The Goderich Star, 1929-07-04, Page 2• PAM MO 4.1 OODE14011 STAU AMY 4t71, 1529 SALAIIA has the finest flavour Is the World and It costs only one-quarter 'Di a cent * cup ORAP46E PEKOE BLEND A t Ti4A Vresh irons the gardens" t Baidwinni Elonor Mot coiled on Secretary of State Stinanon The list of honors conzerred by His to present the cabled request of the l'nejesty in connoction with the re- Inr. ench government for a postpone- signation of Right Hon. Stanley ment beyond August 1, tof the due i kin Bannas prime mummer is not date for payment of the 8400,000,000 unduly long, nor does it contain many which Prance (men the United Staten i nurprises. Viscount Peel, former for war .supplies. He WDS referred Secretory of State for India, is raie- to Secretary of tie Treasury Mellon, i ed to an Earidom. Sir Willi= Who had already informed nIns the " Jeynsonnonens, late Home mzert,, government Imd no power to extend tory, becomes n Viscount, thin tali- the date unless congrecs authorizes illY, two stops in the Peerage at ono it hotind..:• at most interesting to Can- Dominion Day Celebrations ndians, and possibly Brindle iso, is Celebrations in London on Domin- ate granting of a Barony to Right ion Day were not elaborate, but the Hon. Sir Hamar Gmenwoors, a native great Canadian holiday was notable of Whitby, Ontario and the last man thin year far the number of Cana - to occupy the vosition of Secretary diem in London. Hon. IP: C. Lanni. for Ireland in the British Govern- held a reception at bis residence ono meet. nearly 0,000 invitatione were issued. Kaiser May Return Ilanitoba'e Road Plans Official circles authoritatively stet- Heralding the commencement by ed that the German government _the manttene government of its would raise no objections to return '.plans to complete construction of the of the former Kaiser from his exile tnateniann4cle, (Memnon sealed ten - at Doombut it was at once melded ders have been opened by Hon. W. R. that this attitude was of no import- counn, minister of public worxs, and ance. int was believed that there MB . offic4als of his department before not the remotest possibility that Win ,more than 50 contractors and their helm Hohenzollern would apply for representatives. Contract/6 for this perianssion to visit the land tie once work involve the design?, tf about ruled. The whole questionrms brought to the front by failure of nnn , , 45 miles of brush and merubland. from ! ite Moth, Man., to the Ontario the Reichstag to extend the life on bordet. the low for the protection of the Re- -public, which contains a clause ern- Premier MacDonald's Statement powering the government to decide Premier Ramsay iMaeDonald, in a whether the fliembers of the forme' public speech, said his government ruling family will be received in Ger- was actively work'ng .at its great mar*. task of international peace. France's Hopeless Request The Premier said that despite this Ambassador Claude! of /Prance constant work on the , problem, . "we , are not going into the peace tenter- inerrnannint inttt rinina./ to/ ateb foninnenetamt COlninn iln triek En1pine. ientrialann Mourns Twat? ?moldeindnnto..= and filAn. Cabinet a the Germon l'innzaAn Dab' Nene a imatillitCD tho ttirath amon nernany of the Vcreallien PnaCQ Treaty, dee/ab:Az June 28th cloy of national mourning. Tice manifesto daid: 'Ten year° have popped since the German Peaco Sertiesanies a Vercailles were forced to sign a document which, to oh Wen& of ,inintiee and true gene% 'Wan a hitter eneappointment.” Reparatieoe Rendezvous! Choice of a °pot where the n'enOnn* mute interested in raoaratione oar dement shall trent to adi;opt the neve plan and errarige to put it into ef- feet, bas !Dace= D kind o lsoue be- tween London and Parte. French offielnis consider there io no controversy over the queetlon. Premier Roomy MacDonald and Premier Poincare merely setting north the reasons why they are un- dine to leave their posts for sloth a conference during the month of July. Minister Visite Canada Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, Minister n charge of employment, intend° to nisit Canada within a few weens to swestigate the question of immigra- tion from Great Britain at first hand, t is learned from authoritauve sour- -Ann PREVENTS ,RICKETS Scott's Emulsion ATWATER KENT BATTERVLESS RADIOS Tei. 174- W for Demon stration W. Mac DONALD ELECTRICIAN Deitannia Road -1 • • . Boys' Balbriggan UNDERWEAR• at Special Prices 11 '15 doz. Boys' Balbriggan 11 Shirts and Drawers, sizes 22 to 32. Special 29c and 39c 10 doz. Boys' Balbriggan CoMbinations, sizes. 