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The Goderich Star, 1929-07-11, Page 4
PAt;vF FOC Special Week -end Showing of Women's and Misses' Summer Dresses We have just received a shipment of Dresses in a rich aEsortnent of new styles, colors and materials. Stunning styles for every smart summer occasion, We invite you to visit our store and see these new Qresess. They are sure to please you. -- Special for the Week -End . . Sleeveless Dresses in tricoshene, dainty patterns, several different shades, Srevlat for n.... • u;.,�, n, . V 4* i ,a 4,7 Txieoshene• Dresses with long sleeves at the special price of Su mer' Hats Various shades in the latest of tileseason's :styles. Special clearin $8.95 $1.98 A new shipment of Felt Hats just received in the season's newest' ebapes Moderate prices. Full line of Men's Wear inseasan'u latest materials and stylelr. Moderate prices:pr'eva>iill on all liznear� . A. CORNFIELD "SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INV1TED. TO SHOP" WEST SIDE OF SQUARE 4 . HIGH SCHOOL ` ENTRANCE RESULTS, 1929 Goderiela Centre H o n ors---f•Ielen Bisset, , Alber t Lula Croft Carter, , �vn Philipa , , Itnymond Dean, Phyllis de Peudry, Madeline Geroniette, Raymond Laxer-. ansa, Beth McPhee, Grace Mason, Alma O'Brien, Mariorie Prouse, Alma, Sallow's, lliildred altowes Margaret Body, • Keith Saunders, Kenneth. Scott, Ranson .. Straughan, Isabelita '1'ynd ,ll, Jack Videan, Jean 'Whitely, Gestin Young, Eunice Young. •Puss --Asa Arsons Percy Ander- ton, James Ashton, Verna Barbour, liars Bisset, Elaine- Burrows,Vera ClarkPhyllis Cooper, Donald Croft, Verna. Edward, Margaret Fergusson, Jack Gilbert, Herbert Greene, Mar- garet Grifllth, Mona Harrison, Robert IIorney, Phyllis• H'orion, Clifford Hoy, Leslie Hoy, Betty Jenner, Cornelius Johnstone, Kenneth ,luck, Doris Kit. ton, Marion Lamprey, Johns Dred, MnrgerY Luniby,'Leonard Macdonald, , d Max - Willie MacKay, Burke MCI.eo , wit y, jorie Made, Jessie Mathieson,Jean Morgans Herbert Palmer,.°Myrtle Pfrinimer, Hedley Prouse, Marion Raines, Fred Rose, Wilda Rutledge, Helen S.traughan, Eleanor Tyndall, Frank Walters, Olive' Westbrooke, Kathleen Whately, Ida.. White, Ella Wilson, Frank Yeo, Keith Young. Passed under the provisions.of 1 egulatiotr 11 (G), of the High School Entrance regulations -.1 alph Render, son. Frank Horton, Mae Ryan. The Robert Perks Memorial medal. donated by Victor -Lauriston, was won by ` Ties• Mason.of.Vietoria school. �>Cli Tbroiligh, neat Chautauqua arias Featured at •'9milln• Through,," great •ronxanttc drama whish will be fare» dented on tltn fourth night of the coating Canadian Chautauqua here, nae drawn • e*paetty audiences in every tnetropblltaan centre of the >Snglleh-epeerktng world. When you hive teen the ploy you will castle �, understand *by. "Mullin' Through" has an unique charm, an Iia own, which Iingerxs Its the irnaeination. Throughout the entire play, whlmtslesl and tanel- Int art It is at times. a throbbing heart -interest is grippingly sustained.. Chaeta ,cheraetr.r •ntaands out an a vivid human etching. • , "isruntn' ,Through" will be presented here by the noted Martin Erwin 1'Iastrs. featuring Martin Erwin In person. Codex ch Chautauqua Jnly 25th to 30 .lust a Reininder to Oar Old and New Patrons • that Bros. -the Old Reliable have always in stoat for inspection the finest assortment of Beds, Springs and ventilated Spring Mattresses --The Marshall, Fishman, Siminons and Brantford Mattress -•r alt the finest that will be seen in all the larger cities. An in» speetion will convince alt seeking what is adver' tised. Furniture sold, either from catalogue or a personal visit to any factory's show rooms, at. Rock J ottolu Prices. 