HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-07-04, Page 3• THURSDAY, JULY 444. 19'29 THE GODERICH STAR , invitetwn to hal the next imam*. Ilia IN light $ide INe rhood News Nuggets autietiog there loplerosnpail wlii)stot A4o.qt.est turtr, Iltta Pi II I Picked From Our EXClialigeS1 nglish ehina ing was dotted 'by the emitter uf the , Material Anthem, hr Two Tsars The Loodesbore ihrenell eercee Mrs. Hairy Ceattliar, l'essiciat ; moat appetiaing meals and at the !tailbone Oat, writecre---"I aufferea . ,. Alio gave the addreea ea wetcome noon hour the reeve of Thattett town, New 'Rector Appointedvoutegeet daughter et Fred fee Prowse e tow a ietitt in my nett side for two 11/44 CA°41 11441 I which wits milted hY Mt*. WilInt* Oen 9 ueedall Lie& of medicine watch did very little Aped. I wits thee a.dvieed to tiat your marvellous NIIIILIIIURN'S • I tried them and after usittg the first vial I beve never felt a pain is my aside einem. I eat never a day without baring some. Leca-Liver Pills m My home." " halftime' Lau -Liar Pills are 23 mem ' a vial at ell druggiets or dealers, or moiled died on receipt of pram by The T. Milburn Co, Ltd., Tomato, Out. I,EAL CARDS F. 11. DAltROW. Barrister, Solicitor, Notare Pelle Eto reser G. J. ii Phone 0SP.c.grace, TheSivare°,Tderich. BENESat M. LEE Barcister and .Solicitor Stan Life Bldg., Adelaide ataaVictoria Teleahone: Elgin 5301 •Tomato 2, . TaUDLEYE 1101,MES. 4-7 nor Mee, _Solicitor, Wotan' • P 110, tallattlancer, ate. PHONE 27 IIAMILrote aTREBT. " ee Tee Rev. ae G. Rickard, L. The, et ;Divine street, became tee nritie *Waterford, has accepted the parish Vilitain Bates Of Samba fotateatt? of St, John's t'hurch. Brussele, atul htf Sit:littoral, Rev. I. Itt. °mite ott St, Geortetas thereite 'Walten, and fielated. takes cheese August let The Late Mr. John Bell Teacheritaged Mr. John Bell died Wedgy morn M. Gordon Koch, BiA., of Stratt ing of tot week at his home on An - fora, bee been eugaged as science drew street, Exeter. Ile was in Me teaeher ;et the Exeter High School tonal good health until a few weeks and Miss Margaret Grabant, B. A., of ego, when he suffered a heart attack. Hamilton, has been engaged ti teat He was in. his 9 -4th year. The de- cberu Englieb. ceased was acorn nt Rippen, in Steele A Sneak Thief ingslare, 'Scotland, and eame o this; while reeeabete ta the ratted :emery with bis aarents, in 1836. aura eheir, Brussels, were in their. 113aatRottle4timPbe1t places in the their loft on Sundott St. Paul's Anglican church, Wing - Morning, et sneak thief went up into ham, was the seen e of a very pretty the choir room and extracted a watela and interesting event on Wednesffity, and ebain &from the coat i one of June 26th, at high noon, when the the singers. • •reetore Rev. F. W. Schafter united A Temporary Appointment in holy bonds of mittrimo4, Mar - At a meeting held on Tuesday eve-, garet Jane Carephelt, daughter et ning of last week the Pulite Utilities 311's. Sidney cantata; of colx0o0; to Commission of Clinton appeinted Mr. Mr. George Ilawthorae, of 'Wing -ham. A. E. Rumbell to the potation oe Death of Mrs. Malcolm lticEwen superinterdent .position left vac- The death °taunted „eatanley au the ea townshp on r ay night,June a period of four months un, probation. 22nd, of .Ann Forsythe, widow of also, the treasurers report was given. Death of Mrs. Mary Christie ItIaleolm McLaren, in her eighty -40th Branch reports were given ns follow The 'death took. Plaee in Exeter op, year. She is survived by a family of by the secretaries of the various Mika& Phatteraa We have been appointed sole Ckoderich agents for this highlrade China and itave just received a large import order, ' man zof Blyth, • Thi wee. eoasidered eve of the 1 twat sueseseful district renuel on We welcome comparison in price with city stores and large catalogue houses. 