The Goderich Star, 1929-07-04, Page 8PAGE 3170 - � coiiight banishes dark corners fELCOiLIGIff gives you elect*light Lar the Louse and outbuildiutg& It rue your pressure water pump. I permits the use of all manner of electrical appliances for your convenience and comfort. Let ins ,«erre you a jemioustradon• No obligation. DELCO-LIGHT SALES AND SERVICE Campbell xSc Milton, Box No, 1, Kompka, Ont. W. W. Cook, Godericl; BOOK LOVERS CORNER " + (By Jane Roltbil "A Good Book le the Borst Companion" THE GODERTCH STAR era i. :hut the snort of sa wire ak braes tat been reapostiie for Lite hew tie malign Brea, "laud" Powers would •ea`re, seta of a bermetMiel. it, the mtexatary, weo sR. to '"see osis( through." rurrse. 1t010z0ftf. the ROSiisrt NSW awwreias her. as nes Sets hint think gee, is a pillar 'in the vengunrd vz that she believes he is the mit WOO tnWire women. carried her oft 'iris loves ebur at Maitland users all his influence to lust sight. but realizes .also that he .'step things moderate. "A. revohi. wait the peaket of the country and • tan does not always ration M. rtWp vote as wild end ruthless end 03 psi- forward --ft rimy mean meek! suf. rnkivea the grim land Stat sur- ;Serie& and if it flan•wo s, rea condi, rounders him. "Whenever Baer*'. a lions than before; but by violenceriaw at dual operate. I make one ',the rebel* defeat their turn cameI that that will,' deelared Jeff i.o the slier, The de+cription at scenery, sun -1K, and Ellen realizes aslso that he ; sets; the marvielioue British C time, ,must he won. hien forest. and the far.famed Eng- Jeff, in spite of all alio quatv-tes l'sb 13MY tat Vancouver, are beautiful. of a melodramatic her.. wilts inter. One of These rough leaden. lay.. est. lie and Ellen di;,c Iver indiivi ;`psjre's .heli; tut tiie3r rant take dually their great love for the other, beaiiity awayVeen Us," And this and the realer awaits with ;merest beauty is kept t'oatst*ritly e:,efore us,. the meanie that will tat them realize The Gleaming'Atrhwaty that it is mutual'. "Yet all experience ie an arch where Jn genie throe Clatterelay I Cutter -clap : over Gleams Haat uaitravelled wand; Winne' the cobblestones a a recon -mage margin wades come* the *hitter of the !wittiest pair Far ever and for ever orlben I move"—of sabots in town Naxwtte's. is a strong even, unbiased newel with Nanette flatters to buy bread wsy a love interest far above the aver. ,she foot for her graiiuinere. Me age, and ds w book that should be clatter. to the atawvvaerry push,t'reat'y a»joytetl by •rasa»y. ,. ,helps pick tie' lovely big red berries The Raider that are tient to England and then u,t "The tae Raider," !by Clinics Alden goal with them to the harbor where Seltzer, published by 1)iubieday, they are put on the boat. Site visits I Doran and Gundy, Toronto. the castle and walks .in the proces- Anyone wild enjoys a western *ion. but not with wooden sabots this novel (that term seems to have come 'tune. Oh, no: Nanette for tills to mean ranch, 'i cowf,oys, hswitt am grand ocean.ion has high kid sAoes ilk rcia•Arutaonl will enjoy thin k beautiful but they w pineh i.eg bees' tetrs113yusseeorree %teasenu, et: Girls from silt to ten oaths iovv the: banging, 'several shooting., wan see, stone of tide happy little ctrl in firl. •da� tion, alost land title, love at first tarry anal boys will like it, too. 'be- 46te to Gleaming Ari, -away," Iby A. moderate,- and this 3s one of the . Tient and- Sons;'Ltd., Toronto, iiia points that -.utak*a the book what It: . t'aacadian story to* Canadian writ s> -both elides, ' are ,portrayed,. but in est of width Canadians may well be fairness and quite • without bitterness. proud., It is an abssoriring story, Meitlend places his time and brat.