HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-15, Page 4, •
1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1_, 1 1 111 11 1 11111111iliiiiIII11411411/11111111-
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Restate ef Departmental k,:sismilta.i The hutment d the xib,,i(sy Hun
%ems at G, E . le -Lower School
Great Clearing Sale.= '1929 Low.--4Sgcle.ol examinations of .n.,e,l". !d,
n. .,...t,hurh_u_aY I_n_a FrateY- The
e Rexall Dnig
iriee.r.cEi Celkgiate luetitute: shoiemg is lint ao large a* vie have - Always carries a ceunplete hog of -
Ti •,.9A1T,, Arc•I sr 1929
OF ALL SUIVII0ER GOODS _ lee "Educational Department grants seea on 613;W former occasion* but
reertificatz,s without honors to those the specimens are -eery attriotive.
1 stndcets who are considered roy the Plu judging was (Int. lw Mr, Hart-,
, 1 Vierieipal and staff 0 he entitled to leYD c't N•rarsaib, and Mr^ Gee* SLew-
In order to make room for Fall Goods coming in shortly 'the standing. but tbeee not deeinedto lett, of Goderiele and the awards are
i lure a Kora mastery of the eub. 35 f°1161":
all Summer Goods must be Cleared out so this is your oppor... AcIoro
' tiee3 rct 'by the Department held in frora the eced dietr.buted by the Her-
peireittcd to write examine. 4 Latkepur pawn by Cir A children '
. . theolatter part .f June. This year 39 tieultural Soctoty-ist, Ken Juek; ,
paner-... were written by various oat*, ,...n , Wilbur an
Y e * * ,
„. _ ‘tiefir and 25 papers were successful. Harland TrovablaY* Elaine "TremblitY,
..-:,-•,..gpoeced, thus indicating that the Susan Bawden, Ken, Juek mid Fred
wittier too low MeV yet too high. I N3Aurtium-4. Juek. . *
i-ltendard set by the school had been Wittingbann
%IOW ore eight subjects included Phlox Druminondi-e-d. &wk. liirs•I'
in . St.wi
4, Cale writtea i tliL first ye-ar a' ndiforo% *Collection '0? eutC-1, Floire'rs,
A Few Broken Lines in Ladies' and Misses Summer Coats irangement to vounte-ej. ',luck, Miss
' 0 "- •:.,..;-'.i•-_.. ••• , • ...:*-- In, the eecondu. _
Wilily tate some real values.
Ladies and Misses' Summer Dresses
Patent Medicines
Toilet Articles
Pipes and Tobaccos
Kodaks and Films
It.toup A,f.-Those peseing Air sublicts Claire .Reynolds, Mrs. J. C. Stewart.
Of Interest To U. S. Citizens Visiting 'Canada Jean AL Aberten
The -rernment of United States allows its citizens who are visiting Canada to Nolo= T. Anderson
illablias, only-Wats.a Shear -
Printing and Developing -Prompt Delivery
idown, Mr. Chas. Young. -
Dahlia* 1 seedlinie-Mrs. J. C. H
Madeline le. Aelieson 'StetVart. Miss Laura Salkeld.
take hack with dtem Canadian merchandise for personal or household tree to th 118117 C. Babb
e Bessie J. here
value of $100 frce,of autY. nigh s. Caldivell
Jack C. Black
Beateee E. Campbell •
We carry a complete line of Woollen Goods which is offered at. Rmegiliald,..,E, * Castle
ooneye uiarlie
attractive prices.
Woollen Blankets and fled Covers in Brant Porde, Ottawa Valley and eiii.refilimil.,,?tre
Massfreld Brands, at 040 and up» ' , .- • nut a, Curvee" .
Childrenis Knitted` Snits in Ottawa ValiAY krona, . ' 1441113"le 1: Da"
ReYniond j. Drennan
0 , . ' Mabel' A. FAlwards
Knit$,Weate,.? an “ 9qP r E
• . , _ _natal,. • . • • • • C.ollectionnmn OT
:Lake' C'hildreies Avon ;Knit Knitted Sipeatei* 11407-14.....„EitruittiTtc.. tjuit,Tur:„.11,, xist6t,„.4;_i_rrett, _bitoriviyminobe4xeitoAt lournenirersow4,440.441,00444,
I BOHR, I onlY (decorative/ .
