HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-29, Page 2PACE 1Wt) HAWE_FLOOR WAX EVE in SileViriaikir VS GibiluAilitis Allies Offer To Ilritain ' lea the pact week ran the claim that `Tate attitaiale of Right ileum Plain a etaly we especially benefited by the .enoww en Drina Cl eeeelloe r the changes in the Sita ratios made by Exchequer, in demanding that Great the Yount; plate, ' eteitcaie these( receive 'a- more ern As alio >'reneh, .1taliane: and; Deis creme proportion ef' tee reparations glans view' it, the amount they now Payr :nte that Dire was elated to het . offer is just about 'W per' cent. of the under the new Young plan,.has ire n ' amoiAnt that Mr. Snowden claimed as laudcdi to the dales, '1 prominent n fair 13ritielr share and which he British nemlaa„sers wil, a few mon• was pat 'prolrarcd to sacrifice. Earl- tbs ago, cepa. a funeral march Doc:. 'cr estimates of their offers by the I3t=ifely.% foreign policy wizen the eetne pewere had been rejected by the Jabot Government took rcffice. British. and that was one of the reas- The latest allied ,offer to Britain ons whythe chancellor insisted• that of sin inereas:d share in German reit--the terms be, put in writing. *rationsannuities has ,been eemplcts Franfia Conferenceed by the experts and rhanded to Mr. Snowden. It is eepeetcd that the neva A eriokestnan for the French gov- offer will be subjected to savero ernntent bas announced that Fraurc scrutiny by British financial experts,not only expects an invitation to the before section is taken on it. The projected international naval confer French, Italian. $elgien .and Ja an- +encs, but will welcome suer, vin ..invi- c. se delegations to the reparations ration. . conference succeeded in putting the French circles have been somewhat finishing touches to their off i' to aiettled by reports abroad that France C at_. ituin f woi1d hold aloof and feared tcti ,,.t. . u_t•�-.feurP:long;;�`� ...�.... ., � s � .. �'aions. They ,gat together. the .equigal. ietpate because of the problem of rant in axnnuitiee of 40,000,000 inirla' naval parity between France and It- (sbout -$8,575,200) from various sour atiy, which has been raised by the tat- cele The latest important 'eontribu ter. The spokesman. gave assurance Ben was reported to Have come from that the contrary is true. the Italian delegation 'which. was the Arabs Dl's,esaere 'Jews ubSect of pressing solicitations olur. While the world at large was bus r'ily discussing The Bogue conference , 'M' and the latest're orts from Manchus - la, where Bessie' and. China are . at ST�, Ioggerheadsi , a tomb was exploded in Palestine when limbs attacked the M inhabitants of several villages near i Jerusalem, causing many deaths and. in Jewish 1 jurist; many •cf the vish Papua,- Je tion, Censored deplatehes Teaching Landon indicate ten ominous spread 1 h of Woodshed from o capital t its to the • surrounding countryside.ap Piecing toreether the scraps of news that have found their way through tee . rents rehtp barrier, it appears that .the: death toll has 'amounted to about 76. The: moat serious attack:by wowumpto SPEND i*5$fhmai.i�itg. Lei* waste- 8Rlrltentes *naive , tMmervtq :ANb sot esteem tiv ►ieett*n t.110Ar1v ThA1$Aa*I r. 110 tIMm4I.AN4! otilearntut , THE GOI:)ERICH STAR Arabs. c'n Jews is s,piai-;;ttt.i� that e'en -eta hes been dieceverecl m Bea, which %eluted at lieiese, A 44-'3- ezeettttlaly, Huigeee, patch to ti.e Jewish Telegrapit Ag- Great Tauael B'rogreseev eney tutee that upw+t►da of AO Jews A oiites )ink bet ween two trreat Herr killed in this outbreak, The deal included two rabbis!, The raaeerity rf itatl.aas was f rgcd this inerntng the .leis Blain were accents in the when Actiree Mayer Javan ee Nagle j4wra2srwcoulnidgeeed aitn itYehno,n,8lafuty eyi o1tocttre+it anndel:Hayov fdhi.aYpat :_ fanatical Moslems. Detroit Tun! Comiany,ceeated Reading hetstcm the litres of tine in the sessile of the Wctroit Rive: despatches, -!:searelect lFt4t the m:ir= tl:o cressint; of the intereetiotez • der def" tho J„as, fire and 10; ting i ] h lurttiao y lure. continuing on a Large scale, with Simple cerceeonies aboard a tug -heavy easuaiities. The suburb of Tat- marled the halfway mark in the tuns pi©th was among the places in Which re'ig eF'ln`tru, tion. The h%g shi..ld rfatin,; was mast violent. Arabs alga that Las