The Goderich Star, 1929-07-18, Page 8PACtia10112 Take a Book With You • .„.. - ON YOUR VACATION 'Reed the eew huok, "The _ , `treasure House or Was." by V= Phillips Opera - r `this theilling and tense stmy. itAve a &Wit slitiable fur everyone in the famila. Au cepeeigity grim Bee for:: the childrere = Come in and see no. nue ills. play of ENGLISH CHINA in the new designs. -7- THE GODERICH STAlt as sienEwaplur in it bc,#4.I flaufatsit, ate speeding thee „ Tele:11w,, .paeel ellen eieie hee racatien. et rile henie et the' isdy dereng the weeleend, . parade, 34- end Mee.ii, etenat,e,.. _ NaW flo the time to have Eunice Isnir ilaS bees seecessfal 31, Feane:a Ciezier and Miee'; her Novand 0nao ten Iteleiaven. who, wrere, your trona at Stratford. leone,ratulatierie and exceess. flees Minima bad eliarge of thc. Faing peeple'a service. on Sunday. eitia7enin%'''51spotheee .16crue Whwn was held on Saturda:::: en aesoesEareee, Eeaweleene . at at limber P.Art. Goderieie whet.; China." ver,y zujoyeble time was hipen. Inlifiberc iteec4Vehri":vefiVeeNreCnrgle.".. UISIelas; walShiorerldeguatlatrintilheigtatgooffUtril:e3, IGVaMuie8Y. tprroivripene , losort,,ar4:;alii,ut ourrsupttlet;e.v,:oTle:ecaret. tl,wiladaeussu-eteireg. :yr _ *rave. v.1111 be teacher of the juniar Very fine addresa, kiaLt3 tIze.lato 1:411 I:Casaba. Vaa traoM. We entevel tioart,y wet., A goodly. number front- ezere took- Aimmatt and late wire, Eliza &erne, ':.ectral",;6 there nest September, Mean- in the glorious Twelfth at seeinae,aro gathered at, that, place for a per while we will enjoy the holidaya wine. la5t Friday., . "the late Itenseilar Van Norman wee -out thoughts of .school. mr.. and Airs. ebeinsore oe • born in Pennsylvania and was a Un- - ;Donnybrook, visited the:r tiatighter, ited EmPhn '100Yolist• The descend* AUBURN Urs. John Kiipatriek, on Sunday. 'ants or hie twee children now MM. -cessful. Tagethee with. then, ...Aeeree- cent Letremer trarne have Wen mut:- sewing machine they aic tO congratuhrted. OVERHAULED xtr, and Mrs. Wine Derain and wori,1„j• Oreille, atteeded the riurren tunott arts, .01ls, 8It, etc. MISS S. NOBLE 'FIUMSPAY0 JUN lath. MI) SHEETING and PILLOW SLIPS bRITISI-1 'EXCHANGE SLOCV Mr. Ralph Munro event a few boll- Ilorne7-In Ashfield, on Sunday, July be °ver two hundred end *WY a small representation of whom were _ A large numbee bweek14tia r ftom locality rie a son. Congratulations rivee . E29, to Mrand MsW . r. in. Pet- in attendance owing to distance and other causes. However. thoee pres k sad Gift - eook in the Orange waik tie Vaughan, , eat enjoyed *the occasion so Tuneit DUNGAIVAON Shope 334 weeL RENMILLER Frank .1):rry has returned Tame 014raill' - Mrs. Way. ond Gladys, of Seafortb, wore Sunday visitors. . Mrs. Jonathan Miller is etaying , aliitir Miss Louise Model at pkeeent. -, Mr. David Dowel., or Beylleld, -,-tanfat Sundae'? 