HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-07-11, Page 3TitielleSitnai„ JULY 110%, 121 Cramps Diarrhoea Pains it Stomach Mr. Roy Inektlasti, Maud. Oste Water -"I biome. vary 311; kat ea' apostate, eaci tramps, diarrhoea, assel Wirer* pima is my atemach. "I parehaied a bottle a and before 1 had taken half a it I wee eompletely rat lived, stud ha,e bed leo symptom ot thetrouble "1 eennot rase 'The lettreet too highly,mad will error be winos% a bottle of it La tbs housaie. "It ie pleasout t9 take sad old* very quickly. "My brother hill the same experiesuel with it a* I bad.' _ "])r. Fowlertehea been. on the market for the pen 84 wisest you don't export. moat when you buy O. Price, 40 OW*, a bottle M ll daaWs_ put up only by no T. Milburn Co. Ltd Toronto. Ont. LEGAL CARDS F. R. DARROW. Herrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Eto. Successor to J. L. Moran Phone 07. Unice, The Square, Goeerich. ERN”T M. .1E. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria 'Telephone; Elgin 0301 , Toronto 2, DUDLEY E. HOLMES. • Xactote "Joliette§ aisesieaefl Public:, Conveyancer,Ete. PHONE 27 HAMILroN sTaEFy. .11801ragisiwwie -awn— Neighborhood News Nuggets THE GODERICH nut Bo 8! Ormond)] Picked From Our Exchangesi English Ohina i Blue and Gold and Mikado Patterns DeadmantVernon linage Miss Gladys Effieesa entricazi A quiet westering wee solo -minted at dela:enter of Mr. Jelin it, Duncan, IL the home 4 the bridegroom -a inert- , Mr. Jan Garnet Heenartin sets cm Saturday evening, Juno 29tb, , Organizing Legion at Seafortie when Rev. O„ F. Pawnee united ea , A welltatteruirel meeting of returns marriage Nom..G. P. 'Vernon, o Eng- ed men wee Wet on Tueeday evening Ind „ and Ringaton, Jamaica, and t-. ..ef last week, when it liV4S decided te A. Headman, a respected and well- tergenize a {trench O nee teanadien known einem of BrueseIs. Legion in neaforth. Dar. Wren Pre - Proctor -Wise suient of the Landon 'branch, addres- e A pretty June 'wedding was solint. sed the meeting. A charter will be nized at 6 o'clock na.turdeY openinif applied for and !another meeting will Mrs. J. Rh Wise, Clinton, wben theirje the home of Mr. ana 1 beneheerald. in n couple of weeka to elect Juno 2,9th, at only daughter, Viola, eeeame the'` Purcell -Sheridan bride of Joseph Clifton elrotor, eon A pretty June wedding wee salon,. of Mr. and Mrs. Leviesni reactor eed at St. Michael's Cathedral, Tor- llolmetville. 1 onto; by •E.ov. Father Buenete, whee 'Mary Teresa Sheridan, only auugip Successful Celebration' nbr of blr. and Mire. ILewrence Shen - The celebration ip Exeter on then den, Highland Park, Detrolt,, became morning of July, lst wee re ;treat sue-; the CO. bride of Joseph 'Purcell; of Dv.P nnwmg CM etrolt, eon of Mr. john Purcell, Seat - hundreds of people from the ewe.' forme ecamding country. Freeman-Cantelon Avery 'natty 'Weingdding took place • Liver of the Assoi'islion, Mr, lAntiewo tnemptilkon. Nag-, gene a' ,ceuple of eieleghtfully renelered siolin1 l iselot, Mayor nhipactiek via's in the chair and Judge t;- 4, Wainer aekeet the blesseing. Aldermen A. Ma Tawe and [kit, Hayman responded to ene of the toaete and Preeinent Aualow of the Aesocietiou rests/Tided to the 1teast to "Our Celeste," Prelnatel by [Mr. Russiconv e, The ention proven a very pleeeent and profiteble event for all in attendance. We have ken appointed sole Goderich agents tor this • hightrade China and have just reeervpd a large impart order. We welcome comparison in price with city stores and larg,e catalogue houses.. Crich-Gouid • E. C. ROBERTSON, DIAMOND MERCHANT awl JEWELLER • nines 136 - nODERICH On Thursday, June 27th, the mar. on Saturday even. June 29th. az - - -- --t- riage took place at the oid WeeleY the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Can- parsonsege, Rev. A. A. Irolinee