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The Goderich Star, 1929-07-11, Page 5
• ..rjoissiwartistiarisisiinissegeggewlellilWriprornrt" THERS119.1-, KIN 13th, lees Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead We keep the Best at. Rock Bottom Prices:, PARIS GREEN, per lb. > • • .. < . < ........ .45c ARSENATE OF LEAD, per lb.. ARSENATE OF LEAD, bulk, per lb, Campbell's Drug Store 'PHONE 90 THE THE GODI; RIIII STAII .ion. weir" s £nni,.':ttee. Saha pewee teri' ,� `1.�.' '. '° " Xi the >< l ° lutes ('niece of the llama 0411, •� giro;w' .i r,6s eeratino Coe a Lt, -t-, *seen tit 1('' rt'a li2g is on 11i14.Q street 8a3t;1 % / not C otot: ne bezel rend this was mica); T^^t �L �� i�����' `_ "' �I II yxed to tee water., Ught IOU ilalbo, 1' . i a 11 e� oar+iittee. f " ea i ►y On a letter, £ em Miss llitsiitt lite : ' at f�/"iG'liCe' Riddick Boys n -latter et the eiaedition of Iliac fence" A',"- heu�ve:n lien property and i�icttiria : h, rip �,• x r.^t c r,xr acv t sac. _ t Parti 1e S rCt(1't Cfl ti the cemetery -a", = eeteg oeho Yertegeo R - er .rie • and parls committee with pewee to , . - _: 1c �i c arino tl2czn cut �y h net. Tiogo Tile-ole a rCai ta.3 bac-Z1 for E;3'- I tee heed end ee a15tatr. u�-e, aced theyMr. Wooleomte made a Co up?airrt nig antiques, AS vue '1?atoree :bine ere itreehllii;C• tato caRoot vi' 1,((71a'- ,efwhat lie thought was ineeeree tree ;coal;coalin the country, lie um; I ed, Peltier, roe gill rare 'it i there u:22ttnttt, et '1.:l' no3 assment. This 0413111 X, nae? -fel cod whatenotee .3:t 04: £0 0. Ffl:2, cL:d 4,..1ttt ,lean•- .12t�.:lliC was referred to the financo commit- on the lzor.•lt and the lawn and far afterward, Many otiicr:-:tse eon,ciet- tee, elle at tebulous prices. Matey et Vous brei eti go about, like birds of CQAEljCH, ONT. 1nc county vice: asked for the tole tIt:;e arat. Ec� are not 1fautIfu1a lI,t rc5hunt n cun intilacs are! E1 .., - lowing levy from the town of (:ode- cur. n2t'r<e1y ©ltl. But there wee. i, ing their nwscts to cell titen2 at lite rich for the year: General county ° beauty et line and handiwork, wilier price of jus2it ata: not dtheere of purposes, $7,569; county highware 01=1• _erefothe 'rosy," and thiels is t)te your . treasures, ignorantly. .b' m $3,714:i0; Provincial hig'1aay, $1, ten not attained by our vomit -iv -Mal old furniture, old potters, onl chin;, 89:1,2' total, $13,245.75. This was and rta:chine ege. If the antique is old laces and old, eveavinUs and know sefelxed to tits finance committee. really he ..utifut, it is a joy fore r, end love tho helrl)o na wllie,l2 }r,u:' To N , couNcIL The finance committee reported no matter what generation It r:aa anccstois left you and 1vlti;li ,yon; having examined. tot treasurer'a made for. have been i,nl° orant5 ttlg freeze year: statement for May and recommended Every NS -01114U should visit an rtu- without knowing the value ori your that it be filed, and recommended tique shop or one of these museum possessions. payment of a number of +accounts. houses kept u;1 b1• historical eoeleties, • WELL DRESSEie The public works committee report- to learn what is really valuable, oi: To be dressed elegantly with tole ed as follows : the antiques. One woman had a (east outlay oe money and nee tease Air. S. M. Johnston, town engineer, beautiful blue china dish, but she did- nervous strain and the least cost oz: n't lilce it. She was tiredof it and it upkeep, means to have few clothes" of had always bieen in the house, sinew very good nuality. and style, qt e01.. She WAS a little girl. Silo was 0011" servative colors, of simple design, to give it to Iter maid, but she just and whie;i harmonie with one anti- happened to notice one like it in the er so that each pie •b ma, t o torn window of an antique shop, marked with any other piece and they may at a high price, and instead of giving seem to "belong." y it away she came hone and set it in To select such an outfit requires a conspicuous plaeo in her corns: thought and care end a generous ruse cupboard. She loved it After Lha , dost. But it is economy in the long forYou shemhaday hlearnedavemany to ripprictweeteless atean(i has a touch of. elegance; n tyle itrun. You have the clothing which revery aId thinsgs in yqur