HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-15, Page 1rm. III I • NI Oa NNO•l• MOM.
4 NA 0144111110044•0
41111114•1•1414.14111•1111MINIONMIIIIIIIIIIIIIN Nil I INN III/N•111114 RPM IOW NI I 111 4111141 II
Is a Vanua aid Seas. Way ef
Helping tit BOW Up our owe eam-
niesite. Mese* neat out oe telis4
Helps tete late. in nattlf Meer tem.
intone+ .
«icIi ttar
Weeklies stationery. cermet ta work.
inn nnil fees. whiten ia lietwietee
tee* /toles ea $ae mock, at the Golf,
kith Star talk,. Ike Home or Coast
_ en-
--------- -
SEVENTIF.TII YEAR Subscription: le a year ist Canada GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 150, 1929
UM a year to U. S. points. WALTElt NAPTEL. Publisher.
Mr. Juck Wins the Silver Cup for Greatest Number of Points at the Goderich Flower Show
TOWN TOPICS- enact *nether three or four if lueltn PEOPLE WE KNOW 1,U'A.111R IND LIGHT COMMISnION
addition, when eree.ted, wilt inerease thud given a different break at the
\; e tion to its preeent plant, which saii9 •
Hows„ i Atte 1,-tee.,440, wen is home front , All the munbere el the Water and
1111 Lie 881111111011 001481111, Of 0/1118 a ,itr::::moit,ifbiut:„epizzl tleige,tiE,
A .____,......_ _._...._ .......,_;...;,:„.......„.„..._._iiinal. neTse,uji I1.0 .. i,ottima. , , 1,Light tnnuniesion were preeent at
: •i approximately Se00.900'.00 ; It •nder Old Age Palmitin Act e lb, Kennedy file -Carrick If. Glue 6i, et Mese it,1'. te. Dilator) ie visiting hi i,the cregulter meeeing on Thersnay
ieven ng. hew. Me, An application
1 The ewelettr Old Alle PelleinnUeeeal ' I ivetmere en 'itoek rL iewyford er
; paeity will mean a greetly increased LINN service to dwelling on Moritreal
enteen applications ter pensionee so.; trace q 31 ti 1 11 M INC in tiodersee.
What about that mortgage ? A mortgagn on the house iis in.
convenient when the hustand is alive. It is often tragie ,when iie,
_ passee.
„ •
It means a hopless titan against recurring paymenta-or the
moving van at the door and the exit etthe little family ter oeher mid
meaner quarters.
AND WHEItRAS the illern"e4 Cii." have received One hundrik And sev. et t t ° * Mr. Itirset Fox', c•f Ter, nte, ie N, t, 4 from Mie N. M. Raker for electric
number of bonne calling at the• seiti et ena ML t.. le stey of Torero Street owned by Mrs, J. R. Craigie
. oxen a Ong ) .e e , urney - , , .
, port of Goderieb, and wintering here, "Is undet the Aet. Willa paesed. and ii numb* f r
1.. e app lea-
ebelladden ife Archer es. Sanders° ,
4„ requg a larger anwatit of neees. Hydro Will be Of Oundee Morning 'Ibi Sheitedewft et Vehetne"lei ei'lettzIee" ,"4514111;0, ve7.1tietilgeefitviszenatitIndr4hniene of tions for lighting sereicee Avere pas.
i sities and work to be done, thus ben. 6 to 10 , • rf, Tummy p. sett, The request ef the town Council
elnronto, are vieiting in tioderieh.
I efitting the Faid Town, F,ngineer Kelly announcee that , .eftee lee latrine '-' ee elle and etre, ogie miner tete ,away for a street light on Bruce street
A . , • ll b Cline ni uu 0 Ct-
It need t ot be to if the husband bas made provision simply by ... Y ow 000 4,,,ti 1 on tt trite ee mammon and purees. 'leer the Cauning Factory ware read •
- carrying sufficient insuranze to pay off the mortgage. has requested the Council of the Cor. =min item 0 eaelock a.m. till 10 Illadz Sex and refeered to the engineer to reporb
lempires--TImindyke end Stewart. vine'
poration q the Town of Gederich to time , Mr. and eirs. E. Platt have return- upon. A statemeat front the town
It its so simple and se, easy,. Coneult us regarding our plans ot • ,,
insurence. . aid it in Its proposed project of the Griot", Bios to Be Finished Out of Town Gtiests at Tile Blue . ed to Port Colborne after a visit in enoretill colinozsinigssupelieueneter fBrsoillanwth3;
, ee , . . .... . erection of satd addition by granting This we k Bird Tea Shop ,
mole on its said addition tor u /**-.. au .18 .C.,gpected that the grain blies Mr. and 3Ira. C. .S. Whittaker, II. ,C"Aleisralehlt.oreen Metter. fef Detroit. is ' ef inn for the new IntiliPing equine
to the said Company a Reed mess. ,e, e
H. R. LONG, District Agent
r the assessment to be made in the year vompleted this week, Tint old hon. NVelterseiMr. and Mrs. n, w. creeeh visiting her grandmother, elre. Neani.,0en2eantartaanwilneene,eilnosiitiztri,ewhaesmrieciefooliv,en,d.