'at Mr. Clarence %Valt- s.. . . Mr. George OW, of Toronto ha -s leen spending a few wceks visiting ' with friends. - 31iss Gertrude Gledhill, who ha.a , event three and a half years In •Al- • Neils, ha3 returned bona° ogain. i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Olio and nenuethi and ',Donekl, of Detroit, visited with a AU mother, Mrs. Win, Oke. Seger,a1 from rfienrailler hare been attending the Summer School at •coderich during the week. Iloris 11111, who is now einployea - that Oy make On Sunday Mrs. George Hamilton, Thomas ...Sale. is a the evenwtvoted unanimouaito , an annual' affair. Next bad as guests her brothers and ob.. guest at the home of bee son. Chas. year's reunion to be held- at Wing - tore of Brueefield. ' Elliott • bean, on July IL 19:10,,' Tire follow. aft. John islaegte, of Gederich, cal- Miss Olive Alton. of Lucknow, has ing descendants ef"the urigintd Van led on old nemmintences the former been engaged as tenoter in St. !lel- Norman family were present: Mrs, part of tho treek. ens school. Fawn" Mena; Mrs. Emma Smith ,and daughter Gladys of Bedaue Mich • Mrs,. William Bobertebn spent the leir, Heine, V.S., anti :31rs. Bailie, of my -and arts L. -0, plieln O'oti son"' week -end with her mother, Mrs, Sam- Collingwood; were guests oft Tuesday Jerhe DetrOli; Dr.' and 5- uel 31cCool, of Clinton. • at the home of Mr. Mrs* (4. penter, Dorothy and of De - The former part of the week Mrs. PdeKenzie: , trait; Rev. C. England. ,Lapeer. hfeeatyee, of Dungannon, visited her The` Mieees • Isabelle and Roselle Mich.: Mr.. 'and W. Drrilges mother, Mee. Sandford Lawlor. • Cunningham; of Myth, are visiting.Owl' daught'er, Betty Arieent Sarrin. The former Prat Of th; week Alias at the hem nfl-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. avipeMielf.; Mr. mar Mrs. Itoy Olive_AlcOill, a wth, was the. guest Elliott: ' Breidges and wife4:,Sa inaW; Mrs. of her annt, Mrs. W. T. 111(1(1011i et W. with bis Wife and 'Creorgee Oc la -Pentland the ' aughter, of baginaay, Mich.; visited adel•Alre. jean' Williains,lanaganxioni The •former pant of the week hir. the former' - aunt.. Mrs. George •Ire. Mr. end Mrs, Willieln"Heitete Mr. A.legunder bleXelfzie returned from win, unduther friend* in Duagannom and Mr. W,'Kertn6dy' gird Jaeir, an extended visit to Ids daughter ,in , Miss Anne .IVIeguoid and her" bre, 6•161 MYK 110*UrriVeC091egi'of .FieSit• 'Davao.% . ther, J. G. MeQuedeleof Whiteeloweh, trteinee Vint' Ni?rmon. Mre end 3,ktr, derenda'h Tayleir is busy this were guests on Sunday with Mr. and ners.mialarrea Van Norinan and; their wok preparing to nartre his home to Mrs. Richard McWhinneY; ef 'grew9' the lot which he.eirrehlised from Mr. Maefie, teller in the Durigale.'„ John Dingwelh „ - There' will be noi-service in the An- glican thumb on Sunday. The Mr. Shore is taking a holiday, visit- . ing lite son in Montreal. SPAIIR'S for CHOICE GROCERIES. ERUITS, VEGETABI.ES. • nn;rTso, EGGS, MEATS, V1,0111 -t • Kverything the Pest. ILN'EaviopIrs ICE CREAM tighten* Equipped for your protection. Call irielohlr'nround and be uon- ced where" cleanliness ;le •Paramount. pares ricery The store of satiefection. %%MILTON SHOT, 601Mfitlill lame 146.. We deliver in town tion Arys. Colin Catobell-nw-rate-4 sons; urne.---litouths kgo- Miss Ida Whyard, Ist., of New . • . •004 SoIrMIISa 'sadl'410 hremeh tho c000diao vook of .14.turr.sY4 Billy and ' erenbettn ; Mrs, ,Errieetole. eousin of Mi k InOrkp is SPetaihigo week or twei with' 331:4Qo,:tulpan7 '01741.4queadl 13s4:1°Z70110e: COMMeree” waS a week.end gtiest ;it Mr, Peed .Pentland,' Ere and Ult. and Mrs. Herb CUrran.and tuo4 o4 opuux moo ,eang, the home of his pareots, (Ind -----' Donald. Fowler -and daughter Melba, The tinionepienie of .SMith's ing on her leant, Mrs. John Saundere, . SHEETS—Size 72 x 90„ immaculately - sup;rior quality and nicelyt2 , hemmed, Per pair.. . ; — 9.