The Goderich Star, 1929-07-04, Page 1BUYING AT HOME
la a Dollars and Sense Way of
Helping to Build Up Our own com-
munity. Money Sent out ui toad
HeIp, Pay Tames in Some Other Com-
Subscription: $2 a year in Canada
52.50 a year to U. 5. points.
1) tar
Wedding stationery, correct la word-
ing sad form, printed in appkoved
type styles on $ e stock, at the Gude-
rich Star office, the Ronne of Good
Goderich's Big Dominion Day Celebration Was a Fine Success With Large Crowds and Fine Weather
Bun Lipa �ssurance Company, of Cauda
1. Lf you knew that you were going to die tomorrow would you
take insurance today
2. Why do you insure your property which may never be de-
stroyed and not yourself who roust die some day "
3. Would you like to 'issuer your son an education '1
4. You realize you uught to have this protection don't you '•'
5. WuulJ you like your obligetiens cancelled if you should die
tuniK,ht :'
6. Did you eier hear of a widow who objected to Life Insur-
Consider these questions carefully and consult us to -day.
Office 115
j Residence 549
Huron Investments Ltd.
Stock Brokers
Bond Dealers
Goderich, Ontario
Phones 430 and 445
H. R. LONG, District Agent
I!"!l .-ll.l', Teo -I,.ry owns hon„,
n' u.rnr••,, oil
I. -I \IIY..4 \I
oal, Irl:\l 1•'11;.5 forme'. •.I send„ •
,'•IL.: I., it. h.erk, 1,11111•,1onl .,ud
•, 'r 11. ' \1.1,15 Ft..\ :•• '.r 1,11e1.
I• ru 1. if
'-\1•F. \aluo111•' he'i'r''&&. .11.1
rt.•.' e..1 o 11:1111 •l4.•. t \111+41.11.
' 1111',.1'- prep•, ,`•141' .411,1 1.14, 111•,:
'Fie 4 [[Inti:'' '. •4u.t'l,l1r•1 55'1111
•01',• .aril .4l.e h,.• ., emit not Ili, 44
• . oiII • r p1;',.i ..1'prel.' t7• • :-room
aril .i holt' ore\ from, )oet-,•.
'•el•i..r and \\0.-01 ,hrn1. IttYrk,.1
'11 \51111 11141.14' .If1,l,i) t.1 pun, '41.!
,h•4 t'n• 4,..0• roun.l, 110.1 •!:&\:,t 144 t,
•'n .loll,. 1 lin\ ,1.411. chicken pen,
ore, cement f111 I Ii1i .1 •.1.1 I!oe1,,
,,,•11 and mohair.' tlir.' flo r i11 1,4111, f lr-
1•,+•.1 411;1,• 11.0•.•., •! :1'y, 2 11,,,,,,,,I, e
114,111rw, 0 1. R114'1%111. - I
•1,11, 1 "•.1k, 1 I:utbert, 1 Shod1' 1.•
•.,I lir'•.•ulflr, 1 Fall Pippin. Illln'o.
•11:1 Ire,.. 1 p.1•u•, 2 etn•t'ry, '1 1.111111.' _ ing uccom mcdattons de luxe on some A. (raft has passed his re,'anC seal
The C:oderich Collegiate 'ns..Lute: of our lake steam s. And modern' in electrical engineering. 'tem c11t1
I eel's ..t 'I. L11,1. nonce ur hiss. '1`IIi.. pro- F1iHI1Ft\ 1 1"LI.F:'I'r I',tli\LE, e,T
statT wit be well represented at tate
4•15 I. .nil.Joh' Yer r,'.i,h•11r,', 'wisest moo rheic••, Ibr•ith \\'flit.• I..>•=Vern accommoessw in a ,.:Quid -I was the only one to nein first crass
.;n,, ionto•,. -114•, vol. ri rtJlr:', Poll. -ti,. 10 •at,'.ks obi. $1.00 e.14•11. Ilan,. Education Department tilts scat, '''IP
• ed. The kitchen is furnished with 1 honors in the ,fourth year in the Lat- 1�
„s,n•141,u•, „,,,,„1. tr, \ Hill,1.1\r'IN, .4 the pullet.., \\';@niter no., said ouelph i following 'having been called to read, large mange, large refrigerator anu; in. Greek and French t )ul•ae, and se. Nee-markeE.
