The Goderich Star, 1929-07-04, Page 10THE COD STAT", I GOLF GOODS We have a full laie at all = Golf and Tennis (Inds Rackets, $3.59 to $10 each Spalding Tenni5 Balls, Sec Stvaiding Tem* Pres?es, $1 Golf $2.00 and up , flof3ags. . . Golf Bails. • • • .30e...to 75c • aolf Tees- 25c per box • 'Clara ilarreea 71_ .27 Ta 3r. 1a, --Jahn Streeteraie, anti aarte fainter. el • _Harms's. ;an, _Maurice Belliwaie, Moinceaa sesta Ally 1st wee Itry, R. itra eletwir. McMaster- 694, Tv a,, tiralMhterele, 7' aeallie Peeve, leek, Iti.hen Port...Part Albetrand isebnin'.'neld en, 'an; aainley MeIlwain. 7trn Jeaa aeatorday raiterneea at Pori Albert, ItiTiVeiby, Cera:d Orr. eon; Gre was very enjoyable, •Ine dew wail - ham Johnortott, 595, To Sr. 11, -Her. ideel, the grourele nieet suiteblea the bort _Paean. Aid; lairtf.;c ruwU,crawd entimriastic, the eaves and, 453,: aaac MeAlli*Wr, 456; Maurice game enterea into 'heartily and the, Harwood, niaa afeitlend I•anier, 4$.1, 8upper the last weal in whet a picnic, Feat B. Is .1 -seetialdeed Pwd. .su Ta* ught t - Arnold Fuller, Primers -Viola i'kh- ifliss Mabel Woodr. of St, lielenea Tetaa Poweli, Betty Fuller. who has taugiht hem eery successfallea , . le et, neeleare . for the past tbree yeaye, ams resigned _ Teacher. and is taiaug a school river Eitzlienea . • - MISS . S NOBLE Prier .to her depaeture. the ; SHEPPARDWON Onlida of allat Atki Weods was4UTlSHrt.7'ZCHANCor. 'BLOC E maek, cattCI.4 mend, here... valued member,. met at tile heme ere - - T.1117RSPAY,, JULY 4th, tete , Now it the time to hove your Sawing Machine OVERHAULED Par ts, Oils, Belts, Needles, etc. CLEARANCE of COATS iThe weather ie no.J the best for Ihe Pref-lidento 14'Gr° renran5 _ p a a eccia time, Pre; Inennd a year znyire. mrs. pea..ira mot smealiaalea, rat 5ented 1ii88 1Verxils with a beautiful Bee valuer laupetriee ewe been led /on friends hew laet week. ' raw amyl ae a memento of the many ,aelaaace ne principal ot• ar. s. s. Ni 8 Mr. Steven Tout* sister, None, happy home seent togethee, at the Aseileie (Dinieenrion), his dutiee to g . 3 1 n Alne .6tie*, conmienee with the fall terme the sal- - 1;3siast weele Inid AU' '31n1 'nun enne-il nn 5118 gess and haprineos tri her worle 'era being ate$1200, The lxiard is adver- The big cemmunity cnic f , Mr. and Mrs. Ree. Burrows and pio....... tismg for a teacher for the junior mai Mo. Jelin Burrawa leave for !room to till the vacancy caused by tile ' , BELFAST !resignation of Miss 31. M. Durnin, COLE S '1,Larden Tarty et the United Mi. Will Balciwin apent Monday in Mr,. Bert Jones. of West Wawca , Sarnia ou tho dth ef July. church. Port Albert. was mite a sue- Landon. - nosh, returned last week from a de- - Bookand Gift Shoppe was eplendid. • ism, realizin2.00 g $. The concert Aleasrs. Haeaett, of Detroit, spent lightful three weeks' holiday; with re.'. the week -end with their uncle and latives at Thessalon, Bruce Mines, Mr. Dunloe. her daughter bUld lit- urn. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hacaett. Sault Ste. Marie and Plekaord. Mich. GODERICII TOWNSHIP • Iteying operatione ore the artier of ate dae. Viso Ella Soweray of Westaelde Is •afainir the holidays with reiativee %eta Mr. end MieleBrock Orr, of Hernia Wagasee' spendmg the belidare wit* 'Relatives here. - Mats Helen *Bell, Or Windsor, is :spending the aolidtieei at the name of lier father, Mr. J. W. Bell. , Mrs. Elwyn. Anderson and elnidrers. 