HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-29, Page 1/
• Dalian sad Sawa Way tsf
Helping in Bond Up Our inia coo-
arosolio, Moor) lent our in: %one
Helps i`e) Taxan ia Some tither Cob-
- ea -
Wedding siailearry. snerner in *lord-
ing and itsrat„ grimed Ps aparnonoi
ro Mei elk Or sleek. At ike lit4r
rick as. sate, itie thous, of 1..nd
Prima lag.
Suloocriptiont $2 a year in Canada GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th,
SEVENT/ETH YEAR PAO a year to U. s. points.
••••••.4.4 14.0••••••••••-•K
WALTER .NArtELi ablnher.
New ' Elevator Annex ,. Will Pay., $2,500 School .Taxes.,, Annually --Vote for the..y aw Next Thursday
, ,
, , .}jroin Goderich Were Me and Mee Al- .111iit week' and a volt for practice, thePEOPLE I'VE KNOW 1 -
bert Goldthorpe. U. ettni Mrs. Glazeifire lunged' were called out twiee,' ... ..,, ,, e,‘ , e , e
lift I . ' 88111111CB Dampen , et age a :.
. .. ,:... mr.,. It,. bert Johnston.
iier, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and Mr, during the earty hours ef Friday aloe," ouss r -.1'''e r.xuev uas lett l''le ales"
!ring Iu put eut a lire at the emit tee: trek, where *he has teken a poeitione
. on ,Mardey evening_ the ..winnera 'Yeseilt of the building being etruele; Mt • Mowsrd kuwler a Ssaltfad is
V' d le- i te Ws w k Q
PLAYING SAFE , in the local tournament were Jamealleyelightning. med on 'budge jUst 4'; I 't.
Ailisset aml -Charles Week, first, endk short time before. DC011 the Moine Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Currell of Salt -1i .
tend Joseph Ifrophey, out of part of the gaeoline engine on; fer.ed sPtPt.Pe...„ w.tel,ecellet in. eTturVte•I`
WIten you take fin invenhAry of your tiri. protection, dci C.. McManus
the minute E. in she bubo, wee the, etas. en. es. eel% um tien. ear. Toin i
, aecontl. eurneteicutt haveercturna from Hien' Wi!et-
you not, uSnallv„ lind 'ytitifself underinsured?
't 1-^ ol ti a came a eimither elarm being . i•
inn, The fire at Mr. Bogle's:. took plee0.. ' - ' , e. . • e
WirAt about yoUr life iusuranCei The Majority of people :I
The ether day the Toronto Some ratepayers are of the opinion that in quoting
Glolte in the early hours of tke nonning.1 . Mr* mid rili ''''Inv'r 11-1"1,41.114,n,
NI,. mew Toreado.speft the we.A. Vail 'Mawr, One Dollar a* tits nominal bogie of essessment ori our new
- are und‘lrinsured. Are you carrying cupu•gh, :•so that you7r
• had on item •from Picton.boosting of The family were away,'
fatuity Call live Co/lIforlablY (*tilt.. P4,)eeeils wisely Invested. 1 a tell spetimen of Leen Douglass tete"; away sidling and No* Do`iiiie trillird.sv)ruaAetlatileatt lia3 retunwa t)t storage lean= we would not .be pitying arty tax thereon. As
'gladiolus which a grower in that town having left. collide ef weeks before '''t we pointed out 'in ow letter of last week it is our expecte.
If yen require further priiteetion Ike have a poliCy tO sUit
had raised, reaching the height of six, for Detroit. A neighbor, Intr. -Niehol.' Ternetto _after spending a week ate e-
/ bon to pay $2,500 annually on this new unit. This on our
. your nee. d:. • . - ., - ty inches. That may be a very fine -,som going home about half an hour, 1/111,,,ewf''.4 ne461"
aek Peaeoele of Handlten, 13! . PrOnitnt *Ch091 tete of 15114 mins (a mills for public and
.*_;_.;_. . _ _ o 0 a s a 0 is variety m se. vas . e un el, way an le antes
reir."---fin f tit: of ea e well d' dtl fl '
en another bone the fire water Beach for a week,
4'gr.4're.saivat Fenwick's cottage,
Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McLean <nide
--e-e-:---e--------"------ eeeer- - • , flower but Goelerich can beat it by ifter midnight, noticed a light in thed ,
Illue-1 .:611a mills for collegiate) .tcreuld represent an asiessment of
0 Office I15.
guallest "i Residence 549 H .11 LONG, District Agent . - . . .. M.
___, is the owner who boasts the possess- had returned.
'Pother ten inches. Mr W Itf Rnight.cellar but supposed that the Bogiest"
MIMI i, tirade'. of Detroit, visited last week: .
1 over $1601000 property valuation. Our total asseament
on *II properties would then be as follows t
, ,urings five feet, eleven inches. M. burst through the aseof. Am Warne was
TOW11 TOPICS. fil-hotdol:TchhtaelcibTlik•I‘o:gs,sa:L•til,*:P= taurlii-leleinvien3id ntshee fired bpruiladoeutanatle .111,s5alru'd'Ilrt yaruct-easr,camphen ladi
„...„ ----- If d.
uw family bare been ving in Hamilton' Full tinuttion (by
fixed -111**Ingrierkf) 011 $100,000 at 49 mills $ 4,900.00
of gladiolus tere, getting it blaze but so muelt headway had been . Additionid Pub. and Coll.
.„.-- i3choo1 -Be•topening has three stalks of bloom.
from an Ottawa dealer. The flewer made by the blase before the alarm
was turned in that the house and lout Toronto this week, making the !
trip by motor. - taxes on itilleitaq. of 335,000 at 15% " 9,192.50,
. furniture were elestreyed. The feet 'Mrs. Charles Naueey, of Toronto, '
Gerlerich Collegiate Institute will -
Out of ,atovent Guests has been the guest of Mrs. Williem . ,
Stock Brokers - . 're -open cni Tuesday, Sep. 3rd. at 11 at the .
