HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-08-01, Page 511/
... gall his puma perroes in Lon., ef the Western 'world whim is als3/ Op Toe:elate efternoen after an irt-1
'PHONE SO •IL-Mnek GODERICII1 ONT. don. Mr. Toy has toured with such the eastame af lin awakening East' lrodeetory musieal program ay the'
, ,. China. the leimelena, was beckons Jubilee singers. Captain Stanley Neta
artists es enehn McCormick and Mel-
ba. leg to its Sting, sons with a Westetn son Dances? delivered a, most interesai,
rewpoint, sons who had been study. ing address on enanadianieetionet lie
, ' • Mr. Lewell Patton. an artist
,h mg "e wa" aisPallet'tice.4ritsipe. nate hroiasnymtkilieltetiriaft.
asptrwmitettelle oaust ti
Cutl'''''' of meta pleasing personality, took his emeee youht
•will long. be remembered by the wry
audience by etornt and his numbers ',thee.- years from now volt win -
see"one ' Chinese taborer *beer. The ,sifter The acquiring of riehes at the
not- Canadian., ere guilty of in etriving I
GODERICH CHAUTA music lovers. Mr. Patton's *Pug Cinnese are going home to an maks `expense of unity and the development ,
_ of his OWII COMPOSitiOnS and arrange. odor Chive to take their Places with of this Canada of ours. We have the
ments were delightful, and met aatehr,,,.eih" educated relatives. greatest eountre in the world if we
The Goderieh Chautauqua nes year ing last, was the play, "'The Family beautifully rendered. Ile is a notearas ee hesenet• 0 num, weshee, was eau mah, persuade the people in ate
has, we believe, proved the most pop- Upetaire." This woe given by t'l le efianist and a eomPoser of fame any Awe. eookee, cOokee.' These Chinese plitty the game. Taere is not a sperk •
ulat for mane' Years, 'land the pro. Martin Erwin players and the store 'has studied :inter the great • masters tire today studying, teeny of taem of Cariedian eitizenship tau& in eu
grants 'have been exceded by none, la was. very amusing, very true to Meat)! the Reyal Academe, London, Par- blue ottaero eonimeree and eonondes. schools. front the Atlantic to. the P.
feet we believe the general feeling is with a delightful love story running is Rome, Berlin and Vienna.
lying as this is the first year for The 'station; the father a simple goodenats The address "Awakennat 'Oetna.
I!IS others ratite end thee within% beck Iii.e. (Everything we have is brought
f * itride. that the come from tbe hoine are to 144.l 114 a 14111 11 of Canatlisme
i to China all& Fan with not n little to ns through organization. If 'tee
101) that the 199 Chautauqua has been through it The Heller family are numbers are all of highest auslay,
the best in years, watch is very greta typiesil of the average family of their end rendered with much. feelirige
Canadian Chautatiqua In Godetich ured fellow who sees no settee in eet- on Paturday evening WAS 410LVered bei Chin*. ei•vilizstion was ameent ell. eat an'etent we eve evithout head
of .Alexander Graham Bella* we must became thoroughly organizs
and, Debate°. We do not remember 'Lug with a collar one the mother elate. Tehyi Hsieh, a polished, cultured when Carthage was at the zenith of, ot. tail. What the boys .end girls of
o'er to ba° seen seal well attended strong minded women arho tikes to ;Chinese statesman, 'who cameo tram its pewee and wthen ItOnletWaS youngi today need is the contradesaip en a
afternoon programs in Goderich tie put on airs tvith the neigabors; Wits; tin. East to Canada its an ambassadoe and while no doubt certain eritielsrae real did and an understanding moth.