non, uPt. ti eireirt•4 , ,1 frnn ,rpfwa:a1•.•.•.1 enrkrr,•1.,, papers ,1 associate examiners: Miss, large kitchen cabinet, and white singe' cures his B. A. Miss Olive E. 1\hite- • \{las Tenn 'McKinnon is visiting
- • 1 Will ma fl� o\a'trher lat,•rv. \\. • P.M Q11 in Upper School Engliso•' with v-ater supply, and the dredge l4 ly graduated with her E. A. in the this week with friends in \Mindses
FOR SALE 1I't VI, 1I,L \• tt. it, :,, ii. 11'ru'l', bliss Jlc\aughtc•n in physi)graphy' electric lighted throughout. The pass course. Miss Jean E. Winter 'gn unit.
I I hen,• lila («u low. :ft l ,\lis.+ Shepley in Middle School Latin, `dining room is neat and clean and l was equal' lith another for nes: pot- -! Margaret Wilson and Miss
ail A M Robertson. in Uroper Sehool well arranged. Then there is the mn•' tion in seecnd class honors in the E.:.•lyn ('le, k visited in Lein:nn r o
Trigonometry, and Mr. Hume, the'chinery, the large boilers, engine.4,I third year of her honor course 41 centiy.
principal as chairman of the section etc.. everything in the construction )n' Moderns, French and German. Nliss Mr. end Mrs, .J. V. Hedge. 11 Ter -
in 1. np>er Se•hool Botany. Also bliss, sturdy and built for heavy service,' Eunice M. Iesmh was firs' •n ,;est- onto. overe week -end guests ,it led.
Minnie Campbell, recently appo:nteoI and as soon as the outfit is complete 1 chaos honors in Moderns. French and a^,) Mrs bunters.
to the staff, formerly , f \' nth t'ay. ` we expect to see the dredge at wore Spanish in her third year end obtain. \lis.e. \I:arjerte ami ley ('Hark, of
is to re':il in Middle :Scholl compost- in the harbor. The new- scow whit.,' ed the scholarship in Mo•ern'. Ali '41ltche!l, herr Dominion Day sisit•
tion. , Mr. Forrest has been built:;rix is get- I these wine at Terence University. era in teen
„u,. tore, A% 1811. 1Norman-'4Vateon ting its final touches also. At Queen's Boyd .Tavior c•nnletei \I r. and 'dist. '4\'. D. %Mor he anti
11 .t 4TEI) ; hi: fourth .veer 1n mirl•ing en4rinee family spent Dominion .DaS' t'1
I; "It '\I,F. F r., f .r ti , r n.e:V.---r:---------
-- ^^ A quiet but pretty wedding tau, Johnston Family Reunion , •
• \\l'F:I, \ r•Ini;,'t• n! nen,) \I I•It solemnized in St. Georges cancan on ung, winning the Carruthers oche) 11 friends in Kinit.: 11111 !burr Peach.
\ I.. 11 ,id�t'1 11' str'nn J;urr• d ” A happy event e• IMmin;un Day ship mil Har, IJ Taylnl aria sweets Mrs. K. Elder t [mita[ with !ler -'•k- foil, 1, of 14'1 y"ar Tail at ill,• I t • ,or., r, L F :,r„'n•. \\..I tet. I nturxltty last, when Vias \'et)a \Mat- was a family reunion of the song and I
•'f 1 1uen1!"4 :Pel "'LI". \lits. It _ . r - - ' son et Is united in marriooe to 1h. dao ,fol in his record year iq the mining F{. C. Elder. :at l"illsonautg, dw' ng
\\i11.f4\ 14nn',u'n,•r. Pho:n Dnl,. �1 \\'That 4))41nnitt 1,•r \ao111i11 Charles Norman, Rev. .1. N. N. 1lilla Matthew 44 1i> a1en,l.1 &There ore ninel'engineering course Percy Shear- the week.
