The Goderich Star, 1929-07-18, Page 5<•••••111•1[•••-<-
Goderich Summer School
THI'Reaste, JUIN* 18th 1029
Paris Green and Arsenate of 'Lead
We keep the Best at Rock Bottom Prices:
PARIS GREEN, per lb. _ -45c
ARSENATE OF LEAD, per Ib — 0 .45c
ARSENATE OF LEAD, bulk, per Ib. 0 .40e
Campbell's Drug Store
over100•Are Registered as Students of the School
., 0 Muitirated Talk This (Thursday) Evening, Missionary
Pageant Friday Night and BiblidaDraniatie
- - • ' Reeital Saturday Night
. • . ., .. •- .
In connection- with. the Goderich eant is to be presented by the damn)
Summer School which is in session studying =lesions "finder' 'Mies Isobel
this weekin Goderich ivere fine 'evens MeIntoeh, •of Cha, and on sieetseaay
ing programs are being given in evening a religious'adair-
North. street-Celt/kV church, open te tation let•Bojer's "The New Temple."
the publics; whIenoeieestheepepple of is to be presented by Mrsealotra Wites
thite vicinity:- tleateapportiiiuty of" rea ter Agnew, of Cleveland: ',airs,: Age.
ceiving a soave of the inspiration of new Is Siemer,: a visit ;to' herparents,
the adth'esses by the members of the hir. arid Mrs. ja A: Walters. or. Cal-.
school etafte On Tuesday everting borne teen -Wien, *loam's's* 'celebrating:
the address was by Rev. C. A. Myers, their golden wedding anitiver.sersrahla
D.D., secretarss Of the Board of Tte- (Thursday r chef*: et" their home,
Bgious Educative; • on Wetinesdaya"Mnale Mint* Perm." 'Mts. Agnata's
Rev. ea A. Ceram, D.D., superinten- Ability in elocution Wetaquitemariced
dent of Nilssione fielVtaratona, was in her girlhood days, end ilea mann
the speaker; this (Thursday) evening friends in tbe (vidatity other Old home
Rev. E. W. Young, of Derides Centre will weleonnethe opportunity of 'hest" -
United church, London, gives his IS- ing her ina,the interpretation of this
instrated taik"en "Ireland and the niece of literature. Tee following
Irish;" on Friday -et .x1118001** pag- testimonials front. the pastor of First
Presbyterian church, Akron, Ohio,
•11 will be read With interest 1 .
ode! Thea re regarding the &emetic Ahillty of
gives me great pleasure to say a word
M t To Whom It May Concern: It
. .. 'Mrs. Mona Walter Agnew. Mrs -Ag.
sa " ' e. • /neer possesses unusual ability .in rene
wEEK OF nu,! I a i t i 1 '
er ng trna er a ..iappropriate for pro-
ep swung moos for tweritaehipanl
for the -work of ties emitan. lac, A. .1 •
.c.., tach and teseel woola
ally Dip
we ',try phase of WO east cetese
.1 it. The *makes- **twee Mew the
iyeung people tould :to informed ia Mvigotatingend Retteehing
* through 24142Pe meetinge, or the worn. 1
.1, ovitf Joinuescht)%trattiialwongltioittbehalaineosveeifidgthheo it,. . TI -1 eauloGDEBREAICcHii BATH.
- of the different departiltents and in -,
1 • IS ita epleceifil assolisair ana Cos
developing food eitiasnships
t; It, was, a thrilling sao, taa the wk I : New Vtearelsen els. the i/atiesia
' et tht• lat1tea eitateli in the outpeste ; 11""c;" "" 1.".3111
of eivation ia the new great noise..1 1•11(TeW ta F.,°,,radalt mai On'
Wedrasolas • (realms- seceting.
lard which Rev, lit. 4.7-errale told a.. la vc'`":" (''• "L1'1'2"
il•hirte stare ego the gem., sea wee COMMODIOUS ulte5SING ROOMS
i "Go West," bet this was enanged Pew , RetkESIIISINI Se010
1 :a "Cio tiorVie" and come Idea et the '.
'dietaries to Which settlement la team . .
l. pae•acil was gathered from lir. CM... ! . - -4 !!7;! • •
,mzo's 'when lie ot die- ---- a " • 2."Lale
tamers- et three. tout* and five bun. ;teats Falconer, Isneha
idred miles north ot Edmonton. where dealt Webetete
• young brides asere going in teesses"sseeRossie Patriek, Egmendville.
