HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-15, Page 6PACE`, Sf
of the finest _
selected coffees Scientific blend.
ing and roasting
give Gold Medal
its captivating
- GOLD riEDALpooDucTs.
toraily heferel towael e'nerr7ee Ur. nod Great paid, rerdi 4 pointe, iaird
07,1aq aiwaes aware of flee 6-41E.' --u-th I point, Weielmai and lieF
elm ; ttiyie weiay .
II let clien-e, the Illee Water iligiaraF Bolus
Peadiee tie the Ceeegian Bay and iee, nil ma dienee 3 points . :eyeteeth 5 points.
reiepolieniele tine evemierfili see:eery, On Hier Arms Scei-eity racce-filyth 3 point:, W.nge
;mei ley had been treitig for stare tO
t' hArt•aind liefgrave earns, Seaforth
I Sate:tee the Caealiaps along this high- I, ma R-444, valteotior, 1.1zpiloisn7r. 8eBiliironrienattiniig peueintitt7teTeliJiyitilsk_fl
wm, tioutiled wah
Sea forth. 42 points, iv: us shieliirr,
-t bele tee in the fligiMOV tiC3SOWI ana for 1 :'.' foko,utoullaY fernoolud to wooer meth 31 po'lete. Witigham and 1:el
• v
was otie fed thau auother would ow* '
grave it points, The weather. the' 1,
I the, nee of tile nectheerlere who dealrea; to j7place,
go sa fiereh during ele) winter ecason, iireitt.vieu with tholookod attendance, the keen eetepetition t
het ter a bug time he found brit little:, taw different roacioes nod ointwouto, sports, and. the dense that followed,
all combined to make this one ef tee f
' most .sueeessful 'field days ever Itetd.
(By Barbara :a. Brooks)
Tide is -aieat,ion ticape0,4 ot
rest and recreation. • What mace fle-1
lightful NUC:Iti011 pastime da yea knew
of than a pienic in a lovely shelteied
spot, perhaps on the. bank of a wa.!
lew.fringed streara. F..come people:
picnic mope a camp fire and a :Meal
cooked in flee open, but others prefer:
simply to open baskets and have the
roe:aeon, ocenpled the chair, and in aoad my, what sew meal all rI Poem nay skin For thipurose there are
eady prepared.
s pmany
•r.,,titipfirt in Cantala. rei"ow however, 0.10 li butAthev fiet tee gip good
matter has beim epeongit to a head. "1 wig gdvidig to uke
UE'. eontte' eeheate3 litiVe «)!O to 0
I head, tied things are t0413gr ta.:i
The eperial meeting woe called for
- Owen fioutel .ou rrialey, mad so great
was the 3113221k3teek in the
felwe that the gathering was a thor-,.
eughly representative ,ouce delegates
helug pro,5eat'rdl the way from Sarnia
Med real entbuelasmoL wee!
C. te "Woodrow, of Sarnia, pres.
Meat of the Blue Writer highway As-
TFICRwAl". Ara'ST 15te.
extra crisp mind
very few words announced the °bled: wog m char as it wsiTejsrsp
• *
tYpes of picnic hampers ofequiIlle Ptiledug. 101(11 I'm t° eml" Manufacturni only bye ThT. Mil- with vacuum bottles for hot andpped
eider the advieabilitY of the' Assoia.
Hon Milting up with the road treat' tura Co., 1441., Tomato, Out. ,,. drinks, containers for sandwiches and ,
delight tit !the eplendle attendanon course of the- bighwae, Ood it woe If we are fertunate enotigh to own
Brie tharrie to explain matters in ravetine with givor. The question torba.eiket is easy. However. many a de..
rort lioroo ta mind. ne „pressed selads and enamel cups', and platesel •
The _patented . waxtite kuter-sealed
• wrapper protects the goodness of '•
such a hamper, packing the picnic
tuld then. called ltpoli Secretary W. quite apparent that the scheme wee
greater detail. „ the meeting to decide was whether it mums picnic repast has been packed
. 0
AK 4 31. Bunt, acting for Mayor would be good•
tueiness to Rill:lute as howitki) tsuccess in a' connuon market
half of the city council anti the eiti. aud whether the Amioation Was ready
mos generallY4 for which he - was to imanen it. Reference wa.s made by glazed with honey,. fried Chicken- or
thanked by President WOMirow. , Nfr, Wootlrow to the organization assorted cold cute may be the sub-
GoLD, MEDAL ta:IFFEE 41.1.4Ila.rgtrnr:tioht tarot ,.,:il. tt:iorlItta,w4ZI:t'Ltetts tiligliferritil V:iirell1,1tiTiStl'edahtV3ittirtt
stantial dish around which the rest a
. . tosinog so ter this year, stating that the way from the Peak. tonet to Mad- the place de resistance. With a ,yar.
