HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-01, Page 8I 1PAGE LIGHT . , . 'Persian Pottery tou are invited to eiiine in and see ilur new line td _ Pottery. Vow, all sins E Fans Maws 7 Jardhisioseia Hanging Vikalla e • : , irkseroy &Ma sod Lageows Barworta, Thy prices n this pottery e• very reasonable. Don't ittIsa this opportunity of get. tine piece At • cetie* ef Helens, vieited et, the rione ot S13 AL C. Miteken- $ie en Monday. COLBORNE. Wedding tells are .ringiog this • - week, Quite a number „Wended the 4tin, ersi a the late Percy Stewart- ) idiot Mac *rot Mitohell is i•irn& int& kw neye in tioderieh with vela. ,Miss ti!ailya Treble uttended the -Inglie-flaidy wedding ea Thursday of this teeek. • A / • -1 t ki 2 DUNGAN A ON - ! 1 ' las. ft-, letviii•on wee a vi.itet in i , Stretford on Turoday, Xiss Dorothy Wiehster iii viiitina 4friende in Ihinganiltril fOt a teve. q days, i! Mise Clara_Spreui, ei Stratford, visited her parents,. Mr. ami Dav.la Sprout, eecentle„ ' Ma. ter.Tham, of Looden, is a *meet . with tier eoueins, ell's, rt. Iiiggere , and MrS, iii. -`,Crekio:vn, • Cildetine aletain, len, oti,-, Toeorito, is a gue$t with hey urele, ; • becilerlek dose and Zari3. R033. THE GODERICH §TAR e. 1 I 1 • -t ri Miss Marer,eret Reitn mita Ilea ben. en e Now is the time to have 4111" y0 Sewing Machine OVERHAULED Parte Oils, Nsedig47,0ta• MISS SNOBLE XCAGL • a .guest with friende ra Gederiele is ' ` . - .'• 7"---."---'4"--- i _ . . arss JosOphine Weir, pf -Aube% is. , visiting her comb], Miss Christine. Rotettson. 'Aft. Ceraiii Allman and friend of • - relatives here. elStOr, IUS, 1.. Vreany. • . tat Port Albert. • • ." . • xn attendend ance at toe thantouqua i‘onden, widie there. Toronto Philadelphia, I jeined him here. and with air. 013dI4r• and Mr. 033 s. P• Bn13`13 daily Mrs, B. J. Crawforn d, Miss Beth U - tripe to Goderich for the Chautauqua lis aud 12. Gaediner, rare toll- Torento, sptnt the week=end with Lis alre. 'Whitley Is a weer!, who her (laying at the Crareferd summer Lora Sorry te rood that Mrs, Thos. U. Messrs. Denson and /toward Cale MitiS Edith P. Hicks, of Bestraville, • COLE'S allin'ittsvonnciusin'seo-ntit.ill with both pleirriser airs. Samuel Allen. of Goderich, is -- 1• hes BON Alden, and other Beat 21111t nnne Iud thi$ week. 4 _ • Mr, C•eorgoPoulter,,of near Chat. .. ham. is visiting his Deena, M. Ruse ......., sell Pfrixonter, itt preeent 3Tr• en avd 507 °no I have been spending a few drorewith where e was a Stn nn n t n GODERICH. TOVIT.NSHIP vielled her daughter, Mrs. Herolo. mends in the vicinity ef onelidi. sehoel in the early ee's. In 18%1.03 -Montgomery one day thia week. be was teecher at S., S. No. 1, Code - Mita Mibel :Grigg, of Toronto, bus R. L. Reed and two tiaughtere, Xis* Annie Baxter has returned " iib. twie, and it was tie Pleasure W- iesen visiting at the home of Mr. and i from(rod I h it it 1 4 I Evehli end Mythic", et '°°derle117 so to visit that picce While in andg- 302v. G. W. iiateveod. dloOminge nswen4sse:oen he°e5,14p1) enetead".. el Wer0 Sunday visitors at the home ef rich. miss mks will assume her Gederieh township council will'hold , Me mid Xrs. Rebt. Davidson. . „ airs. M. MeWhinney. aIre. F.,Quald itrs, %mem yundt of Reetook, datIOS AS teecter here on, Slept. Urcl; . ' sur regular meeting atIfolinesville on end deugeater, Erie, spent MondaY with Ir, X d X '' ' Y dt The old boye and gn s of Nile were up iron