1 Brophey Bros. IT' Tin 1 1, 14)14;RTell PHONE 418 TheSillier Medal An extra gang of linen are busy on had operations for the removal of rich:' THE GODERIGU STAR ,AUBURN CONTINUATION CLASS FQ`•iowiirir is the final s€pcst_f t the AnbCass Continuation ass a FORM L U I. rtL �•a v1 .a yam^, e. Nemo t :i ararleg , , .. `dam aS 70 80 v:7 G0 'Dlat•y Houston ire 85 79 77 A8 G1 49 Melissa Xaegele., r72 81 77 80 60• 82 70 ..Iwal;el Itc%ex#,onG7 00 70 51 82 71 73 flrA'e Seat 71 72 71 80 100 55 70 `Altnnie Spulii....., 86 77 77 82 50 69 74 t Pliedlie Taylor 73 13 70 71 71 80 `77 i Oos'is Wagner74 72 78 84 100 7.1 05 iJosepbine Weir75 78 77 • 82 9V 03 F:72 Dorothy Wilson91 f31 90 84 88 87 70 1 78' 71 17 80. 93 78, 00. Eleanor Wilson..... ilaances McLarty... a linnie Strzustan... FORM II. 7. Prances 3ict.ai ty... ,,... , 89 8I 84 100 0082 , 'Annie Siraugliair, . , ..... 8? 78 84 92 70 82 88 Glaadys 'sxylox ... ... 82 78 85 89 62 72 85 70 05 !kiildred Scott .. , ... 67 81 JUNIOR COMMERCIAL I:4. K, be >En n pyo±; Q° w . r - i ,s 1 11 Evan Bean. , ... , . ...... 78:71 70 70 6,7 69 le 61 Georgina Taclzhart . , ..... 72 78 70 05 80 .91 69 F 58 'Norman Rodger.....,...... 80 44 01 68 75 .76 $2 Pass 62 Annie Straughen - • • 92 SENIOR, cobs RCIAT., 1.41114010.1. THURSDAY, JULY LY 40, W29 The Rexall Drug Store Aiarfoslys carries a Ompkeie 1irie of Q, 8:0 5 Drugs `w 7ti t Patent Medicines 3 051 Toilet Artistes »3 fit 89l 80 Chocolates 91 94 1�=� - `92 ?, Pipes .and Tobaccos 1> 1 ' $9 926 • _ 1 Kodaks and Fili I 11' Printing and Developing.-Piorapt Delivery 4 ria ,.. . H. C. DUNLOP, Phm, B. see' Cs se t i, .pt rig . F. a 3 100. '95 '10 80 Q1' Telephone. No. 1 t7410.10..g.. Amor Mara, Bedford Bllock, ei° -4 of Flint, Mich., spent, tide week -end -• ... . r"` 71 83 - under the parental. Tont. •t •l t^ r 71 :13 Mr. Clifford, Hoy has returned hotne , v0 Oa : Pass•after spending some time with bis sister, Airs. Sdhrameiof ;Goderieh. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy of Nilo, and .. friends of Seeforth, are spending , a few week>,at their cottage here.. M. and Mrs. Sylveezer •and family, a.k of. Stratford, have. returned to their 1:'.� vi eta s vz i cottage for the season. • • GEO. STEWART . . 80 99 81. 86 80 Pass . Mr. Pete Green anti fami.l*, of 13e- FLORIST We can furnish the finest ar- , rangenients of flowers in and styles for the bride... Mildred Scott.... REDMOND,Teacher trort, span: a few. days wit; the for- . metes brother, -Mr. ''Leos. Green, last Godetic Fhone 05'w GRACE M. week:.: pupils and teacher.. water melon thrown in .after . The . _.1Vir. and Mrs: Chesty, who have bee n I , (From nnnthet corxPspondent) game. visiting in the neighlxorhoed for some , Mr, and dire.. . E. posit silent Mr, and Mrs.. Richard .31orrish, of