HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-08, Page 3THURSDAY At. tit at *nil lh29 THE GODERICH VM
lag ad lid lar Neighborhood News Nuggets ifoyalOrownibrhll
Ili•is Give lip
ler ibesevisrk Picked From Our Exchanges Engliah China
Mts E Themes, Juaijper Statical.
NW wa:-"1 ran truly rely that
lena's Kidney Palle pat zzm on say fast
*Ng a week of aultinag witit a lame
hash -
"My back hurt las so 1 euuldenot sit
up,anciaesejturt whoa I laid dentaem the
bed, 1got.ubdItypuy
bower sad go to bed.
"I had rubbed ore several kettle of
linimeat but got zoo mint.
"1 got a box of Dom' Kidney Pills
end *tatted takisg theta and after I had
take* tour demi I began to feel I wag
Alias. setae rebid, and bereft I had
'amilbed the box nay
Wink was entirely
Pries, 50 mute a box
it*U druggate or deal,
Me or nualid direct on
:wind of price by The
T. Mama Co, Ude
"Teroato, Oat.
Barrister, Rottener, Notary Public, Etc.
.euecessor to J. I,. Eilloran
Phone DT. (Mee. The Square, Goderlein
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun deife Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria
Telephone: Elgin 539/.
Toronto 2. e
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
• Publie. Cortvoyaucer. Etc.
PHONE 27 HAdlibrirel STREET.
- • -
Fe 3. 11. TORSTER. •
Late House Surgeon NeW York Oh-,
thalaile and Aural Hospital, assistant at
Moorelleld's Eye Hospital, and Golden
Svare Throat Hospital. -London, Eng.
•a3 Waterloo $te S. Stratford, • Tele*
phone 257,
At Rotel Tleilford. en the
• evening of third dloadar of each month
till the following day. Titesdav, at 1
p.m. (Next' %lett in Septembe4.
E q u ipped with electro-enagnetie
• hates. Eleetronie electric treatments
end chiropractic-. Chronic, organic,
• and nervous diseases. 'Lady in at-
tendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7
to 9 •• p.m., excepting Monday and
• Thursday and by appointment.
• A. N. ATKINSON, residence and
office, corner of South street and Brie.
tannia road. Phone 341.
Accepts tiew Positiou I with the. Rtitheh Army and left for I; lit Mae auad Geld amid
iMikado Patteen*
H. W. sria, veto ilai ken ,te7.eth Afet.'en, seeving until the ensief 11
rector of St. Paura Atigliean church,l'the wan . 1
d Stretford, formerly of Sh Pante, Death of Mr. Peter Robertson !
1, Winghture has aceeeted
t 1We have I'een appohlted
ehip of the Mohawk Indian Selicor The ed death crearrrecently in Silk Geetieriell agents tor this
' Will Re Delegate to, Scotland 'ICIallilleg " Mr' Pttec Rabellaaa' °- hiehegidde (-land told iiIIVO
0 pr. nravid wale, or wirigharn, deet son of the late Thomas Robert- 0u•st tozeiv4z4,1" a large import
i eiedetator of the PreeetyZerian eizureti 6aa' of nen5all° Mr• 14°b431.'s0n went
in Canada has been appointed one of. west' fifty eeat beand waa °le Years ai0 01
`• t.ho pienrs CarrryManitoba
, .
He is survived by his wife. formerly ill ‘rilkr'eicelvoliii(3iratietvCe(ltrinfoaellas°1241
two delegates to represent Canada at
!the General Assembly of the Freely.
Itetian elianeh in Edinburgh, Scot/and, inis3 Helm Dadds, and a f;m11127 a large catalogue 11011SeS.
vet October five daughters and four sons.
Death of Mrs. Susan Robertson I Haley-Drybury. .
The following refers ta the Mar -
There died ot her orne in Kenton; I
• Manitoba, tee July lith, new. small rialto of a former Seaforth ,boy: A
very pretty wedding was solemnized
Rebertson, in her 1st ever. Decees.
ed was born in East lerneennonn, at the United churl, Kingsville, en
where she resided a number ofyears. 11(„ednesday, July .4, at 5 oeloek,
then going west hi December, 1891,,wnen 44327 LovedDrybury, second
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
I Drybury, Eingeville, 'eves marled to
Goes to Wingbem Ch 'eh -.„....--. - .pot,,,. a - ---,-----.
