HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-08, Page 5ee f, r THURSDAY, AUGUST kith, 1929 THE GgDERICH STAR ...,....,,.,. and Mr*, 1 3t roke, ode, 14'„ I'o mutt. f y'8' ' thhriii, they s-,zsr,y latent; iota neisn.t , ,..rrr.i ea MOM! ". i l.. .'• TeFena ilia& $. •',Haft a. lie: ix)i,g 1 fl._, S3 ,,n alij eecat fieeete oval le aan,i 31ra. ti, 5►Ilio . cd lfrantia„af; Ieie'• 3iaaa ,iri►si+rtt tboaa is +tr►unig her eho ed (tine aiieineweee to to r a;nd Mrs. Sin;paen, alta. 'theank, Mr 'twat: Mrs. '+rtMrYr u1 iia+uattun, aiau irtea, lMlira. I :;lu, tut,►toe fi•. aa, k,•i Sryanour•, 3ti-., Crua.kshanka. sine:.fit►i- Mra , Jou, !fill. of t`aa1%a4 ;. i. '. t- Leva itr iho t►ceil.,i it ;t,.4tala t, hftusen, Mc, are, . ittg. 3t • T, w - r, ing +'acr ;author. Mr., Jas, Reamend, €'eeopen . i of Kitchener; lar. and Mrs. ('.ulhgsiae . Mrs. Griffin. ut Wingham, stent bast "ab atla evenime; quite alar ei We keep the Best at Rock Bottom Prices: eJf ;,tratfot;d; Me. and Mrs, t• has. Sunday with her sister, MN. J, U. El, runiaer OS. ,mated at hall's ettattelv„' Ferden, Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs, aim- hi, the Ile. Mr. Share gave a g tier- PARIS GREEN, per lb.. _ o .... . . .... . .. . .45c yon, and Mrs, Kilpatrick. of Sarnia; • Mr, and Mot. Rieb:, 1itotel=. oaa and iiac a for Oe ctca•=atn, Rene W. Ise ARSENATE OF LEAD,lair. and StrsPau > Wm, McKee, of Puson, Tom. wane Ifenalton and Terme, Alp assisted, No taubt the siilert• per Br, , . , < , ......4Sc 11Iur n; lila, A, Miller, of Edutonton, to visitors a few days Inst week, alemcntes reminded. seine ofea► 11 ARSENATE OF LEAD, !hulk, per lb.. a . , .. < •40c Alta„ and The Angus Mathieson, en'Mr. J. N. Campbell left on Sunday ago when they wcoo an unbroken fa:a .I R'‘, hnlend, Ill, to >:is.t kis daughter. Mrs. tiorden ily ea ,licvea aeeand tate family circle'; Ainslie, of Monroe, Mich., anis Iris ea the quiet Sat,bath evening. Now Campbell's Drug. Store*I3FS11IlLi, ,R bratther, lir. Jas, f'ermpb:ll, St, Y_cttisp V.-0 CAI) ccs;. tn.irl ,* rcmi tidcai of visite', Doris Bill, of Toronto, spent the Mich, • nine or ecatcatainit•a visitors en tliah Paris Green and Arsenate o[ -Lead •clay. week =end at her home. i another ' Hazel Good is helping airs. Howard = ' ' (Fr(another c0aresrainiicnt) t 'PHONE 90(C 1i)ERI('R, ()N'1`. .flier for a week or awe. air. and Mrs. Robt, Medd scent the M Mr, J. Stalker Es home for a wcele'a Leola Snyder, a Toronto, joined -week-end et Sheppardt and Nelsen. holidays. ' the family at the Baer Reunion et - Mrs. Edgar Lawson and her daugia. a Mr. la 1a Mine mai family samotota 'Kitchener. ter, Bernice, visited relativca in (klt cd to I:itehcner en Sunday-. 'formerly Miss Doris Andrews, of Mr. George Mean, who has been as week. 1 Mrs. Wm. Jaeksen, of \'4"ietgi om, is Goderieh; his parents. Mr. and Mrs. slightly indisposed, is mubh improv- Quite a few from tails neighborboead visiting her sora, James. FOftDEN. Residents of Gaderieh A. Forden, one brother, \Villiam, and ed to health. -attended • the rices in Gederie►a on Miss Wilkins, of Grader«ell, is viol.= were saddened by the newsy of 'the three sisters, Mrs. F. Moore, 3iiss Netthanael Baer attended the Beek Monday. leg her eott: in, Miss Vernice Ball. death of John Alexander Fogden, Loraine Forden and Miss Beatrice family reunion at Kitchener last Mon- .Mr. and Mrs. henry Beadle, of De- : We extend eongratnlo:,lon3 to. Mr. which occurred Monday • meaning- Fogden, all of Brantford, The tuner- day. He is historiatt for the family. troit, are spending the miens• With 'and airs, Bert Marsh en the =availed he hadbeen in it health it, Although 1 a f al was held on