time, left for Hamilton last week, Chicago, a former resident and teach- where they.will spend a few days. Sunday- 'with Clinton friends, er, called on friends in the vicinity. eer. Jack Green and son. John, also i Mies .Alma Match is 'home on her l r.Robertson Cant, s Miss Annie Green, ..or Detroit' h 'il Albert ons 'left * D tr t N by Albert sunxmer vacntian for file month of visited friends last week. Sunday evening after spending •' a few I Jul : a Mary Cumming' sand . Mable Baer; days with friends here and., ,n Gode i ver was 1 1 :Bolen of Central school. . Centre Hayfield Centre: railroad 1 re -ballasting the their tonsils this week, nota are • the rou sere re g Pass -Evelyn rt Cox, Alport Dunn, Miss F'. farms,; of Toronto, is the tin and Whitely were then surgeons. nir, and etre. Vere Cunningham and Verna Picot. - gaiest of Mr. and 1MIxs Jas. Ja,kson They joint Sunday scuooi p:cine of family, and Mrs. Harvey Webster, of ( ., , Passed r. Repletion 11 la: ofs held , under n a u eI Ee mic.ex waa •mit Hillandon Smith's s•tfrd _, nGtidericti motored to 13tta o .3t rose i,: file High School Enttrrneg, examinu. " p on Wednesday ttfternaon to ntenesa- h atria legis Honors -Vent Woods, track. '' making speedy xecover.es. Drs. Mar. CARLOW J t etre d he 1'I f u1 eta' o n p n 11 net bttb.l y d In. Be. a e, . o :Stratford, * g. tion -John Marks. are assts tliis..xy ek,°at.the home o£ tang Park. A`larbe number enjoyed het at queen's Paris, " • �' ithe outito,alt u h haying interfered Hetgrave Centre , r cousin Mr. Bert A7arsh, a ?tA g ti )* .g he ,to tee r(uit �,tntimbexus;�. »t )foes,REPORTS. Honors Lit Howard, Margaret p e SCHOOL Honors -Lite. ,. ha •Mrs, Jno 4Thompson 'is visiting' her len ic' l toCleveland's Bl<eac they will get bh and cl a r Irwin, n1IL Robertson, Charles sister, Mrs. Colwell, land other %fiends June promotion of .the Renraitler Scott, Marie Vincent. .. Y aw ash at resent, . Mrs. Smith and theter have Public School • is a tempting comp.einettt to hi East W an P into Butt •inn on Maitlandin itself Pass -Jessie Arbuckle; Mae Cont- . movedx o3 resultof the any meal delicious e e tlbrsnn of 'Dun Dungan- „ for The following s the Miss V rear Air g$ , Gov.the summer. `A number of friend .• , A rest of ter,Thomas Gaxniss, Margaret trot .1 time fns in enmil of and lending zest. to the. , s mar. : non, is spending her liolxduys with from Detrait,••spent teat week an the The examinations l3 i er, Anna Greeley, Gladys Gro s,, a t r Jos. Irwin. public seinen. Names are in osier of the menu. eery Hamilton, Dorothy Higgins,: "er grandm5 he ,Mrs ;eatta>ae, Mrs. Smith is dna aunt of e Those i e with an aster Your family will, demand. y Mrs. Stirling,of Menta V 'trees merit.marked d I Mr. and n2 s . ,. Rev,: Gordon Butt, of ictorid. s.. much of :our Bread as Mena Keclinfe, . Corinne McLean, Dor-isk . re romct d. conditional) . l{ twice' as m o. tt R9 e y f is. Scott; Irene Walsh. Man., were visitors at. the ]tomo f United church, Go,derich, Senior I'oom• Si V- ails, Irish r 'nY ;other, Encqurage them to his ne have Mr.:H. 1Mf'ogridge, early si r t DUn annon Centre { p ' Among the many visitors s a the successfully' completed the second 1 do so, as it is the most health- , li I p this week. legis there was sewn Mrs. (Rev. i and nou isbin food the 4 n ;. , n ) year work taken, Jr. V, S i eesful i fu r g y Honors •-rola Anderso , IITa..y W. X. ;5., of n�ax United churchMoss.rvith her '*ivo children. Clare, Beatrice Culbert, Dorothy Cur. The in WallaceW Entxanre 'Puglia. Sr. Iii,- ..erntce; tan' take. • ,,are holding a ;•cr•apilting bee in the They are here on a visit from Alger.