- • • of"4° Smaller .31zes :for single Was., also x 9o, for extra large -beds sizee PILLOW SLIPS' Size 42 x. 34 of white supeilor Pillow. • cotton, welt hemmed anct made up. • . DRESSES • Nir..w sty/es> in silk crepe and, cotton miXture.; qarlona. styles and. big choice orpatterns and 'Materials. Sizes 40 tO 44. Prices range $7.00, $0.50„ $12.75,, $13.50, TOWELS • • • Turkish Towels, 4rItish make*. jactuard weave •awl' fancy deSigns. Colors • warranted last, SiZe 20 42. Special . pair. ...... 9Sc' • • FLOOR,RUGS •,Special 'sale of Wilton„and Axminste #ugs, all -this season stock: • Size 27 x 54. - to •Size .36 x 68- „ $840 • Size 4ft. (I ins. x 7ft, 4 ins $14.16 • Size 6 ft. 9 ins. x 9 ft....$26.75 9 ft. x 401.72 ft...„.... 43915 ' 9 •tt • 1 2 .• „ . $44.75 •*RUGS Wool Motor Rugs, Scotch and British makes, plaids, stripes *and Navajo. • Indian designs. Prices .$3•75, 64.50• 1, 6.50. $0.00 end $12.00. • LINOLEUM& • 4 -Yards wide. Per square ya.rd..95c Inlaid Linoleums, per square yd. $1.35 , and 41.50. CHES-ON .SON Aunt; Mrs. A. Johneterte, on Friday... 'Winnipeg since ,Chrisianas, r9turnedi °*.0 e/eMGN *est) maga . •Mr: and MrseFerrington and family home Satraday. She was aeeoMPatt,.' SNOS13N • atteinded the Amorei of the late Mr. ied by her granddaughter, Miss bier- . „ grown Uallongh, Peterboro,•on MOo- garet •131akee eae.' gar ',bum* -mu° ounr slin*edS day. laet, whose,nudden 'death, WAS a where she Will visit relatives bezore 61.1 ttx0I !SU oal44 411r43. "44 shoek tti all his friends. One eon is coining, here. We extend to Mre. x 'KJ' 44m1P 9,11aRta, "zoll tuQ4 left ta moil% a tether's tare as the _Rieke a heartu. welconle• home. ' 411, 0Pe% 1,-Ieque.ct eaeoPice 11111 2I t--'. *Ulnae,' Goderielt. , Of ,,Illingannon, arid Dorotint. irwin, and •Berenifier Sunday sehook was who hes heert confined 1.0 ;lea sinee SNIVialt13 EIVONVR3A Miss Myrtle 'Caldwell, a little girl Kincardine., • • • ' held, on Wednesday, 1.0th. It WAS -4 November. : ot DONNYBROOK , /AZ and MM. WM. ROUltetMery of bout eleven yeara old, was bitten Netted' township, spent the week- end with the former s sieter, Airs. Joseph Irwin, in the village. XL -dad. Mrs. Wm_e Wilson, of the 'fth concession of west We -women, visited relatives in the village tho former part of the week. Mrs. Archie ItObertson, oe' ihe vil- 1aie, was taken to Clinton hospital last week. We hope to see her re- stored to her wanted health shortly. The Rev. Win, Itaitirby, of St. Thomas, preaehed • eIre Baptist church last Sunday. Mr. Raithby spent his youthful- days'in this local. The Presbyteriem Sunday sehoole of Blyth and Auburn and the Baptist Sunday school are hailing tbeir MIT nual picnic at Bayfield Vriday of this week. All are invited to attend. The ladies are Invited to bring their baakets. A good time is 'expected on the banks of the take. ' • CREWE se Olive Kilpatrick has been en# • gaged as teacher for eur seemoh.. Mr. and Uri. Gee. 'Drennan and ;babe visited Mr. and Mrs.