The Goderich Star, 1929-08-15, Page 3Ad'.
frr Two Or TirN � Mrs
"Neighborhood News Nuggets
Nr. D. ht, iiPicked Frain Our Exchanges k
a*we k Julio,
parr ag frost iiflcooaaaatipatiou. Y' M
bowels *mediae*, would not move for
two or throe days. I oou13 lewdly walk;
or wit& frau the pains across my
Suffered Terribly
"1 tried eteverlll nediritaes but did not
eget tiny better, el* day I decided to
weld rater I had taken two or three vial
I started to feel much better. Now I
always .keep thein in tee Immo and al-
ways will."
Milburn's Lora -Liver Pills are 25 cents
:vial at all dpi gists or dealers, or mailed
+fleet on receipt of price by The T.
Milburn Co , Ltd,. Tnrouto,
r It,1aAR13OW.
Barristr, Solicitor, Notary Public, Eta.
• eueerssor toJ. L. leilloren
Phone ,97. Onlee. The Square. Goderich.
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun We Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria
. Telephone: Elgin 5001.
Toronto 2.
IdUldt(ir elES'•.
Barrister, Solicitor. Notary.
Public Convnyencet', i';te.
PHONE 27 IIAtlliteoti STBEET;'
D. I', x, It,'F0115TE13.
Late house Surgeon New 'York Oph-
,thitlmie :and _'lural Hospital. assistant at
ltIoorefheld s Eye Respite! and Golden
Square Throat 'Hospital. London. Eng.
(,2 Waterloo SL, S. Stratford. Tele-
phone 267.
At hotel Bedford. Dederick. .on.ethe
evening of third Monday of ea"it month.
till the following day. bene: da:%
pee. .(Next visit In September).
E q u ipped . with electro -magnetic•
Laths.. Electronic electric treatments
tnd chiropractic." Chrome, organic
and .nervous . diseases. %My in at -
Blase, o;i letiday, Aug. end. :felln 1
Tenders for I'axttutkt t at Euler
The Department of Public Worcs, c'hier, respected a sassrespected citizen of
C>Etuwa> are casting far tenders fora the con n-endeye anti else a lifelong!!
having been bar- in Ii
new posteH,e for Euler. twee„ being n
of the late Mr.
Rewires Injuries to Foot i'hiistien Boehler, of the (;ashen Lina;
Mrs. Cleo. Anderson, of F,xeter"i q Iseuth of Zurich.
been euf eriug for some tune with a , Suffers iass of Four Calves
bruised feet caused by tripping ore', 1411% (... 1i'ilscsn of Myth recently*
some hydrott
wires. The fest a5 'had the misfortune to lose four starin
badly bruised and out. ! calves in quite a singular iu:nner.
Death of Mrs. Henry Steep, Clinton Ile bed been spraying his potato crop
Mary Jackson, beloved wife of Mr. with arsenate of lead and left the
Henry Steep, of . Clinton, and only montage near the fence while he re -
daughter of the lute Mr. and bort?. turned for Rater. In his absence the
John Jaekscn, died at the family calves deuce the package threeddeee
home on R.atten'bury street on Sun' fence and ate sufficient of it to cause
day., August 4th. • death.
Death of Christian F. Stade i ta'Neil.i)eligney
A prominent citizen of DashwoodA very pretty August wedding togas'
passed away on !Monday -evening, solemnized` at St. I?atriek's church,
Auto. 5th, in the person of Christian Dublin, at ni:no o'clock on Monday
F. Stade, in this 77th year, after • morning of last week, when Rev.'
long illness. Before moving to Dash- Father O'Iarotvski united in marriage
wood fele was a successful farmer in Miss Evalyn Delano', daughter of
Stephen. Mr. and Mra. Jas. Dulaney, of eleKil-
Induction of Rev. Mr. Forster lop, to Mr. Glias. O'Neal; of Maid»
Qn Friday evening. Aug...nd, Rev stone. Lost CO. Found .