. t that the floor over the Wel; part of : Thompson, tismitirlit Reed, for the $455,000 • ' $110,C92.50
A. Mee when all intending students Blae bird 'Tee 'Simi, the 'cellar where 'Illr Nicholson siviv , ,
Bend Dealer; . • e.re reauested to be present to file. Mr. Frank Duprat, Mr. and Mrs. the i•v.0 ' past tnvo w eks
• Irrenen new-tanatton would therefore provide $I400.ext;
4- 15* 9-411(lic4te'41144-t'the-fleerlIte4te4 "it. retgled to Windsor', afte"rnisapnantilinvgc ' . ditionel revenue to our public schools and $1100 additional
cruso, . ,fetsotgl-yary, --- . on„ -Miss Margaret Strang,. Teronta; .,
' ilitate the early orgapieatione_at 'tteeeigeeLreege....,Hatenteateetee,pree.
- • Mrs. M. A. Doane,,Miss Doeme, Chie-•the -light was noticed. Possibly
light may. wave been from the fire a eveek's vileatient at . the home of revfnue to our Collegiate WOW% ally d
• their daughter, Mrs: Roy Mohring, aritill p an we, may _
OYAL -BANK Olt : -
lAbar-D4 Attraction
A double.header baseball game has Miss ' Grace, Strang, Guelph; 'Miss when it vies jO-St Starting, Mr. and Mrs. George Luxton .and
ago; Mrs. G. 0, Little Walk:Orville; tint out that this new reveime comes to the ratepayers.
In the severe eleetrical storm early daughteri , mrs. Rowers= and her. - telt front st strip ef railway' property which heretofore' has
. crick. Ositorite . been errenged for Labor Day .at the Lucie gDumon, Miss Rand MeMalion, Friday Therninge ow ennoin nf thn
`--. --''''''---- -- "-- li tie daueliter Jean, of Detroit, are ` paid but a few dollars in taxetion annually, and the other
Phones 430 gni 448 ` Agrit;Ulttiral ground's here with Pres- Mr.s. '...w. J. Davidson, Mrs. A. le
ton and the Goderich Black Sax a$ i atso , re. e n tugs eounty jail was struck 'by lightening it ,e. ie.
4.. 4 . &
'1 M. Will', T I.. haU from what was unused water wee. In fact half of our
is‘ -4ii% • 'the tontestants. -Gaines tailed at 2 Mrs Jefferson, Humber, Mrse G. Syne.
' and took fire and .tlie brigade were( ,i.
called out They .had • some ,,difficulty Was rioren6i Peters 'of the Not- entire plant has been built on untenable water area and the.
WANTED " In getting at the fire and in addittion itir2„ st:1::41nfcg c .0
o'elock and 4 e'clock, . ., irgton Junior, Detroit, Dlr. and Mrs. `
e'Sviltlhalite;tutlittiCleVre 111V. other half on unused limit
Alterations et Stool Store, , . , , R. Ethrard Soles, Gordon .Sayies,
Ana Arbor errs. ' ,Gleason, logo. aiderame daiaage, :was -dam by, oe et Mir, has returnel to lier home at '
to the damage dome by the five coa. • eu
WANNEO.-ebokegeneriel, to go. to
Alterations are beiree made int. the We trust this exphmation May serve to eorrect any
and Alice dleason, Lakeside; illr, and Weston Onteire. '
eeplity Sitee. T. T. St:37S, Hotel Suneet S by ' ' h h
' . Lonaott. itenerenees.theel wages
..- '.htraLoutIIPain Toledo,. G
II . • wateved alarm . About' belt past 4 o'clock a
I . ar e improper impression Which, may have c ',doted and that you
.. -......, - . s . . W. seeo-• . . i
.,.. have tail their basinesS on the lower - aluu„h imud;Japli
ieuti: I:violet and eta u mu hew:it diaeevered in theu jawas turned m eleo bae„. il bevi yeturned to Goderielt front their .
will appreciate our efforts in the commtsnity by giving the 001) GENEMI. siaiVANT WANTieli.
flat. - The office. is bung elevated' to _ Bera, 7 A eely smith, zetee ,and urs. F, t g.
Aim your best influence and vote.
.) arke e%ecend Tun was made. The blaze „
vacation and Me Clarke wilt • oceupy : b
allow of more floor spao for the'dis- pulpit in North street 'United •
P. Betts V. C. Betts, Mi E V
P Y g o • -Jdnee, London. • -, ---ss - -* on the Minnie B. was put out by the t"e
• corner Waterloo and: Lighteouee Ste.
. • •
c C.,Cii. c4111fuen, Pd'itliocrIzai- Stettler In- Witte" faitieftallee
.WANTS0.-Vouner. girl ,to mind . two ing made in• tile windows, • extinguishers on boned. One Of the
. t t vhanren, Worn -big and afternoon. Bowling 'To Have Contort' Oa Closing ' troy- wag somewhat bectlY injuved, '
dependent, Settler, Alberta, ewae a • THE GODERICH ELEVATOR igz.TR'ANSIT CO., ta.
Apply et TIIE STAIR. .. , :, • - • " Night Of Pfdr ' being 'cut about the 'ankle•iri the blow visitor with his niece .Mrs Harry
On Monday evening i several lad - - ' '
tr A meeting of the attraction -cot*, Am and Was taken to tile doctor for
Watson - lest week and will remain
Alia:NTS wee:Tem-Noe Nill Make and gentlemen. bowlers from Goderich mittes Of the GoderiCh Fair was heid attention. G. L. PARSONS, President
... _ in Ontario Until the - middle of Sep- .
