The Goderich Star, 1929-08-08, Page 8PACE MIT
1 Persian
You aro coine
. Meant time b piiesing end we
Lear the bore of threebing engine:3.-
TO° (rad Ginie wee holtaIng link'
annual &sae at Port Albert neenlay.
. Mee. Jenn Coariel, of Galt, and
Mann and Jean, are .visithig Mrs. J
Taylate . ,
• in otii :,.?0 OZW LltA7 lone oi AIr3, Fred rechwanz ann taro via&
deen, .of Wileiser„ aro gueete of Dir.
. arid Mrs. IOW. Ryan,
• Vests, all sizes 4Qiate a numbee from around here
I .1"?ern Dishes
Jardinieres, .. report a geed. law and a big crowd.
. ratan:Lica the raves at (leaven:in All
Hanging Vases
Flower Bawls •
and Incense Burners.
Eens;ra Peritlani vale aeon tem
Damn. for the weekeend,
Moo W. ID Ala,. et &Afield, le '
visitiug veletivea nSO Catharinee.
Jae, Devideen returned on Weileee- •
day from visiting fiaerele n Goderaeh.
Alastev Deugtae Nickle, of Strat-
ford, is viening ine ;Aunt, Min. licher,
Georne Caen fen Eteeardisio boss -
tat urdergoiog operation for re- !
moval of tonsils.
.Mre. Wm,. II. Reed, of Goiania,
tailed on Dungannon friende awl eve ,
elire, Deb Eetalin mid con. Donald; uktaae on Tuesday.
&hen neon' Matthewa and little Ger' Donalda gout Bertha Junes return. ;
in, nee Tonto vioitora this week. ed �Beenday from vipiting relativee
Nile cclool reunion at Harbor Pale in Goderiele • :
vine a grcat emeese. Driirn back old Mrs. Lenfield Anders'on and little ,
Now is- the time to have
Sewing Machine
Parts, 0174
&Its, Needles,!ete.
- "
dike, Dui -cannon, on (Tuesday after -
The prims on this pottery eeliael daya ueel geed old is gone son, of Detroit, are visiting relativee nem.
are very reasonable. Don't 11). in die vieluity of Dungannon. , Rev. 3. A. Wainer ond son, Donald,
iniss eats opportunity ofdone Entraeting honey le the order of air. and Moo L. II. .Steelieve were of oeroute, ,ate, renewing former ace
ting a. pleCe at the dny. Alayor4 who likes sweets guests with Mr. and Mre. Jack Brod- quaintaneee in Dungannon and vim-
juot ealt Ma Jule Ellett and Frank Mc.. ley and family of Amherley. ity, the termer being hero for the
• lainalio Master !lorry Nickle, eif Stratford, 'marriage, of lam Amber McKenzie.
e con, Jacii, of Clevelarel, is the guest .han, a missionary of Caine who. is
. Book and . Gift Shoppe ren"and* McKenzie.
ham, is vieltino her sister, Mrs. R. A. Tile girls of 'the Misaien Circle of
.. . S. 'Danis by the v.ver in Crawford.
ur. ono otro_ //army rentiand aud tisvitsvieteirig relatives iu Dupree:omen They are aecomPanied he' Dr. Rack -
the formerlo mother, atm. 3. Mrs. Jonathan Pattison, of 'kering. 130Me On furlough.
Dungannon United church entertain -
Wm. C. Stewart, of Hunter, N.D.,
Is visiting his brothel, Colquhoun Dr. and Mrs. Cole, Goderloa, were ed their mothers and the ladiee of
stewart? far a tow days, beim, vaued annon 'visitors on Friday even- the W. M. S. ot the borne of Mrs. Geo.
- home to attend the funeral of his bro. Mrs. HarveyWalter, of Godericb, the enteriainment being in the form
DONNYBROOK tiler, Percy,. who passed away a ten- is a guest with ber mother, Mrs. 0, of a pienie. .About forty wero Tres-
ple of weeke ago at ins hone near c. Erma. exit and all report a god tirne.
aIi s. Nottean Tliomp031 and Ruth Leeburn. %there he had (31 3%' lived, Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Parks rind fame O. E. Augustine, of Brantford, and
ore visiting friende in Detroit. being born acroee the road where his ily were Sunday guests ...vitt! Ma and Redeem Augustine, of Moth, wove
Mrs. Ellen Thorny= is visiting a fraber,,the late James O., and ales. mro, Thos. wiggins. Suriday visitors with Mrs. W, IL to
alio boom of ber bvether, Mr. John Stewart, had spent all their wedded miss marguret urnomin, of Blue. there. Accompanying them Were Mrs.