. . an in,
. iod a ten years commencing with
0 a the uew elevator house wM be
Exeter: iiiss *E. WIlliains, Candifte Y"") Pal'k 1.4'.
ml9e2nOts, s:c4h fixed aesessment not to in- ees are filled and the additionelatoin
elude settee1. taxe.s or local improve. age of the new bouse will lie in de. 3/Ewrrilsgsis41/eilielise!u.'ll'irijusys,Y041!eepsas!i:3Nselsliten4071,4veetet,14ZEkssi„
• eland es seon aseit la available.
Office 115
Ihonei i Residence 54n
Mee May Stoddart, of Windsor. minted. On motion the eolleetor
visiting at the tome el her sister, Inner Guertgeitocno.ottihfyattiefeiCiyaddrwocallvreSzl
Mrs. W. J. Baiter.
STr. .Cor ei,f t °Sur f alts lig Ir e. Tiudnotoi in' esti 1 13ar treelienvasesntdaepeas oi (LI taattsbseeen:seolitchakedorrt taoiuse:otitlevbeacittil.
Springbenk Parke
ear. T. R. Wallis and Mr. Wilbur noon instvuetione fernin the Provincial
,4jdeelilleisertomnaint4lounkoimve retuieied.r,lettettititea_fteee ete,:..ureetlieilrvobite- Celentuitsyittincomtlie41.413/nddrealtruoiflerleen
Miss Mary McGowan, of New York vices in arrears cut off forthwith if
City, is ,the 'meet tif Mrs. Herbert not paid. A hnter from the Hydro
Mclean, 'Eingiton street. • ' Electric. Power Commission of, On.
Mr. and Mrs. Thosee Aitcheson too° e1 .!in laboratory reuort on
bave interned to Wine after iiteosut;faotioieut.lvir.acc termannIdunieerVsesbteiningw-
114'.el'rvf/Vpfleolets and son, installed ut the sub -station, wait need
Kenneth, of Toronto, were vtsitors in 'Aniedecoonnandowttionw, Atetiliagsainassir cilotitovpanayy
Gederich over the week -end.
Miss Sarah Gauley, of Cleveland, sum of S4.037.50, aa balance ow.
la spending a week •with 'ber palatine. bin on traneformers. A number ot
Mr. and Mrs. Wm'. Gauley. •• accoents, were passed for payment.
Miss " Ida, Welsh Diggina, Monte
ton, spent a few days in Goderich cal. chTahreterr.etular 1,:e.tiinlgvinofbeAhleirdeelok
ling on many of. her old friends.
• Oldest Resident of East Wawanosh turned to Dundas efter te visit with
Miss Dorothy AlteheSon ve. tAh4Pusittblii;t1hti,bartairoMeolonedua.y eftertfoon,
her cousin, lent* Hope Mitre.
• AND WHEREAS by veason of the Councillor Mumiintes to Attend Betty Petters. Miss Margaret His.
National Hosiery. Mills Lmtefilet that sea proposed addition will Great Lakes Harbors Meeting•
greatly benefit the Town of Goderieli A meeting oe vie epenetn,akee Wee Roblin, Detroite Miss Et Farrow, Hen -
Alias Madeline MeKay, II. N.
- - d
- - - - - • : - by -the exPentliture of large- amounts
. ior Association is teeing held at Del.' r
en ------te-- • , - -It =no.' in Wagq-s-inlla-S11 Ifttl-thierharaday altd-Vriktrig Aug.
......., , .
ibettev. facilities for,boats to call 'at
die market for the past itio weeks owing to the rapid develop.
the said Elevator, it is deemea expect- Muunings is in atteedancee having
ments within the company., ' • ' ient to grant the said request upon been appointed as the town repreeen-
Vile have been foreel. to complete new 'arrangements and we the terms and cond`tious henntafter ., ,t, ..... .
-Wive at .the „meeting of the town
et 1 " couneu last rriuky evening.
expect to make a further limited offering of stock at a 119W set fort ;
NOW, THEREFORE; the Muniel. IL 'K. Revell Proprietor at •
pal „Council of the Corporeition of tbe Bidgcrest
Town of Goderieh enacts as follows; Mr, H. X Revell is back to bis old
1. Upon the Goderich Elevator work at Ridgcrest Farm and is now
and Transit Company, Limited, erect. the proprietor of that institution.
ing and completing during the year For some time past Mr. Revell bad
1920 an extension and addition to its been eucceesfolly engeged in insure
present platen which said extension ance work at Woodstock with - the
And addition will be placed to the Sun Life Ca. hat has, now returned
; eastvvard of its present properties at to nelieve his father of .the care of
the harbor at the said Town of Gode. the busineas of „Ridgerest
rich, and which said extension Is ta
The Earth Tremoe alt in Goderich
. cost anProxiluatelY $300,000.00, tied'
------ to have a rapacity of approximately Mane peoPle in Goderich felt the
.. one million bushels, the said addition, earth -tremor Monday morning about
buildings, nuichinery, elant and 6:2-e, and inany nore were totallY
F°R 8.11.11.-.A cistern pato in good WAN -44.01.1- wishes posmoo es equipment and. the eaid lands upon
%his issue has been withdrawn rain and the increased heepacity WIll after 15th died 16th, and 091411011W B. c.
price next week.