4"..' good looney and got lir cash every attended the nugen tournament ixt 'en Friday, nt which It was decided to, The. Ratepayera. Cennot • Afford to tombor;
week sebin„o
-* our urSery stock: Fruit oitSeaforth ,'but did net bring bath any hold. A VOriCert in the Opere House On Defeat• The Itylate "Next..Thurs,der. • Miss Alma 110121 10n Inas returned
trees,. ItatiAerrles, Durts, !Goose- of the' plizes.- ''ll'hose. :who' Attended the elosing night of tete fair. The ee.
berries. !Shade •freett,. Silt toot, Barn)* , eee Vete on the Elevator by.law heme front a inlet -woke vaeationwitit teset'ereee'''''''''",'"e""`"-"" . .
y.„renalaitt. itt„ses,- Hedging, etc. . We •••---,---e*.e`e, eee----- ,e -e'.. --eeeeeeeeeeee'eee---eeei , concert is a _regular feature -el tee fleet •Thersdaer is of ethiegratepayerhe fc on.e .1.hpairarsandpand zentsth eMi r4; anstiallrati. liPot.:.
•-etlay for eialefroulars. CAVElle. e..... • pertment of 'higcting one in nii•I 1 lo
, ----er.0- that thee' apPretiate exhat the elevete Mir and Mrs. George Berrintan *and iva"alsaliePelekite'thalitenii:ei&vis.lcollie:sut:Iniaarcka.e.' rIRAW MA" FfIti °4tIni(VW "IL
euvulett .coneelete outfit tree. Write 'to, ., ,-musva , fall fair - . . 1 . , it th . X' oppor uw, 1.,
- eeet$, IL IL No. L Fridituti
it,--(„Intorm - rk, tpaEri w.,.Ats,knixts•
30 colinoetten *nil • the fair should tor has • meant in the -development Mr, Mid Mrs. 'Cant illohing, of Wal- NRIt OF `ROSE BOWL .
fe---1 An NYEKLY 1' II' - 111111 1'. •°••• _ _ provide an 0dclitiOXIal 'attraction. • fer of• the harbor at Gad 3I11 To defeat kerville, •• • - Miss Cathariue sucusnin, u sister The dram', for the Garrow cuP com-
sister, Besides his widow, .fovreerly• .
ep nerveres.1.'.. setting •PALGo t)1 4110(14 1 . ' , ,Teeelner ee, , elle closimg (ley. - . the bolea,...'would leave n miter flavor Miss P. E. Weioh, of • Edmonton, of Intrs. Alek youct, Mr Clark is, petition It the Mait)and' Golf Club
to every home, tele•e-, sallatqllultolet,,. Pieno, singing-, -organ ente_theory ' Tile ettroetton eontinittee ere. trY- in the roeuth,:tsliich-could--not--h,e1P who coma east to attend the •Worldts survived by a family of fear, Mre was Wade on
' Vast sellert=, 1106d ''cons144•40n. Pi" fri •sterecesful entries for Toronto. Cone- .itg. to arrange tor the juniping norsea but be remembered,. in constdering anY Convention of INTUrees, held at -Mon.. Tuesday as follows:
eamples, le 4.• LRFEBVIIE 6 . CO., sli.vtitory examlaltIlens laid . Var.; over -Whieh Were to hove exhibited here poseible` further 14OVeicortint ' of tbe treat in july, Pnd vele has since been 'bit Clark; Colbornet iMrs: Victor IL C. Nitilliannt ,,vni A. C. Campion:
Pa.......47111.../..**-e..1.1....../*.**11. . , ,........ ers „ Wang, of Nile; Mrs. B. lti. Milt,. Of
eerie, Alexandria. oat. • - . , G, Jenner ve Mrs.. Barnes
eoVe scoring honors end- first-class iait- year. And • the joyland AnhlWaY etevator's busine.qs. • . Visiting het sister,tM, ty. P,/ W. tear- Louisville, Rye 'anti Me•Frank clam •,,H ,I" A h * M II
VSATilkillikeetCon cant - ease ' • 7* II r ,.."44u 'r_
ltiltooni resumed 'Qotturda.. c.eio- 7 -ie 1. L.-- ' %, I .1 ,
has been •contracted 'with. Tho, pete The.firet queation,. riluneste that. any ele, Britenniaeroadriett inn 1111 1'. of town. Mt Clark was an 110001 112 • -.1, MoOermid vs. dre•v. B. C., Menet'. .
. . c e$011 Va. re. enry
AL: fenther bed Rulde into a %tighten: A .jew•ritemtuiee LI, •puitiat ••• .. list /Ave 310W ',melt lssuee an etenee :Prospective' intitustry .a.ske ef the town on bee return Janney. She WIn '.2 it leerier .
roll mettres.s or down miler ter. 'iliga•' st ow s -T illituttitis.,•on,„ limy be had from :•the secretary or authorities is, ",eart weedepend on the friends. a Begins. Susi: 3-tOin. told Goderleb yew, lie was a member of
of the directorate of the • , -
. . IVISS Bertha Fleming :vs. W. A.
est eprice paid foe feathers. Inent a vg„.toria ,selhool. - . .. , • - - ":'-' fr;ut t e 1.21. ti liewspaper ettiees. , usual exempticiiisr! ift has beee ask- Irma; Alberta, enroutc,
Past 01a401$ Night in - II1Ornint Star ed within • the lest fe"a; Nvt,ek.a. The leer, Deter isberwan•sild.ilis daugne •and belonged ta tite Smith's ,klill ii.'G, Young th Mr& F.'vanS
, Ole Independent' Order of 1't z'.. emetbuest
• oard ,toerneareetoN PleteTRIfIte AND , , . , e ..
