HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-07-11, Page 144 11 ENING ATHOE la a teelhoed aad Stew. Way of Nelpiaa to Rudd t'p Our (ton oamile. :money Sent eat tattr.z Helps Pay Tees* la Sara* Other Cosa musite. ijt obtric Star FOR THE...StilliNIER BRIDE Werlidleti easthaseey. eeereet Rare - tag sad terse primed ht atarrevoli type styles ate Sae semi. at the Laie• rich Star Alm the Haire et it.eoe Print tat. 7.*"..."7*....rar7:4•••••••••••••• Suitscription:te$2 a year in U. . pints. SEVENTIETH Caned* GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIIIIRSDAY JULY 19'29 WaLlIelt etAFTEL, Pube YEAR .50 a year to S Entrance Examination Results Are Out Goderich Summer School Next Week Chautauqua July 25th to 30th • —1-r" --•-•:•••.-..a• MIR tifa A8811111100 .4; umpan' 11, of a11118da wha% ahaat that martzago A mortgage on the house is in- convenient whoa the Inetreand is alive. It Is often tragle %Oben she • lasses. It means a }topless eigoe against recurring payments -or the euoving van at the dor and the exit of the little family to other and • meaner quarters. It need rot be o i tke husband has made provision simply by carve -log s'afticient insurauee to pay off the mortgage. It is so simple and so ean ey. Cosult us regarding our plans a insurance. P Office 110 111°"es' t Residence 549 H. R LONG, District Agent 1 1 Huron Investments .Ltd. Stock Brokers Rand Dealeri inst4ance - 1 TOWN TOPICS •Golf • In the Lloyd trophy tompetition the semi-finals -are between Chas. Naftel and W. F. Saunders and T. R. Patterson and lirdevet Nafteh • it Bowl coin etition at hIttitland Golf ' Club close -yesterday,. , ROYAL BANK BUILDING -et)" In Ottawa' • a Goderloh. Ontario The qualifying round fot the Rost, Phones 430 and 445 Womea's Institute, Meets 'spending the summer at Bitiewater thildtere. Mr, lanide 5.Ire. Gettyge Mato 11 wan anti elt•Id n d ttunnell aerate/1°1141V' Bellir.1*(4. S. Morris, of Itamiltonowas .E Outtown iefilleth•rtrelf tell guests at the Blue I oe i MacKay Hall Thursday, July 4th. at , a week -end guest at. Ultiewoder tlird. Tea Slop:. M. Iseenaid lion.? 4 p.m. The president, Mrs. 0. Bis. Botch. gin, D. Melees/me. MISA M. e. Mar. sett, presided. The maiir feature of .Mrs. Hilton Sbuyler is up frain alien. 3Irs. Ruesell A. lfart, Mrs, N. theineetinte_Wiie * demonstration on,' Kitehener to ei$it• her father, J,, W. ey, Vallee, Iler,. Joe Vance. Detroit; roses by Mr. Gr. Laitlivatite. This Smith. . ' (e. S. Morris, Hamilton; Miss Helen, was a very interesting and educative.' Miss JeMad wan Maevan is in Toronto Buchanan, Toronto; Mrs. E. I). Os.• demonstration. Refreshments were reeding Departmental aaminatiou borne. Armprion; Mrs. Stauley, toted an; Miss M. &roughen, Parkland, served ot the close of the meeting. . papers. rmaner Goderich Roy 'Returns Dr iss Grace Strang haS gone WM.: -‘1...earteeteeffeeasetud .h.D.o. Vo L. &neaten; 'We are pleased to knovt that Mr. ' • tawa to tuark departmental examin- aim talune."'letitte'-Anno Sutherland, and Mrs. Louis M. Caree and family salon papem. 'Guelph. Will Acheson hi au -ay with a sur- 'GO RICH summta Know ! The death. -Wok place ea Ottawa . last Thursday of Mrs. Willtain Rob- ertson, formerly of Gederieli. The body was Ibrought to Godermh for in - / tennent, the funeral taking place to --- - ---- - - ----e.----1 front the C. N, R. station on the ar- / FOR SALE Olt TO VENT !viral of the noon train on Saturday Itev. C. F. Clarke conducted T.101.1SE . Ma IlieNT-Amele to J- ' tit i the funeral serves here. I 4-46 GRAHAM, Ice Dealer. -Elgin Ave. ..:....-__ . • . _ FOB, SALE,--advaestory frame •nouse, ' you SALE • all ntodern conveniences, on • ireeg----- - Brod: St. MRS. M. SNAZEL, Islew-gate AY FOR Sadh-Sla 'acres or good sweet. Tlinetby and lled Glover, mixed; , I will be sold as It stands tit the -field on IN)R $.11JE-Valliable property, fleildle Ware, Hen:miller. THOS. a M Care a former. Goderielt 'boy vet'ing PartY in Sudbury district for Thopyr"oung, peoples" summer gebool pallbearers were Dr. Mobee Col ah , d: have arrived in Goderzeh to /live. Sabbath Sthool and Bible Classes, at • I, • OBITUARY 'AMONG THE CIWRCHEi 81111TM-41w sympathy of many friends is extended to Ma Arthur Smith arid •hau ie dghter, MISR Fleto enee .Setith, in the death of Mrs. Smith on