Chamney, Sr. .tlife. 'Time sone were horn to them, vale, is visitime relativee in this vice Maize and son Eriaaof Montreal, who,
' Mr. and Mn. John Kilpatrick, of Iterty. who has just passed on; tar for a few woolis.
had returned on Saturday from a oenoned
e1eW0, were Smalay vieit-ors at the of North Dakota: Oeigulioun, of Nile. to her bed for three months
Mrs. W. .r. Maize was one of the nectar trip to Elora, Rotheaer and, and it is believed her death came es
Lome Of her parents, Mee and alra. Sympathy is extonded to the bereav.
WRobineon, soloists in North st., United cluithe other pointe. a roe* of heart 'Weakness following
m. ed wife and farmly and two brotheve. ,
Godevich. eday n Sunevening. . GuMa
ests at the home of 6nd Mrs. that side:fess. She was a niece of N
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reblitson, Mies W. and Col. -.
Greta and Mr. Bert Robinson. of Tor- . t.,,r,,,,,,,,........„ v ,irn;r. galloon and Crewe United. churches,.
Rev, C. C. Caine. emetor of Dun. Rohn Davidson on Ftruidonrat,etvectiren:inelloteint: Fer'.',Nwvaillyou
and Mrs. ;ernes and ;le' dIcepausleldgatienr°,niallvienrgrAi°mTn"
onto, ond Mr, and Min. Stanley •Rote MartailtieLerata . . • ' is tooting a two Weeks' holiday. en, airs;.()liver, of West Lorne; lelasoaliseseder_Aefopeeeneloeervi'ce WAS held
31 1111, of Brauilnelle were Weelnend . Mita Leeia soyearead_Topentedequi------Mise-LueilleoBedoe-ovieo -hese:went-re -Oliverp of-Avoribardn'etnidah IMJITZreriiii Feiiiily at Ebnyra Olathe 7SenViie
-vIE'itet.11"47it41' 11143e'ei°k134"4-s1)l'etle'te 'ff"Tho li-fiCiaVel? the holiday. guest evith relatives in Stratford, Is ;lames Hamilton, of Goderich. Mrs, at (fl IVP on Satardai was concluded
Mr. Chas, Rcbinson, and eisters. alre,
Tait'RSDAY. AISCUST etn. let9
EXTRA! get:rargsmllavAff 1
cT :a., 4 -vt• 4x•sx*.v.svpws°
...-11: TTsa 4.75
Deep Fringe and size about 60x70, value $6.50
Each $4.48
Annimen11111, I WINNIONIMPRI
Fancy Lisle and Charnoisette Gloves,
with ttirnback embroidered culls, in var-
ious designs, in Sand, Modes Grey, Pastel.
Siaes 6 to 71." in the lot. Bargain sate,
per . . 419e
2 yards wide; heavy and patterns right
through to the back. Choice patterns.
Per square yard. $1.25 and $1.50
For. dresses. Variety of patterns, colors
fast. 36 inches wide. Reg. 59e. to
8c. Fer yd.. . 480
Silk and Silk, Mix Crepe Dresses.. Neat
, patterns and elaborate. Long sleeves,
and .beautifully made. Sizes 34 to 44.
Regular SR.00 to $9.50. On sale,
each . P.$4.98
•l'eninan'S Balbriggan, long sleeves and
• short, also in ankle length. Sizes 34, to
44. Regular $1.25. Per sult..,. .95c
Service weight. All first quality, in a
dozen or in* summer Shades. Sizes
81 to 10. Special, per pair. ...$1.35
Til roods led to Goderieli to attend now visiting relatives in Milvertan, • Joules and Mrs. Davkleen were girl- hy Rev. Bdy
abert Lun, et Bile. The
(ied• NitYllt.,012e• John Anne. - me horse toeing on Areaway.' ' Mr. and Mrs.. Robt-Shavv, of Blue-
110LINESVILLE Mrs. B. Henderson, of Godericio vale, were. guesto on Sdnday with
visited relatives around Beamiller on' their cousins, Mr. And Mrs. Robt. Day
Miss Wilker, of Geclerielt, is viet. seaway
ing relatives near the village. 131i' end Mrs, Will Snyder‘Motored idsh°111;0. A. E. Erringtell .vieitetl her
- the Potter and Jorinio families laic. a Riteherier on. Sunday to spend a father, Mr. David Errington, Sr., on
couple of days. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Char -
nicked at Harbor Pork, Goderich, on
oealerr.wahn, dvtialltrerde. 1,01rs.in4arina Dlorosl,egA,1400fte lotte Reid.