OA- totem, Bracandale Hill road, *Toronto, valet in Which Vilere ureTe iel'w Pas" elating, ot Vera. daughter of Itir. and formerly of Clinton, when raver only sengets* Mrs. H. W. Oculd, of Clinton, and daughter, 'Cathleen Eeatrtee, was mt.. Engagements Announce* Ernest Crieh, eon of Mr. and Aire. ited in marriage to Russell Hector Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Johnston:, Gifford Crieh, of Tuckersinitin Frenian, son ofDl. andM Henry Hoggarthelnatecan ' Freeman, Winona Drive, Toronto. A very quiet but pretty wedding Death of Mrs. Robt. Allere took place at the Thames Road -11-t'IT i 1 i There died very suddenly in Term- ed churn?. pareonage, on Saturday, to on Wednesday of last week Mary June 20th, at 5 otelocic p.m., when leabella Henna, wife of :tart AI - Rev. Jae. Anthony • united in mar- len, Wingbara. Who had Steen a rest. of Wingham, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Yeena Irene to Fredmick H. Goatee, of London son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coates of London. The marriage to tak place in July. Mr. and Mrs. W, fl,Gatser, Credie - dent ee wenttitent an her rser, ton Ont, announce the enea onto= RED HOT JULY DAYS HARD ON THE BABY Jultnetne month ef oppressive beat; reeithat days and sweltering nights; b extremely hand on little enes. Diarrnaea, dysentery, eolie and cholera infnntum carry of thousande of precious little lives every summer. The mother Must ne constantly on her guard to prevent these troubles, or, if they come en suddenly, to fight them. No other medicine is of suet% ail to methees during the hot sum - meg as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and stomaele and an occasional dose glen to the well child will revent summer complaint, or if thedouble does come on sud- denly, will banish it. The Tablets aro sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25e, a box from The Dr. Wilt hams Medicine Co., Broekvilte, Ont. • SCHOOL REPORTS S. S. No.11, Ashfield and Colborne Result of promotion examination; rom Jr. 1'!. to Se. " Alma Dougherty; pass, Isabel Pole ' lock, Tony Yr-ciente% Sr. 111. to. Jr. • IV.--tIonors, Irene ;Cratere; pass, 11 Clarence) Essen, Marian Foster. Jr. C 1XL to Sr. III,--Gorclon Pollock, Mona' Vrooman. Beginners promoted to Jr. Le -Harold DoughertY, Betty Fos - tee.• ISABEL JOHNSTON', 'Washer. S. S. No. 8, Goderieh Township e IV. --Robert Stirling, Borden Clark. Sr. 'IL -Harry Lowden, liar- , old Johnston, Lillian Pieot, Jr, XII. --Thelma Bell. IL -than Johnston, ° • Thelnui Johnston, Gladys Clark. Sr. T. -Sylvia Lowden, Elmer johbston. d Sr. 1r -Grant Stirling, jean 'Bent h Helen Bell. viving are her bueband and two sone, of their youngest daughter, Nola ' John of North Bay, and Onorge, et 'Cathleen, to Mr. Leland Wilkie Met I've forgotten. Cincinnati, Ohio.• Ewen, son of Mr. and Mrs, .T. D. Mc- . 111 d Co k ' \ Ewen, Danfield, Ont., the marriago t I ever had any nervestake Place quietly early in July, A PnettY 'Tune wedding 'tea W Place esleytWillie Uttited Churein, taintort 1 - on Texesday, jely 2nd, at the home . of Dlr. and Mrs. J. Cook, Zemin, for. AnsIST • • • Da. P. J. injFORSTER. 4/1 EYE, EAB NOM THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophe thalmie ami Aural Hospital, assistant at thfoorefleld'a Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. Waterioe Ste 8, Stratford. Ti - At Hotel. nedford, Goderith on the evening of third Monday of mill month •ti11 the following day, Tuesday, at 1 only 1.1 one. Capacity congregations wero •41.; • daughter of Mrand Mrs . . John our yo u how the Dedicated xnerty of Clinton when their only A year and one week after the con daughter, Vera M., became tee bride gregation of Wesley -Willis United of W. C. Mead, son of Mr. and Mrs. church, Clinton, had sadly watche W. L. Mead, Blenheim, Ont. Itheir