HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-07-11, Page 7i•ix •1
..THUARSPAY, 3t`IN filth, 1929
Files and
Unser you're a Flit user, you have
no idea how soon you e:an rid your
home of every Hy end mosquito. File
kills quicker, and is easier to use, in
the handy Hit sprayer. Spray ;into
cracks and crannies to kilt readmit bed
b41(k ants. -~lit vapor sloes not *twin.
Try the quicker Flit method todayl
Ot of gabsIesearwhenee.
"Tile ,dt.w
rem with the
bt,trk barge
alonna jell irtlatialptlwtiifa0ril 11111110 1,0W0iswn i011311tet16r111lAstRlltt fMitti
-y Sunday o4fternoon
' y ISABEL HAMILTON, Ooderateh, Oat.
wake lowstMrrt owsmataaslitYatit0Y1ngwaigstan areae sttlesr711iupparjw
To us a child of lrope is born,
To us a Son is given;
• Him shall the tribes of earth obey,
Hire all the hosts of heaven.
His power increasing still shall
spread,, • -
His reign no end shall krm'sv ; •
Justice shall guard His throne above,
And peace abound below.
John Morrisor
Almighty God, grant Thy blessing
upon the study of this lesson so than
irnany • may realize as haver before,
the desire: to help the upbuilding of 1
Th y Kiri dem in our own land and in
heathen lands;, In Jesus' :name we
pray. Amen.
S. $. LESSON FOR JULY 2Ist, 1929'
Lesson Topic --Ezekiel'& 'Vision or
Lesson, Passage—Ezekiel 4114.9. r
Golden Text= -Isaiah Sae •
Rev. W. Morley ?unsbon in a ser- f
anon on Ezeltiel's vision says: Wel
take the holy waters mentioned in the
selection to be the emblems of that
wondrous scheme of mercy. perfectea
by the atonement of Christ, made vi-
taI by the Ever-present Spirit, . and
Hydro -Electric
Cools by Electricity
' • Walt 'by Electricity
Iron by Electricity
Cheaper than Coact or Wood
An electric! Vacuunt Cleaner
rginovgs •lila dust; a broniti
just tllov_es tllc dust.
We guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 1,500 liottra.
Walk in awl see display at
The Hydro Store
adapted to the salvation of the world.
I, Notice the source of the waS-
ers. There is said to 'cave been a
very copious fountain on the west
side of Jerusalem. The prudent,
IlezekIah, foreseeing that rr A, time
of siege, en enemy might cut .oil; ite
streams, conducted them by le secret
aqueduct into the city. rt *may . 4e
that there was some subtle connectio::
of thought between this fountain and
the vision which floated before the
senses of Ezekiel,. as there was a
stream from this same fountain into
the tete; and from the foundations
of the holy house the holy watere
p sBe this as may, the trots dobe. A great many people prefer fruit.
is significantlyheer told, that while for then open air desserts. It ban
through the temple come to us the much to xecomniend as it requires
tidings. of our peace, the (blessing it- HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES, no work to prepare, is good for young
coif does not originate there, but is (By Jessie Allen Brown): and old and everyone likes Tt. How-
andaovafad to it from a source nvisib;e Do you getever if you want more elaborate dos'
• afar. all rd interest there is tserts. they are easy to have. Pie
TI, Notice the progress of the out of your. motor drives, or do you seems to be the favorite for picnics.
waters, thus bowing from the faun- whizz by at such n speed.that • there
dations of the. temple. In the was- it no chance to see anything? There.You need to Choose -at -kind that is not
sage before us the progress of these are many places of historic interest too moist nor easily squashed. Lem -
waters is said to have been gradual throughout the length and breadth of on or in fact eny of the cram m pie::
and constant. And.this is only a de- our land. The way that history is arer poor carriers,
use ier the They
ymories make
scription of the progress of the Goat taught usually tin schools makes it picnics. A butter tart filling baked
pel of Christ. aThere are • two as clary as dust, and few ee us know t f tarts ke
Cl tits thew clays?" Strange rotten ii
indeed ,
Robert Mrrr;�son and ail his suece -
sers, a weighty array et matryrez mei
CfrnteE-urs gate their livea to Mimi
isse becau,o'•they did net apprev.vf.�
China" and wished to show her tie
eeeret kelt from her for e,ges of how E
to :become ditferent. At 'vicars lrer'1ot;1
since Wt7 teas China an; 7-C^ we.•
thy of approval thnra now: Sue
that is ne gact;nd fee bete or wit^.-
l'ok1in' heti,.