'anes with .their
eases:many mile* aseasenetsreaer'et the
'steel. Thie 'was in the great Peace
• River distrkt. Ten out or the twelve masa Grainger, Gosteroe
branch lines of railway being built in lilies Mary itabertsantstrefferiele
the West. were, under coustruetion in Mary Johnston, Uoderieh,
Northern Saskateheware met In Mani"' Mab21 A. Bailie, Goderieb.
tobli. Churchill, the termines of the Clarence Grainger. Ethos
Madsen Bey railway, almost cantina- .100.11 E,thel.
ed, would lee the ocean pors of this Alathea Switzer, Kirkton.
furthest inland pronence, new to be- Dorotby Switzer, Kirktott.
come a maritime province, ay virtue Joyce Itawkesworth, Browses Cor -
Interpreter ot Literature ; of tide Port a tbausand miles from ners.
Arniie Soinet%ing te the task of the church Elva Ilozlewood, Rirkton.
• annenneed ttie a IoW. IS' 11$ front the feet that mining. Roselind Aaamson, Grenten.
elms ago' is wag rallowea wish the towns; are sminging up in the rich Helen Baker, Hi:use-els. •
exception teet atev: azoniey Johnston.' Mineral' field' which extends along muses mem, Brussels.
or * /saw:might is in charge ot -t.he the West of Weiser* Hers ;the sauce Margaret Downing, Brussels.
Vrofsh113,1?triod.s ha•Rhoe•PX,Re°v•ekla ferinatimi which gives 'to Ontario Thelma Jordan. llrussels.
kk44.14...tirno..tias• aehlotia to aeons home of the -richest gold 'end Alyce Sadie Pierce,' Brussels.
Iron. Mines
in the World 'Ana* the eargast : George Pierce. Brussels. •
Monday evening the voting Ore enineg an the world. • Mins • John' GillnlaussEirktepo,
pleat societies or' aorta. street , and with millions. of dollars Worth of ore elisealiarpeaDashWooti.
Victoria street churches united ;in a are beteg otieeed in Northern. Monis - Alberta Richmond, Blythe
eseception • to the enensoers thi3 tuba litid minima twat% gre•growing 'Cleat Watson. Blyth.
school, ttie event:being !heel in North up very fest.: • The spolicy'of.the. Um • Hilda• Reid, Pine River.
street United church. le social time its:ft church, De. Cormie explained,* les Mary lioatell, Godericie
held and tae triembers of the staff of with the railway (no tine -waits for MMtitlee.Ya 81)Vuutedheenriy°°, Gdoedrieerhic.h.
with retreshments ra.:•• music was ert longer to get into throe centres
the school ovem introduced to the the railway now), but to get in:at•twe Rev.. 3. A. Connie, 'Winnipeg.
young PeoPle• • very etatt, so that there willabe Po, Grace Addison, Brucefield.
oHitat1 Steda Croups are being led greet wild norths and in t entre :after
each morning by IRev. Messrs. Alp, centre the United church' is the only Edna
Clarke, Cuiriming and contuse, under *church to bold Out any light in the Rev. W. A. Bremner, Brueefield.
the direction et. Rev. Dr. Myers,aml darkness. At Churchill • a United Florence Seott, lelgrave.
classes are being held to study Young church was opened in Jane. At one Egathe Coultes, Belgrame.
People's leaaership under the follow- centre which was forest three. years s *Rev. LeRoy Whina,
ship, led by Rev. Stanley Johnston ; already almost self-sustaining, and on Florence Herdman, Elimville. •
Marjorie Delbridge, Elimville.
ng heads: Fellowship ena Wor- ago, a United church congregation is
Foreign Missions, by Miss Isabel Mc- the soot Where not so mane Yeal•s ago Lena Pym,
Tntosh, of Ronan, *China; Home Miss P. baby child was buried, which died Erna Lesslie, Blyth.
teems, by Rev. Dr. Connie; Citizen. ;for want of even linseed tc make a .Andrey Bryant, Myth -
ship, by Rev. C. W. DeMille; Literary poultice, a United church hospital is Fe
Mildred 'Wallace, Egmendville.
Helen Tactiapson. bigusendvnte.
Merle •GauntaWhiteehurels.
with thb others. The daily Program! • f
A t
. they Harding, Gorrie.