I"-,rr.. h.•nu aril h'.,r11 %t 1111down was third in first dram. }tonnes
11 rill: s1• I . r, n11111 1 l4 .4 In 1 v L,.1r'• f.r oflieiuting, The chnrrn t tate- ;n the flintily, all I,%i►rg, aur. &[nese ,
:Aliso \••Illi Teanen and 11igg k tri•
fully'levet1te41 for the l4(1>440 with in classic+ n Victoria (o:'rge. 1[nr- Buchanan, of \\t 11'401 :44 gars'• :a'
•, \'Ilial1" '1 '1 111„• „1' I,': 11111 -stein' in ,.,t•, ,IIt.„•.5wel4 all present f„1 the ore:seem the garet Re;lditt vein third 'lees honor•
(.•It 1 mei. Intra .. n. soul 1 h, nl •, \p;d) t„ iio\ i44 mango bin.a ,ms aril pennies' The gathering taking Mese at the home,' rhe hemr rf Mr Jae Met Cu e-
. unl..r> in ,\{nderns 'at Toronto Co::erce• .Ami ( . 1.1 \I' • \\"8111', p 111
„11h•r M1de was drentily attired In white} , c, , „?
r of 1I r. and airs. h''ed Elliott.F.04 heti- Nairn w tc :urrr.afnl 1n Tri:
o. otic .. „•• .In%I; cool. nrl'•r• cTaro gins .
-- - ant carried Ophe•lia roses and white (•11414 taw•nshl the 19104'ry are as 4. 4 'n \I 4,...„,. ('u!, tor,.• :n
_ ".I �,r1• I. I-1 r,,,• f• 41 .-- II- i' '111-. \, 111,It \\ 1\'I Eli F''4,• - , \•• 1l' :ascend year U•; lr ,Li.:. Cn
„oro ,•, 1 4.I I \t.'.\ F'F: \ 1 111. 4 1411 heather. titer ova, attended hs hr, 1' )11 ,44s, Margam: Hiro. Duncan), '
I,,.t wee,. o r, tin dd h n•nd.
11 I l(F'�•- 1 ,, f'„,61 , h, ,"•1 .,•,,• ' 1 .I1• I'nl.r,. 1.. 1. I1.•1:.1 II sister. Miss Blanche Watson. wan ,.f Sault 4—.i Mai •e. Mich.; .'saes. • i:retulnti•,n, r11. .,. ;,I1. .tr•,I \I r. and 11,+. \,'Ln•,
t\ ". 4111 fill 41n1 \I nllr,l:• n ,111 wore flu%%eled georgette with hat to Iowe- Horne• '”
1:,.,, n_ -.Iu\ nl,l \1.•vem',, nail! 1.. I --
g IJ[rs. 1lcllr11y'1, of Mciiilkap; Erni +.1oldon to 1.1,• •'1 Strut ford Jul:, l+.
metra The groom was attended by (\ors, .1, 11. (,rah•un4, of C..leri h. .\ tor;' prett4 Jun,• a.•d.lin 5':, •;tt1•rding tar• fetter ri•uni"n
Mr, 1'. A Wilkinson. After the Elizahe•th (Mrs. Ford Elliott). of h:'1.1 on }"t day, .lure 2't h, 'it : \I,•- 111•..,' Weldon I. oon,Ono
ceremony the bridal enuple lift by Goderich township; Sara" (Mrs- o',1 rk, r• the hemr el' the Mule's 1'r, h,.!IJa\4 %alta her 44stI 4 In l,•
motor for a trio to Torente, `oon,r4'i' The,. ..„,,\.,,,.1)..,.,. G. di'cie'r ala:nshtp, per.•nt , 11r. and Nita E, testi I: .•on.
and points cast. Chi is. 11 the )st e,n,'ew.'.inn (;nPer'e. Ilol net , rot. Nelsen .tn•I A'bert '•ts., J1i•• f..,:. Ili •, of 1L nntfor'1. I-
.1 Splendid and Worth While Paper t ,wnship: John F:. of Toren.,,_ 1; slerl h, t\ hem their chime 1;aUKh14'1. •
'Mau issue a splendid and w'or414 .1sn'4', of the iluro 1 Roan, 'anti Inns„ Ni''' Lulu Mar II„rne5• 55 as unite) 1'r gw•+t nI .1', il't.wl, \L.. M'a.)