we have had this year, the tent being aie, the lovable idle son, who would 'for good will to the West De. Hsieh might be levelled and certain remes er. .Men find fault with boys alto
'usually prette well filled WI several lather begome a aolitichin than get a is a giftese orator and holds his aud- dies advised,., the counter, even as it frequent plates they should not and
evening programs exceeded the twat- Job; (Annabelle, the delicious flapper fienee,in the palm of his hand. He it was today, an a partinly attakeited yet will do nothing to provide seines
big canaeite. The night of the fist sister, whose one idea is to evade her! a graduate of Cambridge lIrtivereite state, Clad much to commend it
• ._ t . ( • e
playe the opening night of the chau..musie lessens; ends itf supreme im- land Las 'had wide diplomatic exPer- Dr. Hsieh wes reassuring; with res direction. Play the game with the
thing to (Urea the boy into the right
mew.* poets Men,' ,s,toot and addl. portance, Louise and her young man; ience on 'bah sides of the Atlantic. aard tet the Bolshevist •Menace. boys tad girls and they will play the
ii01141-"satitingerotait-seettreet-fek meat- „..augh je „theawaythmiroaram °unite inr. Hsieh is one -Of the oustandine ene,„„e ti,,A China
quint eteogeams. No' doubt.the fiat ed the caste,. and the confluent that Wares onthe IsTOTY-Cbifia. "Ire artlitt -ea—anana"":""' ceneneear ha ganie it you suggested *meek -
came militarized; Chine.: cart fleet me' Nevoinitry ot itailfatieleabas alik
that the.Chautengint this ;year eti nn- the play 1'. 41111-, the Iheata with he only Chinese member of the Interne- become Boishevized lac num it is de- tiling on us 1Vhen it tomes to kook
. der Clinialian manegernent Lee time* vivid Picture •of the. little near tra-Itional taw Assoeihtion er London. termined to become Cheistianized," he trig up &ears. Out patriotism
buted Ittreely to make the 'event pepue gedies, hopes atid ideeln.crawded un- England, ana the Willitunste•wn Iilstis asserted,. pointing to the progress of
Jar and the levneourse tieltet of $2, •to the Heller family nicely sums up tete of Polities. He is the mating -
plus amusement •tax of 20 cents,' is the ptoduttlen. ing director of :the Chinese, ,.. ;LI? atIztetIrrlIsIdirriadinlvrannesialisfileeibnee:
Taide the missionary church in the east.
The value of meoPaganaa, parapet tbipg
tee speaker Harem for this continent. Tinder the ' more than dollars and cents.
another favorable factor: And the On Friday efternoott; a larly theough the medium of newsspas Using his war experiences as' an 111 -
Canadian Chautauqua is adopting the was Mrs. D. Pirie Beyea, who gave an. old regime ,he performed many and
Plan of not using tip part of the even- excellent lecture on "hewer:en or varied diplomatic missions for China , ,..
per publieity was recognized, Ctrs
„ gument he recalled that the allies al-
ine entertainment egrioti to try to Catastrophe." Mrs. Beyea has tra- in Englon'd, South Africa end the tam eastures of Occidental journalism ways attached the strong points be.
were not 'particularly praise-wortay. eaUS they realized , that the weak
sell Chautauqua for the earning year, yelled extensively throughout the Defied States. It is more than in -
but the power of the pt WAS a veer eoints Would fall with the stroeg.
"a 'practice. which More Klan anything world and s one of the first' wont- toasting -it is thrilling to listen to real teeter, not in the least to be min- The eanie argument applies to our
else helped to bring the Chautauintas en to go eve seas in 1914. HerIlli$ S011 a .1 11 born of a Confut
we had before into disfavor. The cestors have , been. famous in Militery, ai"ist father and a BaddhiSt ratIt..."'"`
the nations sit the East to see: the cept opportunitiee for service. Whet
ea inked. Japan had been first among daily life. Many of us refuse to cc -
plat of giving two plays is popular diplomatic end caternertial affairs. of and nOW It/emelt a Methodist tell of
peat advantages of this medium and we need is e little bit less of this
and having one of the plays the open- the British X pire. Her grandfatte the land of his nativity. Dr. Hsieh is
Chinia too was aware of its potence. thing they call religion and a' little
ing night teas a good hole in selling er, 'Sir George Alsbury, was at one a meet interesting figurts and speaks
Dr. Hsieh gave assurance that lie bit MAT of ebriatianity. The only
veason tickets, to those who did not time Lieutenant Governor of tee Bri- a beautifully finiebed English, the re- would not be forgetful of Canada and reasoe we eininot have Peace an this
buy 'until they came to the tent tisk West Indieet ,while Sir Henty sult of his Catnbridge education. An
' 1 s re rn- world is be•ause tve will not realize
A. Much greater personal contact Lawrence, another %relative, was rium- interpreter of the New Chtna, its as-
pirations mid ideals, ed home. Mter all thew .WaS a close the velue of eo-operation anti service. P
. • between the Oaitutauqua manapiment bared emopg the histeric defendartts tla Tehyi Hsiele
- a Walt antitee with the Itursian Opera tired la triketionel Cates*. costuirs
Company, 'The student* *as visix.y coming at lik the' 'Mr" _ ('';
Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead 4impreesedysith the beautiful evetuntee legate' ao eapaqiusea tsli.“
rid nespetwent scuttle, tibe Orton In esesrefednds. ie.