We recommend.every investOr to purchase some of this stock
now and would suggest telephoning BS Or calling. and making
learedird, Torontoe...elisseelesinnett
IfendrY, Otteevat eIrs. Geo. Heyd,
1$1re• B. Uoulding, Brantford; Mrs.
Revak, Miss j. Menlo, Mrs. T. C.
Cowan,- ItIrs. Gordon ingrain, Lon-
don; Miss Verna Salton, Bryen,
Ohio; Rev, and Mrs. etnalter James,
Mrs. John Oliver, West Lorne*, Miss
Graee Oliver, St. Marys; Mr. and
Mrs. E. Roertiman, I. G. Housber.
ger, Miss Biwa Spence, Kitehener ;
Mise Mary I. Denton, Miss Edith M.
Tinnis, Beale; Miss Birdie IL
Thempson, St. Catherinest Miss Ida
Velsh Diggins, Hamilton; Mtn. Wm.
Marsh, Miss Martha Mamie Toledo;
Mrs. Wm. Ramsay, Misses Jessie and
Mary. Hemet?, New Liskeard.
a reservation. / "7
Huron Investments . ta, N
.. . PHONES 430 and 445 -
Royal tank 13149. Cocleri6h, On
, The inferiority complex Weald let
Mr.- Finlay Aziderson celebroted Mr. and. Ti Win. Bowers, of Mar.
: ePOR SALE : , ;„ I
unaware ot the nerthqualte. ,Those
VICE. • '
• tondaton, teeiee at spa 01.1 . , 3,n:wog aurse, phone 4i 4. . 'Whiell they are to be Greeted squill be who 'happened to be awake aut: man
• • ' • and the same are hereby declared to uPPer, story inidethe best opportue- i
« ,
' Vie eTtienes -Voile can nave " 0 u r be, subject to A fixed assessment of ity of noticing the tremor.: It is re- s
. C>. FOR 'SALF.--Erunswirk Vid1,01114. in A:- . teather. bed made Into a sanitare elle dellare(el.00) for a Peeled of ten Ported: as being about half the in., -
exceenot nondition; wini elehde" reit mattrese or dawn eandoetee. •Higie. years, beginning 'with the assessment tensity of the. tremor of Pete 28th, e
'bleb -class weenie. Orme ,n50,00, Icti- est price paid for lettthers. Mho :a i.,... 1m ,,,...1,... 4... 4.1..„ ,,,,,,,,, loon Is...I....4...0 lo9K „,,,„,, .,,,,,,,,.. .„,,,,,,t„,,,1 is +1,,,,, ,.„,.,,iths„,
gum, rat slemi yryiral. , . cant to ntymixisete lenneettAte. AND; ...... be 44404.40 ...14 y4r.: ,v '%A.. 4,444, ..4,4•Io ..........., .......4 erylv. 1............,... .4/4 ......... ,........,...,.. '
his ninetieth birthday at his borne in ine City, nee opending a few • days a lino thing if the right people had It
East Ninewenosh on Friday last. He visiting in Goderieh and Vicinity. ' ' • - -
Latest Into in Vittor Reeorda,
has tile distil:et:on Of Ibeing the old- Mr, and Mrs. R. Long were feantribeins Drug Store.
ent resident of the `Township of East away last week art a noliden trip to
1Watveziosh as -well as the oldest pub. Parry Sound and the 30,000 Islands,
le official in the County of Huron, Mr. Thos. Gauley is spending a Parties. wishing their cemetery Iote
till serving las Township Treastlr. week's vacation with ids meter, Mrs. token are of or fixed up, call ot the
er, a position which he- bus filled for G. le. Brenkman, of Cleveland. Ohio. Marble works.
he past 34 veers. lie has been a Mrs. C. H. Humber has returnee to '4""erz‘m
been a member of laoth township ard Goderich after 'visit to •her sister, Mr, Charles Norman wishes Us ta
member of both township and county leirs, (Rev.) F. Elliott at Inger-
°linens. ele, Anderson was born in sole make it known that (luring his tun-
-ATTfinSS CO., Godeelett, arid our • fixed , assessment shall not off eet as- States -
FOR SAGE.-"Niaeara $ (men . •
unprovereteets. and the valet Conipany no 0; le lee .held a very sit'ecasful
tnizers alwaye en stoek. Pronflit
Lan& Lime, also- high grAlle tdeereii-evANTED,.....me sere 01...ltss,. close to $ avein s es s
hall h fixed kis in s a sessinent
every service 'at& required. I' ' Lake; good beach. Vieinity of of on a
e ellar moo) during t e sani meeting. ' ThursdaY eveidnge-Auguste .e.