Wednesday, Juhv neat. eters. Smith -had not been well for some time but the end was not looked for so non. The funeral woe held ou Fridee' afternoon last, front the rest, denee, Arthur street. Rev. C. F.. Clarke, raster of Noah street United thumb conducted the funeral veto The Golerich Summer School opena on Menday net t Union player meeting will be heti in MacKay Hall Friday atternoon at 3 o'clock. lotteiliary of Koox church will be heki te regular meeting of the W.M.S. ,at the Ifonte of Mrs -Gordon Itielett on Tuesday, Julh Min at 3,30 paido Service itt Knox eltureit nest Sid). S bath will be in eltaxyge of the minister. heeea ah the home oss ot tbe gravee, 11 aen.. Communion will be 41400 side in Maitland cemetery and the .e"; 7 pen., The minister will preateh. 1. has been located in the West since the wart and will now take eharge of the int/mance ,business ot• ine firm of O. F. Carey & Son, Limited, of which firm he has now become a einbee The Goderich Chautauqua A meeting of the loot guarantora of the 1929 Gorterieh Chauntuqua wee held on Friday evening last in tini town hall. Organization, was effected be the appointmeot 'of Mr. S. D. Croft as president, and Mr. D. .D. Moouey as secretary -treasurer. The price of the adult course tickets is $2.20 and children's tickets $1. Miss Davis ,of the Canadian Chautauquas was here tor the meeting. •. Farewell Presentation to .• Rev, Mr. Parr On Wednesday evening of last week lollowing the prayer, service in 'Vic- toria street United• eburch, the pas- tor, Rev. M. C. Parr,vaspresented with a line wrist wateh on behalf of the church hoard and address appre- ciative of his work in 0ielicit. The address was read by M H. E. San- derson and the presentation was 'made by Me. Ogle Miller. Mr. Parr replied in fittmg words. G. C. 1. Staff Completed Mies Myrtle J. Simpson • salted on the emir street of Auburn, GooD, R. Goilerieb. monte (hit has -been eng • of Al- the simian. . ., Mrs. Field and two children, of Hamilton, are spending two weeks at Bluewater Beaeb. Mrs. Egener and son, yred, of St. Catharines, havo been visiting for a few days in Goderieh. Mrs. J. W. Smith has gone to San- dusky, Ohio, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Maleolm E. Smith. - Oir. and ` Mrs.- Jas. Allward, dd. Toronto, are visiting their aim,. Mrs. Arthur Buchanan, Elgin ave. Dr. D. - It Henry, of Spokane, Wash, spent o few days recently with his sister, Mrs, Challenger, Elton ave. e Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Croft were in Hamilton and Tottonta last week -end, attending a felinity picnic at Hamil- ton. • Miss Mabel Strang haS returned from her visit to Newmarket, accent - panted by Mis,s :Elizabeth Hewson, her niece. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Gould are back from their trip to the Maritime Pro. lances and , have token up residence on Britannia road, Mrs. Ellwooa _and ber daughter, Mrs. Melearen, 4110ttawa, are visit. mg. at the hone:or Crown Attorney Miss Marion liaftel is home from Chicago to spend` a fortnight's holi- days at the home of her parents, Mr, an" 'q„ " '''' •'‘'"'" -41.lper.40innie take..11' Posilon on the G. COI staff reit., alumna progresave andi loveliest 1 Iri 1,41110gV. The vinage is swelled milit I r "" y.“1"..r...7"..‘ag.‘‘A.‘ A A' v eeee b ti •• - _a• ee, and Mrs le. E. Naftel y e rem:go:then of ousa . ' 'h.Vill'o end also etas a voatinuatlen 1 14010 van, also high freade fee* -ae - and Mrs. Geeralh of Detroit, visited eeteeet, Dttet•ription of ProPerty: 7 -room tilieers eitesys le steak prompt de. elargaret Campbell, at a sakey of Mr. and Mrs. a. A, King and Mr. lose and n hag siorq ironic Wiese, \ livery service when required. to n. $1800. " good (gear and waua Amt.' Bricked Eaten. B. n. "vo. 3. CrOderieh, Ont. The tennis courts at the Collegiate Mrs. Davidson, Colborne st., ale° llfr. .well with ample supple a pure cold -ramie alriew 2821, . - . are 'being Axed up so iiii to make a ,I, H. Tewaley, of AVindsor. rater pie year round. Barn 1115/ feet, -- -- . ,..-:-..:•---- -.....i..---77.-±-r,-.7-:.-..