, ,
'.• •ife yiiialt litisi4 ii, atom •
. Ai) • . - • -• • so. far ae eutrances-iet saline were isoteetele., and thence toChieago. but tett, nf sandwjahen eemoeg:Tileze.,
concerned they were emelt more num- -life route bad been elningedetesegirtroxW-i----oeii:-iii i,-"aritsii-
•erous llp tO the present thee than ,itiadison. to 3111wantiep. aerosis take lootoesi„titd the addition of a simple
•they were at this time laat year,•and niehigan by:boat fo Gioia Tfaven and •dessert of ma and cookies, our pknie
. - he was informed 'by the afielals at the thence to Port huron and Sarnia ono menu ts eottiptete.
Christie, extended a weleinue ou he- one of the founders, of the highway, , beiti whoa hain which has h0011. Kellogg's Corn Flakes even afteryou
'e-e---eteriete°71er. •
open the paCkage, Keeps the flakes
crunchy.Orisp and: del:lei:Os..Another •
ize.„ eiork
border that Met* Were geOlahlq north on to Niagara, ;Palls.' Thie Wati htCOM., Novhen, yOtli order corn ijakest
Great internattonal 41! ItletrmatZ ffrolgretYt;Ige ile Ing IVITal,"'(4'...4"40(r);r84"1:*INt:! wceottr. ferntedblZtalitirdit=e.: Sandwich
Some sardwielms which are 'suitable . ,
these tourists knew when they land. tended that if the lilue 'Water High. .% cuP,iiried beef, ?I cup grated
" - '' e t • ed en Saville Where •they WerO 'gOlOg, way did not Iblz up with the route to aces% ti cup chopped eeleryeloinato
To Pass Through Goderich Extending from M,aini, Florida, tiol$ provingothnt the literature sent Plink% someone 'else would, and would soup.,
out was the essence of good edvertis. reap the benefit. , • Mix dried beef, (*hoes% and. ecierY
• to Orillin and Midland'
. , . ing. HP people decide where they are After some further dlivession in thoroughly and add enouldi toneeto
going to go before they leave their which various opinions were exprese- soup , to moisten. Spread between
W. G. COUTTS' DREAM NOW A PROBABILITY how*, ow it '.vas ,thUS apPatent that ed, all Of them favorable, a motion Of elieee' of rye or bran bread.
the literature. or at least the moist of H. R. Moffat, Owen Sound, seconded . rrieff ham and Onion Sandwich
it, most be sent to the United States, "by alr. Over:mit of orillia, that ,the 2/2 lb. smoked ham. seasoned and
Will Attended Meeting of Blue Water Highway, tar there bad been. sent out some Blue Water .0h:invite. Aseociation ode fried quite brown. 9 lure dill piek-
' '05,060 pieces of literature of various liate with the •SOUtltero body and he- les. 1 small Spanis'it oniom le CUP
Associsition Falls In Line . lams. Ile referred to several sehemes came A founelatioe member, end that mavontraise.
tor moneyerieking bythose whO while- the stun of ee100 be raised for the pur- Put ham. pickles and coffin through
The l'ellowing is the report of Tim widele has been mooted for several ed 'to exploit this legliway, and men. pose, wits tarried unenimonsly. The a food elionper exelemix with Mayon -
«.11 Sound Sun -Times of the meet. Years pact by Abe W. O. Coutts.
ine., of the Blue NIToter Niglio/ay AE4$0. Blg Stone *op, Va,, Is POW het mar°,4f 1)0011110ga vtleilei teztnedt.liat the reads were MOWS' la to be raised by inereasing the noise. Spread ' between slices... of
usual ,lantif Of the nitudelpaitlee to bread.