Musical attate of Saturday ether. Hsieh saluted his eadiente. Vet tea
noon end evening were Ernest lay, emulate sad tilia lagted anwleaitechalia4:4
elvettalian violinist and Lowell Pat- things at the awe and a
ton, Camalien pianist and composer. tuel tone into being- No tenger,
31r, Totes rendition vf intricate sel- need the Chaise, retain the anciat
ections by great IllUS...iinclit such a* dress, no longer amid they iti*.in, theie
Xreisler and ether tweeters of the hair as the stya symbolic ot an Gli.
°ViAlill captivated the audience. Mrs tient elatery enforeed 'by laseteue
in* has a high reputatioti as a violins comma -ere And tiluetretine, les
fat and all les numbers were beauti• weals Da Iberia removed lees long
picturesque Cainese ivat, and east
folly given.
Campbell's Dru • Store ,. ,:.,audica his fiat violin and at 10 be, standina attired in the medal% (bass
'Mr. ,'Ay, at the $gp a giN ware, iside the headdress vf other thew,
We Imp the Best at Rock Bottom Prices:
PARIS GREEN, per Ib „ 4$e
ARSENATE 05F LEAD, hulk$ per th. .40c
449ti h;t111011 ttiii ti4Lii‘liiikag
‘t tee %test, Me. Erwin ,
b?1i tine Marten leraiii
if the anemia. • tit Winnipesr.
and is eye. the leading iiirteteri
and piste nt Canada 11
was raaretatere eves one e4 tee
best ever gszVill Fri the own, Nier Er.
win v,as tql:•.picicd by a. very tine caste
Minnifred Parker is a eating ware -lot
of testae sena charm, idesay euittel,;
for the dual tele3 ot' Kathleen area!
Monyeen aria Ribert eitcaratie
ea Dr. 0Wk11• liardillle was weederfte
in his part. The lighting effeste mei
scenery were eeeeptionetle- teed,
ding greatly to tail wand's:tail stery.t
Special Values for
ausaow swot.'
200 yards of heavy Ivo"'
Byrd Blue
in the new shades
Glint O'Gold
Navy Blue
and Black
This Silk Crepe is a regular $2.25
quality. Oar Speciab.Price
Per yard $i.69
Kiddies' Colored Socks
all shades. Sins tere Via tet WA.
Regular 39e per pair
Clearing at 24c per pair
Alt Wocilltatittizt-Suzius
A, Coot Place for Warm Weather Shopping
• and the people of the town bas. been of Lucknow. Mrs, Ileyea's leettire gave what as to most of itis aud- aand. a bond of war setviee between We can eever build Canada at the •
noted. this year than forinerly. Mr. was an appeal to the /parents to give Iowa a' new perspective On the Chin- the Britisb Empire and •China, be- expense ef a sister notion. We must satease
conception of the great changes that side with the British in the recent spirit of tolerance. We must build found thatthe Chautauqua people lets 1 , .