Toronto for the weekel who has been engaged ea teacher ot end, which was spent with their me,. the Junior roam et Itungannon oehool• cle, A. F. Disher. lwas a Dungannon visitor on Wedneee airs. R. Higgins has r'eturned to, day viten. she met xoembers of the her home in Dungannon after visitingiechool board the home of the seen - among her former neighbors of thei treasurer. She was accompanieti by fourth conceesion of Ashlield. Iher father, M. Jno. Hicks, priecirial ; •Reed and 'brother, Stevirart Reedited fornier acquointaueea Goderien Toe Mieees France$ and Routh ,ef the Beamonle 54°4 wh° renew- • -C4 • t Monday, August Oth, ',SA a.m. with the foriner's sieter, Ms., John .4" " 41alle t *th ‘f school, widen VMS eltUil ed ort Jas. 3iissAliee Sowerby haS returned toi ,,erebie, • .. 070* Were reln- 'gne5, 4 Q'Girviner farm soma three miles south 4.Toronto after eiroxidinge-ve fortniget's --Nes; wens,* mr. und mrs,, _ _ . emotion at the home cd her father. •Baird and three Rev. Ur. Hyslop, et pendunguishe. reunion at Uttleor Gedetrieb, on spending mw .days mdtb. 11y. auk! and.family speni.Sunday.in Goderich.. • . • tho cona. . Demon oximson clay. ehildrens ShirieY7' ine occulted the PulPit of Erehino Wednesday .afterneoa, Some 100 41re. lla1Ple Nixen, • ' old* yeses pram us or Willungarenon 1.-ters•-neeossful ;•! • • Till RSDAY, AEG UST iet. 1e2e WOMEN'S DRESSES, -SILK CREPE and PRINTED SILK, ON SALE , 1.111.1IPT Fashionable Summer Dresses in neat patterns, silk, and cotton .ufix crepe5. medium 7 al and dark colors. Sins 36 to , 44. Regular $9.00 to $12,00. On I otiti OMR% • through to the back, 6 new patterns. „ ValLE LIGHT SUMMER - Battleship superior inlaid pattern, right' DDRIMIESSISAND 2 yards wide, at per square yard $1.25,< ' 44' SPecial • ° ° ***** 4146 $1.50 And sue, Choice patterns, light and darky,16 COATS SHEETS AND SHEETING Best quality Buglish Bleached Sheet- ing,. 64 inches wide, per yard 650; • 72 inches wide, per yard, 75c 82 We. wide, per .yarcl, 85e. Plant pone twills and neat tweeds, many sill; lined. • Regular 8/5.410 to ° $35.00. On sale.. $5 to $15 RUGS Sidney Wilton Rtigs: Special sale. - 3 x 4 yards'. * ** - .$65,00 1 3 2c '33/4 yards..., .,,, $60.00 W. ACHESON •& .RELVAST Datql'allitOOlt •Yo upg on& sietee..aire:. "2,' Ifender- Mrs /driltleigen, fniffi the'West,ii:‘ ' • "" und Mike, A. Jolinstorlidi Tuee---ee itr• Wtre SO‘verh-V'' * rettY and Wei las° Misses Orate and 1B4sbyter AU -church on Sunday. On people assembled. to renew femme avid airs. Thos. 'Org1.1$01% SPent • thuill tli Sir dal(' Rev Shortt, of f I ips. and review fernier half- last Tuesday with relatives in , . extes$,of 71257°0°, • :Nrz 11/4?bn 4/14 Mles 1/'et4 Devel.'"*' NatIOni4 .0_14111fi'LlOri le greatly b held is usual in Detail.' Wen f of Detroit, were home tor the.week- . The sery ee w e e JUL'. ous n - re sr , ih . . Tinton mb next Sunday tit 4 p.m., Sunday setcol at 2 ' Tile pastor , Rev. G. Buttovill oechps tiw • ASIIPIELD ' Monday with Me, and los,. 41ne.•Triee Dame, was the 441111ieter. • pertiUgenf tlie old echerd. -The ,sehoel towel ana Palmerston. * bre, WRSTOIELD Toronto,' who had been a guest at the thie has been demotisbed and the 5:ree. • - • • g ar" took afr, 'Alp's work .on 'this ein . 