HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-22, Page 4An.
Moor Night:04n ShOW.1 INtrothowe
tGoderiett of l'aFittrg the
Elevidor bylaw.
itaterovr:3 ot the Town of
TimsfArtY. SiTtelimier 'nth, 9•4#71,
lee tiganie aii.ed to ret,orti Soar .
Veteitflthe t!evaltor 1.51asv.
Ti:e re.e-toti.i for tile granttag
vote by the twat caraVit are baefty -
WittlE theglItc......tfors of the Conotrat* .•
were con-ltleatig the to5vienhilty
buiVing a nedteditiont4 titer; Want.
trey atz,betl the connetih he trawl _
f or,,:ons %valid be grautett. untt the
assuretV them that the -
• ileo town would no doubt lie
to do 0;3 ether towns have done.
The tioderieh 'Elevator Vo. are now 1
pying to the town trOt-3tiry•
on VIM:* pr.efent plant almost
rev year. and if this- bylaw carries
they will he calleti him to ray about
it-2,ald additional taxes for loot ilia -
movements and: (4,4.mols. whieli eanno.
Le *tempted. 'Pits rilit mean a ream.,
tion a 14 Mills on everyone.; taxeti
thrtughout the town anti will. Mean o
total of about 10.,rtoo 4u tae tt pet
year Whith the emurany will be MY. -
Jog teevarile the uplicep :of the swz
general totoinex9.
The are 'also raying .to thewarm
.12.1 4..•eitimivsion tetont, 411,9C4
.1•:- • ',DWI' 3'• re", rain a ug tbrit'
ta ca owl every -year. and
ol,en O•t•Cili*Pti ilk/grimed
iiiitst to PO &Atm
c!..;; oho,. ior ave as they ore :ow tap
for m ijd 014 •94U'. •
In nil, they win be paYing to the
own ma, its watre mot tight eorotnis-
00a per year.
Verdict.. its oat eded that three --
porter -3 oi all call' harbor business
sl.tao by toe elevator, and as the
.vrtedittires ,f the 4tovertonent are
rated largely 1.5-- the prt.grea) of '
indteatte3 we nye, to Ms
Veld, hoicked to them for the large,
rollays ttt too harbor train year to
WhiSi.7•11: tile rani; of fidP41100 is
wing spent 4nt our hailtor tin dredgin4.
ok,weritio, lizevo view. 144`.4 and il11(1)001.•
CfSt Dredging t1111•4 ItCP11CLL
tided -to make this their home port, •i
inti it is a weli-known freA that they
Ire laying out every year in wages :
old S11)1)1103 ,1:0,00(11 to frin,01V, and
thew largo ennts benefit In one wny or
another every ratepayerin town.
„as a 'divert reSult of our indastries',
it the harbor and its improvements.
2,rom year to year, twenty to twenty-,.
five of the largest gain-ear:fors on the
takes land, it advantageous to winter
here, and it is estImated that each
ship loves from $2,00.0 to $4.000:.
trnomr• our workingmen, merchants..
and machinists emit vieter., .
TE7eso ladoei-rks ettIL:t-s. vilia.rf *1.4314 .: Ct;'41",•7.Ve 1:3 tt., .,
-. -
14.01; Rot: it tki It.
our MO roil:V.:y(3 Lillil 4.111/(2. ital(2 tae.t.• :; Ake alt...34;e1,, 0.0-,3:-..4, C ..rapagie514eav to atisr
entire btrirces from the towa, rini.V aisrat the ea.'. of the war, they r•-stle I Let ti. itoorrote ker . eollo *i,t. iito !I
,intA.olientiy. ever half oar ralls-ay ,i larwv 1-, rotd•s liliili (ley Witt C.V.6,,' Li:sat-x..450.0 Aot yi ,,,,.1 h
t miloyees get their inead aria butter IfFez rtVe to do s:e. tut they tii7:zo• ntyl give •th;.; 4toe.zy„n the init„t k.,,,,.. r
frool tho oitcrations of thee plants,:i In:toned, fir more gra: thrtne;:ii ilitir.• sPeratioo ifor,...... ea,,,t!,;-; „in,
l'rora tbe town"; ti%inipti:tit surely ail , 4.' It va tor az that time It.ao they hove 11 verseiy, tor iu turolu-, .h..441 tir.e tiv,„11
tatic-N matters are worthy of thecon- ?.lie.tv tilde g4 it) lonrilit SCar, WWI 1 114%. we 14111V Lie ittritlas cl,iwa the to.....4 -
Kt:Iteration of -every ratepayer. Ittbe hem voinrctition from t7tese new Iluterest4 of our
Strong competition in the elevator ii elevators and with • the gridn. crop i lite Elevator i-otusms. is ilasing an
hitAness isnow sta/VAL34,1 from other j:, prehlematiml Horn year to year, the 4:=0.A.; in Nonle,.•that whit me ,,,,uheiii,, 1
towns noeittic.3, Keel es earubefereiler2elt elevator will have to fight •'ting of the bylaw.