011**0104,04. E. C. RORER ventione ever held, HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES ,I (By Jessie Allen Brown; ;Shortly after writing about beiline, eggs I teas *unused at a la year old girl's attempts. She le nee a dumb girl either hut quite intelligent. The first thing sae did was' to put thh ; eggs into water which woe not deep enough us it only about epaf eovered them. She boiled thent Med for 4 minutes then turned 'off the easand left the e gs the hot water ;until it was time to eat them and of CeurSe MOHO SilKilAlfeso4 JEWELLER they were overcooked. The next dae GODIRICH she did not make thee -negate but • Phew 134 _ she cooked them several minutes too •aeon and the beat Of the egg coati*, eaa " • —74 -:"/L -Mir ued to cook them. and again they were overcooked. That same day elle branch led in prayer. eThe minutes of the last annual cooked eggs for 8 minutes to hard meeting were read ay the Secretaary, boil them and instead of being barct- toiled they were witty and in their most indigestible condition. The on- ly encouraging thing about It la that she does .not make the same mistake twig°. Void ITo usgthings as they come :a sea- . „ $0n is one of the watchwores of Weise hold economy. Foods which are in season are always cheapest 'ftt their best for flavor. 'The season for ' veal and la•mb has arrived arid they prove a *welcome change. Veal is to be had the year round in larger plat cos but in most smaller places there is an endless monotony of (beef and 'pork. • Veal and lamb are immature meats end must be eaten shortly after kil- ling whereas beef and muttan are mature meats and improve With 'hang intr. Both veal and lamb should be thoroughly cooked while the mature meats may be eaten rare As veal is cut from a .tender young animal you would expect it to be easy to digest but it is more difficult to de, gest than beef. The fat of mutton or lamb is barder to digest than the fat of beef. However utlese ane has very weak digestive powers any of them should be easy enough. - Appearance -of Veal- • — Young veal should have tank flesh and the fat should be white. Veal has very little fat and is apt to be dry if fat is not added when neves- sary. Butter or fat perk are the fats • usually used. Pork semis to mix well with veal but of course it is best to- have -sufficient Yealefatettself. • A fillet Of veal is eonsidered the hest roaet ' This is a thick cut from the middle the leg. Have the • butcher bone it and you wilt 'have good space to 1111 with dreseing. A • in.the penile of Ille, James Ni esh,oulder. root may be' dressed too widow and• a family of thr e sons done their bit to comfott those to and it runs a or 10 (cents a /b. clwapee Monday, .Iune 24th, ;of' Mrs. Charles 'at: Mrs. A. Stewart and ales. a. ianches Obrtshe; aged 81 years and 10. ,„,°E° sveaan,o0; ot Churchill; Walt on the Kt eY, - t li months. One son and one daughter Me Ewen, : Ur. C. W. Christie, homestead; Stanley, Mrs. E. Y. Mc - Stephen, and mid Mrs.' Ra, ceit.tetst 4.te;(4. utLarbetatHeritall, and Mrs. Will Spear, Death of Mrs. Isaac Walker Receive Injuries Mr, George -Cook, Victoria street 'The -death occurred MondaYe June Auburn, 45 naWebere, total receipt $195,88; Blyth, 51 members, total re- ee PM: $470.31; Belgrave, 39 mem. rs, al29.40; Clinton, 1'2 utentbers, to • 1 receipts $569.44; • Dungsranon, 1 members, total receipts, $322.80; G • exich, 68 Intimaters, total reeelptif $• 38.64; Mitten, 18 members, total eiPtei 418656 ; LondeshOro, 91 mbers, total receipts, 5360.09; St. stiller 28 members, total 'Tot , $187,49; St. Helens, 88 mem- • a, total receipts $150.49; Wing - m, 86 members, total receipts, 26,01. • Clinton, had the mistbrEane :o era*. 