'at _lona" are vioiting thie weelt at the aome of the lady's parents, Me. and Mee. Robt. Davidson. a Last Sunday afterneon Rev. M. ;Farr preached als farewell airmen •an Union cliureh to a brge and ap- yrociative audience. `There Will be a garden party ane :ieth supper on the lawn of Grate ainsd church on the evening ofJuts, Tr. The Lakeside :Enter -ethers vall It on the program. Theta will rase lie a softball game between Union esal Grace church teams. • The following is the report of the 'promotion examinatIone aor S. Ni. Goderieh township: To Sr. IV,-.. Organ Recital and Concert Ittesicy•Willts 'United Citurch, Clinton OR TUESDAY, JULY,9114 1929 e'en Organ Recital will ne In by Robert Cutt, Galt an orgariast of 'Wide reputation; ,Cutt, who iservorailiet of a -very high order, will eilen render several toner solo* alla. Xialahere of Wingluon, 'to possesses re *eke of femarkaLle , nualltr and *were will contribute materially ze the enjoyment of. An will ease Miss Ann Stewart and the choir of lite • eAdreissiont. Pree.will; *Tering at Ike door. to loselier free% eeer Midst. Me. and 'Urfa 44:11412 PoWler, ,i Chi. the" eoratrega4as tDuegatmee and raireetlane eornmerced. to build Triall .'(Fiain, another eiiireseientleet) arta Mrs. S. IL Stothere. hoe intneearrit at Dungannon- ani fore it wee eompleted. a856 the ilton spent the holiday with xelativez , tie granddaughter, of Detroit, aroMI: Fred Topp end son, George At the latter alace she attended the spending two weeke with their cot- Topp, and Mr. and Dire. anionic, of silver wedding of her sister, Mrs. . sin, air. D. Dell and Green. lite. Will Burrows, wife and clausal - tors, of Stratford; Mre. Penno- baker, son land davrchter, all visited the latter's. vister, Miss M. Burrows. last week -end. Mr. Hector Itawkine, wife and chilaren, Mra. Purdy, ere and 3fe1vin attl his friend, !Miss Pauline Sibbly. will all motor to Sarnia to meet Toronto, spent the weeleend with Mr.. lierry Cowell, wben a vei-y enjoyable and Mrs. Jas. Cook, time was spent,. alesere. Chas. anti Earl Sherwood Mrs. aVin. Crawfotd, ei Victoria, motored over from Detroit and epent: D.C., who bas been ae.guest at the the holiday, with their parents, iybe home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J, Crawford. and MM. $410 $iterwood. Dungannon, received word of the Mrs. 'Time. Ferguson returned inane death of her brother-in-law at Phila., front the hospital in Toronto Suter. dolphin, end left. immediately. !reel day improved in health, ller eistor, London, where, she Lad beer. 'neititne Miss Nino, Phillips, eecompaided her friends, to attend the aiineral. Her friends, then retureing to Flint to bome • • • - daugliten, Miss' Nolen, left via Luck - have a reunion:at Mrs. Partly's home. - Mr. and Mrs. -Allen Alton JiM arid now, td join het in Toronte opoteller Wo alope trave a' good time, • • , abeam, motored up from ' Toronto return 'from Tailladelahhi, • Mi'. and Mrs. Walter Armetrong and spirit tbe week -end with their • Mr. nnd Mrs. D. G. Figgins and and two children Nave gone to the nude and aunt, alr. and Mrs. John two little daughters Acmes and Jeon, Weet, Mr. Armstrong* having soldids Maio, . • metered from° Ilia:liana -en Sett:liar busittees here tn- hie brother, Lester Mr. and litre. Min Sherwood, near evealag to tbe 'hotna of .Mrs, Armstrong. 'Walter will be =Mb Crewel. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt, Parents, Met., mid Mrs. ;David Glen. vireeed hero be Wes very kind and near St. lielens, and Mr. and. Mrs. They were rieetanpanted'by Mr.