nuosdae atternoon.
Mile John Cudniore and her sieter, G Little Miss Doris Hawthorne, of
airs. Sliddiek, of Londenhoro, were Allen on Sundae'. - Gitdh°trico/htteielr‘inh4Dtiuueaboeaeonbo,°11hadrlse.
xecent visitore to London. . Niro. Ed. Anderson, of Dungannon,
Mise Otero atair, of Toronto, 4 spent a few days with her father, Mr, turned to her hoarse. •
T os, riliteliellthis week. Melbourne Caine, of Torento Uni.
;holidaying at the. Annie of her pure "h
ents, AD. aud afresn lo. Main ' mise Marie 'Bogie, of Leeourro ois. versity, is holidaying 'et' the paesone
ited her roman. Miss Gladys, Treble, age, a guest with Inc parents, Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Bird, of Detroit, spent '
past week at the home of the lat. and Mrs. C. C. Caine. .
one day last eveek,
ter's inmate, Mr. and MI's' Jack Mut-..-,,airoNe Rernighan, of Toronto, vis- Mrs. Wilson and son, Roe` Wilaon,
Pau' Meedel on iStIndaY.
Mr. and Mre. of Philadelphia, were recent guests
with the former's uncle and :Mut, Mr.
holland. "mein ited at the Immo of
The annUal picnic of the Holmes -
vino Co -Operative CheeSe and Dotter • Ma Russell Pfrimmer has returned and Nlts' 'Wm* Canli)hell-
Coo was held Thursday afternoon at boom after visiting nis friend, Mr. XI.' and Illra' Itieht" Johnston, of
Tuesday At
eamp and pienie grounds. • The George Poulter, at Ridgetown, Meerut% were guests onMaitland, Dale,. the beautitul touriet
Miss Doris Hill motored up froin the bailie a 1V114 and Mrs': 116bert
holiday to visit Davidson' and other relatives.
two children, Jean
groUnds vveve beautifully decorate4 Toronto for over the
for the occasien with red, white and her parents, Inn and Mrs. Eugh Hill Milts. 13ieliop and
blue streamere. Over two, hundred Misses Martha and Florence Pater- and iii1114 who have been holidaying
pavans and shareholdere gathered with the fonnees parents, Mr. itnd
son tave returned to their home in
early in the Afternoon ancl enjoyed Mrs. Veto. Stothers, `bave reeprned to
., Toronto after' a pleas nt wicatiot
themeeives horiting or eirinuldng 4n A iti tla i eelativ h a 1 tbew 11°Inn in °Ilea". ' '
the lake, lehiYing ball, eroqueteond v .-01, ee Cavr. was the nig in this
pitching horeeenoes, After the .eveces ,saz?„ nc1,1 Letioehlt(;11/1,1eit°En! neigblaorhaod to thresh his 'wheat, of
the 'house where Mr. were over, the crowd gathered nett(); oraeliston, .eootebreiaeortoctlovisited, yivilleth. he aue laege acreage. • The
_ e is large, an e peg •
d ele soot ood
home- of Mr, Jim. Treed* Mondries d Jas. meat hern and
Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Inkster an Mi. "
Stratford, and Mr. Hearn, of London,
welaknown authorities on &tiering, two cliildreri, of 'Toronto. ona Mr's• two ldre , emery and neith, of
Dn t,„4
gore instructive ond interesting ad- mapt,) trikstele Grelericte great 14 don are guests with the lady's
Ut al ,
*barge of the local factory, also told
wil° is in ilaiesd with me and lee E t Parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McKee.