°well Senna, 31e-iford. Willa:WA and t.lifirder than ever :to ger laashri-v. 'With::.
eollinga-ood, where QiIIV klevatars the deep waterways antratatit,oa; Day I 1."111116: riti4r,illrialitift:"A-'.1.7.sl,
have been -built or‹fontemplating buildronto in proswt, and with the fmni- i•
tile die of ttarnia lles galaranteed 3%.:0,, mid 113,o izonsequent Luildim- • ov, ,, - .1 R0:11,4:yrjr sErriN2(1:t..0,'.4r.
etion ot the new N'Ve.tilaati Vanal In
lill) t011tig. of his el'erator to the extent a new 5,000,0,00-blegael elevator in Rich in history and tradition is the
ee remelt SSeattott, Owen Ciound. Mea.iliingston and another lar Keziectia to country round about Pietou Led eth •
lasys guaranteeing large amounts end: ernarent to everybody that It will be
ford told tWingtrooit have paEseit hYlrelltre the moat hirfirtesg, it will- he 'Canadian National Railwaya' Nova:Scotia, hotel. Early in,,the eighteenth:
a4 the oune time 'have Oared the taxes exceedingly tliflioult for Goderieh to :century this quaint district was. set.
of thew idanta on a mitaimum basis.: hold it; -inisines. 'tied by pioneers from the Righlambi.
Soviet .tet of. the Ontario tteg!olti-' All these •teeto were.,Piafell &more ,IA Scotland, so it is already steeped ,
Lure were pas.4..ed. giving thew towns' your town mune!! and tue :natter was in the charm of antiguity. Leroy ecm.
and cities power to mate all thew con.. gone into very thoroughly from eves's, scares on one sidtKint tfio.fragrant
THURDAY. A111, 112nd, 1929
e Rexall Drug Store
Always carries cempleie line of -
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles
Pipes and Tobaccos
Kodaks and Films
emsions.- angle, and it VMS unanimously agreed ':pinewoodu uu the ether *lake the
Printing and .lievelophig-Prompt Delivery
If these elevators in tieous that :in Justice to the Elevator 'Ook 'scenic setting unforgettable.
places are sueressful financially. till imer and to ourselves as ntePaSertN Plenty of recreatimi. toerr-‘27:4:::4 ••_.
wfil be 'well.' but it they are, not, the the question erbium be, agate voted on. ing golf ebb nearby, terinse.
citizens will eventually barest to bear It was felt that ,it was up to. your bathing, sailing and excellent fishing
tile loss. The Goderich Elevator eo. 14 counell to ..heir in every way any eMi
- t too fax away.
not asking. our citizens to asstinle any •Ol11.• llitillilUt1011St especially- if it were Ask your nearest Canadian Nation.
obligation:. or Itabilltr .in any form ..E1:1$,X. Onion rime has got to hold
loans, or guarantees or any financial not going. to vost us anYtbing.
al Agent for
and tor any informatin you May de-
4iooklet on Pietou Lodge
elat indlistries it lad.% tatherwiso it Is tire.
The Company Ifs, at present, paying hound to go haehe • . .. .
14.4 shareholders a little over ! r We should he proud that we have STAR ADS GET RESULTS
cent, to invnionc.t?, IvIdelt 'kie., 04 att industries GttIrtantial -enough to: mako
H. C. DUNLOP, Pion. B.
No. 1
eate UFA Amer Mere meek
.-710 mark ofir Anniversary- we are putthig oh' CWO-weeks' Sale of
all merchanctise our store.
al. and continues
ale commences
/L for two weeks
o mu* .A20 i oiztO .0=0 •0O. 0st:t6.-----' "--Toctto 012101•"--1-•-•414=0"'"7"--"locsozzor
Nat again it is our privilege to stage an Anniversary Sale. To show our appreciation of the patronage accorded us during the past eight years we are
offering remarkable bargains in Ladies', Men's and Children's Wear for two weeks, commencing SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th. This will be your
opportunityto purchase merchandise from our regular stock at unheard-of low prices, and we extend a cordial invitation to everyone' to come into 6
our store at any time to look over the real bargains just waiting to be snapped up by the wide-awake buyer. Below we list. a few of the many Saving
. 0 . • •
Values being offered during the next two weeks at our store. ,% ,
. .