- Ha --1. Go d'olvf.T ,+> iia^' e, T'helm:. - -- sari, Keith, Juliiast�in, ,lean. elbow Melbourne - s ...: _ n 1 h ass• --1! muses Crozier, . Melbourne Ibneomen 'On Osdar anernoon f ea.- Mr. Moss i6 supeeintending the F 1 I311 C H Al P building of a new parsonage in .their. Culbert, Hilda Finnigan, 'Yeaegaret this week. , , o' n _ Johnston, Hugh T.eddY, Marjorie Mc- j the Women's 'Institute will meet new charge in the Peace River His- Donald, ls- Walterts, Bert McCabe, Marla La • r 1. tied. t a � 0 ilea � - Alifn, . Eva 3n. i , ui son oy , hart - -Vii stone's Jr. ` IXC E risen �L VE AN Donald, -Marjorie McWhinney; Claire. in the Foresters,i hall.uo art Tuesday, i, +:. His move was juna rt , • Basque, . Roselle Hoy. Adelaide,Phone 114 West St, Pentland Anna Rbed Eileen Tielea- July 1Gth, , i- :245. • B bj , "Cool 'This is.real missionary work. Mr. Houghton. Edythe McCabe, ' Melvon'�I ' sten. Troll eall��d dart* story, Hos- Septem er His many 'rieno will ' . ' " g P tit ~ r Vele 'Kathleen Williams, Rota Young,: Summer Dishe " Miss Luella John- Moss expects to pay a visit home in Good' Sr.UTI--Gordon Fisher El Motel Centre teases, Mxs, Ellett, Mrs. A,° Fefl,sys-• I"ortars•�orabelle• Dickson, Mar- i Shaw. girt Parrish, ' Isabel ,IacLeaii. " •t'u'n i, Pass --Cecelia .Howler, Fred Court- • ASI FIELD fey,. Edna Crawrford, Rita Foley, Jos- I • ` epli Hackett, Catherine il'oran, '.Ilial• Mr. Duncan MacRae is. spending the ins Johnston, George . MacGregor,. holidays. at his home in Lochalsh. Grace McGregor, .Isabel MaeKen•• Mr: and Mrs. D" McGi11 Bailed ,on drick, ..Tessio MacRae, 'lliareella friends in this viexnity' last week. . O'Connor, Wilbert Robb. Diss /Allan .Mackenzie ' spent the St. Uelens.Centre. ' weele-end with friends' in Wingham. JTonors-Clifi'ord Menaryy,; . Verna, Miss Mary H. Mackenzie, of Rip - Smith. • I ley, visited at the hone: of her broth. Pass -dames G'aidner, Sydney er, Mr. Neil J. Mackenzie, on Sunday. Gardner, Alexander Neale, Maryl. Mrs. Lennie • of Hamilton, is visit- Nicliolson,' William Purdon,' Etta ing friends in �lCintait.. Taylor, William Taylor, Neely Todd, Mr. and Mrs; I+'Ted Ross and little Richard Weatherhead. Donald, of Ditngarinen, visited at the Varna Centre home of the format's brother in. Loch- Honors -Gladys Coleman. alsh on Sunday.• Pass-tAnna Aikenhead, Alvin Els Misses Anna and Bessie Mackenzie Roth Muriel Elliott, Ikoss Graaingeie, of Toronto, are home for the holidays. David Dodge, Lloyd 'Johnston, Audrey Ttev, nir, nicCultoeh, of Toronto, lliutdock, Ifia#ltlyn Mustard, Edgar preached in Ashfield• Presbyterian Ilathwell, Margaret Taylorr. church on Sunday. AUBURN Miss Johnston has been engaged as teacher for our village sehool. Mrs. Naegele, of the village, visit• ed friends iia Goderieh last week. 11ir. I;'dward Helwig spent last •tveek visiting friends