-dresses, Auk 'Easton, •
semething of his '1"/".• ME' Beed of Mattirb.e jilts' s:Fearran Sr. had the oris
, ie, railway On Monday- morning. A Commeree, Toronto, Paid their official
insteertorrss' MofeCtiheellaCnadnaadtillidn ABIlaankevosi
the Royal Bank staff, i)f Cliato44, a t
Rev. W. J. Herbert, of ileplmesvink,. t)
ni $ortn t lo - fine Holstein"
na o Se a e_rcOW On
also spoke. After an excellent sup-
per had been partakenof, a hearty train tenting in to Goderieb early in visittit to tbe local branch on Wednes.
vote of tbanks Was moved to Mzeontitd 0 Mereing struck -the animal, throw, -'41,,,, and oen
hag itanto the creek, a drop of twee-. Howard and daugO-
t ter, with Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Johnston
Mrs. Conneil for the use of their
hood friends at school in Gedevich. pallebearers vvere Messrs. Lorne Mc -
Rev. C. II. McDonald oecupied the Kenzie,. Arthiav ElliotaeGeo.. Warts,
pulpit of Erskine church on Sundae!. William McClure, John Ryan and
Next Sunder', Rev. nite McLaren, a Hob Caren.
Kinloss, wilt preach. The following Death of Mrs. Saunders.—After an
Sunday, Aug. 18tb, Bev. D. G. Lane illness a :almost eight months, dor-
of Wallaceburg, will be the minister) hag which title ebe was confined to
and ,on Aug.' 26th, Rev. Me. Shortt, .her bed, John Saunders passed
of Barrie, will occupy • the pulpit., peatefully away Ot her home on the
Rev. C. H. McDonald will have charge 9th concession Ashfield. 'The dee
of the services 'egain teased woman, whose maiden name
The streets of Dungannon Soeln wee Louisa .Whyard, .was horn in
strangely quiet these days since ,the Nino ,Edward Island in 1841, and
herd of bovines bas been prohibited eanie to Ontario when a young. girl,
from running at large, and owners with her parents, who settled in Wo-
of tows are At loss, to War what warmth, :She was married In 1858
to do with Amt. " It as probable that eo John Saunders, Who predeceased
seine may dispose of them as it is her Sa years ago. Their family eon -
impossible to Obtain pasture Or them. sisted of two sons, Nathaniel and
Mrs. Clow. Girvin, of Goderielnwas James, the former having passed
a gue,st Tuesday at the Inane of away same 16 years ago. The fun -
Mr. and Mao. Jas. Oleo* inral, which was held to Dungannon
The family pf Mrs, W. Stothers cemetery', was Itirgeler attended, the
had a meet eidayeble picnic at lietr- I,paltaeaavers being bloats. Thomns
bo r Peek, - On Monday. :.4.nderSOn, Richard Johnston, Godfrey
taboo present were: Mrs. W. IL Hall, George Twarnley, Norman
Stothers, Mr. and Mrs. S. ntoth- Shackleton and Thos. Blake. Frienas
ers and tat -tiaughtere. Helen and. from a distance who attended the
Lenote;_alrn and Mrs. Frank Jones funeral were: titre and Mrs. Percy
and four children, Donalda, Borth, Saunders and family, of California it
Roy niut Pauline, and Itra.ana Mee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hearts, of Toon-
Harold Tigert and three children,1311- to; Mrs. Clerk, London; Mr. and Mrs.
ler, Dorothy andJaele, Mrs. Maize and James. Wright and Robt. Patterson,
$011* Erie. .
Guests at the home of Mr. and airs. alel'eaprokelihillierkeiee-eA 'pretty mid.
Itobt. Davedeen on Tuesolay were Mr. Summer wedding •Was eolemnized at
and Mrs. MeCosh„ of Pine River; Dr. high noon on Wednesday,. August atio
Boon MeCoele And Mrs. McCosh, and -at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
little datirchtare eof Virginia, and Rev. McKenzie. of Dungaimen, when their
Gilbert* Gonna 'of ltothsay, who elec. younger daughter, Amber Mande,
milled Olson bother pavishioners here; was united in the holy ands a inatri.