=. pair of permanent courts. Gravel is Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Smith and 4' open aMlle, i aoe. stall, chicken, pen, PouLTRa FOR SALE to be applied and treated with tame - •children, of ,Hamilton, are spending 1 ., amsoesehlets. emo awe which, it Is expected, will give a fine pler:u=reer, luegstaileaocith.Ravine garage, /cement toundation, and tioors, -ea esh dree,sed end 111 I4'( litter tn left, Or- so smooth surface. • . Tolman Sweet 0 DaTaWin 0 Wegner I ht rents, er C. W. Ogehoras 13' teas Baseball ' - 'Mrs. ren'.'. ick, Mr, G. goy Fen. day in the afternoon, allege periods sentiew. Blom s. m. to roses.,. . 0 batchea June Ilatn. Barred- Roam •ohard-eentle trees, 2 Spy, t Harvest, 21 _ . and Mrs. D. IOW es, for trauung in leadership will be held next week, July 15-22, in North, st. ehurch, .Goderich. aim School this year elves promise of being alio best yet (held. Special earn has been exercised by the cont. mittees in. charge in deciding the sub- jects for study, as -well as in. the ' sel- ection of the specialists. who. bre to give leadership to the students. • " The curriculum presents marty.spe, cial.-featimete some of. which are new in Summer • School programs. The stycleOs this year, for example, •elit divide into groups aod will study the four depaetments of ,young peo- ple's work as these. departments are artually taken up in the Y. P. socie. ties In the local eiturele • • Special attention bus alsa been Dunlop, Messrs. antes moron an A. Kneeshow. Mrs. Smith was born North St. United eltureh serviette itt Stmetwille but since her Marriage Sunder, July 14th: 10 aerie Chutvie ' had lived in Goderich. She was a School; 11. tarn., Peblie Worship fete h daughter of the late Mr. George Al. lowed, by the saeraraent to the e len, and is survived by four Aston ilherd's supper; 7 pen., evening ser. emit one brother, Mrs. (Dr.) S. If. vice. The pastor will preach. , Smith and Mies Allen, of Street -5- The regular meeting of the Arthur '4 Ville; MS* I. A. Owens, of South. Circle of Knox church will he held on ampton; Mre. D. C. kralwell. of Van- Monday, July 16th, at 8 otelock, intim tourer; and Mr. Hugh Alien. pf Tor. lecture room. Mee. Robe,. Itiesett wilt • onto; Miss Allen and Mr. Hugh AI- preside and a paper oit 'The Royal len were there for the funeral and Dr. Road," will he given by hire. Woe. and hire. Smith had been here a short Tebbutt. time age. The beach party belt ley the choir hieft.F.IitES-In falling teal& for of North street United church oil a number of years, 'William Elliott -Thursday everting of .lust week paw - Weekes. passed peacefully away in ed an enjoyable event. It erns held . ids 68th year on hittuday, July 8th, at at the beach at Camp Kitchigamh given to the evennue meettngs to in' England, -his late reeidencealluron Road. torn Singing and games and a beaele fire • Mr. epeekes came to were on- the program. which the general public are hwited Canada In Itithboyhood and settled in On Friday, July 7th, the ladliee of each evening at & o'clock. Beginning A. Y. 1'. j.I.BAlun healidrd39.d'een. Toronto. It was in.this city that he iSigth.t0fenoirgtee'as -axith Tuesday, July 16th, the speakers grew ta oloobooe and enet his ,wao, will be as follows : ' Tuesday, Iteve Helena Metals, daughter of the late Shop. Tito weather teas ideal. end of Religious Education; Wednesday, eery. and hirs, Wm. Movies, deiviy .sete the tea shop 'was pretty with wild a the Board Rey, J. A. Cormie,-D.D., Superinten. Gera of Goderleh. • He was connected flowers aed Japanese lanterns. The dent of Miesions for Manitoba; with the Langmuir Leather Mfg. Co. Proceede will go to the panelling ot Thioaday, Rev. E. .W. Youem, of Dun- Four years ago he eame to Goderich, Thole was a geed ettentlartee at for 46 years as foreman ond cutter. 'the chancel. das Centre 'United thumb., London, and for the Pest two years and o hhetoria sheet United Ouch on • on the subject "Ireland , and the . De. mployed by the, Dominion Thursday. evening last Tor toe indue- isit in Lantern Slide and Story." half -was 'e will be nut on by the grouap wilier IAA? Rod Macluiter.Y :Company. Mr. tion service for the new Weekes was a- vent lover of, flowers G. Hutt. .Rev. Mr. Hogg, a Olatoo, ich were Pretuded. • Rev, J.. E. Pord adereesee pastor, Rev. • , And 'op, Friday evening study mmsionst under Miss ileabel Me. anti mutt garden& in. Gelder Intosh, of China. . made MOTO beautiful be hire. • He the minister and Itov, 4. W. Penrose. Ministers will find the hour con. leaves his