*. .Fig-. obileani to ali. We hope -our lose Lee ,Ritehie, near Zion, epent Sunday gins, sr.. end alma Iriggine, mother Will be bis ware ot the home: of Mr, end Mrs. Sam 'Mid site*' of diere•Figgins, Who „re - Sherwood, 'tutted to Welland With the tatter an • PORT -ALBERT Monliar.aftOneon. ;Mrs. Figginearal children coix,1: plonniping for a letager •vieit ' ' Nurse ,Dietoori, of Viaralsor'• ie spending 4 tew days ender the pme ental roof. Mrs. A. MeGett spent a lew day' last Week with her sister, ears. Smeth of Goderieh. °Miss •Ruby Dieltson ea spending some •bime with her deter, Mrs. C. la Taylor, of Ethel. Quito n number eelebrated the lst in Goderich and Lucknow. All re- port a fahrtime. L McMichael, of Clinton, is spending, some time. with her atita, Mrs, A. IVIeGee, Mr. and Mrs. Chesley, of Minne- sota, are spending some time with friends, around the port • Mr4, and Mrs. P. Itising, of ' Lam- ing, spent a tow days with the for- Mer'S sister, Mat. G. Adams, meg- Mrs. Adams tuid ehiedren return.. DIINGANN Misa aean*-Stetber, the .Toronto 'teaching stall, is -holidaying under Cie parental roof. . ' Mr, Elmer Shackleton visited • hia mother, Mrs. Wm. Shaeltleton, -during the /met weele • Ebner Slit t f Detroit, + e e on. onee * recent visitor' wita liis mother, Fars. Wm. Shackleton.' • Mr. and Mrs. 'Samuel Swan and fatrtily ' were visitors in Guelph ton Sunday and Mender. rem ye 114Y0 ilene unto me,nen, from • 1884.1849,, came to Day. ,borne. Mr. Rote. Mead and IVIr. Da- l*. end Mrs„ Ben Lockhart. and The 'Dungannon branch of tne Add and brougat the ministrations of, vid Lockhart had cattle pasturing daughterse Mare and Edith, vidtee Wommae 'Institute held it a June tbe Churah of Enalaud to this. spar.a there, when the aightning struck the Dungannon relatives en, aundey, meeting at the boatel of ears. David- say- eettled distraet of the .1 -toren 'tree wider which the cattle, were ly• Mr. arid Mrs, Wm. Begley and feta son on ThurSdae eftetnoon with a 'rrnet. (This \VAS then ineluded in killing to less than twenty-two, eaa of Leamington, visited relatives good attend:Mee. The newly .elected the 'aincese of e•oeonto en tiler attn., Mr. Lecishart losing twelve and Mr. a* ONE-THIRD ONE-HALF REDUCED COATS of tine broadcloths and tricotines. - - squirrel; navy, black and summer at Many ave collared with mole and pilici sALE tweed irlfaCti, Sizes 16 to 44 DRESS VOILES AND DIMITYS Must 4.1tiality and la dainty patterns. • Colors are tubfast and guaranteed. A large new range in to, -day, priced :484 sad 59c per yard. SHEETING Imported, finest bleached English, Sheeting, good weight and absolutely pure, 81- inches wide. Yard.. .85 DREsses Celanese Silk Dresses and latest New York designs and styles, ,exqpisite quality and well made, white and m all the season's shades. Sizes J042; 'Priced ..... - $12,00 to $18.00 SURPRISIN9 SALE OF BATH TOWELS ileavy Turkish weave and beautifill vivid stripes and effects in Jackard, size about 2i a 42. Special Sale, Pair .° 89c UNDERWEAR - • * Men's Balbriggan •-Combination Underl wear, king or ellart .elenvetz, Peuman's Superior make,' sizes 34 to O. ; Reg. - •$1.30 per .garlItent, for- .95c HOSIERY .fashioned, • all pure sitt: gaiter top, fancy he -el, eight fun:- shades 4u sizes 836 to ] Pair. • W. ACHESON & SON " Mamie and tile groom of twenty -,e ternoon of thie week. Owing to the Rev.. J. L. Small, pester of Aubina: The Ittev. W. T. (ioodwill lett on I year', ago were mulled at Auburn,' wet day it. VAS poetponal last week. Presby,terian chuith, pert.orming, the; his holklaya the (beginning theta eeremony. The bride nos ra10 romp.: week. "lautina his ',absence? the Fres- lent of Inuire beautiful gifts et silvet byterians and Baptists val nave joint and or flowers. ' A very. enjoyable meetings in the Baptist churel: each time was spentafterwheel: an appe- Sabbath at .a p.m. Each Sabbath tizipg dinner was served. Guests' ecliool Wilt meet in their own church were / present "from Goderich, Carlow, at a +Meek. - Dungannon, West Wetwanosle Auburn !Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Archie itate'ea. •Aa. and Mrs. 'Wearer aiial arid Stratford. llacibertson :of the 'village. celebrated airee elditliatar Donald, 'E,slith and' ee ' !their golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. ateth, left by 'motor on Tuesdey, for.. . • Dia X.F.tralela Curtis, Mrs. froare Mrs. Kennedy anti Toronto, •whereethey will reside until Dr contectlen with 'the. celebration' other friends from Windsor and De - the etia of a September, When they �f the eightieth antiversery of the. troit, were here helping them to aerere for the Pacific Coast to. galas), Baynem Anglieana church the atist !sPend the .auspielous occasion. Mn', ,oltoamAws,a•a4 United eaurela in bit Sun. day.,. • Mr. Nelson Ariteti•org And fainily anti -Mrs. Volmanhouzer, of'Weterloe, yisited the ladies' sister,' Mrs. J. Ar- thur, over the week -end. Owing to the , wet weather last week several picnied had to be post - Ported. No. 9 section will hold theirs in Bella on Tuesday afternoon, • The pupils of U. S. S. No. 5 pre - Betted their teacher, Miss M. Weide with a brealsome ellyer bowl and pair of eandlestieks • last Friday at the school prior to her departure to ass smile duties elseWhereA 1, , Vaest Chime ale. Watter peeeehed week, the following' hietorical sketch they long be spared to celebrate the . his farewell' seemor, on „Sunday even- of the parish is of interest: Iminual retuen of theeeent. ing from the ever& found in Matthew Eigbtr Years ago this spring. 1849,1 During the stetan of last Friday,' 24:40,, "In AK much as ye 'have done Rev,. • Itobert Francis Canspbell, Bret all unparalieled•event occurred on the it unto the bast of these, my breth. rector of St. George's church, Gode... farm of Mr. *Gordon Young in Col - in the viehrity of Daeganten •recent- moment, Iola E. Elliott, ptesfaeit, rda. was not until 18 7 Slat Dredd ten. The cattle were insured. Thin Children NEED Scott's EmoIsion it. initiates litilng :read the recent- Nur Woe rse woe establislied the The loss will exceed the anieunt of ealls aaka Mr. ond Mrs. Aubrey eli,ggiaS and iyrelected' ' se aetary, UY rs. , DurtonlItt Rev, Bishon Cronye being' the : insuriume in both elates. • • Huron 4 4 • ;V San olloncl ed forme with. thein Sinidaer. with reletiees• ut Dungennon mid vear Yere attatanted liespi- ed itttle lee Ott ahe Jake IbniYard.' on 3til.use0422anadiataleePtho aulif siepail0 A large erowd WAS present at the Crewe. SeAt 44014 Were recent guests eeoaeli. eommit•tes tar the first.oshon1, He and his family tiv-: n:slosred, eamweasa at his haute 111 ,z..tx-olt 7:.N*tooDS1114a, actiititiest. An hank" en- t1. p, tOno ow:lee" hrHL 01 united nienie oe SaturdaY Whoa Nile. 111r, and Mrs, ,a0s, Day, of Samil- eaeonent pave)! v,tas' read ay Mrs. D . ee„, F, aretealf, abose oreer Mr. and Mrs. /renal' Lawler) eattfrAZti ara 02,!9 44.Drnp .9.,//c/itg,,14,g„io Leebutm and port Albert enurches tea. vbste4 the lades .p4rents,'Ult, '4,ter which lunch wae in"rabere eof tbe congregation who urn. lair was in his 5nth y and Cedar Valley and, Port Albert- aro atria aaannw :see aeheale joined. Gurnee and races eentia„ '"(4. re ii sePt'etb 711(s' ladles- r3e"ilteci the Ill" imemv him haid tender memories ,ef 1,:reaaditelible ifettai,Itielf.t11)0x,IITugriisirttli...trtno°13.:zdalisaa.r , vitotion of Mia. J. J. ,Ryan oki.vry,flond the kituily rector. Imresageinsa .e.oeste to course of the afteenoot yort Al - were the ealef aeaturee. In the Mr. Thore'Snaley eetmeeed. Tet t Y the next. meeting r home.. 