ava•A*4••••#••••`" -
Ladies' and Misses' Summer Dresses
at Clearing Prices
Checked 1)uuity Dresses, trimmed with organ-
' dy, regular 83.50 value, Anniversry Sale
Price , 44. .. . •$1.98
Dresses of GeOrgette, washable crepe, trice-
shene and rayon. -materials. Regular priee
$16.50. Anniversary Sale Price.......9589R
rhey will soon Clear At thisprkc.
and Misses Coats
A fthe'ladies' Summer. Coats of tweed and tri-
- cotine. Some are selfetrimmed and furetrim-
med. Various sizes. All at greatly reduced
.pricee during our Anniversary Sale. • ,.te„
The New Fall Coats
During our Anniverukri Sae our new rine of
ladies and misses' fadl Coats will be on dis-
play. By purchasing your Coat now you MO
save from ten to twenty per cent. Now is the
time to select a Coat while the ramie is at its
• Best, A deposit will hold any Coat.
Ladies' Pullover Sweaters
Monerch-knit Pullover Sweaters in 'V neck
• style. Regular $3.50, Anniversary Sale. .$1.95
WiMen's and Young Men's Suits
Tweed sults in single-breastea style, gray and
brown checks, and stripes. Regular $19, An-
niversary Sale Price $15
Youth's and young men's Suits in tweed and,
worsted materials. Sizes up to 37, medium
and dark Aeries. Regular up to $18.50, An-
niversary Salo price4. $14
Men's Suits in worsted and tweed materials.
Sizes range from 36 to 42. No two patterns
alike. Clearing prices on these while they last
during our Anniversary Sale.
Boys* Suiti
• Boys' Suits of tweed, sizes 33 to 36,,four-pieee
style. Regular priee t6.50, clearing at .$1145
Heavy weight Chintz, one yard wide, various
ShatiCS. Regular price, 280 per Anniver.
sary ,Sale price per yard 19c
Cretonne '
Heavy weight Cretonne,one yard wide... Reg- •
ular 50c per J. • Anniversary Sale.price per
yard. . .
Unbleached Sheeting
Wary unbleached Slweting, two yards avide.
Regular price et5e pa ,yerd. Anniversary Sale
price per yerd.. -
Unbleaelied Sheeling, 4 sire. *Regular prim
79c per yard, Anniversary Sale -pike per
rod. . - .... .0..004.411Jit
Fine lieavY bleached Sheeting., 814 size. Anni-
versary Sale price per yard.. 7Se
Pillow Cotton
Wabasso Pillow Cattore 42 inches wide. Re-
gular price 50c .per yard. Anniversary Sale
`PriCe per -$41-47. .42e
•- Factory Cotton
FactOry Cotton, 34 'in. wide. • Regular price
Ainniversary• Sale price, per yard.. . •414c
Factory Cotton; 40 in. wide, heavy weight
Regular 30c per yard. Anniversary Sale pricea
per yard, • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • 4r 4 I; * • • • 240
Factory Cotton, one yard wide, extra Beaky
weight and of even weave. Regular price, per ,
yard "Sc.. Anniversary Sale price per yard, 20c -
Table Damask
Pure Linn Table Dainask, two yards
- florid designs. Regular' price $1.45 per yard.
Anniversary Sale priceper yard........$1.06
-.4•••-•-•,•••• ••••••••••••-
Stripe4,. Ticking . Ladies gloves
- Best quality striped Ticking. Regular price Silk Gloves in °Queen Quality," fancy cuffs,
50c per yd. Anniversary Sale price per yd 39c season's latest •shadts. Regular pricei $1.45.
Curtain Net: Annivers1 Sale, price per pale., , $1.19 ,
Lai' weaters
Lace Curtain Net, 38 inches wide. Regular des
price 45c per yard. Anniversary- Sale price
per yard*. „ • • • • 2qC
Scrim Curtains
Scrim Ruffle Curtains,esutable for -bedrooms.
Regular price per pair 69c. Anniversary Sale
price per 59c
, •
Table Oilcloths- .
• •
White Table Oilcloth, i 34 yards wide. Regu-
lar price 70c per yard. Anniversary Sale price
, per . .
Pure linen Table Damask, 00 in. wide. Regu-
lar price 51.25 per yard. Anniversary Sale -
price per yard.... • .... - .850 „
• Table Cloths
All pure linen Table Cloths in floral designs,
Betellent wearing quality, size 66x66 incheS.
Anniversary Sale price- ............ -SLOW
- Linen Towelling
• Pare all -linen Towelling with pink, blue and
yellow borders, t8 inches wide. Regular price• •
25e per yd. Anniversary Sale price per yard .20c
• Pure linen Towelling, 2i inches wide, red, blue
• and gold borders.. Regular price 30c per yd.
Anniversary Sale price per yard • 25c
rash Towelling
All -linen Crash Towelling, 17 inches wide.