tion had in Owen Sound ent rri•i poSSIbIllty, Mit an eirobabillty. Action e -•
The* h been 1aD1 I t f tile extent eftweety per eent. Pre* Egg and Olive Sendwieh
indetelluler uilvertsrafell4 °s-ellimaesn, salt, dent Woodrow was named as the rell- 2 hard conked eggs., It clip ehoPped
• ,day, Aug. Ind ; . with that ena EU Vlow lir`ftS taken on
Au internatierial highway alt the rrlduF lifterfloon 'it a sPedo4 meeting -role of !those present at the meeting resentative Of the Aseeelation on the ripe olives, mayonuai.
el.. e fent menet I midi I t ti of the Blue IV Po. -III h . t • I- •
touched on these matter% but it was 010-4 0 dtreetors.
eeeireete northern end of tile Bluer tion lield in the tonnal chamber at the ' Chop the eggs and inix 'ma olives
pantea out that each Tarte* anust be A motion was earried exteading the anfl mayolucase: Spread between al- t.
,. - Water IlighWitY, tO (Miami, ViOrida, eity hall, Atilt the gent ItiglIvntri u- oti the wateli for these tliinge and not. heurtY tliatilfO
A SAFE Mb SURE 4, national highway, • t • •
ge . thee movement, and the oecrehtry Iwo;
of the Aseoeiation to
geent portion of willeif it'.' all"Alr Pay. to advertise where they lellear notbing 'Mr. W. 'G. 'COUtt% Of Big Stone Gall, Cream Cheese and Raoherry Jam ,
1 .ees of white or bran bread. . e
la the Vulted settee this highway , • PresidentiWoodrovr spin referred to inetieteted, to write Ur:Coats. This Alake a three -deck sandwich, using- CORN
i . , a about what serviee they wore going to or the great lutereet he had taken In •Sandwich ' ES
number of Statee to .11lanol, rlogido; itiade a titting reference to the manY FLAKES i*..v
PEMEOY FOR hi completed ali the way free/ Pert the eche)]* to hook up the Tiorida woo move(' 10' 31-4Z4-1`• AltteElvan` °41 teirvetraricl6°j'aesine bellettwweenenn snlliceee: twoen° aeandd
Alms cottons huron, Welk,. *Ight down through a route 'with the -elite 'Water route end •Ooderieli. wito paid a high tribute- to theee.
LE Oink all but serenty.four miles of it Is letters of alr. ier, O. Coutts, of Big
, concreted, 'nose on the *United States Stone Gap Va.. stetIng -that while he
* WOrtirl side of the line who had been interest. did not seem to, -*t anYwliere for a
ed in this highway to the north were long time, now flet
of- Trade,
fie '6inIt an outlet into Canada. a. voed Members of Commerce and other or -
which. would lead them durhig the genizatioes bait beeome intereeted and
el:unmet' months into A eountry where they bad been beard from with regard
they tonid •play. fish, swine and genet- to the advisability or having the Blue
ally have to good time without the db. Water IlighwaY with theta informing
comforte of the extremely hot weather one Great Internatioaai higlivatee
widchore.-alb there, and they rm. 'Maps .were distributed $1)4I'.'. iii the
• I II
'Conon& Coral Flake* are delichow'for lunch *ad! 4roar
tow So crisp and rofreohing. Serve with •cool milk or
Mae" Give them to the children for amulet,
zuoitt Kollogeowthe original Corn Flakes. Always
oven.froeh. Always extra crieo.
Said by all grocer'. Served Try hotel*, cnieteriae...on
dinms, Made by Kellogg in tendon, Ontario.
the Conedianism of 31r• CoOttoi ;Ow, All samiwiches eliotild he evraPliad .
had been a 80401 lboY" ht.swalt paper to insure their keep:hue
The meeting was adjourned. f2.e
istolou tworturi.
*Asu.v poem. itoscoa.v***
aliwiterAI 04041.
. 40.000A-ArAo
• . •
. . . . .
• • evital. $3440460
Rest and Undivided Profits., $37.014.8*
Total Assets. $91$.705.653 .
CHAIMIS 0011101640.A.V.
R. munosus, Esq, MapOrn.,voi HON. S.C Mewainoi,
Six Farottuox IhrtraisarpTancia.
D. rogue Moue, Esq.• MoMearint, Esq, LroCot. Mama Mown. eAt.o..ut.
14,xotol5initenv, E* G B• EliMak Esq. Twain% nom Coommor
E. W. DX/arr. Es4. Grwak4traltasC. mug' Ames Srawaar, Esq,, •
11 E Milaprttir ze. TitelloirsTrrostssAUSAlat J W. NC -Comm. ER,
W. A. Et% A. 0. mwsoN. E W.N Taw% Esq..
Citaatm GoanoN. °Am.