4 . b onto, is vtsitmg 'moth her sisters Mrs Abe N1N S 14 • bliss Christine. btetean, D. N., of which was a two.roomed frame etruce. . miss. winnti, euente tf. T The Rev J. The Stewart of Guelph, „ „:„ •home hor Ir. Fred Pose and tion'os it ortginelly telste has een y iIIge BIZ end Mrs* Bent` wel, or lawn- Mrs, ,ROSS, left ties week for ,Ambeie. divided, part being triaged at 13. S. S. mr. and mrs.,, alyde. Reed, et „lb° Wonten's Institut will meet VERANDALCC,URTAINS • last Sunday, ° G D • :vends io Rincardine. • . . • ,1 . . - - ' * - le Ash -ft Id a . . 11°861e Atiwkerizle is. visItIPS*11'114 d M l' k C '" 11 ' 331.; arid 'We McLean. , • ' 1 and 1) it ,aii th •S. S. No. 1,, West. We eng°7 Y1811.'ed 14-th, her hr°blier%,3105*, ars. Ehnen:Wilt and Walt. Alton...be. , a' ...-. a -"le :°f.,,Urs: "9,* IVinsc,n e,n. .. v., ..,,:p p ------ ' ' are visiting with- their daughter, ley where -she will ,visit her parents No 17 Vieest .leirtwanosb and Aslifield, . -, .• . , e +1 h / . .r. on , re.. tan ampre , . 'Wednesdily,, Aug* 7th. ' Colborne .fore learirig!for" Lei . Angeles, Calif4 '1‘fa.s.ter Cebu ',Crezter, of Crewe, Jell; '-',,noY11.1ells; rriPantiter; allitr Wtemn. visiting with his grandparents, Mr. stripes. Estimates free. „, , • „ . Mioe battle •Snell- spent 44 LOVitdayir Itirs„. 'Joe. blebtoth ;end two •-•on, watio$ * . . „te. lanit,..1$ visiting at her hem in Iiio.. ' . . of Londeeboro are visiting- the Ilert.. Malerbutriey. They made tee e X e W V th r 'II d l'' 'I * • Mt . .. m. • o e gr _me atin y. sm$ _. se ...3 0 C__ ,, 1Vii J n Da meth Ana mrs Mick 4101400itzi WOO built orne-on. the . °nd conceseion of . West Watvanosh ,,tuli'ptiTlhbor ..._ El ald of .,,,-St Rel 'us,' 1 hiiss Donald* and Ivir Peter .14e., of loo this „hot weather/ Made nit: ',Vis•ted . est from '8.,,ozi Empire- duek,,eizei ' Mr. Zee. Maeltae, of Toronto; ehm, Min Arinie M...afeellortaid. of Dee . ' " ' ' ' Mine ter the week.ead„ .. , last week at the thomeof 'her -untie, Nopoan and 1;40er:once, , of Regina', known as Nue see00 • „ 0 . e Bradford of Goderieli '. were„receet visitors with their cow- was ,Marki'$0.M0 et years,ogo an new. • ,, • . . • .- ' • . and Mrs, Wnx. Campbell,. , ' Hente ebout a tent for sleepinge`oate d division. .next Wednesday. - .: , ' • PORT AVBERT . ' . . varied Ste pulpit in Addle/ft Preeby- , , X . • d al . W • %id f L' X ,.... Tie Xis Robe t Shaw and air tile pupiler wire formerly attendee the day, ttFtleY*, at the' home of ae_es. Jeerer- :7s;,eig:,,,er...kiftf,iiyn.cerl$1?.,:tiv fOxit eln: • F. line coletioun, of Toronto, oc- and tbe, other at •Nile, to ereemarnodaee .. . Reny Fiching' -is th.0 "order of 'I:1w ,- ' _ 'hottie of' Mr. flild Xrs. Alva ;•lcDowell. trip from Regino by motor. • icrian (qt.trth en unday.- • , ,..,es,,oro, Imo. aet rt. ay. at the ee : rs. , A li%'ttri l't i " F 'A"' 1) °II' d rear' .Arthur ' -Sli f mativar ' tive.room,., 10001, Sento readange, Mr, Rector Tigert event. a few days .., . .* 7 • . NELSON S MiS8 Maepenaltl'` en. sten and four dughaVtewr's!ofi ToIronhto(4, home of air. and airs. Alvn McDow. with Mr. anti vs. re er ek o tt:st, wvasertes Evete,haseseini,aode.mgehriinnegiusde:j illit'T0-7011140trireeTteriY.eo. dna xtis;uttrner , • phone 567; Ne,slate.s.treet. CARLOW - - • onto, i$ the •guest of her aunt, ale& m mitten R n r and . ot (i. were guests on Xonclay at the /Mine Duncan alueLennien• Laurier* ' wi v.ixf St: lila ;",vi 1 d soTTituara. of Xr. and Mrs, Meat, Davidson. reP115 °I'' ill the new, school sections. Former cottage near the river. i • . Miss lloeo Altine‘i, U.11,4. of Parkhri., , , -.!--.