Mr. Forster. of Londesboro, WAS in-
ducted into lois charge as minister of Cecil Cook, of Winghani, whose car
Eno: church, leandesboeough, and . was talon franc the front of the Ar.
Burns' ceureh, Mullett, 'succeeding ena a month ago, received word that
Rev. Jas. Abery. There woe an ex- it batt been located at a •smalllake
oellent attendance at this service with about 15 miles from Sault Ste. Marie.
Rev. Geo. Weir, of Blyth, presiding. Cecil went up and brought it horse,
finding it in, good condition•, except
Tell•Argue that the Itemise plates were „ anissielee
..:.A':c1ui .'tvc:dillarg �vaH.;�6?�nnze�`;At' ; Sestiar#ti Collegiate Enters
the home of the bride. s mother', Par- First Year
to? Sound, when Laura Ina, daughter The year 1.928 starts ;deafarth Col -
of Mrs, ,John Argue and the late Jiio, iegiate Institute on the second fittee
Argue. became the wife of Dr. Chas. years' of useful service to Seaforth
pe To11; of Blyth, blue ceremony being and a large portion of Heron Count
performed by
the Rev. I:czbt. Brydon. u' y.
Ever since it was established us a
Mahon-McMurchie high school in 1878 andusa collegiate
Quietly in Toronto on August .3rd, institute in 1888, it has spread to the
Agnes Mary, . daughter of the late furthermost patsof the Peovinee and
JamesMelelurehie and Mrs. McMur- .belond, the reputation of. Seaforth
chis,. of Clinton, Ont., was married t') for pnsurpassed secondary education
Mr. John Fleming Mahon, of Taranto, al facilities.
son of the late Peter and Mrs. `Mahon Death of Mrs. Searle, Clinton
ofAberfoyle. On Sunday. August 4th, Mrs. Wm.
1 Guam-Koonsmnn • . Searle, of Clinton, passed away at•the
'Charming simplicity and dignity home of- Mrs. Rapson, where she had'
characterized the ceremony at made her home for the past three
Lansing. Mich.,, at which . Miss years,. Mrs. Searle, whose maiden
Ruth Margaeet .Keensm'an, daughter name was Mary Ann Lee, was born.
of Mrs, Sarah Nonmetal, of Lansing, • m London. Ott., but had lived in Clin-
Mich., became the brine of William ton for many years. She is survived
G. Grant; son of Mr. and Mrs. G. by four sisters and cne ?brother, Mrs.
Gram, of ' Hensel!. Ont. The Rev; Wm. Marshall and Mrs. Ii. Pope, of
Ernest Horner Alien, D.D., of Oak London; Mrs. 1.1. Lampkin and Miss
deed, :111.,load ;the impressive service. Edith Lee, of Regina, and Mr, Wm.
bar. Jahn Boehler Passes } Lee, of London.
• There passed -away at !lis, home ata h's churce, Cls
1' .St, J'aseph's churs"h, Clinton, decor-
legal bum Bei
English Ohina
In Blue and Gold and
Mikado Patterns
Wk! have Nora appointe.1
stile t jai lc'•ra la a ;spin tar this
high-grade (:Lhasa and have
just receivc,l a lame impost
Wew..4come compardson
in probe witlt city stores anti
large catalogu t homes.
hese 136 GOOER1CII
;It this nt>trnialf wit* far *4 he did on-.
'ley wait it fur x tact* wile and that
he tenth( ivy it about a 's a !mut and
;then enveet•d it in.te xtrr Feller cake
'ort M. way home from the i e costa► .
cane at�ind•
Tru:dily'--1 had to• take a bath to-
• day and clean uN on wee of they wee '
oto be a pail} lap taws witch I wits en,
voted to end I hollered' gown stare to ,
l ma and sed I cud lent ilnd my tooth
I braids, and she sed; When did ie'
Miss it and I i'eplyed and sed Just I
new and she sect very 8cornishiy.