.111 Rupsell Emerson, Valey, only son of jurymen were unanimous in recent -
Roy Munch who for the past year Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daley, t/f Walk- mending that alt VOA& leatIMS on to
has been organist end choir leader:erten. Ont. county highways be made 4stop"
water, has taken a similar position Death of I Made school reads,
Mr. Colin Mieciiinnou
in the Presbyterian char& at Tees-1Leg Fractured at Sunday
with St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Trivitt Memorial Sunday Mr. Calla MacKinnon, of Luckaew,
•Exeter, held their annual schools who died in Goderich hospital en Fri-
Winghans that position being recent -I
ly Tendered vacant ,ley the resignation Picnic at day. July 29th, had been in failing
of Miss Bessie Abel. Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon, health for a number of years, a sut-
O-ConnelleMeloche July 23rd. There was a splendid fever from rheumatism. He as 72
turnout and the wether being* ideal years and four months. of age. The
On Tuesday morning, July 23rd, at everyone enjoyed the day at thelake. funeral was on Monday of hot week
the R. C. ebureh nt Loiselleville, Ont., side. An *evident which marred the t'l Kinloss eentetery, service being
the marriage toek place between Mr. day's outtng happened to little Toni- held ut the home of Miss Mary Mure
james D. O'Connell, Windsor, yauuge my Walter, seven-yeareold son of Mr.' chison, where for a time the deceased
est eon of the late j. D. O'Connell and and Mrs. If. re Waiter, who bad his had made his hone.
nom 136 - GODERICH
Lae A Wats .And .;has not crud -
1 atilt *An me tins hut weehol. .
!About Flawatiag the Stem aail Stripe* '
' (Detroit. Fres Prose)
ii The Canadians nalit A riatf ef Otter •
, .
owe, reney tuaeovrattsid ti. with the
Iniiied k>t ettelelle tutu m the late War•
„Ifite,y think quite as much et A Os 1
• "Ataericans think of their nag. Wier.
ealorft like to see it paehed sonde en
{their own soil f. -/r the Hag of any
other country whatseever. The re,
eentment they reel when other *lags
are displayed from ears er over
her and respect that feeling. "What
cetmia, withent equal prominence
beteg given to their own, would bo
felt in Cris counteye were conditions
reversed. Americans should renere.
Ainericains think to gain by this os-
tentatious proclamation of their ua.
banality in Canada is hard to seel•-.‘
Wranped in the Stars and Stripes
they are no safer than they would he
under the Union Jack in a country
whose homicide rate is about one.
thirteenth our own. The American
deg gives them no immunity under
Canadian law, which is applied to nn.t.
tires and visitors with equal • form.
About all they accomplish is to en.
able the hotehkeePers to see them a
little farther down the road: and te
exhibit a lath .of good manners front
whiele when it meets wiereeblooded
Canadianism, arise unpleasantnesses.
A little reflection would MMI ta be
all that is necessary to make that
sort of thing impossible.
- ii-O'CatittiliTfoietierfif "Seafoirili; right Teg fineetererretWx"leafrover-w.-NA!1°-.1v.-EsePe hie C4-r4CCidelit 141117-
- *moms Glenn et SOINe
Lb*• ileneers.
Elgin Ave.. Goderielf.
Sales made everywhere and all efforte
' • made to frivc von satleacflon.
Farmers' Sale Notes discoasted. •
Phone Ili).
rt Will' conduet sales anywhere.
• My terms are -reaeontible and I wilt tty
e•nd glee setisfaction.
Phone Cerlow 13b1. or address R.
4. Codexerh.
irsrm, BAILIer •
General Conveyaneine dime
• Good Cempanies RenrcsontPrl
Phone No. Oollecich, Ont.
citTLT•nP mti.ruAL VIRE INSTR.'
-Value of nroncrty Insured up to San-
nerY 1910. MAK 075.00.
OFFICERS---Ifnes Connelly, Presi-
dont, Goderich; eas. teeins, Viee-Prest:
dent, )3ecchwood; T. E. •Hays, Sec.-
Treas., Seaforth.
DIRECYPORS-D. P. Mefirector, Sea -
forth; G. Grieve. Winthrop: Wm.
Wein. Constance: George eiefeartnev„
Tutterfanitli John leerritie •liarieek:
John Bennewlfie0 liroadhaptt; Murray
Gibson, Tirueefield.-
AGENTS-3. W. Yeo. Gotlerleh Sandy
Leitch, Clinton: Wen. Chesney, Sea-
' forth; II. Ilinehley, Seeforlii.