24th, at her Thome on Leopold street, r tare his leg while at work at ehe we/wham of Hanna C. Lever, wife of Doherty altos the other data allet Isaac Walker in her 51ast year. Mrs SPECIALIST,. Mr. J. Mahitiffy fell from a step at his Walker had been in poor health for -tte home recently and sustained a frac-, several years and for the past six e° Bn. F. It. FOI1S1'ER. EYE, EAll, NOSH, THROAT Vete House .Sprgeon, New York' Ophe unload and Aural Hoceetal, assistant at afoorenelda Eye Hospital end Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. 5a Waterloo St., S. Stretford. Tele- phone 267, At Hotel Bedford, Goderteh the evening third Monday of each month ant the following clay, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. • DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS' THERAPIST, GODERIIGHt u ipped with electro -magnetic lafs. Electronic electric treatments •teed--chiropractle. Chronic, organic • and nervous diseases. 'lady in at-. tendance. Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 ptin., excepting Monday and Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON, residence and office, corner of South street and Bri- tannia road. 'Phone fell, AUCTIONEERING-2 • tuft of the arm. • mouthsehe had been confined to her •• Death of Mrs. Hunt bed. Surviving are tier husband, hp THOMAS GUNDRY & SON. • Live Stock and General Auctioneers. ' Eaten Arco Goderleb. Sales made everywhere and all efforte made to give you satisfaction. Farmers Salelietes.discodated. Phone. tile • e • 17(eaSLWY W. FISHER, AUCTIONEER. conduct sales anywhere. • My terms are -reasonable atut I will tiy. and give satisfaotion. Phone Catices, 1314, Or address R. B. .. Code -Men • NOTARY PUBLIC. ETC. lInr, NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done Good Companies Repreeented vione No. 20S. Goderich, Oat. INSURANCE -tease 31cICILLOP "MUTUAL, Plat INSGR- ElITY INSURED. iPARist AND ISOLATED .TOWN Pnthl- EMY INStilleiD. • . Value of !property Insured up to Jan - 'wry 1910. ta.048, 975.00. _ 01VPIGER%-.1ames Connolly, Presi- dent, Goderiehi atts, Evans, litre -Preget aent, Beechwood; E. Hays,, Sece Treas., Seofortli. DmEarotts--D. P. Mearegor, Sea - Wirth; J. Cr. Grieve, Winthrop; Wra. Wrin, Constance; George efeeartney, Tuckerstrath: 3olin Ferris, Itarlock; John 13enneWise, Broadhagen; Murray Brucefleld. AGENTS -.Y. W. Yeo. aoderteh; Sandy ,teltch, Clinton; lArm. Chesney, Sea- torth; R. Bine/ilea?, Seaforlh. PolleYholders can pay their esSella- cents at Calvin Cutt's store, Gorteriche A. 3, MoOrish's Clothing store, Clinton; er J. it. tteld'sr Daylleid. • _ riot trisuicANct Have it attended to by tote *EST WAVANOSII MUTUAL flat_ MiURANCE CO' Established IRS 'lead Offieet Oungannon, Ont. Win. Thomesote Auburn, Pree.; Yam. Watson, Vim Ames Ctir- vat Hon. Direetort Directoes-Wm. Itteittilllan, St. Itelens; W. P. Reed, te, R. No. 2. Lucknow; Harry L. Sal - told, Goderleti: Alex. Nichoteon, Lucla •now; Tim Griffin, R. No. 7. Lucknowt Citas. Hewitt, lancardhle; Bast. David - eon, Dungannon. Itatel-42.90 per thousand. THOS. STortnots, tr. G. ALLEN, Treas. Mrs. Elizabethow e late 'Robert Hunt, of Exeter, died at lvIclaughltn, tam. 0. Saunders :me w an attendarece of 4.040 members at her home there on Tuesoay otemse Russell, of Tomato, end Albertei ,g,.ven