at Windsor. ssLast Monday Mr. 0. E. Erraitt mate a large shipment of live stock. to Toronto. Haying has started for another gid'� SOO. Owing to the rain not nauci`a ;has been done so far. Mr. Joseph Carter and fancily, of Port Elgin, spent the week -end with friends in the village. During the former part of the week Miss Lottie Lawlor, of London, paid n visit to the paternal hone here . Mrs, henry Metirien, of Detroit, spent a punt of'last week in the v il. Ia e visiting her sister,Mrs. William Paterson. The Rev. William, of St. Moires, is visiting :frietrds in this locality and renewing old acquaintances ccs durin b the past week. lvyn . rammer, orvPv a man; lie glad: to see hint again, a 'Annie Edward, (Loretta If err:, Luella „ Fisher's.•, i B IjL1 t -1 J" ,. Junior Room: Jr. 111,4 -Grace ' Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean, of Salt- Pfrirrtmer, Dorothy McCabe, Int.. ford, and. son, Harold, of Stratford, Maskell. Queens La Rocttne, 'Ethel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher, Norma Aliin, Benson Edward,. Alton. llttichard McWhinnov. Cora :Pettmaxi. Mrs. Percy Graham and ,children ' Sr. Its-ifenne1.h Fitter. Grant. Fish. and Miss Mary : Cunningham, of Port er. Jr. II Phvlhs ,Jewell,. Yvonne Albert, spent "Wednesday with Mr. 'Ln Rooaue. Alfred lfay, , Sr. ' I and Mrs.. Roy Alton. Ftelen McCtsibe, Haile Westlake, "Mr. and Mrs. John .Campbell are Betty Straughan. Jr. `11b•' bwJ,ew- e11, Joe L:r Racque.' .PrimerYernaa niovfng this week to Mrs. Glen'°" ood Pettmnn. Corinne L.a , Rocque, Irvine Campbell's house on the side Land, Iloy, •Carl Fisher. r formerly owned by•Mr, Geo. Hunter. E. G F; :IinllAl`t: Pxineinal, E. L. CAMPBl,1LL, Assistant. Misses' Isabel and Marion Alton "Find Jinx are spending their vacation with their uncle and aunt, Mr, and SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1929 Mrs. John Mullin. Following are. the dates of the var- Mr. George Lane, Melda and Clif- ious school fairs • to be held in Huron ford, motored. to Mount Forest on ,County this year a• Sunday and met Winnie and Hilda, , Sept. Mit-Hensel'' who had spent, last 'week ,with- their '1 Sept. 12th -Zurich Sept. 13th -Grand Bend Sept. 16th -W -Colborne Township Sept. 176- Ashfield Township Seep 'let+h--+St. Helens Sept. `3.9th---Wroxeter Sept. 20th--�Howiek Hawnship Sept. 23rd• -Ethel Sept. 24th --Behave Sept. .25th-•--Goderich Township Sept. :271h- -Myth •Sept. ;Oth.--Crediton Ont. 1stt.-••-Ush0rne Township Oct. 3rd -Clinton 'Town uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. , Jin, R'aeburn, near Riverview B>NMILLBR DONNYBROOK :. Mr. Gus Vanstone has been sur- Miss r'leine Bamford spent last feting from asthma recently. week visiting Wingham friends. Mrs. E. IT Walters and Herold Miss Mary Cunntngton, of. Toronto, motored to 'Toronto: last Friday is visiting • her' sister, Miss Mnr'garet, Sidney Browri,: son. of itay. A. W. a't present. Brown, of *Morndale, ' le working am 'And Mrs. • N'orman : Thgrnpson with Will Elsley for the summer: and fa initj* spent Sunday with Godes Mr. and Mrs. harry McKie and rich friends. two children are visiting with lMir., Mr. and Mrs. Sind McClrnehey, of and Hire, Wm. Straughan for 9 few Auburn, spent Sunday