Welt 1 moved it a weele: age Saterclay
anti then she scolded ine., Winiee
• situdclert Ought to be azn secretiah is
Ian I got to say.
en 1av^1re kia .awhoa pa KRIS
the junle Yd. has get a new "nil Lamle
ed masitene and now we have nick
named him Little Boy BIow •beeuz he
is all the Time Blowing his tarn when
lie is driveinfr a rounIt WV
Thirsday eelea gotoeibout le sere( bee
Tis U*ivanniy otters fiver eeazeie
tear aaae. One *valor asanrss for
deo chorus of I Sc kis mtan►rg', Lee
two ralis la Arta ass du* years hs
Sonia& riot Pavane boast*. Tlua• owe -
veer samosa los ;radiate mamas IMd.
Iig to *s codicils to Pablie Healtk
ct; csrtiIcats et
Iastracter 1* NMret*g
te,L1r.e; and cutouts 1r
Modal Adatisistretisn
tea, Cateiikat. Carpsat.
r.caatiut.a ss tM* b.oe cw Ii.a
ul•;e Nces>
ons eiser1 in*
tees,* iney to:
fF> t, It. iNS11t1*,
PLO,. twarlrar,
Lssasr. esseSs.
• i1 1I.
the satoriat triumphs of today.
'Cara cif all Vintages are them hath
euz lrq raiser Svoodent wick rite and in the aidrertisements and in. the in
lie told iiia it weodent shave him a lustrations, At one Gane in lenglanli.
''" ri ,vied tuffkeea worked speed limit of four miles an hrni, and, • •
tall and nra_r ed Well yure beard roust
1 r -to hon `she sharpened the Ic;t tall para must be preceded by .a man•
Pencils for the Bridge party this
'cars were not allowed to exceed the
were worn and very often shoes. No
wonder weinen could net ewim. The
•goof! ld days(' Perlaape. slue act
would like to go bank to theme Vera
eeinl -not the women
pm. 'bearing a flag. So there is a fueture, _ • I ot1E a3u
f d d lbs
o a than roving a car an ♦v;i • n;;
HINTS POR HOMEBODIES ahead of him solemnly clutching a
By Jessie Alien Brown
A man said to me recently that be
tv s ed to goodness would e
l h dues I iso td w t
ferns, WAS the
t n f
droll end •'t a h editorial t►
d v.i h tiD(f There is an a the ate
'tmethiit i t the men a
t rad for
change end cut out the- cakes and pies motorist's greatest burden .tyro'
stag, is the ftag•bearer. It hardly
seetne credible but there it is. One
ear is advertised as the eheapeat of
the closed -ear elms, It is only See,
scene of a pretty wedding when iFiaiy; s• n 4
Cecilia, only, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John McIntosh, became the bride
of John. W. Sorel, of Fort William,
The happy couple left Toronto by beat
for a. trip. to Montreal, Quebec and
up the Saguenay river. On their 1:0 -
turn they will reside in 1''ort William.
LeNiag for liidgetown
nue tzt.oltel> l'oaPs,the popnlui,
rector tof. Trivitt- Memorial'. "chiral,
Exeter, has been appointed rector of
Ridgetown end Highgate sutce'ding
the Rev. Wm. Walli re. soba is going
tenor o .o
2 to 5 and w. »
�tendancea Oilice� hours , '«•,.,rte'„ �� ..
to 9 p.m., excepting Monday and -
Thursday and by appointment. • -
A. N. AT•KINSON, residence and
office, corner of South street and 134
tannin. road," Phone 341.
Live Stock and General Auctioneers.
Mole Ave.. Goderieh
Sales made everywhere and all efforte
made to hive y'i
-you satisfactin.
Farmers' Sale Notes discoa.:ted.
Phone lit(.. -
(,\Vitt t nntluct_ sales anywhere.
My terms lire reasonable and"1 Nv!11 11
enol give satisfaction. •
' . Phone Carloav iale, o
r.address B.