leen boring uneier i,teneolph raveled the quarter of the Georgian street icaweeks sttbreYe Arinto and the tueswer Jew in cYeru..alree !inked un with tee sleGefoet cut under T he rcfnforeeniettts of regular Randolph street. The fifth tunnel sec - twain sent from Cairn last tion which wilt s an night, reached the Iroly Char this. p rho international morning, lTntil theta' r --rival u £ew boundary trill l:o in place in st fewv score of EeguAtnaen with two armors days, bringing the tunnel into 'Can - cd ears, seem to have been trying to adian waters. hold the nobs in check and prevent. Bonus On Iron ore 'tire burning of Jerusalem. Twe•Brit-i The nntarie Government will pay ish warships have been Eent to Pal -,a bonus of one cent +a` unit on all iron estine, - 1 ore mined in the province. TMs an - The Schneider Cup. Races Annuneement nude:, by Premier„ How- • With, the United Staten" entry de- and Ferguson ata big banquet at difficulties of formal ty whish had '° .' *ailed at 1r3aikG insuriiioantiwlle ' eislaand is a countiy' of strict. forms, and rigid ebceivxnte of the dipb.niatie rr..teeol 'way supeese i to g.ov4rn the invitations and the seat' ing of the geeets, But when tie ti cel . came to p)ace her majeety'a guests • it was discovered that if strict rill , y !emetic procedure 'were followed THURSDAY, AUG,29tb, 19'29 CHAS. BLACK Outfitters For Men Right flan, Philip Snowden of Greatk Britain would te heated rear the F?at-i • tart of the table, in tine least e:nsl3,,?- 'I! and, at 1X:>I1t$i haus place. The Queen fatally retains the die.: . £ieulty by dividing her eighty wee" Ready to -Wear and among ten tables* thus; reeking It tiff -i ficult for the meet meticulous eritresle . is ascertain the order of precedence' she intended to confer. The royal palace was'never so re -s. Tj E LAST THIN IN MIN'S SMART WEAR splendently decorated as when thea Special Orders delegates b:gan,to drive nn for the`: banquet. All of iiollard's rich re- THE SQUARE 4 its+,. Phone 219 ° GODRRICH sources in flowers were drawn upon to decorate the ealons and the dining' ball. • 1 Reviews.Growth el Canada sn,. In a recent issue of their monthly Recently a carload of Sufolks,' ship- and, her `eightine off tete c:aliforn)ar International Live. Stock Exposition) Asmara air base, near Tokio, Jar survey, ra well known fineneeee house e. from Guelph, h O t. :omade'the coast. Thi• .is the faster assage be- d n up,narIon 0. tp ff. • e ,. � members of the New York Steck Ex- higlist Beek average price .in al said twe,n the two points an record--xast4 A ! nit ll* out of alae Schneider Cup Sault, Ste. 'tilsrie was greeted bI, change states in part: l of over 1,000 head of sheen. One rani, er than the voyage of the United, speed raeea this year and the fact; thunderous applause. This is one of "Canada has been caned one.of is twq- ea •old in h fiocb sold for States u m • airmen in 19 3, that Italy has refused to compete bj�- the important h.mes of the basic the most eertunat.ly situated coon ee350. y r ' the , a s r cause B3ritain refused to postpone the steel industry, and the surroundingtries in the world. Possiblyt3 date of the race owing to Italian vaso District of Algoma has within itevidence of this is to, be een in the' National Research Laboratory utilities and her inability to have her borders great areas of iron ore de- steady group duringthe past revs # The Canadian Government, is to planes ready, althouge elm has had posits. The legislation to bring the teal years in agricultre, mining, for- erect rt fully equipped national rw- two years to prepare for this great bonus into effect will be introduce esti , ower, radwa earni seare:r laboratory' #n Ottawa at. a d Y P , � Iib"sr fat event, it would appear that Greatcast of 3000400 The building, Pli at the next session of the Le is a» el n trade Ira s � $ , , . r g, S l 8 beak dap sits and in the Britain will be the only nation corn- ture. Steel experts estimate that on maintenance of a high standard ofwhieb is to be 4f #riiposing design is. noting for the fannaus: air trophy the basis of. the iron. content of the living: et low cost. Tint gains ix in..ito be erected on a site near •Sussex Street overlooking the Ottawa. River, wltieh she at present holds by virtue or available in Northern Ontario duatries and trade are- in many re- ., „ of her victory