- Mgt. Shackleon, Smithy last.• , t Mr. and Mrs. "Win. Begley, and (OM - ammo. Footwear • We have a large variety in Sport Footwear Running Shoes for the Boys and Gitis Bowling Shoes, Golfing Shoes and Tennis Shoes ur Bowling Shoes are made to give comfort and easeLfrom morning till night They. have that snugAtting in the arch. Try them. GOlfing Shoes were made especially to ourerder and:believe up they are real Golf Shoes GET. YOUR OUTING SHOES AT W. Bern's Shoe Store Pt: 11 Farmers' Sons Attention . • Any Huron Cott* Boy Ontario Agricultural College for • Course is eligible to compete for 4.*nd Massey Fund Scholarship. ibe nay found elsewhere in this be addressed to titc,, • contemplating attending the either Associate or Degree the combined Huron County' • Particulars of, scholarship paper. Applications should dog belortgaq SaMuel- Cool; the 9th concession of West Wawa- no3b, when he was visiting at 'Fmk •Olenn's on Monday. • •-• , • col...Boum-0 beautiful day •and many of at d reagan sports a ;For- 'The sports were well patrottZd ore • Ford afternoon on the 'bank of e 'eke, b (INV SD,NINtsi'tY gregati,ona tuened out to enjoy an th Strathroy where she will 'resume ber the Pat'entel 'reef' Miss Amber McKenzie returned t(*.i' Wit"raNCtat ' * t ous 1 nth 13 Miss Kilda flardy is visiting. under nthpreendetuningPeetleee wa: a alti3Ott ..alo..siet,h, .. , -coupe. ., Hilll"echt53r7ctitt .A,vnas-111:ZrIsdal'oYn Igoe n't1 .1 '1. It o duties as steriographer, following a Mr. Alex. 'roam is not so.well' as MOrith's vacation spent at the home his ntany. *let* -would wish. . of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. K. A. Dr. Newton, of Deteoit, ilaitet: With Ajeutlet 741 RpGr;‘a,Weltmex: 33' ArerthnoTIg'tlEi r.titeIlee Mc -Kenzie, and with other relatives ItIr.' and Mrs. Paul Xaedel' en 'Salm- - .. in this district and at lilr-inglialn. de)", , " • • . trnionrniinsgtenweadst wet at'it4eire°11denct°nagerrin4.goarr Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woolidge ar. -• Mr. mid bIrg, S., Sheiirelo%vii. and bawl on jelin 12:8L "Sir, we Istould rived on 41‘100day hy motor from family ienizted at the horae (4 11/r.and'I see Jesus," and tO MisS Kaiser. Strat- . . _-_____........_ ._ Hannan Chamney. of Ooderien, .. i speIntitsroldany4yused jere.itoprei.renlItailsr roof. Better ktter ,eave itbe, Ppota. for . us to — all°1111/Iniirt:s$. aWMilmia.1*Yg10..41-Mlinert01611.YelliiiattreedhLottlaCrikex7tie.: 1 I-drij .4.'"IL 'A' . I Woodstock, as home for her vacation. J) CI to A ri • weektend with her daughter, hire.", .Soile4 spots in garments are -quite apt Xj.IMParstr.1°AkTii':fanCtiriwdeterighter, Helen, of to eau*e II° end el tr°1414'.When at" Coderieh, visited on Sunday with her homedrythe. rilegre facilities el sister, Mrs, lloht- CharilheY• , 1 446. -tae , rF cleaning. fiI, Lookeutfort00 xnutroe. visMit-e4dChligsl'epnaereentshaMtanreYa'ndaMTrqst°11.Tot°s' is'uiele134.nr90111thirliukinemegrzel• AlY?08: will ",.P.iftet 11 1,wtresy. ril4nodz odnauagnhat earl uoglii‘e 34.0a,:cdobtr.vs. ; cleaning to „, Chamney, for a fee'vedays' last week. ', be disaPpointed "if -yon,..- send your The Goden* • ay:14'A there.rirrieandlinst: olarrLat9w.oNeka-Yelx%: Fratel bre monism Works ,.. . ...., ,,,, ---w- . .. Ihr1-11)0 Yl)p know 'Thi' Indiao ---.