H. R. Daummono, raq, lvtaloGetr. int Hon. S.C. Minvatnin,
E. W. arairr,
troi GMC -4 TDE/1 INvOtistiout. ca. (Chairman)
P. E. Sot HAMA At4 Level, BAIIIV.f LOA,
M Citron MEHRA
'MEXICO commrrrEe
rikewret ADANtl, rixt, 0. GORDON PA • Ia
The Bank has over 600 Offices in Canada.
Newfoundland, linked States. Mexico;
at London, England, and at Paris, Etance,
with Correspondent* in all Countries.
offering exceptional facilities in alt
departmentsof General aid poteign
The Banker Montreal hohls an interest in
Bardaya Bank (Dominion. Colonial and
Overseas)1 and by reason of this association
is able to offer its clients close competitive
rates and complete banking strike for !nisi.
n,.,sa 'oath the West Inches, MOO( the int.
portant advantages offerra hetrug &At**
toe uhrauumg accurate local Anfornutoork
Eattkialialted atilt
. 1
An 011 Oat is Fa.nons•-"Thomb An Oil that is Prized Werywhere.
oTCtro rat taS t' was
len not
ul these Oel ni pthbrusi zi• at: o e frl overupit?;.fift hTilteyetriln;traenia.sliestE4 oleite.lictrialvtt °awai al y Ipac:utrput
hereitsgo odenanlevnn spread towroeettplewant of asnri11 sectaotcentroiatdsnthimerioa,thewetg)utassonornettsbei
At:rat:a eennodugNh°Z1 aZtetelstatIlitel. airal;erd, Aitpall'443isanw41°11cerif-ewri"tniunedilttrrfinzi:
excellencelor in all these eotititaies it -ea throughout this continent. There
is on sale and in demand. is nothing equal to it
Canadian Medical Assi;ciationy
wItyP 11.AX11EN,S le •
The need tor and value of a proper-
ly staffed health department with an
adequate budget have been referred
10 on many OCOSI'`Ols. It has also
been pointed out that. through the
organization of Count/ or Rural
•lioalth Unite, the whole Dominion
eould secure the'same' high type of
health service Os now prOvirled ter
the residents of the larger Pities.
Just whet this means is -clearly
shown by the, experience of the City
of • Toronto in tubermilesisZn the
year 1015nut of every inkona or -
in that city,. over 100 died of -
}tuberculosis. wheeens in 1028. the
number was et, /ti other words, the
neteal number of deaths in 102& was
but half ef what it would have been
▪ • if the same conditions as existed ton
years previously bad persisted. Thie
represente the avoiding of tienroxi.
mutely :100 deatita in a singl•e year
from POO ilifSet0f6. •
Results such as this can be seeuredi
1111 ovee Canada. They are 'net arriv-
' d at bw chance, hut are the iliriet
resiult of tt trenievielous effort,
strong on boner lines and consistott.
ly mointoinod Year titter year. Such
results renvesent the expenditure of
a toothier:Me Mitit of money. •°This
actual exwenditure. howevav, 18 (1,Ani.
sideraliv legs than it would have been
necessary to %nonir on the care of.
eases in tittemptirla to mire them if
• their ocenreenee. had not ben pre-
vented. Add to the cost of siekneae.
the value of human life. tiro broken'
homes, the children left fatherless or
motherless. and it ig plain to be seen I
that the investment in health work t
ipays 4.1 Very real dividend in moneYI
• and human happiness.
These communities which hove not
as yet a uroper health, department,
those rural areas wideli are n3t
yet being served be fulkime health
units. qhoull ask themselves if they
ean afford to miss what others now
• enjoy. Fath individual ahead re-
uteteher that personal and family
lit'etettion attalnat diseame rests
' birgely Upon limit* tender the euper.
vision ef n ffieient health depart.