last year. The British this bonus will work out at'about 75 spects comparable to deveiotainents and adjoining r Joh clrffe, the for ?lir Fame officials have 'announced cents a ten, #n the United States at -the turn of mer hawse or Sir John A. Macdonald, that the British planes will fly over ' tho ,century ::, firse Prime - .Minister of Canada after the 'course even if the 'French, Italian China versus Soviet Confederation and subsequently the. and oureUnited States' speed Planes do China continues intensive ltrepax•t home of Dr. Charles A. Barris, inter - Mt ;compete. : - , . • acinus for any •eveftuaiityx -in Dian- '' .: --- nationally know composer and con;...- Htru Tic ffi :-Ia. . ^ 't,.tria,.--whits ficial._de.nial-.vas.►- �� .o3rt.ultra...vthe_:rheiLXecet►tle...Work.`nn „ PE-• a c r�ery~-- • Rupture Specialist. Ruptu'fe, Varicocele, Varicose Veins, Abdominal' Weakness, _ Spinal Deformity. Consultation - free.. Call or write ;i J. G. - SMITH, British Appliance Specialist, 15 Downie Ste Stxat- e• ford, Ont. p+w.`.....• .44440410..14 . 1 startling disclosur.,s din e' made' in lkioseew of any Soviet In- the building Will, at is expected, start traffic i narcotic s made in vasfon of that territory. 1 `. shortly. drugs s s . the official minutes of the last res- The Foreign'Relations Committee ' sion of the League of Nations ad- visary, opium conimissien. prepared draw ung r`o 4adIslforsessions ming .marathon for the world's: mere P p p a defense which for tsubmidst%rt..to tie ;September _-_ maids held on the **ening day o£ the were submitted to the State Council. x sisseinbl of the 1 a ue . Canadian National . a Japanese a tch # N i -New S inINSURANCE N Sic i mrn Champion p 4 1. of the Nationalist Government met The winner of thr ten -mile• swim- , in � "The Mutual Life y e g . ' A J p despatch from an- �.;; ons can Earlhaion l - As a result of these revelations,, it Toronto, wits won byne !Martha world kin said that $2 040 40 M had ins,. irreatest swimmer , in the world. The, blonde girl who conquered At the , Ulvmpie Games, swam through a Assurance Company shimmering.sea to, vide* and fame. She won in ;record time from some all Canada 48 competitors. She eliurned'.her `way . ' thr;ugh Lake Ontario whhiie a hu;e: Es aCeoshsa.lsei throne looked on and marvelled that 'Been OviiCn c 1VirenLoo, Dytx one could be. so'perfect. The,•plucky .. swimmer received the first award of • $X0,000 for her' efforts. ""D.' •U, MONEY; 'r Aged el* ' Z lxn s Greati tat Flight . ort 's 8 Px neo s learned natho"a'tatively. several beep placed at the disposal of Blare' governments will beasked for .ex- shall Chang I1sueh-liang for pur planations when the subject is raised chase of war materials and other at the fifth aseem'bly of the commis- military costs by the Central, Governs cion. For example,. the league''- re- ment. Manchuria has been for years vised list of factories producint; noir- a self-sufficient entity for "practivel- tales reveal the existence of one ly all purposes, and it was said that doors in Switzerland, Hungary and this marked the first time that credit ether countries which heretofore were has been extended its government by unknown. theN ii The Italians have always melte- atan a1 st G ovei nmer►a. irized that they were non -producers 'the Diplomatic Rinner of drugs, Now two factories, one in Queen Rinner_ dinner to the Genoa, and another in Milan, have chief delegates to the 'young parley been _unearthed. Another • large raw- was one of the mot- renrnrkabls 1 dobe factory utilixingi ".hone -grown , feastsever lien in Holland, despite , . • , e 0 M. ROBINS SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 ONE DAYONLY .1:,where your Dollar ,Buys More LADIES' SILK HOSE .. all shades lir Bot, DOLLAR DAY, 2 p lir for $100 MEN'S CAIS. einht-,piece, unshrinkabte peaks, ail sizes DOLLAR DAY. $1.00 1 LOT OF BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES sizes i to, in black and brown • DOLLAR DAY, $1.00 EACH MEN'S FANCY COT'EON SOCKS DOLiGAR DAY,.7 pat • for $1.0 BOYS° PULLOVER SWEATERS In heavy knit,, sizes 26 to 32 DOLLAR DAY, 2 for $1.00 MEN'S. HATCHWAY COMBINA... TIONS and Tf�OPKIS COMRINA. }ONS all Sizes in lot, DOLLAR DAY, $1.00- MEN'SJINE gown. °liars attached, all sizes ill lot. DOLLAR DAT, $1.00 - 1 LOT OP MEN'S POLICE BRACES heavy elm*. DOLLAR DAT, 4 pair for $1.00 MEN'S WORK - SOCKS DOLLAR DAT,5 pa r for $1.00 MEN'S KHAKI PANTS all sizes DOLLItI- DAY, $1_.00.._ 1 LOT OF MEN'S BALBRIGGAN " COMEIKAI.ONS Penman's, Zinunkuit, all sizes • in lot. DOLLAR DAY, $1.00 per Giuinent BOYS' BLOOMERS ill stark brown tweeds. sixes 3tt to _K DOLLAR DAT, $E110 BOYS' OVERALLS Nadi', awl blue, all sizes. 