--- LIve--514"" --;.' ' ' ' '• J H VROOMAN 2 _ To...4,u' donlit 44..(1 -to; n honk will. * *- , - - ' bring her ?ilt,"•-": ,_•' . - ; Phone 122... .:. , ' . -eWest Streit Termite, and are guests with their Mrs, ,. ,jolui 'Treble Qr Sunday, ", I ford, as •She sang effectively, "X would daughter, IStra. G. AL McKenzie•and " Mrs, J. ,Lti treenue.and.fareily have I see jesua." -and after the sermon, Mr. McKenzie. Air. , and Mrs. -Wool- •gofie to their summer cottage in ''''llY Task,:" In the evening the church idge have but recently returned front .GOcieiich (0i, aolouple- of monthe. Wes Ailed aed `the -Minister's subject Virginia where they -have been for Imes Akni;,,rifireenr of txeter 6 was "Climbing:" his text Ps, .24;S. the past three or four months, 'ilnlidaYing at -the, liorine of .her l'un.,, eel% Mr.Alp. Arburn, and Rei. Mr, lb° f°11trwing ..,.are 'the' iMeuessfol outs, Mr. Mid, Mrs. Gele, •eeee , Lundy, Nile. took !art in •the ,service, candidate 8 from .uringourion the entrance .exanunattons: Marjorie ;;011"1,04 frietula in ale burg' recentl . school at - Ar . tukt on 4.i B ti. u , while irbas Kaiser again oeSisted the - l• an rs. o. . ,e ir,ca eti vie& and rendered two polos. Alto - McDonald, Ularjorie hiewhinner, -deo, sraft..8 new chrysler 05. 7- ;gether tho people feel they Were Ides - Claire Pentland and An Reid, We 3/ 4 .fi i:n... sed and inepired leY the - day's ser - extend, congratulations to pupils end ,e r. Howard-.,,,11abr• .„,lw •DotIg t hi ; vices; both sermon and songs by sol -4 ., sta.( ,a tteW Massey -Hari -t5 ten -foot oist . and choir, The church was teacher. • . Tile JulY meeting of the Mission' binder to use .with Ode tractor. - e t beautifully eleemated • With . flowers Circle of Dungannon United church Mr. ortile Mrs., Dunehm- el, Ter onto4 aft(i_f_ernst tali) Itt the form. c4 pleatie arlikh *it,f4t.-0111- iiinne.bf• Mr. and Uri. The montliii meeting of the W. M. will be held lit the tivAutifol home of Paul itfacael oter the wee -;-en. S. was held at the home of MA. Sohn lifrae George P. lihrrist sit(tated by , Mrs. Ilarold flielfinan.and two Chli:1 Yonne*. Loyal, on Thursday, floe the river at Crensforde on wea,,„,.. drum of -.Toronto, are visiting her Ida. Mr. 'Marsh, preeiderit, presided.„ She day, July 24, The mothor$ ornt mem. ter, Mrs. Howard Backe and evier:ve. also. gave a report Of peeking of bale d latiies. t,, .• for Indian School..: A chapter: from attend at .240 pan. • Mr. Bob Brian -TO, new house, also Mr. the 0 Y waS • 2( ----A- very enjoyeble Pknic was held „aog.Noune,s AM. fair Way te,411. Clarlc, It Was decided -to* hold a sale on IVIontlay at a beautiful spot on the muse, looic0.1g P. great. iMproVertied of home reeking' in ocelevich on the *Maitland river Weal, the tenth • eon- tOltketr 01160*. Sed of, August. Full& partieelars cession of West Wawanoih, -"where We are son* to reporCetind Miss later' Thee WnIter Was the mirtisters and elders tho Malt- Margaret jaferion . who has St) SM. °ailed f(41"t4 and eengratul4nrY land Predbyte 'with thei wi • f • -1'T*7" ry, tes teas ul tanot,,sebeni at S. S. NO. and firmilies gathered to spend the 8 for the past toor,years, has -resign* wedding ntutiversorY. The address Sr-nelaiglize alter urre attaiped their golden pitching, after which lunch wag serv- chapman. of Parldrilh. cante up for John yeua‘. pinuee on her 4 life Estimates given on address was reed, as she • and Mr. Tie' -West Street Electrical Shop yI ew Furniture We carry a good stock of Electrical Appliance(' IF 401J, NEED Fixtureao etc. afternoon. Games and sports were ed Iter position. • . • indulged in, banding horee-hoc Alma ‘14eed nnd "friend, All ICinds ei4lesii° t a tsreeravs ;ode tile: tttlillen S retsy aett Wlring ed, After-dinner speeches were then the Seminar rind Smith Hill Sunder roembersime uirt, Mrs. Walter, -al- Opiication heelfti seveklibi of the mi414°"'. 'Icha°1- -tvbich vas held laSt though taken by surpriee, thanked the All Work Caaiaateecl and a soctal hour ivtel sPent in get. 1 Wednesday at blettesetung Park. ladies for their kind thoughtfulnesa tine better acquainted and- afterwards Mr. arid Mrs. Clark $orgey ,and and spoke of the .pleagure she had ;Tt 101UPS, feeling that a. Ole6Satxt as well rtr„ee children, at CrYs the _company dispersed to their toirltgritt, thl. inane .tthe ga;leat woork amodnals<onorilherlidgerseivire c 7 Frank McArthur as a polite:We time .had been spent.e ; Little Dilly Bishop, who, with his, S. rillin. Of boderich, visited -NW Mr. • Cleveland, Ohio, gave a Short talk Acme 82 . Weet street and Mre. Alditi Allen last ThurealaY. Wang missionary lines end of the . sago, are Visiting at the home of mother and mister, Jean, all of Chi. . Mr.. -and Urs,..Thos. Wilson are nroblems to be faced. - It W?s very 70--"' wenrin4 a big smile these dos as a interesting. fi,.fter the ineeting the Postmaster &others and' Mrs. -Sto- belay limy has tome to stay. Mother hostess ard her deughters, 'Ruby 'and them, 'met with ti nasty accident :Ind babyare exin peeted hoe, from Reuel. served .a dainty luneh. The trueSdaY, Witelt Ile fell from e coupe tveoeder.ich hospital on, rralay. of this next nteetinr la to to ot IStra'; Wm. Mr., and Mrs. Meadeforti, lifellwaires. Nile, w -hen the meridiem , , of Var.. of the O. 0.1. T. will providethe pre-, ginia, S. A.,, also Mrs e Merideford gram, , , and son, of Vorentoe have recently , . I/BAIL-m.1u tvrti been calving the. hirer's of Leke Pamir ir.i15•04.'" Huron 8:4 the guests 6( the former's Mr. Herb Begley., of Handle); is sister, Mrs. Joe La Roque. eiisiting his. unele, Mr. ".iierb Currant amen ..by Cahill McIntyre linesman -for the Goderich ItUral 'Telephone Co., with whom be had gone for a o drive out in the country. The catch on the door of tho car did not fasten very securely and BillY, Jar leaning. against i% pushed it open and he fell out of the car upon the gravel road. As be held on the door as it opened Mt. Leonard Waiter and sister, this week. he WAS SWUM( dear Of the wheels and Mrs. A. liteManus and Son, of Sask., Mr, Albert Mequoidund daughters, thuseseaped more terious injury. He also Mr. Agnew and three daugh. Etta and Freda, spert moriday after - received a nasty wound on the side teTs, of Cleveland, Ohio, aro flare to noon at Mr, Thos. Anderson's. of the bead. and was otherwise some. visit their Parentoollr. fete Mrs.' john what shaken up, but under the local Welter, in