Regular price 20C per yard. Anniversary Sale
• price per yard •15e
• Flannelette in plain , white, 44 and dark
• shades. Regular price 250 per yard. Antal-
versary Sale priee per yard
• Broadcloth ° .1
White Table ()Helot , 134 •yards -wide. Re-
gular price 60c per yard. Anniversary Sale
Ladies' Hose
Silk Hose in odd shades and sizes. Clearing
during our Anniversary Sale at per pair- -25e
"Weldrest" full-fashioned Silk Hose, ;service
'weight, Regular $.1.75 per pair Anniversary
• Sale price per pair. • • r 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • .$1.50
• "Weldrest' full-fashioned Silk Hose4 service
chiffon. Regular price $1.50 per pair. Ann!. -
versary Sale price per pair - .$1.25
• Ladies' Chiffon Hose in assorted shades. Re-
gular price $1.50 per pair Anniversary Salo
price per peke, .. . .. • .4.19c
Ladies' Hats
The balance of our stock of ladies' summer
,Hats offered at a clearing price. Regular
esu.pto $5.50. Anniversary Sale price
...... • ...... • • •95c
Nev Pelt Hats in latest shades and styles. Re-
gular price $2.95' Offered during our Anni-
versary Sale at 1$1.95
Balbriggan Underwear
Men's •Balbriggan Combinations, short sleeves
and knee length or short sleeves end ankle
length. • Anniversary Sale price per suit. ..95*
Silk striped Broadcloth in different Ishades. •
Regular price per ytrd. $1.39. Anniversary .
Salo priceper ,yael........ ....... .. ...75c
Magoe Prints in assorted, shades and patterns,
fast eolors. Regular .25C per yard. Anniver-
sary Sale price per yard
Potter's Print. in assorted shades and patterns,
fast olors. Regular pikes 420 and 45c per
yaki. Anniversary Sale priee per yacd. .29c
14. aotifirakie
We are offering many' other bargain* in, merchandise not listed here. 'Wilt our *tore 'at any time.
Men's Balbriggan Underwear in two-piece,
shirts and drawers, all sizes. Anniversary Sale
price, per garment ' 49c
Boys' Balbriggan Combinations, in all sizes.
Anniversary Sale price per suit 65c
Ibex Blankets, 124 size, white and grey, with
Hue and pink borders, Anniversary Sale
price per pair $2.25
Beautiful pure wool white Blankets, with pink
tar 'Me borders, or The new overcheck plaids.
These give a rich cozy effect Various sizes.
Anniversary Sale priee per pair ..... .$7.75
Ladies' Sweaters in black and white, birch and.
white, powder and white, surf green and white.
. Regular price $3.75. Anniversary Sale... $2.75
Silk Bloomers
Silk Bloomers and Bohbettes, all shades, • An-
niversary Salevrice per pair........ .9Se
• -,
Ladies'. Scarfs
Ladies' Georgette and Printed Crepe Scarfs
Regular price $2,25. Anniversary Sale- .$145
Ladies' Tailored Suits.
• Su W of tricothie and. firie poiret twill.
.up to $34.00, for,
Children's Dresses
Children's Print Pantee Dresses, fast eolers,
ages from 2 to -6 years. Regular price ei .75.
Anniversary Sale price.- . ..... $1.39
Ladies' and Misses Raincoats
We have an up -to -elate line of ladies' Duro-
Gloss Raincoats, These will be offered at at-
, • tractive prices during our Anniversary Sale.
• Oyeral s
• Men's Snag -proof Overalls, in plain black and
plain blue. Anniversary Sale price......$1A9
• Work Shirts
• 'AIWA Work Shirts, Big 13. brand. Regular -
price 81.25 each. Anniversary Sale price 98c
Mett's Work Shirts of plain:blue chambray.
• Anniversary Sale price....• 89c
Fine Shirts
• .Men's fancy Broadcloth Dress Shirts, With se-
parate collar to match. - Regular values up to
$2.50. Anniversary Sale price
• Straw Hats
Men's Straw Hats at less than cost'
straw in the store for
Men's Work Socks
Men's grey Work Socks.
• price four4airs for
Any sailor
Anniversary Sale
Men Silk Socks
• Men's Silk and Lisle Socks in fancy checks.
Regular price 75c and 95c per -pair. Anniver-
sary Sale price per pair.. , 45c
Neckties .-
. We hive a nice line of inen's Neckties in fancy
. patterns at special prices. Regular 75d and
()Se.each. Anniversary Sale price.....2 for 95e
.. ,... _L., . . . .
Ladies' and Men's Wear
• %I.
"Shop Where You are Invited to Shop"
Adviblatimalgetketokgrialitli %';• ',II
.1"••; „Sk
West Side of Square, Goderich
Plume 418
. „..,,
• 14.