Policyholders can pay, their asseSS-
• ments at Calvin Cott's store; Gorieriche
A. J. itiooriehdi Clothing store, Clinton;
or J. 11. Reid's, Bayfleld.
• !lave It attended to by ihe
v. a •
nd Miss Della Meltilelie, daughter of an auto. • Winglittea." • .•
vone as a distinct Shock to Cline „g ent Ilbrez.etv I tilh oCiterre G°attemWahing, boafnalit
to -
Mr. and Mrs. J, Meloche, of Loiselle.
Death •of Vesta Link '
villa. the •Rev, • ratite!. L'Hereatax over, and Gilbert Freeman, of
•Iton reeidents on Sunday, July 28th, to ener, narrowly.esca.ped death. on hate
Died in South Africa I learn et the death of Vesta Link,' Of urday evening: They'were etriving a
eroadster, leaving Wingliam by way
Mlle death took place .in Johannes- that town. She had apparently been
of the Waitechurch road and had just
burg, South Afrida, on Zane 3rd in good health. Vesta wite born in 1?)vaisnsegasver when
slit bridge at Lower
1929, of Edward Joseph Clark, •an Burford, -Ontario, and had lived in apparently
Exeter old boy. He was a native of Clinton for two years. Resides her lost Ircolols leefa thee"cearr. t went
'Canada and when a boa teceived ifis sorrowing parents, she leaves to = through the guard fence and plunged
early education at the Exeter echoer. mourn her untimely death three sisdown the embankment and turned
At the age of ten years he moved to tors and two brothers, Fred, Mts. over. Thethree boys were badly irxe
California. At the 'beginning of the Rey Kleine, /Vbs. Wm, Miller. of Dee jured anel ththe ambulance was called
Boer War he volunteered to serve trait; Morris and Gladys, at home. and they were taken to the Wingliam
-hospital. Their condition, it is
,, ---- • --"""-:: 1 ' Grey Lad Fatally Injured thong.* is not dangerous, if compli-
cations do not set in. The car was
leadly wrecked and was removed on
Sunday morning to one of the gar-
The rich, full-bodied
taste a Gold Medal
makes it Canada's
most delicious
"You'll drink it again"
Establiehed 1278
Read office: Dunnannon, Ont.
Wen. Watson, Auburn, President •
Chas. Hewitt, Vire Preeldentelas.
.n. lion. Director; Directors -Wm.
NicQuillan„ St. Helene; W. P. Reed,
II. 11. No. 2. Imeknow: Harry V.
keld, Goderich: Alex. Nicitolerin. Lucke
now; Tint Griffin, R. It. No. 7, Luchnowl
Chan. Hewitt, Itineardine; Darid.
son, Dungannon.
rate-EQ.09 per thousand.
THOS. ST01,11E11:4, Tepee.
flatieLEAysee. sewy.
Brothel] BrOS,
The Leading
Etakeral Directors
and Embalmers
aka Aabalaace Service
Orden carefully attended to
at all hours -night or day. We
are the inspectors of anatomy. in
stud for the County of Huron.
Phones: Store 120; Residence
All calla promptly attoudcd to /
thence: Otero 333: How 3115W
day oT night.
Funeral Director and
Gedetieb, Ontario
S. & Wheeler
Was In Bed
All Summer
"I have to wont in the store and
do my own homework, too, and I
get nervous and re redown and %vas in
bed nearly alisummet.The keit noise
would make Mc nervout. 1 was UM
to take Lydia E. Thekliam's Vega.
table Compound and I have taken
seven bottles. It has inside me mong-
er and put snore color into my face.
I inn looking after ray atOrC and
housework and my fear eliikften
and I nal getting along nicely now."
-Mrs J. Males R. R. Nte s, Baden
St, Fast, Monde" Ontario, Callad.
Lydia E.
VePet?P. Cn.
Robert Albert, the youngest son ,of
Themes and Mrs. Kerr, kt the 8th
coneession ,of Grey township, passed
away Sunday evening, July 28th, in
his sixth year.. On Friday the little
fellow was playing on a /adder in the
barn on the farm of his grandfather,
'Joseph Easier, when the ladder fell
with him. The lad fell onlyabout
five feet, hot he suttained serious in-
juries and it was found necessary to
perform an operation, which was un-
dertaken on Sunday. He never ral-
liedioy Receives Serious %Andes
Stinson, tee nine-year-old son of
Bert and. Mcllveen, of Clinton,
had the mistortune to receive serious
injuries on his arm and leg reeentiy
when he climbed to the top of a hydro
pole near the power house and touch-
ed a live wire and was seriously burn-
ed on the hand and leg, after which
he was rushed to hospital where it is
feared tie may lese his ieg. His elder
brother had presence of mind to grab
,h,M1 by his clothing and pulled him
away from the wire and saved him
from being electrocuted. The broth-
er also received miller burns on his
hands- from the cathing.