'The Sfh.nr lee% r4 held br the ola log s wile an ad Y Os. 11C n" neAate putt neettled' aalsole • alma from 'Western Ceneda weere.ee ead liciSteb X e.C. Ca Brown 1 a u th • r ' Iat e three lesYs'ati three tair e. ea tare .k's. 0. oa, Hier, the garden wren,. sponsored 6y1 silom this eitell aand of faittful nol•ghhare'• 'SNI(V`1411,vn3s,041NVINCIAiNV/734 beet terielier was taken ily eurprise been a gueet with melnbers of his Mrs. Cgirie nea Davidaere tu°rnseer Integarrweesidelainee awl baathena nna ninters•--liteftinnir-4,4°4 -.i91346 t"in "MI when sbe was oresentea with a beau. family dello the nest year. • Despite the dieletnetCy of the itwas wen- -now oeeupied be' ,A. C. Breeden. 01 was larfive gela attended by riot liten elotle We nye very aerry afte eters(' Merisi of Ohl d I COL1101INg cage, 'ware Sunday guests with Mr. Crewe lanitedatliuyame, :which wen ity aurae. but it was scene Years he' mi., and tars. G. Thomson; of Ham- ._• Mists aVinnie ataralt on a two Mr- Debts Maher:a-nil lailY friend Fneiey nvetan agatewas alate a. Mellon gave 1100 'with which to com- acre. , ilton. - oar at the legee of the tamer's pars ' tA Daily Dip weelee racation ivitle'friende Nani- enjoYed the -Weekeead Doridulori surcess. Feiloethite et -------- simper Mete the intine ,although the build- miss reernnaetereeson, of member s Invigorating and Refreshing GODERICH DAM . WO BEACH Is tit splendid condition and the New Nerandah at the Bathing ll'onse South' Pier, adds lin- . eineneelY to Comfort And con, ; vemetee of Bathers. -SUITS TO RENT atiliall0010US oRESSING ROOMS • itallEalielENT 1100111 • • sel 414,4_ . IV! CARItY velnea. ao 1 seat d in tae basement of Ina had been in ma for some time. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Rollin - Miss Moialui Patterson Is:spend erits, Mr. and Mrs,' A. la. Usher. thii thumb. Hie; gatheelog assembled Services Were also eoromelwed a 'sou. • . , • - • - , hee holltleye with her cousins, Xis e-.4. Miss Clara , Sproul; • iseiurned . to in the 'auditArtim of theeleureb, file Middleton, Verve and Goshen; Ma; *salient, a Detroit, is ehe guest Dot t1Pft C111130110' slOberteett. . Stratford follenang a pleasant weele- ling' it to aalmeitY, The entire pro. peter a few years Middleton, :grief Of Nee sistet, Mrs a J. aleBriea, ata ' Iiir. Written Maedel,of Watertrown, end and Dominion Day visit with her fertile was presented bv the "Favorite Ifolmeavilie 'were joined to form a presort, . . - • , • ..speut tee weekeena and liellday vita Perents,•Mr4 and*M148.....1VAVid SProni. Four" of Xemaohe-all ladies -who en- separate palish, .thus the parish of .asr, Darre stardr was in Chatham hie parents, Mr. 'and Mrseraui"Mae- Mr. nild Mis. wria aleGhire• wita tertained 'in toted, du.ete:, nineleAl Bavilelti dame to include Talidar, BaY-' a few- days east week visiting his del. : • members of their funilv, visited, their numbers. on violins end plant), 'read- field. St. John's chureh. Value and uncle. ma Nem. Dan, • , Rev. Mi. and Mrs. E. Politer and daughter, Miss Wianifred MeCluto. "ingS, ainnereu* altetelme, etc., etc. 8t. Luke's eherche Goshen. In 19231 . Mr linosthemliaGninkiinay. and family. of . eon. George, of . Strathroy. visited with old friends over the holiday be- the week-und and holiday. , The'turietal:44, tile late - Thos. Rich- made to belittle. Middleton and: Ma -lents over and other relatives at St.Themas over The,•aoor reeeints amounted to -. 