andthere es a total member- • sliip in the district of 523 members. • Doing Fine Work ' The Institute motto, "For ;acme wet. Country," is typical of the work • ndertaken and accomplished by the ranches. Needy familito were help - d. The tomtits of musie le the chools has been the elm erten .which ome 'branches atave concentrated, this work 'having been accomplished with emelt success, Hospitals chit- dren's shelters, old acetate a omes • Large Crowd at Exeter Cemetery for • Decoration Day ------The-decoratioe• day services -o • Sunday, June 23rd, at the Exete •cemetery were said by many to '- • the fittest and most impressive sere vice of its land that has been ;held such as the beautiful one in which in recent years. The service was the meeting was held, Imre Cone in - A total of 126 meetings were held d 116 apera and addresses were week in her 191th year. She was the e. youngest daughter of the late Robt. Fractured Leg • Bell, who was one of hie earliest During a ball game between the pioneers of the district, eatabilehing married and single men of Exeter at one of the first grist mills al Otatten. the ball grounds recently :4.'1.. Rug. Eyre -Prowse Taalor wet with. an einfortuttate ac - A allele weealeg was eolemnized ciclept which will lay him up for swe- at high •noon on !Saturday, June 22, eral weeks, He was running from at Divine stxeet United ecuiren, par* third to home and on 'being nut out sonage, Sarnia, when Doris Lorene, at the tante he struck the knee of • the catcher with the result that both banes of the left leg were :fractured below the knee. • • S 'YOU it AP• PETITE• •mo•o•?• Mani street, on Tuesday, June and charitable 'institutions of a like nature have derived much practical assistance. One institute -installed tanks, wash basins, pitc•hers, soap and sanitary towels in the schools of their community. Community halls, • Under the auspices of the eaceter Lodge of •Odcifellows. The , weather • wasadeal, cloudy and not too hot ane it was estimated that over 2,000 peo- ple were at the eemeterY. •• -Death of James Nixon • One of the oldest residents of Sea - forth passed away at his home, South 25th, 011, 10 his S9th' year., Ile survived by his to exfstence through the; untiring zeal and :persistent efforts of the weathers of the ,Women'e Institute. One- branch, Dungannon, has- been responsible. for the up -keep of a street lighting system Which nos cosi upwards of 51,200 in the past five and a half years. Fruit and flowers to the sick and shut-ins, jars of fruit to hospitals, all accom1anied-by messages of ,elteer•tatid tomfort have J Wit; Mita 1111 11 11111 11 1 1111111 1L'' 1 11 11 • • , • . . . 1 POUNDED in 1817, the Bank J. " of telontral is now ill its • inth year of financial se 'ce for the people and com erce of Canada, In every place of importance throughout the Doiniition, site Bank is represented blr a fully -equipped Branch. It also has its offices in Great Btitain, France, the United States and Mexico. Its facilities in all phases of do- • mestic and foreign banking are • unexcelled. • • BANK, . 1 E • • 4 • ;.$12blishect 1.8a Teta! Assets in excess of 0.900,000,000 Goderieh Branch, AFt-CITHATELEAr Wanager_. ,,114.111, •pititHAPS •fry •Or rd.• than the fillet. Have it boned and ode* and five daughters: Mrs. Smith and °M. ae atealaii You hiree miss mettle meant at sea& la Mr.. 