Various 'slzes• All at greatly reduced ; . er yard , • ' .. ...23e . - • • ;.. . Table Oilcloths - . ' • . . . . . a les•ear s- • . - .• Ladies' Georgette and Printed Crepe Scarfs. " . . co ne, Some . 4 t, . •,''.. RegUhr 30C Or yard. Anruyersary Sale price , • R . ...• '. Factory Cotton, one yard wide, extra hleavy . White Table Oilcloth, 1 Y0 yards -Wine. Regu- - ' Regular price' $2•25. AnnivePsary Sale; • .$1.45 , . prices during our Anniversary Sale, - P . • • • ' 'White. Table Oilcloth, a IA yards wide. 'Re- • The .New Fall Coats- weight and Of even weave. Regular price, per Jar price 70c per yard, Annbtersary Sale price yard 28c, Anniversary Sale place polar:Qt. .20e 1 per yard .... . . ..., .. • ... .. .. . .... . '49c Ladies Tailored Suits Suits of nicotine and line poiret twill. Regular up to $34.00,, for.........."..........87.50 • During our Anniversary Sale our new line of ladies' and misses' Pall Coats will be on 41* - play. By purchasing your Coat ttOW you may save from ten to twenty per cent Now is the time to select a Coat while the range is at its best. A deposit will hold any Coat. • Ladies' Pullover Sweaters Murch -knit PfilloV'ef. Sweaters in V neck stylet Regular $3.50, Anniversary Sale 51,95 • Mens and Young Men's Suits Tweed Suits in single-breasted style, gray and brown checks, and stripes. Regular $19, An. Sale Price , $15 Youth's told young men's Suits in tweed and • worsted materials. Sizes up to 37, Medium ,. and dark shades. °Regular up to $18.50, An- niversary Sale price - • , $14 - Men's Snits in worstedand tweed materials.. Sizes range from.' 36 to 4. No two patterns alike. _Clearing,prices on -these while they last during -64. Anniversary. Sale. . BOys' Suits . • • • • • Boysl.Suits of. tweed, sizes 33 to 36, four -piece style. Regular price $16.50, clearing at.$11,95 Chintz Heavy weight Chintz, one yard wide, various shades. Regular price 28e per yd. Anniver- sary Sale price. per yard. Cretonne • Heavy weight Cretonne, elle Yard wide. Reg- ular 50c per yd. Anniversary Sale price per yard. . . . "-AM* Unbleached Sheeting Heavy unbleaelted Sheeting, two yards wide. Regular pike ti5e per yard. Anniversary Sale price per yard. .„ ..... ..... .49c Unbleached Shoring'. 4 sire. ,Regjdar Viet ?foe per Ard. Anniversary Sere price per ..........*.)**440 10e T• able Da‘nask Pure Lige Table Damask, two yards wide, floral rieSigns. Regular price $1.45 per yard. • Anniversary Sale price per yard $1.00 Pure linen Table Damask, 60 in. wide. Regu- lar price $1.25 per yard. Anniversary Sale price/ per yard..., ... ..«. ;,.« .840 - Tablo Cloths. * , . , Ali Inn- linen Table Cloths in floral designs. • ' Iiireellent wearing quality, size 66x66 inches. ▪ Anniversary Sale price....... $1.95 Linen Towelling • r Pure all -linen Towelling with pink, blue and yellow borders, 18 inches wide. Regular. priCe • • 25e per yd. Anniversary Sale price per yard..20e /. Pure linen Towelling, 21 inches wide, red, blue and gold borders. Regular price '30c per yd. Anniversary Sale price per yard 2$c Crash- TowIling• • ' • . . All -linen Craslt Towelling, 17 inches wide. Regular price 20c per yard. Anniversary Sale price per yard.. 18e. Flannelette Flannelette in plain white, light and dark shades. Regular 'price 25c per yard. Anni- versary Sale price per yard 18e gular price 60c per yard. Anniversary Sale price per yard- .. e. . . ..... 