180. a rearrangement of the Parish wee London, were the guests ,of his par - fore leaving for their new eliarge Mr. arid hire. G. M• McKenzie. tt,tid codeine a fernier' respectful reSident inesville but it. was not near Chiltbant, 80o, Malcolm, Yetoruca nn Tae8144, of the and men; Asatielit :Who :passed have the aye thurehes in one peram ri,..1 t 1 leasible to Mr, and Mrs. Win. Andrew`, of Mr. and'Alra. Jas., Veteran, Sr., And follawinir a nleasant fortnigata boll- Away at. the lumee of his sou, Thos. •ile ate Luke's, Goshen. was closed.' araTs'a"a" e wee `lasts at Air and ! ..ers. a.. 0 . , e erguson lett Sabbath. Ma and Mb. Jas. IL Vogue Jr., arid daughter Audrey. spent Sundae. 'With Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton. 'AL Mist; Lenin iStiydei‘ and aaase Doris eele Hill left this week to take postrrane in Toronto. ' AComplete Line o Gi?OCERIES cALvir4 CUTT 1 -- MAE1,41‘,ING dity with relatives at Toronto. anti Iticherdami, near Seafortb, wae held Noblesville attached to Clinton iind ee other poirite, • on Wedneedea efternoote intevnient the -parish eanie to be As it was in Attending, the opening et the new _,_ Mr. and airs. Jas. at. Wilson. er being made iraleungannen, cemeterr. the beginning-Trinitv„ St. Jawed 1 Elora, were guests wan eer, and Mee. Ne wee one of: the owes-, resklenta and St.'361ins. Thus from nefore tbel , -- 1 Roth Davidson for a few days it the of Ashfield and retired from hie tam middle of the last century. from the le 1 I r . beginning of tbe week, returning to only last fell, When he sold the farm time that. Beynela was coming into1 adetter leave tne spots or uto TO their home en TuesdaY. stock And amjpioments by auetane Iheitie. throueh ebeatr years., thel -Quite a nurn er rom ese parts r. an • Vs. 'Ord Stinge. At. 01'4 mid went to wade with Ins Pen. Thee. anvil line been eonetant in this eenaj , unto, returned on- Menden ita their; nielierrisare neer Seafortii. airs. lti- timnityr and throogh a long line of: Mies Olive Anderson has been re. borne in Hest city followalg a veteu ehardsort stnet.es. The farm in Asia fiiithful nrteste and oecnie., Iran /ATM; Urged to teach in S. S. No. 0. .. elessant visit with the lit I% Parents.? field WA4 nwhased ibis- epring by witness to God's everinsting truth. ----- ............,_ ••'ani If" Anc1"3nn" of rAnninn" "4 Mr. And Mrs. Joan la Savege. epending the saeation with Ashfield I Arthur Stewart, of the ea:, cot:cos- ' aa"-----, The Dungannon Ibited eliureh Sun. dose . •. AUBIJRN ' soiled spots in garments ure quite apt aean friends. ' day sehool heid their plenie at the The pantte. tiveteee and teaehee • ere Mies Elsie Anderaon returned on beaeli at Port Albert on WedneedaY of Orehard Ti ow eehool (No la aV and Mrs Gordon -Taylor spell:. to cause no end' rof trouble when at - Saturday from a weeke' ea in at the vieek-end visiting friends in De- tacked with the meagre facilities of treite • home dry cleaning. Look for any - Mr' nol af a A And v t - Artist's oof Etchings just4riv4 fi:otia. England . Smith's Art "Store : nO MAO of Goal Pictures eel Picture Frsmisg • Owen Sound with Mrs. Alfrea An- drew and daughter, Winnifred. The Blake Sunday wheel picnic was held Saturday afternoon by the river In'Messrit. John and Will Cook's grounde. A pietuient time was spent in ball games raves, ete. 14fr. VildAY, Shackleton and Miss Grace Blake left Tuesday morning for Toronto where they will take summer comes, Mr. Shackleton is to lie congratulated on 'having seenr. Kingston St. Phono 116 eti a school in Toronto for the coin - .Transportation Service • fang Distanee.Short Distance For Engagements Phone r S. It. TileMath. Rolmesiille, C01 r&11, Clinton Centrat Oliver. Petcock, °Render. 