Bedford A
Claw, Young, W. AL Height, Georg o Telephone .
Otio • /*WS /km Block
Colleetion Roses...R. `11. Reid,
1 1 1
7rew• nt.,e;r7:.11j.in:leV.e1111.rs,'Tremble.y.- ' - ---- ' ' ' - ---
Scablosa....Illiss ,Strang, Fred Bar- 'Bra ,Prize with gladioli at any pre- ris, left for -Detroit on Friday. • • •
innsoons,ignmissis_ami.dranowek: mrs. vi,m. v,o. b., o,tus. sal:Ammo., w. s. Isowdo. , Mrs. John A. Walter'and daughter,
Collection of POnsies, Prizee bY 3 spikes Glielioli.e.lillse •Swariehl. Mrs. A. AlcAlanus. and little son, left'
for the West on Tuesday, where Mr. • - .
• • Waters. Co of Toronto to the exhi. vejmebrra. u%d-tbeeflf,s,g°1Nliellniill‘e.eltieniuSgle% Mts. • - .• -- i'.
Simpdragen, 8 spikes...Mrs. Au-
Iletanias, denble-Fred Barker 1 spike Gladiolus -W. S. Bowden and Airs. Walter will spend a few
who table *oat to • II
. • Itii4rkelZt°711414.15tAndesingewle70 j.44.1c," MiThsae6:11abtekle'uplitlisosnaAtenddr4v:.Ilerbeett' 21114191.nat'bsMwialailillitIsl'eir s": 14(niard' and
Douglas E. Fiegatr of Lueknow, spent Monday • •
• bel A Etue ' tx • • . Ter points goes to Air. j. Jn.k..The .eup murchr,
• ' .
may, F. Barker, special'prixe to Mrs. is to be hold tor oue Year skrid a.nzein- evening at the home of M. and ts.
' A.'Freemati stewart on amount of new var., ber winning it three tunes in.SU44ea.- c, A. Robertson.
M.'Graf '
Robert Ir. Groves
Grace D. Henderson
4 , •
shut •Air. and Airs; Ted Morris are en a '
Perennials. best eallertion (in sop. visit with friends In Clinton and Lon.
-orate containers. 1.;,84/41..t.)%it don this week, 'before returning to
Effie A. M. JeWell •
. " Auleen E. Litt •
• I • '
I f I. in ton •
ifl Marion Mimes Robinson. Mrs. 3. C. Stewart.. their 4ionie in the West in a coup
Alum D. Howell
10 spike's Gladioli, special prizes Andreae r., o eam g of wee s,
by The Goderieh Star -W. S. Bow. spent part ot :his holidays with Xt.. Miss Julia -Yourig is spending her.
Edna A.. Ititight
- 4.#44a. •
The Alexander, G. MacVicar
EDITORIAL COMMENT events, the Thaninion Day colelna. !Sturdy and Thomas Sturdy. Jessie IL AliCann
. . • • '
deceased was 1r4ru iri (Wert& town, Doena mecreath
• tion, the thantainpia and the Race
• ship in 1851 a son of the late Mr.- •
•sturdy, and d Esther AL litelivann
• Goderieh ratepayers are to have eneet, May the Goderieh Industrial and Mrs. wits /oh,
• . n , hadve Mary L McKinnon
tile opportunity of voting --agOin On. and Agrienitaral ozhibition keep up in the township until retiring some Margaret 1.4.1ileLeuri
town to live, His wife, formerly jimipA g wfritfplion
a period of out yetwo on their mew -,rhe first °settlement in Goderich IttliStotarYACoinnolily, ptedeceased him
COnnotnY reaninal assessment /or
, the bylaw. 'to .10,•ant the . Elevator the iist •of sireceeses.. sixteen Veil's' ago.. when 44100 0,,ohn memehe-n .
