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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-07-11, Page 6PAGE SIX
Toa wilt: derive lar more
satislaotIoa fro* *ALADA
'hoe yes w from cep tee
'seibfrom the 1l+rdoesr
yte Abbey solace and sena: at Ines-
ieage to Esse Arebbi roll of t`rntl'rbuty
Nor v
:espreesuog his heertfele tthanke.
Touriets Help Manses*
Meal Reamer weather and the ser=
rl al of a large number of teuairte
• are bringner ect :sty to nearly every
trench of commercial activity in Can..
add Retail buying is of peak oxo=
portions, the movement of all kinds
of geode, particularly evening ap.
ant 1, and dry gatels icing cif xeeo.-d
1 ier<ope tions, mceerding to a Pending
trade review.
Prairies Want Rain
OII.timers wino Neve seen Western
Caaafada crops come beck of had
'straits have been loath to wept the
,!blase ruin stories going the reunite,
are now uneasy as day after day}
peeees without the longed far gen-
eral rain, Bays Geo. H. Meacham. for
' e20 y('aramarket editor of the Win-
nipeg Tribune, in his xveokly review.,
ULVY,�... - -
The Tlianlas^;6whi' Service!antic to the Pacific Oceans to hear
Tee whole of the Britizie Stupire every word and every inu;,ica1 note of
ehmed in the great Then! s.iving ;than 'nest impressive of scivieeu.
Seei a which tool; place at West. . Oanodcwee not
alone i
n this' regardar
„ tV1 .
rases Stec Atl.ay, London, July tth, to 'as NOW Australia, India and
thank Almighty God fox Iles toad South Africa were oleo .able to hear
Peovidence, whereby our Limit gra- the whole service and re -broadcast it
cheeps Sovereign has been delivered to utinost ,parts of the Empire. I'ro.
from severe illness to the tendert of:1:J h' there never was u simpler royal
tine whole realm,"" ThS Abbey shelfroi ress on agreat occasion than
could accommodate but a few thou. ]est Sunday". Their Majesties went
eande of , worshippers, abut the re- to the Abbey with an entourage of
etraria:ablo engineering elan :of the Erie only two carriages, roach with two at.
fish a'aadca }ting company aerie It 'fondants, flanked by but half a dozen
possible for Canadians from the At. mounted canstzablea_.
• - $ • nem Whim .of Wales,' -Luke and
f111 X111:' ;\1t►t}it 1
Scott's Emulsion
'" Duchess of York, Prinee , George,
Princess Mary and 'Discount leased.
les, attended ttlhe great service with
".rheic Dxajesties. While this service
was in progress a similar service was
being held at the Ronaait Catholic Ca-
thedral at 1'Desminster, where King
AIfoneo of Soain represented Xing
George. The King was deeply} moved
A Sure . R iii
`N r
ef For
Women's - Disorders
Orange Lily is a
certain relief for .all,
disorders of women.
It is applied locally
into suffering tissues.
The dead waste
rnattcr in the con-'
:. a.... Bested region is ex-
pelled, giving imi-
eluding delay and painfu1'menstruation, leucorrhoea, falling
nerves are toned and strengthened and the circulation is ren-
tiered to normal, as this treatment is based on strictly scientific
principles, and acts on , the actual location ; of the :disese,
cannot !help tint do good in alt• forms of female troubles, in-
cluding delayed and painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, flliug
of the womh,, growths, and.ovahifan troubles, etc. Price$2.00
per box, which is sufficient for one montrh's treatment. A
trial "Treatment, enoughfor1t1 dogs, worth 75c, will be sent to
any suffering wonru wbo \viii send me. her address, , Enclose
I o cents and rlddres s' Mrs; Lydia W. Ladd, Dept. 10, Wind-
•- sor, Ont.
Spain's. New Constitution
A dery constitution of the Spanish
monarchy was- presented .in the na-
tional assembly teday for study and
examination by the assemblymen
durin►; the summer. The project.
contains 11 sections and 104 articles
detailing various concepts of the nee
tion, oleic it natio a c
n1 individual
rights, the monarchy and tine succes-
sion to the throne. By this constitu-
tion Spain is made a 'constitutional
monarchy with Roman Catholicism
as the state religion. .The rights of
free speenh and publication by all,
Sprenish subjects are gnuranaeeti with
certain exceptions. The e:teeutive
power of: the state is vested in the
king, who, however, must consult the •
xee5proiteible miniskirt, on impotent
Waive 'TheTe' i 1utive "power will
ie n a singe mire a e' ;tie Cortes.