beautiful and complete chug MeGavintOliver Wedding burn down, leaving nothing but bar Tho manse of the Melville church walls, they stood on Sunday morning, was the scene of a very pretty wed - June 30th, And enmity, happily and ding on Saturday afternoon, June thankfully dedicated a new church RUTH EVANS, • • Teachs, goth, *hen Pinrence Elizabeth built upon the foundation of ttie old Y dodo, will er,n Oliver; of Brussels "became tee bride Present at the opening services on ClifiltOPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. ,CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST, GODERICH, q u ipped with cleave -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatments nd chiropractic. Cheoreic, organic, and nervous diseases. 'IcadY in at- tendance. 011lee hours,2: to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m., excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATRINSON, residence and ' office,,corner of South street and Brit -tannia road, Phone 341.. AUCTIONEERING eet oy chewing max". d eh of Chaeles ' Graham MeGavin, only Sunday, the Sunday school rooms serolood nerves, and how the health- of MeKiliop townshipson of Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. =Gavin, being thrown open and all available Rey. p. O, sPace being- filled with chairs. The fut Want" -ler Rev. Murdock McKinnon of .Runnye rateelate and tones you up all. Godnold-MatIntosh mede United church, Tornto, was the rotutd. Aids digestion. ' speeial preather of i"€ay and be A pretty eveadiug was solemnized was assisted in the service by the • 4 s Glary BrOadview 'United eleurch, Toronto Ford former stors tb as nt on.Saturday, joie 29,.in North Rev. A, A. Holmes and Rev. J. B. --THOMAS- Citaltilte't )4: SON. - - Una Stock and General Auctioneers. de inn Are., Gorich. n;.,iles made everywhere and all effort* made to give 3`011 satisfaction. Farmers' Sale Notes disco.4.1ted. Phone f19. • 1VESLEY W. F16/IER, AUCTIONEER. Wili 'conduct sales- anywhere. My terms are reasonable and I wilt tiy and give satisfaction. Phone Carlow 1314, or address R. R. 4. Goderich. • . . NOTARY PUBLIC, RTC. VITIST„ 13Alt,:TE. tr NOTArrn PUMA; ' • General Conveyancing done Good Cempanles Represented Phone ,;to. 299. Godorieh, Ont. INSURATI,ICE meginLap interGAL FIRE iNsus- MTV INSURED. . 'FARM AND Iqiii,ATED TOWN Ma'. ERAY INSURED. • Value of prnperty insured tip to Jan- nary97300. 0,PFIGEns-Jcimes Gem:01n Preen' dent, Goderich: Jas, Evans, ViCe-Preal. nerd, lleechweod; T. E. Hays, Sec.. Treas., Seaforth..... •DIREGTORS-D, P. MeGreeor, Pea - Truitt; I O. Grieve, • tYinthrop: Wm, nveln, Constance; George McCartm.v, Tncketaratth: John Ferris, ilarlock: ihn Bennewisc. Rroadhagen; Murree *Gibson, ,firueelleld. AGENTS -J. W. -Yee. Goderleh : Sandy Leitch,' Clinton: Win, Chesney. 'Sea- rorth: fl, flinebleY. Seaforth. Policyholders can pay their assesite mune :at Calvin Cutne store. Oodericit: A. J. Moorish' Clothing store, Clinton; 'i'. J. If. Beide!, Hayfield. ettren-neet-eat nee= ..--- ett rtuz INSUICANCE. Have it attended to by the *EST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Established IRS Read Office: bungartann, Ont. Win. J. Thompson. Attbuen. Pres.; V. Watson. Vim Pres.: Tames Cdr. yen, lion. tiltrotor; Directorae-Win. ateOtaillan, St. Helene; W. P. Reed, It R. No. 2, Imekriowt Harry L. sal - kelt!, Goderich: Alex. Nicholson, Mick. - now Tim Grine R. R. No. 7. Luennow: Chas. Hewitt, Rineardine; Debt. David- son, Dungannon. Hate-nte.0O 001" thOUAaricl. THOS. normrs, it, G. ALLEN, Trean ___ • • - - - ' • Broohou BrO. tire dosmiltICH Futerai Director* aid Embalmers the Ambehtece Service Orders carefully attended ti at all honts-,-night or day. We are the inspectors of anatomy in and for the County of Hurn. Phones: Store 120; Residence 217. r. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario n. Pa , e Pe e , , ..... e - e.....e, . when Irene. naughte.r of the late Mr. pastor of the eopgeogation 'being in _nee' ' • and Mrs. Peter ltlacIntosh of Luck- charge of the service. weer' now, Ont„ was married to .Tames Pat- every tel. -son Godbold, sow of :tvr. and Mro. Externally tir Internally. it is Good Wed.' J. P. Godbold, of Toronto -When Applied externally by bris C1.111 Death of Mrs. John Walters rubbing, Dr. Thomas' ,Ectectrie Oi After contracting Mom poisoning opens the pores and penetrates the a few days benne from a slight ne tissue, touching the seas, or the trou jury to a thumb, there passed away ble and immediately affording relief Friday morning, June 28,te, 1izabathr Adininikered intermr,IY, It will stil "['HE nerves are fed by .II. the blood. Poor blood k means starved nerve tilt - sue, insomnia, irritability and depresnion, - • D. Williams' Pink Pills f wilt enrich your blood - stream and rebuild -your over-worked nerves. Miss Josephine M. Martin, of • Kitchener, Ontario, testi. yes to this 'altered from s nervous breakdown," she writes. "1 bed terrible sick headaches, dizziness; felt very weak and could not sleep; had no appe. tite. I felt always as if rome4 thing terrible were going to happen. .After taking other treatment without success, on my sister's advice, I tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,and now all them symptoms are gone, and 1 am strong and happy again." Buy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now at 1our druggist's or any dealer in medicine ,oe by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from the Dr. Williams Medi- cine Co. Bror.kville, Ontario. sas Charters, wife a John _ Walters, the irritation in thetatwhhIi Wingharn. She was 69 years of age duces coughing and wia reneta tam and a resident of the lora:my all her tions of the bronchial tunes and re - life. Surviving are her tusband, spiratory organs. Try it and be con four daughters and one son, :mune, vinced. of Toronto; Mrs. Robt, Co:man, of Llstowel; Nellie and Annte, of Wine. CDA WEEKLIES ham, and Albert, on the homestead. • MET IN LONDON Deathiof Mrs. Henry Franc:s The annual meeting of the Cana - Death tame to Mrs. Henry Francis dian Weeldy Newspapers Associatton (N)vnithcrovedreYrileihttre:t's.r?sinegaioartthh,er li4ormiye '4 y r da was ahaeld InloIt.el.London last Inurs. _ From liuron coun- Thursday evening,. Juno 27. Shewasty those in attendance were Mr. and , married to Mr. Francis 5n years ago, Mrs. Craig, of The Wingliam Ad- { who now survives, as well as one vane Times; Mr. Keith MacLean, of { daughter, Mrs. Herold.Lawrence, Mc- The Seaforth Expositor; Mr. Hall, of i ,Tkillop,and three sons. .A. O. Prow; The News Record, Clinton; 141e.• and I dairy nspector, St. Marys; O. It. Mrs. Southoott, of The Exeter Times Francis, of the Bright cheese ant Advocate, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter I dairy factory, 13right, and LI' Naftel, of The Godericb Star. Mr. Francis, Exeter. Hugh Savage of thea Cowiehen Lead,. I Market street, Seaforth, was badiy Mr. Malcolm MacEeth of Rhe Mil- { namaged by fire recently. A coal oil verton Sun vice president. Follotv- ' stove in the kitchen exmoaect aboilt log -the convention Mr, and 'Mrs. Say- ; five o'clock in the evening, and almost age were gueets of Mr. and Mrs. {immediately the whole room was in Lem Eedy. of The St. Marys Argus, , House Damaged By Fire er, Duncan, B. C., was elected the The home of Mr,John P. Purcell, new •president of the Association and Year ourVaeat athe ' 1 flames. The firemen made a quick and With them motored through part run and soon had the leer:no untie:- of '''Western Ontario calling at The NAL control, but not before the back port Star office here on Saturday evening, A civic banquet and a theatre party of the house, itcludini,- tIte coments, be.d1)$•, -damaged-by-smoke-and ' water, were burned, and the whole resiteence at Loewe theatre on Thursday nignt a trip around theecity andt.a trip -to The death by drover...mg 4 Dr. provided. 