also Mrs. A. E. Errington and meta. mony to Otto Berman Popp, of De-
bers Of ..ber family, of Carlow, and trolt. The ceremony was performed
Mrs. W. Mai,Se and little son, Eric. by Rev. J. A. Walker, a former pas -
The Sunday school of St, Paul's tor of Dungannon 'United chureb, now
• 7...••••••...•,..
streamere of pink and white satin -Gray, of Goderiele are looking avter
from the corners to the ceiling above things for them while away. •
from which a large wnite wedding On Tharsday last. Mrs. E. C. Webb
bell was suspended above the bride's andeMrs. Jesse Gram ann. Mrs. Bruce
table,_ which accupied the centre of oh000koon, or Godeoieh*, ond ire. E.
the dining teem: The greeirea gift A. weetbooka.of lemoohea_and
teetheohrideeneweallaracelennereveith E. ,T. Grey, of "StiattOrd, were: Visite
brillionts and emeralds. to the -brides- ors at Mr. and Mrs. Mat, Shackle..maid a, geld, erescent, Pin. and to the ton's.groomsman, a tie-Plit. Prior to her
marriageathe A.Y.P.A. St. Paul's (Intended for last week)
angdattliero.ydounat.,hergPeoboideOmf Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larklie and chile
on den, of Toronto, are at present pelt»
Tuesday evening and poesented her
ing et the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Mate
with a envoi. and glass butter disb, Shackleton. .
silver butter knife and leaver salt and Mee and Mrs, Jack Swan and tarn -
pepper shelters,. the presentation being ily sfsent Sunday at Bruce ?Beach.
made by Mr. .G. P. Parsons, Mom- They were accompanied by Mr. Al -
bent of St. Paul's Anglican church. bert Metnuoidl '
The bride Was the recipient of ManY Mr; ami Mrs. Lin • Anderson and
other beautiful gifts. . Mr: ond Mrs.. son arid Mrs. Debt. Curren and Mrs.
Bean left e same evening by motor Kenneth Campbell, tiff of Detroit,
foe a short hotieyinoon trip to. partite spent the week -end at the home of
north, which will include Tobermoreo. Mr. and Mrs. hug Irferiary.
On their return they will veside mi Mr. and Mrs. Ben 'Comfort and sem
the groomes farm at Carlow. /returned to their borne in St. Cathar-
Mills Pearl Caldwell. returned on Monday after vending the
Tuesday front Toronto. where she has Past three weeks with relatives here.
been for the past. tveo or three They were acoonnommd. Dy. Dirs. -cylu.
boautiful greuuds for ilia oceasiort.teat.Ent& were guests with Mr. church, Dungannon, and Christ living in. Toronto,. The wFdding-rati-
aims% zoos.
Eteretiring the Best.
Frigidaire F40114101 ' for your,
Call inlook around and be eon-
vineed %Akre cleanliness is
Rim S Grocerywer
The store of satisfaction. ,
Phone 14. We deliver in town
LuBITRN. aredek
es. ler''edeLalbss one- day last
Stook threshing is the order orate The Mission Circle of •Dungannon
day. United church Will hold its regular
Leeburn Was well represented at monthly meeting on Wednesday, Aug.
the hoes° races In Goderich Monday, leth, at the home of Miss Cora Er -
Miss ,Sallie Horton, of Niagara rington.
Falls, is visiting her relatives nerotet Mr. and Mrs.. Ellie Stothers and
present. 5, son, 'Jack, cf Toronto, motored up
Mr. lend Mrs. T. White, of Detroit, for the week -end and civic holiday
spent the weekeend with Mr. and with the forvaer's parents, Postmas.
Mrs. Go. Fulford. ter and Mrs. Stothers.
i Mrs. Lloyd Young and little daugh- Mrs, Walter Stafford, of Toronto, f$
ter, BettY, have xetuvried to their a liolidoy guest at the home of her
home in Defroit. parents, Dr. and Mrs. Joseplillomil.:
Miss Blanche Shaw retiirned to ton, Of West Wawanoli.
New York after it pleasant visit et A. /3. Media, of tho. staff of tbe
her home here.
Mr. Sterling Fulton], of New Jer.
sey, is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Fulford,
Mrs. F. Quaid olul danglater, Erie,
are moving to' Goderieh this week.
We are sorry to lose them.