_MATTHESS - CO., Goderieb, and Our' otememee, ..-. . ... • . , . ....
eh e e id h ausiver ef the authorities that theY tele, Edna and; Jean, -returned „ last 'Vatted thumb and '.s is a Conserve D. D. eeeoney vee atre„ eyeaahelou
ogent Will eatl. , . :STEl:IglkiefS' :ACCOMMODATIONS Peat Masters in, t Wa$ IeId
ayeeeonfident• the Ipeople would carry Monday laitaajag . front a sig.:weeks -ative in polities. The funeraI.was !held . L walker ill,„ mimc, Rays
------- "-^ ----- . - • - "*.,,,,, . ..,•-•,---............,-,--...1-:..,.. -,t1,ie *embers- of the Wilting star ..
lealeee W.VeZTED.- , . • e. , appeat Alen- etetanieeeeme woe; front tod u b eee ,ele lath • such ,a 'bylaw wove ha gavot Ate lie •Ineotor e trip through the 41 A
, ffj-, . .., ,.--413".,--ifIktbia.ThUr11411,)t afternoon- to- Colborne. . ,.M01. K. letaftel Vs..,T,...R. Pattereen
eee coiletiete.• - Air -4•otwellieseps. y ,ligow„,,i ,,,T,,e4,-,14 -,,- tvik,-Iri--..,A, ,--..,'41,4jogro- 04114,101/WOW,N4110.1NOWOrit4tialittAIINVII/t'' led it0C10,`, Titoliociliit".," alitry!eernetera, The ureic° hour easily. Mrs. L. Wolker• vs. F. Sauadera "
. -. 'Vie 'faded- eeereWingetr;itiew-lit C*0- 'HI e t'• ST110-41•1 ir ' - - --°--- '.7'.-----' - - - - ' - - ' '--- - oil- ThOr$4857..Ilext;,:v.,riek the 'defe,int of Visited Mx. and 'Mx& it:award iStraugh-. tad- by Bev. Ur. Curriminegi, of Ben.
-ii- re 11 • , t, .. ' ` Masa and ti t ma t r " the totige, , e T..Pritchard vs. Miss 0.'Allen
inteneed you. eloneplete e:•.'inoe Uo.urses• ., L. - ..: e _ • -- It 'US e In the bylaw Would 'hat'e ••)a hearing ort- an at -17arkland, s' IlAvalberata,- - for • ty mt Ter, ;and atm'', Mr, , Alp, et. Anzburn, . el s witt a% vs K. Nal
Do the work with *Welt; Under expert .11tuatiS.-euoinfortatele reeme for hvo tool charge. witli 0., C. Voir as tor- atter . ' otiV '• - :- ' d st ' ' • • •fro -weeks- and abi•o. '• -t -Short. -414: 'ec'elet 'the Pell.bearere WOVO-- Messrs. - ' •5111.:,' tittlie - on:. J:DOneldstolti `
anstructors on Ungionst t"talItinge Light. ,-4•0' nr Three/ stutients'Aft. rivnte,iltaue,...mediate..pask masterrCharles• 41.-:AROS.' --..- --P".S.14 4s aal u Iles .11L.
. .tnee to time, , , . . ' ., , . :.4'' ' iNVitit Dr, and Mrs; McCarter, at Wane •
etwetelente inat V.lectrieal -Welding, Ilk- tioy b.as, ateommodatione ter. two key, Chatelaine; Thomas Verson seem- valor, %ore than atiy one other fact. led on Mr. anti Xis.- Walter Sillih, liam Bogie mid' GeergeGFeci%U.sfnit ne, et Tom vs ,G, 1%,feftel
Th . • . - f tie peee z e lee• •. i 0 a ... . . , s; „ .Thomas Andersen, e Jamee II yden,
4gg,,,olig/ ' igattiniv--Systerosi-. <tuft ‚.I L' (4.1112.) 114. 7:1`..'llone, .._ ... ertson, Senior Wordent• Frank 'keit,. , a
0 business * ee, . eric 0- o Peg, rt ten return trip tney eat.' aatiles Buchanan,./antes tee , Ittise Soinervilita lie. C. Walker •
Veit Metbaniete Battery • Repairing.1 ` e - - • • e son: Junior. Warden: Alexander" kiee ' J. Cavrie vs. Mee. Coulthuest
0 4 ' • , on , ' en or MA hali Woo respensible foe the GoV. of Iran:Springs, Alberta, Mr, Tom
Austria alleriraityi Drtolotong, .P.I4s. •11-4 students.' girls "'metered. ApPir tole , e bee e eeeeeeee • e 1 ' -
tering. ,Tite t‘efting. :We. also -W0cli TI1E 4.1)1)F HR STAB -- -- ernment eXpenditures on thid 'POrt' SLID orTahor llit D.2'. 2. of '
Aniong friends .from out of town who m iti d 1 * .
de doped -deputations to Ottawa . of Minneepoits, till Priner reSidente eft, Robert' -Allen of: Winghant, and
f f ' • i • -, 14 a an. P aYers won the rourte
Deaeore ,a,teisre, EAmite. Deoctint _ .. , . . ,. t}ie bas. . , .. • P • .„,, „., I Were here or the . littera wine , r. with Lieteevel in the Perth,. fleeter
' Archleeetural • anti. '.I. 1111114.11 Drafting. A li fl* Ste -Roomers. 1,1,41,41,0----e, ot oert‘eseareue, hmel, guard. Tile . tette Without the businees the elevater • Lethbridge arcl Mrs. ISCIWInt Ingrain. IV. II, Brawn.•
Write oe call for Freee Catalogue. Mrs' Srswri and familia:n(1 Brute golf league by a Ceere el
, STAB oPYICH, . .- felting ef the third 'degree w,e(Y•the 17 to 28. Seafovtit pi 1.%U Were her* •
Continerdai lihteeneering SOWN,. State would not accomplish- much A ?eine of Goderiele 1Ve .MacEwari .aml. his sole George, of Itentucky; and a num.! hint :tvn.01, 4
- Nnets'llinet 57- glieeP W., Tor°0t0.‘ -- 110E11 STEDENTS.2-0Ooti, itobard he return mateh evil
- week 'of the •eVenin4 and tbe offieera
.. ... 4 11 4rf for' the bylaw` en ThurstlaY is the _faintly have motored ' 0,500 milee -her of friend'e from -Auburn At -the • --• - - - a" t I ' .