Merit of their fiftieth wed- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boothly, of Detroit, spent a feu, days last week doetor's taro is reported to be doing ding anniverserry. Congratulatbm I with Pars. Boothly's father mid broth - nicely. The SMith held Messrs. Thoand Walter Glenn. %Virile returning from the eelebra- their anonthlY meeting re.: Gre home rer, s. ion of t. e 1' t of u y ngharn, of Mra. John Young. One Kent of tac blue ubooi text and 'Nies iss Grate. Blake- in engaged to at motor Accident happened to Mr. ,sperial. nfention wag the presentation; Samuel Reith of Ashtield, on the of tr.gold pin to Mrs .1ohn greeter • m Olive Kilpatrick will tescti at Crewe. , DEPARTMENT OF ACRIPULTURE WinglureWateknow toed a short dis- in honor of her Neeh weauing. mud- iss Kilpatrick is to he congratniated • obts-min her Normal rA NeltisS itairee west of Winghain, which had tversary, Mrs. A. Henderson reading °II CLINTON, ONTARIO 4 fatal reeults for one of the oecupante ,t the addreas and of the Or, Mr. Edmund Jervis, Mrs.lprementing the gift. lieve. Walter "re -1' ireee, John -ions certificate t is year. - Congratulatione are due Miss Olive Reds father. Mr. Reid, who is it ladled in quite it pleismg moaner. Anderson and her elms or five. name. e — ,eareful driver, had pulled to one side Mrs. Agnew, of Cleveland Ohio also Itre Mile" PerethY Curran+ Deattlee ............... of the road to allow other ears which gave an inthrenting talk en her work '011hert* Jean Anderson. Mary Clare f were driving more quickly', to pess. in time eitse `-ifter whieh a donny , and Keith Johnstofit w:10 were sue. 'when it tire blew out ...net the Reid 16rielt was 'erred by the haetess' two *nen' in passing their Entrance co l'ear ripeet into the ditch, which was daughters, Misses Ruby and Raze!. linlimti°115 with 1°11°"•- k fairly deep at that particular place. ...... ... -....,,,.••a-.......-.....i • 'The occupante were all underneath , CARLOW Mrs. Wm. Blake. who hat been . with her son, Dr. Mstitteve Blake, at the car, and, had it not been for the , aid of pawing motorists, would have 4 Mr. IL M. Young'a new how will i;. . eseeee•-•. - - - --, - -- had some dreitulty in extricating i betcady to oceupy in a few days. It .•11•0•11i6. . . • . Frigidaire is inexpensive FRIGIDAIRE wale Tieteleete irg Frigidaire 'tat': pur- chased equipment that is of guperior *retire, eqmpinert that cf high qintoty and eery featly f!..o huiki. 'Vet they haxe paid a sutprising4 pries for such equ:pment, They have taken advattage of Use tremendous buying power of Otiwral Motors Corporation, Ibis buying pewee, together with the *aill and elperience that Frigidaire Corpora:ion has gained threugh building bun. wink: or thousands of WO, siairoo, make oolsible a q.,ahtt, iserobiet al. low regt, .1 And Frigidaire is tneafrensive te operate. The ,direct.cooling frost coil, the heavily regulated cabinets and the powerrul cam. pressor reduce the use of dee - trio current to roInttriterii. Users testify that eieetricity consureed by Frigidaire costs considerably' less than was for- merly pain for ice„ Upkeep is twgligible• Frigidarre •ts so simple in deeige that there is nething that requires toitly re. placement or adjagtment. Low