., J. M. 4 eckson. a Calgary, the fain- their children intelligent and semPa-
sler and president of the Canadian thetic understanding. She pleaded
• Cheutauciva, appeared on the tett- for health education for our Cane-
s • form on a riday. melt and mede a dial' eitzens. She WAS pavtieularly formed the East and drew a master- oung na wag affiro u oniS1114 MIS oi others- We have conquered they had in most &mese lite 1949
most 'favorable Impression both then fitted to bring this meseeee, eartnitily pietas of the Chita a the near the country in a bloodless conflict the air iind the sea but we have net Chautauqua dosed leaving a very tine '
future. • • reorganizing its social strueture. Pie- tonquered ourselves. The biggest job impression in Goderich, end It is
and meeting the local committee 'at.' seen many sides of life She delights eine the country' on art economically
terwards. • Mr. Erickson . explained ed her eearers, who listened very There was 'often found a misunder- sound basis., emancipating its women before us today in Caividianization, pleasing to know that the Chautauqua
* • There is not anything' ltmt .any ne. talent seem to reciproctite feelings of
. the origin of the Canadian Chautau- earnetny and followed taint Iciest. standing of the 'East in the • West. and modernizing it educational sys-
gee in the West due to tae slesire to attention the anessege E.;.n. Gelivered. Many 'Canadians and Europeans looks tion or any people beta ever dope apeteeiation with the people of thia,
ese situation. He brought a vivid cause 15.000 Chinese had died side.by put service before self. We need a Bhq Goderieh very much and she 1
have Within to brief it Period teens- great struggle( up a respect for the rights arid opin- ed to stay in Goderite longer then.
y ea upon tlie Chinese as a strange , 1. • el that we cannot do. In the west there own.
give the peonle eornething in the WA3.1 rn a musical prelude -Pride aft . _ - •
el entertainment ef a aigher trless noon and evenin concert Russian. people, a race anart, but after Mimeo As 'an eaelaPie of • narressi Da. are whole•eolontes that will never be -
Complete Line of
Every phase of industry will be re,-
onal Exhibition, Toronto.
resented at. the 1)29 Canadian Inas
la , the effee tveness and come Canad:an n twenty thousand
*r an mu e was evonderfialy inter
.. svere not so different under aim skin Halal'. Panted tn
be the only sort of entertainment in Prated 6y the ilotable company of
and the Chinese. were not as -"ormo: aaPalitY with which China was eradi- years u-aleas the -i educational system P,
than the carnivals which seeitied to t d si
ailing the opium evil. "far rnore.ef- is changed, coloniee where they are ti
many places, with influences that
, sinprs. and instrumentalists f An site" as thee sometimes seemed. As
States IS allowed to have their own foreign ..-..------• -- - • -------'
were not the .most elevating. This tot Prilthes commune, alvfo'se°0W Aar; " axample the Chinese language feetivelv than Vie Miffed
was twelve years ago. Today the eiets. Anatol Erik -in, who taPpeare seemingly so difficult, was in rearm)
. combatting its bootlegging industry.' schools and where the Eitglisa lan-
Canadian Chautauqua is serving ap. with the cornPaVt WAS' 'ton in Rue: sie simple One, for it ii 1
wa a anguage a This and the wide -sweeping cheat page is not teught If we take 'at
e able to the late •Dr, Sim Yai Beta bave brong•ht acre he may etirprise IVIodel Theatre
proximately 500 communities and uti- sleeted IF% a gradaate of the Colle A of pietures and one leture was worth
p get; in the new China Were /Melina- active interest in the foreigner we
lizing the services- of over 35,000 inert of Art. He is a binitoee solotst anga nlanY words. Theespeaker illustrat,
• and women who are ce-operating is well-known othroughout Europe. wsh this enedtem in order to Routh America and the United States. •11' 83'14°11 pointing many
thr deligatfully ta
ed graphically the advantages of mach emancipator of the land unit arehi- us in the good he may 410i bathe
et of a new era. tied to the Nation- United States e,,le,, a 'foreigner it;
• ()
alist movement that he fo Med