Mr. and Mrs. Grey' and family, of
church, Port Albeit, held a delightful sit was, played by the brute's sister,
picnic at Port Albert on Friday af- Mrs. Jae. AfeBaehern of London.
ternoon when pupils, teachers,, ofil- The cevemonye, took place before an
cars an parents, enjoyed themselves arch of evergreens trimmed with roe
to the utmost.' Softball, races ad es, a large white wedding bell being'
bathing; Were the thief attractions, suspended friem it. The bride looked
after which luneli was served. After tharming in a gown ef white geor,
supper ball Rime betWeen Port Al- gette over satin with corsage bouquet
beet and„ laingshridge was played. of Sweetheart roses and baby's ,
Mrs. Herbert Stothers and tieugh- breath. Miss Lillian Plunkett, one:
ter, Helen. rim, visiting the former's ain of tbe beide, performed the duties
mother. Mrs. Awe Hackett, of Lock- of bridesmaid. gowned in yellow gear -
now. The latter lady met with an gette, while Mary Bess MeEacherii,
unfortuhate aceident on Monday even- of London, niece of the bride, made a
in', when a horse elle was driving he- !charming little flower ,girl, dressed in
carne unmanageable following the yellow 'organdie and carrying a bas -
supposed sting of a bee. Mrs. ket of sweet peas. The bridegroom
ye.wlfwaetke;s.*ho intentle stooling' for a
'Master Colin Crozier visited his
orandleareuts, "Mr, ' and • Ivirs. Wm.
Campbell, of Dennybrook, o few dayi,.
lest week. • .
Mr, and 1V1rs. BurniA, of the
4th coo, , visited lir. and Mrs. WM.
Durnin and Oreille on, Sunday. , ,
, Quite a few 'of the . sport§ attended ,
the races in ,Gederich Monday. ammo slams garmente are quite apt
Oxford Co. Mr. and - Mrs. -Jesse thing from ruined garments to oxplo-
Itlng farinedndNs:.en*ratCo:rhisa'eskleeti:Inssiann:, it:onclaeu840rynocleenadninag:trnoW5o: 7:rellanayt:
son, Benson, spent the week end vis- tacked, with the meagre facilities of
mons—nothing more. You will not
.1lie dierippointed W you send your
eleaning to
The Goderidi
French Dry Chiniit Works
13 'thorn, 122 West.Stteet
cher leave the spOts for us to
ty Clean
'vs g
Dungannon branch of tho. nook ett, pimping from the 'buoy, sustain- I was supported by Lorne McKenzie,
Commerce, spent the week -end mil ed iniurY to her side Ara Know too. 'brother of the bride. IT -he bride was
civic holidev at the home of -his pare lined to bed, as the injured member the recipient 4f many beautiful gifte;
ents Goderich. rendered her almost helpless. Dote t white' included- several sulastential
Benson Pentland, of Detroit, and tunately belies were brokeda clieques. After the teremony a wed -
sister, Mies Margaret, left on Tuve) The little four-year-old. son of Mr. ding dinner was served, the table tie -
'do by nlotor for Toronto, Kingston and Mrs. Marry Fowler of West Wa- orations being in white and yellow.
were so. wanosh, met with a painful accident The guests included only immediate
land Amherst Island. They
Stratford, spent Sunday withrm. ,,,00nmaniod by friends from Goderieh. when lie WAS kicked on the shoulder relatives, numbering about twenty.
Gremyr".samtdothmerris.adErso,ssPearendO fSatnelwortyrtire daMusritearn! janelqrsu.e.;Wittell,froeidetigliaertyt, elorde het a bora° which he was clitasint in Mr. and tars. Popp left antd showers
the fields. No bones were hrolteri. , of good wishes and contettie for Phil.
meting their Immo I'd"' Mr. 3. Cook. geests with the former'e mother ond but anneh swelling develeped around.' adelphia arid New York, the bride
Tuesday, Aug.
Aml His Famous
Radio Orchestra'
Enlarged to Eleven Men This Year
Noted Colored Orchestra,
Mr. Ross is helping Mr. It Freemen sister. Biro. John Elliott ond.Ofiss
the threshing machine. Elliott and other. relefives. E. the %lured member, It WaS fortune donning an ensemble costume of num- R I
ate that the wound was not inflicted' key skin satin „back crepe with hat, up ure Specialist
Mr. W. C. Stewaet returned to Ids upon the head. Since -the neeident, shoes and other aceessories to match.
