HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-08, Page 11 ----wwwwwwwwirprirm,. BUYING AT HOME e Potties uJ Senee Way roli Bowes to Bead 1 p Oar own earn. mener, Memo :aVird Uttt TN: 'Reese Pay treee in SCA3e tither' COVA, awake. ,Mf °ben( 'Soak. •••••11111111EMPIMMIDOMIIIII fOR_ THE SUMMER NUDE letelliato %retinue>. eerie -et io *iod- ine acid twee slated to approtea Ispe elette ilia See merle at the Ledo. rah Star ofere. the Ikea, of tenod Priatiag. nn.n. SEVENTIETH YEAR Subscription: $2 a year in Canada GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIIrIZSDAY, AUGUST tit, $2o50 a year to U. S. points. WALTER NAFTEG, Publisher. _ Great International .Highway to Pass Through Godelich--4/11, t Forget' the Flower Show Next Thursday andFriday •••,•9. 7,,ORP THE GODERICH RACES TOWN TOPICS home of NIV. and eiri. S. J. Waree khe gUests, Wile numbered about ter- tie aftes the eighteen Indee. cfsven-1 8iln Life bauranne ilempaRti, ot Dania raw o mi a daughzer of Mr. and .e.irs. Hickman of Toronto. when eliss Jean Me- Goderiche Mr. and Mtn. Allman and Wbat about that mortgage ? A mortgage on the house is in- coneeaLeat %Olen the hustend is alive. It is often tut& when, eie paseee. ft leeane, a hopless :wit against recurring payments -or the movier; vita at the door and tee exit e.:f the little family to other und meatier quarters. It need no 'c eci if the hueband made Oeoyision simply by carryiese euelcient insuranee Pay off the mortgage. = •It is so Wimple aud so easy. Consult us regardiug our plans oe insuranee. _ ; Mee 115 Phones: Residence 040 H. LONG, District Agent Huron Investments tti. Stock Braker; . „Rand Dealers - ROYAL BANK BUILDING Goderich, °interim Phones 430 and 445.• • BY.LAW NO. 33 , weather observer ler Goderich and leaving Goderieb. Ile is soar to go Societe. If 111. the sliaettary 0011 P ORATION OF THE the necessary instruments for observ--bY wity of odvancenient. of a $.1 Indere frame far t e est - TOWN OF GODERICH. ing the rainfall. high and low temper- ature cite He is re uir d t k „„, Women's Institute Meeting dahlia, nue only (decoretive). The daily reedings and to report to the rem regular meeting of the Gode. ' A BYLAW GRANTING A FIXED department once a month. AnteeSOMENT ON ME PPOPOS. ED ADDITiON etIllfe PRO- Elevator Binseeetshig Repelly 1,-turry--- TRN- GODERIOR binsk are rising needle ELEVATOR AND TRANSIT COM- and' ere AM over hall their height. Celborne Codeitate on Wetinee.!ty, were Mr. and Mrs. S. McPhail, 'teeeaiet eouPeted and c'. -n -nu ;no Steres were eery lois. be speeially 4ttractive ie the proem- Eventei With Perfect her i Harold BlaeLetone New Bandmaster the late Mr. and We, McGraw, was Flower shot, Next week etr, Herold lihtekstnale ,:las under. 'united in matriagir te their son. Iler. 11 C beta J. Veark, elso of Smith's Falls, Hortieultutal So. teken to take4eharge of the Goaericei tit -• ben pe eletva Elmer Flow will be held' on land ,. cured. formed ,by Rev. J.17... Ford: Mr. and enuredae and Vridaa of net weeln mee, walla win make their future August 1501 and lettio in MaeKay 'Seitfortli Races home at Smith's , Bail. tieing the Nelson street en, Wednesday. Avg. 14th. will wind un •at Coderith tranre. esowera will be aecepted for display ns well as those entered for The horse races • at Seaterth ohmage al v.. le R. °eke the raying seasove until the full fairs. eimapetition, Entries am required to Three mug will ae corded. 2.17, 2.22 'Mr. N. B. Meets wee haa Igor be pieced bztwasn 5 iind 12 &dock the and 2,30 trot or Pace. with nurses ot; the very obliging and courteous aret morniug and the show 'will be 8300 for each race. ethe meet will he C. P. R. enema agent at Gceleriele pen to the public at 3 pan. and them ,. held under the auspices of the Long for. the past three yeare, Ieft Cue as no ,edinission fee. J. auek is don. ellen) afternoon ter Quebec, atimr thirteen. erizes, one first of 60 stale at the cloak In that city. His four We'd pies of 25 cents and five • Braila jockey Cleb; width permits true betting. ben e transferred to the port cents three arcond prizee of 35 cents, 'Weather Observer for Goderich place here is triken by ehe .T. Beatty,• tourth priees of iq mute for Lark. • and Viciiiity • who comes from Wergbam: Many spur grown by seeeol children from Mr. E. Mach lias been appointed friends are sorry to see Mr. Fierily•seed distributed by tbe .11orticultural B -LAW NO. 33 or 1929 oP THE bee received front the Government himself but ne doubt the change is the Se5le er, s o ering a r11 one of the euture evens.? teaz win Iluee Caned and Keenly ainiteetall five visit of. Frederiek Chitin and I ----es tieseole e WOO sPeeeel 11144.1"$ C'f. "el, Holiday drew the largeet ccowd ia Werke.", aler'g Illti:.'111,5:.ill e live:ether was all teat could be de, The Cioderich Race Meet En Civic, :11:xlivp4IsTe':e°thert ::'is'I'lilFeeiciaairlril'lle1134)!Itl'4elt°9111nnt)9.