provinces, and tbe aim is to build trealaea bi ti h tonal end diplomatic the Chinese
Interesting examples, Logical. ras - - there five years he is invited to •bes WEEK P AUG. 5 to 10
(A Aignificant veinal*, aside, 8 come a naturalized eitizen and if he e• " ' K
serve the people of five, Canadian This yowl vti t inte
g a s rpress - •
s na ve an w t rare tele ingston Se ' Phone I 6
program next for Quebee and 'litair Heil the branches and:feet the much refeses he given two weeks to pack MONDAY and • TUESDA
tlerstinidin d tee t
g an s pa ay. t tie language wits ,not an impossible lan•
one for the Maritime Previncee, make evenine entertainmene eheie ' vituperated Iltritisit be ;aien restyle-
eihle for omnibus ehe vaunt trifle in
wez'a guia"Pghee. re'tally inipossthle laeg'uage is ' ' ' ' . we • Canagdians eoon hPave the courage
up and et out He rayed God that
big a Canadian Chautauqua sereing three ecenes Presented the first one Mina. rnaking.thousansitedie a livtng JACK MULTIALa
a- Canada froes coast to coast: and Miss
ho arge of the
aoVtrayine; Old Russia'. the seeond the Canadian alaneuage, it said Dr. to tell the Soreigner who comes here
Hsieh aiughingly proceeding to (l- death). s . either to become naturalized or get A two weeks' romance with athe
• Sinclair wWAS in 'ch
--- one e seac s, all t le thir Russ
of the various prepares, eosoperated elan ypsies. whicam, (0 01'
Russian gypsy ses pktured. In Oar provoking alustrations of idiomatic of. ink shed an'd not •nauch blood telea_tvhole program of ' immigration was artiezy joy -outing that is as hwigote
arrangements for the Chautauqua and Gh t histrate•his point vvith severial mirth "There has been a tremendous deal out. The speaker contended that the screen's most peppy love-teame -
• It is vere aratifYing tea know that dances are interpteted with thrilling • Da Hetet made reference to Dr,
. in this revolution of, ours, The trou- wrong. It was only a political foot- eting es a, real vacation.
the1929Chautauqua in Gotteriali hes real," the speaker pointed out. The ties. /t should be .taken out of poll- GleieliGF; LEWIS, in •
beauty. Peatueed in the insteurnensi aleenlider Grabani Bell and his in- 1014 Ohinese economic system Gad tics and out of the hands of the trans- e .
been a financial success, the amount areas ete ow Rottiall native instru- volition of the telephone and expres- "THE NEW COLLEGIANS"
been replaced by a new one modeled portation companies and placed in the .
of the guarantee being exeeeded by meet, the balalaika. tsupriorted by the sed pleasure at being able to {kit
---- -- .V"--- On the Canadian eanItineaytsern and hands of an independen board. No
tbe sale of tickets and this has help- vedin and teem Tee folk dance% (A the birthplaee of that modern and the women, as well as _the men had coutittar on earth teas been so favored WEDN1ESDAY and THURSDAY
of the Chautauqua for next year..
ed to make it easy for the signing Alexandea Delshalroff and Anna Poe -
stile were nn' of the Moot itaerestina Proceeding thee to his subject, he
essential device. their own banks. Theleathere ‚.‚.as in the way of natural resources from nesse, n A m y to t e \1 11 ahhniepoN
the great Invisible government of the every viewpoint as has Canada, and east'n 'ate, •••,se
As already etated, the opening 1)10 fsaturee of tine migrate. Atexandee referred to the Old China, the old and InLYAN TASMAN
Melds of trade and coimnerce, a pow- yet we are pitying itemigrants to e . e s
gram; which was on Thursday Evens Bolehalcoff 'was -formerly soloist and customs and the ancient forinste-A-fr. erfui factor an the moulding of the come and settle here. What we need r resent a tiotous tory of love. be -
new China. • .
splendidly with the local committee. vane foie some. hyper metodae ond Englieh. •
ble has been much more apparent than ball in the hands of both 'anneal paa *TWO WEEKS OPIt"
. .
orop? alliances Six oilsiebostailor
Delivered, redly .1Squiiier,
xdimitimw afore to Nowt
, • t
hind the imtbghts. limit lacking,
is more "capital to develop our natur-
Bolshevism% Communism, Aeolus keep these people out of our country.. (1'34' be
t hiai n1 ee fla d iuriPe ladyvis jtohbe.