__-,....___ Better fear kilie $ ots for us to the school which hed ewer°, 11 roe u Dickson is spending her eete is with her sieter, Vill. Thos. Wilson, Mr. Elmer West is spending a few d n' with r-• 5' iel cm w F Th w iie g il' y f E hkin 'at° eXI°ence 6°' Years agc assena4 tete* at her home here as Purse* P *11.,i4,,l‘ll's,* 42," -,,,I,Fc..„..„et' RI„ nta: ''„, 1 The lerestfield tlnited Sunday nOeet„Ing *11,,ah„,ur6t.,,,,,,„anet.,,,„n•.„,°n,,,„?! Clinton,' Leeknow, DOngannerli 00 0' °n hero ast• week. • joyed it very much. • • - ry lean . is:visiting . ths tome of ter treth- , -Friday 4'48n "nr"" *Any444114 n'l """engee school told a suctessful. pienic last tile 41°Tne,-, °' „.4nr5A- •`"''''""e,„,,.,`" ' riele, ond other points. The neigli- The youth -of‘the liurg enjoy a genie *hoot $ectien .No. 1 hes secered 7 ere Mr. DODalli MacLean, Loclialsh. iwm, weiden, from Dungannon were in attendance. bee always been known ler its hiedly jaeh oreen, at the home of Mr. ADA Mrs. neY• of %Amy. ee hemeer °~. 'ewes berhood to 'which the seltool belongs of briseball in the evenings. . of Detroit, called, on te,ibegin work on Sept, Ntia.- Welell, ef 1,,ondon for teadhen. ` - days at the tome of- his parents, Mr, dkaYntiLlt their°In"' presbeyta;"eti'ararhhicaird its mel'atid; Ited, „eon: ing •fLeenta Ystoriroena TPooirnotosto"- /yip., Jack oreen, here.89 tailed froM this yieinitr Att,inded nnng Ono e d D CI toe Gnautauqua everysess on an ene . . friends Itc7" Mr. WM. A1°114°511 and MT8' XeSerei, a0d0101.31 anti Alfred Mr' and nen*" and fam: Pirit toward eeerymie and especiallY old neighbors 'during the week, jist. •Soileciepots in garments ore,eulte apt ',McIntosh, of 'Mitiverton,: and Miss Mrs, A. le.ellendersoie for feiv to rause eo end of trouble", When ot- Cook• of TUronto, ave visiting the lat. ilY, •of Heron teelao were Sunda)* • award tilos? glthiri its „own beandar* ,eteer friends, . . zdd AO ,other relatives. its$ gnes sehool were present, ss o , 0 days. . health. , home dry cleaning. took •for eny- . ' . a -nti VI t" , guest of her couein, Miss Marjorie oederice, An excellent slimier, wag . Mts Mather e 100 03i4ige' Of t116/111 35 renialning .1)1' 4 /bit* t,ne XiOndeStiOri1/2 141,4 Mr. T. G. Allen, of We are very pleased to hear that m• At TA '• Iss are °rile spent last wOck °dile; drore-ruired garments to explo,, , iBri wi. n .8 s'n - tune otlng,one Of nis eows- week listened to vnth much Interest, the - A rfandr-r lef farreere ere bosY eat- Port Albert • "eleardrex'to ' • .. ' - ,, .• • se n Ural Campbell i end- hv. a trnek, winch hreio. a hone in the program- eqing,presided meat ley a for- trig the fall 8v11%,tt.r '0,10h is a rerY far, And fire. John 'Yining, with '. ' • ' e„„. Cod , , ing this week adtv ber cousins, Mis- 00^'w's shoulder. She Sustained some pier . old „..10)5 t . and student, of . the good eroP. ..}'•:* their family and relativee.held theft ' Ilie etiat -- i seri Maxine and Derniec Ford. am/ ent$ and bruise as will. ribe truck school, Mr: WineSeillee now of Godee , Corabelle Diekson returned on Sun- annual picnic at, Glen Maitland 'on. e no -'2.2.e ii_ or ., liti • • ' °belt frlenda 14 e°1111ber' ' had some damage flone to its lights rich. • The enegeireir were made bY day from a MO eveekee visit with her Saturday last. • . , • • 1.11ecion •err., !anoint narlif Ancleey .