* 1:1" 10110 4611 and DiAugl j" Middl
storage house. Other port towns was ar°uPed nriallid the harbor.. so three dauriters • survive ill' lit I !,1 at°11
the harbor now, one can be fotgiven TYner,„ of Clinton. Xt. SturelY Was, 4. Page •
. projects there, without the long,,per.
such ,sarnia and owen sound aro old timera tell us, anti to look nttlie vine stoi r miss ras'eett l*lituredy- lidadehne M. P. Neftel
, .t an aetive member of tbe Q.L.-d Russel 11 PA4kninet
Eileen AL •O'Brieri
ProctleallY financing the elevator - Per be ew the around and Miss Gertrude StordY, and Mr& Thom s
!of , Goderide with its induetrial be the funeral on qetesdar nor n 'ar Porter
sk -eern s hill'
^ Wilfred J. N. Plante •
i•cd. of aureesefol management back itit (11411411*of lbs' 'birth of V Vieterin tali). 182, attended Al
--------------- rouped around the harbor. a body. He was a member of Acoith Jean price
-of them tehich
a a John P. L.Pote • •
Mi SW•iffield. and Alre. W. Afellwain, at Nile. ' . hamar with her parent, Mr. and'
5 spikes Gladioli' (5 dot:1st-Wm, • Mr. end Mrs- Albert Robertson and. Mrs. R. M. Young, 111 their cosy little,
Coats, W. S. Bowden. II. T. Edwards. two sons, Jack end,l30%, of .Ayr..vise home on the corner ,of their old farm.:
2 spikes Reel Gladioli ' If. T. Fel- ited with. their counina*Ilr: and, Airs. ' ° - --4.-,, ' •
wards,. J. juck, Mrs. postlethwitite. C. A. Ttobertson, on Monday. Mr.
2 *Dikes White Gladieli-Mies a his ‘Ad friends and relatives, andAWNINGS AND .
2 spikes Pink Gladioh-g. T. Ed- Robertson is a native of Colborne and .
wards, W. S. Plwden, I, jude • " • was pleased to be heck to so some
2 stiikee Blotehed or •• Varigated around Benmiller, where* his father • . Have them made to order Irony
VERANDAH cuuTmris.
Swaffield. H. T. Edwards, J. Juck. to visit the scenes of, his childhood ---s----,
Oindiebe-Win, Coats, j• P. Hume. n• worked at the•bladoniith business. John Boyids painted and woven•
vT,0'2.4:dr.ai‘viiiiedrissi yeiwmtio,I. v Ratibiandsioenti,:_,TAGiemo: • Mrs. Johnstone and daughter, Mrs. stripes. Estimates free. .
C. A. Robertson, are spending, a few How -about a tent for sleepuig out -
coats, • days with filencis in Auburn this of -doors this hot weather? Made, up
Coptil,..0 Jou eikaa, ie.° i.u7.vrglitve avird'ost:t. ,ftov;,•. ‘trvheAteekujitt.thiee 13114011' eba,trifbamsr,ahlaneilt°m'brris". 7f:518111.: 9 ,1 .' vraElfT1411;n1PPOIrrieigmed4u.le3k;. sligge1217:11
2 spiltee Cranes Gladiolie.-Wm-
vgOrdpse*le to anyone w110 has not won _while " with hXise'riecillee,ThArrwsh, ()Hes:ben-Arita- Phone 565. NELSON'S -
wards, Street
ors even -.T• P. *ape, It T. Ed. Chester Feagazi„ ., Congretolations I writ cln
11 1 1 I I( I
on the Molitor 'bylaw here pat* The eoristant stream to and front Id the d3Irdllmere.c011:1110ted it:ev• 14tolletta (bald 101111IIM1011111110101111111111111101011MIMMUUMMMIMMIIIIMIUMOMMIIIIMIUMMIIIIMMUUMIMIMIMO
tan boast, and the taking of Vete, • 'Street ...United antral, and the,services ' e Priddla. ••
ink Bert, all. slimild be welcomed os the liAteing beach scoso• of the hot irvi E. .T4h6h.pauttfte.r3,1 were Ionics maw. Redatt
eIiI 'Christine
Sara. o n • ro 1.°W11'" * Robertseit
evin, S 'Via E. R. Salkeld ,
on opportunity f;.r the' townspeople da,,re of the pest week and the scores lee, ybrgi,. Blair. Alex AdeN W
shales that Gaartich (Inc" aat in. of ears and tents widell have filled Male and George SturdY (Auburn). dratgaret Sandetsoft
tend to treat its industries harahlY the 'camping geopnd suggest the de. The funeral was largely attended,
Pearl Sandy .
merely because they are miceeeeful 'eirabliity of a larger bathing area, h, h d d ld
showing the respect• and esteem in meta ,sheardown
11r le le erease vireo 0 an .