&s. **mildly told in a ianislred rated ince at the disposal of the cause, joining trace manner: Tacey, the "old men"' of the party, Crsig Maitland, as Vancouver new on ilea paper, The &icon, -'leer* aro Paler lean, in need of as rest, goer; returns to 'Vancouver. asp to the Squainish Valley and led- While in elquamith Maitland meets Igo With .Rud Power., evasinsster,-halt and loves Jocelyn Pagent, who Is *akin em intent of the untamed married, to .a worthless, drunken gate in wan, an apparent prop o husband Brut she tonna and will not p v- . , arty, in xealit t realizing ire o lr, l but v ern ^' i 1 b. the .bol r br xa. leave to drif sal n t , lid l a b , 8 erntnent spy. gotten: lkid upon her. , "I mess go On Instead of ,the quietness Maitland to the end." - 'sought, lie ;found himself in this lit. The women In the book oro strong, tie outlying community in a hotbed admirable eharecters. Jocelyn com-' of *Med" propaganda and intrigue mends res Ia ect and sympathy. SW - and Was quite won over to "the lle, the titian beauty Craig ,miarrses, • cause" Maitland always r�etnainss a is rk tnari+ellous w oiisin Afro cows o!e of ISeItater's lath find all the 'her sights --everything in fact a the first O'er+ ' erw s lets about Zeam Pierre, order of anelodranuti'batt in spite of Nine teas little cousin* no rolls Out a dee:molly wood von,. essay ,to be p sailor, `but does not run .,' "too ter l et, but t1a11eulotvan, the Iroureasteans p1*s „Nanette vi tits tYbo eti shoes., .duet, now- on ritour Glass Ranch with her tamer, .starts on vtrxittera one 'illustrated by .''sailor to find Vint Telles to marry itim.. She Brenn' and is Published by thee, Me- lted lead known him in the reasst and be. mitten Co., Toro/rte. cause the was "different • appealed . to WEEKLY strongly' that slipockets OUR• < • her so s !f ,� a e • family Pr de ai>d arae$ in asteaua4;i nt NS IN ENGLISH him. Arriving at Ihiti cabin she finds that he is warned to a Mexi- (BY ' W. l e Gordon) eau g rl. So:infuriated at Iter. Words 0tten Misused father. -oho has known this feet and A gown, or anything characterized had let Ther ,hatmiliaate herself, She by grace, propriety or reflneinentmay swears ;she -will trot return to hour be• "elegant," but we. do inos; perform Glass unnnerried, but wilt marry the:elegant work, eat an elegant cake, first good-looking. man she Imam. nor attend an elegant entertainment. Everything works: in her favor—Idle - Do not say. "Your desorption lox- falls from her bone, is Iraaggedd by a responds with mine." Ilion, ''carred- �highwayrnan, shut up in a remote ea- *ponds to mine.,, bin and found by (jet Hale, Who has "Those who eome shall hear, " is i . 000011001015 r *r Reduces Friction and Makes for ation of il•1401.1•1101110. Drive it Yourself— there it no Better Tat Ford Car Features es*. it e.uwrr it to 17 *Nita• ate host 40-hreos rawer •Mali• Ito faire. airs• rete a a1saeel •imlrakr swam 4 11 0111406 aM 'ie 406 oriortIto as sur mile* ser 401106 st I+ui*t• Stitttta,s'wf glass rristat#ieta! net Brat irMititn tub si;NOgitr sad Few, wttl•aat •+' [AVi$H use' of ball and roller bearings in the pord car greatly ,.rl reduce friction and contribute to easier op+eraation aria longer life of the car. Note the coasting ability of the•Ford cat as compared to any other automobile in its weight class. Stamin*tion of the chassiswill Ott once show the advantages of these bearings. On the rear Erie. pinion and differential ail the taper roller bearings are held to such close limits that adjustment is unnecessary, pinion and ring guar always being held in.proper mesh. Spiral roller bearings are'used in the rear hub because of their large bearing surface and ability to curry homely loath. One i also used on the drive shaft at the universal•, joint end* to assure perfect alignment. a, Taper roller bearings in the front wheels have a simple adjust: anent. Roller thrust bearings on the spindle bolts make for easy stetting. Two bearings, one above end one below, take up tete thrust on the steering wort.. The fan shaft operates on a roller bearing. The generator, Asa transmission, the connection between the spline and driire shafts. the clutch. the flywheel.