first coet and low oper. ea ing (Tea Piet! Frigideire within the woes or every home arid family, large or small. • SHOW ROOM NEWTON'S OLD STORE ON THE SQUARE , themselves from their perilous pose, r. and Milt. Duncan, of Toronto. twit,Itijeryit,, .wha was in his Visited will, Mr. Mew at the Central i eightiee, was the only one 1 injured cever the Yattk.tndo 7 and heee wrushed back to Winiehani• Congratulations *re exttnded to i. ,hoepital. where he reeeir-ed every at- t Mr. and Mrs, Tom -Wilson on the at- tention possible. Ilst in spite of all pivot of a in Malcolm Ami*s. itttat could 1* clone he passed *way f mr„ Allen witio*, wilo wim 'about mideight. After being taken ins his daughter* and son. Gordon, to the hospital, Mr. Jervis regained in nap mit.h.. Irt,turni4 en ,suiturday. •litnreiltdIrt=eZilitiallt r1:1111vuhirt4w4 414"ltiltft' !!,ier,rb'eri *Dent:rot". ;rot; allt"dtlielihr.Ompt7oki ! " 1'14 1"" whtll th.' fletkh'Ilt hvgli*o Mr. W.. L. Foorwr, loyal. on Sunday. pened, had been injured- The *evil mi4opt aorroy an4 ctrittine 10-41., SO Easy 0, Clean ani:: Ivitiiesidditet"a,reih.rivie‘ atinarZtht,:l ensile and Mite Martha Paterson' No tiresome beating with easy4o. Iliter conteined Mr, sold sric atm asd ,,,,,..._,,l'imted thell` "'It' Kr!" e' Vitirtlean coixtek•ns cola sfatrArt. four or five small children, Mr. Joe. oiormoio,F. sift is *kindred by three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John A, Welter will 1601016 • Mrs Samuel Reid. of Astdield; Mrs., at home ta *me friers,* on Jule Iv.... have a fon tv,stiritnent of the : W. ri, nrrt.t. or west Wawanosh,.1 itith ,,as they eelehrate their golden "1- 1 hart not been emopieted a* it is sv.„'ItifeWsk"okaAlwhIlla" Iiiiiegir tleiv4wrpliternwl, tier"! ‘81:11dsttita:::triVi71331r:tittceeinii5: all --tin' 1 *so srtik, William Sherwood, of Se*. werldtait oopneoeinkey, otelreWelei. IP a -norm screngenuest*, r sleeted OW: WI's, .tivent#4 relit re.1,', Dickson 41.14 Meineloeso, sew g -Ivo, ._ • of any description SEE US FIRS -11- We Positively Sava you Money HAROLD BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE MOO TR MARSHAL NAMESSES Country. Fair and Dance AT THE PAVILION Dodo the awspiees- of Rio Maple, Jetsf Ctimpter, EDN,EIDAY, JUL r 24th $29 ',AT 815 P. M. GRAND, PARADE, '10.00 P. III. • PRIZES Ladies' Fancy. ; Ladies' Comic; Gentlemen's . _• Fancy; Gentlemen's Comic. I• PRIZE FOR GUESSING MISS MAPLE LEAF Fortune Telling and Special Features ' i et your costume ready and come and have a 1 ' good time. I G0011 ORCIIESDRA — ADMISSION 0rn from the+ Weed for the coneys,. o.+.7 visit ith entsonpi, , 2Se ----. - Illostonion No. 23 HIEELER t; 'A tory onfortbio event took Igoe% Mr...John lintyronotto. W, J. Rs W_ oe Situ (ds). Jolt' 18,s* Heaver PAT*, Ottown., nit?attPittball by iint *sof '• '(;e4otith, who., *moo et thr doettn htno oth TAI-ory., Toronto, tioitetri hi. Fbat allarailliiingePre ▪ 4111°1"`"°°"°1011:1161'00111161 • JULY CLEARANCE OF Summer Hats atirsaive amerbeent of Smart Stwonstit Hate of olebt ins Yahoo. Color sal trimming effects a'41 geed Redwood in 'prime for FRIDAY nod SATURDAY From 415.00 to $6.00, - from $41.50 to VA% to — 43.50 Yow are cord** invited * import out stock MISS MacVICAR, Kingston S