Questions. concerning Width. ad.
dressed to the Citetioliatt Medieel
sotiation. 1S4 College Street, Teton. ,
t.e. Will be answered Perantill4t bYy
i On the afterri Jn ATt August Ind the1
young people, of Mustin County heliVi
their annual Arid day at ilzetileide
There were approximately 200 in at-
tention, e and the afternoon of !spores,
!ware, keenly Compood. Them wore
three *tame cmripetlifg f4 --r the nth
fetes etlield. e. 1. Seaforth, illytio and
i'Witit'llate and llidgravv. Reeultit if
event* *1'O 1 follows
' ainyee
'.rt ball, Am game -Myth,
-ft Write: Wineham and Relgreve. X
okt*, lily*. *oft hale wenn(' stiinue.!"
1 , leth a noire., .*forth X palmi.
Cirlie tree. Illyth 3 navies, Sceifertit
X poled*, Pork' 224 yd. veer Itlyth
I point,. Sratorth A Poiatl. Carle
ISO yeti, wailMee illrth As pont. See
• _ Rapture Specialist
• Rupture, Varicocele, Vatiooee
Veins', Abdominal WeaRtiese,
• Spinal Deforraity. Conetiltatitut
free. Cult or write
G: SitlITIT, British Appliance
Specialist, 15 Downie St., 'Strut.
ford, Ont.
Now she
no limigor
ARE yoga woetiood *boot
""" your,idnushror ?
she vowels too fart for
her arms& ? Ts she pile,
dila, 10110:01C
YOU MA boig4 up her
blood 'apply with De.
Williams' Pink Pills,
They contain the vital*
lifetiviog nourishment
which aitacmc blood
cries ow for.
"I do not dash ant Dr.
inhume Pia& Mile ham us
ammi rip the
ayssem." writer Mee. Moot
PSasrs of Pities, Oar. "1
goo them to um Aden
when she wee twoomic, Pohl
and *in and had no impetiti.
They remotai hew to heal&
and low alma eilywein tr:
elleholeerin Tetlieht beweght
lute me. My dromitore
wm thin pale and aismatir
naroosta hu* eh* pile mon me
hoe aighe
Sant yam dssedow
dab ipiese* "romerelit
Bay orIP' P ins.
dash* la or
ma% IS farm
Tim On
"Aellirg1111.611 Media
QV/0%1SE your familY and mend* with d.r, •
all otteropihic new desserts and salad*,
madonoeilide by theFrigidaire 'told Control.",
Counakin far a dentotuttration.. Frigidaire open..."
atm from indiridoal electric plats or emend .
'etatioei current.
OTTO 3011ANIkl, Dealer, Wroketer, "Ont.
ZINI•1 and STIlliDY, Salesmen, Goderich
ohe Quirt Outatilatic Ritckpeattre )1'
Sept. 91h *4 1 4di inclusive 1029
The Mecca of Weetern Ontario thisyear presents a greater lEx.
bibition than ever before,
A bigger opportunely for every exhibitor. Greater crowds1 Bet.
ter attractions' An *MOO at, the Western Fair builds prestige and
carries 3,our AIM to the people who can do you roost good.
Boys' and GirlsCalf reeding COntpetltion. Dog Showo Agrietti.
ture,ritanufacturers' Displays. Magnificent Midwayi' Send for roily
of prize list NOW.
Special railroad tares to London and return.
SPACIAL LIGHT HORSE SHOW -Sept. 9 to 12, in the New Arena.'
,Thitries close August 29th, For further information write
J. II. SAUNDERS, President. W. b. JACKSON, Secretary
1.totilOW. Ontario
Goderich Star's •
The Star and London Free Press...-. -.46.50
The Star and The London Advertiser.. •6.50
The Star and The Toronto 6.50
-The Stavand The °Mull kW 6.50
• The Star and The Toronto Star6.50 -•
The Star and The Farmer's Sun.... 3.25
The Star and The Family Herald and Weekly Star 3,00
The Star and Saturday flight
The Star'and Saturday Evening Post .. 3.90
The Star and The New Outlook... 3.90
The Star and Canadian Homes and Gardens... .4.65
The Star and May Fair.... 4.45
The Star and The Youths' C*ompanion
The Star and The Catholic Record ..... 3.75
The Star and Mel ean's Magazine... 3.75
The Star and Rod and Gun. , ......... 3.85
The Star and Montreal Witness,..,.,. .0,, 3.85
lhe Star and World Wide.. 4.25
Special Cheirloing Rate* with other Periodical*
may be heel on application
c...11 at the Stpr Ofhez or 'Phone 71 for any intort.+3*;on.