me And I which will not soon become passe, at do not e'en l;noa abntt't thhoein. i'er* the more extreme fashions vein; anti ° a calor whfgh will not be so striking icnces. They have issued a Proviu- t that you will soon be '.known by it sial Be3a el or Health certltizate sit rile* and grow tiredof it. prover and have ' left the required Complete harmony is the fundi sign. mental of good dressing. if 'Sour We also recommend that the doors dress, lint, coat, hose acid shoes grin and.windows of the tourist camp kit- all be of the same shade or of bar. Over Ten Thousand Dollars. Already Paid in en 1929 Ttnaces has Issued his final certificate on 1928 b sidewalk contract amounting to $w',- ` autauria to Have Use q9 'Victoria Parr o2022.58, recommending this payment Tourist Camp Receives Approval ;llronll Provincial Officers led to the' satisfaction of the inspee- • sltbaectto the headers driveways' ers at as requit-ed by contract being instal- MaMortor, We have plaid $1500 on this cer- tv e* Baseball Diamond In Front of moue. Main Stand. iTtie Messrs. BellBros, have 'been paid $1500 on their 1929 sidewalk contract upon certificate 41 from the The regular tneetinic of the town struction, of cenient• sidewalk were engineer, and also a further sum of council was held on Friday; July 5th, referred to the public works commit 81000 :as per engineer's certificate with all the members nresent with ono, From .t�deu '..on: the -north No. 2 of July 5th, 1929. the .exception of - Councillor'. Gould. side of Piston street -between South Regarding letter from Charles The tax collector's report was re- street and the west side of lot 360;, Heale and communication from the ferred to the finance committee, The, on the west side of : South street be- Department tot National ' Defence 1111 report showed the .following pay- tween Britannia road and Raglan st.; with reference to rifle range rights menta since last report: ' 1926' taxes, on the south side of. Raglan street over the town dump grounds, we re - 471.94; 1926 taxes, $90; 1927 taxes, between Keays and McDonald st.; Ott commend that the matter be 'referred $20.84; 1928 taxes, $2,'911.22; 1029 the east side of Keays st. between back to the whole cruncil to be dealt taxes, $0,635: cash on hand of x1929 Britet nuia road and Raglan st.; and with. then be screened and that u eovercd monizinl shades or carry •the same taxes, $1127.64; .: total, $13,8.0.64. on the west side of Eldon street be- We, recommend that the petition for garbage can be placed in the kitchen, trim or accessories, you a pi •;roach l . The 1929 tax notices were now in the ttween Britannia road and Cayley st. cement sidewalk on the north side of also that paper towel •caibinets and that indefinable thing "chis " hands of the taxpayers,atid as shown The . following applications for Quebec street from Wellingtait st. to waste towel receptacles be placed in The amateur shopper is caught by above, $10762.64 had been collected. breading permits were referred to the Essex street be passed, and that a the lavatories at the clomp grounds.. the 'bizarre and unasuu:. :Ow vents. The report was. referred to the fin- fire committee, with Power to act: construction bylaw be prepared; and Your committee recommend that a more prettiness and color. But she anee committee. From B. Brownlee, to glass in verge- that Toronto street petition 'be laid chargetof 50e per car per night or $2 does not get dignified elegance Ind The cemetery sexton reported that doh atdwelling on west side of Cam. over for further consideration... . there were no antermetits during the brio road; from. IL McNee, to re -roof The county engineer is having a month ofJune. The` paths had al to n.1 d 'u loci come car of ]ca m ch de ar ca dwelling . on south side of Eli .av been gone over twice with a horse g It e 'and tilers were still.places that. re- nue, with patent rock -faced c 'reties; tioderich and will sell the town this from P. L. Walton, to .erect nese doors tion of it. We recommend that this quired to be gone over by hand. 'The on garage on north side of West st.; corrlmittde be empowered to purchase -past week rough plates' had been, cut from Donald McNevin,to re -roof what is required for town purposes. with the scythe. Mr. M. Reid had, house on the south side of Trafalgar: One ear of rotar and two care of worked. 