—all these important parts are made more efficient and enduring through the use of ball and roller beatings. These beatings form it striking iitustration of the engineering skill and tare used in huitding the Fora car. ,„ : •<., ;: Arrange for your der000stratian ride with chile Ford Dodo F. H. WOOD & SON GODERICH, ONT. —e xitWRSL)AY, JULY •tthy IOW preferable to, «•Tbosaar that conoe,'' i Vs riot say, "Ther* A a difference L in the frost porde sad the era:•:: north." Soy. different, te.weem.' 1)u alk). iity, '•l'begaplWoes the oes at Brott;n",t A Santa's; if referring to n one conn—any. Say, "at: Brown Ia Smiwt'.." "I inclose try check for :3.00" as . Preferable to, • "Ineleeed •pleaaa;e find my check.", 'Words Otte* Mispronounced Innxence. G lrantjunee !as: syllable "sense," not "sung," Friend arse friend's, ersneauce the t tl, not fren and rrealz. s Infinite; all i': as in "it," accent L 7 first syllable. +xtre all the bran Stihciov,7; two as in "�schoote ' - �..--, . •"--.",� rr Equinox. Pronounce a lcwi.aaatx, o L whole wheat as • in "ale,"' i ins in "it," o as le Q f It "tee" accen's first syllable,1 Inscrutable. Pro^ounce ;n•si*r€,'. ta- Twp- b i,ults ,n,ith ~Whole iiilUC lad some fruit, give .energy t Ow as in "`tool.'" t.' 3a$• ui " 91t,f7 ;.iC- aeat• second s (pertaining e. fere the hot day* and are so easily digested and so full e Wards Often Misspelled f reel nutOlftterat--for breakfast et lunch. Bridal tt>ertaininic to st bade or ca Have the chihf r '°saws the pa inserts in each . t Wedding); bridle Cr ressrain4). Car. h ..; mine; riot* the e. Burlesque; ad:e,., i "• esceirlabA front' Asthmaw.Aylio *int the t3uo. Cs*cram; two r's: one t. d complete relief from, Hestia'. Cashmere; note the mere. 3 4sT,.1: '. strep 1YOOL VALI,' ILL'. susil"c ibe which follows the Wig of "fah©nt, �i£k,g enclowirten2, fatuity,. • ."441:21g Dr, J. D. 'Colleges .Asthma Remedy?, ..'Misty, capdterAY 11 titttde. Mitud Praatiuct for Stnfl.nae btatttresseaa pito can express the feeling of joy• that awmesi when its soft. and s;ezatle +Terson, e, aertivaty", ieeee., agency.: tttad Artaclea of I�axrnM4re. . inituence reliEves the tightened, Give, present, 'bestow, venter. sup. Wool is etoa *::tiny attributed to shoring air tulles. sit has made ase pIyr. turnssh. the shea>p, bu::Ars. pines and coni. thmaiic atllietiore a thing of the past Tenaueiou,5, pertinacious, ro.entive, term in. general ctlstt cantribate Asp- for thousands. It never falls, Goold C.t3he live, firm', stubborn. weavers stuff, which has been toun" druggists every -here have sold It Waasteful, la-�',sh, ;prodigal, pro:use, to be of commerciaal •value in..(Ier for years. • ex'ttaatratgeaxc. inasny, nye the lloston Transcript ., „-«, ...• Gaud ...tore. good: fhixatxor, goad. There pine wool hes. been. known fo: you may Ball them tallties--i£ your temper, cheerfulness*,..., •two t;eneratleins of sa. and the eaten Call that tat. Word Study .sign of its ivanufacture during ,ht ""Use a word: +three banes .,sad itIs war has given fresh attezttto>k to itta •'-----'^ . , yviuras. t " t..lsaa•an •ea a -tri worth•. Th'.s seine wool t>r used ;xs a cx s ur mut day.' substitute fuer 'wadding In -Quilted, 'lacy shy Mastering one mord such. dd . The West Street Words for this lesson ; y'= eotinteipttnee host►ittuls much favor ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, E7ClICMST; to 'ergo S r. - ,ng it, as i. is a bane'on parasitic in- . : t oa>g1y,. ter art« • In beds and the er- vi « • ,. sesta hit a the i d a on p �eetrllc tI10 . sae, wt o s caution. T exhort you _ son, alis* tiler " been aromaticodor else wool. , • •••••",,,, i to do aao, INEXORABLE; not: to be'' moved' bepc•A.t at asleis agree bio s ne to bsse e We entry a good stock" of oy praeers,. -unyielding; unrezenung. Pine tree -togs also a iii be spun! "'l+t as Me -zombie as, the S ghil of` arid woven, e gives, thread Electrical A lzancdtti „ dTi a The Qnedt s,d a 'time. , very like that ot hetup. and fully as •Fixtures, etc. rittraTitATzQN; suture• defeat,' n he c e iiihl T- , a: d d rw t , tt von . cl lis is v t e d t: � la I proved t p Y d the ;the, frustration . 