Death of Mr. Geo. H. Herr
There passed away at the home of
his parents, eicitellop twp., on dues -
day morning of last week a. well
known and deservedly popular young
man in Vae person .gu Mr. Geo. 11.
• Kam Mr. herr was born in the
township twenty-nine years ago, and
his early -death is the cause of wide-
spread sorrow and regret. After at-
tending Sedfortli. Collegiate, he grad-
uated from the Normal School in
1923 and Lir four years after taught
school successfully at Trout Creek,
Ont. Per the past year and ahalf
he had been teaching in Toronto.
Last winter he suffered an attack of
influenza. from which he never near.
Friday -well as long as am the
Conservatives Are Willing
(Toronto Globe)
The statement of Hon. HughOuth
rio at Lanark on Wednesday may be
accepted as a direct offer from the
Conservative Party to participate in
a national and non-party discussion of
the tariff question. In the absence of
Mr. Bennett, Mr. Guthrie is usually
regarded as spokesman .for the pare AN AltelleItss
ty. He was the delegete from "the_nese
feWirlillutt-Wr-tir the -pint-fa-pi& --(2141Por Noidior°04 is the
PAC F. Titan'
SALAMI' lopeelit3r never elkaaese
govidle deo bean& 4101141011allalft
vary with market prises
1 11111
TEA ae
Irma Irene the gareleetet
Coats that have the Pep ,
Suits with Style and $nap
Everything tri Men's Smart Wear in Hand -Tailored and
Special Orders
Regular $2. $3 and $4. at $1,49, while they last.
Come early and get the best chafe*. •
Phone 219 - GODERICH
nic Where he Meele pronounce.- . tielvation, 42;,ii.Vekeepethene---7"---
mut, and it was strictly a party ate There le an ante ht a tith'i •
fair. where 'household topics were :Of Mande %X Corps ciAl map( too, a litsa•
particular significance. At least, M. Iientenant • elinmels. a•1).11.31; s,
Guthrie has answered from the Cone majors, staff natal -is, corp wale. tied .
servative.stancipoint the much -mooted otfaueoldullirs.
question of whether it would worth
while to try to get together, Tho force be? asks Answers. L Is the
evorld-fittnene Salvatien Artny.•
next move is Up to elle Government.
The growth of :hie array las leen
Clean Up a veritable roraanee. Aithottelt only
(Toronto Globe) • started in ma, awl reoreanieed in -
Canadians are participating in rum to its present term twelve even
running in the biggest way possible, later, It has expanded phoilemenally
and will be as long as Canadian. booze and Is now eemblislied over the whole
is -the commodity smuggled. The globe.
Government might 'better clean the While their heeinnieg wee of the •
whole business up now riAller than hambleet, toalay tio military lade
The Canadian National Enhibition
'waterfront in 1.3;:.1 miles long. r
tweasitts'. for further agitation and pro- forme, caps bonaots, and bends of
• the Salvationlate ere haunter In
' • eighty-three different commies, and
SONO: 000 eeDVICE . members of the army speak over de y
Take a vacation that will -benefit different languesee is the e:atts,s tf
11 the • family alike -a place where their wore -I -wide inittletratleue. •
there are no annoying little chores or With their roMAntio growth in
the everlasting housekeeping routine numbers their grinds bays expanded
to attend tte-a, place surrounded by to match, and e,7".1aY 110 es floral In
the wild beauty of the northern command hes c awn! •%f muds and
woods, -yet having the convenient f,ac-; Insets raueinee C:ea 1.1,11.009.01/1/ iv
ilities and comfortable accomtnodat-i ;15o.000,oel.
ion of the city home. -----I ;AIM -or .th ere :areal
oa tNheipeignostn' ,sultiovz of Lake Hiseleeansiiiny -ilakatv‘oveineaulr,
NiPigon, Bungalow Camp; situated'. imesly, but air ee telly ye tee they
TeL 174s-tWrattioonr &Mort
reached by. Canadian Pacific Railway Is 4180 asked c4Iliribute; -
or Great Lakes Steamers. Testimony to tits aereeei %Warta
Busy kands-....at itard tasks
day in and day out. Persian
Wm keeps the skin eat and
pliable. Removes redness
and relieves irritation.