with and son, elle Rev, n. a Varna, -addressed the. eongregatiou. M. Weekes, of Xittmount,..to' mourn. Rev. and Mee. a.'W. Mit andfani. • ducted by the •Rev. Proxessor David - each day the loss of a loving husband and ily of • four thildren *have 'taken uo son . of EmMannel College at 11 a.m., to be of peculiar interest' tether. The beautiful. land impres- their residence, in the .Vletoria street and profit Professor Davidson wilr swe service •evaselteld at his late resie etersonage and en Sunday test Mr. also take the Vesper Service each. deeee and was conducted by Rev. J. .Eutt preached 'his first sermon. be • N. ea pans, ee, A., of •nt. George's bis new congregation. There IVAS a evening at 7.15. • The recreation periods will -afford Anglican church. IThe pall -bearers good • congregation • ot both Metairie; were five oltrother.in.lawe and. n and evening service and the congev. to all relaxatient and amusement each ti It I I teti Gude - I snow, i reit,"1 Culberti CB:he'd° Whrorg. ,t'ittl()41114° ,i*, .7e. lintst Voin•Lgsi best Friday the game' hateeeu wielo Meta Ettehe.Otid Miss Fenwicko will be specially .supereised by the Adam 'GOA, Reg.. Etagere:JAW Mora new . pasta a ministratiOns, In the f Ilonultone have token a cottage et taint Green toe i Volt PpOin. Miter i Clinton and the Blatt: Sox at the latteeee, plum. eehance for Otte ?Oli;SOI) seeurc acre f land more or ides. 1111/ -pro., front outheleolieetbreeding peon. c,, Ageleultural Park here WAS /0-t0-0` "*******-****'" ** Mrs. Cook has ctinte from Chien • frutt treesati Pear. 2 therrea2 Rev,A11 tiM.autatlioenr: soVesto. ris, George altadIllittretehSitinorals, evening he spoke of the examOle 'of ss perty suitaine for eesidetiote tourist' GAMPREhiteelt. th No. 2, Auburn, Ogt. iovor of the Black SOX* • TUnneY t •• h h h m„ J ."° mediate attention All young people, ber of *lends and relatives at the Dilate in ?rarer that 'Ite dee ved hhe t to MI M. Interment teak -place at Colborne Jrnus at prneer, quoting A, Bailie, Goderich, will receive int- eemetery. Thevo were a terse num. texts. it was thuo be beinft much or us an i ames ok, * orhm distaneo strength, or the work of his ministry pmeopoor businees site: ditor further! Phone Myth let r ai, itched for Goderich with Sheardown ° rinteudent for the J. S. tietealfe in Huron Presbytere endeitt the nor. funetal. Iltese then Part" Of the -London Conference were his els er.. Oln. F. Itywite; and the examide Of the Master . ot ,thes• havehhhot already done so. to; Mr. an& Mrs, A.. Holmes, Seult• d his followers. • . „ea. --7-...-.01,tching and Butler taking Shear - putt, , e eetue,a,re,hh.dtpoty to , A, ttOthiNStli TiArix.cmcKs tar -immediate delivery down's usual Place at first. Carrick Co., NitliCh have the elevator contratt. . "t• ,aeo, 19. I es an rea e, pitched for Clinton but had poor step- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller and three' „ ... zuzeura u - - - • 44 ewe, el )4i7 ' 011 t d 0 rit .... ... .?......1,14rvisq• steleav -Nrate ,Lositerrise 12c wit child n, of Handlten, are spending REM4 ESTATE *OM INSUFANCE t (ado tine number. Safe ;velvet uar. atfoeveeleharith the formetes eanteed. We overe4roajn, Enna, ,•to.:-_etftiThi,,,,arsCla evening this weeUte a:!°° e, , vie ho'heettEZeter• Vihhtiter . '11""id -oh 'hililier eir.d• dthee ts,..rietehttitlitsiteottlihrh, is. et, E. nod oteldettatoatilie harpoon/gee- rare eettee et -- ' 1 Wm free 'ItheliFtt P011eertre Feller Plan an exhibition: game as a benefit relative in town. , 4.ft tor an Exeter player who was hurt Air. a d Mrs. lie J.., Stones and ;Boit N-83, memo ant, , very cheap Properly. '''. mid Itet otory inea game. A return game- will be daughter, Jere, and Mr. and -Mrs. WANTED played here probably some time next litme Ambs, of Detroit, spent July immediate .14.)00fitiati'4,-'41i4f7Tith'irof limise, time IfOttorc-tootteondititud , 4th at.the home of Mrs. Ieabell Mc. tweet...bathroom; evetemehereoa toe,: WANTent-Stenereampiter wards post- GoderickhaS lost both. its games to 'twain, Bayfield Road. price 2#10(); 2200 or 8300%-pashi Vit'si I " Von at onee• .eleo furnish beet, of Stratford and won both :rota Clinton, >Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and two lemur for balance tO rebabiel4yerson, i references. 