Tb • d G d h
grains of 'Monty, • In directina our and Recreation, by Rea, S. .Y. Math- now erected. . ese ten o ,do.. Rev. C a . • Clarice • o .
MO .large religious eageants a Christ- ers, of Gest°. Rev, lar. Myers bae lights from De. Cormie's addressagive J.
MILTON SILLS and Nitta GORDA Inas and Easter. of w' ,i we make the department on "Young- People's Illemination on the task of the Chris- Rev. S. J Diallers, Geste.
bring darkest Africa, and modern (mite a feature, she has been mod et- General Methods" and hie address on tian church on the frontiers of eivill- Alberta Snell, Londesboro.
fielent She C9refully works out ev-• Monday night was along tnese lines. zation, a tests for which the United Gladys Mountain, Londesboro.
Venice to you Nvith a new type rem- ery detail to•give the pageant tie efs The evening meetings are preceded oherch was brought into being. Ani Alberta Moon, .Londesboro.
a" young people. are most delighted to Profeseor 'Davidson, of Toronto. only way in wbich we can repay *hot Lois Falli, Ferdwich.
Rev. C. A. Myers, Toronto.
ante in an old world seating. Power-
, s• e
-1..pi,,,,, feetivs an aspeet as possloie. Our by a. vesper service conducted ter Rev. in the work on these frontiere. is the
fol characterization and a
- I work with her,'Imeause they feel trNeY The address by Dr. Myers on Tues- the church has done ' for us in the China.
Miss Isabelle Manama, Holten,
LOVE AND THE DEM" I receive so much in their contact and day everting etas on the young pea- peat. Money is Val necessary but Myrtle Senna Dungannon.
GEORGE LEWIS, in training with her, I shall be glad to pleas 'program of the United church still more urgent are the services of Laurette. McClure ,Dungannon.
TIM COLLEsaanNS" recommend her to any resociation or and the principles that snoina• b.
.. .
. ------- church. or organization thet wishes to characteristic of it It FilOUld first
WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY mprAttnt a work of quality and refines be a vitorthy and worthethile program.
1 speond it should -lbs -rich and. veiled
OLARA.HOW.t_NELTesliANsassaeN --- - s ' --WM. HUBER; s1X-1).. /program. third ifiliaild not be a pro-
NDAY and
Tourists --
We welcome you!
You will find that alb -1102e
pliere in our store, so much appreciated
by the tired tourist en the road.
We carry exclusive lines of quality
merchandise moderately priced.
You will be interested in our Imported
Brown's Irish Linens
Fine all wool Blankets and Knitt-
ing Wools
Fancy Scotch Plaid Auto .Russ
and many other lines.
•• < • ,
• Special This Week
10 Doz. Cushions, assorted cOlors
and patterns, only 49c each
cess. Proeeeds amounting to around
S100, ,
Miss Margaret Hawkins, daughter
1 of Rev. Walter Hawkine, of Forest
is • spendiug her aolidays with acts
'aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Gray. • ••
• . A
and 1141tRISON FORD
present a 'story by'
. -Elinor Glyn-
Come early and get a good seat t :
The captivating madcap oe the screen
, bits a lot of new hiesa spots in this
rollicking eornie-drame. ••
"SlammpR SAPS'
Pastor First Presbeatrian oturch, gem which made the program the
Akron, Ohio. end but fourth it should be a program
Mrs. Agnew gave art areatie and of tasks and Jobe. It seoual tie v.
forceful "rendition of Maeterlinekas Program' worthy of the 'United' thumb
'May Magdalene" last Sunday even- ofaria a an s u am
a worth
ing. She gave a most sympathetic' while Program. This, the speaker
interpretation •of teals religious pia5, nelleved. wag a ClutraetVISt *II Or. nutty
that repine the giarietita ansight and or most young peoples soe:eties' pro.
experience thee Mrs; Ananew so sa- grams, but some programa were not
well qualified to give. worth While. The program should
This •recital was given before develop , an appreciation tor good
Timm, D. D. land should set itaelf to reeeern the
large and discrUU iminating tudienes. eeading, rood music, good pictures
recreational and social life of the
FRIDAY and sATuRDAY • •—
a tense action *alive •procietted Iby
•Columbia Corporation and guaranteed
entertaining to everyone. The appear
of billowing seas lashed' by curious
nature is faithfully portrayed in this
Matinee Saturday at 3.00 p.m.