Isenes Shearelovvri.
*1 III to he able to finahoo their and the develepinent of attractiens nito4s friends from lout of town 'WOO 'N'Greta AL Steels
*awn enlargements wit out ris iig foz• tourists at the water front. If a among those present, Including ,
h ki
a Irene A. Stoll 1"
the town to do so, look at de skyrapers around, the number from Lansing'. Mich. Mich. Vesta Tabh
t t was made OA; Maitland eome- mireld F Taylor ;ft .•-
Per p(Vic time Mr. We .0, Coutts, •ttita eity of Goderieh, let's dream, ,..----, . Eli Td. a Irorebia,7
= • ,-..., i
nowt,allo ' a ' I.
of Big Stono Gap, 4 Goderieli old too, of a water frentdeveloped as a . Ralph L. •Walters ..
1°41- le'llt t • a , t vi A 11 111(4 on, . the- Iced Anna J e- White • ..-- • - '- • ,
• = '
= Ar. •
haibor suggests iireant nilln et54. terse -4 • William, Themites
. , •
• boy,iasteco r:orhing. utfthir.-idg.a_Pi sun * t. h V'th rridav '6venirig- "47111g14
4U international bilf• hwalt Ilia" view driveway clown the hill at the bowling given -when tweoty. teame ofh ' .`
, iila north by vety of, Detroit, Port sunset Hotel and loapinv
Up •“ec •roa triples contested for the prizes.. •
•• Group 11471Throsessswin
attiirarlitiallilit, but -a-
• Miran and. Sarnia 'inking 71117111harbor hill, the whole distance 41e** ruIrVet:tor! Grol
'e'1' mons
will continue until
= SATURDAY AUGUST 24th 1929 =
1' 1s1,
• the Blue Water irighway aod enc-iveted to attrections end). us 4.. sum-. ,, ,. ..
end, of I,:ueknow: Bownian. of Bros- Dora. AL.'AticinSon
ceps is perching on iii'banner a eller reeort heath sugOst ' ti s an4-taSelfS; */. It. .1tovey, of Clinton,' Has- Frederick IL Bissett
seen in the meeting nt Owen Sound extended bathing tenth. ton •-f Lueknow"' McCoy, of Luck- Philtiore C. Bissett
eeeently When the Blue Water Aso- , ,----, - nowt Willis, of Brussele; Rae, of Mary C,Girvin -
with 4.110 i .A.S tt vermifuge an effective,prepare winoam: Elie, of Lucknow; Cnnte. wiener A. Ilardy ''•
dati,,m decided to link up
• . " ation is Mother GraVes* Worm Blzter. len, of el or • -
f d 11. V 11
bin',on, , o ly le, Murray le HetheTilleten
• OtbOV Highway A•ssociations inter. ininator, and it can be given to the X '' ' " 8 " t '
and Powell, 'MeNee, A. Taylor, G. Dorothea AL Henley
. • 4,
' eeted, in a huge piece of pubheity, most delica.e eliild without fear of in. symond% 1?,,, martin, ooldthorpe, Annie m. undeid
the objet of width is to make this jurY tu the constitution. , Hunt and Vilieeler• of Oederieh, 'Earl I. Moro
route a well-known one bringing ' ,
'..o' rA .., • sHioward, MoeNee wen the irt. oreei Ruth .0, MurneY
• sish r1 - with Joe. Brophey and 1)r. Graham Joseph .1. Murphy StattoernortC't(44ziyasf, firaS his .&1I 11111.1. aykr won joepl.Taylo
assistants heine• .los. Albert 777.o °U
of Kitchener which took place Tat th4 B`a".4111 and Itfr• Third went lifYrtiYng. -41
touristg south in the winter. Owing la
; to the mud% 'greater tevtitore froin Goderieli Ira:pita on Friday last fol. to -Cantclon of Aieaford, who' bad
which tho United Statea portion of lowing an operation for appendicitis. another visitor from Meaford and Group C...Those passwg n a
the route will draw 0.3 compared to The Young man was a son of Mr. and Jes.. Swallieid as his assistants. two of the -papers written on
the -territory -traversed by the B lue M •. W CIf town, born here in 1822 Besides Idsnd Wife, Robt. Johnston* won fourth, rand A. Margaret G. Elliott
Frank Martin, with - Sid Palmer and 'William *1', Barrow
1V'siter Highway, this part of On. formerly mho Ada Knoll* f 'Kith- Goldthorpe, with F. Craigie and C. Margaret H. Foster '
tittle thould to the gainer by a con. ener, he is survived tqr his parents MeManus, Wart fifth. Several rinks Bertram Y. MICrenth
• winian.,. of attended the iSeaforth tournament an James B. Parsons
siderable margin in whatever Terri- and IbY tWa brothers.