1‘1:14.11r :ANDERSON, Dun- and .has therefore a .000 standing in dapghters, Nelda and Dorris, of De- -"Otiod '2 -story house, modor4. egiiii)- ' gannon, Ohone dee rej5, nungamson. , the league. ' troit, Mich., were visitor* over the Ped. CIOSe to square; price i370.. ;tat -mv,....s.1441.-a4earin Vet rent, about 100 Gederich People Win At Bayfield week -end ot *e home ?if Mr. and lee store house, partly' '6004)1-44p bumirato in. fair itote. of repair. - --- , . Mrs. 'Wesley freers, hy October, igt, 1020, with- u.emitifel weather favored the Mrs. R. 4, Wallt4;:, !delegate Street 'Ida% and daughter, . wail- ebetm. - , •ty v v to Square. Needs some .repelog, Piiiti wawa lease far tie ait... mom years. opening for ehe season _ of 'the Bay- field Golf and Country Chib on 'Ted- Lois also Mrs, Ai Johns and Master .• . . R.• ,%Nb. 3. nesday afternoon of last week, Ihere Freddie, of Detroit, were .week -end vatbroom, Hods, cellar, pt. Tag bur- Aunty to FRED CULHEFir. Auburn R. gain at gm, was a large crowd peesent for the visitors with their uncle and aunt, , Fine OWPO'OM imuse, bestdis pastries - a. well artursted for heating conven- RALESMEN WANTED. -Men without event and the course is in first .idess t "idr. and Mrs. ft. a. mew, McDonald previous sales •experienee make condition and. the greens fast and a "i''' • .lence and rand -art/ Vivi" decorated. ' rocoellent eonditiott:, Etestrio lighted, kood with us. 17ou C1 40 eo.). elle will true. Da W. J. Iteid won the Bast- Mr. Chas. Chapple arid sister, Mrs. field cup for the second year with a Gibson and her daughter, .and Miss Planned for hot and cold water.sen ice. 4teto you make 5)011. Excellent oppor- cellar. Gitleken "house and Yord. 2 rich. Write giving ale' a.lel•eeeliCalAno. Exelusive weeitery in node. score of $2 gross handicap la net 63. Morgan, all of Ripley, were in ('ode 611151. modern equipwd. Oathroom, good tuifity. 'large jots,. rine ,i0eution, Inunediato- to The I li. WA'rEINS CoMpANY. won 13 itd• I. f G d i i • friends Mr and•t Mrs. It. Russell, The ladies' driving compeotont eea, rich Sunday and called on their ponsion. litic0 $1800, gur tc•rtni.4 1 11111A• DV, nanallion, Ont. y ts. Lau, o o er c eatuo , , :5 24.11. ' --"" -- ----- - drives 210 yards, Dr. Newton-lhady, Wells st. II/ANTED -Lathe Planer Slotter and Bayeeld, NVO the men's driving cone. Miss Isobel MacEivan has Jost re, Red Miele .erittate, Modern,' 2 lots, vv.' • ' ' i . Rathat Drill IIands. Sten Ur:Ind....pet tion, two drives 560 yank. Put,- turned' from a montles Visit In Obi:. covur:petiesetas libeuldrculi_trifrioartslitotre, are urged to register this week, if, nlece.3:ti:s;" ,Beklevie obo)tletoof:dorsoorn. _ .. • 130WhING • of ;Toronto • and hDe John alovr4s. 00,dtrs.,,Tiumytl.p. mileituslitible ,eateeleretkunae AtGoderkli rink *ought' 41ie Sarnia. 10 Stratford Beacon -Herald trophy from "So tong Thy Power aath biest 3110. that city, winning it at the tourna- s,ure it stile ment there last Friday.. The rink Will lead Inc on, consisted of C. E. Chapman, Rola. Ciao moor and fen, doer. vrag and johuston, A. Taylor and F. Hunt, torrent. till and each received an auto rug. The night is pee ; „ • The day previous at Lucknow R. with t1 `Mega those anget Johnston and F. Hunt . Were ill the. faces ' _ • omed to betieT marine engine work. ting competition was Won by Mrs. J.- cage at the shome of Ur. and Mrs: It eauloPed,,2-10to Meek, . . .. %lave requiretrie BOA mo, seneit oet- of seven on four holes. She did the purchasing agent for the Internation- 11k Mori, red bekt . house._ Todprni Aprrly estateng age,- -experlettre--nnd-rforuadson,--Or -G2derieli; with •I score' Y. 111eCuIrogh, 'Mr; McCallogh • is Brick . bouscs-$3000, • 2310% MOO, rim 8400, 810011. 2S000, etc. ____.... _ . :first two Puts, melt ever twenty feet, al Harvester Co. • t Lam' number of pood frame .balises drIPPORTI!NITIES-11I0 , , ..J inh one ani the east. two in two and ,Itilss M. .A. Bannister graduate t ree. Mrs. A. Nevtton-Brady, vvife nurse of the Stratford General flospi, front 8.01 in igSea. '`-'' *PIONS. , of the president, presented the elm to. tal, visited, at the home of her par- Chickee farin,, 44 niTes mese to n. Prepare for RIO to 290 weeldr. Praeti- Dr. . Reid of Detroit. • The ladies'. ents, -111r. ,and Mrs. Wm. Bannister, 'N. R. 