Wednesday franc the The. busy harvest season did not rel:i'lives here: • as baby girl. " several months, hope was held for his honie of Mr. J:' J! Uoggarth to the keep a goodly number front attending Mrs. John J. Wilson 'and family 1 Mr. and 31re. Ribbert, of Toronto. very until a sudden tan $h Maitland cemetery, and was attended the horse races in Goderieh on Civie t*isited at the home of Mrs. Areal% spent the week«end with Mr. and `' ¢e`came on Friday last. -why a large number of friends. The holiday. Messer last; week. :firs. II, Mo ridge. the van of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander numerous floral tokens testified to the 1 Mrs. Clifford Gledhill and family.- Mrs. Win. Jackson, of \Vii„ item. is i, Mr. S. Wilson, of London, spont the I;iorden, Brantford, and was born here esteem in which Mr. Forden is held of Batavia, N.Y., are visiting with visiting her son, James-, a; Welker- week -end . with his brother, Zig. J. J. twenty seven years ago. With the by many. Rev. R. C. MdUermid eon. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snye burn, at pr•es »rat. \Nilson. ,exception of a few years• spent at ducted the servicesand the pallbear- der. Mrs. George Howatt and her sis- Mr. A. Melllveen is spending his Kitchener in the eniploy of the Can- ers were William 'Pardon and FredClyde and Gertrude Gledhill went ter, Mrs. Loudon, care visiting friends holidays at bis father•iniaw's, Mr. adieu National Railway, Mr. Fogden More. of Brantford. and R. J. Sow -'to Toronto for the holiday and, at; Egmondville this week,' A. Asquit?t. ' had spent the greater part of his life erby, Herold Hoggarth. Earl Porten ibrought Ruelah Lug home with Mr. George. Wensel', of Respeler, Mrs I:. Moss, of (Reneoe, is viiiaa here and was well known and highly, and John Porter, of Goderich. Those /them. visited friends in this locality during big her parents, .lir. and Mrs. W. respected by a large number of -attending the funeral from a distance Nornia Vanatone, Ada Pethiek, the latter part of last week. Cunningham. friends. He is survived by his widow, -were: ITr. and Mrs. A. Fogden, !Mir. Clayton Storey. and Stanley Densham, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Downs, of 'Tor. .1r. and Mrs. G. Thompson, of all of London; spent Sunday and Mon- onto, visited at Mr. Edgar Dawson's Ifanulten, spent the holiday with day at Clarence Walter's. the former part of the week. their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Allman and' Miss Hazel .Lawlor was the guest. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and faanily are Mr. and Mrs„ Harold Hickman and -_et her sister, Mrs. McIntyre, of Ilun. away for two weeks' holidays motor. family, who hftve been spending sume e-gennon, last week. ing to Huntsville. timo with relatives, have returned to t Dr. David Lockhart' was down at' Miss F. E. Welsh,. of . Fdmgntan, Toronto, an started Ll3res#aing_in.S3aifi • Forest visiting old ncc(uaintances was the guest of relatives in this vie- l over •the-weekiend.- .. _-- liuity•a-tew--days-lasteweeL. -•. • i stilet Inst iTliursday, Aug. 1st, At Mi and Stirs. W. T° Riddell return- . Mr. and Mrs: Patterson, of Toren - Stanley •Vanstone'e The • wheat.'eelhome at the end'of last •week from to, are guests of the lady's sister. . threshed out of the field was an ex- their trip to alontreal. • Mrs. (fir.) .Weir, at present. • eeptionelly good sample, with a yield air. Shearer Wilsonof tendon, Mr. Wni, Ball and daughter, Eve - of ever 30 ibushels to the acre. The spent the wee!; -end with his father lyra, of Oli'atham, visited relatives in next job was at Howard Baer's where and other relatives here, this vicinity aver the week -end. a field of rye that had not even been Last week Mrs. Clark, of East Zor- We ,are sorry to report the serious shocked was threshed. • Who said Col. 