la e 8th, nor the purpose of confevring n
Ji .1 eye 114 No. 5, 1. 1( Ont. ;‘fioderich. Ce.ve, letvest Mete. Son let period. but such fixed business_ assess- upon three local eittnlidoles the *IL c
Phone varlow 282,i, !STAB. " ment tax Oat] net include assessment
.1...il:, - for school pttritoses or kcal improve. ii:,1. 134dryegirieveeilleit as Coaacted
a net and also one
rent. immediate possession. .I. Lula need Yee. lomplete Seep tioursee. veers vovered bit this Be -law the. said unusual fee .4 tiegece team to ball_ e
-*"- —.... ete.-_-_--e n'enenearenee lost ;mega on Inuemes, Staining, Light.lCompeny, Limited. shall if tequested Of /emboli land A bountiful lunch
nowiten To CREDITolin - - 'thee ondenontion eysteree, anti /era- give it coneent• in writing to the the eeebieg passed off eery lade." f
_ k----,---,----0.,"-itiOn aterhattleS. Batten" 11,elgtirlgs gleaning by the sitki Corporation ti _ ,_, .. .,- ,:,. ,t,,
isprrillfl Tis,U114P1T911,5. , . , ' y . - .. • .1 * 1 11 . 4 ` /the Town of Goderieh of min bones evert MO next ., • • •
Kenmore, Scotland. :mends the Miss Clara Moir and Mr. Deland Perall from town, onion for
Ins madeeto.measttre line ot MOWS
=eater part of the time at the old Glazier, Toronto, spent a few days clothing will be taken on his belittle
eine, Kenmore Farm, which won talt_ last week with Miss Viola Clebaldest.
n up asebush land about 1852 by his 'one - • by Wm. Stopletou, expert tailor, East
St., wirs will &eve eomplete line of
ifaJiter, Dunosn utInWrson and Ant Mr. and Mrs. Jos. liabkiek and
W.VN1 loc:1 member waS given the sleeping
To ReenTe--Pertilsbed aPartenetet to The fleetest enening !trades in Can- Z During the saw period oe ten degree, %tenet% is something rather
W Ofetiinee 01) re Walk th tools telder Meet The Goderich Elevate/. and Transit die. 'With -a jolly gond, attendance
winch he helped his father and bre- thildren, of Detroit, are visiting at -samPles und will Pe"QaallY tt‘ke`
measure& , -
hen- to do pioneer week. The farm the ,.leonie of Mr. and WS. ht.). NIV.
s new the property of his nni, whose ins. e_:, ... MST ARRIVED
hilciren are the fourth generale:lie Me. Geo, 11011111111 was IA Toronto Me. 1 A Rebertson of The Gado
all the pleee tame. Mr. Anders Ws the pint; weent Hie sister, e,Irs. rich ieltirble‘ Weeks, ha 's hat received'.
wife, who was Julia Ann Naylor be- tleffin Owens, ot tnneago, le ro.,w nem( a large shipment of Softie granite
ore her maeriage, died in 1142 at on 0 visit, from Aberdeen, -Scotland
the age of 82. Of , a faintly of ten. -,_. Mr. and Mrs. Vine. Tehbutt and - *
four daugliters opid three sons are Dr. and Mrs. Mei have returned A garden party -will be held in St.
Wing, Time were lime for the erom a nnotor and I:miming our to Peas eliurch, Dungannon, on Wed -
birthday occasion, and, with the 24 Midland and Orillia, et. . tiesday, Ater, 21st. Supper and en.
gratidchndren and 8 greatgrarelehil- Airs. Barre Boat, of Collingwood, teditinment; Harvey eleGte and oth-
ehe rie 'We as Mane, r mein- and -and enre aria • its. etit ur - ease, o ors. eleieenneetteoreliestm. -eAdintie-ne .4--
eequaintances,• Joined in wishing Mt*, lora/Ito, smited at the heMe et Mt. neon 50 gente and gsi cents .e, y
Anderson many more happy years, and Mrs. J. H. Huffman tins weel., .. ARD 01: eoit- iritAN*Ks ' 46-"410,,A '. ''
•oune ASSea greemot t
t With Mrs, John Routliffe mid daughter,
Cavell 1P00 co.i. . . ,i,,,,yrk, and Vv. and wine Itiehard Mrs, fraint otivi(11, tVii-lita to .fhanit
ell was held on Friday 144 August Wickens and baby, Ritchie, aro Vialt. ill'e felon& fOr tlisir hind $)"ittpatIty in
inis 1.x.i.0 xr, j4.4igsres;,,j.us, /front.. d,, trill; tthienilutefot:Ite;tr:erent bereavement,
A spemal meeting' of the -Oven coun.
the imperial '011 Co. for a large stir. sundav avite fir Vie beathetted floral iitentee one . •
----- - 1. Mr. Melville Sturdy 11141 seem. tieeirti"
9th, to deal with the application of reelluenee tome last .
meeting of the water, light and bate sil di ig
ego tank at the harbor, following a ie en I - • . ..., - in repiass their Moshe to many eind
w two weeks at the nonto of
bor and fire committees the same n r - • frit nite ind ileightenn for Meer eetireee
i_s pare ts Mr. and Bine w we uau. , ,
evening. The report of the joint corn- Mr, and Mrs. tl, e. Ainslie, Mr. L'itlikiellielttisYlirrEPTIOM 11; 411111 Viititi
mittees as follows was adopted; Come, aviriedntMtros.,,cleerabuoleitStnoierld,sy::dthii:tievesiokn. el .tit4r,ilt,-,...olut of esteem en the ene VOW
enter McLean voting ney. "Your ow,- inn Ainslie roue/eon on men:. , : .;$ 1
ointly with the fire committee, met MARRIED
vvater, light. end harbor committee dal. •
this evening to consider the request ette end eene lane mareh ;:ind iii iwr.S.M U :K. NIS2 I N.-. i ni S thiaty,
of the Imperial Oil, Ltd., fox; perm's- daughtm) BettV nfid 41"tha'' klt ;-'aid. Anlialod Lillsa.. ti-otwhtiq• et
euenet Deb be Ilie Rev. te IL Mae.
teday on their return to Toledo after """
duetrial ntleetteetee, rirleklaying, Plas. • .