'station, eroderich. with fowl eal da'. Or event , • s 't e time te in temnottee served tea to the roany William street, for a short .tune /houses, barn. not bulldinsts. two lame Ina in Auto 'Sfeetanics, Auto Electrical, guests arol, bridge wee played in the Thursday of last week. gneubutors. hydraulic ram. Priee 81506, Battery. Acetylene anti .ElectricalteVeld- club betide. a . •Large number pod forint; listed for log, theetridety, BrIetineing, Pktster- intr. Tile Settttrz Gratin's, nesigning. . leir. and Iffrg: Doer, of Detroit, are litelding Trades. Employment sure. PEOPLE WE KNOW visiting:Mrs., Doer's sister Mrs. Ett- et Ie. Por all particulars *Its or See' . . Write or eall. COMMERCIAL MIN-. win II. Homey. Mr. aneitits. Doer .I. NV. ARMSTRONG. . HERING SCH0OLS, Suite Ninety.nine. Miss Evelyn Jones is home- from were iriarried in Detroit on June 25, • Real Estate. VI Queen W„ Toronto . 4,,lt Preston. the bride being formerly Miss Ova ' h 00410rIell* (Int' VioAt REPRESENTATIVE *WAN_ T_ ED Mrs. R, 11. Cott is away on A trip Church, of the Bayfield road. • nox 89 - in Coderielit .to lodl, high Class 9% 4, . to the Pacille Coast. Mr. and, Mrs. W. Holeareow,attepd- •security. pa)ing reguiar amiably diva r* se °" ° • ° u M d n II f It tc) e . was 1 ote 1, ed the ve-union of old pupils of S.' S. N 10 W 01 • J. W. CRAIGIE Mame'. . . • ' ' • • - 'Which i• have io'reetedi 'sheik, and lost awhile.' and G. MaeVicar were the winners in the local tournament, fRobt. Johnston Slt GEORGE'S CHURCH and G. Ittumby second. Last Friday , .. • SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC the ,winner, were -E. •Craigie- And W. On Tuesday afternoon (if thie week Bisset Oast and J. RoVieheeler and G. gt. George's- Sunday school held Mumby uecond. . . - - - • their . annuel picnic te Menesetung Wednesday this week r. tournament Park where it most enjoyable after - was held en the local greens, fifteen noon•was spent lby' both • young and rinks :of visiting bowlers •and seven old. Cors left the perish hall. at local Ones 'taking part. The skips . were Messrs.. Zinn, of hianovei; Duf- 1.30 and altbeugh the weather; seem- ed to be unsettled at that time ever" - ton and Greenwood, of Stratford; McCoy, Masten. and Johnston, . f one was indeed pleased to, see • the Lucknow; Bowman, of .Brussels; Cult ,raltichpataosa.ovwearl.i. After a trip to the - of Blyth; Martin, of Riplee; Rae ani "" served, a bountiful sib -lemon, of Wingham; Sproat,' Sills simply of .good thinge being pertala f b 11- Aft • 1 a were • Wednesday. of last *nee: fe. Hunt and .Stewart. of Seafortla A. J. Mor. Martin: Wheeler, Goldthorpe. Powell dren. The following is the list of WI ' rish, of Clinton; Hunt. A. Taylor, E. put -on e'er the benefit, of the e 1 . end Robt, Johnstoo/ of Goderich, the -prize winners. Primary depart. First prize auto rugs) went to a mellti composite rink with Comma of Wing- oY y . r . 1 .. El bent as skip, the other members mer Coe/Weld, G. Parsons. being lee:McDermott W. O. Pridhani Ghee '7 to 8 years -Hazel Boyee, and J. W. McConnell. They had om J. B. di + , Orv Bradlcy. wins out of the four games and a Boe-s 5 to 6 yearsa-Iiaroid Shore, idua of 26. Second prize went to, 'Jack Fritzley, Willis Barrie. Dutton of Stratford with four wina ' Girls 5 to 6 years -Lima Molning, and a olue of 10, A. Sloane, A, Gor- Ruby Willis, Ruth Trumpea den N. Fiebeg and N. Dutton were Girls I yearn old-Roseta Willis, the players and their prize was ail. Helen Trumper, Dolly Bove. • verware, Third prize was won by Boys 4 years old -Willie Herrin, Johnston of Luelcnow, three wins mid Bob* Robertson, Donald Fry. it plus of .20. The players were Hod. Boys 0 yeara old -Basil Bradlee, grns, Houston. Millson and Johnston Emmereon, Willis, Joseph Salkeld. I' It, afternoon of last week. Mr. R.. It. no the prize blankets. For the Ghee 3 years old -Kathleen ai dends, with participation .in tIonn-non ill t°w11 this week' o, iEastawano 1,Wednesday. , , Real opportenity for earnest men of Woodstock and Ottawa. Sallows was another ono in attend- . !outhrtrletep.ertilzren,etrelletirerzetruslAtheTroestitoare, ,eeartns.on, Barbera Holmes, aelen VW - stock a ayeat . future possibilities. Miss E. Ilume .left on'Saturday for "r 1# leneeshaw was u from gredbs. of Goderich, Harmon et 14 Ingham. Boys 2 'years old -Harold Bradley, vision, who de:4Ire a permanent and ance att te go some goo p o - le. • . 