Performed tneir wort( we i -ehe mos. • •,• i . be -at Seaforth on trida Itt the Mot`
...---.-........ , i d comfortable room • - I. I4e ratepayer s way of saying, .1, appre- 'Since Leaving home and they have funeral' Rev. Inir. CummitoSe eomillen- eh here Maitland pi 2701 lead the beet
. 'FOR SALE Ob. TO RENY . "1" - e 4.1 1 - altholigh over siiry 'ye. I's ...e•
......„_„. .....e.........--........,--ee secured at Ole Stiofford Y.W.C...%; at ' " a' elate the benefit ithe elevotor has greatlY eteieYed their trite, ted On the greet 'patience of the de-
mo:Mon . toek 'all . the 11 (‚2.1 wort:. of a 20 to 7 score, and if they can wir
tr0 BENT.-Furnashett aoartineut to reasonable rates, convenient to sot- Owieg to the disagreeable eeening - . '
been to the -town." ' ` - the round the ill b tla '
y •tv e e•Wirinere 0
- ' OBITUARY' ceased dewing hie lime end tn•ritur
rent.. Inonediate -• 1,0 '2 .Lnial. Witte - for -reservations. to -1.-Alr. ' ..13143 eXtAnsion of an old establish- - :-
.. .G.A, 43 Waterlo0 St, Stratford, lant. "4,- - - - ed .businese la as least as good for!
• not attend.. ,
MeGFE.---T'io death- occUrred at
- • • illness. Pouv yeava ago Mr, Chu a lief.
raI Who were to• take. part did • the •south • district, and will comer at
. . W OffAIDIE -
, the two fered. the logs of a- danghtet Isabelle, . 1 . f i h 122.
, ,
•reort SALE.-Ceinent idock 8 -roomed ', - - \ . Huron Lodge Installation 1 as 'the: bringing of a itaW 1,DetrOit on WednesdaY, August 7th, and It Wtm the same yeav that his time :which will no doubt bo Kineard-
' industry, and where- the •estelilished, at mentor elates, eeee cr, Thomus brother, Mr, Georg* Clayk, peaseel
-4. house near CoBeglate in excellent. . ' AVoTioN SALES •
- iesinlition boil modern equIPPed. Vine- - --"'• - 1.' ''.*----7.----* -
' • District Deputy . G t'a . . . ....
ra- Master Ed. buarless has 'been a success, as luis McGee. Deceased was in her teventee ewaY,
second year., She was born in Godor•-• Dr. ilary Tom was the winner 0* .
I:own, 'fruit tret4s.. garden and gara.ge. UGTION sALE CH, A At.t.A111.h Mole Of Sesforth, and suite. -consist- been the elevator ,business, the old
Price, e3,00e. larN i, -STAR. 222' 22 ' ---EiVATN ItNal 01:41'W. ' ing of 1)r ' Harbourne, P. Atte. G. M.; established busincss. he better than a ich, a daughter of the late Mr. and BRIEF TOWN TOPICS the rose bowl, competition, ilefeatin".• •
Xra Thomas Bates, blit fer several : Mrs, Bruce in the finids.
• , - . , - TIONAR-1, • , - .• ...me* eleGereire ex D. Greece marshom;._prospeet which may or iroay not %urn, The Soltfaril :Hospital, 11,11.vilitirrY-1---A number of playere-fronit Meit1aiii-
sre.....,.........o.19111,;8.41.1.E. ••:.....e. e.................. ;the e.e.entor's tli the ElaekstOnt; listate Mr, Vdmonds, D. D. G. Chaplain and ou_Stle.ascisertileillevatox ..con,pails ktaersialeadigelnlyeseicrtsuo
poR. SAILI4I.---,‘ cistern •PullIP la, gerni to sell 117 .pubIlc outlier' Oa :1/14'rli)t); VGTeleIrle 011 1:1111:13dba°3!"geg VI a‘Tteitstite;'
Mr.. Votesteott, LI, D. G. Wardent-via.-7 wile ITlisiluefnott, tao i.Ori;(16Soguanrad.o.on Wed.
' ---, - Canditioxi. Apply at • ST.1n, or., 4;AT-Tat 4,..1. qr Ivo i ? n Igo ited Huron Lodge, number 02, L O. O. Program of 'expansion at Goderich is her husband. 'The remains were - le m. .
VIOE. , ... t ).' * ' ''".. 1 t• ` F , oh Monday night August 10th for needed to . keere pace with the in. brought to Goderich and the funeral
tne purpose of Installing the officers orcosinft .
aggressiveness •of elevator totlt place 'front the home of Mr. / • t - •
Tim regular feeting of the 'Women's -The Bell Ringers . are hooked te
• 'ow us,•,. !dive% all West St and the , L!
' -''' sale rheatt. J. 11. EN1011T, store. eoasisting of 2 eoila foinitoinse 3
- --- •-•`---" - - • ice crazing cablnetoi: I refrigerator; i for the ensuing, six months. The mt. comPou,les att other PD2"b• ,MlaniCi"] William Blair, 'Cambria road. • on tan Thuraday sot 0th. ut. 8. 0,etaek. evening mutt. Since their last visit t.
ports are giving Saturady, afternoon August loth, to :tau eniwbi . : e lade. d , a :lett al
II la h Id i 51 K. • play the Model Theatre on Thursda;
. -pint SAL1.1.--Oood work horse for contenic in 4I4'(. (2, 'of\ the conftictionary
cers %%stalled or ' as follows. "Nt G polities iat other
1 e ' all sorts of ,encenragement to these . Mait/and kometery . •Rev. 113ordon ere Iv ' e 4 44 "4443 ra ---•
3 slow .(.1seq. 5 hive R. O. Johnston; F.'S., J. Carrie; 114So oo Goderich, three years ago, the Eck
V011 SALE. -A 2 -door li'ortt sedate euntbonator: ...... . .. . • ,, - , ardts have engaged: a new company
-1; Ties Car is in goad condition and mirrors: 20 tables; -80- chairs: 2 cash J. Newcombe; trea5, NV. Abell; V- G., elevator projects, even to financing Oat, • pastor; of Victoria street pRINcEss.)TARY LODGE L...0._11.A and ;motel:4.nm votive change of pro•
wal he .sold cheap for east). Apply, nt rmisters. It %doer piano; Moffat .D. 1112.1V/illan; Warden, W. Farrow. them. Goderieh camiot oftord .to let 'United church 0(311(1(1 1C2 the service
; sTAR OFFICE. ' „ . , elertrle range; 1 k5eltd 'walnut "Shle. Chaplain E. Barker; !Conductor, A', the U1evater ComPanY'e effort to and the pall -bearers were "11 ti'- Are holding a Ilazzar ond sale of Ll'aiane• .-
. Land Lime. also high grade fer- lighicas- system; I safe: dishes: priass„ _.