%i:111:4131103 •krg fa n d"sts t*alnl; :vats tt 4ak'-': soil: a Gt Meer:: 4" "° fl 1 red and m;ery seat in the new big PhP:A:t Pett:rik 'neanilitgl feu .vt li tuVg5eieeitstelsilee ititria• etvg5s:ntte.1°rttet IC 11 dt aet:hia:ete7: s. :0; tfitsit-18:91teemWSnildti: illuta.aftllieS1 :3,3;194' eil iflitige '#401:::011(tic this, - 0I 1 Lig Tbonzas; Mr. W. Fe. HarrisiePe te• .„V• the grand 'stand would need to he cStorteiltuflo, rdm.r. M. BP0.sweeini, rstoinwieMspar at. asteitawg c.0:31 014fieulhilsttetotitnatbaes rawari IlMori'va:dli.ar Sx7r1:11is i'D;Tal5a. :divelGerstiiset: SPt: 'Clite'°411:1:°inksviezie. ti: pwr°ouvliddei°:;eitilua9itfe *Wing, MISS Ir. Stirling, st. eatkivr• amommodetion on 3are day in Godes lufs; me. dnd atra. IL V. Cellstast ride It is estimated Viet npwavde elms If. Cousins, Mrs. L. CroPPer, of five thousand people were on tee , lemalul, yToNroonrtthorto:It'll.ndE._ eChloindnreotri: ifarailtoul ND:: vgksereme of tee hest horses in the W- and. tell wpeartet keTehnely 2e.o2:esitileelue, M188 E. Cmell' Mr* IL Tclantiv4re9. were four evente on the pre- iiwe , 'l 2tr'eoYi:eser" MilrIll Dad."1-111°.iiitAtIrsrhnpr'l'aanntIir(11SIdiair'ne3d.. 111,1‘..trALa': Water stake trot or pace for a purse • elarys• ' Miss E Taelor Remitter leatLitign,tinfrry Tee Tzt, meill ,412,.. o lerecaroin. 1,4414gUeloPiv4iLlsiejnIliii,411-4A-ttan, ominetd .by As. J. if.seVirite°1-y, ' winesee; Miss IL Ancient:nil mega` of Goderieh, eriptured the P.16 trot toff; Ikea end Mrs. G. Clark, Harr or pate, which was.also for a purse . tonaplIt1nelnn 11:iiitiltinirri.e..:se.it131:.alnr°11:14.13;:in.e4,:irsUirsts.itiilv:iso8.1:JeiDal '.4:°11. IIRIAYrs.tielle'lee. si\ let:IL:ell 811 a•l.ITio:.: property of McCracken. of Strathroy, Mr. -hat:ii bofeatN0nOtoTerhoisweereveAteenwehnote4efooui: it. illie 2:20 trot went eour /mutated was won by J. T. Elden, owned by J. IL Locke, of Toronto. Meek Peter, CUM% MISS G. Curren, Miss G. Mol. , PANY LIMITED. -- Two grain eargone aerived •the paet week. The lealeartier unloaded last VITHEREAS the Godericli Elevator Thursday and the Home Smith walla and Transit enema* Limited, iias ed one Saturday night ' At time of . far many years carried on !business writing she wee still waiting unload. , at the TOW3 Ot Goderichl ter the Pere ing, the elevator 'reuses being full to ------- pose of elevatirig, ,.storing .and tren- the roof and otelers for shipment out . fareoreelEp shinPinie grain, and has !during that not coining at the time. . time ntOzz. than doubled its capacity Rose Bowl Finals Between • '4'' BATHEine.-aiou eau. have e 0 n 1' for storage by additions which Dr. Mary Tom and Mrs. Bruce • feather bed matte into o sanitary hangs a eeteltattuf tfefeofing fem. reit mattress or dawn eginfoleer. Thgee ber of boats and tonnage tathe port In the rose howl competition at the est nate 'slid for ./etithers. nroP a of Goderich • Maitland course, Mts. Bruce defeated oe . e' N ITATIlelle AND ..,_ _2_ airs. Donaldson arid 1)r. Mary Tom .MATItanss sCO., .Goderiele and our AiNtle wile:4=AS the . said Com- elefeated Miss Olive •Allen in the egent will call. ' pany now proposes eo erect an midi. -eon to its present plant eerie% said larANTED.-one acre or loss close to addition when erectecl ill i 6 Tem and Mies Allen going to nine - e ' lecke: good Mater. Vainity of so ' • e ar ' vg nereaS teeri holes. Dr. Tore mad lif s, E tie renderich. ere e lowest price. aux 14: i) ye ocnaePtacCi)41;ZihaeS:11:1 fglictoiest Are thus the contestants in thertine. ' STAR. approximately *300,000.00 4 als. • • . SALESellieN WA:SUB.-3ln without AND WHEREAS the increased ca. Oetogeearlane' Picnic prevlous sales expleorieneseven4eillei pacity will meau a greatly increased The annual picnic of the Goderich g"a wit' US. 1°11 (.'llil ?''' at o gene number of boats ealling at the said Octogenarian Club' will be held in St. tiolo you roalce eoud. . resee lei . i tunity. Exclusive weeitory fleece port of Goderich, and weltering here, Patrick's Park, Goderieh, on nuts - kith. 