4101.42. Clirrton -Central. .ton A*, .41111 ," afternoon, %hen tr, mast enjoyable Weer/molt) with parents and frleede. time was :spent by the teachers, tan- remembering the old savmg, "All cern and scholare of the Sunday work and no. may : • a thine frorn r garnients to exp • twined. • makes 'Inek. n dull the week -end visiting friends hi Lon- Weed 10 Mr. and Mrs.. KnwmiWiTh and Mr. bag adrimdPPierioltotrheer tolusliniortinenigtishog di?ntrn. B. Moore is the guest of bier le diseppointed if you eend your sions--nothing• more. You will not and Men Phoenix, of ',Shelburne, were beach on oeneakey, July end, where a aousila Miss Eliza 'Ann 'Blair, at 1 • • t RuestA for a few deys this week wich delightful Ticino was 'held. Races /iresent. c ealung 0 Mrs. John Elliett, her daughter. Miss were indulged itt by both old and Elizabeth Elliott, and other Motives, young and prizes were awarded the ittyntr.erGesorg:it Dawe,:tioingt ail IjitAyscii7,1 . The wend, at Dungannon and Goderieb, , Ivirniers. NuMerous other ganies,Goderieil. , . French Dry chain terh Mr. and Mile Robt. Davidson hats were partieipatid ill, as sofiaan, foot- etr, john Cook, a former teacher as guests on Sunday. Mr. O. E. Auk. ban, bathing, hotting; ete. Dealdea of our rehool, is visiting in the sec, . R SCSI . vers ;.4.ugustine of Meth, with the other refreshments: of whie i every- Mr. and Mrs. MeIlvene, J. ustlne of Tirentford, son G. Red- the snorts, the delicious loch Auld tion ot present malk121:13eerialalai n°116 trratyr plagpeirn8 .1'°"11t and little son,'Mr4Erie. of'hiontreals Mr. Podium Kilpatrick is at Guelph Mr. Melvin Reed, of Saskatoort, is . . a e one beartily"plirtook, completed the ninnyille. sire visiting with the par: phone tee day's outing. Cs metoropirain....nie m6rypag,,, ents of the latter at present, J H VROCHVIAII iVest Street taking course in agriculture. Mr. "nnwing former atemaintaneee at was i ti Mr. WM. J. Thompeon attended a ea -- 1113 -e --Y --risuninate'l in ht. r*t.' meeting, of the West iVowarioth Fire era Anglican Churelt„ Lucknow, at in C ra n t Dun in -to-i on has been, ensraged as 'ono. . i . tarn to tee westent city riese week he 10.30 11.01, On IfilltlIdaYtoila15' lith, 41i7 tiled of Dinigannon public school tor Tuerday. the next ;tear. will be 'aeon -quailed by Mts.' nerd and Miss May 3!. Durbin, otile dauglaer On eforeity Mr. RAU. Seote'retirrn- tWA ebiltiren, Girvin and Doris, who of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Derain, of St. ed from his' viffitt to Termite. ire Niug will in future reeide In the \Veen " , /Menet and _Mr. daha Gamerea.„,,saa was accompanied by his grataldeuga" Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Alton ettuilai of the IAN* wili. tinineron Anu airs. MISS SylVia Segusa, of Umtata, ed wednesdo tram a very plearient`' Cameron, of West Wawanosb, (UV. new ter. Miss Dorothy Hart. of the eity. rain amine for SuadaY and the 11141* motor trio to Toronto and other E. O. Gallaher performing the core- visMitriinsj6sfnirwatuinek8oultall.t iies. 11%evlaisdaYtiCI.1 -, nnints. On Domirtiori Day they at- many which united them in flarriage. eomponieti by his brother, Mr. Arth- Mrs..Paltridge, of •Croderich is vis- tended A plenic'held under the awspie The %ride, who was unattended, wore er Levin, oe winlhiun. iting her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Pent- land. es of the Superior Chain of Stores,1 a becoming ensemble of blue geor- The annual sehool picnic of S. S. gettewith (oat. No. 