'The ladies of the party II Drowned in Texaxs Port Stanley On Trickly evening were among the entertainment features FranE Euggin, of Rosebud, Texas, were entertained at ofternoon tea at rmerly 4 Seatoccurred the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1cC,!in- hurnday afternoon, June 2lien. In. nell andwere token throughtheI el - ,t limn and friend; hadgone to a nogg p art. Mr. McConnell is the , lake at Marlin to fish. *The doctor head of the McConnell & Fergusson was standing among weeds when he Advertising Agency of London and CAPJAINAN NATIO ORONT MEC ORICATiON JuY iariawD ITS IWO Tiatics- Tnne in • •. Hrhe rake Fire,rtana" Every illonday.,570111 7 p.m, Ea.tbn Standard Time N210 Nehoark. As the film of oil pre- vents friction of metal parts, so does the film of rubber surrounding every fibre and strand of Fire. stone.cord, protect it against heat and friction within the cord -due to 'continued flexing. Gum - Dipping assures you most mileage for least money—with great- est safety, comfort and satisfaction—when you equip your car witlx Firestones. 4104..ot cv4, See your local Firestone Dealer, MADE IN HMILTON, CANADA • , ' FIRESTONE TIRE az RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED MOST MILES PER DOLLAR rt* te • 40101064NIPPINO ?MN BARKER BROS.; MacE,WAN 4k. TEBBtllr; JANE; F.' H. WOOD; W. J. SYMONDS, Saltford. • DruMiniatinte PINK PILLS 190Ustel.ot.o 11.1.11 IN 01 cot/semis* became entangled. Attenit:Mg to eave a very inetructive address at free himself he fell into a deep hole, the convntion as also did Mr, evt h h THE owned before anyone ee.1 reach: Associatiem of Ade -orating Agencies, ere e was old by 'ale weds an Yell, immediate pan president of the & itipline ear him. He was a. son of the late Rein and' president of the Federal Adver- and Mrs, Bugin, attended sehool a. tising Agency. Seaforth end taught for a meaner of An intIresting addresa eves given sition—a colossal ahive, graduatede from Philadelphia Dental don, the Ivriter of the "Hnts for DERICH THE World's AnnualEX'net• years at Tara and Have:eget tater b y DI s. essie Allen Brown, of Lon- Colleg Homebodies!" colennn which. appears merit where products are ex, Fatal Accident weekly in The Gorierleh Star. Mr. hibited from the, fciur corners A sad fatality occurred a mile Arid income Legge, of file Leader -Mail of of theearth; he quarter east of Brumfield, on Mon- Grarby, Que., gave an interesting re , the gr t t ea es day morning, July 1st, about 10 0'. chapter of his own nerson'al experien. international sports program, clock when Mr. Satan Fallo, of Ineter, was abreast instant - Jane me, ees under the title, "Leaves., from the toe of an Ordinery Printer." Mr. featuring the ly 'tined, and other passengers were Arthur Ford, of The London Free FOURTH WRIGLEY milmi*hurt. Mrs. McFallo hi Premn nindle on the "4°11'1 nuge compeny with her son-in-law, Garnett ond W. IL Griffin of the Southern MARATHON SWINI and rs. Flynn and kr. an* Mrsi. Frank 'Taylor were on trim wa to ' Cenareereird Printn" while Mr. press. Toronto. treated the tonie • in two events (Priday, August 23 for women, Lind 'Wednsday, August 28 for men and prize winners of tuomen's race) for the world. championship and $0,000 pum. The Goldman and other famed Sands tvill be hoard; four concerts by the 2.000 Voice Exhibition Chorus; the first showing of 1930 Motor Cars iu the new million•dollar Auto, motive Building; $125.000 .Agricull. tural Prez Lot; Trots and Paces featuring Standard Rai Societe Tototiti: laviril amy ael naval grardsugi persot. "ikionnix's