•• Tornado Strikes Elroae.•
I' i I b t 11 a i
Twentyet ht persons . were killed
and hundreds injured by a tornado.
and hailstorms which swept through '
Central Europe last week, causing
widespread damage throughout
Czecho-Slovakia, Australia, Jugosla- s
`via, Germany and Switzerland
▪ lisadickes
hint old Sok
After Refs W.rk
Mrs: Cie*. Ma►aee, TdLonbws, Ont.,
writers 'After my first child was born
1W Com letelvrandown,antiwasicroon
and irritable all the time.
"After mw second was bora I was
never without. nervou 3 hradeeIaee. and if
I did a hard day's work A would be faint
and sive., is filet, I�aof ave bad we moved
in with lent helebaad°s people eri I would
not be alone whiie he wee at work.
"1 xvas so nervous I was always afraid
ro:rcthing terrible would happen.
"Mee mG?hrr-in-law etronglyp advised
ria© to take 11
and I rant eeea on per the (;rest
relief I got. Te very t box relieved
me of hose terrible nervous headaches.
e1I eau now go to bed and sleep well,
and in the morning T am ready for an-
other dsy'da work of,any kind.
"iI eta the. mother of four so you co
eise_my hada are never idle."
Trice, 99 mate u box at sl1 drupatiete,
or deslerel, or mailed direct An receipt
of price by The T. Milburn co., Ltd.s
Toronto, Out.
States, .said that ".people need have
no fear' the Libor government would
acrifice seeur ty' In their haste for
disarmament. . .
He affirmed the Labor adniniatra-1
tion would work with. might and plain
Growing. crops xvero totally deo
stroyed and many homes ruined in '.
first for stabilization of naval ram.
aments at a given point andthen for
eduction,• which would give Brittain
eaurity `without "the present great
drain upon her economic resources.
'some districts. Telephone and tele.
graph -wires were destroyed and come -
munieation interrupted, hampering ,-r
tabulation of the total of casualties•: s
The storms,, .which -started. in 'Gere:
many in he form of violent hail-
storms, tore down through Bohemia
and Moravia. Then swinging west-
ward. they turned into Austria, yak--
ing the republic 'north,•. south, east
and west, •,
Quebee Conservatives Meet -
ncludinn 111 )rovlxnoi'at Conserva-
and damages
1 a
tives of•• note, some 2,000 delegates -
will assemble tit Quebec on July; 9. -
and :10 far the Quebec Conservative
Convention, at whieh a leader will be
selected and •the party's plan of
eaanpaign drawn up.•.
Acme Guertin, M.P.l?. (Conserve-
tive, Hull), +chairman of the orgled-
zatinn committee, has issued the of -
natal a agenda of the meeting. Hon.'
Arthur. Sauve, leader of the provin.
Bial opposition, will open, the Session
with an address.
Canadian Choir 'Wins -
The ;Mixed Choral. Society* from;
•Brantford.Ont„ conductTilt.Bonri_
Jordan, won first prize e chief:
choral event of the National Eisted-
fod of America, held at Scranton, Pa. -
Mr. Jordan . received the Eistedfod
medal,while• the choir was awarded
$1,500, and an Eistedfod silver loving
cup. -
Enitlrh Naval Question
First Lord of the Admiralty Alex-
ander alluding in it speech to the
nose disarmament discussion be- MAY Visa .CONTINENT
tween Great Bietain and the United Mustapha Xemal fiesta, President of
Turkey,may visit these shores soon,
aceording to rumors that are being
- widely circulated in diplomatic cit.
Compare this smart new six, by the guilder of Champions, with
Cara that cost snore. Compare h for style- *for fine -car ,beauty of
line, and color and appointments—forroominess and riding easel
Compare it for speed and. spirit, remembering its gallant predecessor,
the champion Dictator which sped 5,O0 miles • in 4,751 minutes!
215 -inch wheelbase.
and habbitt•facei crankshaft bearing pro.
vide tnaxirilum life and str,outlinesss.
Lanchester vibration dampeser,
Timken -tapered roller bear►ings in rear axle,
front and rear wheels and; tcering Llhuckle.
Otil frit r,a gasoline filter and crankcase
ventilating &latent insure maximum engine
Feel jnus ►insure constant, adequate Row
of gasoline, tegarchess of speed or grade.
Thermostatically controlled cola's SOON
retards flow of coater tut tit motor has reached
precisely correct temperature for highest
operating efficiency.