'Write giving age mil ecIelillieee. sities and -work to be dente thus ben. years, or otittitlhatAangYe,lajlIsibeeileetlY- ,e,„ requiring a larger amount of teces. day, August 15 . to The J. IL WATESINOt COMP. N , elittneo the said Town. coined as Well as the alien, and Dela. DV. lIandlitee 011a e - s -AND 0.1,1DRE.As the said a mpeed aaegements will be made to take them: ••. LG. -Si ' has requested the Council of the Cor. to the eve* and aome again ze they • •poration of the Town of Goderieh to viPl let th...e._u_n_d_ersigned know that T ,pgr„-A linve polka with heook at. , aid it in ite proposed project of the they care fa evmu"' o . --ai tachee; on road Inane i erection of said addition by gi nting • . •. i Mr. • • ,a GEO. (DICK) BLAC a . liaacee's eaten Huron Road, tool Dun - at. $111n orlon„- , .. . - 1?ci of T iolapaster'411(14! 14. Pi. oreotuern t,ti JAMES ,mu_ sent e,.aus. :tit e yeeGeartasP,atineoeYotintlroornfecodiargaaSawpe Jo:1h: WAarkg;tiGyrarVe41.100k Pinee 3 d ritb or leave • - -,..-- the zufnessment to be made in the year 'cad* 192P ete fi d as e iment not to In- and sabniission tef this By -Taw to NOME To Porous , ell Xe e e r 1 rampaeers. • • eluae eteheol taxes or icees. Onisrewe- NIt.e.n,..k: TO OREorron • • mento or sir 11 talzO effect on , t „ AND WHEREAS by reason of the the dee of tee final passior thereof. ecotone having . claims against the • Nsyrusel IS eteetaaY GIVEN ea a" feet that_ sucer peopesed addition will !Reed a hit rid and _fsfemeLtime in we .greeety boom the Teem of oeeellea open councir aixt provisimaarie ptissea seetate ot Thomas atelituelson, So,. of the Tow iship of Ashfleld, who died , ter the expenditure of 'urge amounts this nth day of 'August, A.D., 1929. ou or 'about the flint tIal; a Jule, A.u.,.of money in Wages 'at the said Town, 11, J. A. MacEWAN, Mayor. i929, to, Bend tali particulore to the tine and the inereased cepacity will afford L. L. .I<NOX„ Clerk. dersigned oe or before the twenty- better facilities for ',boats to =neat -e--- t tooth day of August, AP., tea), on the said Elevator, it is deemed eaPed- TAKE NOTICE that the above is Azzd sifter. that date axe esoeuu?rs of 'lent to grant the said request ,apen a -nue copy of a preposed By-law --•• . -the-eahe otatteaseiteproteseesteedistelegthe teams and conaitions hereinafter which has "Veen 'Taken into eons -Rem. ;bute the said esatae, beeline repo" on- set forth ,• - tion, and which 'will be finally passed iy to such '11 11. es eime shall then t erow, seeetrtEgowE, tee reeueiel, be the Council of the Municipality (ie e have had notice. • • Pal Council of the Coneeretion of the "the event of the assent. of the elec.. 11AVS and kieses, ' Town of Godelich enacts as follows:. thre 'being 'obtained themto) • aftei. i "herein and Transit Company Limited erects of ti copy thereof in The ,Goderich t .„....._ 'Hamilton St., Glderich, . . . , . , 'mg and completing acluring'• the year Star newspaper, the data .ot which e, ne,„.,e, 1929 an extension, and addition to its ,,puplaicfafftion Was the 8th day of Aug- . PUBLIC Mae sera' • , present planer, which said exteresion "ea -wee' t vvriam 410 RitGierrilATION Ole BY- and addition will be placed to the AND FURTHER TARE NOT/CE .e.e' Lew, - eastviard of i s present properties at 0 B 4 t th t all leaseholder qualified under i • ---. i .' •the harbor at the said Town of Gode. the provisions of the Municipal Act, 1 NOTIfilt 14:4 fit:0E1W GIVEN that a inch, andewhieli said extension is to R. S. O. 1927, Chapter 23e, Section bylaw WAS P.ISSed by Lite mineelPal coat approxitnately $800,000.00. anti 2e4 (3), And amendments thereto, are e ecentell of the Veen of Goderieb on eo nave a eapacite pf approximately required ten days before the date of the, inth day of Jule, 1020, Providing tor oner 'million bushels, the said addition, voting to file with me a stattito0 de. lite•iesue of debentures to the amount othatoagf , machinery, plant and elevation of qualifications, otherwise i of $20,000.00 to proulde fun& tor octal- equipment and the, said lee& even their narneS will not appear on the teem mitt extenslone to the Retire Eke - Y .o -tweet I be, eel o i :- voters' list for sUch voting. whieh the are t be, ton Light and Power plant. and that e e th sure byelaw was registered in the reg. it o n e same are hereby declared to AND FURTHER TARE NOTICE, a Petry °Mee of the' comity or Huron tit be, subject to a fixed assesement of that tie votes e e s f tli elector of the • Goderieli on the first clay of• Auguet. one (toiler (1.00) for a period of tee said Municimilay Sine. Any motion to quash or set years, beginning with the assessment of the Town of c Goderich will take place in the sever- e aaele the same or any part thereof to be made in the year 1 must be made within. .three melees fixed assortment shall not .affec1. es. ae.polling sub -divisions of the Muni- $ 929', but such ettee the nrst publleation- of this no- aessment for school puiposee or lo cipality between the lieure of nine a improvements, mid the id Company o'clock in the forenoon and five *5 ken and cannot be made therearteo rated the, Mot day of Auguet. Mae. ellen have a fixed lbusieese assessmeit oaloek in the afternoon on Thursday, b the fifth eine' of September, A. ^D., c TO To l'I'Nf'Xt of one dollar ($1,00). during tee eeeee 19•29, end at the following places by n , -a-- -..w merit tax Bleat net include assessment eel's mid r°11 Clerk t - ' • 1 Cara- period, but euch faced businees asaese. the follotelmc Deputy -Returning Offi. i REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE for sewed purposes or 'teal improve- Polling sub.division No. 1 -.At t .-......, . . . ,............... , _ . mente . Miller's gauge at corner of Victoria ern AlletaTIIONG Ree% ESTATE and 2. During the said peeled of te ' strert' alai Elgin "einle" D"utY"re' n a- • leteaUllANCE AGENCY. years covered te, ties otfaate the said tur ing officer. Thole 11. 'Wallis; Poll 444444 rich Maineo's Institute waseheld u any, or. urne am electing first oral eeeond prizes o $2 aml $1 worth of nursery stoek for Au. in aolsoyllail. the 'best eolleetion of perennials (in t Grant, London: Ws. Gee. Vie% St. of ;1,000 was won in three streight arIth preettlentirethesoltairea-Thes- sepaisite ewer -Weems atoned), end pi Institute le lemming a two-weelcs' Sate and The Signed are Qua °Mere* elernonstretimeleeture eourse on food firet and semed 'Flees of one srear's valuee and eciokery some time in Oet-• eubseriptIon and srx months' subserip sena-Ames, the match between Dr. aber. A paper on tUrrent events *as tion, The Ster's prizes being for the given by Mrs. A. Higginson and a beet ten spikes of gladioli and The 'demonstration of summer dessert by Signet's for best collection of pansies Mrs. Beattie. Roll tall was answered A „silver cup is being donated by Her- by recipes. for summer drinks. This bert Waters Co., Toronto, to the tozapieted the progarm. After the member of the Horticultural Society closing of the meeting lunch WAS winning the greatest number of served. Any information regardieg points, Quito be held for one year end the oo' a ee on cookery class will 4 member winning. it three times in be given by the secretary., Mrs. Mar- succeesion to retain it. First prize Atone Keays St. dounts three points, second two and , third one. Pigeon Plights On Civic Holiday afteitoon 4 beech A Dead& Fatality of forty pigeons belaegipso to Mon. A tregic death was that of Miss treel faneiers Were toleased at the Mergaret O'Callaghan, of Detroit, baseball diamond at the Aegicultural daughter of Mt. and Mrs, D. O'Cal. grounds. Word •wee received hefe on Mohan, of Whitethurch, which was Wednesday of the to -revel of a good caused by a or accident about 8.30 nuniber of these birds in MontreaL o'clock on Monday night near Tees - Last Saturday the local pigeons water. Miss O'Clillaghan was born flew from Georgeeown, eighty-five in Whiteehurch and had lived there birds being feleased at 0 o'clock in until about a year ago when she re. Oho morning. The first six to arrive moved to Detroit, whore she bad since i:loine were as/fellows: One. belong- resided. alueh semnatha is extended ng to to Pithiest°. at -9:00 and at 9.50 the family in their sad bereavement another by the nine owner: W. Bak. At the time of the accident the de- er at 0:51. C. W'elbleet 9:53, Pablado cerised girl was drivilig in a car with at MA and another by the sante own. her sister, Mts. S. Jamieson, of Tot -- at 9:541i. The distance was 105 onto, and Jack O'Malley, of Detroit, miles. Next Saturday's flight will be son of Mr, and MM. Peter O'Malley, of Whitechurch. They were traveling from 'West Toronto. Garlerice on. Main Ilighwae Prom it 13 i441, at a high rate at see" about one nine and a half west' of "He34•114 esear*.f.e. T reenee Teeswater and with the approaeh °fr. 