'r;t, was the guest of her friend. Mrs. illness of :Mira, Jas. P.ttithlr Her borne Township was not dry! Mr.od,-of-the--Base Bine. many friends hive soon to near of Baer expects to sell most of the rye Mr. Wm. J. Thompson was at Dun- her recovery. for seed. gannon on Tuesday attending a meet- Tet* Anglican church held a very • theme---Brea#h»taking in suspense—sparkling with tears and Mr and Mrs. Levi Snyd St annl,ey tug of the \rest \ Miawanosh Insurance I successful garden party on the church tee. • d I a p Snyder- orad mother, Mx. anrs. .onto, was calling an friendsin this to-i,n un c , ."M. i. of is Machree" • Mermaid Cpmedy--•"HELTER SKELTE.R" MATINEE --Tuesday at 3 o'clock . ADMISSION• --Evenings: Adults 35e, Children 25c ' Matinee: Adults 25c, Children 15g Wednesday .and .Thursday JEANNE EAGELS OBITUARY PACT Plitt MODEL Til WAEK OP AUGUST .:t2tb'to 7th. . t Monday. and Tuesday . BELLE BENNETT -- VICTOR MoLAGLAN ETHEL • CLAYTON and NEIL HAMILTON Read a capable and popular cast in a picture of haunting intensity. An epic of mother -love and sacrifice—vital• in and Lawrence, r, an rs, rat. Mr: Norman J: Kernighan, of Tor- lawn last Friday evening. Pr ceeds to to M to ,100. Miss Alma Muteh returned to her position in Toronto on Monday morn- itrtmniing \volt laughter A master e d 3i • Fletcher Fisher. and Mrs. Harvey -cality the former part of the week. Snyder all. drove to the Baer family Mr, Jas. Ball, of Windsor, came up reunion near Kitchener . last Monday, here the latter part of the week and ' ing after spending the month of July Aibout 150 -members of the family is visiting friends in this lethality. • whet her parents. • came together from Canada and the Mr. Frank McJlvene, of • Bowman - ;States. - 1MIr, rand Mrs, A..M, Rich and Carta The. day was married by an vine, ds spending his holidays with - returned early th;s week front two e unfortunate aecident in which one Mr. Alfred ,Asquith.. He intends re- weeks' holidays spent in a motor trap Woman :was killed. One• family which turning home next week.• through Northern Ontario, had' driven 500 miles to attend the re Mi•s. Jas, liaithby, of Walkerburn, Mr. Earl Raithby has purchased n union, while near Paris drove pff the -.has been very seriously ill: We aro Waterloograin separator, also a road to change a flat tire, when tvitl • ry i new W e a p + g .glad to be able to state thatshe is out warning a truck driven by a Grip- eginnin to improve. a new Caen tractor. and rs prepared to pled man. drove headlong into the g p .pite oven better service than in the sanding car killing the woman and. Tho 'Rev, Mr. .Alp. of the Unioe d past. severely injuring her husband. church here, returned from his boli Mr C -lM . Straughan • and family • - Itev, and Mrs. S. R. McVitty ,nil wodark last' Suns last day. and took his usual i ohr trip nnrve nha £They vrom a isited tew he T:u . • Laura, of .Mount Elgin institute, Mr• and' Mrs. Jackson and Mrs, M 0 t ,I t Th cola Falls power plant, .and spent Renowned star of stage and screen starred in the'sensa- tional drama of overpowering. hunainLemotions. The brit;. liana star is only one reason Why you must see this dramatic . thundetbolt . "The. Letter"" - The Lupin() Lane Comedy= -"GOOD NIGHT NURSE" Friday and Saturday KEN MAYNARD Gives you x grandstand seat at. the world's greatest rodeo. You'll see other famous rodeo stars and the utmost in out.: door adventure_drama_vclien:you see. "Cheyenne" Mermaid 'Comedy—"TOP SPEED" Matinees Tuesday and