II Da Hsieh had little fear of the al resources and we won't be able to
tisms and other "isms" which aboup- In the evening the final ,program "TAKE ME HOME"
(led in this evolving land. Such was given by the Jackson Jubilee MERMAID COMEDY
things would pass away and the New Singers which proved to be very pre "SMART STEPPERS"
China would be little affected by the pular and judging ibe the applause "Ba echlees'Eggs
momentary "crabs," .- WAS one of the best programs given.' -
the country in recent times, he point- two mass and one boy. They are
ed to the organization of China's cultured colored artists and their
Speaking again of the Pf0gregs of The group consists of four g.entlentee, FRIDAY and SATURDAY • • . are fresh!
ec i er s Foo •
women into a federation that advo- numbere so .beautifully given will be Warner Brea dramatic masterpiece, JP'
crated and aehieved such *tee of eegs remembered by tboso fertile -Ito a stellar east and meticulous pantile- is pure. . •
fa/016h aa u new marriage law, a enough to .her them The tenireito tion nre featuren ot this modeen acs
new industrial law directed against soloist, Mies Jones, and the ventral- •ti
child tabor and new rectal litwe, to, Miss Brovvn, have beautiful voices p
the West had a Elaine 'of ethical per- their duet "At 'Dawning" Wan ren-
Chma in the East and the Chinese in which blend most harmotneusly and s
dered most sympathetietilly and with
Dr. Hsieh ridiculed the idea of a thea feeling. Little Van Osborne,
yellow or red peril. "The only yet- the famous ten -year-old negro boy
low or red peels we ed .fcar tre to entertainer, is a wonder. Ile is a de-
- be found in the yellow or red taxis lightful and Amusing little chap and
cabs of the modal) cities of China," af a very jovial diaposition. Hie
e eaid.
. dance minfbers were wonderful and
T A . . . . length to the need of •Cluna foe mare
and health experts frem the wese and
professional men and edueaboniste
en conclusion Iie referral at some never 'before has a progiam of this- •
t hoon witneed 171 thv t w 1
These colored artiste have, all beauta
ful voices and have not only been
ended an informative addresa with ti chosen for their eocal excellence bet
... ,, i; Also for their ability to interpret and
TWIN-IGNiTIONmoroRED other nations, lied played e conspe
*ranee at wl'i°' China' w't1' tha tn song and spiritual experience.
word picture of the disarmament eon- portray the truest types of the 111 10
efloue part. - Their programs comprise every varst
A. drive the Twin.Ignition-motored for the children which waa 011303 cd sic,'" PopuTaie religious hyd11113 All
by a largo number of the• younger epiritual experience. The avast.;
Program Wa5 rierlfanirgir piefalYtoPtileocinlimillef‘logdri%, jeulta
Monday efternoona
rrHOUSANDS of people who tureisthe'sworld's easiest steering."
And the Ambassador isthe
one of generation as well as the older folk, ale() contributed to the program
Nash "400" Ambassador have dis. .,
covered that the Most luxurious easiest riding cars. ever built: The who vela carried away by the clown, in the afternoon and were all well re- f.
type of motoring is not necessarily wheelbaseist3oinches.Thesprings wit° performed ntany tric
prohibitive in price. are built of special process alloy ties. Ile is .a clever ventriloks and ma ceivedThe manager, M
quist and . a Leca
steel, individually destgned for Am. magician and is an enterteiner of high thanked the large audience for tlwir is
standing, Many thrills were enjoyed kindneas and for their support and
Minions to every eye is the style bastador size and weight, and Mao b3r the children whose merry unieta grfr:Iltnioene. elllioin tift,venei, thibarinrftotnlell
and thortItikhbred character of this hardatooriedlloudaille double ac. rune out with laughter throughout tier, winiame, bassi ehe pare. tante
charmingmotorcar.Thereisbeallty don, hydraulic shock absorber, are the big tent. He was aesisted by a
in the purit and grace of every line regular equipment. ..4' '
clever dancer. At the close of the tenor and pianist and M. Brown i
and curve. here ik' luxurrin every perforate:tee. the elown told the aud., second tenor. rendered rome veryline •
et; • , nuraters tad tbis quartette of inelee
item of interior dress and decant- ,• lenee he ante not the ifl-.iVOW' Oa' voices were exaeptionally wonderful,'
don. from inlaid walnut panellings '-'1.,; Iterated as that gentleman waa in tile
.heepital. Ile tvas none other than , Their voices are of great quality and i
to the deep, overstuffed cushions, ,,
Martin Erwin, the head of the Martin ivtonleeirdetobeigisd elililielt elatefteetiTtiaes1
upholstered in fabrics restricted to
.trwria PlaVers• isal0 StePtled into the Levan wag called on during the inter.