'of aitilized for trstrpets. hangings, iuorse • her dearest sliolies.' cloths, Heavy winter:, overcoats: etc., We' Spec rel xtt ><rR A'SP1RAT1ON; the -ear ;n desire: And, d w • vas warp, it is . . n a as xe _ , mixed with can rp.. ltf:rib' eaF All K><cldait for something higher or bettor; atm-- Woven lite quilt covets' as Well as '.spots. Slee has lofty as ' " l ng' s h ferns of wad., Estimates iven on e Iterations« being until. sad to the f , za ; s VIVJO; _ ltfe•ilii u;' arra",dello, "She =din;;. 'Woc.i -wool is: employed for • application ' rave as vivid; poitr;ay*a; tit tn;'e 7 ..: stoning shat verses and crushed aril-, acter." Ghee of furniture with highly sastistac- All Work Guarantees .` M t " .. tory result. plus, the astir lice' that. per ALIGN '*.arom nn. ,ev;; • 4:r ppsi- tion; . sated through "thi chime mats It and its furniture {ire tate Trott the roue this iz>an's mal, _;. able onset in Germany, for there the conifer.es are very abundant. Throughout the lands' of the `Veti- �_ tons, the Scoitish,fir, Pious sylvestris, from whish the tree wool to inaiely obtained; had been and is very exten- sive it cultivated for many piarrioses. It is not grown hal hundreds, but hun- dreds. of thousands of acres. In Fom- era.nia, in particular."many parts of a "Vast, drxary coutirryl3ide have been turned.; to,o;ood account, for the tree l growe-milc>R'ly on tillage. • It also yields"ranch resin and the value of its wood; for co istructlon purposes anti underwater pileage are wen. known. To-day"'ite leaves g'o°to-go w ool. Good Health So Cheap And So Pleasant To Take REDDED HEAT tker trade toil h h' attack of ninth ax any other fusser. Frank McArthur 3gn• influence."" Fine weal boiz walla is n valu- able Phone 82'' - West Street Friday—Nina Glunt was in here this evning for a wile. I . gess Ant Emmy dussent think very muteh of. her and when last' her why she did - and sed. Welt dent think rnutu=i of her .rut replyed she is who: you wood eall n lcot:Otte 'she has been engaged_ to tares naen and 2 Collies •student*. Seiterdayr .Ma was it getting reddy= to go to n bridge. party tonite and She seri the ho ed they woodent serve. Chicken Saila d becuz she has ben re-' doocing and Pork all ways hirts her Sti:miek so mutah enny ways.„ Sundaes -Ant. Feeley says it stint' never to late to fernsurfs thin;. Site bad all vvayr t'lic•t that T; N. T. was a. brevashun for the . Telephone and_ Telegraft europ.uys. But 'tics maga sine seekshun in the ;paper today led her to-,beleave it -vas sum think to; Xplode' and blow things • up. It/undo—The teecher ass us today= if entry 1, in ;ee .*bass new what the - Xrpressions, See America 1st ° rei%r ed to and B1stere answered end re. plyed that it was Cristofei: Clump buses slogan when he started: •du:, west ,on his tliscovoring trzp m groto up with the Injuns. Teusdayr—At the parte tonne I :est. itsy if oho ever let fella' toss her and she sed to mo. No relict will ever .get to kiss arae un else 1 cant, seg him coming. And all the rest of the evning when 1 was setting with }ser she set there with her eyed shut. I cant Wake out what her idea vvesoa in totting /with her eyes • shut. r wood• of thot 'she wood of ben, •afrade, ' ensday .. - Ia Cas n balling pit out for eating peas and some uttier sew things 'with, his trite and• she. sell. And il'esidee not only as it bud man. nera but it is very dangerous to. Pa sed Well I will just wave you to un-: derataand that 1 stint no°'kowartily kale Tiersdalr.•Pa wee on a jury trite today and when he tum home barite he told us that the jury bad disagreed end euddent make' no verdick: , Ma test him how cum they did(lent *treat and make mi verdick and. pa replyed and sed that the diddent ito un''else it was hetes of sa mistake the iawy''ers led made when they put ae husbend and his wire on true 'same Jury melt - by. Ma looked' boaard, 'and *''dent left none. MtLLIONE1 ! US IN .JAPAN. Three Thousand Mob. Each Worth at .I Million. Yea. Japan has three ' thousand men who are naillioneiree.