41 mar Doses!
it, BALM.
. peones Ewer Bungalow Camp, -hi. among wont and etnir":1 It elven .
rated on the 'beautiful -French river a by the fact that ovcr 116 indayri,t1
' In these camps one enjoys the ,pre; Mac DONALD
smeerrvee d20.bOy mthileesciartioamdinTnorpouatcoihei.s also ttipseid4.11:13,ors, •
vary of a cozy Ibungalow, corrifortably alt ailed wlth those v. ho 144.11 .
furnished and electrically illuminat- hurt in tin cruel .;:rug:,1.. trtto. r ftlitinCIRSICIFItUoloktr
As a erowning .iieleisveinent 10,.
ed, with maid service to take care of PaverfY.
Salvation Arnav supple% In iligereat
details. Charges which are very
reasonable are "American Plan" and
room of the Club House, or, in hot • ”a'a" bed" 111""e' "I" 41.141.- 'I NS' URANCE
weather out on the wide, sereened. un"1114•11umb"1 (IY.'1. 20.01)6-
-. 000 meals In the Janie permit. 'MA
'cool verandas.•
=nigger of the Tiger b.sseball teem.
we , wont leaver have Slim Cress to
empire -a game torus no more. We
raked' up 15. eta" and give it to- him for
mapirin and still we lost the game bee
fore runs, we dont want cruked men
like that to ethpire are games. envy
Satertlaywell Jane has got'a cuz-
zen of hers vissiting her house and
tonite she give a kinda party for her
and/ went erly. ant tuk a.swell bokay
of Roses for her and when they told
xne te set down and wait for her why
I got • nervus and set on the bolcay
witch I had parked it on a chair. the
rest of -the ening was very Sensitive
for me on account of rases .1 avein
- ere& .„ thorns on them witch is all very un-
Drowning Fatality Sundey-Blistere was my Co. at
Horace Payne, 2/ years old, cf R. - dinner today and we hod Beaf stake
meals are served in the big dining' r lac" tb'' bed" VI Pr Toady 11,- 1"
Both -ramps have every- facility for -aaa at thane individual. aeliinsi wine,.
seen; a pltd, wesry,_or fendiee.el man
outdoor recreation such as- tennis,
Or WOM011 WAO i1:13 leen Bal. 1.4 firm',
swimming, boating. and hiking. The ever-lucre:1.41.m: tanta 11 liter -
totaling, for . which these earaps are attire, general printleg, iitnate,. and
Uniforms used by tile vieme• hill r"O'..
(tilted neCessary- the. bulidlue of their ;
own works at St. Albaue for etipply-
Ins such articles. I
Ali those world-wide ramtneateede 1
and activities hare sprung' frma . the
efforts of one solitary Evangellet, who
famous, 4s perhaps the most popular
pastime. French River also beasts
an excellent nine -hole golf course.
For further information enquire
• from any Cafe:Wien Pacific Agent.
He will be glad to help you. r
The Pure Food Building at the
Canadian National Exhibition cost launched the. now organization only
sixtyethree yearn ago. It is an in
$360,000 to N.:instruct, comparable romance. of aenioVement
that the Salvation Army should have
developed so enormously in so snort
a time.
. .
R. No. 3, Monkton, was carried to his for dinner and ma fast Blisters cud be • .
Fantiller 2,
e •
Mutual Life
AssLrance Company
of Canada
eatabilahaa laaa
Man Or_Plcn IVATIMIt.00. (err
.D. D. MOONEY, Agent
• PRONE -230
Nowiu HT. GODEnielt, *ONT.
death at Bayfield Sundey., afternoon, manige it all rite and Blisters reply -
July 2Rth, when caught in the under- ed and anserred that he sure cuil be -
tow ef, the . rough waters of -Lake
Huron. 'The unfortunate youth, mil they often had bear stake just as
just waded hit° the water'wheft he
-party, bad ton when he was in his own home.
• Monday -Pa was sick all nite and
Member of a small picnic
eves toppled over by a huge Wave and this morning ma tryed sum medicine
swept away before rescuers could sit hint witch she tont to make out
reach him. The water was Unusually of a new book she got. Pa got well
rough and Payne was a nonesWimnier. alt rite but he told me confidenShaly
The dead. youth was the son of Har-
ry Payne, a farmer neat, Monkton that he had gave the medicine to a
Besides his father and step -mother, rooster, the Rooster is still diveing
the youth is survived by one brother, but he has stepped crowing.