'star."' eeee-14-.1 steere'a 111 the oppoeite diiectiou traveling C C B 'I' fing4 "lbd I:03ra 0414 - on the wrong side of the road the dra over, Mr. °Malley, meted Into the attendance at the-rneeting the Blue diteh to at^old eollisiont His car Water Highway Association held IA aril& a telegraph pole with terrific Owen Sound last Friday afternoon and there was r. good attendiffreeeeTref force and went throng% a fence, hurl. . ing Miss O'Callaghan through the lhe the woe the 41.24 class In three straight ley, Mr. Eff_. Liversidge, Toronto. ELEVATOR BYLAW AGAIN of Goderieh, gave an exhibition mile* kli heats Pulsing the Afternoon, Sid Ira!, bay To. Be Voted on Thursday* Sept. 5th A speekil meeting of the town cettnell War, %Old rueseley evening of this weelt, the regular meeting - which should have 'leen held on Fri- day Met not being held on account of the meeting of the Blue Water High- way Association in Owen Sound the same dee, iThe meeting on Tuesday waS oiled to deal with committee re* pert ei sand with the Elevator bylaw. The finance committee reported as •followa: We recommend that are eangements for the use of the grand , stand on Civic Holiday be left with the chairman of this committee. We bilve examined the treasurer's State- ment of receipts and expenditures for the month of June and tind that it has Iseen audited and found correct. Ve IfaVe - examined the tax collector's stutement of. July l'eth and recom. mend that it' be filed, and 'that the pollee be instructed to enforce collec- tion of dog license fee. -"With reter- ence to request of etni. Cocas for re - on his intone tan, eve end auit . the asseasment was oorreet tied re• commend that no action be, taken. We roommend that the Charlton Road Map be paid the sum of $75 As payment in full of account for our page advertisement in theie 1029 toad map publication. That the sum of $60, less 15e exehange, bas been re- eeived Item the 'Ontario' Engineering and Equi ment Co, for two air ham- mers an one air grinder from the National Shipbuilding plant. That the sum of $22.96 has been received from th e Workmen's Compeneation Board us refund of menee paid out by the town during disability of the rem- etery sex:on. That the suni of $35 has been received from Geo. Cacktield os payment ler burnt building on ho 107, Wilsen st. Regagai se sale of debentures under 'Bylaw No. e3 of • 1927 for waterworks new pumping equipment ye find that there is a Dal, anee of $102.02 on band, and we re. commend that thin be paid over to the Water and Light Commission, and that the Water and Light Oemmission be.eendered =Duet of $226.10 as costs and expenses of the town in is- suing, printing, preparing and selling thee bonds. We herewith subniit draft of bylaw as prepared by the town solicitor, granting fixed ate seesment of $1 en the new addition to the plant of the Goderieh Elevator and Transit Co., add fixed aosessinent not to Apply to loot improvement taxes, or to school assesement number 'of accounts wcire approv- ed for pal/Mont . The public eyelets committee recom- mended that the petition fm• a cem- ent sidewalk on the oat side cf Vie. torte street from Elgin avenue to Britannia road be laid over for future consideration, The speeial committee recommend. ed that nayments for band ecncerts during July be left with the chairman of the committee with power to pay $29. The fire committee reported having peened all applications for building permits referred to it at, the last meeting. iThese repoz ts were all adopted, and the cruneil then went into committee of the whole to consider tlie bylaw (Bylaw 33 of 1929) emoting a fixed =element on the proposed addition to the property of the Gederice Ele- vator and Traneit (er., I,td., and eon. drifted it clause by claim, the pre. amble and the title, and. recommend. ed that it be paused without change, and thatat be eubmitted to the rate. payero on Thuneley, Sept. 5th, 1929, and that it be published in Tilts Code - rich Star. Tim bylaw will be totted eleewhere in this Josue of The Star. It woe moved by Councillor Bailie, emended by (ouneillor lllunnings, teat the thanks of the council be ten- , &red to W. G. Coutte for bis sweeten ful efforte in framing the joinina up representatives from the various side Window of the ear, causing her municipalities. along the Blue Water - - death instantly. Mrs. Jamieson was route. The