Iossitt•dray fiance of new, compound
bow design—far costlier but sturdier,
safer and permitting graceful lowness of
body lines. '
Ilarisrare of soft' silver finish, .further
beautified by an artistic design.
Ftell r sioa, fill-reniilating bodies of steel
over hardwood foundation—the accepted.
Osepiece steel core safety steering wheel.
Adlastable steering wheel front seat
dllsoli rs4 actio* l -ached brerherwhich stop
The Dictator in half the distance accepted
as standard.
Tarnish. reofchromin sfrtatin oternickel
on all exterior brightw©rk.
Coincided*, lock to ignition and steering.
The Dictator may be driven 40 miles per
hoar the do it is eldireeti the result of
advanced engineering, precision workman.
ship and careful inspection.
0 S trekkerold Erah±fee Motteis—$1095 tar,$3395
*ohm,* , 'f srru tarsal
Qoderlch, Ontario
The Soviet Again
Reference tos the fai nous Zinovieff
_ letter which caused the defeat of
Ramsay MacDonald's government in
- the 1924 British ,election, brought to
an abrupt halt Saturday's hearing in
the trial of Vladimir Orloff goad oth-
- ers et Berlin, Germany, on charges
offorging documents that purported
to show .bribery of United States
senators by Soviet kussia.
European Parley Discussed
Great E,,'itaii►, I,"ranee, Belgium and
Germany appear to have :agreed on
August 6 as the date for the eonier-
once of foreign ministers to study
! _ methods for putting into operation
- the new reparations plan, although
negotiations . as to the . place tor
+hoaaing it will continue.
The general empression in. French
circles since Sir William Tyrell,
British ambassador at•Paris, present-
ed Foreign Minister Exited with iii:,
government's preference for London
les the pingo, and a single conference
as the method, is still that there's
should be three conferences,
The French wants a preliminary
meeting to fix't the basis of discussion,
9a second for work in completion of
certain phases of the plan lent over
for decision by the governments, and
a third as finely plenary session. ,
.ksyeeeins Get Busy
An attempt to assassinate Premier
Liapteheff of llulgarie, was seen in ,
tile tiring of 211 bullets by Macedon -
lien bandits at an automobile carry-
ing government and 11)1X1' officials.
One of the shots kilted Simeon
Alexandre, police •officer detailed to
guard M. Vaailef), llulgutl:anminis-
ter of nubile wrorks. Tho oflielal par-
ey was returning in government
antonaobile after as public function in
Plovdiv at which the premier WAS
present. Deputies, the prefect of
police, and ether dignitaries, evere in
the ear,
Labor Government Taxed
This week the Labor Government
*will face its first division in thepres-
ent Parliament. The vote will be
en the'question of sefeMutrtling of
industries by system of tariff pre.
rection, s` method inaugurated by the
recent Conservative fs`tiverrimerit,
which the Labor Covcrtament pro- .a
poses toy abandon.
The Conservative amendment to
the. Addreet iii reply to the S e.
fans the Throne containing the ekal-1
tern;, to the teyeeennaent on its eete-
auardieg *and will be mored by Sir
Yhiep t'aanliffe lister, former l oras.-
dent of the Board of Tivede. Tile
amendment is only ene of foneteen
en the ceder paaper slat, with the
exertion of the official Liberal
amendment on Scottish referee, it 23
the only one likely to be reeved fer-
Canada Loses Seuns
The historic Diutnen3 Sculls, eta-
le/emetic of the weed's amateur
singles cbampiorwhip, priced from
{;+enaada to Rolland when L Gunther
defeated Joe Wright Jr„ of `Toronto,
the holder. Wright lost by an error
of judgment, starting his find burst
just too late to overhaul the Dutch-
man. Gunther won by as yard in. S :
minutes and 42 seconds.
"It vides a great race." the Cana-
dian , said afterward. He eonflruted
the opinion of tbose who saw his
failure, when he said: et timed my
last effort just a little too late. 1 in-
tend to come over next ya:ar to try, to
vein the Diamonds for Canada Qom."
Gunther, after lighting a cigar -
when the mutton was over, said: "I -
knew I was going to be lucky today. -
I sculled as well as I could, but
Wright nearly trial 1 e. h
had m at end. I
� y
d t.e
hope to •come over again next year,
and will if I am not married."