26 to 32. Special enee without such preliminary pre- paration as will avoid the failure of 1927. Every •minute of our time is now being devoted to this preparation which, when it is accomplished, will give you a sense of national and in- ternational security." U. R. pod Britnin Suggestions have been made by the United States Government to Great Britain, that the naval disarmament question should be approched wita caution, in view of the present status of that problem. there is a feeling of uneasiness in official circlehere lest a conference of naval powers without sufficient preparation migh result in failure. The United States has been informally soundedout by Great Britain, it became known, •on its attitude toward a conference of the principal naval powers, either separate from the League of Nation:: Preparatory Disarmament Commis tion, or under the League macninery. Indian Princes Disappointed The Standing Committee of the Chamber of Princes presented Lord Irwin, Viceroy of India, on the eve of his departure for England on leave with an informal expression of their opinions of the recommendations of the Bu;ler Committee on Relations between the native States end Brt- tish India. While expressing some satisfac- tion with the findings of the com- mittee, drawn up at a conference at ' Bombay of reiresentatives of the sixty !Indian States. the Princes were dissatisfied with the Commission's failure to place on a definite basis the Crown's rights in regard to the States, as opposed to a discretionary ,chosio. Australians Flying Welt Tbe aeroplane Southern Cross, in which Captain Kingsford [Smith and his companions are endeavoring to fly from Australia to ILionden in 12 days, alighted at Singapore this morning after a 1941 -hour non-stop flight, of 2,000 sidles, from Derby, Northwest Australia. Before sight- itlfg Java they traversed 600 miles of open sea, which Smith regards as the worst section on the Anglo - Australian air route. Trouble devel- oped in one magneto, w'hich Smith 49c and 59t is expecting to repair at Singapore before atarting for Akyab, Burma. Nov Empire Scheme Get them while they last at ' A scheme for co-ordinated Empire development of almost unlimited scope is suggested by Sir Robert tHadileid, chairman tot a gigantic con - (cern in Sheffield, England, and one of &elusive Agent for Tip- 1the greatent metalluroista and Indus - Top Tailors. i trialists in Britain writing in the Empire Review. His scheme 384 vides for creation of an Imperial De- • velopment Board, representatrvna of all parts of the Empire and having a 11/I. ROBINS *trivial exppase Gyproe will otttivOtspacc now wastalipto one or more extra rgoins. rcr C-ile Mr. Thomas, who is oWcially Lord Privy Seal in the new Labor Admin. it:Areal:4ra, but is devoting his energies to reducing •umemployment, will also mbite personal inquiries concerning the possibility of some C.0111111011 agreement between the Mother Coun- try and other parts of the Empire, under which the development of works of intra -Imperial necessity tviould he undertaken by the Domin- ions with financial aid from Britain, • with the object also of providing an outlet for the surplus of British lab - OT. Commons to the fourth annua: con- vention of the Canadian Chamber el, The British Labor Party brougle. Commerce, to be held at Edmonton andCalgary. Alta., in Septenaner. sp ath pi of Heart Siokin ifs couitinwt Do litousevfork Mrs. It. G, Araderaoa, Got., writess-.4 am, naturallY, Me% healthy imssns, but after My tittk 014 was born and the time hod arrived for me to e the reins of housiehol4 mnagemezt, found my strenr very to the duties which evolved upon roe es my heart would palpitate, and I would have inch strange aensation.s of sinking. bunhand got roe a bon of and by the time I had finished it 1 had recovered; I did not even need the second ben. "W ha also vies The Flu° and found them to be very beneficial." • Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills lave bean on the market for the pest 88 yedirs and during that time have „proved their beneficial properties to those having heart and nerve troubles. Price, 80 cents a box at all drunqat° or dealers, or mailed direct en retei0 of price by The T. Milbwm CO., Wei Toroato, Ont. the members of the Labor Govern- ment into closer contact with the Canadian By -Election; n* ' rank and file of the party by decid- Election writs have been Issued Ing to elect a consultative commit- for the constithencies of Frontenac- tee of twelve to serve as a dimmer Addington, Vaudreuil-Soulanges and df communications (between the party Laprairie-Napierville, it was announ- and the various Ministers. ced by Jules Castonguay, Chief Elec- At the same time the party charm- toral Officer for the Dominion. Nom - ed its regular weekly meetings into inations will be held on July 22, and monthly meetings. elections on July 29. Elections for Civil War Averted Lanark and Prescott already are set What appeared a month ago to be for July 29. certain war between the Nationalist government and Feng Y-Heiang and WEBSTER FAMILY PICNIC a group comprising the last large faction of the militarists in the op- The Webster family and connec- position, now appears dissipated tions of Ashfield and Stanley town - through the reported decision of ships had a delightful day for their Feng to go abroad to "investigate sixth annual picnic which was held foreign conditions." in Caledonian Park, Lucknow, on While this reported development on Saturday, June 15th. The gathering its face value gives the Nationalist wasn't quite as large as that of some government a tremendous ste f former years, butthe spirit was 'the p or - ward in its campaign of unifidation of same, and what with the meeting of the country, the situation on entire friends, the sports and the bountiful China north of the Yangste is consid- repasts there was a most enjoyable ered still in a state of extreme flux time all round with the next few days likely to re- The raid -day meal, served in the veal authentic reactions. rink, took somewhat the form of a banquet; at any rate the eating was followed by speeches. Mr. Tom Wein ster, wholad coma over from Detroit, president of the business committee, acted as toastmaster. There were speeches by a number of local clergy- men, and by Mr. Harry McGee, of the T. Eaton ,,Conikany, who having had a WebstetnInr p Mother hip al- ways taken a lively interest in the family gathering, and always attends when business is not pressing. The Rev. A. W, Brown, who in his Ashfield charge has quite n number of the Webster family and connec- tions in his congregation was able to testify to their good citizenship. Ile has many warm and valued friends among the descendants of the Web- ster pioneers. Short speeches were made also by the Rev. R. W. Craw, and Rev. E. 0. Gallaher, of Lucknow, and Rev. Mr. Penrose, of Varna, formerly of Whitechurch. Among the 300 or more who sat down at the tables .wene representa- tives from Toronto, Detroit, Kincar- dine, Goderich Seaforth, Clinton, Sarnia, Zurich and Dungannon. At a meeting of the executive com- mittee it was decided to hold• next year's gathering at Bayfield on the third Saturday in Ione. Officers for the year were elected as follows: Hon. president, Mr. Harry McGee; president, Thos. Web- ster, Detroit; vice president, Mr. Geo. W. Andrew, Lucknow; secretary, Mrs. Fred Anderson, Lucknow; treas- urer, Jas. Alton, Lucknow , north branch; John Turner, Clinton (south branch); executive committee --Thos. J. Webster, Thos. Anderson, W. Turner, Jas. Webster, Frank Cole- man, Lorne We'bster, Thomas Reid, James Webster, IL Turner, Geo. Coleman, llobt. D. Webster. GOES TO ENGLAND W. N. Tilley, K. C„ photographed on board the Empress of Scotland when he sailed for England to attend the meetings of the 'Privy Council at which important -eases- relative to Canadian affairs will be judged. oner•.