Wert of the meetingeras alserSeriOusly injured and was remov. Q cleat •ivith a proposal ro line up ed to the General Hospital, Witerham, forming 4 continuote reut with State Higironys Noset:_. where elle also succumbed Wednesday, le algattes-noroner Die Gillies, of Teeswater, was Florida the object being to advertise the route and thus induce traffic outheeard in the winter and north- sandertaking called and ordered the body of Miss O'Callaghati „removed to Linklater's rooms in Teesvvater. ward in the streamer. The plan is to Selleitors for thesExeeillors 1, • upon the Galeria, rieeeter one month from the first publieation • The oroner is investigating the acci- ssue 100,000 maps or pieces of litera. tun about the route and the fee for dent and it is probable an inquest •will be held. Besides the parents, the ac. extent victims are survived by two sisters. Mrs. E. Monahnn, of Detroit. and Miss Madeleine O'Callaghan, of Toronto, end three brcthers, Joseph. of Detroit; 'William, of Toronto, and Frank, at •home.. Reopening ,of St. George's Church Omen Abe congregation of St. George's church is to be ongratulated on the great improvement made to the church organ by its rebuilding and electriefication by the Franklin Legge iee Blue Water Highway Association was fixed at 3500. • A budget of See 000 is proposed. It wee decided by he meeting to co-operate in this -way; as foundation Meinbers of this Tour: sts' Highw,ay Association, and the lability of the Blue Water Highway Associatioreis exideestood to be limit. d to the Amount it coutribetes. The Owen Sound Sun-Thnee "report ef the m soeueeti.ng will be, published in our text St. George's Church Garden Party Sinhceeegsasreen Parte under the emit the rebuilt and remodelled ozgan was +Company. The °Mem' opening ef ea of the hello of Ste George s ebserved on Sunday last with special herch last Thursday proved a fine service and by an (wean recital on uceess, the proceeds amoonting to Tuesday evening. tinder the new ar. beet MO. A very fine meal WaS rangement the great organ no longer erved and otay and fancy work ta. statute out in the body of the church, les did a good business. Several but the organ lie divided, part being ontests were conducted and the win., each side of the thence', and the ers were as follows: The quilt Tiede and &mated by Mrs. Sturdy cel also, console lias been moved into the ehan. where the organist eloaer vas won by MISS Morm neer-awn and to Ina chola The change entainly he lunch set. by Mies' Bette Thome- adds to the symmetry.of the church, The mat made end donated by Mett bnt the improvement retort() quanta Foster was won by Miss Elizabe is what is kof even greater value. The Salkeld, who guessed the exact num- &Imlay cervices consisted of it choral bei' of nails in the aottle. The t The Goderich Elm/Ater and Transit Cleptolitir sell.,IdliaeeieVielef ea Orme very Olean enurees and lots for acimpatie, Limited, shell if moue t d eon:4. Large number listed, to select eel. n writmg to the, o. 2 -At W. from. JUst a few : • e its consent i " $ ° Staltle ;ranting by tilie, said. Corporation of ton's Tailoe Shop, East St. no o s se th ,frii t. , Deputy-rettirning °facer, D. D ed if degree. eXonvertent to tate front or aid tellan°Y lire 11111118:efe it:Till:Tart NA% subaliteision.No% 3 -.At the Modern equipped, garage, full furnish.. tbe Poll and mama. Immestaite posessIon. Towe of Goderiele Town Hall. iDeputy-returning officer, • Price, Ineludine furniture, iite00. 3. Aa a condition of the submits- E. C. Belcher; Poll Clerk, Geo. Bei - amid baek house, toll toodern equip. sion of this By-law to the ratepayers 'ter' • ped and garage. East tn. • Pare snie0, the said The Goderieh Elevator and Transit Company. Limited, Polling ant -division No. 4 -,At Good leteeitory house near post rob . all costs -incurred in the preparation D"utTi'ret"ning shall pay Stotbere Waegon Shop, Vietoria St, . flee. Pelee Riete A Ilne nine.rearn house. modern officer. Huron A foipped. well deforated frut ,ifforf,d , _ , - . ., f TUfrowl. r)olt cleric, William Steth- tor 110.1111x convenience and comfort. FOR SALE ers. Modern eiluiPPea, wood reeler and. fowl „esesosee... sa-e•-• ;.- ---..t...„, .. Polling sub.division No. 5 -At P. bouse. Two tole; dose to Collegiate pent releas-oe Merrell pump te iron'il L. Walton'; Store, West etreet. De- Crdiegrale lendent roomer% Jaime:Hate nee:, STAR fre. Peteareturninn ofileer, Harold tlache Inelitute. Excellent accommodellon for „ condition. Apply at etone. Poll Clerk,,,CharIea Shepherd. poesession. Low arirts.