'The election of officers followed rolled and it will hold quite a bit of Soso frosting the typspeomi.; • Bruindley, of dt which resulted tAS follows; Pres'. d er o -n; re no rens ag. rather duo tee eager, koto Spain, of Galt; rs. G. A. of appetite, heartfieta,'eese atehava; of Tole •forth tiximatawitogoodari: irzurtomeri. Thriodiat ‘Diviinitostishaon: lentr:rietg, sat:0dt* Dal snolaina this osecarefol we of ' De. William' Pink'Pills in - 411 with coops. Hoes is a • *7061•itiomPlool"'" • 1. n began to • fool soar • • . titod," writes Woo Mantarst •I White, of PorrySound, 'toad whist I sat clown so a *sal I - . fok I slid non win; to eat. A. ' sleets* sold saaiwoi atutetaic. •,'I bat I made Iitds provost :. with' his sobikino, a Ilehrst-t. • , tottals$ taking Dr. Willionse .1 ' • Pink Pills I Soon noticed that • sny appetite was imaptoving, •that tb. fosodaehas earns law ' " haqatatdi and that I was tsot so ossily tired. Now my wolgist his itioreaosd. NIT • ehotics are tiny and "Tory • ache and gain , hair Oen. Broohea rOS. GODERICH 'The Ltikahlt Footfall Directors Etaltalatort also haltalattet Service Orders eartfully attended to at all hours -night or day. We are the insptetore of anatomy in ' and for the County of Huron. Phones: Store 120; Residents 217. Wheeler Funeral:Director and Embalmer Goderichf Ontado All calla promptly attondcR to (lay or night - Pherlet: Steve 333; Mottle *SSW • Stott today to oisspeas year appatita. flog t». Wit - fl asa Pink Pith from rove . elegise's or by now. Pad. at * costa a box frost lbw Dr. ',Miami lblosikIna Co, Orsolosilia. Ontario. • •*us for trot Isoolo-JeWhat so Sat 10111 flaw to Sae. 8,14 Dr. Perrie • St. Andrew's Presbyte Wingbam, on tabursd June 20th, 'expressed ti, tion of the distinctive red on their pastor, R D.D., in his election as Moderator of community sliming conducted Uy L. dithen .cilp it in 'p it in crumbs and ' the - Presbyterian Chu •th Cariada. p. Geddes, of Wingbarn and'10' W. Craig, on 'beim of the congret instrumental sem Y ist egg 'which has been slightly beaten totem, expressed its gratification on Mountain. 01 Londeseoro, WS. with a tableseoon of water added and the preferment and honor ettven its Chown of Clinton favored the mull- lastly dipped into crumbe nem. pastor, tvaile Wm. hister presented ence 'Mt a solo and Mreallenderson Jellied Veal Jellied veal alivoYs looks ulte di e 1 f an Or n Builde " The L.• Vim. R, Davidson. Dungannon, • Chops and 'Cutlets Pnst'a'bie' fi t vice- resident. Arra. Geddds, nig• m, of ' Miss M. Salkeld. Goderich; secret kidney attached is the • chcacest chop, tary. treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, Wineleant: federation delegate, Mrs. mat Kidneys,. like liver, are verY providing of eourse that you like kid- nors Iter" °' .7* second vice-president, The 'chop which has a slice of the Goderich; auditors, valuable for the minerals they iall eleerch, Vire, Henderson and letrs. William t Th • y evening, piraser. a n. e veal cutlet Is like a steak. r appreclae Afternoon Session It is 'usually breaded end may be, onor confer- cooked either in the trying pan or in 'D P The afternoon session opened with' the oven To bread th • aim with a Knox 'College hood mid a Wittgliam gave a reading, ."The - eacriaeing devotion to ber husbaed's attention of the convention. was da. cult and it really is very simple u purse a gold. Mrs, Perrle, for her Leat'or 0 ga 1, a ft work, received a beautiful bouquet or acted to such subjects as the League. m.tike.,* Use 2 shanks of veal, covet, roses with the congregation's kind- ?f Natione, the ,hpuselatia scente and with water, add salt and a whole on- I met felicitations 1ijw W T Hender' fudging eompeations, ehort coueses, ion. Bell until the meat is tender. Opt SOX son making th • Engage Mr. • id M • ton, armoUne the engagement of The address of the day was given 0, 0 • • a message 