••• • Famous Soldier Retires General Freydenberg, rllllant French soldier, who quit a monastery for the barracks in his fortieth yeas, in an order of the day to the soldiers and officers under his command in the Meknes district, has announced he is relinquishing !his command and returning to France. The dashing, red-headed Genera:, who won all his stripes, from Cor- poral to Brieradier-GeneraL on the battlefield, was in charge or the ter- ritory where a Freneh detachment was ambuched on Juno 10, and Micro the post of Alt Yakoub was Ireelegen by dissident tribesmen from the At- las mountaino. Dawe:: Discusses Disarmament Ambassador Dawes has called a meeting of a number of Halted States naval experts now in London, and will discuss with them technicol details of the naval limitation situ. tion. It is believed the analtazador is looking into the question of whether it would be wise to call a prelirifin- ary meeting of the experts of naval !Powers to try to Work out a yardstick which may later be applied by states- men to measure fleet otreiwths. King Gees Shooting King George has recovered so far that he expects to do netts Chanting at his summer .pallate at Sandring- ham. (Several new guns 'have been pm -based for his At:.'. He will leave Windsor for London ths wielt, remaining at Iluakinglunn Palace for a week before he ves to Sandringliams.from where he will irt. turn to Ibteldughana Palate in the fall. Ile will drive in teral.otare Queen Mary ftlantlya the Loaded stmets when he arrivea there. Canada Invites Juuratlista Invitations have been issued by the national mai:dive of 'die Canadian Caantkrce Cenunerzo tbe Dritiab Par-limo/taw Avlociation, to tend a deiegOden of raernbera Of bah the Henan ef Lords and the Ironsoaf • " DETROIT RUM RUNNING -RING TO OPERATE FROM GODERICR A London dispatch is as fellows : Following a conference of the "high- er-ups" in the Detroit river rum -run- ning Ong, Port.13urwell and Goderich have been chosen along with Port Stanley as the pub from which rum - running actiivities will be carried on for the rest of the summer. Port Stardey was amen as the headquar- ters for the Detroit river fleet, while the Other two ports are also being fitted up to handle export The rum fleet are [drifting their base as a result of the heavy offensive being Otaged by the Detroit liquor patrol at the present time. With the American side of the river guarded with speedy patrol bonito armed with =chine guns, the rum -runners are finding it almost impossible to land liquor with a 'Polk at Detroit. Run- ning rmn figbla ttaged between the federal °dicers and the ramerunnern are taking a heavy- toll, and daily bundmds of bottles af liquor are being duitiped into the river by Zinn- ' ratmero trying to evade capture. /levier boata are being built at the present tiros fat ate on Lake Erie • and Lake Bart% and a narrater of to manlier. craft used on the Detroit river are kink strapped or told. lighter slaps it 'is axial will not carry large enonati carves and aro datliterOUS on tite lake. However, a number a that titt being wed' at e Prcent time While tinnk is beim. 'ratittid tile hisor boat.% The now -ttyle of tarn Ivst tarry ovor i LOW met of Naar at a , Mutter itespatv.b. dated Jana statear 'evceral of the Dottolt nittetrl ore reueratiro out et Gado. at on Huron it we..s tramett:. ronclusit'et-Qilertee to t' ISnRed tatea praill&aorr eTifeszent'sn, anon., e,. v.c (-obtaining 1.111 CASTO R IA 111 0 Ott r4I • '1 ret Infants and Oilttett bC.) US. rot Over3Olkiirs The Goatiieln Planing Ltd. G6tieriehp Oast. 2,..151111. I. Asaid AV. dive:a . wah, rdr r.wov Ai et r ens tbs lisnaS Telt Ostissieh dalag vPcvlinct t•D :Tin remived. IMMO 'CI -.0;17aritOr Rittn. SOIL -Aar t3g =tom at Itth.(r.st. • - ni&eht viirr4 1),:tualit rta tltrir <len in. .1 . A NEW 'Maier Ara siMouneement rceerOY mate, BOWT40 Terolatiis, 1.3faiters of ecat's.E'MaTiiien pen Qtir shed bo 0,S narinatillgn in4Pnest ttn .meta4 •droggIsts WI* are:; handling tbis molar wad wkloo troll ata t.i7,a Sao lkaerikutara ar 1'1% efir fgottleilown- aranOnswed, the airgaintaiem. of The V.9. ilXShepherd 0o.9. Ltir., a Seat s Vranision pad other Pro- ducts 4:if their Iaoratories in the Dominion of Canada. The W. G. itI. he d Co Ltd., will immediately take over toe =ton.; dive dbtritintion o SCOtt's Ehouroion Ond by appointment of regional representatives, be able to nsettre cloee and frequent contact with all ' retail druggists in the Dominion ad this will, tend to bring about bettor Trade conditions in Impaction with this 'firmly esixthiished. preparation of ced•liver oil. It would seem a good' policy for the retailer to steal bacia of thost firma who are doing their legal hest to help improve Trade conditions. FALL FAIR DATES Toronto Canadian National, Aug. 23 to Sept. 7 London, 'Western, Sept. 7 to 14 Ilstowet Sept. 17 no 18 Exeter Sept..17 to 18 KincorOline, Sept: 18 to• 10 ' Seaforth. Sept. 19 to 20 Dungannon, Oct. 3 to 4 ULY....,.