NOTIGV IS (HEAP) BY DIV.krgin to toillei,itrtini,. ori.-. ti.'ettIMr..; We. also' ' teregli _ 1,1-0km'avnld of osmodYtlittoxindast,17 in the said. Next. Saturday the pigeon night of 1
persons Devine: -.pleb-lie _ aga--s- e re eeecturel and Mechamom Draft n , . the Ooderich Horning Club will be
ornate of 'Photons Riebardson..See late-, Write 'ler e'aij tor, Prat- nateiceetie, . a. Alt condieion of the stibnite, &ten Port ;Hope. Last Saturday the
- of the Township ot4Aehaeld, Wbo-died- nnoitneemtat Engineering-Selioels. 'Suite 1 ._ pal g ,was from--- Toronto -am - e.-
iori or about the first"day of July, AD., Ninetv-nine 67 floors W., Toronte, the said The God'erieh Elevator eend• ' first sex birds to arrive vmre by the
1920, to :seed full pertieulars teethe un-/ , Teem% Company. Limited, shall ini fellowing owners : • •
dersigned ea , or nefore the, twenty- , . - • A, everenN stitss all costs ineuered in. the preparation -manee lee. Time •
toufeigt.'day of •Aaglaste ika..io29. on . • . ----- .. awl sultemiesien of this By-law to the S. G. hteicay... 154 10.52AM. 1
end gler that dete the exectitOrs afT A teerkiN ' Sene op etemenneie ratepayers'. . • en le dello-aeon 68•2 10'53 e
elm sald Penne vale proceed ter distre- net noiespeionit FL 111 This By-law shall take ofri,ot On W
'bete the eald clAktie, haliing regard on 11' . . . Bak 643 11 00 " .
the dav of the fired Passing. thereof. e„. inexen.,., ,, 831. ; le 10 e
ey to such olefins AS t410,1 4414 theft enss 1r, J. ,011AllAet -- Mead 'a flint end second time in We Pitinedo.; .. - 053 1111 e
have heel indite. wilesen ey nubile attetion at the home (men rouneil and preonally missed *W. initbledo..../., 411 lien " .
t HATS anti nAnS.
, solieetene fee ine eeeettioes of, elre A, ..ntraughan, Nelson Ste on - this Otli day of A.ugust. A.D.. 1029. , K ,
hereine • • ,SATlinidAy, ADOUn 2itt, . E. e, A, 3/acme/Ale, eneyoz eeelt9go Drenging Contract at
• S. L. KNOX Clerk. - t" eee 4.1. Wort tot: to c. 0°°0°- "
"Hamilton St., Coileriele torraneneing et 2 *leek •
--------e-e-* A miantity of etefisennunieitiome In- -,•-•.... • . ' AntisWeonlertt has been made di,
pifniac NOTICE • ritliting LiVilig Room Tables, Extension TAKE NOTIICK that the abode ii, the awardin.t• of a OOntraet • for
-new,* . Table. 'Cherry fedi Leaf 'liable. large a true coley of a nreposed By-iaw dredging in Goderich herbor ,amount.
Neale% IV eiEDISTRATION Die BY- Old linshiontel Dineen, 2' Bed iloal1. whieh has been taken into considera- ing 40 $07,000, to the 0. S. Boone
Suttee SMenes ond eteleressesi Tolle4 don, and which will be Dually passed Dredging Coutlany, of Toronto. I
-1-` benne
-enn, • Sets, Tinge, eierpete, Ohina: and (Marry; by the ,Council of the Municipality (iii, This' will Ibe for cutting out part of
NOTIGet IS IlleitineY GIVEN. that' 4 1' 111141 Itwl inime"cs' tither netk4es. the .event of the assent of the elec. harbor island, presumably.
bylaW Nos pasted by the munielpa,1 Everyibing must be ,soid., There are
neuntil of the Town of Gedeel(lt on eeverat antique pleeen that would be tors being obtained first
afterThe Forest dredge has been at
the 10th day of 'July. 1929, Providing tor hard to reenact+. one month fro the publication work in the west end of the harbor
fr.li issue of ilQbenturrs to the amount TNI1M8.-CaPh. . of a copy thereof in The ,Goderich levelling- off the :bottom for the sink -
of $20,000.00 lo provide fund for addl. tr. ettiNone" & SeN, Star -newspaper, the date of which in g of cribs for the mooring dock at
tions and extrieelOtia to the Hydro Mee.- Auctioneers. publitatio was the 8th day of 'Aug- this side of the harbov. - t
trio Liglit and Power Vent, and that , t 1929. • The str, elieeford of the Depart -
11 t
i SEC111,41,§.• eALE ire VALEADLE tla 1--.. - - ,...... .....-. . e. . e. . by-ilaw was registered in 'VW reir`
SOU*. Pr tiNISITIVIS. AMP ell:ant:le "L.9.A.E NOTICE meet tie marine and Fieheriee hae
ietry office ,t,t the County of Ieiron at ,. that all leaseholders qualified under beeh working out on Codeeich leek-
Gederich oil the first thy of August, . , — te miecitiors . t......to•provisitens of the Municipal. Act, it* for poachers.