. Coming-entiother Knows
• Mrs. Agnew .its. a graduate, of the young neople. se that the young neo -
Mergaret 'Eaten School et Expression lisle tyoula not One eatiefied with jazz,
and has „her studio its 8501 Euclid the funnv Sunday pa-- nen or
'avente, Cleveland. ; ellen)) vietures, but should learn to
The 1929 summer school is proving nnitiviciate what was worth while
e uccessful gathering,
with a reg. The voune• neortle's programs should
istration* of approximately 100, be- eonsist of -gond musie when muses
sides visitors. The summer schools. woe given. of addresses on worth
as Kitigs,ville and St • Thomas, each 'while pubieetsandso forth. but the
had a registration •of one aundred or nrceernocsaeule not bo made an 'end
-over, sp that •Goderielt is to the fore in itself. Its aim should be to devels
- •
'beads the World in jitotor Car Paine 6
04101" 4dvanc1o1 Sit 41.71.90r Sedan
rutty .741eitippeel.
orshalig ..(71ore 1*
e 4
Delivered, redly Equipped
Prices orogodoottairectlis,
$1224 to $3356
including Touring, Road-.
stets, Coupe, Cabriolet, •
Victoria and Sedan Models
aetONSWER the delivered, fully
etkipped price of this charming
1 Nash "400" Sedan, and you'll see
immediately it ;Xs' car you certainly
' should consider, when you get ready
to buy.
For here, at a delivered,fully equipped
• price much lower than yon would
expect to pay for.1 car of its size ad• ebaracter, 1* an Adtwneed Six "400"
Sedan with the Twin Ignition, high
oft pedal. And alloy steel springs in.
dividually designed for its size and
weight, correlated with Hondaille,
domble.action, ortiboard-monnied, by.
draulic shock absorbers.' .4,,d the
"world's easiest steeringl
These are only a few of the features of
this Nash "400", but they give you an
idea of its greater value and the ex.
traordinarily fine performance you
may expect from it.
' /-.
compression, valve.m.head, 7.hearing
The delivered, Ally tripped price 00
' ' suotorteith the beauty and style that' this, and on all"400" models is lower,
have made the "400" a heavy favorite , for the simple reason that An this
among all the year's new cars -and equipment-Bijar Centralized Chassis
with a host of other lea. lubrication, Houdaille hydraulic
tures never available before in this shock absorbers, bumpers, spare tire
price field. . lock, and tire cover -is installed at the
Such featetres, for instance, as Nur factory anti included in the factory
Centralized Chassis Lubrication which price. Some dealers charge as mitteltes
, oils 29 chassis points at the pressure Eel to $60 extra for bumpers aloe -
H. C. YOUNG, Goderich .
young inert and tvornertausho will go • Olive Westbrook, 'Godertcr.
into the ministry or into the work of Alma Howell, Goderich.
nursing in cbureh hospitals in these Rev. J. Cumming, Derimiller.
out ef Vie Nes. places. -"Dr. Cormieeee Evelyn .1),,,,,a1,..ea .10sieriesee---
address was illunenatine. as to the Dorotbv Popplektom stsisreh.
Way in which Canada is Opening up as Anne Dewar, l3ealield:
well as to the task avhich confronts Bernice Elliott, Hayfield.
the church as the result' of this open- Evelyn Cooper, Godevich.
ing up and he had •te very much inter- Helen Bowden, Goderich.
ested audience. Delight aluteln Gedoeles. •
For the Tueseley 'a -vetting' Meeting Bert Lott, Brussels. •
Rev. Mr. Bremner, the president ot Rev. Stanley Johnston, trondolx.
the sebool, presided, egia. ler, Wednes-
(lea bight's meeting Roy, Mrs Alp, of
the vice President, Was in the
chair. Mr. Douglas Campbell, organ-
ist of North street United ehureh, is
taking charge of the music for these
Laura Rutledge' Auburn.
Bernice Hogarth, Goderiett.
Rev. J. Hogg, Clinton.
Helen Nediger, Clinton, '
Grace Hellyar, Clinton.
Kathleen *Cameron, Clinton.
'Rev. Mr. • Wilhemina larewartius, tOlintore
eiated solo was given by
meetiniss.. Last night asnauch appre- .
But new e :the pastel. bf Victoria at. Irene 'Vodtlen. *Clinton. • • ' . • -
Elizabeth *Mills, Blyth.