• _ Bayfield, Sept. 25 and 20 j Zurich, Sept. 23 to 24 Sept. 26 to 27 et. 1 and 2 . • Brussels, Oct. 3 to 4 GBlocTer4ict, • A Wingharn, Oet. SHOW GROUNDS—FAIR GROUNDS 9 to 10 . ,, .. .. .. .._.... , „ , .. , • # -- . ' eS• i 1 ING ,100 .HIRTAnniANAnn: n•• • •• • • Coats that have the Pep (.4.1aPan r.. ,of - Sail! with Style ancl6!nai) EIWYthing on Men's Smart Wear in Hand-Tailoria attar Special Orders A SPECIAL CLEARING IN MEN'S SHIRTS Regular $2, $3 and $4, at $1.49„ while they last. Come early ard get the best choice. CHAS. BLACK THE SQUARE — Phone 219 — GODERICH "W E LEA D" P•••,* •.•••••• Love may be deaf, dumb and blid, Sometimes her folks denounce the, but never parsimonious. I wedding. • GODERICH—ONE DAY ONLY ,:— Worms in children wort: havoc. These pests attack the tender lining of the intestines and, is :e-ot o pur- soe their ravages undisturbed, will ultimately ;perforate the warn be- cause these worms are or tie hook variety that cling to and feed upon the interior sUrfaces. ' Miller's Worm Powders will not Only exterminate these worms, of whatever variety, but will serve to repair the injury, they have done. Despite the pep and jump and hol- ler methods most of life's rewaroni are won by patience. - - I'm never too tired to sleep now Restednenw *avail the dr:garnet Your . doctor will tell you 'how chewing ralieves nervous tension, how the healthful cleansing action of Wrigley's refreshes the month and tunes you up. WOWS does oxisch—coeto little. r • The Newest 'Mg Show' ra The World 5 Continent MenagerEe 1250 People — 500 Horses 7-50 Ca3es An imo is 30 Lions — 2 Cars of Elephants end Carnes 5 Bands — 2 Calliopes— 2 Complete Electric Light Systems -30 Double Letli-Stett Cars - &Pole Big Top — 5 Ma. rnmoth Rings — 2 Steel Arenas — Wild -Beast 1 71. 1000 Character Bible , Spectacle and,the Ark LOotigait, Costliest and Igen lila 'Open Dna tree throat Farads at Ili Vela* Noon Daily ';' tudebaker announces ti a largmfiner news. ICTATOR IX ONE HUNDRED AND FZFYEEN (115) INCH WHEELBASE at a iozeer !ince Studebaker's &Mot* Dietator Six, the finest car ever built and sold at its price' nowhecomes a still finer, larger, smarter ear--ofrr'zed at a still lower pried A motor car lower, fleeter—and fleeter koking, smatter in line and 'in color—even smoother in its stipple flow of power—than its champion pred- ecensor whidi sped 5,000 miles in 4a5i minutes! Take stock of The New. Dictator's fine -car con- at/nation—its thoroughgoing Studebaker quality. Then see it—drive it—ioday I • 1154904 wheelbas. Rabbet evititt mous mai ioroaxes liaciai mid babbitt -fared enwsksisaft Jaw, lattprovide tuatthnumlifeandsmootimess. Oil istbri manse filter 00 erotical* waatikodille ostewskisure efficiency. giiiiinoinsmestonstant„idopoteflow of gasoline, frgittilleas Of speed or golden Threireettemieigyamitalistioaltavristd* *owls door of water until nitwit hat triathed pei' fly tootettiniperitture opetafingeffitionty. boaliswity* feisam of new tomposnad Singe deeits---.far metier bat staitcrier„ 'atifer sod pertnitting graceful lowness of tothrfnet. '1395 • st IfWhoville POUR.DOOR SEDAN Poll.vision, fall.reatilaied bodies of Studebaker manufacture — the Accepted fme ear emielteraft. Ospaisre steel vire mob stat whet. .44iattik steer* wheal assi Irmo teat. .4arblifieskitioa 44401 brakes which stopThe Dictator Sim. half the distance. accepted as standard. taPerraU.r heasimesia rear axle, .001'4 and rear wheel% ani stetting pear. renrish-ftairdrinsians *lake of all exterior boghtwork. Cedleitiontat belt to ignition and stetting. iisiaseatOinautteetmattot gasormtilow., Vie Dictator Stoney be driven ilk agog per jostle tils ilate it it dallhand — the tesokof *dratted ena' *tint' g,sprediook wotkanwhip oral earefutinspeebett, st stiatiothet maish.$110$ le iirateraile—o mow gross ir. H.,' WOOD .ist. SON Goderich, Ontario • • •