line. Any inotion to quash or set ' We nee qnstratlit'd by
ea.& the eame or anY eart thereof M OW EStati, 4)t the late ender time tri it, B. O. 1027, Chapter 230, Section Tee 'steamer Brentwood arrived on
must be made within three rooallis sell by piddle attetion at the residenee, _274 (3), and amendmezits thereto, are Sunday with a Cargo. of 225,000 bu.
offer the lira publioatione of this it,,,i tiorth. St.,, tioderlahe on required ten days befere the date of shale for the elevator.
61i C. P. ;IL -property at the harbor notieeice„
spending some time 'holidayline. en eleekeren,,, a nietan, Nee le Ken. te
Av. Annie and the late Mural -reit it,
sion ta erect • a .gasoline storage lane ;
with pipe line to the dock, We have tiotiVCA; eon tif Mr. and Min. .1 Bowen,..
had an agreeznent proposed by the Rev. and Alm. Moyer', of 'Preeton-, of *mkt tint . , . ..•
own solicitor .whith we consider pro. aura vieitiegni tenet for a few days • Dom -
eats the town. And we recorarnend t s whegloird.h lelireint oyerd ioisuppiy. I i Lee) KB. It t;,04,1,14,ii. on tifiriztyt.;
that the request be granted upon the sty t ie 13 lit" e , pu pit ur ng , tn. 0 eteent mown, John Ft, ti ,
company executing the agreement as 1"11N9Itreir Banid° ler:: . .4.4.o. 31eCaulee and SI. . ' . . '' -
. eon of Mr aiol Mrs I.Vin en Mier East
a 1 t`.4. A a l' ,
prepared; and taking out the usual .
daugher, Marguerett, "spent from IN MEMORIAM
building permit, and that the -agree.
at once."' .
In the ,meantime the Imperial Oil a i
tTnihevrturitrI'data0TY,their home in 3loose Jan, rassed .v.Wtly tine ewe age. Awe late
ayninorti,lonMtehnedileev-1-a,eyeiftrhoin. Noieto.: .11.:21118!.n.i.1:(11,0:31et:Nli*:.:-1-:111:iiirlit:Itaittelz7ni.n.se.tii.i..t; vil,t1 •
ment be forwarded to the cOMPellY
material here to go ahead with the a3sIt. Orville etcCluokey has seenne Aft we tined It 1111 so we've -el tem,
Company,' which had considerable
tank had had it !Shipped, awaY; having tan a
ed his connectien with itles,sra. Mac.' heeler memory ete is neer.
construction of the gasoline storage
decided that the town council did not Ewan &' Teebutt's garage and hoe !Loved. remembered. !Davit fie, are•aye,
position with the Imperial ! lte,14ep,',,,e4"Ze;satil,etteottagleit, 2, Etta, •
mean nueiness. There la no doubt Olt Co. ot London. Mr, Eric Gard.) "
that the matter was dealt with in a iner has taken hia poeition here, • 1 NT:WM/re In
lo Villa'. IIIPM-011 Ot
very dilatory svay, as it' wee three 3Ir. J. .P. Hume and Miss Hume i either end imithrr, brothere and ai3-•
montbn•from: the. time, -the eqraPatlY .hsve returned from •their vieit hi 'CR- ' los. iqui 111" wm" "fl. 1,"44",
aNay and it MO not till after this ?or placel-ACtr. Ilubinielfeavlads-o' nAet otfhese'vlante. ' .V-11'illtliNe."1:1‘.1‘11.'11'1112111:41"114.1fliillitil': '119.11: P.
brothera and sisters, evho were all to- MIL-INV...t.I.VAT.P., 11
asked permission. to ereet On tank wa ant amp : .
before they moved their material
move that the council met and ap- gether for the first time in twenty- , non ' • .
eroved an agreement to be nubmitted three YeatIl.
to the Company. Air. and etre. Arehle• Robhation, Sat '111 Ni."141' " Jan. "th' IfItLi.' .
tieing,. Newell, ilii '1, MIL tete.
Naturally no that it kieeras the Auburn, Ont., announce the engatte. Entine N4•viiel. died VOL Vitii„
location of this businetia 'here bas irmaeitt, of their third dmighter, Edna 1 tem Neter.. liappv mitherliere,
been lost tlie distioeitiim. els to blame to Mr. Lester 1111 811 of Amami th, tirrsille lam a,a, ;
everybody else for the maven& It Detroit, son of Ili G. l.k Oreunison, Anil I pool. of Jr.irfill miteinet.
of Detroit, the marriage to take plaee 'Weien thee left eee -here belew. .,
certainly ehould be ponsible for a in Detroit about du, ntukne of Alm. 011i, ery one their ferairs wort, emptied,
priniollnrrileillsapirer°eitilryeyll 114VrantitTrt itilltrt !IS..iir..Ed,...Lyon ond eriendee lett tee. 11. .i i iii....i ; _ , ...ii_ .. ve_ ..e........
awe the titian le 'IMAM.