Mrs. N. F. Whyard, 'who had been
home in Hunter, Notth Dakota, on „ Rupture, Varicoeele Varicose
Tuesdase having come to attend the :called Eenneden Sash., oomo weeks an elder brothor was severely bitten Following that honeymoon Mr. and
*go, owing te the death of her father, wotibothe.elitoonudo
by a dog. Both patients, Mrs. Popp will take up residence in .0 ,„c
Veins Aladominal *Weal:nos
funeral of his brother, the tide Percy the late Mr. Daley, has returnen to der the doetarni eare. are Detroit. Spinal Deformity, onsultation
The West street
104.1^.8.0 0"
Electrical Shop
'We tarry a good stock of
'Electrical Applioncee
Fixtitiess. etc.
We Specialize in
Wiring of Ali Kinds
Estimates given on
Ali Wort Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Photo* 82 - West $treet
free.. Cal or write
Je G. SMITH, British Appliance
Specialist, 14 Dovenie St., Striate Nevi Furniture
ford, Ont.
of any description
CONTAINS a care-
fully selected and dio
versified list ofsecurities
which we recommend
for investment. We
Shall be pleased to fur.
nish copies on request.
"COE taik;ntlirl & complete Investment service by tredi
VY and welcome an .opportunity to demonstrate its
convenience. Clients milking to Avail themselves of this
service will receive the same benefits from the organizatitan
as if one of our repreeerttatiVes called in person. Our
booklet 4 iniVtStrilelit" will assist you in choosing securities
- moat suitable to Your reauirements,
Dopurtion Sccusarrres
111,001.40* set
110111,101%, IONOSSTO
IsIONISOCI %ad Ogise: TOftoeft* tem IMIllit
lit, 1101,1111*., atorpooftooda 001)011/004 oNeet*
iner borne in Duogannori. reported to be doing nicely.
Bean-Brown—The iTnited church,
ota , The Maize -Andrew familiee of the manse at Anburn was the ecene of a
i Jas. W. Bell, of Goderich twp.,
daughter, Miss Helen- M. Bell, of the evie.i.nity of Luck -new and Goderieh, quiet but pretty wedding at 3 p.m.
Staff of Windsor public schools, 'were ileal a VerY autensotul Picnic and to- Thursday, •August 8th, when lia May
guestwith the letteCe autde tare. union ot Point Cork, a few miles Brown, second daughter of Mrs. C.
R. Davidson, on Sunday. $ !
south of Kincardine, On Kincardine, 1101idnn, C. Brawn and the late -Chas. Brown,
Miss LeriCe Stothers returned on when about .109 Of these well known of Dungannon, became the 'bride of
Tuesday from very pleasant visit
families etsmeMblert to en105: them- Robert Louis Bean, son of Mrs. Dean
with ber aunt. Nes. Bert Treleaven. selves by the lake. ,,Following dine and the lade Robt. Bean, of Carlow,
Shwas accompanied by her cousin, ter, snorts of itariou$ kinds were in,
diriged in and * meet enjoyable time the ceremony being performed by.
Miss Annie May Treleaven, who will
Rev. W. IL Alp. 'ThbridWolter,
be Tier gueet for a few days. 'Was sperit. The event, Which i$ au lovely in a gown of coral georgette
e e
Mr. and him John Henry aud firm. /UMW affair, had been 'held in preen and laee over satin, with black velvet
ily, of Huron twia., were Sunday tone yeara tear Luelniew. Rev, It Shoes and tarrying a Shower bouquet
guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. MeDon. Ilene and Mr. S... It Stothers. of Es- of pink yeses and maiden hair fetal.
ai(1 and other relatives. Miss Agnes
gen. tormer District Repreeeidetive of She was attended by Miss' Violet
Henry is remaining for a visit.