9. Willett. waft held in Mr. Geo. bat and other eceessoriee. Mr. and //enry mem grave on Txwsday ne. Mrs. Cameron' left by motor for a . honeymoon trip to Niagara loolistrel: other points. On their return they Our tenehets ate all home. for tbr helideya. Mims Oral FillitigA0 is leaving again this week for a summer (aura at Western 'University. • Mr. arid Mrs. W. G. Talton. of Bramstroi Mai. Jos. natal% fit Summer Footwear emu os meno aneareamers• We have a large variety in Sport Footwear • oti mere. Rev. Wm. E. Perry. with Mrs. Per.. ry and little son, Jack; left on Wed- nesday for hi4-new twist at Hunt. ingford and Zorn. Ilia farewell ser- mon Was preached en tFunday at the will reside on the groom's farm in taireire 0.11.00, 014.., his telt 'Meg. esengerej,, ,, , ,,, „ ,„ „ eafeie greet of rho Lord Jesus Christ , he with you." 1 Orchard Row School Report Mr. and vol. G.ontt, Ilea and lit. 1 Report of the promot•an eermireve ,tle son. Maurke, of Stratford'. &eve tietut of II S. I4. NO. 17. West Wetwa.! been visitors at Ihe 'home 44 Arm to...ph. NORMS in order tee tranra Sr., iaintint of the week, walls Wei. DelL Culbert..Stanley Me:rotten. h. W. Den's nousin, Mr. Bort Jones. Mr. J.V.--Atitee Sproul (nona, lama* Dell 'returned to Stratford at the be.1 Stothers Carl Finnigan, Clifford Running Shoes for the Boys and Girls iondriviwiet,,on will remain tar sr fur, -Margaret ItIliott. Moat - %Ming Shoes, Golfing Shoes and Tennis Shoes Mritr:44 Mr. Thzr, Slathers reatqltraul (hotia. Harvey ujnp. Jeri, Amok! Olver. Jr. -*ink' so Easy to Clean Our Bowling Shoes are made to sive comfort and ...)minsma7V`tgli: IlltearkLr. WilHmm data4•Itir NO tiresome heating with easy.tol Stptihelraih ottervithrltritioretliVern they ctfr. I. -Mirly Me:rotten. Gir. dean Coligoirani Gala sal Art' ease from morning in night. They have that mut% in (TAO. sr. Pr.,-Ltillan Sproul,' New Fwitiue of any description 'SEE US FIRST We Positively Save you Woe, HAROLD ILACKSTONEI FURNITURE EXCHANGE AUNT 10* 11011117SSES SOLICITOUS OF YOUR PATRONAGE " CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPE (OVER PROPP27',9 I.1.41WIP1RV) lece.greei notioN 25q Open Evenings I rot( APPOINTMENT By appointment only 'Hesitation No. 23 snug fitting in the arch. Try them. Mahon and tan eliir1dren. Janeir‘ Ia. NIP. • '01M 138147. W/16 etWnt tratti'liott. Marlivirat otir 'Golfing Shoes'ivere mod---..peciay to our order fraaa Chicano, end are now makinta; - • IVA L CARR, We have a full assortment of theo ind beheve me they are real Golf Shoes Rot wiraiop, Tht home of me. obi Tovreserortmost attrantive patterns; all. mt. • esiendisi visit with them, 4 GET YOUR OUTIlstG SHOES AT Tohermeree, i;tate violator rein,iiiimee. 4th co& 1A4st Warranosh, wasCOnittiellaltY guaranteed. -1,;rineA 4444d tytii iirths Jim* yrri lekvav astastinUi W • Hem's Shoe store mos* t*irorm arlibe;nol * ofr_, *Air Mende *we roalbrest esiheraf j p, laiteine IS te lee econriedidated norm ea Morality, oily ist„ *how about „„ R WHEELER v 41.*, - -------- 0001 at ltresttard, Ha rci to eelehran. with them their !Aker = 1 _ - s J• rrnmilkle 10 0Am rut. tom owohnPrmirr ctonst rgticultarr hr earn. nitone ,i4*itelmr !Mt *Ant, mend Dirldet. Fortaire Vallerf, , • et - vato. autor----teistoo JULY MEARANCE OF Summer Hats, 0 attractive areofbnent of Smart &MIME' Hats of outstare'.• Fro" $5.00 to SAO, to.. • , . - , „ elaced in primes for FRIDaAY mei SATURDAY MN 141411 Ri1 valuer. Cofer art trimming offsets Freon $8,50 to $10,00. to, , . , . . „ „ „SSSO I You at* coollialii Invited to Woad our Mork MISS MetcViCARt Kingsto 111Millemeallitt '