Saturday at 3 p• M. uncey, n ., andnspec or Tomas Hodgins of Ri ' 1 • . ' we n st f in the thriving city of .Owen McGookin, of'Ottawa, called at 'the o e1,'+ re g e s o Sanday parsonage last • Thursday.: Mr. Me- Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Taylor over the Sound, party has been Principal for twenty. week -end. • • The annual meeting of the Auburn 34r. Clayton Ladd and fancily. of branch Bible Society was held in the years of the United church Institu- Detroit, are the guests of Mr. . Ladd's Presbyterian church on. Monday even - tion for Indian •boys and •girls of Qte. mother, Mrs. Joseph Irvine, of the ing. Mr. Craw, an agent of the so- bec. and Ontario, where Indian chit- villa e, - dren are taken care of entirely from LastMonday was the civic holiday 0 to••18 years of age, and fed, cloth- in the village. There was, no special ed and educated in school, home- and arrangement. It was" does you like, farm work, and given every oppor- and go where you please. - tunity any .white boy or girl could The Rev. W. T. Goodwill returned have at the . sole expense of the Gov- from his holidays and occupied Inc ermment and church, without any cost pulpit there last Sabbath. He was ac= Whatever to the Indian parents. companied by his son and daughter. Many Indian children are taking good . Honcho .evening the annual • meet - advantage of this privilege, and are ingof the Bible Society ryas held in snaking -good. Mr"MZ% ookin is in- thPresbyteriaq church. - The • gen-: 'spector of Indian agencies for On- eral business of the year was trans- tario and Quebec and was on his way acted. • from the Muncey and Oneida Re- The lawn social of St. Mark's serves to Southampton, Cape Croker church last Friday evening was quite and Ramo. Reserves. a " success. There was a good' .pro- Holloway's Corn. Remover takes the gram, a good atttendanceand over cot-- out by the roots. Try it and $175 was realized. • prove it , werf. evisiting nd rs. r • at Md JereToronto,f Jeremiah Tav ---ku9s the former part,: of the week. Mr. McLean has returned home; Mrs. McLean "intends staying for a few dais. - Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bruce whittle- LEADS THE WORLD I'N MOTQR.CAR. VALUE. AWN', Special $ z Roadster $1942 'Delivered, rally Equipped .*.thin osre t• auto d e av i . .LN. STYLE, PERFORMANCE AND PRICE the pick of the. roadsters I Jo 'DOR the open ear enthusiast, Nash builds a roadster that makes all others second choice. This new Nash "400" has the *tyre, the finish and the sparkling perform• tante that you customarily expect only from roadsters far beyond its extremely moderate price. The motor is the new Twia.Ignition type which Nash engineering has de- veloped to add exhilaration and econ- omy to motoring. •. Twan-I'gnttion means sere peter, ,tore speed with less g:,ersslisee. . Next year's open car fashion is fore- cast in the finish, of this charming 1"400." The upholstery is pigskin, with a big disappearing arm rest in the center of the front seat and arm rests on either door. The "400" road. ster seats its passengers low, with only head and shoulders visible. Wheels" are /ire, with big heavy duty spokes, oversize hubs and'ehrornium-nickeled rims. And the "400" Roadster is fully eywipped, at the price quoted above, with every fine ear accessory, includ. ing Lovejoy hydraulic shocit absorb. ,ACt Bijtar,,,Centrazed Chassis LnhriL • . cation, chromium nickeled bumpers, spare tire, tire lock end tare cover. - ° It's new, it's smart and it is loWer priced than any other roadster which renately compares its style, quality and performance. Ste it before you bulli your Roadster. Delivered, FullyEcat ppetlPrice Rangeof23 Nash"40trmodels $1224 to .P422 includes Touring, Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Modulo PHONE 83 HURON % MO TOR,,. SALES 1!. C. YOUNG; G ersch SOUTH ST "And when you wake up, muvver will give you some cookies from Baechler's." A full line of : Christie's, McCormick's, Weston's, .. Patterson's, Doerir's, and • Bodley's Cakes Try us for, your picnic supplies Cold Meats, We*ners, - Fresh Fruits, - Vegetables,. Cakes, . Coffees, .f. ,• .' 