70 'hours, and blr Bunking st. with asphalt shingles: from. E. J. tarvia have been purchased and we 441/2 hours. Bogie, to glass in porch at dwelling recommend that anethhr tank, . car The report was. • referred :to the on the north side of Trafalgar st.•• be ordered cemetery and parks committee with from R:: C. Kays jr.,to erect frame The special committee reported as power to pay the workmen. Mr. 3. E. Muteb, secretary of -the stairway and peatforns floor rear of follows: Motor g letter from the apartment• .on second *on the Ontario Motor League with reference fire department,,, -reported as to pies- west side. of Hamilton st.; from Mi- to effecting traffic signs to be supplied sure from a hydrant at the corner of cheek Flick, to re -roof 'kitchen o the by the it• a we recommend that Wellesley and Elgin avenue and that , north side'of Britannia road• from the from Tie left with this commit - two ears. drove over the hose, The F. H. Wood. to erect 'new :"texandah tee to go over the ground, procure i matter was referred to the fire corn- .of frame and glass, with paroid roof- and erect signs. mittee and public work% committee eo fag, replacing present verandah,'' on The fire committee reported as foie investigate as to running over hose.. ,tire east side of South street; from lows: We have passed all, appliea- A letter from the Great Lakes Har= • N. C. Lannaway to' convert present tions for building permits referred to hors Assoc'oition' enclosed account for shed at house on the north `.side of is at . last meeting. Regarding the - $10 for 1929 dues. The letter stated: Trafalgar st. into tt .entrage and re- Imperial .0i1. •Company's request .for Your association has won a great place the shed with' a,: poteh; from Permission to- of est a large .gasoli victory in: trio United States'Suureme . Wave - L. Salkeld, to greet, •1 dwelling tank, . 6.0 feet by 42 feet, at the hoc- Court ; decision in the Chicago Water_ oil the moth -east, corner;. of Montreal bar, with a 6 -inch -pine to- the dock, Diversion One, but the work of•. your 'street, with,,g'arage,, house to be 26 we eecomrnen'd that, pending further Association Is only just begun in the x 32•brick''veneer, cedar shingles over consideration, the solicitor be re - Add of harbor deve opment.'mitered- asbestos - cement -foundation, two .quested to draft an agreement cover - ministration and the •promotion of .store', with garage, 12x16, attached, ing. the matter and protecting the lake .commerce, estimated cost . $5,000;' from W. M. town, the agreement to .be consider- - The letter woo referredntei-fihe fin Mc a ..to side-dvvellin me the east .ed by the committeerrnd submitted to 'ante eon -unit -tee -owith• power.; bet•pay -s g ibp fee, ids of$ridge street with Braiitfor(1 the council for approval 'before any rock faced siding. • further action. The following petitionso „ i,'o con- The cemetery . and parks committee t Fleur petitions for road oil werere- reported as follows*, We recommend ferred to the public works committee that no action be .taken regarding the as follows: From residents on St. erecting of the booth in the bandstand David st.:between Cambria road. to •at 'present. ' Albert st:; froth residents on St. 1)a- , Wit - yid st., •from Calabria road to King- ' r e` recommend and that rate H. C. stone'st.;: from residentston Elgin ave- mer be las at the of $900 perm nue. from Wellington st. to West ; July t as cemetery sexton from from residents on .Anglesey st. from July 1st.' Victoria st. east, The District At d. oh. of Health sand the Provincial Sanitary 1 A request, from Goedon Wong for Inspector have inspected the town permission to erect a tourist acorn- motor tourist eaten. They appeared modation sign' from his restaurant on quite ',leaned with the improved the Square was referred to the pub- sanitary and accommodation eonven- Rupturepew ist Rupture, Varicocele, *Varicose Veins, Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deformity. Consultation free. Call or write J. G. SMITH, British Appliance Specialist, 15 Downie St., Strat- ford, Ont. ......._ s 4 Leads the" World`dlt ii' "otor -CIF"if odue STANDARD SIX "400" SEDAN S1 3J i Delivered, roily Egttippect STANDARD' SIX "400" $1,224 To $1,524 belivered, Fully Egtdtpped COMPA1OE it to any car in its field,and youll find the cr you would rather have is the Nash $1400"Standard Srx, Comparison confirms its style superiority. Comparison of this car with others at its price also brings out the fact that the "400" high -compression motor is smoother in its actiion, more dynamic in its power, ahead in engineering excellence. Here are 7 bearings instead of 3 or 4, Bohnalite invar strut pistons -instead 'of the cast iron type, full Pres- sure lubrication for dependability and durability. And at no extra Cast, this car is :quipped with Lovejoy by. draulic shock absorber:, achreimium nickeled bumpers, spare tire, tare lock and tire cover; items customarily sold as "extras." ' HURON MOTOR SALES PI TONX 8; H: C. YOUNG, South t., Goderich per auto per week be made for autos staying over night ht a th e motor tour- ist t ur-ist Ca mpan that the matter of as. she soon tires of her purchases of todayand is never aatl sfied When her closet is full, t as he h nothin b� to ranging for the collection of these go with nue-thing, and must go fees • be left with this • committee. and buy again. These reports were all adopted. Navy blue, black, brown ant gray Moved by Coun;•i11or Mannings, are colors which stand the test of seconded by Councillor' Bailie, that time, are good for all occasions, and permission be given to hold Chautau- earnot be surpassed for gentility. qua on Victoria Park on *Tub' 25. 26, And as for eeono)ny, fewer and 27, 29 and 30, the use of't'his the recipe for e grounds smarter clother� to be under • the supervision of the thrift. parks committee.-•-Oarried. •A STONE K Cl'.O • C Moved 'by Councillor ailie B , sewn- ded byCouncillor McLean, that 'the ' t , Have you learned the, virtues of •matte of moving the .baseball dia. cnke,g rod old ss, orany crock; •! Bread, mond over to the front of the bi . c oag t w , t anew 'bakds gith e grand stand --at the a ricultural e k keptig -la. a store krepJcmoistcovered with be referred. to the ublic, works and. big plate; will keep moist and tin, public, i . 'o oo into much Ioneer than . the usual tin parks Committees jint ytt 1 k i drawer or box.. They wire not only. and•ieport.---Carred.:., keep fresher, but they will seem to The approach of civic holiday and •assume. a "ripeness;' which conies the race meet led, to a d}'scussion on the and stand and -the irosin up of fi ss .a blending of imase. read 'good - the and .cot t with Goaerich Manu- Hess throughout the. mast.. �a..e•�1nd he n roc th thert'3 reps stored in -a stone crier., i;acturing Co. in' conneetibti with the and fol rotten. have n delicious .flavot erection of the grand'stond -i as -re when discovered n week later, •, ferred to the public worlds committee; with power to pay the balance' owing, ' To keep vegetables fresh, as head en motion 'of. pay Munnings lettuce, cold 1 Neater s and turn hat • them ria sled Craigia. The matter of wiring .crack over tical (>n the cellar floor, the grand stand and installing? plumb Ilio ston1 crock win prevr::_ evnp.7r ing was re'feered to theontiblic works ntion and keep them cool nna prevent and parks committees jointly, And their • wilting. the =matter of preparing Bylaw gov- WEAR PETER PAN Summer Dress Materials Peter Pan Fabrics are guaran- teed fast color and cost no more than a great many of the inferior lines of merchandise, Ir.f/_ - ....._,.�.yr.... :;r-47.76 i,-ra:, ' mob. WE ARE SHOWING MANY NEW PATTERNS IN Polly Prim Figured 'Pique Renby Lawn Deauville Lawn Malmo . �4� • r rile �..'' � orae , Silk Pique, also plain color. �' a +r w Peter Pan ''rn ar�>r S t >r n o Children's Play Suits. Rest- Rooth for lades and children above our store. F. E. i r� ��..,,%%. r e 86 THE STORE Phone �A� shaken the water out, put them. In n cold stone crock in n. coot cellar and cover tbe erock with a pate. TOY will' keep fresh for several Gays with this treatment. - MRS. SOLOMON SAYS t. The eye of the mistress area more work done than both 'herr hawse:— Adapted from Poor Iticherd. .. ,SMILES. • "Dinah, I've lost:�the hey to my wiating desk. There's a"box of hard- ware odds an<i ends .in tic baselnente See if