NV , .t 11f111.0. 111111. , .
oat, tkile 4Iii". iIII.V W4.1tt MCI).
Aatlitoned that the ConipanY may yot of the week on *a trip - -. I
deeide to onorove the aereement, sub. the 1"ilinnintlfr Nly h.si.ri k4m,,,, Ici%,, glow mot he nte .
te Montreal. Mr. Holraan hae re.
tide to mane Goderich a diotributing 1 lit::Ir.Zitgee of thi4 m•,rtil .t,i vharo;
'lofted by the town ond may atilt de.. eolved the toll' 81 meeeame from
nott aria tannin •be made thereafter. . TUNSIalt, Aril intir, vOtiag to file with me a statutory de- Appoinentone of organist
paned the meat day of August, fele. ecerimeneing et 1.30 ,teolook sbarp; claretion of qualificetiens, otherwise - .
Mr. Gatlin le. Davies. Ant.C.O.,
L. L. leNOX, praetteally Vill ihr rehlrtits +of the their namee will not appear on the
• Merle ' house, anennlin0 et iving itioore, oinlog veterte liat for alleh voting. „ A.LC.M., has received the 'widen
of organisteelioirmaster tee St. Geer..
,-..**,..... Boom Verandah. Redman] anti -kitchen AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE
REAl. ESTATE AND INSURANCE Vusalttire. VOI19114iiing of Reed, Wilnut thet elle votea lef -the electors of tbe ge's chureh made vacant hy the re.
alienation of Mr. C. A. R. Wilkinson,
...o„, rine eleilonanY Inides and Maim, Mus. said Municipality of the Town of
ie Stand. leree Stational ilooheage and F.T.C.M. Mr. Davies is, a young
VIM ARMSTileiNG linAn ItglwrE and . Goderich will take place in the sever -
46 INi41411ANCE AGENCY, !Pk" -(:°"ellPs' rfre Irem151' CArPeo• al polling eob-divisions of tbe Muni.
4,11,ietates Rene. thiehlone. teleoleums. ;enmity beheeen Welshmen gild a greidwate ed. the
University ofSouth. "%Vole& In id ;
Some very (heap -house,. and lot; foe Till'i•hevelet 5A 1
1 na.fi tilasSiS'are; Artippy ' the hours of rate -
sale. /large number listed to select tow Tools Is o'clock in the forenoon and - five dieeet to his experience ds eat -ad -tic -tor
range, o stove, Pardee Hose
I f it Mee. elverething mien ne ellignitiell of. ' 1 1 i th ft .. Th «liv, choral organizatione end arches.,
nit 1111 11 nem :art-. ee 00 t le a a eineen on It" 39''
inane Just a few ;
A fine eiteuse, Ewe lots will , ru . 4 tenteeseee. i the fifth day of September, A. D„ teas in Weles he has toured Eng-
elederie eqtrippPli. glArage. full filinisil- .4e, 1. 1929, teed at the following places b3r land, Canada arid the States as or -
erl it desiriel, Convertient to lake front T. OttennlY & SON. the following Deputy.lteturtting Ofn_ ganist and assistant direetor of Dr,
and Whore Immediete possession.
Pelee. including furniture, einat ... ,
food Neck house full modern er ut -
• Aunt4otteers, gem end Poi, Clerks : • Bowen's Dept Welsh Gleemen. tro
Polling eub.division 'No. 1 --At bats els° travelled round the world
BY-LAW INTO. 33 Millees garage at corner of Victoria ea orchestra leader a ono of the
pei and garage. Nast St. priee nts90, ----- street and klgin avenue. Deputy -re- Cunard Liners on a . World Cruiee.
f eiood lenentery house near post lot- BY-LAW t10. 23 OF 1929 Or TEE turning officer. Thos. It. Wallis; Poll Mr. Davies is it recitalist en both
nee. Pelee ern. piano and ergantand one of his re.
CORP ORATION . OP TEE Clerk. James, elaeVicar.
ei 11119 11110-Pfrom tiounr. modern TOWN OF GODERICIL , , Polling stib-Mcision No. 2 --At W. cent recitale on tbe tete six manual
equipped. Well &aerated ami Manuel' Stapleten's Tailor Shop, Etat St organ of the Royal York Hotel was
foe hCatiatt erinveDeirara ond eointart. A ny,„tmv GRANTING A Fixr, Deputy-ittardingo . °facer, D. le. ineedeast over* anele.B. Ile takes
hi4u1 good cellar owl fowl A Qwpoeurekvrc givr ppr,tvi vitletr, - - .
lionise. Two lot,: dose, to coill/ati, Bii•-•••xicfilitieizi.,.11:14AtruffrhOoS. Mooney; Poll Clerk, F. G. Weir. , over his duties on September 'lat.