Muster; National Ater& Slow an Sky Carnival: Inter-1;10am! Out- board Motor Seat Races, and two wek" of never. ta - be iforgetcee enjoyment as the Empire Vet Relebranou of the Cenadisa National Exhibition, Aug. 21 to Sept. 7. Ofer assc2:::cys paotell All calls promptly t'0 day or niht. Phenes: Et0t0 833; Tiottse 51Set THOMAS DUMMY, Pfetickat I. W. WATR, Germ! Mem* 'Kincardine a attend the races and Jelin E. Allen of the Linotype Co., celebration. They had teem" the de- Vew York, bad the tante, "How Does tvieen a mile and a quarter eaot of Greetinee were bronent by Mayor aper Leolcan tour east of the Londee. noad anu Your Nowsp Brucefield the ear they wore tiding in Rilteea kit ard Wane Weed, secretary watt struck broadside by a aedan car of the Chomber of CenunereeK +and at driven by Andrew Eckert, of Seltrine 41%0 evic banquet Mr. Feed Ladon, M. A., formerly a newspaper man. pow profesaOr of Iliqn•ry en tile Stafr Deep -Seated . of the University of Western Ontario. gave an addrees. For the betiquet Archie McCullough and •Company Rheumatic pains taralt-ve, ettat,Vgenrroefaggnliyopealieaut1011A0,11: Quickly Ykld to Powerful l'euetratt :ng Oil Probably no affliction in 'MOM COril. mon or responaible for more intense sulTerIng than rlieuroatisin. Thou. Rand° of cabers'/Ise robust persone deag througn • a life of webery and agony. VIM 15 a new treatnaeut. Shaply get a bottle of Moone's Emerald (Id.' gun apply to the affected pails. It'a easy and pleastant to lite and there is „no doulet but et'at Hie meet ratibbarn1 atsti Sttiae castes yield quietly to ie. Powerful, penetrating innalnee. Tee hat application brnoto lateen! rellef.P All mod drnagiintri ;Ivo it, lett yet! ' can be erre to get it at IL C. Dianlop's land E. E. Wig*. 'GONG DOWN NOPE0GOING up We ca• n't make any eremites about the price of coal later in the' season. It certainly won't go down.' It may go up. The wisest thing to do would be to lay In enough now far your entire winter's needs, while tite price is reasonble, the nupply is plentiful and deliveries aro not crowded. Today ie the boot day to melon Pot Good Mari Coal ('ATI, THE • B. MUSTARDCOAL COMPANY Phone 98 Gosltritis • , 9111‘ Pt' IIA 411•• Delcolight. hOds profits' and cuts expense AVER 325,000successful fanners have found that Delco -Light, the dependable farm electric plant, saires time and labour that means money .. . actual, dollars and cents profits. What Delco tiglit Is 'doing for oder farmers it will do for you. Let me give you a demonstration. 0=943-6' SALES AND SERVICE Cambell 84 -Hotton, Box No, 1, Komoka, Ont„ W. W. Cook, Goderich Vacation NeedS In Finer Foods t. nets is im amol to mini a emeettet smolt of opionetl.s sts rev testobte trip sr te VA* sewor...1.11.011, Thesteraneet Ostari• mut Civollso aro %SO tainkri stems MsVl.dtpr emulates soul efficient sesaasms arta dolt, currier tIke feaVoi tststity foodstuffs, ana maistamise the mole steecieiril et "rersenal Servce" roe Vind at hem*. MOT OKKKKGVIOM OK 40LDeti ,V$10* SUGAR' s53sbag rilittseieeenretVeistialtninntinietPlOitea. COW Ginger Snaps' Ne 4 0. lb. vie -goer Qom OLIritIES-421t ;tors voirmitru MUSTARIE2g 141 1 08 istatuves Ji.141011700 Jolly Powder* 4 19«. IWO 4 NMI PO 44444TK 5W04 Toilet Tissue 3 it•os 25. 000 5 *Kt* rgt eVAMOk 1111,1540 CORN FLAKES 0*0 OM Or 3 ykts. 250 OftLitrifilS *taw Mates siNsta.41 444.4cs 4001:34 141131011)1 14bA1ta540 it *Mit 44114444. .7x1.1.1rQUARS tilt2* 1341154, 54400000 441.14414 Asparagus Tina ''2S - *410* CIO 001040A 4114014 M45} IPMAC10100 a tild 14500540""mine* JAM' 124m3ar 2Se **Al% INUTS lonaectra P*IP 111111ASI 2P604%* BACON 0*44A.411 MOO 4.4/1 V.2UrCRITae 35. 54 TA1 r.,t4s.n arai 29e PittayennahNo Condsnestditaik "/ IS. flZtfi V4i444/4 citivesE 21. 13'2 5' 5* vat.tt,t1.4 PONiVoict4 DOMINION STORES LIMITED v0411 060.1111, Attordel111$1...tti