you can't find there 0ne,341.14l)s will. unlock it."' "' ,inva Iii llo use, ,Amir; I've t-1,1-end iatu. all on it long ago." • The member of the Society for the Prevention ,nf c uelty to Animals uses blank cartridges ween he goe:• hunting. .. geeteeer Captain- Dancy ` meting the use of "the stand eves re- DISCOLORED • ALUMINUM • u toned to the water and light cone- Sometitiies, something which is • to Speak +ere i n cooked in an aiamminum• kettle- will �� .. e • f7 dieceloric grad turn. it black. This is an accumulation .of Iron .11 the1 + • , �� �"�� . m a a uai inure and is: offensive to the eye. We _...::* may take comfort; 'however, in the mittee: , i The arrangement for . additional polling sub -divisions in the town and. the 'matter {,f, ,providing a rest room ht the water wor=ks station were oth- er matters spoken of. The council adjourned to duly 19th. This would be the ordinary meeting night but for. t'he.- feet that it was passed at the beginning of the. year to meet only once in July and once in August but it was felt there was too much business to do with the one meetingM "Insects are raised- in incubators at the FLY-TOX factory: When they are fully grown and especially strong and lively they are turned baso in a test cabinet, "The Fly-Tox Chamber of Death." Less than a teaspoonful of . FLY-TOX is spiiayed inside. Within five minutes all: are (lead, But; the teat isn't finished yet, . The dead insects are carefully taken from the "Chamber of Death". and put gen- tIy into incubators. Then. remain there 24 hours in an effort to revive .them. If even a wing flutters, the FLX•irOX testededoes not come up to the -High standard of quality, and never: leaves the factory.. This is the quick acting insect spray you want. It is' FLY-`PDX.. Accept no substi- lute'-. e There .le nothing just as good. There is only one FLY-TOX, !Devel- oped at Mellon institute of Industrial 'itc.searrh by Rpt Research , Peilo v - ship. Every bottle euaranteedr--Adv. tame and phoitphorus are :iceman', -- to build ;;good strong teeth, ' ,'These are to be obtained from the proper foods, b o t one of the best saur- Mode . ea re res of lime; and whole cereals provitiir phosphorite. Refined flour -s deli- (lent in phosphorus. We need brow,: breads and whole grained breakfast 1cnowledgethat this will not harm Noted Canadian to Gime ht.,,, the health in, any way. If any. oi. • that iron is dissolved and absorbed sptrne Vit4tecture at by the next food which is eoolced :in Chainancina Tent that kettle, it would benefit rather• j t than injure the health, for -we need more iron in our foods. There Is .: great danger in the modern diet that all the valuable mineral salts will be refined out of it. BAKING IIINT • • When adding soda to bavttai•, it will be distrieutea • more- events, .l1.. it as sifted into the riour rather tnan b-- ini; mixed 'with water and poured n wet. Sitt the baking ',mazer with the flour in making biscuit and you will not have yellow streak: in the `biscuit. It you sift It twice or three times, so much the better. When you have 'place(( your shies batter in the pan, it you cut across it several times with a knife, you wilt break the air bnliibles and :have a fin- er cake, not spoiled by Won notes 11, places. . . One can save dishwashing,' by plac- ing all dry ingredients on wrapping paper,. when measured. A roll of wrapping paper is a labor saver in a kitchen. It bas many uses, BUILDIN( TEETH WEEK OP JULY 13 to 20 "HARD ,BOILED ROSE., Showing how easily a dialnond in the rough may be polished and trans- formed into a beautiful jewel. Thril- ling action and a star cast are feat- ures of Cilia entertaining production. MERMAID COMEDY "GOING PLACES" with JANET GAYNOIt and CHARMS S FAI'.ItELL WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY STREET ANGEL with JANET (GAYNOIi. and CHARLES PAIIItELL A Beautiful Neapolitan ,love lyric by FRANK BOUZAGI': Depleting the passions sand fa hionae of a travelling troupe off "I'roubadors. !'Dods. . It is not good for the teeth to live on a diet of soft foods. Ilard, cruet foods furnish friction and massage CAPTAIN i)A11("i;lr the gums; and . help to keep the teeth clean as well as ,giving them the pro- .Following the armistice he achieve per amount of exerchee. Savages and ed International fame as a speaker. dogs Aid eats have splendid teeth be- 'His seri of lectures ware heard by cause they are accustomed to gnaw. over *Million eoldiera mud' coin- ing on hard things. A little used mewled the prairie and admiration muscle will grow flabby. 