1..4).• 3,10 Bay Street, Toronto, Elgin : Miss Doria Disher, of Toronto, io a Mr. James H. Addison, of 'Mount I • u Forest waa in Gederich last Monday .. • . . 4.11..ta guest Of Miss Peggy Parsons. . attending tho funeral of 'hie sister, ntidnight when the play -ate decided boos ; 091,0. that, A. Taylor's rink would carry Mita- latetoe's clase-floy Turner, Real Estate asi Insurance 1 Witg*;14)7..nn2Pkvegl'Atatarry_ 'Toronto during the week. and Martin of Ripley, each. whitthree Joe Kemp, Philip WitHee wine end a, plus of lit It was aftet (rho main oehool recta were as fel- ' • Miss Agnes Middleton, of Ottawa, Mrs. Bright, of Toronto, which took bonee the winnera. The winnera Leslie Rilett, Beverley Mlle. e. were C. Griffith, Dre • Grahnos, Ca Aliso Boni/ton% class -Dotty Fry, has been visiting her hotne here.' place from the C. P. R. station on the • • 3 r. J. E. 'Font has, -arrived home arrival a the noon train. Rev. 111r. Black and A. Taylor. Doria Baket, Pauline • Bradley. ANNOUNCEMENT - We take%pleasure in announcing that MR. LOUIS M. CAREY (formerly with the Canadian Bank of Commerce) is now a member of this firm O. F. CAREY & SON vicee. vinces, Mad Crawfonre clam -Madeline froln his trip to the Maritime Pro- Clarhe tonducted the interment nor- The lady %Mien are gett tr into , . the game with erithualasui. Thera gaeor, Lucy Ilarrieon, Marla i'ng a summer school for school mud- Tueoday Vevening. . • Mise Maoltelrs Cinig, , Miss F.,dith Craig, Toronto, is Mr. D. Major is in Toronto nttend- were a 000d nunthee of players die a hearty' welcome. Teateboroteacitee • the Bible (lass. 11, a.m., GOallf• Service. 7 pan., Gospel Servlee Monday, '8 pen.. B. Y. P. U. meeting Wedriesdaya 7.30. p.m., Peals° uni Prayer Service: Choir -Practive afte• praise and prayer service. Monde! o after 4 p.m patter et the parsonage delighted to .me.et any boy or' girl who .would like to talk with hint aleouti becoming a Christian, of uniting via thee church. -Friday tight after 8.0e pan, the pastor will gladly meet any,. one at the pareonage wee) toiald Iik to have a conference with nine. Sao jots 1.-ord's atty. July 14th: 11 a.m. . 44The. Mystery and Meaning. of Pair and Pleasure;" .7 pan., Rev. Wm . • Itaithby, of St. •Thonnts, will proelain the goopel •niesaage. A hearty wel- come to .all the sericite. Corea , BRIEF TOWN Topics. . The Homing Pigeon Club will hole their next flight on Staturday. froze illontreal. „ Conservatory inueical examination will be 'held in Godorich at gee outdid of Mr. D. Campbell. Mr. Viggo le% will be in charge AO examiner. • N. . 1 f to and their families will bold their an. ' nual Mettle at Baytteld on tiaturda,. afternoon next. *-The regtoar meeting of Ahineet Chaptete I. O. D. le.• will be held ir the public librery on elotititie. Jule 15tle at t p.m. A full tatendaneo requested. A large number of Goderich foil • on. Tuesday attended the organ -tacit ' al in 'connection with the anopenine services of We.sley.Willig chureit Clinton, and heard anteinspirino re Mat in the new and beautiful church Mr. Bert Cutt watt never in Natt!. form and hie vocal solos and organ numbera were much enjoyed. • ELIMINATE TIIE 130ARDES Have eour floe!: of ,heits culled o' home, free of charge, by aro expert For particulars communicate told MRS.. It DAVIDSON., Phone SI BOOTH PRIVILEGES Mr' Anderton, eal inntructors. During bis absence A number of Godericla notetere will of Clinton, lo supply.' piao in a twilight tournament at Sea- m se eeotio ,geaaeopesse ing as organist in KrIOX church -Ws forth on the 12th. Eddie Jenner Joseph Durnin. Applications for booth privileges mouth, stertihg last Sunday and for At the Harbor to. e t t Paioons, Mary Aciteeon, Doris Dieh. or. on Civic Holiday, the firet Sunday in Auguot Mr. Bert The steamer 3. B. P.adea unloeded hi:moo/um/5 elaesreeert Medd. MONDAY, AUGUST 5th Cutt will lave cetatte. it eargo of 195,000 bueltele at the , Aggicultueal Park, Will he received Ma and Mae klehara migrate oe Goderieh Elevator and Transit Coets Militated, Ted flairey.em,„„ ' by the* undersigned up to Saturda Chicago; Mr. and hire. Sowlee, elevator today and the Anne C. tura* ""111°P'° ‘e•a°5-"•""h . evening, duly 2/tit. The rice oYf °I InnerkIP' 'ono 1pewee, ,Mineh ie due on Saturday with n or. Albert Shore, Bert heolueria. Moo. Becket claim -Etta Ranee. P :of Thorson, were recent visitors go for the Elevator. DR. W. E. CLAIM, and hire. Jae. Tabb, of deoyal. Mr. bee of his netv dredge on Tuenday Contractor Forest celebrated opeto Marion Mateo Audrey letetiand. Mica Taylorro elaaseadohn Promo, each booth, with_ it limit Of 15 feet with Mrs. Rola. Attire St David at, frontage will she el5. TENDERS. • fl Mbn and Mre. Tokio ette ors um J. A. cameral and the basement of the new :legator! el Crawford. oanftebrounoilt. with a oatitering of triode, Xeemefh Jock, Jack Videan. A number of the rement piltare in Frani: Bowan Sidney Leggett, Lioro Young men of the Bible Case- fte Sreltio 191. A..2_,;:gsoctia,tiahontt. ' del4s1Tai5r10,1' hiSfrortsheet"Ittelel eatentder3a;ir hoitse have been put in mid part of, Walla lathee of the Elhl° For .est kno a Decoration; turord to Toroato after ceeridino, ti the reinforced cement floor aboeso GIMP Ohore• Birth Ilorrlooll• !tardily, Donald and Jean, have re- •- ale . • Choir lora race-tennetit &wk. ' fa • h th at: ritraa,5 them. There is still (mita a m11114000 Os Fa CAREY& SON, Ltda INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING GODERICR ONTARIO , p ate 0 • Tendere addressed to the ,under.:oeteots. mte soe etrp Gee. prooleoeti, traetata c,.t to the uhe oh the asp signed will he received by the Ootlet hiVhde here they attested the high forms for runnirot up the sidea iieh PIM° 146°°1 13"M "P to 8•00 annual oicifie of the Brndaf ford fem. b• Y J • °clock ott Own, there from The Goderiett lelocitta a Aeeotttto Wit De _y, Special boy4f raceeeitenson Promote ?dation Mem, Jack Wilatm. Thretelhotted raee ,.for • girle-Aud. • , •Dungannon, wbo will nutite• arreraget meats as te date of fulling. . Safety Rem. • BLedes theareened :Single.. edge, 3e each or 2le a doz.. double edge, 40 each. Gillette blades) 35c a dozen. A perfeet edge guaran• • teed. ALP. TEDBUTT ee. SON, ULY 22nd = MONDA1,4'6 teem 3 s tied conneetione. Alt recartee .,preoarbel tor Gotleeleh Rem Meet lay Weiland ILIP OrAY • n, * hieroaret Bradley and Dorio Molter. for paioting and decorating at the Citr-yet""4" Dttr°111. .had neetina Tuoeday ovenino at A race for the ladiee- vas an by A Cantrell Sehooltura and &Worrell. avhieh ,JRUIC:A5 Wit otuteas for the hire. hlra. Kemp and Mrs. It !The lowest oe any terider not . . ^ r oder,. tet- s et to he heti! Imo on eivie Hot- %ideate One tor the Volition:On tvaq The fel owed g fro a I b necessarily accepted. tetided the oreetesi Ve-Unian Of the Ida aloralay, Anoint nth, weee /lee won tee Mr. Whason, Mr. ("Layman It h t Iola •-1..4,..) e orate Harden etato etel Peouce. if Specifications msy teen at • • - P. R. MILLF,IPS and ot Snluelleh }Nett Wee? and Mee. 1.,aetta heave send iodic:aloes titO afternoon there waa a JOIIN Cr Che;teteet, or A• 11,feeEtvarn 1rnee Marifaeet .titet thee elesse teuga will rise redo:Ai/1.4 teeneneee bent far tho tayn and girlie leave= Mr, Peter lideeEtean Andra? Weal oleo. The eteack Its Mete i of the main llama atui a .ehett Plieeet Goderich. L. to KNOX, Sees., deeogotheeteo meta reslee eel Joatto onotoo in the Tease ale eaneitto., foth teo melee woe a Mooing comeetittien , - • te tn. are! . to zo a 0 . • 0ailerkh G rotten gad h2 eore atootg the ti7ii7.3ty elaseca • AT BLUE WATER BEACH '1•Ite Illue Bird Tea Shop is. opee . for luntle afternoon tea, bridoe, al o'cloel: dinner. Come and bring you friend:. Mr. Charlet:. Mormon wieites 1' make it knoWn thht during 'his tem. porary abeenee from tow% ortiera fo• hie gandeeto.measure line of men'. clothing will be taken on his behal. , Wm. fetapieton, expert taitoe Easet St., who will have a complete iine of satrapleo and will peraortalle ; take raeacurea. •--- CARDS (DF THANKS • ' Mr. and Mee. Themea atteltateleen, arltivilltel. Wall tol tigMk all friend., Ilteir Lin/Moog Moose iat gale go. dant Pereeeentent. BOItN• VilVoN, NI tleutit4r.1 tt.t%j 0.S4' 811-81. 4•41 :441r4,49. 3Z214, 118, 101/. 144 MIP, anti t134. 112••4, 11111 4. 2-•411114 11,411111-'111 IIIILII 11E44 11, 5, I 1o.itc,3,11. .4 49/111 11 dr 8 1 DIED goititteitee t k 7.1:5 '.• ;It. sl. JAI!, 8112. it4.D. IbiIi.r.io eneeeee, lateval toraital It icri !14.3114. itt t^isl Oir:Vo 1,, • • 1 1