• Ewa^ terme. 'see- -------e---- ^ - F11 'left? "NI a . Polling sidedivision No. te-At Many nue tome Ileted to select from, ji:, .. ...- , v...ra" nupergeotubie MacArthur's Electrical Store, Wel Very Ion; prices. Emiy trans. tond Lime. alai legh gaide fere ,S rot, all partleulars write or see tilizere altenys in etork, Prempt de. Lt.reeeirtatesprie.irtitYoll'eltCfenrixtl,gDrieirikar: ' J. W. ARMSTI1ONG. • livery service when renuired. IL n. wide neat Estate. BAER, II. It. 'no. 3, (factorial, ont. polling sub.di;Iston No. 7.o..At Phone Corlow 2S21. nox $0.3 Goderlele Ont. George liaggitter eesldence 'corner of we celebration Of the holy commurilon, large tables laid for tea were beauti- fully decorated with garden flowerS patani . and foliage and the new dislres which gavo. a very fine rendering of Gaurs, 'had boon donated ty the Church eTheti Stab the Lord," with the choir nemeres Guild were wed for the lirst teeing part effectively betvreen the time mei ortainly added to the cm. solos, on Tueaday evening a large pearenee of the tables. The conyen. era for the tea tables were Mies Gib. son and Mrs. Murphy: for the fancy work bele. Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Dick. eon and afre. Acheson: candy table, Mrs. Geri and Mrs. Runt; ice cream. Mrs. Connelly and errs. Holman. Inglisallarde A bappy event took place Thursday, Aug. lst, at 11.30 a.m. at the home ot Mr. and Mie. Edtvard fiercest Oth eon- cessien, Colberne, the occasion being , FOR SALE Ou lb RENT William and Cayley• streete. Deputy. To neaseg,..enaeeteetterett-pea`i-1-1=1-041-io/4 rctiteueicti,iiirobotfiliar,1 Dinglesew etell J. W, CRAIGIE etazi,!limmiiate p01e9310n. 3. On 'Wednesday, tlrei4th day of Sep. t b e 1929, th M f the id P Reg Esbje Willace '.gl'iwalyiElbelvramofatttaldSar(it 40htetrA CATnreini Aptly entre j. green:. aueesemeneotiock in the forenoon, to appointee aesa, ing placee aforesaid, and at the final el congregation had a splendid oppor• tunity of nearing what a fine instru. ment baa been made of the organ, in the recital by Mr. Reginald G. Germ founder and director of the Guelph Vogt ehoir and organist and their.' master -of St. Georgee church, Guelph. His various numbers Mow- ed the inagter band of the artiat and revealed the fine tonal effects possible on the Taunt organ. Mr. Fred Mg- aam, of Owen Sound, and five choir boy.: of the Vogt eitsir, of Guelph, the marriage of their eldest daughter Ainde Ililda, to Mr. Graham A. In: aesisted, tbree of the bo,s. ea well as MO. Ingham, contributing coley; and glie, of Goderich. The bridal couple weLo unattended land steed beano a the other two boys being lis 114 in a bank of ferns and pink and white duet' 33 "II; of c(31"e' 35 all 51aff` • in g together. The various numbere etreamers. 'Tee bride, who yeas giv. On tow by her father, waa gowned in a becoming drese (if blue geergette end carried a beautiful bouquet of ink reeve and ferns with baby'o x•eath. Mi53 Gladrn• Table played Menesetung Park hotel ,as a re. he wedding^ mareb and Rev. n. cord crowd Ole week. Beeidee hat. umminge, of /Ammeter, officiated. ing number of Wets filled and many Tae groom's gift to the bride Was a sleeping in the kitchens a the ete- almond bat' pin and to the pianiet a tages, others were lamed to scene() ihiee gold csrapant. The bride and Bleeping quartevs toevri. room received many beautiful tate, A crowd of oeventy ,boya from nit. along them a chesterfield suite friTil ehener and Preeton earopeci hi the he beide's parents and a subeten a park and during tee week.end aeon a cheque froni tbe 1g:taxies aunt. The baseball game filen the hotel (mote Nippy couple left. by motor amid by 1C ti 14. Doug. DIM° and Gear. %mere of confetti and goad wieees lio Dorneerg, front Detroit, alemet or a teioday honeymoon, ceiling filet won the garae The kat innist3 n the brides grandfather. Mr. Geo. the role a pincii bitters. neve who wee confined to his tat by The anneee rfolf tournament fors the ieknee,s, feaving veth lam her beetiti. Menecctung cop was played! orr late tit bermtge. Illea, Ingli5 is izetetine , bolidaY aea v,a3 tvOn 147 IL, AI"' on the prOgrain were published in our tart isetie. Suffice it to env now 'that 90- recite" was a musieal delight. Meriesetung Park Notes ario. rersons to attend at the various polo slimming op of Ole votes by the Clerk a op beledf of the persons interested in g O• F. CAFtElf SON, Ltd ;and prom.oting or oppesitio the psis. te Isiog of the said pi -epoxied By.law. re. t INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE • The Clerk c,f tire Council of the a _rite lee y. 