* HuronCo., who is tamping at Rine Twarnley, ef Belfast, as beidesmeid.
guest with aer eimsin, Miss Marjorie ta,11were mestc_rs of eeremony. while Percy McBride, of Carlow, as-
hicDoreId. Ine.hotne or alrEn It A. McKenzie sisted the groom. Following the ter -
Mr. mal Mrs. 45 M. McKenzie and w44 tno socno of 4 64/411/Inft *Mal emony the bridal petty drove to the
by nretor foe Detroit, where they are lug, the oceasion being ot trousseau Brown, where a dainen wedding tsup.
tea in %nor of her younger
visiting relatives over the week-enet. daughe per was solved. The guests, who
They were accompanied by We Thos.i ter, Mise, Amber McKentie. a bride. were immediate relatives of the bride _,.be were received at the door The table decorations were in white
We can furnish the finest nr.
rangements of fiowera- in all
stylea for the bride.
:We Positively Save you
'Malcolm left nn Saluda*, afternoon event on 'Friday afternoon and even- .hoine of the bridete mothers Mrs. Gouda Pin** tos..
MeXenxie and Miss Eleanor meEen. fleet of this week. Friends of the and gloom. numbered atout thirty.
*ie. of Cllnton
11, 3. wiggins, who 'has c.smoleted
bbs rourse hi *vitalism* at the 0.
A. e„ Guelph, is holideyieg at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Wigging. befere ASSUMIng his
; duties as principal f * school in
West Brantford.
! Mr. and Mrs. it E. Willis. of De.
teen caw Asp on saturday. thus anon.
bY Mrs. McKenzie., while the latter's,noul rank, the bridee table having
sinter. Mrs. 3. Pattison, of Winghant, . . , ......
, presided over the tea -cups. .Miss -- - - . .
Dorothy Webster, of West Wawa. pg p
bride.elect, who had acted in the ta,.. -
The i v eran ah
nosh, served the luncheon. Th
palette! of stenegiapher in London andg --------...,-,--- - :.
Strathroy and was very popular bur,
church and social elides, was the re.1 chairs
„„,,,i.n. „,„ woo aatherma of Mr. riplent of many very beautiful arid
.14191 htvc, il j. crowford. who are now !useful gifts. her friends in bath Ida»
lees having showered her with, gifts.1
tait their gummier /some, Dew Drop ltin.
,at Port Albert, ka Beth Willishis iwb" ""*IntilY orrIligta in thel' We hnve " hand 4 v"ried a""t'
'living room ment of verandah chairs and rockers.
heen here or t e pa, mon . ,,, ,,,.. ,
ii.wo rts,...itntdrf....fterts Badman end ittirlirattget ZtropitAns, tsar. :Select yenta while the choice is good.
0 1,11_04 _RIM_ _*_.,t5 1,12171.!!! .we_ tc. weekr: olrot on qaturdny tn inairot:on some! An espeeially Ake ehipment of table
Iriooti.lawreg,tnaZoil7grir 11.747:Fltrong. i tiwry. Her &oh oano, as A igtest lrunners has last *Trivet
1I;toe., 7th Oen. of Weg Wireanosh. gootlitot°witellik *go" *tr.. thb",, ‘"voltiloP i --
, , i.......
iltibo direttore and ofkorit of the Westi,WMI employed as stenographer. Der- 1 af 8 Am* WHEELER
., Tho menu-- r ?ateatale timeline' othTite 'manor+ coropanve where ffhti D ,
I' corormy was heid log the wintr shha
In the Company s'illeess frem theentenne, lonieo banstall.."11111
rik;*W140011/ti Mutual Fire fmntratkr.ei ee hail had a "
gevere Timm.,soder. Fankett Doke
l/r4tea-- -
- - wini4.06011101.
taring Sale of Summer Footwear
AUG. 10 to AUG. 11
fI0 pairs Women's 'White ealWas Strap Punips, With covered cuban
heels. Reg. $3.75 per pair, for $N.53
tia,,pairs Women's White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, with low
and high heels. r leering, at per pair
Any pair of Womenli White Kid Straps and Pumps. 'leg. 45.60„
•.......4 4 400000 gc/oe••0•4.c....•44,6.113AS
- pairs Women's Vate ;Canvas Strap Pumps. Clearing at pr. MSc
30 pre. Missee and Chikiren's Mite CalWAS Strap PUMps,
ing at, per pair
Men's anti Women's Golf OxfordsReg. $0.00, clearing at.....$4,541
Metes White +Canvas Bowling Oxfords. Reg. $3.50, for.. AILN3
Many ether broken lirtes to clear at greatly reduced price!.
All goods sold for cash only. This is your opportueite.
Ittero rient's Shoe Store '47