IV. G. K. Stowo,., R. S.' V. G.L.O. Meow'. *-4- - ' :
L S. V, 0„ A, McConnell; E. S., Utz AMONG 11 ' .Garfield McMichael' .- etrr'eet aIlleca%e inleuene °Ole detreejopc n. s h.,I,V1,1,111S%gio'rsiii;.t %Ilt, "glief, *Iflial.'l Igilkill;ri .
111 Ch .1 S d I.' - to We t ...,...............,„,-.........-......
Straiton IL S. II. C,, A. Ifigginsoi- I. lceou the fbrofront go lunseeoneled, Reg., John and Albert AleGee and home-made baking On August 3Ist in
Hitters' always in stock. Prompt' de- Ware, etc„ afol other artleles trio 1.- E eltuRcarib DOYI*E-Tba death /occureed at lee and eire. Weeley Harrison. "nee
oonil -
- • • - .- - - ,,- board; 04.1iorse power motor; freezer .
FOR SAI,E.,-**Niagare SaPty-Watun0 and are 'chopper; -Scales; tilee.;Enii-da -
11Cery SPrviee. when required. IL 11. amorous to mention. • Johr.ston. L. S. S„ G. Boevra; organ- St Joseph'a Hospital, Lendon, on . Who could blame a golfing girl for Helen Howei,,,, a s„n., ,
BAER. R. B. Vo. 5, tioderlelis Ont. T1.111$1.4.-4.1ASH. In Kriox church the minister will .
.• „; ist, IL. Barker and A. MeC,Innell; X. August 24th., of Anna Boyle, wife er_abandoning her stockings when she FmtAllpivesz.., 1„..1),i,1„1.1,4,. „11 vits,,s,,
fr. ottsbnx A SON, Anetloneers,. -1-7.• --4 ••••-lvors1 .ra ume his work next Sundav. and
Phone (1•Arlfav 2821. 4 .., xr. so. G. a., G. Stokes. P. - -.si . . . ,s -b, , John DoYle, Victoria street, Geder- gets a hole in one`?-inlontreal ,Star. do. ,44impitletit, find. to Mt ltilli Mrs.
- -. - - - Dunn occupTes the P. 0, chair, M. in.; 1 d o th 0 tn
13" e0la tlet e 11 102-. tl a ' tell after TO illaels of several mon- .
REAL ESTATE AND IN.611EANCE pk. 176 T ION' SALE I1P HOUSEHOLD teresting talk on ,oddfellowship '
An School and Bible classes nt• 10 o'clock. h 1 d i ivf ` n .., ... _,, 4 „..4_, . .4.,,i .,,,,.. ... lilitIPOW II, Strusitall. Dt‘s, 1' 11 tatinim
• t -.
t s urat on. vit. oyle, who was stenelea italama at "'tic AKEe"5° ill'IL ,14 Still.
""*.... . ^43' FrIMITI•liF AN11 12 '1
THE- AjIMSTIIONG 'REAL esTATE mai - • : • • • • ' •
- the alintrict"7Was given•br the Dist- St•Georges church has received a formerly Miss Anna Dean, was a '1'hotteands of dollars 'have been
'11e are Instructed by - ,' rict DePitty after, the cereinonY of handsome gift front Mrs. George W. daughter of the late Michael Dean Y.P Y. , llt,,:F. Al - -4,4,..rn,n; ._ or .. enneisy. -
II- vain! spent u en .remed for aittlimae• .
Some'tery elte;ne hemses. and lois for - irstallatien and the -evening closed 11 102.2p in the form of a number of of Kitigshritlge.• She was married in and seldom• If eltor. with tiny relief. .5,,,„,.,.......st,.. im jibm#,,,, Hoek, apit
..s.le. Large number listed to fivieet - '
I • 'MIL •4T1."'PlIFN ANDitrwl..-• , -
• '••• • - i - ' _with. the serving of refreshments. pieces of linen for \commuter, sere-
, . 101,2 to John Boyle- of St to'. tine Dr. 3. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy i';`;':'0"'„',„,..."'" '
'Modern eqlePlied. gamge. full Mulish -I . SATCODAY, sEPT. 7tIt. 1029 . e....
• Goderiele She Is survived by her. hue- It is the national remedy for aselana, y 1 ' I. i ' * IN ' q -'1
,, , 4 0 Mg iin, ;well S ';,i'APP4. nc$1' 1231241 2)
• irem. ;OA 3 few : . .. - to sell toy public auction it Ids res1-• -Dormer n„,d,nt's of coderich les Thoy wore brought iteto Mta W11
___. ___„ _ ___ ____,___ _., ....,!_• .. __. and int, a umul4er, ee ,,-- --
.1 eiNsTioN., At 41totit•eleli. on Writ-
- ,,
A tine noose, two lots with. :fridt. ifienee. Huron 110atit- 4100iviebt on ' 1,1 • "
old P enic In Vancotit•er Vialt.
, ' liaMS front England Olt tier riltent st ' Ag o t•
. g s ine \ pr or tO coin ng o •
1 ' i t s . little that it 15 within reach et all
despite its. assurance of henefit,,.:ostit .1
114 II' 2411 2) 2801 11,-,../ Atexamiet
ears resided at . .
r 1 if desired. 4 14)11%TV/ea to lake Wont "taramoorlpr4 ;It IA %tarp, ilii abs. eon. Prom illiee jean Cantelon The Star ' fa retrieved from the clasa of doom.- will thaw place from ids late residence
A photograph of Right Rev, C. A. band, John Thiele, of Goderich; three f
mei Athart. TrIllpedtait0 POnoSSIOn• iPritS Of lite lion. e. bteltullit“ Irad received the folicwing account - , L. L. D.. is brothers, John j. Dean, Kirigsbrhigt., ful and experimentel preparations. Etnin .1%1.11114., tot Febity, Angto4t 20114
P.:re. Including furniture.' -41 8422) Seeger 1%1 A 'D D
I i trAhogally 14;1k -upholstered parlor of an interesting gathering hi Stanley ' ' " ' •
- to bo bung in the vestry of the church ateverend Father tHean, of P%rt Lam- Your dealer rant supply it.