with Donny days rood:friends. ...... Kenneth. and Ralph : Wilson and • Mi; and Mrs. Daniels, 'and family, Marie Parsons, of 'fronto, tare stay- of Toronto, visited over the week -cud: int; a Ecru data tivith Mr.and Mrs. at the home of Airs. Wm. Nixon. James Jewel. The Women's Institute field 'their Rev. R. B. Cumiuin preached at July meeting at the home of Mrs. Jno. Brucefleld' last. Sunday in the pulpit Thompson on Wednesday of 'last of Rev. W. A. Bremner, who took the week. , anniversary services at Smith's Hill. ' The Misses Wilma and Nettie. Dow All of the pupils who wrote the of Wingiiani, are guests this week recent Entrance exania have been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ']'hos. sueeessful, Together with their tea• - Bamford. ehsrs they are to be congratulated. Mr. and Mrsa. David Tisdale left 1 . Mrs. Percy Walters and Floyd are last Saturday for their home at Lov- visiting during the holdavs with bee erns,Sash., after a month's visit with h ldauRlter, Mrs. Tdnrt Jervis, of Gode- relatives in this pact. . 4, Mtn. George Itowstt land her sis> rich township.. Miss Margaret Jefferson gavle a. ter, Mrs. I,owdon, spent the formal Te yhoung sieopto of the eA,ut.nunity : splendid paper and Miss Elva Kear. part of this week visiting friends In are enjoying softball pnaetice during ney gave the report of the district To Liverpool Whitechurch. the warns evenings, with the odd 'convention -h' +i','ANA , �4t 1�t ._ PAC i alC t ,CANADAS w GREATEST STEAMSHIPS EmMOD triiaitF lo.1ti'iM1* MOOD tale tr 130111 Utl`T1Ri; #L Claerbotirs•Sotathanxiiton July 18' Atte. 10 ......... ..Nietag:i.ai July,11 Aug. 21 �*�tgtl. 18. . Monteahtt Sept. h , Al .t torp •i i• 017 e Aug. ..f t. w � Aug,1.t i„p q - It' ca. Aug, '1 :lir ai 'cliontr 1 to!s •1 Aug. 31 • 1lttrl;ess of liieh:uond, coatis at liolih. xrenn Qixehro . eotrvcn son n ,cit Was +heed at Lande5- boro. July Ws Aug, 11 Direlitss of York, July 20 Atm. 17 biepL 'Melita Air. and Mrs. Netaon Hill sccont- panied by' the letter's sister, M. Sadie Carter and brother, Mr. Joseph C'ar a ter, spent a, part of this week .visit- ing friends in Detroit. Last Sabbath union tserviees of the r = Baptist and Presbyterian ieatigtct,a• ' - times were held in to Baptist ehurela • -.when they will be held until the re- 'turn of 3 r. Good will, when they wit be held in the Presbyterian. ehusele hint. - Mra. irakingbottorn has beeit`spend- T s kidwr � ing the winter -with friends at the ' ssa'u a asci of nui Soo. Michigan. returning to her home. ' bads, - here laaet week. She waia!e accampan- c, ied by her daughteiss, Misr, Msbct, Of My ls.f• hurt ern es 1.dna r�t, a4 •New York, and Mrs. Johnston. of the np.*nilaimhoweik.ailiaid line - 't'I7est. had• txt to bad I had to giant up fay - The following pupils- el ;flitsWin=s iidgareheal. nie Ifgn'on, A. 'L C. M. were sues) 1 itti tni,6r.1' oat air.rral k',trtie of :ce!iefal in pasein their' niueie exartt> uuz1.S at Mit tint' "O r hef. iarntiers n!i the tettelta!!, i atlr,atul, °"I gat * tow.+rf Omen's 'Mire lata Conservatory •-t Music: 1' mare , • Mad wrt.d►tal,+ahc atm shell had a; -ninteticmo Beatrice 'I>.,trts:aKn then. take* low dee*1 tags to feel I woe Ors'i Itel. n iet`aa' tilronevel, Kethaleee Plum oath. **W. sed brtl'tarw 1 lard Million (let (Ws ). 