John, at home. ITeusday-Mrs. Clumper was a tel.
Engagements Announced ling us that her pa lead meaziee and
% • -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snyder, "The Mumps And hoopen • eoff and Xzetna
Mnples," Canon tmounee- the one ail at 1 time when he Was 4 years
gagement of their deughter, Vesta old and pa added suprized and ast
Joy, to Prank Thompson Wright, on. did he Eve threw it. About the oney
ly son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, war pa eon keep from maiming
of Brantford, The marilage will take brolma it; to atop tawiting.
place in Augetat.'
Thngentekt hag been announce. Wensday-I was eating Ant Emmy
ednie ega
Enghied of Mr. Willi Clark how do you empruve yure Vacahulary
Cooper, only 'eon of Mr. atitl-5M24.!and she sed the beet way was to
T. moor, of cihnon. oft, and phm. pracktise deep ,breething evry day fer
one, younger daughter of Sir Ane a few I"' •
drew and Lady Caird of Argyle Thirsday-Pa had the day off today
Ledge, Wimbledon Common. and he ilissided him and me wood
Mr: and Mrs. Frank Hill, Wingham, wit*in the yd and fix it up. But
announce the engagement of their Vie trable with na when we wirk
daughter,Minnie Georgina, to Mr. together he all ways wants to ick
greet EWeber, can of Mr. and Mrs.....,-..seessessessses.se,
• A. Weber, cf Liatowel, the mare ---------
riage to take place in August.
Both Drivers Blamed in Fatal
• Accident
Two motor drivers were accused of
earelessnees by a coroner's jury at
BrucelleId Thureday afternoon, July
-25th, inquiring into the death of Mrs.
S. 3. McFall% of Exeter, vile) was kite -
led in a motor 015512 near Briteefield •
on July let. The jury found V.:at
Garnet Flynn, the driver of the car
!in which Mrs. Meralie was riding,
and Andretv Ullrich, Mitchell, bath
felled to ebeerve the approach of melt
. other's ter at the intersection et the.
.1tavfleid.2eaforth twenty romi heft
2rid eofteeetion, Titekersmith. nal
jury, hareem, attached the Freeze
blame Ito tilleleb, finding that lie lind
'delve:: at great coed Much of eteel
evidenee wee. 02:2:rculiztary. Th'
When you are figuring up baseball
And comparing one heavy hitter with
Don't forget that the Heat Polks hold
the record in this league for the
number of home runs they make in
a season.
With their loads of D. L. & W. Coal
they 'knock cold weather over the
teem, and beat it home by a big I
• margin. And they are never "put
out" by winter..-
Call them at nh for tsen exhibition!!
• game.
Ent Good Clean Coal
Phone 98 - Goderich
*Budget Aids
Over 100,000 Ontario woman
shop daily at Dominion Stores,
taking *advantage of tko con -
*latently low prices on hiahe
qualify food products in snaking
up their family WOO*. •
lagt1 " 250 iriialgia 2.1itie250 1
1 steararsoro,odtzta Nom 1
Cocoanut 15a Meinesalads 'ix 19* -1'
rit gAi, sysir
ann.:Aram: sum oft, itip Charm • Plat. gla
Pineapple .11.
TON. 25. TIM OVAL ar$Nell
Snap .•ilea 17*
Poteilltan22341 c::47;gaddis7.21.
COOK'S rapttat
Post Toasties . . 2 Pkt.. 21,9 PittilWint 211110103Sa
MIIIICIS rot Urciate..1 2 Pkt., oNotaromtb
Fancy Quality Beets • Tin 23e , 3
,Old lipap . . Om Rubweallit Itings 2s.
flielAre• a's Cream Cheese 141..14e %ism ites..11"
Gillette llszor Blades 3 Pkts. $1 ;..
Lux Toilet Soap 0. 3 thhee 21c "Wow 40446'
Diamond Toilet Plush . Tin 23r 0.0:0,0T-----"-
!llone's Custard Powder "X 27e tom .3.. 200.. ir
eiltalt? 04111.10 !At (WA
SIstatard ass tr . 11
Progerwhogy Mold,
Milliounire.Sartjittes 2 Tine 29e
CraWn *milt Maris • 1
Dotnitto Golden Corn yrs, 18e mem " Laic(
$1.06 $14.110 111.5%
r mete 41? • ,A*.:3 Abeit81$ IS Z6,81456,Nrit"
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IllueblarriesTin 23. 1