•, hind brick house. full niatIPTA MAP.' 41.1itf.: I ocratlonal rocker to mute!: Pal*. Vaneenvee: at 2.440 414. tit.
fine nine..roont • hoist modern and rectirds; .2 rugs; ploitireo: window. - op Seeger .at the request of the rec. l'Alinnie Dena, of Kingsbridge, and
11,?.-.. -.Pelee K1511.
.lood tn.i.story house.near post oreloak table, 1 oak
Hdisou vletrola with raloinet. stand; I ,ote in staidov park on moodn, Jo', ifully framed, WAS presented by Bishel Bowler, Mrs. hi. P. Dalton and Miss Le
larilinPro ;stand: 1 Goderieh held their third 'annual plc.
290 ear 4' r'' Gr ho Alt,I3 the .1,
along •-with the phttas of -past rectors bton, and Ignatius Dean, of Mont, --------------------'-''----'*----•-• ------'-
?f the parish. The photograph, beaut. real; and four Disten, 'alrth JAale.;:-; VII
1.wx".' MiSS Stella. Dean, ef Port Lambton, tevator Bylaw Ea dorsed .
pi.i. and garage. East St. Wire $1300..i wicker •
suite: i fern stand; i fano,' About fifty former residents of
f•-,... heating 1111)2, 2140)140 and Roinfort room sidles; 1 ontilitte carved oak itallt geniat I•tialTin*Ix fano, miing, haPI)Y • by Gaderich ,MerchantS
eq-,ipoed. Welt decorated and planned shades; 1-Cong*Itann rug: 2 tilnintri ',", - , • ,
In Victoria street United church, f ex' 1 e ok Place 'from St. Pct•
The un a o * - • -,
51•f1ik112 equipwil, good cellar anti fowl Montt; i 1' 21 of loulialo 'horns; 4 walmiVremiziisciftises. of ti o old tm...P. were
te.nee. Two lots: elose to eionegiale sidelnartit 1 antique carved hook -ease; given hy. Mr.W. Evans ' Mr. D. Cant.' the pastor will preaCh the Morning er's church, Goderich, on August •
20th., to St Joseph's cemetery at
To,..titatn, E.4,3,,,Hout aceonau,datina foe occasional etnall tables; walnut lounge: .elon, Mr, Malowe and'Papt. Rogers. subject. "Valims of Daily labor" and We, as merchants of tho Town of (o(1 iii appreelatiro of the value,
geoa !nal. EVans, Miss Agnes Hyena, Mr. anti in the evening. "Lessons from a Xinffsbritlgo, Reverend
Great River." The annual Sunday b,6‘acrgelebriftt at tbs 9,6:e/lin ,u„equ"' witted ou SeptornIte ' 11 ati l 't t tl 0 ' to or f - ti 0.
t et e tt* e0111111eIll I 0 .1 la - gal s o. 1 Jr
Father Deat of our elevator industry to tho community, endorse the bylaw to bco• sub.
c,,liegate shako; roomers. foma,113144% 2 bertruant• NOWA: I large wardrobe; 1
, Among these present were, 111V1, Geo.
to‘session. Low Twice, Eosr t4srav, largo oak lard, springs and
V4-••,-%.. loav prie,..!4. Easy tiT1119.
7lany tiOP fAtill3 Mira to seleet from'
coat healers: 1 rook IltOVI'r i oak ex- s "" man e t'n*. 1".°11 r5s 'cm monde et et, c ,
tress: cornets: 1 day bod: I range: 2 mr.. D. c - t 1 m... -d m ii, Srliool pienie will bs held at Dayveld ism wao9, w•itu r atuer dalnes •LIGgan '
atm 1 tie, tit, of Diddulph, 3 cousin of the deeoaa. valtt°t1 suPP°11 :
Vor ail parlieniar4 wirtte or dee ;Walston tablet 1 SPWilig machine: 1 traitem, iss .Straiton, Mrs. '11 1)11 Y e .ats ea , %, , . . ,
J. 11.. AllASTRONG: cd, as Ihaton, r attier a aquette of W C. Pridloain .
St. Augustine as StibVeacon, and (1 'It ge..4a0fOr F. 111..Ifibliort
Father Theenee MeCarntlay ,of ,Gail'e,. S. if. Llutear FL. K. Wig:0
mias manna, Thomas., me. and mra, church at I. OPelOelt. )'j 4C luneh, I I ' '
Beal Estate. rvolanit diaLpTeat -table: I klielien table:
I cupboard: refrinio% dart old walnut George Gordon, Misd- jean Cantelon, Baptist eliureb-Pastor, W. T. • h. r3.4.'Ale •• •
‘4./...iniictli swing; i %% 401211 nom; m gti Mkt - w Ev r, , mi 1* 4 o beaity welcome. -rwt0r. teeencs : ---- ---- i' "'1
-- Kingehthk--- -
it -,_„0 3. II. Kolb. P. L. Wttiton
A. Clornillo14
O. V. Caroy A% Son
Chfrt. Iliac!,
ilm pl. Godetiej4 oaf. wither det.ii: dishes: late -lien utensile. Mrs. C. IL Multett, Mr. Fred Beane, Bunt, 122 '012 at. Readier letvicee A. v. stu Hy
C.,, Iniziea: i COVPriVd fiitterj ,1 1Vliss Nellie Meeker, Mre. 514 ('11021) Loral DaYI 10 4411.t. Bible' '1.1,1) 1, no,tionolipp meArdto of . cr- '
Jo iv, eRAirrim , churn,: los., agep. stove's.. carnet Inetioy.Ierss rdCaeraltabaltobt!iiistir:i.aiatarie. trzyuirier,
, , illsi gWePOPCS, Cl'OPliff anti numerous other'', 0
°Miles. „ i • • b r • tbe pied Giaes 1 1 00 a ly, Gne 1 teeieted int the Senetuery mid after. Alt. Tohnutt 41 Son
• 78*°°p.uirl§N.Ye! uSattii4: H vioaste'dpeler Itilcrtetd, atlAgaaeb5r, td8!iq ' 12.1%rott°11A1 3. if. Vroonocat
/I. Itobina Alliml a. nelattlliti
liritigh lincho,ogo noted
by P. F. 1.1aeoy
imelest gawk% tO01g: books, cie.ai • E 54/ • - • - • Ilropliey Bro.