fine car manufacture. iiiin'eesei:n and turned in a noise !4'1f4 11 eat between the filet und eeeend vette t
And equally obvious, to those who 1 of the program and announced t tat
In the'everang the tent wise again the Canadian Chautauqua was ti,'4117'.'
know good motor cars, is the high 0 , filled to OWTflOWille With eitizena of ofil for urea vest. more than the yes
quality of "400"'' engineering and tolvrt and distent to W111110E75 one of auiree thirty nall1C3 11.11.76nin leen
Ambassador fH,,,.the beet productione ever presented tined to the contrace. ire Paid a te
perormance. ere,in
this moderately priced car, is the i here. lite play "Stuilin' That" was bute to the Canadian eitautetesuas.
prethwee iv tee Nautili Eleven Oast- movement and to the way in svailit :
Tvvitagnition motor, the '.ear s Pl'S With Own:untie tenet said delight- the directreete Mee Rinelait, Lad to.
most notable achievement in power. ful 1 eality and VA15 most delightful ntlfl Wed with tae level committee.
Another very attractive "409" fea. ' all the way. througa. Tam etiaractera caul to tee fine peetonalitv of the
lettere all etatelent and the eerie were nident, Mr. Eteetzeon Mira Sieratie e
teorttayeti with natal teeliee. Nettie in on Ontario girl oral Mr. BateEen- i
!Erwin taw:area in itersone and teak eke eke ewer tont access maunnee
p Mr. r‘qh. rS a an ':4 1C. eta eeeein gio ‘ lanPthritt. CEriontnoutrz
1 is a clever al tut. and Lad no actuate C.10. iLl a Laplmotr old
PHONE 83 HURON MOTOR SALES SOU'lli ,ST in ainning the lame dedicatee He mi,Is Sinslale. cetaking aftet. Me.
?tee telaletal ratable diethation tor MeeEttanat roe -meta OSP:Itnr.C61 LET:
tit!O unpreecticnteti naiceee of itie planners, ia wotaiva with tke Greta. i
pateie leasatacti under bee direstiers rten come:lige°. Sae beet come te
on portrayal. Shown at regular •
rites. this is eat attraction no one •-•
A full Imo of
hould 111183.
Matinee Sat. at 3.00 p.m. BUTTER
Caming•-"Mother iliaohreen .
Try the Model far cool entertainment! - and VEGETABLES
and FISH
Other features of convenience and
quality which Nash volume makes
it possible for you to have at AM..
hissador price, are Mho Centralired Chassis Lubrication and Chro.
miumnickeled bumpers front and
rear ---at no extra thole, ‘.
Volume a its manufacturing econ.
omies plus Nash engineering skill
make possible this value. More
them 168,000 Nab "4003"- vere
ands.ldjn then ataaths (just ended)
since the "400" inirodaaim
ielftered, Fully Equipped Pike Range of 23 f'7ash cdoon model, $1224 to $3422
mciades Tondos, Wachter, Coupe, Cabriokt, Vietorie and Sedan Models
IL C. YOUNG, Goderich
Cleveland's Bread
'to a tempting compleinent to
any raealeedelicione 411 itnelf
and lending met to the rest of
the menu.
Your family will demand ,
twice as inueh of our, Bread as
ADP other. Eneourage them to
de ea et it It the most twelfth-
ful and nourieaing food tbey
can take.
Phone 114 aiket St
- -,--404111011 -
All our stock is new and
. -
Try us with your next
order for good priees intwd '
new stock.
Telephone 368
Prompt sett('ntien
To Flip:* 0411014)
.711 all Were
"k.7= -X-•
Children. Cry
Pal'/,74' 11:1 tr.S. 11 11e171 $
1041Zli- 3POINallaNt byt?trp:117...rt7irralii