1t is ninth of Marshal Jotfre. As a cow - the same way veith teeth. They will quenee Captain Dnncoy was per - deteriorate unless they have sonic- .eonally eonlmended by the higl►ea=t thing vigorous to do. Allied of etals. MI1t'e OI" LABOR Captain ilancey, although born :tarot Ontario, liao, since the oar, con- \A'nme11, testing out the difference uted 'widely tol t,to rapidly dee in the number of stops tarsen to doing I ping lifo of tho Wedt. P11e. 7 Capt. Stanley Nelson Dances noted Canadian author, editor anti outstanding lecturer, comes to the Canadian. Chautauqua, on the lint afternoon with a vital, inspiring lecture, • �Cunicdianization." Captain Dancey' at. the age: of twenty -ono was editor of an im- portant city daily. Ile wan one. of the first Canadlens to go to Prance at the outbreak of the World War, where lip Ynron the rank of captaln and gained didtlndtion as a• aol'dier. work with and without labor saving i pepple, of the East will enjoy this devices, have worn a pedometer to breezy speaker who returns to hie measure the nailer they walk when : provincm with a message which is washing and ironing. One comae of supreme national Importance. diseovered that she walked only four Captain Dancey believe) fn hie You will thoroughly enjoy this fan- - and a half miles in doing her family native land; In acquainted with the washing and ironing, when she used problefga that confront her, and einating store;. a power washer and veli -heating iron. ban a raceme() which will appeal to JERRY DREW COMEDY - But sho walked twelve mike who.) all Cauadlana "WISE WINMEN" doing the same worts in, the old fruit- G(II%pnunIU neitnnehet1t'A Noy Matinee Thursday at 3.00 p.m. ; ' coned way. using a board per wash-, 2.ath to Nth G Eng and heating her ironn • on the', Admission Evenings, nngs hAdults sere, Children the - stove. Who would have believed the I Adults 23e, Children Tit;' - housewife covers to molly moo le t `- leer regular day's . tabor. Rut, if wo FRIDAY and SATURDAY do not ovordo, it is a splendid thing RIfIEAi3I1IlI for us. It given ria ()sceptic and /wept: un front getting fat. 11 a groat- aprlr<°t .tare. 411 id( ai ' mit ramp VI:(;E'tAI.i V4 PRIt ni meat rates an a begirgretind If lettuce. :cele p y. r:tet r1°C .I Nights of Agony come •in the ll°a11a of asthma. The . victim millet et clown, and sleep is driven iniac hie brain, What • grateful . relief 5.t the immediate effect of Dr, 3. 'De Nei- logg s AlthmpRemedy. neo Oaren',ten the frightful Conditions, clot the II:issue:es, and enable: the 'c ell' one to again . sleet as noun6& Ind' restfully as a child, Insist on the genuine .at your nearby eregoten eaiu.biteation for genuine cnte teiii- cr2aslilu hit I! ; c'e'1(i-v r+r ",titer etretahie � %Atit-n 'WARMING 1`I", etcould 1b; total), hate weld., ,pottiest. JUVF;tiIt�l� t",(D111rTi9� eland in cold water' for an lion:• OPS j :more.'Mahe out the oaten, oho') "GINGER SNAPS" it3te•>;,it in a damp clout awl piece thee,: Matinees TullM anti Oat. at LO0 pan. in tits ice Lou. (Jr, %then non hate. "Only .one quality, tastes, at ,Iloodtler's. Whether .1 xiherz:•: or gaged the kiddies, the fon hr w: alay s tbe best." A : Pull. Line of • elecooriesa Meats. Fruit and Vegetate/le - and Pi:4i always in stock. We deliver to. till parts e BTI town nt any time sopian rh your order or send a seen 'Fry our service and gel move, faction at • AECHLER'S PROVISION STORE, telephone 368 /irritant Attontii,n To Phlnlo Deliveries at nil hour: .11,,411) CASIO THERE CLIMES one gloriotta witch: eels Doe Whipple end lea Golden Pheasaat WarmWarm WEEK of JULY I 211 with Jaen Marshall Charles Loh!! Cootie Nut Canadn'n Sweet, -eft, Team. Regular Adtliinsion. special S(11''TIY,AILL b.VI'.liY DAV. i.ueea Keit *gine at,.. Lotafiw and Other 'l'eae.-ts. •f. SOLiCITOU'S OP YOUR 1'A>IIZa')N!aCt' ,CINDERELLA:, I EAUTY SLIOPPE if ;i/./14. i'.1:1:!/ .D'/S.' i1ti.d" s Iu° ..b'or4 °.:. . fl$f1^,;I'.in Open t I-01. ',UPON 1'Mm1