-Conter and little daughter, .air. and airs. Roman Carter, alle and tad the fenders. dthged somewhat. Mies Scat Loiedslarrof P. L '148 sieter in EtheL , . We are storey to veport that Mrs. i-• ' ' ' , , '. : Xro. Wm. lt, St -others and ..$0n Rileatriele.. h*tnuoittOrt; 'Illeesra• "-ve Mrs. Roy Fritzley returned tome Mem. -Wilson xs under 'the doeteees • . Rev. Wm. Tay104' of Delmere, is. , - ter's father., alr. David 00014 ,und guests with Mr. and hire, Be XeDete. les.- TWO , i*:,.teUditer3 -uf the 1st aying t6 ked ith the meatre fain' a of . • " ' A at his cottage here for a few days, is with ter mice, Mrs. C A 111I tt f Robertson, who 140* in her tuna' c - 4.1datiltehlutftitvz soi4entut delat!tirbtlgt. witriesit,McDonald bli cl l'Earl Wightumn... _ George Anterson nod, the, In S trr," ter 'irke "3,171_t_ . 9 IcarrallnhUi ine;t11n1).,aerfk'Ppeeehallialt agaiMisn, g' a , to: a'a"un_. awiletaillihileet,.grtira.!-daltir-eltter-1%autIvesl-ofvs.1711--4Isaljp4terngtednitfr,y0TnlendlifTyollx:rt;.. :for • 001CR GROCBRIRS, •PRIM'S, VEGETABLES, IIMER, EGGS, . hlEAVS, b1.01.IR Enerythieg the Best. 1LVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM leidaire Famipped for our paoteetion, ' C I inolOok.around and be 'cone ; rimed" where eleeeliness .is giararaount Sparr's Grocery The • store of satishietiop. • HAMILTON elltEet, 00E110 Jot* lta. We deliver In town Joyce, of Seefoeth, were the guests Went 'motored on Sunday to Elea$no4,Ddittow and Gordon efter spending sonie ,time with her care • suffering front pleurisy, et sou, *A Master 'Woodrow Roy rs spending* The C. G. I. T. will hold a 1811 :oe -....t....._„....„,..._.___41..."..."*"9°644, 14 Rev" Stuart' Ut 'GluelPh" had' charge "Aire,* Ws silelsotne!' TheY AVOW accompanied girls who have.become useftil Mem- few days with Ids sister, mrs. Neil baking and ether good ithings, dt th4 . of the eervice in the litrestilekrilnite,d IT ears. 'tv, T.-ataiee, tual sou, Earle* ben of society' in varions wait*. nf--' Schram, of Goderiet. 'Star office on Seturday afternooneteci • -P- illow lit. R. Alp, is taking his summer • vacation. Rev....swift vas „sown. Mrs. W. T. Melee and son, Brie In -t he werldieltibsetresn,a.tuttiotegnirs: 000pio of weeks ,io Detroit oodwind. people. - ., • „ , • , . stied b his wife who have teen vlsiting reletives iii 'nil" $ 141Ver$ " sor vlsiten liee cous n ' m on Sunday, et the home of Mr. and "the were gneets with the for: VnlingN nf .19Oderich. rrom the mother in Dashwood. • wish her *opeeds reiovers, Lars. Bert Taylor. - rho -Kal. S where J ae ti old 'scai hool have' gone 'out' bo arid , .ne„ , , eot treet church last Sabbath, as, the pristorle Ahlopite. , lite and who .haye made.their rook Mini Ruby Dickson' is ittSig fora fair patronitge of the tovvn The West Street , .. . r. . - - ....- . ... Dungannon and vicinity, left on Wed- el'°" I) ' Y . ,Defore the gathering dispersed ,,.., g . 1 s• . r• and Mee. Joe Xeres, of But; of faltie with their friend, Mr. Horning, ' ii niruall4 Woods.'$711,Uallt°111/4" 41'' nesdaY for A shbit visit with friends it 'ara5 ananimana4" 664°4 to make 411.s. Meillt" a'nd' little nan' of Toronto, visited with the 'formee's Mlle; Mese arena Hoover, of Lansing. rind relatiVeS nt ROthse ui r 4 d the gatbering an annual event, to be Clevelend, are visiting with the for - brother alt Roth Morris, over the Int .1«, 0..rMilin g bean, of Tim. ccomeaYted °na her held on August"Ist of eaeii '.