:'l, 'Goderieh.,.
General Conveyancing done
flood Cempantes fepreemeeit
Phone No. 29S. Oodrriole. Ont,
'Von: LI.OT" :ttv rteet, 'FIRE IJSUR-
'1J. i:itTY EIS't1RED.
EtiAY INStineo, •
Value of •nreeerty insured tip to Jap-
uary 1910. 43.o4s. 975.(10
it TCEl i -]'amen Connolly. Pees!.
dent Coderieh:.Tas. Evans, 'Vice -Press-
aunt, ••B:eeelievood; T. E. lien. Seee
Treas., Seaforth.
mammas -Al I:1'. Me(:rexor, sea -
MOIL; .1. D. Grieve, Winter's Woo
Wrin. Constance:' Georg- Me('nrinay.
Toekersmtth: John Ferris, Hartnett:
Jaen Bennewise liroadhaben; Murray
Gibson, Brueeflrld.
AGEN 1' -J.1V 'Shea, Gotleriett : Sande
Leitch, •Clinton; Wm.; (;hest;ay, See -
forth: R. Iiinchtey, Seatorth.
Poticyboldery can pay their' assess:
mems at Covin (`utt'e store, rinrlerielt:
A. J. rifoorish'- f lothing stere, Clinton:
or J. 11.Reid's; 'Baylleld.
Have It attended to by the
• I tairllh1red 1875
Head 011fre: Dungannon, Ont.
Nen. 1Votson. Auburn, I'ii'4ifent
Mee. lloWitt, Vier President; Jas (lir-.
vin, Mon. Director; Bloaters -Wm.
n1cQiiillsn, St. Helens; W. 10. Heed, r
lt. 0. No. 1, Lueknow: harry L Sal-
keld, Goderich: Alex. i\ielin hrin, Luck -
now; Tim (Griffin, 0. ft. No. 7. L.tiet novel , ,(
Oka. Dewitt, Klnemeltne; Ilobt. David- e�
son. Dungannon. le
liutr,- $2.1X) ever thensand„
Tint. e'fl)TIIETIS. Treas.
4ai.t.l 1. r.1S:1V t N. : ur'y,
Brophou ero. •
The Leading . •
E`tirreral Directors
aid Eathalrrtra
alto Asshale*ee'Service
Orders carefully attendeJ to
at all hours -night or day. We
are the inspectors of anatomy in.
and for the County of Huron.
Phones: Store 120; Residence
3`..t. Wheeler
,Funeral Director and.
Oodericb, Ontario
All earg eremptiiy attendee to
day or night,
Thome.: Rime NW Hoeft e55W
OW - • about cheating the
LA junk man, Mr. Motorist.
aleott time -your.. tore "blows?" .-
WWe're. good at building up
Urea some folies figure are
A - good'. repair job done b1►
men tw1so know how will often
put a tire back on the road as
good as ever -ready and wil»
sling to gives its full -mileage.
Dom't throw your tire or tube
away until we've seen It.
F. - R. MILLER -
Battery Service, Greasing, Y'uleanizlst .
Phone 259
Geolewe Tree torso 7R3t.
Irk* reto of srogieley $t'iks
Di th.'t..d. Oim m.f 11V.71O
Aro ea Ate oast*
die .4 dos ats *el urerb
veno sisti..+se tow prior.
enamor IT,AGAiblrf
Green forests
ensure,an even
flow of clear run.
ning water;
burned timber
means muddy
torrents in flood
time and stag-
nant pools in
dry weather.