'and a ha tine olr Choice Groceries Call in or phone 368. • ' RAECHLEW S LP PROVISION STORE. Telephone 368 Prompt Attention To Phone Ordere Deliver tee at all hour; ciety, gave a very forceful and vivid aecomit of' the various activities of the society. - CARLOW 1 1 Summer Wash Dress Materials at Reduced Prices You will be needing a cool wash dress for the hot days of August. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY , Figured Dimity REGULAR Figured Poll Pram g Figured Deauville LawnC ... s 55c• 75 x Figured Renby Lawn - - Figured Batiste Clearing at Figured Pique pet, Striped Broadcloth ►C yard PHONE 80 F. E. I131 L DIS11C QUALITY 1VXtERChf, A MODERATELY 'E ►. daughter, bars. Neil Schram, of Gode- are picnicking at the laic this rich. (Thursday) afternoon. The eat ties ham a aaaeayane_ateendiet the reees of I.eeburn and Nile are joining w th in Goderieh on Monday and all report them and the Nettie is being, held nea. a good time. Rbv. Mr. Lundy'% cottage. Rev. Wm. Taylor and family, of -. Delmore, are spending their holidays _ ., at their cottage here. - Rev. • 14r.Hkks and family, - OfTtorndale, visited friends of this dis- E CARR tries recently.. Miss Minnie Dickson, R.N., return- - ed to Windsor after a pleasant month under the parental roof. Miss Rose Sylvester and Lily Berry of Stratford, are visiting at the for- mer's 1 / raters brothers cottage o here. A' Complete Line 0 Mrs. Buchanan returned home atter . a pleasant visit with her brother, Henry Hayden, of London. Miss .Peggy Moss and . two girl friends, of Stritiford, anent the week- end camping at the lake here. - The Ladies'. Guild of" . Christ's church net on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jas. Hayden. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. r1 igart, of Ham— ilton. ang . ilton. are spending some time with relative in and around the burg. . Mrs. Meintee and son, of Cleveland, returned home last week after spend- ing a few days with ber mother, Mrn. John Tigert. - • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adams and chil- dren, also Melvin and Billy Dickson, attended the reunion in Teeswatcr this week. - The new bus line from `:Goderieltto Owen Sound: is quite a convenience and seems to carry some good loads of travellers, Mrs; Mclietee returned to her home in Cleveland after a pleasant holiday a't-the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Tigert. A number of people are camping here at present, A goodly number of tents are erected near the boach, and all seem to be enlovirn themselves. The W. M. S. of St.Andrew's church - • Wedding bells will ring around Carlow very soon: . . Mrs: W. McIlwain entertained the W. M. S. and C. G. I, T tris week Mr. torilait.