Louise Mills, Myth. • s •
• Grace Mason,- Goderieli.e. • • •
Mabel Brownlee. .
Bev- C. W. DeMille, Stratropt,
Rev. D. MeTavieb, Este:are •
• Re%. Mr. Connor, Kippen. ' .
Rea, W. R. Alp. Auburn: . • •
Mr. A. Hntehard, Guelph. •
Dorothy Walter, Benmillene .
Eve, Pettman, Berimiller.
United church. -
Mr. Bert Lott, H. A., of lareseeleate
editor in chief of 'Tun and Fancy,"
the paper in.tonnection with the Sum-
mer school and he basa..s. assistants
Miss Edna. Bremner,. of Brucefield ;
Miss Helen /Simko., of Brussels; Miss
Snell, of Londesboro, and Mr. George
Pierce, of Brussels.
Sunday will -be Vie closing day of
the hchool and the announcement of
the various services of the day will he •WESTFIELD
found In our regular church column.
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon a com-
munion and eonseeration .service for
the school will be held.
Thefollowing is the list of registra.
bons at the school:
Mrs. Hamilton, Theaford.
Miss Hilhorn, Thedford.
VIA0 nteP
• I
"Say, old man, when 1
cook your dinner you'll
say, 'Oscar of theWal.
dorf, You are a chefferino
de luxe.' We deal at
They feature fresh fruit
and vegetables, cooked
meats, choice lines of
pickles, olive and other
good things for the
holiday season,
They have their own
deliverytand say—Try us
with your next older for
service and cmjity.
Telephone 30
Peanut Attetitate
To Plume dealern
, et ett Immo - : -. .... .
--as -------- -- -----sa, Wedaceday EValiiiiir3 S.7C1'3 ts teal ress. '
, , .-
Misses Annie and Jean sserguson,
of Seafortharisited at the parsonage
last week,
The ve-opening •eeralstesanf the Un-
ited church will b' held next Sunday,
July 21st, at 11 tem. and al pan. A
former pastor, Rev. Mr. Royale, ot
Belton, will preach and there will be
special music by the rhoir. The
church has +been newly. decorated by
Mr. Seabrook, of Goderich, and his
staff. The congregators or Leeburn
ands, ot _ saan _
special services with the sister eoai.
gregation of Nile. A eordlal
tion is extended to eater friends to
be present at one or other of the Sere
vitae. ' ' ,
Mrs. Brunt, of Winnipeg, is epend.
•• Mg few weeks withher p e ,
• atr, and Mrs, Rale)/ Nixon.
Mrs. Will Baldwin returned home
on Ttiesday from Victoria Hospital,
London, feeling some, better.
Mt.•and Mrs. Jim. Erninerson, 'front
rear. Einiough, spent Supday with
af • and Mr; Ralph Nixon.
• Mr. Rosa PurCon metered up from
Torontc. and smut the week -end avian
his cousins, Mr. mut Mrs. G. A. Cam.
•- '
My. Sam acid's ear Upset. There
was eight in the ear. Mr. Jarvea,
Mrs. tRaid's father. V7110 lived site
them, was so badly 'hurt he deed three
hours after in Winghain hospitol.
The funeral will be held from the
of his, Mr: Sant Reid
on Wednesday afternoon. We es
tend our sincere sympathy .to the
Greece United thurch, Perter'e
held treat annual garden party Watts-
churelt yesterday evening, when a
ham and sulad supper watt. served, af
ter which a splendid preemie was
given under the direction of Rev. R.
al. Gele, of Baylield, pastor of the
rhurele Rev. le. IL Paull, of the Ato
glicao eliurele Bayfleld. and laiee
Gladys Gale, took pat•t in the peo.
gram, and the Lakeside Entertainer:2a
of Baytield furnisiled the Innate,. .
. illeseare of chicken thieves s Mr.
. envy a 0411141- was - 101 L
week of •42 White- Legacies's, ariluea
at 875. 'This is the keeond Moe %Atlas
in a year that 'Mr. Treemarea• pene
have been visaed. • • •
'At the organization meeting of the -
Huron Old Age Pension Board, ii
was decaled to divide the County In-
to five districts. each member of the
Board 'being reeponstble, m a roma
ure, for information renarding 'cads
applicant from the district.
T1 e t; t er • a d
follows ' • •
Miss Efitt•May Wilson, of Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bowler; moths-
*. .. •
is visiting her sister, M
Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Blyth, were Westfield
Se •
• Miss Ruth Vincent, of London, is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents here.