a•hilr pa;+el .Just h ,w you make it Lf Clinton. The ..L.,•,' ref the fami;y
1n mal "ia',,• 10 Mr •luau. (1. 1 ow. . f'ar sen:
pay i do not knn%4, lot you are con- is art ent \--three 1',' perent 4 were son 1.f \Ir.. \It•..a Low,', of D,•ttnit \Ir and \I rs \ I. I c,r west. rn
tributing largely t.. the summit!, Kith natives of Ireland and enmr to '
The. e rem1'm ova14 pe•rfor neer. 7,y Rey, dlan41,0 0 and 1'..,t D 45> 1 titer tri,
bonun of mankrnl and .ie,rl.,' sue- this country, settling in Stanley ( E. Clarke. Pa.tnr 4,f North :'tree, h'l•da'•.
tees. You might be interested to ', •.cnship. Ahura' teenty-t'iree years 1'nitrJ church The winsome hen;,• \I r. and \D+. .Ire. Ilendt•r+en, ,d'
knew that 1 :cn1 bidding' •drt•well to acre a reunion of the (simile tees held look' level' :n n white satin dress, 1itl eft, are spending the ,anuric, al
my congregarinn'. herr (Delaware)aid the r':•ra'ion this week ie the first '':dlh leng tight shirred bodice, Ionto thea' 1'4ttagr to Stilt ford.
today, We go to the Welhurn charge +mer then %%hen ti -s whole fernily ' 11'41^1., at thr 1 :Irk touching the heel. \ir and Mrs, Ilugh John+ton 31,1
\\'. have been grnerou4ii :a- .:rmb1'1 . h 45 r• barn tngeth.,r
of her white 44.41,0 pump' Wit:) mine children, of Essex, spent t)4' aveek-
ed by the rnngregatien In it gnlii Hnrk at the H:,rlw r 4t.u1P heckles, and hose re match enol at tiv' hence of Mr'. ,iohneton'-
wnteh to myself, a china dinner art s) ,• If 11,•,1 a 1-.U'eu•t of RI'1•reliti,• ;ar;•nts, \tr and Nita &teat. ('lark
bed comforter and W. \i. F. life mem Thr first story ..f the lu'w elevator „„1'+ ;,rid lily -of t}t,. vent's.. Tl' 11r an'1 \Ira. fl. Itatn,'s and little
bership 1/141 to Nirs, 11414..•• tie is pretty w,•11 tir.l.h,•11 with the rxc''P broil• 4.110,1 ed ht' n+rl' 4 ..n ;til ern, dnughtrt, ni Detroit, orf• tar guest tarite'. Rev. H. F oylt•, formerly o(' fieri of tai n,ns,l'4 rone•ete pillar- of herr f'>4he1. t,. 'he .,rains e•• th, „r Mrs. Hxin4•'s ncothrr. Mrs. Lew
WP441114 March P1'11.1'11 h'. \1-+s Ruh' NIitle,, and other relatives in too n.
Cartel. pians& of Anhui rt Toe \ }
(',1'.".t.'et. an') Nor I':. 4, Ito„e'-
hank4,) faith ferns and Aowir , v. it i,
4th of 1\'111,•!\Ilii, \yrr' a %r,•1, eh.'
large vhtP wwld'•'¢ Iv'' '444. 'b•1. '
,1-111'1. 'n town
f.-oln Ili'• ,entre Tl.'• ',ride wag 4
•,'nded he hire +ail•• \;ri. ,I,1r, :hi
\l, and Ml.. Harty TuIT..,01 lone
11 •'ne\. who oa. •e,,,r.l ,,, 9 nen,}, tn.. ,boldin, 1t lurnlo., writ. loll,
, dent. Mr. Parsons is now presiden4 Bltau*Ifying St. George's ('hurr& and ferns. The bride was dressed' Ruby Carter, Miss Reta Hamilton,
treasurer and g'enerel manager of the 'The contract for the panelling to in a charming costume etraeutble of Miss Viola Hamiitun, of Auburn i
' Company the chancel and sanctuary• la canoe.- 'vary French crepe nominee with Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister, Miss
(soli tion with the improvements being Persian curled silk, with un attract- Evelyn McAllister, of Goderich tap„
' A number of Goderich golfers took, 'rade in St. George's churehs has been ive picture hat, kid shoes, nose anu Mr, and Mrs. Henry Horney, Mr. anti
part in the events in connection with let to Hie Goderich Organ Cu. This
gloves to match. She carried a love- Mrs. Chester Johnston, kir. and Mrs. I
tto. opening of the Bayfield course work is the Oft of tate A. ?ail P. A of ly bouquet of roses and ;.:y-of-tthr- C. Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. trace Gra-
George's. A aimed is to vane). Miss Ruth Bunt, or Gode- ham, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill, Mr. and
for the season on Wednesday aster-', a sister of the bride, acted as Mrs. Foreat Carter, Mr. and Mrs.