'l isosl VRI.• agnebnct the Mit war _c ler! (1st *lease r+ia,i'M, 344.(ii alsnt•tr----s; teac4 .. ea* Palar 11s' OVA I.n.el. .til i. Lett' Fpeae:O. fjett.t. 1•1,r!entat.;, lleYsl masses tli e,J Piers. se tame a tuaa .01 • . Liana lees ire (flet t'aee pe set. stalls etdal- ltrarti.:e 1.aw..-ser clot three i;, •ew, Ilia. ' ea sibs H t :tied tpatiel„ Karreiat Ma - f een reit r>! Nelen" l 4 'uhien tt.l''0 1• , 1l 9 It L.R'.. t'.oegraatal»tier:, art e'cteriled to Leith M111KIC, Beek Nord ler $o Nei to Sirs lip ler N• ark 't'laetuos, Junior Station, ' T cats $naly ray *het aeon any foot with a hate `PSP 1vLn . July 26 An g. 21.. Uuelinss, of Athan., Aug. 2 Aug. 28 ..1 ui1ices of Redford • Mr. Jan. Wallace, of 'Seafofsth, vis- Aug. •t .'4u.;. 31 'ilhanralos a ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mi -s. Aug, rt.,..,... MantrOSI: W 1o. Caafnpbell. Ape ,apt 2? Ii iehrss cot York Dr. Thee henry, of si keaixe 'rbrlla n' WW1 Y., Stortchousc and other friends. 'lptiek, 'la' visiting iiia sister; rs; a l4". "„ 1 a ' hitello v �U'iiast' . ' ' tiny `20 Aug. 47 *pt, 14 ..��tia'lft8 . Mist Gladys McDowelt has return July es. .,...•........uneli s tat Jwll ed home after spending several:Aug. :t Aug. 31 :Mtmnedosu months with friends in Michigan. Aup. 9 'alontroso Mr. and Mrs. O. Smith, of Ilruee : To Plymouth Cels, spent Sunday tit the tome of ,.tall: 21 Aug.21 Slit" 18.-..ltontealin ',ahem daughter, Mrs. Melvin Taylor. !tun.. M.,latrctyal • %Pro m Quebec-. To Antwerp ?ails 18 -Aug. 10 nletagaai?a Au;'. 1 'tug. 29 tii'pt.20\totnlflnrp• aspi. 13 etuutrese To I1smburp 1 Mr& 3. L. Stonehouse returned Lome on Monday" after spending a week in (;ederieh at ,the home of her eon, Mr. IL Stonehau%e, and her sis.• ter, Mrs, A. Challenger. BERT ALBERT Jub' 2i •'tu 21 'Apt. 18.....1lontesina" L©tt!e and Italiii t<cnttncr are at 1 G1t it4JlltI 1 To Cherbourg Sonthempton irpeesent vatting their eitte., Lit'!.11ey :Jarf,, y _ m t,v.°I•saili ,', of Anit, ) '.i iaatt'I,�y. " Jale so. •. Faspisss ci t4o ail .,lg th and� i1- ter,: .: . s and i'�.ni � � to . , ,►, ,. Mr. Mise tiell,.tree 1 , � t � , , E x , tl .s.} ,'f 1taQhlv:�`od, a eat i�UndnJ C':clon i".i)Q 3 1.t ii I igoii 14 tut '1 i7i w,II +i iC�nd!s bete. 1'.-'01 6....... , ... .1.0 1,? r? „- x;3.0/1t ( Mc. and. Mi;s Nell ,Fina, o4'F t, -,ties it.lt spent trio rack-ct:ci at nets d. 1Apply rAv lokie, i r n rid Arnt 1 iat`.ri m is .tide lies u t z*.Ntt:a e lea e'e Lajas ' M. haste' and Me. Veer 'T t serau 1 ?.�nt'> l r Transportation Service ervic. Long Distance Short Distance For Engagements Phone . S. R. Mcltath, Holmesville, 601 r 34, Clinton Central. Oliver- Poeocic, Operator, 610 r 42, Clinton Central. WECARRY A Complete Line of GROCERIES CAL IN CUTT Kingston St. , Phone 116 SPARR'S for CHOICE GROCERIES. P!U3ITS, VEGETABLES. BUTTER, EGGS, MEATS, FLOUR Everything 'the (lest, SILVERWOOWS ICE CREAM Prig'ldalre I:gnipped for your protection. Call in, look around and be eon- vineed where eleanliness is paramount. Sparr's Grocery The store of satisfaction. HAMILTON STREET, GI11)1+RtGR Phone 14C We deliver in town CASTOR IA tor ratttnts end mimeo. A 118 Use 'or 'aoY•ers ,tiktways heals the lignato!'e ei