390 Ladies', Hose .Silk Hose in odd shades and sizes. Clearing during our Anniversary Sale at per pair, .25e. aWeldrese- full-fashioned Silk' Hose, service Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats We have ,,an up-to-date line of ladies' Duro- Gloss Raincoa:ts. -These \vitt be offered at at- tractive prices during our Anniversary Sale. Overalls older price $1.50 per pair. Anniversary Sale Men's Snag -proof Overalls, in plain black and Children s Dresses - Children's Print Pantee Dresses, fast -colors,' ages, from 2 to'6 years. iteg,u1ar price $1.75. Anniversary Sale price.. ..... ... e:51•39 weight. -Regular $1,75 per pair. Anniversary Sale price per pair $150 • "Weldrest' full-fashioned Silk Hose, service chiffon. Regular price $t.50 per pair. Anni- versary Sale price per pair $1.25 Ladies' Chiffon Hose in asserted shades. Re- price per pair , 79c• • • • , Ladies' Hats • The balance of our stock of ladies' summer Hats offered at a clearing price. Regular • values up to $5.50. Anniversary Sale price each. 950 •• ' " New Felt Hat i its latest shades and styles. • .Re- gular price $2,95. Offered during our Anni- . .; versary Sale at Balbriggan' Underwear men's Balbriegart Combinations, short sleeves plain blue. -Anniversary- Sale place.... . 41.49 Work Shirts Men's Work Shirts, Big 13. brand. Regular price $1.25 each. Anniversary Sale price...98e Men's Work Shirts of plain blue chambray. Anniversary Sale price. ... 890 „ • $1.98 Men's fancy, Broadcloth Dress' Shirts, with se- parate collar to match, Regular values up to $2.5o, Anniversary Sale price.. 51039 mut knee length or short SleMS and ankle, length. Anniversary Sale price per suit. ,95c Men's Straw Hats at less than cost. Any sailor • strai.v in the store for 49c Men's Balbriggan Underwear in two-piece, sltirts and drawers, all size --------------- Sale Men's Work Socks Men's grey Work Socks. Anniversary Sale Anniversary Sale price per suit Boys* Balbriggan Combinations, in •all sizes. price four pairs for ...... . 85c Straw Mats Broadcloth. . price, per • garment 490 Silk striped Broadcloth in different ?shades. • Regular price per yard $1.39. Anniversary 65c Sale price per yard 7Se Prints Magog 'Prints in assorted shades and patterns, fast colors. Regular 25e per yard. Anniver- sary Sale .price per yard • 19e Potter's Print, in assorted and pettern9, •! fast colors, Reguhr ptiees 42e and 45e per vard. Annivelsary Sak price per yard, .29c • • Blankets Ibex Blankets,12'4 size, white end grey, with •. • en srocas • Men's Silk and Lisle Sods in fancy cheeks. Regolar prim 75c and 95c per pair. Annivd- blue and pink borders. - tuve Ss y, •le sary vice per pan' .... 418e price per pair • $us Neckties Bearttiful pure wool white Blankets, with pink We have 2.nice line -et men's Ne,ekties in fancy pattens at special prices, Regular 75e and 95e each. Anniversary Nile priee.....2 for 95c 1.; ttr blue borders, 15r 'the new overebeek p laitlS These give a rich cozy etieet. Various sizes. millivers-ArY.Sale price per pair ..... drawmartommoo amiorionoirrioiriati. We are offering many other bargains in merchandise not listed here. Visit our store at any time. Ladies'and Men's Wear ...•••••• Ar.***MMO14, •;.• LU -]J • CORNFIELD West Side of Square, Godericht "Shop Where You are Invited to Shop" Wg6tWa4 WAUMMOifk •„••••••• allito811111.0111111111. ill• • Lk190.T. V Aeei 11131 • JAI 0