, . the grave. Tine deceasea wag, a de..0 9, leeeeboieer 1}%. W. T. Poliocr '
' Eorything moil! be disposed of as adis, Xtr. Malowe, Mrs, Whittaker, Wednesday. VA; p.m.. Praise and „ , ,,,,,e,„„ ee le *el one 0 v
Real Estate 'awl ilanace ;thil 1!' 4e leen been redo!. . , • Mr. ate Mre, Verinct McEvoy, elm 'Prayer Service. Choir PractisP after ,''''vl' ''''""""re "1 tl-- it" --7 ..---""*11;At'CIP k Ainaloo 3. ,T. MoEwon
43. 114).1.nrd
-1 TErtNrs.-•11.1s11. As. C. Carrid IL 3, Plaiiiiatu
• ,,...„. MaicelnISon, ttatitaus and mrs. pvaise ,aed preyer seeviee. Xfornday 'the leafluc a the Saercd Ikatt 321(11 gr r'' ‚Ilo,
. T. ist son% a z,os. Aneliniu,,,a.Roger.,skiney mourn. mr. so mrm. nft,,, 4 mut. parlor at tho ipav., na3c,„ the Catholic . %%omens League. 'De r...f. ,.., a•Eirlot) 11, C. LobovVon
...,_ --.......... . out. to the bewan,,ell Inlet and mid feel- Smith% Ant Storo tiaceee Antonia (I. II. /rumba.?
, ----- ----,------ .,,,,, - _,... _. z„.1;•,•,=_,_.,, 1: Brute, Mrs. Neungia,soil. Miss E.:, aolitflitellt to meet. anY b")17 I-iir girl wile 13334138 Y °f th'') (m/r"31/It'Y °e5 1. II. 1111111
' tit
. •
' - • ... - „ .!, Blanchard, Mr. Archie WeCillVary, wonkt lilne to talk With Lite about tte Theeinalal (.4. GOVieity J. A., Campbell
. CO* Fit C, AFIE'Y 114 S. ON., Ltd* ,._iwiff.tis114tnitveiltve:orntw.eri' litztceYf,ri. l0tion"tttlees, iph;1L 1171:,hcph. imtrr' vizlivr. artirctre„tiitht!, 8"0"1110 itiee. Drroi •ti
v 3G1.','o. TaI.. .IrAoilol
on SpaledanoMrMooMrsSAlnASandbecoming a ettistian-r IlnitinVtv'CLAItKetn IltV&GrCaaO.
week; ago. viten mr. min .......4.1..:.ntglim 3.
1: , .., u hY .-• id 1•1I fite hen Clark. of Celbarne fell anCite3e:1°143th e„,,„,„, J. Calvin Cutt Gea. NatsVie:tr
DIVESTMENTS AND INSITRANCEenjoy our Wekly Star very ie to Inv* *conference: MM. Sub-> bra - his hiP In a slight Croke, lte :,;•„;""„:•"ae.""u''"'-' eTaiilto Ilrol
411. 'W. Iltsocisior
ilodforl Hotel
Telephone 230 . ,, Ay# thanke
.Mzits Itiantelot, forramthe- Jecte Lerol'e DV: 10With &Pie Ilibie Peasval 3V,711Y in Ctcli Ma
derEon ondy ie. al. 4Dtiet14)0
!ratney shout tho picric , e, f firmer 6,0d,, chi.,,,..e: Il 1,,IL.(40,51,el Perviell, sub. Angast UHL and the frittered teetn • e.P.u. 871.4otvti Arsp. by G. .., it 'W. 3. Litt Bpzet /kap
ierich meet° and else thank hei fer tett, "Opr Ilesven17 Vatitees• Vs -.n. Phf0 le -15e plulfadaY nfternorot frim,,Vii'0,--,loy M. ner.cun D. la Gf04/ by w. m:-.10...:,
MASONIC TEMPLE III ILDING • 'ha kind 5'.( (12 ablaut the Star. - Jpesaion,' The Vern suppre wili be'ti3latc regi'donce on tba elltPhth (6:..:' VIC C441Zotieit SP.t.144-
GODERICII .,- ovrAR/0 !SeVefili Fire Alarms
i Ikdk.witar the fire at philift llogies able and. Imperishable Unbor." A Clark. "t (401.--li'd4. will cv1,1 l''''el " "a '13aa'."z1U126 "
fohterwed tet the close a the morning cession tf (Abort* tOWIA3:7:4-16, ,74r.1[ ,
servirP, 7 P. M. stthEca, "The, Perish. Ciark v.inte a brother et Dr. W. V. .,..e*e2 4. ftlert • ,I-0„.„ -,e it
} i • V- 1 A Di ic't 1
C. ti . a Itiekot• atAil Ilatr.c.33 Ofiloo
Macon Int-c.-Attoo3C3 etti.
by 11.1E. tiiiii
•;!e",.'C''.......,, fc.. .•._ _ ).- 'r... - • .ri•,...,••• .,:_ yorv_ *,..• ' punt street on Monday trbsting of hearty atkesec.- ttrio. tint.; oettcessfon 'Of COlbOrta . Thy W. li. Lottor,V.41a1 by a. A. lesseereze
To t e Ratepayers of Godern
, •