The good sports-
man, in his own
interest, is care-
ful with fire in
the woods.
toted to!KIM e rof
d:!oles Setweee
For Upholstering, Repuirtnat
A largo range of Sample Cover
i$ s earrieol
Nelson. Street
All very well but I wager ha Imes de trouble A ear is advertised tised with its . ,
eat those same cakes send hies. we prtee inebod%ng tops, lights, and tools -" •"'
have no serious objeetion• to the men as part of the equipment, at one time '
reading our column if they really ,you pard extra for all these. INSURANCE
want to, for It wculd not hurt some of Wonsan s emancipation is shown in
•lien► to learn. more about the kind of the clothes, Imagine having to wear .
food they should eat but we eertetinly sterts trailing on the gr, ugnd and
arc rat going to writo a column for yarths around in width. High hats •
their sperial benefit. Botchy the we
ton of The . •
petalled up an of a 'lived hair
a 1
vvitfi 'int r err
� 5 su t
"'�ivyiitt;it"eetl, i;avtp=it�}ttth�'sl,tii`zer ihv
with Tang !Eat •giros 'xhr9a rver� nn»
ease tt4e .women might Iika °Mango aorta svat ons vel s tied under rel
Olin if going motoring and morel of•
paper for their vory- own.,Test int h d with long e it ' .•• Ktl
Brom the above mentioned stakes sand ten if not .coiner motoring..The idea
a Slxatfoid. The resignation of Ma pies too, l arm going to carate about seemed to be that no self•respectln f
.,ones will take efYeet. h t dal f o ething else• this week. Scernework oropeely if there was
September. A successor will not be t has been our good fortune to run .e womanr would in'It without ;i vela .
appointed until after the Arehbishap across a stack of old magazines, bun- And the bathing' suits! Immense
returns from the 1t1aritimes at the areas o£ t1 em. Tito earliest dait'es•are bloomers with more cloth in them
rots! of` Augnst. 1$0£1 but•inost of•
tltern are.irt'the fart than is needed for two bathing suits
Aeroplane Sigit decade of last century and the first of to -dao. Ther Svero gssuits
Everyone knows that Seaforth, like of the present one, The present day sailor -suits and rho skirts ware yards
ober towns, hos highway signs for'magazin s are a wonderful m trore• rvide> ria strait skirts Dither for lad -
spent on floe older ones in ma ca up les were stat supposed to have. knees
'-e for. traffic, but few are aware that and general appearance p
4Seaforth also hue's sign for the geld. The edra1angin the personnel of the in !!lase .class, Long; 'black stockings
ancc of 'aeroplanes. Last fall a large eonti•ibutors is surprising. Tl-ereare _
si.'git was erected west of the freight ff a few still contributing. but not very
sheds at the. station, It is about 1011 dully.Idewing Booth
feet long and 15 feet wide, an is ton, Mary Tteoetts tflhinehait, Cora
supported on posts ten feet above the Harris, ,Dr. Woode Hutchinson Theo -
The name .cf the town, "Sea» riore Itaberts, Isaac 14inreossao% tire.. a
forth." is painted in "huge letters on few. picked :nt rAndom tuba still np•
the sheet iron top which resembles a pear en the magazities.
fiat reef. The old illustrations are notas well
Coates -Maunders Wedding reproduced and the quantity is much
In the chapel of Saint Columba = less. I am strut* with the predom-
United church, Toronto, en Saturday, inence of -pictures of actresses. There
August $rd, at high noon, in the pres- : are pages sand phges of them in a1-
ence of immediate relatives, the mare ' most every magazine taken in the
riage was solemnized of Margaret most unnatural
poses. The hands
Mae 'Maunders. daughter of Mr. and particularly teeny because they •
Mrs. Wm. Maunders, Brussels, to never look natural, the little finger
Mr, George Franklin Coates, . son of being usually crooked in a very anti.
Mrs. Coates and the late Robert E. ficihl• manner. Some of the ladies are..
Coates, of Seafor'th. The Rev Ira, endeavoring to look very coy with a!
Pierce officiated. The bridal couple finger in their mouth, Even Billie i
left by motor for New Yerk, Wash- Burke is taken like that; They
ineton, IOC., and Montreal and upon abound with Green Room Stories. In
i.'eir return will take up residence in one musical criticism it bemoans the
Havelock, Ont. fact the top prices at the Metropole -
Engagements Announced tan Opera Ilouse have risen to S2.€a
Mrs. Wm. Welker, Exeter, sannreun- seat but t tnsoles the readers by tel-
- cel- the engagement of her dough- linday matineeeyforrn 23carEve Wednes-
vex, Verna Allison, tv;° llarvey. A. they had boys hired to cool the air.