& *i titer's mother, Xrs. John Tigert, for Mieh., and Mrs. Renr lloovtr, of 4111.0°I,g:r Verteig'xsAA PI f Y h - rth a feW 'weeks. . , week.e4d. ugustine• o illyt '•• A ritN, , . , Mr. and Mrs. jerk oTherepst,n of of the DUnitannolt United thureh tell Mr• Earl, Rah Y OS go On a 1 outfit. . * - n• n 0 - le outs Mr. and Mrs hieMilla a d th their fail wheat and barley, which Blyth, on Mrs. ooverat nth- * • ' ' -• , Atiss Nary Morris of Manitoba, Ray maktng ts over tar the prcs, en, J. N. and W. IL Campbell. The garden party held on the lawn . spent /a week. with ter grandpaxe ent and the farmers are busy with b h t h 'Toronto returnee tome last week' tit. Wednesdey .evening under the auspi. emn 'te newthreshing* er relatives nd fri has Fipened• very test WA account f • 'lter spending a eauple of weeks at the "8' ""14 tion vtas.l. t: saline tank this' week. Rev. and We. Re Lundy are enioY, mt.. and mes. Robot mr.so N Hit ti the antense beat and other friends. They wove hey" of. Mr, "d Mrs. wrn. eAtaiden ,1% successful event. The supper was 0 te ge cottake. Miss hiaud jergesoll. f two ehildren, Grace and Ruth, are 4 ri Uri I • 4. ing the•beautiful lake lereezes at their cnied by Misses Madeline and atte, ecemn, served .on the Ian% While the conecrt Mr - VMS given in the ehuteh. The pro- the tintEetialvtarnarnSileiteltWVIlgithltriPenendasming Seafortle le steeing there else. , o ulaying at Bule-a-wee, the heMe ef t wAdden, eeed$ of the evening amounted to $70. Windsor.. . • „ me. Tigert and his cousin, llitenIVItienosns. pArrer4ts; re.ktu, d Mrs, Lant wkeVek. rettonea by 4 nor. Mr. and Mrs. Rector McGregor, of Mr. N. S, Whyard received the sad Mies Dorothy aluteb, of Clinton, i$ intelligence on Thursday of tire sud- spending, ter holiilees with. friends den death at Elmira of his niece, Mir.. in the village.. lam Bcditel. The funeral will be ' Mr. Jeremiah Taylor and family bad on Saturday afternoon to Dun. were at Dright's Point the former gamma cemetery. Miss ids "%Myatt, part of the wetk. R.N., of New York, who 'WAS bete on me, Arthur trawler, of Wingham, visit, left immedietely for' Elmira. spent the week -end visiting friends in Anhue some fields -nreatteat in tbis this neighborhood. distriet were eut last wage the cut, - time has become general this week- botit„..*.callnledd 501nrs.frPie°n8dtalil'h'et., Lthendbee5: The wheat is a good er0)4 this year ginnin of the week and it is estireeted that the yield may The Chopping milli is s'hut down thiti rnerly Miss Ellen Drape*, of till react upwards of fifty beetels per _ riVeran, motored to Toronto Complete • investment Service by Mail . • We maintain a complete investment service by • mail. Clients wishing to avail themselves of this service will receive the UMW benefits from the OrigafdatiOn as if one a our representatives called in person. Cur August booklet "Investments" contains*, • carefully selected •and diversified list of securities. It will assist • you •in choosing securities most suitabk to your requirements. • We welcome the opportunity to demonstrate • the convenience of investment by mail and • shell be plemeti to furriisli booWel's or infor.