0i condolence was sent;to Let it cool hi the water. When cool presentation. ents Announced • shank of Wiughem upon the 'death , . a former president, Wm Creak - a. J. K. Wise, of Clin- of her hutaland. THE their only daughter, . Joseph Clifton Proctor, only son oi Vt°:°, t° Mi. by Mrs. WardIaw of Ethel, the fed - Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Procter, Holmes- eration representative and was fol- ville, the marriage to tete lowed with keen interest by the , • shortly. Placc large audience. Mrs. Wardlo.w con- gratulated the district on the eill- 1, ' Mr. and Mrs- Wine Venner, of Chin,dewy of its :officers. who had eon- elhurst, announce the engagement of rence ,Mary. ducted the business in such splendid their only daughter, Flo fo tWilliam T. Kyle, eldest son oe manner. Mrs. Thos. Kyle and the late Thos. Alyea toned She snake of the work of the pro - Kyle, of Kippen, the wedding to taketo which she belonge. place quietly the early part of July. saving that it is comoOsed of rural not city women. "Co-operation be. tween the branehes, the distriet end SPLENDID WORK OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTE the federation," arid site. els the eivret of Ricotta" She film spoke of interesting the men in institute Mrs. R. Davidson, Dungannon, Elea. work. Which trees.a long way in eet- ed, President at Annual Meeting ting women interested in ettendine Last We eit . the meefings. she snolte feelingly of the work 'accomplished by the lady The district annual meeting of the derma who 'has beenettablisbed at Weat Huron Women's Institutes was Tobermory „through • the institutes held June 25th in the tommunity hall and the great amid betng accomplish- ed by her. This work or tee inati. at tendesboro with 43 voting dole. totes imam* scattered settlers of gatee present and a total attendance • of 200 delegates. Tate meeting opere Northern Ontario was also touched ed with the Ringing of the -ode at 10•trixm And tit° great need for assist. elek*. tem. with the dietriet President, Mrs . °fle° 14h°° •°matt rate.P°°1*" of chair. Scripture reading watt taken the The introduetiort into schoole amigeo It. a% Phillips, of Goderich, te teaching of music was ulrged nY PINK PL OIAS • followed with an exidanation of eel:tools, settee! fairs end troneaty UT Mrs, DaYideott, of Dungannon the speaker, also the stwervision of d‘A plotimegoto smug• who read Romans, 12th elutpter, anti the noon hour. hot lunches • for me its cousrralossr, parents lit eonducting them, erope. - weema• leetablemelataltolowate• stone. Mre. Proetoeof the Belgrave t ance edueation eirl rittate werk • • connection %vial inetitute work, ete., ole.. were atsbieeta ntroduced very LD COI There are many Coins itt circulation, and ly. •foseibly 1st thespoketa The Auburn branch extended an ing aroud in drawers • that have great value. For example—the Coppor Penny dated 1839, with the Bank of Montreal on its face is today worth • $15.00. It is not so much the age that counts -it is the scar- • city of particular Coins of certain dates. THE RARE COIN CATALOGUE Tells you about the Rare - rt Coins of different count- • ries—including Canada and the British Coli gives you the pries I guarantee, to pay for same. With the book of te- ference. you will know that if the Coins you have are not listed, they have no premium value. SENT POSTPAID FOR EIGHTEEN CENTS Mot thalPs 141 do) A. E. DOCHERTY & CO. 96 Wurtemburg Street — Ottawa, Ont. TIME TO PANT' YOUR. wiNTER HEAT • .4••••••••••••••.0 enough to handle separate ten meat from the bone •and gelato. there 'ts too mach liquid boil it down. • The amount of