Bet even en these _mounds Chine,, c
needs your help, and is worthy of 1...
es never .before. All her anti -isms
will pass as a bad dream and be rc i
membered as the e.lipse of that coin -
mon sense for which the nation
justly famous.
No sane person approves of what
agitators leave done in Chitta. Well,
we are not helping them, nu;, are oui.
to help the patient, groaning masses
of China eo he rid of these delusions.
Friend, who with -boldest thy gift, •
wilt thou abandon these innocents to
the thieve; and robbers who are pion«
derin r and reaving then so sorely?
Will such a course male) smitten
any better for you? Will they not
be distinctly worse? If you would
rebu fs behold the pa patience of
the Brith% Gaovei•nment during these
recent years. She has never given •
Friend, in your test moments will -
you not do for -China's People as
much as you did before? Remember
'that while we were yet enemies Christ
died for us. If God 'had dealt w•'
us as some are now tempted to deal
with China, what chance would we
The 'Quarterly Link.'
Warns • in children AVIV. _havoc.
These. pests attack the tender lining
of the intestines and; if left to puce
sue their ravages undisturbed, will
ultimately perforate -the wall, because
these worms are of the hook variety
that cling to and feed upon the in-
terior surfaces. Miller's Worm Pow may be kept warm by the same meth-
ders will not only exterminate these od,
worms, of whatever variety, but will Picnic Desserts.
serve to repair theinjury t Nave
sprang. 't h 1 irt$ y hey
THE ,ft>DERIC}4 .°.A1w
Weak After
• "After having an opcutlon, I an
very miserable, weak, nervous and
vary near a the to work: l caw Lydia
1r, Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound
advertised and triad it and believe k
helped me wonderfully. I have no
weak spells any more, the pains have
left me and my netvcs ate much bet•
tet. I feel safe in urine Lydia ZL
Piakhenes nmedkirtsa have heaped
me wonderfully ",,,-labs. Wet. N.
Dudiedlot, ear to. Pisr'r Colborne,
Oeecnia rz i t.• » i
ly' din E. �:► ia,.ii
+.houghts".su Bested by this gradua: thoroughly the history or. evens our in a pro ins ea o r mss s a
own immediate surroundings, as . we good picnic pie. Tares are handy and
Thend first
puragess ourf 'the Gospel. drive let us stop,look and learn, are the easiest carried in the pans in
The first encourages faits, • �e when we think of a certain, locality wh�eh they •are baked, Turn-overr
cord reminds us of our respa7s:bri- Notice the etlicacy of rhes. 4�p dog, let us renaemb r it, not as the place are good for pienics too. Never
EL y• we'hadtha;Q,go hot dbut as the carry sticky . emcee.
' • • y
waters. ' The places.,;to. which they
flow are striking. They did not wind
their course to spots that were only
In -
slightly defective land essay :r ales.
fPhey, flotveel "into the desert 'a d in-
to thesea"—"into the desert- midst.
whose endless 'sands o'• t
n s i Caths lad
flowed before:."into thesea,-- the
er there was an interesting; Cakes which have a stick icing
enirat in memory of the early are an abomination to carry and are
rs, • i hard to eat. If you are baking spe-
More About Picnics cially for a picnic, cakes baked in
IAA week we talked about picnics muffin tins are easy to carry. if they
a d the substantial foods which were have .raisins and tuts in them and
e lily prepared. (Today we will talk cocoanut sprinkled on top, they do
bout the drinks and the sweets al -not need icing.. Cookies of all kinds
Dead Sea in w ose sad and ezeggish though
o gi rent lllyrthe sweets iare fore mast are alwlays good -
waters- nothing which had breath people prefer the savory foods when rid you ever try a short -cake at a
could live. Thus the(r inlss:on was eating in the open air: p1ebie. They are mighty --good.