• metier' concerning any issue on request. , 1102v1/7•110/4 SEM/53111MS CORPORNITON ILIMITED tiftti °eke: TORON to • NEWYORK VANCOUVttt WITA044010110 101 MONTREAL• TORONTO 24 King Straw E. LONDON, 11. r. tiVtirrit Itnowavi•tcoormot 0••514 • - thorn route and were foxtunate to League eitY. Texas. *tr°1 Mr.8` MeGre" tupture u nouthor etas fish. go", Sr., visited with •Mr. Sandy (Intended for last week/ 'A pleasant evening wad spent mi 4,*11. ' • 'WWI. elletedny evening, July ltitle at the R Mrs: ChesleY, who linVe been sifend- Rupture, 'Varicocelef 'ehr,lcose Electrical Soli • We dirty a good stock a We Specialize in Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on Electrical Appliance* Fixture), etc. application Alt Work Guaranteed • Frank McArthur ' none 82 litest Street home of Mr. and Mine. Thos. Dough - S upture pecalist erty• It being In honor of Mr. and - ing their honeymoon in and areund Vein), Abdominal Weirkuees, . • . Port Albert. airs. Chesiey was for. spinal Deferent c I i • r le is makingsome nee lace and s s free. Call or write Isere, abet of the lute', which also w°°1-'" who, were much pleased to see them. ew urni ure „ P r ha men/ warm friends J. G. SMITH, British Appliance "was a heavy eraP• has tQcn stored in ca°8arY the barns. Master" Dot Medd and his sister, I Mr. and Mrs. ChesleY left f heir repairs, to the dam. Specialist, /5 Downie St St ,ais • ford. Ont, t N 't their holidays ,in this localite'. ,• following address %US reed: •• : • „ . , • -. • IF YOU NEED • Mrs. Frank Jones and two,clithlretn Roy and -Pauline, returned on Smutty • from Goderich, wItere they had en- joyed a delightful visit with relatives, "While thzire they.attended the Chau. tamper. On their return they were accompanied' by Miss Doris Raw. theme, who is rentainieg for * visit with her cousins, Donalds and Revert Jones. 1 Robert McAllister, the nine.year. Dorothy, of Goderith are spending home on Monday of last wee The Mr. Rich. Pianism% of 'West Wawa- iDearo -the members of ..?;441.. SEE US FIRST. nosh, passed through the villege this Ladies .Guild ot 401trist church* Port „ week with a OM Waterloo separator. Albert, desire to convey to you and 71,12114AS mr, mos. num, ,etbo bag been in, your inteleind our vek best 'wishes Vi for your hap/three* through life, 'You charge of the Fox ranch here, !eft heVe *lari 0110,04 a kindle' interest • • Miss aleggie Small, former resi. au geed may bless you and yoursand styles for the bride - ward. for his termer bent° in Prince Ed' itt the thurch'and the Guild; our We can furnish the finest ar. prayer is that the bountiful giver of • rangements of Rowers In all dent of Abe vilhute, now of Toronto* keep you este thous), please eel son et Mr. reid. mrs. w. ./taseit is the guest of MoiS Sadie Carter at *recent this eaten gift as eliht me. eitlent whilf assisting in &awing iter. of Dungannon, were visiting at absence nein' Thy eare.'",---Signed or, FLORIST McAllister of the seventh concession Pr""t' -•• of West Wowettosh, met with an ac. Mr& Ernest (Arvin and her &ugh- IlitTlieorlp°e11; °Ire tenvaer ones in GEO, STEWART * hay. Ite was earner by the hay foth ,the home of 1Wr.r4. James Johnston the behalf of the !Adios' Guild. rope when the weig came on it and former Part of the :week - 'Fite address was read by Miss Rev r. nes thrown over the gangway, against 11414$ Annie Sturdy, wItt• iven: riet ibiyden, seeretarp.tressurer, and - ! badly sprained or a smell tont No- not improved lately. ,he was token Listie Poster, president of the Llid. some stones and had his 'mast either on the siek list foe a long time. has the presentation was made by Minot - keir.. Meet EWA Rime+, who bet been i, . TMs week end last week eirverel Auctio to Clinton hospital. last week, ies' Guild. The Oil of 13'mver -It is not claim - employed as operator in tte central ,heve been harvesting the fall wheat ed for Dr. Thorness:Ecleetrie 011 that hitt on Wednesday 'evening for, year. 