Master Edwin Fothergill, of Lon-
desboro, visiting his cousin, Miss
Fora McDowell.
Miss Mena Malcom, or elew York
State, spent Sunday with her -aunt,
Mrs. • E.
Aliso' Edna Vincent, of Belgrave, in
speeding a few days with her cous-
ins, Edythe and Jean MeDowelt.
Mr. J. E. Ford, of Connher, le
apending a couple of weeks at the
thome of his sieter, Mrs. W. F. Camp.
s. Wra• 'Car" ed up fr un 'London Sa.turday, return- iesepeen. Honsala flay und Stanley.
• p, ullett end Seaforth.
_ .• , • Mg Sunday., Mrs. Sidney1• Kennedy-a-Tuckers:bah, Meal's •
------------------ .
*emelt, et returned with them. • .
visitors on and Mrs. John Cook and littie Mr. Craigie-ClInton. Goderieh 1 ti
Men Mary Rodger has been 'laid
up the past week with the maw.
We are glad to report her on the
Mr. E. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Hene
ry Smith, of comaer, spent over Sun.
day wita the ladies' sister, Alm W.
F. Campbell.
Mrs. Albert Nethery and cliadreti,
of Hamilton, are visiting the tom.
era; sister,Mrs. Fred J. Cook, and
other frienda.
Mre. LaBure and dauftlitee, Doro.
thy, of Toronto, are spending the
mummer monthe with their friend;
Mrs. Fred .1. Cook.
ova. •••••••<<aA<AAAIA
Ake Elva Sylvester fa spending a r
fetvlays with friends in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolled lioy, or Gode-
-- rich, spent Sunday under the parent.
tat roof here........
Miss Term Ilawkine, of St. Timm. it
wilt; Iaolidaya evith_ha
eister, Merl. Wm. Gray.
••••• Ilea. Lamer Taylor and family. of •
Ethel, were visiting Mt and aire.,,
T1109. Dickson moistly.
Ilov Friteley and son, George,,'
'left for learshwood Monday eveninaa,
-where they will spend n few days. ;•
4 'We aro s very aorry to hear .thatl,
Mrs. 'Reap Pigott in very ill. We -
Hlope • sho seen •Ine able to be •
easenell again.
Mr. Richard Hoy, ot Ivalton. and
, • !, riepitteve. adaeter *Coma Hoy, of ale.
a Grew, epent the weeliseree wee the
former's Weiser. Mr. beet -i tea.
a • Mr. tam. gen Cravatoesi.•
Duvaaneon, and Maw
tath Willie. of Windom'. 'sac ntaying
at their ecadat• clot a law deep.
Tee panels perry of ("heist einuati,*
span eaneet, whicis 'Wan acid !nee:
son end Pare alffernas of Toronto Goderich '1'own Cola -erne mut Able
is spending illeir holitia'yo with Air. field.
I t 1
cootep parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. Henderson-Enst NITarparomh,
Cook. West Wawanoeh, Morrie, Myth rad
Very sad indeed was the accident trnightult
which arigened en Friday evening out Mr. Hubberd--Grest, Ilowiele Turn.
returning ,,,tr,.._hoine..rerfroTtntLintgliam, when hotly am1,..Brue_ s..e.tts. t__- ._
. .
Dtversifient ion
By r.electing issues from each of the following •
groups of securities, the investor . can 'e:ure cads.
. factory diversification,. in his holdings. Eiy such
.1, diversification adequate security can he combined I
with a.high average yield
Dominion, Provincial er Mumcspai Bonds,
yielding from 4.84% to 5.501,',,.
: •
_ Public Utility and Industrial Bonds, •
yielding from 4.96(„) te'0,85;4).
Preferred Stock Issues, •
yielding from 6.00‘,,po 7.00(:;'6,
roreilin External Lean Bonds,
• yielding from5.00! 6.• to 7.50%.
We shall be pleased to submit a detailed lilt of
eferinEs on request. ' •
rAt4.2.NTip.pri.f.- -
Head Wee: TORONTO .
sereettseso see
- 10%; V.(1-14:-
'' ' %, ANCCI5VIM 2.5 King Street E. • tereteT7t4e7
1 .
1 .
It 1 1 1
fOritie 11 IlfirTY'S 11. 1 I
Id • I.
', •