In an eetenintang eally.ba_ the eve-
' pree.eesitin. Lew roger. Iiiaay terms. ELEVATOR AND TRA. S CO • chez
Many flue twine lieted to fiPhlet trent. PANY LIMITED. enth (the last), inninao, the Bloat
Veey hew .prieee. Easy terms. Polling sith4tlivision No. 4 -At Sox mewed four runs and sleight have
For all paver -ell -ere matte or osie
- .T. W. MINISTIIONO. WHEREAS the Gederjelt 'elevator Stothere Waggon Shop. Victoria St. tied alio genie or SeattS a win bad
and Transit CanliallY tdinit,ed. 'has Deputy -returning 'officer. Huron A. the third out not come on a caught
n..so. Itealatisetariteeir no. for many Vears eaeleed nu minineaa Pafford. Pon clerk. Witham Stotin fly inatead tf tile batter. getting it
eafe hit, for thr bailee were? full at
' at the Town of Goderieh, for the por.; et3.
, - - - -7 pose of elevating, .guring. and Iran- Polling sutedivision No. .1-..0 P. the time. As a nietter of fart it
shipping grain, and nee daring that, L. Waltoreo Store, Weet eteeet. De- was the ,seventh innings Veen moot
J. W CRAIG1E time :nova time, &Wed its capecity Puteereturnine officer, liarold Ilitien. of the scorieg woe done. fele atthe
for etorage bet affilitiens, wedeln stone. Poll Clerk, Chalice Sliepbard. end of tee natti the :wore was a te
Polling subdivision, No. 6 -At
MacArtioten Electrical Store, West
Street. Deputy-relent:ling officer. Ir. t‘dP gettinz, dark before the canto thus getting rid AI thee° eneinetty
L. Wateren. Pell MI*, Davie Mae. wound up. In tee vilitone lialf of
.._,.. p3ay now propoees to erect an add • the eeventli they tot in 5 rano, and, /mote in 'our cemetery and makinn one
i'' tviitkalline stibeihision No. 7,--eAt tie already stated, tine 311,3ck sem Ged°0 Acre what it otiould laena owe i
of beatite throUgeout
Inetitute. Exeellent acrommodelion foe Potting sub -division No. 3 -At the Clinton Win From Black Sox '
(WM:040 student roomors. Itnalmitatfr Pr'2471- OF ing N.GoppEntrt 10.N7a Belelter, Poll Vit:rac,?flgt..)
brings a eenstently increasing num.
••• ber of [mate and tohnige tbe port
Rultstiie aa t learaoce G°4etieh
• AND WHEREAS the said Com.
f. • 1.1. him written at Kingotorn "The old leo. wee,. nee mi lb) 111‘, 1)4k,it.
point. Pord is yenning like a Pactiard. On 41.., pito m ;Omit req.
CE31KirelltliiiiingliVine • oer way _to Quebec. Best wieheze 'ethane LDik
elItenT Elerell; Ed. !Jr! It" 4. T. NieWEI.re
The Goderieh W.oniezeo Thotittitee
Laving obeerved that neverai hundrea • e---- r----e-evenee
deo from town, and in other eager;
pieta Ataitiand cemetery are not
propeely tared fore4n 901710 inetanceg
became ef tbe retrieval of the rela.
W33 late :ft &WW1 nta'kte't taking proper care of tlicao. !Aga and;
ill fa'mr Clintath The guar ftleeTtalkaetivat:211Teeda fcustlft%Itav:se,1131-11 Monday. Night, August 1 9th
The Canadian Collegians
- George Ittatgitt's residence owner on ecored four and might canny have leo Immo° eeedina the lean
William and Cayley streets. Deptiteee,,_„----e-----ene -ne-tee - --et with it centeinution $23.00 aid In
retornieg officer. le 11 Bingbezn; Patti , vitee contributione -frim ettione eehe.
On Wedneeday the 4th da oir s etivel ther residerrts of town or living
0. F. CAREY& SON, Ltd.
Clerk. Itobt. MaoKity. sing of the said peel -loam! i7 -11v4 ret
Pe Y.
f C tr't tt e Where. Conteibutioes tray be cent to,
INVESTMENTS AND 1NSCRANCE .1 tember, lfiee, the MaYOr Gf the said
itt ' ,, -'. Town will' ettend at the entitielnraideTown of ettelerich will'atteeta at, eV"' :It II° M6r3b314 heVa tirirct4 -
e ; Telephori‘ e 230 - "•Chamber6 of the esid Town' et teni nia -0110' in the TOV.11, BAIL at test ,,,(Iletr',,€'10,...gfet3PY'tre°„1P1).1:i411'. °,1` tIle'
. ' nonleck in the forerioen, te eppeint 1 onleek in the forefioon, on Initlity the '1;1'e' 1/11111k1W. 3/1'14 t7"I W 43C1-6-."71. '
, -
et nereent to iittettil et elle Vaticql, teclnl, Otis flay of Septerabee, 102e, to ;urn lefhted it3 tia0 lee -ell Ppem 111073 wce-'1'' q
e linen;
ling eforente, El at up ebe ,nattibee of _tette fee and ... . - 1 •
! places letli
4 on beteelf of the petsens intereqfst . I.. 1. KNOX. eVemenaa treetnete..(Ineentee.
letirnmire noel ene testes by the Clerk arkitist the ;mid prenesed Ity.law. CONTI:WT.3f' eineeig
e Zeta promoting or eppeeing the pase Tewn Cie& iAri leietitute =veneer I 0e. .- -