'The grain is well tilled. it will Tenlette every ill. but its usesPERCHER r' inat *t he 1) k d • a • - ['boo* 105 n Sale.cof a car load of of any description We Positively Save ye" • Money HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE MIXT FOR MANN= MAMMA Ake of the Goderieh Rural ‘Telephonti It appears to be a good crop this • nu . I ____ `toxistrieb, when she tePorted for doll M. 0.'le, Oilekt and 3•Ick and Miss upon as a 'general pain killer. it ha a t _., as a ourse-,in-4raining at tlie Alexan., jean °field and Mies BillY CAM of achieved that greatneme for itself, *re...11,7- i--t---------ea----- dra **rine and fienetal ,Hospital. Dundee, 'were guilds of Mayor anti its ex."ellente, is /omen to all Me,' . • • and GELDINGS Summer Footwear We with her suceess in het. nem eit.1511,3,,, maeEwan durine, the w.-ek. • have teAted, its virtues and learned litiirpriae. Her work is heingAthen by by expnrierse. 1 miss pearl Finnigan, a former oper,,i 101).ustmhvistithre$.fart.eome:sepsititaiminfottohen,wmeerli. atm MR. 0. W. CHUR.CH JOReplt lAwison ond ?dr. Aleoraidef The IVI*441 ThiVidiOn'S farm 1 Mc Iteraie visited friends in Brure. 'dreis's voles* Mi Fridoe ShOM6014 ?Mt Sabbath Mts. 11...wee at . Bowling Shot% Golfing Shoos and Tennis Shoes ,.Progrfterian church held de annual I ticr father- the late Peres* Stewart, Ch dah ra We have a large variety in Sport Footwear lwere retooant vidth the maw' of chit, ; field. Running Shoes for the Boys and Girls 4 .w111,1% tho Mustlsy **boot of Erskine Colborne atteading •the funeral of ipiente. note parents and thirre se% t h. V will sell by Public Auction at Aubu en I TUESDAY', AWL 8th • • Our Bowling Shoes are mto ade give comfortti ld an :irryd totiwr, swim awl iau;The: ttnin wete'% airs • snug fitting in the arch. Try them. took vasirrie% iberge of the afirrlreS In St, Mark*•4 We liana a vier siert-, reys an wok sombre te otyle ia rtaken eah1V12, ilot Sabbath- Next Sli.Pbdar /Mit wrandalt rhaire and kers. 'Macke Our Golfing Shoes were made especially to our orderur au fies mon% tho le!" in the eveeing there will Ine,ff•simt youi!. while the elietew is geed. 6 2 year ow colts and believe me they are real Golf Shoes GET YOUR OUTING SHOES AT Sow* W. Hern's Shoe Store on, at 2 o'clock ease from morning till night. They have that dilly'', Pam :411 mr. woof,. tind•rioi. toot ---- 16 Young Mares and Geldings G d ,1 , WO a tun. All ewer ell Ott it it"."... me %La.' ...••• 4.1.....A..4"...r...' Ir ert fotweloiliv. 'niece Aillovfolt of tfillio woo a Nod enjoyable it•iaaen., i ' " • '-v -- tee- - Mr, WEL Ormirfewt, ef Vietorlo. WVA1-1744, :1117Th":41simiii°11-61%:•11:411. tivivieekofortriver•nin"." 44.1 I*" Acrlit"t € •Mr (*. M e game ise Ms eases. Ilt. et hsylimr tiii• 1•04•40 attack by lithf, ... ...,-.............. And oft, a 3. _ _ . Illa 104 on*. widen obriselk the elifetray. Ile.1 j R. wHoriAR• Iwfv. orrfrod hat* a few womb aril otriapod foffar fdastfr WWI Ifolvaildte4 Nara allicsor, Fireare lair "and ofeasater. Min Holes Crawford, *frown* It mod foliewir* (Nom, ffi 4 i 0.4 him. %MP* rnliffort rrIefirt, At rr%emoi ofttkif• i° tht Nell" - „,. There are several well snatched pairs, *11 in good condition. Tenna-Ctaah T. GUNDRY & SON. Aucrao rs