botgl to
topclea tat le hathwas
i ]tlwas The easiest way to carry' your 1iq- ened a d.carryiit iin�a sealer. sweet-
impinge. " And that. is true of,the Gos- aids is in,ther'mos bottles, tea or cof•,,
fee for the. grown ups may be kept
per gfnGhrist.. There is�no'el can of hot and, Mille or_ lemonade for the
turn users- garde flit a Is - Carred children"may be'kept cool in these
turn into e r rayhie1 there is `scan- useful bottles. If you take tea do
Sea u error which the , end change erne not put cream in the bottle but carry
not purge elf a its po life.
end chantte it separately as it gives the tea a
Into a receptacleNotice of free. • queer taste.. When you wash your
l' V, verr inthg. sirs of the river. thermos bottles' be very careful no.,
It is ewer rising. thus• svrnnoiizin;:
the, work tend inflame of the Holy toalet
ba ye at r'th�thin between ever
Spirit. • 'It can be seen to ever in- keep the corks in the bottles wild -
creasing force from the .Cay of the not in use, as they are apt to. get
patriarchs,. prophets,. the ministry of mouldy: A handy phare to keen • hem
Christ, on the Day of Pentecost and is in the cup which fits on the top
to -days, in the ever -rising tide of
evangelism the world over• of the bottle.
• V. ' Notice the service of the river, If you do not own thermos bottles
"Everyt'hinir shall live whither the , you can keep yeur milk Bold for some
'river cornett." There is no depart, time by wrapping the bottle tightly
ment of life where the river of the in several newspapers. You will' be
Gospel bis flowed that has not been surprised at the length of time that
ourckened into newness of lite •And ,m tFcnnod. keepeethe hot
ea my sealershes oe
richer 'growth. • : put a cork in the snout of the tea pot
11 : WORLD to
ChNS ?" (•and wren tightly in newspapers. A
"Why .Ceara to Help Giiiina. crock of baked beans or.an Trish stew
Begs m, WA do not annrove of
•t 1.
125. People— 500 Horses-- ma 50 Cages Animals
30 Lions 2 Cars of Elephants and Camels
S Bands - 2 Calliopes « 2 Complete Electric
Light Systems -30 Double Length Steel Cars
i e5it Big Top 5 lvlauune;th Rings —
2 ,Stel Arenas Wad -Beast Hippodrome
a • �' - The Newest "
Show Ir A14
°r'; • The World sake,
5 Continent Menagerie t'
;-slid character Bible
iNoa and the Ark
Iwo Certt$Ast *ad
IlN.eNolowletottt speets Deft
%"t "go acro* Mimi* st
5 WO** Moot Daily
,' r
S t OWS . (AIM 2. iii $
xi* 144
bis: lilts tet fee aril l'reill`1a, t la"i1 ci> �E
already whiPeecl an:3 sea ran Fut �.
them together in the twinging of a' 11
eye. In most tarts el the e entry it
is hard to get veil. fat frena'tte eta -
quite -as i'e cecana eerie. Tae chiideen
are sire tei like them and ice ereeet
is a peed fc^d
Very often eididren and gzccwi, u s'
feel greggy wises a plcnie and law a13 ,
tired out the nest clay. This ia tee I
uaily the resalt of haying tat meet i
• rieh unusual feeds end 4nuinl.s. IIf'
you eat arid drink• wisely, about as I
yah would at ho:uo your cternnaclt
would not be otentased and your wale- y
pie will bee benefit not a drawb ae1., .
Butter Tart Filling
1 cup eurrants,.1 cup sugar, 1 CO,
tablespoons batter. • a
' Cream the better. add sugar and
slightly beaten egg. Mix and add
eun'itnts. Put in uncooked pastry
shells. Cook in hot even at (trot and
then reduce temperature -or the Al- .
ling will be tough.