• Wilulser, mei Thomes, of Goaerich, Wednesdey of this week and several John Ti. Parsons
PrOeal truffle developi as the TOM*
He wits a member of Huron Lodge, are at Imeknow thi$ 'Thursdey. Stanley A. Taylor
• tf the PublieitY, blre Coats %V"No. 62_, L 0, 0, F., and of St. Geer. Hunt's rink won first at Seaforth. Frances D. Thomson
oro of the early boostera for *hat ges church. A service 'wasconduct. „ On Monday evening the winners in Audrey E. Wieland
resulted the Blue Water Highway led on Sunday evening at the parental the )nal bowling tournament were Howard D.
Mr G Allen of Afoul* iForest and Harold L. Yee
oirie y ev., J. W. • s,
Amsoeiation and the vote of thanks ft th 11 I •11" Geo Mot/leer first rind Met-
unera e e oow ng min mg MTI, 4 11
Passed to hint at the meeting' air the by meta for Kitchener, where ift• era. Taylor and G. Mehiartos, seeend• •Graili) C"- h*se ' Patishtit In °Ile N
Mr, 'Nutt% es s honorary member of leeeompanying the funeral to KWh. Ab IA P 1 C. Phyllis Me ilarwrenee
I•Mith P. Priddle
on Sunday lest sof an old and highly. Samuel U. 'Walter
10 doz. Boys' Balbriggan
Shirts and Drawers
sizes 24 to 81.. Anniversary . ‘
Sale .
25c per garment
. , Men s Athletic Combina-
all sizes in lot Anniversary
. ,.
Was' Khaki Maysttits
sizes 8 to .8, years. Anniversary
2$ Doz. Men's Fancy Colton
Anniversary Sale
3 pair for SOc
town ezunell on Tuesday last wee -torment took plaee, Rein Mr. Mills - - oittY of those' written on t
%vim well deserved. 'We nominateland Vett, Archdeacon Jones4latematt *era.. Rhea C. Bacetilee
izens' Committee.
the aeletennorganized Gedreleh Cit.
Jean M. MacDonald
Isobel O. MeNtrhinney
srtrant.-9the death tot: place
esteemed resident of the distriet in
The pereentage of papers mimed is
Gedericii has struck s whining the person of Mr. Jelin Sturdy. Bay.
25 paiistof ,Boys and Girls'
Running Sloes and Sandals
black, hrdvn.arid tan, all sizes in lot.
Anniversary Sale
• rtrrak with ‘of successful field roost brother of Messrs. George Vie certificates of those w11,3 wrote
mesa Aire Depertmental examinations have
• .1 " f " I I 1 1 11 11
Aupst Investmods
Many- issues at the present time are
selling at very attractive levels.
For this reason the investor is in a
position to make advantageous pur.
chases during the month of August.
Vitott MOXtHEAL • .! been mailed to %lie students but the
- . leaf , a
, ertificates of ' the Others will be
• . • Elierbourte.Southamptou ' given .'out at the reopening of ectiooi.
' Alr‘r" ''Il 89°' 18 flvt, 11-M441"131..MiTddhele egrelthatioeiht:tsudeeinttahearljeP•ellexpTeestiledd
..Eue, 17 s,,pt., it, . ! .. ..........”iteiltriem *bout. the end of the week er early ,
Aug.- V :*.".lot. IN .. ;It 1. tti..., .:%1,..antatrs*
31 - 1111ehi,ss .44 lt‘chuttonti •ilext *eek• ' •
41,1,,, fa voe. 7 " ......... toratrast.- Tilbse '-etudents who intend going
. , . .* th,init. vit.:bee. • , . on to Univeesity ate requested blithe
To Liverpool ' ° " Ihdetreities -to tend in their applies.'