liquid used ai.:es to the taste of your family. le eley like the jelly use quite a bit of aqui, If they like a firmer meet. with less jelly hoh it down and use less liquid. It teal jell in either case. Season your liq- uid with salt and pepper aria mix with t Thisv • your alga . teatmould- ed in muffin tins for leawidual sere- ings. IThe bottom. of Inc moulds may be decorated with sliees oe hard boil- ed egg. Unmould to serve, Make a clear soup with the bones ets adding oaten, salt and popper,ond atraining when - cooked. This oup win jell when cold if 'desired. • Veal Salad • • • Delicious "chicken" stead may be made from veal. Any reett veal or the meat from the shank or knuckle 'boiled may be used. Season .with a very lade scraped onien and celery salt Veal is a good substitute for chicken in the various ways of cook- ing it. . • For a 'bumper crop, Of whiter com- fort,1 Warmth and rosiness CosifleSii itt fullest M034. urert--.at lowest price, Cilli the Heat Folkeeto plant a few t tons of coal in your ;bin thia sum- • w01'. Then when the Stet cold days make ; their unexpc-eted appearance ••you •e3c, enjoy your harvest of wilder heat without putting In a hurry call for coal. Tether is the beet day to at the Heat • Polka on ebe job, The 'phone num. ber is 03. Pot Good Man coal CALL THE rtfty,1 J. 0, MIISTARD cgakNv Pho 96 46deritit .ime.o• .8am= •••.... How To Reduce 4 • • Rub Gently and Upward Toward the' Eeart• as Blood in Veins flows •• That Way •• • Varicose = Wks Many people leave become deep**. dent •because they have been led to believe that there Is no remedy that • will reduce swollen veins land hunclies. 0 you will get a two -ounce oris al bottle of Memo's Emerald Oil (full strength) at any fireacews drug store and apply it night and morning an directed you will quickly notice an improvement Which will continue un- til the veins and bonehee are reduced • to noemal. • Aloone's Emerald Oil is a narealese, • yet most powerful germicide and two ounces last a very long time. In- deed, eo powerful is. Emerald 011 that old chronic sores and ulcers are *Nen entirely healed» nd anyone who is •disappointed with its •use on have their money refunded. IL C. Dunlop and E. It. Wigle sell lots of et. WARM WEATHER • VALUES • via, mas $., sada root *WU ,hatia 10 004110 v0 yvar 0•000•1 room Vls14.050 0k0r01. 0•0+1•100 Si.... $40 *01 060*4 10001 varholy at A00 100411'0.000vvwtNI. mato M lewral 0006 mond. BACON mama 004 b. 354 ilvelettat eaten *UTTER VW flog* Obisloutile lb° 4 1 rest SIMILES 011tAVUIC • et, ikad s War Orareeitdee 32*! • UM% twirosmis I65$ *#50. 1 MARMALADE • *Females 2 'tr..' 2501 till, NW' 2" 252 r SAILVIIIIIALLOW BISCUITS 01.214 *I:Asti* Name n1,1" m 13* Mayonnaise itj. 25. Moots mon - Balchigrowdeit 254% we. is« 11114100 ea 114.411SW CHEESEta memo uirtic me 4"Arsip* , min 010 ••,...00.- 110111100 mufti Golden Corn vd 111. Sew** WAN* Tomatoes 2.714,* 2** ttrtitlel NMI* SOAP. 3 Iwo 20. 010,10,00 0*54-00 000 *A, Of II#41/14 elm to *Wear 50* tb• ocsdafiot *V Vine lee* ° tessweee SOAP arneed1911 Wu* 000•••• 0011 44telE *01 5164110 Vvrlio 50.0 060110 II 06 %V* bot exiielft Ma man, tissue* cone 29* ymir ANC SOME ilia* 11111. 2511 ettIloluiS (014hi KrlopitislattouSS* itsmomr, Ammit• MIA SeINSAYWO 4,kto62$4k SarathillOg 1'$s wasp* Nape Iwim 3 rkse. $1 Otrititee teat 'Matta icor rets • fOordif look IbteI. Mae Mod IIPOSO de+ • 11•1401or4 dokys venal MOM 1. dee* el /MOW *75. iced Coffee 1. /*WA% 01405 *WA 10r *oak 40?a, 1*0 501000 4vt //..khunmalls Orli cot*, dow rams, iwoot, VIM 1*55 •••/., Iles 5941 • Littromet DOMINION STORES LIMITED .0.5 10,6,Ess rs evrerweres,