Lve. Goderich 6,20 a.m, fl 20 p.m.
" Clinton 6.44 a.nn., :.50 pm.
" Seaforth 6.59 a.m. 8.08 p.m.
" Mitchell 7,31 a.tn. 3.35 p.na.
Arr. Stratford 7.45 sent. 4.03 p.m,
" Kitchener 8.40 a.nr. 5.20 p.m.
" Guelph 9.04 a.m, 5.50 p.m.
" Toronto 10,25 a.m. 7.pm,l eturning.--Leave Toronto 7,5580 a.m.,
12.55 tam. and OA pan.
Parlor Cafe Car Godorich to Tor-
onto an morning train, and Toronto:
to Goderich an 6.05 pan. train. No
ebange of ears between Goderich and
• ° J. A. LAWRENCE, 4
Town Passenger and
Phone 8 Ticket Agent
Complete* Poisoned
By Bad Teeth
Mts. W. He Lambert, I.ainbettville,
N.B., writes: --"I must say that B.B.B.
gge tin mylife.
My troubledteeth s My.•
di eetive organs were . completely
red, as well se my whole. system,
had the teeth extracted, but the trouble
was still left. Having read what
No wonder Kellogg's Corn
Flakes are preferred to all
others.. Kellogg's have a flavor
that can't be imitated. Always
extra fresh and crisp. The
world's most popular readyto.
eat. cereal Order a package
Enjoy Kellogg's Corn Flakes for lunch end stainer as wall
as hreel fest. Fina for the children's evening meal. So
easy to digab..-Seriere_wtt#n milk or er»�n►ni--fruits or homey
added.' ..
It pays to insist on Kellogg's.-r-cho' original Corn Flake..
Look for the red.and.green package. At all graeiscs.
Served by hotels, restaurants. On dining -airs. Made by
. Kellogg hi London, Ontario.
bed done for bthet I decided -to -try it
and the result}e •
praise it too }i
w,amazing. I cannot Corns are painful growths.
Manufactu :1.101
r only by The T. Mil- loway's - Corn Remover will remove
burn Co., Ltd.
Toronto. Ont.
at wilt 11
Arcadian Court
Rick:charm of every
.. appointment made richer,
,more charming, by- a veri-
table flood of stutehipt•-
Rare, delectitble f cods ir-
reproachably served. Hight
over downtown Toronto,
Canada's 'loveliest rektaur-
ant, Arcadian Court..
Avon House
• Sereateeit roosts
representing a rigid and
autIorutice panorama of
the history of honteJurtt (alt-
ing•, Thr exterior presents
aline .Elizabethan country
house and accounts for the
name. •
1KES t
h m fig
Children Off'
A.S7"Q R A
This Summer offers fou mangy
new and enjoyably features ar
R (j
+•%.+Irl tsetl(ri'fftl
so toll rrl
111. -Inti
Dine at Arcadiali Gist
Visit tsiellAvsiiiies
HEN you Cable 10 Toronto you will see, MOO before )(en e'nte'r they Store,
hownchalegrowu fhb putt year. ¶ Acres: Upon acre of floor epees* !lac
been -added. %,tel ttith tIu Store's expatsFion hate evri►ie distinctive
developments: The Store for ?lien, greatest of its kind in Canada. situated at
(lay Street,' Toronto's rapidly growing canyon of 'business: 'I'he Liberty Shop.
:l precious bit of Old England dropped in a sccliided but accessible corner of
the Second Floor; elegant Arcadian Court. and the aaltetgcilrer aieiieltie> Aeon
Home. • ¶ The sheer 1►hysleatl splendor of the Store's neer e'kte'ntaieett and the
,tally stew points eef iaile'leq Will make pour tisit lab Sinieton'e n truly f±!mince
adventure. This year Greater Sirniwon'a niekon:en gout
TIM incc\ lik4 COMM'
kaki v itinurn
TO to