-Nernigh'an;-of- Toron- to, visited old friends here on Sun- day; Mrs. A. Johnstone is spending a week : r two with her daughter, Mrs. C. A. Robertson. % • Mrs. Jarvis and son. c'f llolmesville, visited with Mrs. Ted Morris, at Mr. Herb Morris' on Sunday. • Mr. R. M. Young is niovino eh k week to his cosy new home on the corner of his old farm. at her home on the boundary. ,a number from here attended the civic holiday in Goderieb an'a took in the rates. Threshing has commenced around here. Fordyce Clark was the first on stripes, Estimates free. the 8th to begin stook threshing. The How about a tent for sleeping out- yield is good. • of -doors this hot weather? Mado up Mr.. and Mrs. MacLeod and Mr. and from 8 -ox. Empire duck, size 7t, x and • Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Clinton, 734, 2 ft. wall. price $13 ; 10x12, $10. spent Saturday .the• guests of Mr. and Specials for June only. • AWNINGS AND VERANDAH CURTAINS Have them made • to order from John Boyle's painted and woven Mrs John Young. NELSON'S GROCERIES GROCERJES _ CALVIN CUTT Kingston St. - Phone 116 Cleveland's Bread is a temptingt'ocnplenient to any ureal. --delicious in itself and lending zest to the rest of the menu. Your family will demand twice aa much of our Bread as any other. I':neourage thetn to do so," as it is the most health- ful and nourishing food they can take. - E. U. CLEVELAND Miss Julia Young and Mrs, Jean . Walters, of Toronto, daughtersPhone 114.West St. of Mr. Phone Las. Newgate Street and Mrs. R. M. Young, spent the • week -end with their parents. Mr. Frank Avery. of Austin, Man.. - and brother, of Weston, spent the .week -end at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Morris. • Mr. and Mrd. Jim McMillian and. - family, of Port Albert, visited with • the ffornter's sister, Mrs. herb Mor- - ris. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, George Paterson and two daughters, Alma and Florence, returned to their home in Toronto after a very pleasant two weeks with their relatives here. Rev. Colin Young, 0.1)., of Toron- to, took`the service for Mr: Cumming. -• SOLICITOUS OP YOUR PATRONAGE " CINDERELLA BEAUTY - SHOPPE" • (OVJU' %/:/:1:1'TT'S 11.-Ih'J)1r.iRI ) ,114•81.ti•Irieet PHONE 23x1 • Open l;v,.nin0e FOR APPOINTMENT By appointment only on'Sunday .at Carlow and gave a good take"on home minsi'.n work in Toron. to and in the Northwest and along the frontier. Dir. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and Mr. Harold Cunningham, of Walton, Master Harold and Mina Phyllis 1:1d. er, of Pillsonburg, visited •Mr. and !lira, Vere ('unninghani• on Thursday of -last week. . Rev. Colin Young, DID., Mr. and Mra. Henderson Young and little daughter. Olive, also • Miss, Jean G. Young, all ef'I'offinto, spent the -week- end with the foriher'a brother, Mr. Sandy Young. Missy Jean aforeis and Miss Moiraa, have always In stock for inspection the finest of at thedlioine of theafornierns Sunday yenta, assortment of 'Beds, Springs and Ventilated Mr. and Mrs. Herb Morris. they ' Spring Mattresses—The Marshall, Fishman, linin, Pl • ust a Reminder to Our Old and New Patrons that— Brophey Bras. -the Old Reliable were accompanied by Mtsa Grace MacLeod. *seder <of, landsay, s •Sh11111UIiis tuid Brantford Mattress—all the finest that will lie seen in all the larger cities. An In- spection will convince all seeking what is adver- Mr. W. Crpw undreamt the people of Carlow under the aivapieer of the 'Me Society on Tuesday evening. is address was interesting and en -1 : couraging. Wo are very sorry there tied. Furniture Sold, either from catalogue or • weren't more out to hear this young " ratan. a personal visit to any factory's show rooms, at ...--' _• PORT ALBERT t ' Rock Bottom Prices. Mei. A. E. Sylvester is upending a rued; at her hoose in :;tratford. liaevey Crawford. of Walker"ville',r vinited his ::kiE . Brhe,gyros- iy., Mise Mary tardiest? is visits"ni; iter • _ ., . y a ar a -, a o 0 emelirie,Drrs. Dave aler tin, fCo>, a fern ! l°a xa ol'al'. , Z+ l l l 'days. ' "raw"" " T- — 1 Urn. R. J. 110J in visitIlUi♦,' with Ther' — t= s ► ntiv