•-:mililonsIrea.in Yens --making the • equivalent: of pro.' ;'perty holdings 01. about $600.000., - Ot the AttY wealthiest men in the emprro- thirty -acne livein Tokio and five .in Oaalta; ;Ir at iudustrial'centre, according to a' re 'e -w just rondo by a teredit company. Th two richest men are Aaron tsvasaki, s .ad of the Mit. - sublets iuteresite, en>l t aron Mitsui, richest of the Mitsui g up, both of these having with- .inter. ts in the principal counts les. 7 heir *Mid f r - tune% arts not known preei .ly be., causes of the great rttanilicitt ins their ,'sousing,. hut $400,000.00,0 ;d the sum genc:riilljr.accepted for each. -. They are tionbtteti;t to : be included . in _ a list of the world's ten riotelet men.. The Mitsui le alta richest Wady in -. 1'apan, its mewbees centrailting a combined capital of 4750,000,1M, The Iwadalci family Conies a close se - toad with total holct'ittgs Of onlyt20, poo„000 lest. • Practieaily all of these millionaires got their start or made a majority of• their money in some form of ;the blanking business.' • Face Covered with Nasty, Mattery P1mp1es Mr). W. Savaatptece, .5tttdaawaska, Ont., wxattu: -"When 1 wee about eighteen years of #tea nay ±am was eoventwl with away, ni&ttrry pitop155. 3t3r btand•wai aro hid 1 uutd defter's Ina met se bet. 1 nerd three bor tome �ottiss at ttte 'hret-4Vhe0ed Motor *yell o. A motorcycle in which two email *beets replica the single large rear wheel has been designed in ,Bngland tits ttse In rough country and on un. - Improved roods.. An endless tread, is *toed over the two rel wheals to i furnish traction over ego . 'ashy dilti- Milt trails. The tread can tris removed trout tate wheels and ca ried in the repair kit, after a dietoulstretoh has been crossed, isar: as a noturiet ran remove hue tire chains when solid road is reached. Extra ergo bailodn tires abarnb much or th shvek ot the �y humps. 'Thenutehfne . designed for Cb.il ir'en Oro. PHONE." 530 For Upholstering, Repairing Refinishing A large range of Sample Cover ;teas earthed P. A. ZIMMERMAN Malmo Street From Mother of Six '"1 . think 'Lydia Pitilthena's `Vegetable Compou>>d"as wtyndertul! I have had six children of which four aro living and my youngest is a. *t hie baby boy 11aar'cir it montlu okl who 'weighs 23 pounds. I. have taken yout medicine before each of them: was born and have - certainly' re- ceived great benefit from lt. I urge my friends to take it as I alts. :tune they will receive the same help' did." —Mn. Milton iefcMullen.. Varus,., Lydia # E. P 1kivnic, Ve 9et?Rt; Oros• U ij the use of army and lentil °Meer*, FOR F' et isaR'S etwtto4 1 in "11"41°parte orf Et"',,, „ A 4 fl 1 A Barltlrra,lt;aiaDlrr. ninspbaa .sit i ' 1 on umnioulv thee nvewynelt mired NO what I bird *AO. fir .heel►" 14setthwew444 slily b11 The+ T. vii, ' b+ani Cdr:. Lid , T©rrntak►, slat, .,.•S.Aw• 14111.41i 1%1tS ojoyaR. #"uinigbroal tie,,. > .. trip FastorWcst,or to pad from+Canatdx y.,& by nein tit auto, enlop aft all night'.. trick bowlful take Ene. Ck is Line &timers ate magnificent a beads. wide keit comforts* .atet'ootas, excelknt dining skip and T connues anendanet. Music end Deming on the , same alit CAI awwow. Jlnsilull**redisiktsafceNt*yte+lrna,ds.*y. +.,.� lsstslo arts Clerelend Division Naw Cad' y a. se Tsarists •t 4 0o p �e .,trs;ri,+ts tL.;,T3 �Mi' 1R Mf HdMllYst I�th> • Ttign405 ▪ lae Taw `PL Sense 'Caar,,aad Cleveland Division Fes iet�reSe*nlry.4.00y IN,. Mild** ']t►tt> w<, / M seal ley SeDtt•abot ttttr. OIL. at >. omencureiseifielsowinetet.`ia*�Ijtlr. lr*W LOW PARES i15le age anserkd .. -.-som46:50 and gm Stottote sten e4T flos �,.w . vain N.>t to Nus aA•day, TH t (lvaLANP AND BUtiALO MANN'? COMPANY tennasele•.Csnei Milo. •rt!t!Illltlllltili