MK'. 1: •ectd. I l..... .. . ...... . . 'Montt .ti°n 11°111141Y. 3. '11* 1PirtTiretpl'ai.
. , ' Aug et Sept. 11 attehrs?, of Athol! • ••
' „ • *'t. ta.,.li
sA.711,t1, Srpt... *24 till, tk.Minitiabisa• - SONNET
• Nue. ilit s,netirse t 1
k f0.,tireaVal •••,
..1101,1w4s. a )1•1111.1,i I TO it Father and Mother
.. 'sold. 2 *iet e7..-.1517iiehess If 1746'4'
11 ytlitte l';'
To tileesew.fiellasts,
Atm. 11 iiel• iii. . ' .. - . . 7tIolitt 1I6iva gwraitthotuallttea41;t;iaclic' 811111161 by
. , : 1,!,, ,,,,,,,..1."4,:y.'lef.; .. ................. 'White nosibled block's. of Memory I
...Eicticeent , build
.1.4',„ii;Ciii`i$:;:i ei Itielueelel Into a templed Saintntitcy filled
s. pt. et ie,t, is-Ilie le •ei of illeinoond Ont of the counties of deep quiet
of reeonstriends.tions. liti,‘I ',"1 ,•e' 1;i2.1st., it,11.1. er..0.......‘t 'eV -girl :117ouitbroi"dat:t„' 'ale. Troe44:4%rth.ne4,prt 'etl:nn:eles tws1:11
• , We Shall be pleased to submit a list •sikt rtteleteit
,\717,i, :.,?i:, ,,,Ni;zt ,,:fil,', iii0,1,04li:tt,er,e! . , .11,,,,,i:,:itet.,!,-:1:.,' 4111upetnotabiranehiletttlthiltt,yar:}716:erehrotberi:Itiespirritypr,
, IL, .•.!*-• .0 4 * 014.1 ti' ..tteet_inii
itA""‘"d *t "th a 16vt'' such
ES % I I
ICter,4--i --,-‘:,pre!.reoi
^ Vona eaeritiCel pair.. such rbed tie,
1,0F4Mtiprititetirs:144,41rdt'14 uteri ,En,,i4....esed wis.,•10,ti ...eine th,oieh
-i ,.'i --.. '..i .4i, it,,.:V^1... , ICI' eIell ;1114 EP.'ra sjastr tIlr. "‘"14. c'r "I'l
, t ,
, , ,.„1‘ „i.e.,. i,1"?,,,t A "nm.s. -fp,
101 *e. , 4 71.01,, , •. 4 WI. finiket:::1, , 441 411* IrlAV 10
00.-14 1 r• I il •"•,,,p, ,,J• ,..,.. •P1114., ,
Aaaft Loest atotatt41 or 111:ht,*,e, St lb 11-1 tpiN pt.t,r in p.m, pet fent
s. It. Work 411*„ Graotill Illitott 1 4* , .4'4111110`7.•
Tr$!Ifitf. I 1.....i;t:Igirli"fln,r)!IIP41'• '
A f111110,04,1 1•4.* tin !Mhz: ,
ito#,•••••••• 404
arattart0 ' • ak4011ifir TORONTO
woo** A KInaStrott E8
*5 p111101-PUr!", 01,•••• Plat ()Ice.,
79 Cents
10 Doz. Lighthouse Overalls
with red hacks, all sizes in lot Anni-
versary Sale
Ladies' Brush Wool and
fancy Pullover Sweaters
Anniversary Sale
$1.95 and $2.69
all sizes, long and short style
with fancy tow, for sport wear
12c to 49c
Solids Sita Sloan
'1 - 79 Cents
13oye Khaki Coveralls
sizes 3 to 8 vars. Anniversary Sale
59 Cents
in stripes, in checks, all colors. Anni.
versary Sale
• 16c- to 25c
Ladies' Pare Silk Hose
in* all shades and colors. Annivers.
ary Sale
29c, 59c, 79c
• Me* s Fancy Palaver Sweaters =5-=
black and white, brown and heather, -0
all white, sizes 36 to 42
Anniversary Sale $2.69
all sizes and styles in lot.
Anniversary Sale 69c
Agent for 711P -TOP -TAILORS" v