Canadian Altitude Record
Canadian aviation history was
made when Captain J. D. Parkinson, -
of the Curtiss -Reid Flying Services, -
Limited, tock a Curtiss Robin mono-
plene powered with a 170 horsepow-
er Caailenger Morot, to nn ,official
height of 20,000 feet, breaking the
former Canadian record of 18,000 es.
tablished last year by Captain Leigh
Capreel•of the De 1.Havtiland Aircraft
vrf -Canada, hauled, in a Noth tea:
British .: Sailors Honored �"
Premier De Rivera sununoned the
officers. of ILM.S..1,Eagle to be decor-
ated -with the Spanish Cross of Merit
for saving commander Ramon Fran-
co and ids three companions fromlthe
It was Spain's crowning gesture of
appreciation for the great service the
Britons had done•to the ,Spanish Gov-
eriiinent in rescuing the .fliers.. As
soon ars the full list of the members'
of the crew: of the Eagle is received
from the • British Admiralty the sail-
ers and Marines of the rescuing ship
will 'be awarded edals.
The Eagule'itsel (also will be decor-,
ated with .the a rial medal. This
ceremony will task piuee either at.
Algeciuras or Gfbra tar, as soon' as
the British Admiralt finds it conven.
sent to send the sshi , there for that
Their Majesties' -' nniversary
Sunday, July 7th, wit , the 36th an-
niversary of"theweddin:. af•the King
end Queen. On July 7, •590, George
and Mary were wedded in the. Chapel.
1.PJoyal of St. James' Beiac
It so happened- that on that d'ay,
the aannivereary, the w•hol - Empire
and one )night say the whole
world, offered thanks for th :King's
recovery from the illness wit ch be-
set 'him throughout the wrote The
King' and Queen attended the main'
service- at Westminster Abbey, long
with most of the royal family.
Government Farm . Loan Boar
Five of the provinces of Cana ,
namely, Alberto, British Coluitnhi ,
Quebec, Nova Scotia and , New
Brunswick,, have so far taken .advan.
tag? of --the -Canadian- Farm r Loan
Board, a Dominion. 'Government or-
ganization iterated to extend long
term mortgage credit to Canadian
farmers.. ,
The fanner taking advantage of
the new farm loan facilities in Can.
ada must subscribe to the capital
stock of the Canadian Farm Loan
Board to the extent of Ave per cent.
of the amount borrowed by him; .the
provinces in which the Farm Loan
Act tcomes into force will : be sub-
scribed to the extent of five per cent.
of the total of loans in the province,
while. the Federal Government will al-
so subscribe five ,per cent.
Mother Graves' Worm 'r xtermina
for will drive worms from the sys-
tem without injury to the Child, be-
cause its action, while fully' effective,
is mild,
Sntltita t *teeth its
Gives mediate Italia
Cato ll rue rotas
CAM %1,1
�f t1
11.11111 1111 11 1111. 11 I III 111.11
1 �V
TI1VIZSDAY, JL WZ ttth, 1529
1 !!....1111111 111! 1 1 A 11 1 11 1 III
_.1 ,J L JI, ,I„.1...1.11
CENUINE Goodyear 30
tires. Splendid value, since
every tire is backed by
Goodyear experience and
resources. Varied in price
and tread design, bails
quality -never t
• ,qek, at. These Prices!”;
30 x 3%2 •. $4.95
29 x4.40 •- $8.35
Battery Service, Creasing, Vulcanizing' _
Phone 259
0nt3, Coodye ar Tires are builto f Superhoist Cords
1 1 1 1..1.11 1 1, -I 1
Per Upholstering, Repairing
A large , rooms of Semple Cover
inns circie+t
Neleon Street ' .: .
,. �. .. .:........r.
Scott's Emulsion
Bathein Mimed's and
.warm water,. rubbing
\, the solution into the
aching parts with the
;nerd's is also splen.
di for sprains, bruises
strained ligaments etc
l •
Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canada
letabltsheS 1365
Ri All QPnio : Wiereal.00, ONT
D. D. MOONEY, Agent
0j s zee
NORTH ST.. -t GoDerticn, One.,
The Vest Meet
Electrical Shop
We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliance.
Fixtures, etc. .
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds
Estimates given on
All Work Guaranteed
Frank McArthur
Phone 82 . West Street
Have your hea ghts tested cqucntly, or
test them yourself. Be sure the do nlot glare.
To drive night with, glaring a ac lights is
to endau er oulr le and the live of others.
With on y one headlight, you ar also a
n ightwtire menace one the highway. ways
carry spare bulbs.
The law demands that your lights shall
alwap, be in proper condition. You aro
liable to a fine if they are out of focus or
not hymning.
Geo. S. Hese