'MAR DAY, $1.00 w A . Trri3. V ' H V R w 0 s 0 R 3P 1 A L .MEN'S WORK ` SHIRTS Kitchen's and Deacon snakes,: inbine, klra1 iiiibray, polka dot, all sizes - n lot DOLLAR DAY, $1.00 MENS TWEED PANTS all sixes ti - lot DOLL DAY, $1:00:. per leg SILK TIES different designs. DOLLAR. DAY, 2 for $7.00 BOYS' PURE • WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS itt grey and brown, sizes a6 to 3t:. DOLLAR DAY, $1.00 nevi% MEN'S LEATHER HORSEHIDE GLOVES . all sizes•. - - DOLLAR DAY, $1.00 MEN'S HEAVY SWEATER COATS You'll have to hurry for these DOLLAR DAT, $.'t MEN'S ALL WOOL JERSEY PULL., OVER SWEATERS all sizes DOLLAR DAY, $1.00 CI'LDREN!% HOSE ltlnek and brown, `sizes 4 to S!,, DOLLAR DAY, 8- pair for $1:00 HANDKRCHIEF$ in trine and red, in large size , DOLUR DAY, 12 for $1.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL HEAVY HOSE ata, grey, !brown and black. DOILAR DAY, 3 pair for $1.00 MEN'S INITIAL BELTS " all sizes DOLLAR- DAY, $1.00 MEN'S HEAVY LIGI?CI'HOUSE OVERALLSi with tett bait all AIWA DOLLAR DAY, 21:00 each AGENCY WR M. ROBINS .il'.,'I OP ni'AILtJR.S PER NE 384 South Sidle Square GODFii.ICE -I - SOVIET ENVOY SIN LONDON M. Devgalbvsky, `S'pviet' represent; sighted a few minutes later from ative in Paris, photoe-mphad at the Presidio. of San Francisca, heading Hotel • Cecil, London, upon the oc- directly, toward the Golden Gate. carton of his visit to England to dis- Zeppelin entered tee Golden euss with Mr -Arthur Henderson. the .GThe ate at 6.25 p. m., 67 hours, 49 min,-. Foreign Secretary the question of utse hating elapsed between• the 'de- reestabbli:-hnuent of •dip:itmatlei re- parture of the airship from ifasupa dations between Britain and the Soy.- ree-seeteesseeiet. The ; .around the cowrie dirigible, Noirr ST. : 'Gonmuo i, Dee. Graf ,Zeppelin, was .sighted from the Fartellones at 0:08 p. m., Pacific scan- , dat;d time last Sunday' by •the marine' eetekout ..stati ene(L hetfr,r'She. .., was Poet's ,Ashes Brought Home • I The ashes of Bliss Carman, wear Ives Canada's greatest poet, noel rest in .concrete tomb at the *emailburial 'plot rat Forest 'Hill Cemetery' Fredericton, N. ,, overlooking thei , city where lie- w e born. he. ashes were ,sbrougght from New Canaan, Connecticut, . where he died, to Fredericton and committed fire their 'lest ''staling peace" following tf a.memorial service arranged by the; Government of New Brunswick 'and attended by distinguished men and' Women from many parts of Canada 1 and the United States. On ofe Car-; best known poems was sung: tta during the :service. at. Christ Church Cathedral. Ontario Sheep in California< For • several years Ontario ' sheep breeders haveherrn awarded 85 per, cent. of the prizes for sheep at' the 1 The West Street ' Electrical. Shop 4 �.. We carry a good 'stack of Electricalr pplttc�nices Fixtures,; etc.. We Spear -404i id.. Wiring of A11 i 'ireds Estimates given on application. 411' Work Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 - . West $c1 eet Sore, if* Tired Feet .: Bathe in Minard'a d warm Water, ruhbang the solution into the aching parts with the finger tips. ° Minard's is s° splen. ' o Y'. '°d><d ft•-sp aw ,.ItrItities. and strained ligaments at 1929 NASH "460s". Now- Selling at Reductions as high as NOW --today you are offered the greatest motor car buy is snotor car history -new Nash "400's" at reductions in price which mange up to $463. Only z limited number, of these finer motor cars are available at these reduced figures. To be cer- tain ertain youget the model you desire, .. you should make your selection at once. 'his is the time to buy here is a golden opportunity e to own a J. Nash "400" with the wIn ..lgni- I'I IONE' 13 tion motor, Houdaille and Lave - joy hydraulic shock absorbers, Bijur Centralized Chassis lubrica- tion and many other advanced fcatu res, found only in earn prided higher than the "400" primo prevailing prior to this, big were• 1.10 1, h URf O%N�i/MrO�TOR�,�]SALES H. C. YOUNG, NG, v1oderrkh SOUTH ST a