Stewart, B.A., New Toronto, son of in the theatres: with paliir leaf fans
Nt. and •albs. I'emviclt Stewart, Stun- they had to close them in the sunt-
- Iey . twp., the marriage to take place mer,
0iriti iItas* a1,: - There are editorials which might
Mr.. and Mrs. Frederick Johnston, of ensily Irate been avrltten _today.
Wiinghnm, announce the engagement ,(lie Canadian Courier
of tnefr" youngest chis stet, Legette on the tarp(' gtee Canadian
The United
Marguerite, to Mr. Harry Baldwin There is one in States is raising' the tariff on Cana -
, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. States goods and the editorial recons--+-
Alfregl Edwin Kennedy, • of Toronto. mendsincreased trade with. Britain.
of he, marriage will take place in Sounds natural: doesn't it"' Then
Wln;hane the latter part of August.
Deaths of Farmer Exeter Residents there is another editorial written 25
years ago bemoaning the fastness of
The death f.y,:lt place in Hamilton the age: They edy
on Friday, August 2nd, of Mr. Wm. 'seeet Harade Walpole said .he call it "the speed),
A. Davis, . aged 66 years and five living in too fast 'an 'age, that the
months. Mr. David was a formerre- wins o f L' ndan. did not , stay quiet
sident of Exeter, having spent -hes long enough to find out what they
early life there. He was united in were like, It was ever thus h
marriage to Miss Jennie Fisher, and -'Not so long ago golf too 'were not
together they started their married n necessary part ':f the game. 'Tiley
- life in .Wingham.' Afterwards they seemed to be Ole toplay it it' plain
lived In. Mitchell and London and 29 pants. 'There' is a picture of a four -
years ago moved to Hamilton. Inter- some in which President Taft toss
meat tools place at Exeter. playing. The President and another
One of the sad features at .the fun- man' had their coats all and played in
'eras was the sudden death of a" cis- thQir 'vests. One man did not wear a
ter. Mrs. Thos. Terry, of London, who vest but Welled in his shirt«sleeves
teak ilI at the .graveside and passed end the fourth were a ,sweater coat.
(away the seine evening.. Mrs. Terry Compare that picture withsome of
who was born in Exeter had lived in ..-----(----,-
-••- ---•-•- London for the past twenty -lave years.
w Y
She is survived by her husband, who 1'j
is president and general manager of
the London Air Transport Co., and GoDER
tete daughters. errs. 1V, Hulbert, of
London, end Mrs. lee 1'assold, of H
'! D
T 1
'S A
riday-Blisters has ben a telling
me that he is a Wumen looter and
this after noon 1 seen hire out want-
ing with Ester Blink and when 1 aeon•
edhiin of atippeng he red he was still
ii wumen hater and that the onley re -
lien he was -out walking with Ester
vests beet i ate hadda be, a round then
once and ai wile just in order to keep
on Ratcing them.
Saterday I pant Jane en tee St.
tonne and otic Cut pie dead and did -
1 dent even speak to rate >a tall. Sire ie
c kind of estubblsli marl fence say tut 1
will eay this for free she can nass mo
without eilealling to nae Cuter than
enny buddy else of cvhtch I no of.
Sunday- 'Jai:Le end nae Stent down
tb play with the new !sial witch n na
hen got it Ice cream cons ntdtnII on the
Erick rode.. When we was a leaveillaI
mss sed to reel Ee mire and Welt like
little gentlemen but 1 teal her aunt
fisc. re stele!;, I sttyways the wanted
to have a pleasant after noon.