'mid Town of Goderith win attend at ? Telephone 230 ej Sit dyke in the Tattin RAIL at ten f ;o'clock it. the forenoon, on Fridaysthe AIASONIC TEMPLE BITILDILIG ,Gtb dee' of atiptember, 1923, to stint e.g._ as up the number of cotes foe and is GODERICII ONTautu eartainet the mak; prepeeed HysIaw. f n a eels of fawn tweed with fox col. , Crcath after a PICW-Oft MtEl L, TritNOX. Veen '-1 A sr end felt eat to reatele Among t, M. alogiero, oe lemma% ed -ie wee° of Government highways from 1 lor. 'Ida via Detroit, tort Hume and Sar- nia, connecting, rip wale the Blue Wo. ter Highway. Carried. A motion was permed that the town tearrie and men be, empeoyed two house a day. All the members oe the (anneal/Atli the exception of Councillor Croft were preeent at the meeting. ,CARDS OP THANKS .1. nastier end MP. awl MPa. J. 3. IlIcx,',Aritt 1,4J24 hi 91311li that% foliage and netettliere fk•r iho mane itineriareen clean ilnInt dining MP. PnrilogeN M- aisie, and for fit1)Vo.cgion4 WM- at the time cif Mar borMoinPni, 'MA* Mee aieli to thank teepee alio xerie ter• tiet, ef tole ea 11,.einersa. ge ng, owne by Dr. .T. B. Whitely, ng the track record, which WaS fernterly 2.10. Sid Hal -made the ours° in 2.08%. J. Mullin, of Gode- rich, was the driver. Summary : • 2.20 Event, Blue Water Stake, $1,000 Jerry The Tramp - ......1 1 1 A. Penner, Blenheim. Peter Chino " 2 2 George Litt, Stratferd, Donna, Bell..............,3 3 4 Beauvie Bros., Hastings. BillyS. nellkedsgyne, aondeboye. 5 4 4 Direct Heir 4 5 a .T. Wellivood, Mirilti Time -2.15n, 2.15, 2.1213. 2,15 Event, $1,000, Ramona Grattan...........2 1 3 Dr. Whitely, Goderich. Martha Napoleon 1 2 3 3 R. J. Smith, Guelph, Silent Grattan 4 2 .4 G. S. Litt Godertele tiletmul .... 7 7 t- ill P. Lelfferei';. aton. Peggy .Alteron. ...4 5 5 0 • i4oDuieoerVatlitoitenl.e, Gi;clerleb, 3 0 0 6 C. Schoteley, Peterboro. Donna Pettis. , ...........5 t) 4 Galbraith, Amen. Thne--2.134r, 2.15, 2:17a. 2.24 Bleat, $400. Mack Peter ' 1 1 1 T. McCracken, Strathroy, Babe Unkno We Fraser, atidgeto'wn, 3 2 2 Texas Grattan... ......... .2 3 a Eeclesony Jimmy 1). ... ........4 4 4- F. Taylor, Exeter. All Right. ... .. . . 6 0 5 W. Herberts, Niagara........ T1me.-2.19a, 2.17e., 22 Tiot. 3100. .1, T. . e 1 J. IL Locke, Torazto. Matilda Break... ..... .1 J 10. McKeon, Guelph. May .. . . .. ...3 2 e J. Mullin, Goderich, s Dill Torman • 5 6 4 Dr. Robertsons Brockville. Van Todd Dr. Robertson, facekville. Peter Mac 56 66 64 . C. D. McLennan, Goderieh. • Time. -0,.1714,.2.17. 2a8a. Roy Brother:;, of Stratford, was starter. The judges were William Groeech, Strait/Id; O. Ginn and 4.• Goldthorpe, Goderieh, and the timer; Mr. Douglan, ef Ilderton; C. A. Hum- ber and IL Hap, Goderieh. NOTICE Parties wishing their cemetery late taken care of or fixed up, call at tho Goderieh Marble Worlie. SPECIAL OPTICAL NOTICE Have your eyes; examined by our well known and painstaking etieeial. ist, Mr. liugheon, formerly optical ex- pert ter Rents, Toronto, and Henry Morgan ee Co., Montreal. You are :loured of the very beet optical work to be obtained and at moderate cost. We furnieh all ntyles of frames and mountinge, the best make of the best makers, and our prime are from 81.00 up. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 15th and 16th. Come early. SMITH'S ART STORE, Gotierich. BORN 1111,1,. T. Mr. Ind Mrs. E. II. innom smilta. kilawil WI, a r. DIED 41,04.110,, urt t' uiulsy, .Waie4 1921,4 .J1491 e. Perla% In hin ?sib 'sear. IN MEMORIAM • 91f Os'. hag 01(13' Iry er Fanny ernes Auburn. who cued NJ' Seri i‘ %uteri ftli 191-1 A. I. . 4. • Whi.o 0 ntotiwr haw 1141 tliv. 41.01. gtriitw 7(0.1114 -more 90312 1.1Kul Pall ; '.3ed1114 amil/wr tkIwp. Without the ranile of 'a noillwr`o f,wo. \BUM S'PALtil411.- In hisiee milwwq or our norther. MII'A.; 11.ili el SLIlhor. Q+:19 died eight plaNs iiqtr .0u.n1it 91, Ai early mon when all taxt filial II:tote 10 great amiiiittel: In tillent, prleo. Ingo lite ±1.111 !Awl. Weleiya lwr %Own 10411 3 1131113, On' iwr at, Arbitan pinwr.,4 na 111 Ptinav..3 31111 gaatirl 414UP 3i0. tiool group et% Saabs 31i3131 113' - ettiee arta DetetliTelitas