Mandate -data Lae stung sae. -etas
tareycd rt Clime *MAinn yeetertiny
I eve'ne 3:11 acct lie 1 ploy wanton it foe
e litt!u (vale nal trtzoo 1 act (aids feu
Assurance Company
of Canada
satab1l.har bolts
n Ors lot: t WATt1nr o4. (!NT
D. D. LOONEY, A ent
PHONE -,.30
NoaTo ST.. GQtitrnl(`ti, ONT.
1 i
You Need Not
Spoil r
Now -that reduced evening rat es on "long
distance" begin at 7 p.m. (local time) it
b possible to get one's telephoning bone
before evening engagements begin! •
From 7 to 8.30 p.Tn. the rate on Station-
to -Station calls is about. 25 per cent 1ea
than the day.. rate. .
Further reductions are in effect- from
8.30 p.m, to 4:30 a.m.--about 50 per cent
off day rates.
(The minimum reduced evening rate is
85e; and the minimum reduced night
*rate 25' cents).
This service -particularly the early
evening type of message from 7 -p.m. --
is a real convenience! ,
Now is the time to tet yobr winter
coal from the Heat Folks' "Coal,
ing Station.
1f ain, ocean liner waited until it need»
ed real before filling tin its hold,
There evonld come a danHeraus time
of driftine on the liig-r peas until
lied( could be auethaoned.
If you wait to till up your bin until •
bad weather comets, you :may Ise
sending out dtatress ni2naln, too i
Better "coal up" today.
FOe :Good Clean coal
CALL var.
none Sb Goderatii
;Dom/triers Stores( Famous,
'lend et tee
*1.5, (itt balled lea areww al 5141R a1Ui•d,, amartnd 11.
elrenpA AAA MVO a. „Metaary Yo, is a.xl 1e.. Pur:G..ed
&nal tom tb. (utast*, 15.,. Asaen And :mien... 1MX#re
tlend.d and partod Ie ells own 01ont -
tot, we 00an4 a ria al 5tehntatla 14e3dr 9'.0 WA find
ao1041al 41114r40e4 In Murat. _
16. Pkt'.15c
Veto 144040.01 4100 .1aa Ida1a;e mug ott:rr lira
5101,14 o/ ba• *1 trahaai quell". mi tawwl plan
Real Cohoe
ME's. 9:a ?ia
14b. Tin 29
Mt(.. 1Ca 111V
410 Tiaa.. eait9°. _.
14 t SLIGltr
SOAP 10 *at49e
Macaroni or Spaghetti
3 lbs. 25e
114041.1.4v 0* 14300010
Kraft Cheese . . w ' a•lil. i'kg. 21,
I.4MGI2 A4t0111ti0.VT
Chocolate Haps » • . . 6 for 2J('
Maple Leaf Italeltes 3 Doaan 25,
Gillette Razor Blades 3 l'kpo. *1
Sils eyrfill -wawa viiaa i Acta `Ile 43e
.Spray • 4 e tlor.Tin 433
Roman Meal . . .. Pin. ale
Aretleted Sheol • "; . fAlIy113a,23e
Chet Sauce
(50415 A 10..44101011:4
Vinegar tit.. 32e
Isom:4 P104 -i10.0 Tyr
Mustard "ria 1t2c
1dtAS- 90"+1144
Z'igtt a>on.ltiottle li,'j1c.
Golden Corn Tin 1 S
Fruit Salad 4, 30e
TOL UlT'S . ItIVI1(Ii5 i
Jeltyrowdara dtor25e
AAVT4 (1.454
Prunes 14%V' 1.11.15e
yyast�Lt Ma.1v1y �.e
11Ci1k I.0N02410.t:1 .FA n a*tt
Preserving Needs
Crown Truitt Jars
cu>1a 41 )
$1.05 •1.t
Jar Magi
i Moth* 3 Doz. $5,
Mine_44 f•aE> Y7«
CUT* V.2 • _ .sae
throw** 21Pktrt: a$0
reoet. "ax,csa rave 11LVCdvWWII" r:. 4,101tZ3