noon. be donated the Sunday g actual snit bridesmaid, wearinga Decomtn Geo Baxter, Mrs. (Rev,) ('larke, .Miss
'La the third round of the 1'.:oyci 'tar Men's Club is providing a cin•u- g
trophy competition l has. Nate. cur stairway to the pulpit. The poi- gown of green georgette and beige Lola Church, Mins Margaret Griffith,
plays l'. Chapman, Jas. Donaldson' pit is to be moved to the opposite with foot to match, carrying a buil- Miss Laura Johnston, Miss Mary
play, K. E. Neftel, '1'. K. Patterson side of the church and the lectern
quet of Sweetheart roses. Mr. harry Johnston, Mr. Reg. Cutter, o: Gime- •
plays U. Taylor and W. F. Saunders I will be placed about where t)nr put- Palmer, of Oshawa, brother of Wie rich.
han already defeated H. C. Young in
this round.
pit now stands. A selienle o: s_, mbo• I grv)ona, acted as beat man at\d Miss
lie mural decoration' has been deck”- Marian Palmer, niece of tele groom,, PEOPLE WE KNOW
ed on, which will make the interior made a pretty little Hower girl It I MrJack McDermid is visiting at
of the church one of the most beauti- ' her attractive gown of deep peach! his he'me
Several teams are the
Lucknow to- 1 wul in Ontario. The various mural tr p e mixed carrying
A dainty pretty buffet.' Mrs. W. J. MeCreath is visiting •n•-
day taking part to the doubles toil;-' decorations will represent the canti- Iy' latives in Detroit.
namen.. 11les, such as the Magnificat, Nun- ! luncheon was ser ed toi;owtnK the 1 Mr. Preston Strang is home from
-_ About :twenty lady 'bowlers had Dimittis, Te Deum, Venite and show- 1 ceremony at which Mrs, Wm. Smart,. Toronto for holidays,
their first evening on the greens o.: late. The Franklin I.egge Company' of Toronto. and Miss F'oence Bunt,' bliss [.Iliad MacVicur, of Welland,
TOWNTOPICS l uesday • Tuesdays and Thursdays. are at present engaged on the electri sister of the bride. presided. The is ,,,rtxitng the holidays'at her bonne.
are ladies' nights. 1 fying and overhauling of the organ table and luncheon room were decor- r•. and Mrs. C. W. Potter, of Ile -
Two rinks of Guderie•h bowlers tuuk and the reopening of the organ will aced avith pink and white garden troit, were in town for the weekend. •
New Superintendent at the Hospital Part in the Chesley tournament but be celebrated in the near future. i blooms. After the reception the Mr. Alex. MacVFcat•, of Toronto' Miss Rett F.. Clark, nurse of To -
Miss 31cCurkindale, of Guelph, the the play Tarns stopped .by rain. The Sitter-Sowerby horsey couple left for New York City was a holiday visitor in Goderia•h• b ledo, Ohio, motored home and is
newly -appointed superintendent at' Goderich rinks consisted of F. Hunt.l and other places, the bride travelling; Mt. and Mrs. Louis Rundle have spending a week's '.holidays at the
the Alexandra Hospital, commenced
\\ ha had with him Geo. Haig, R. Rua -I St. George's Anglican church was in a smart black tailored suit end been visiting friends in town. • Goderich inn with her father, Dr. W.
her duties here Jul 1st Alteration eIt.un and R. Johnston. and F. Tooke, the scene of a pretty wedding on Sat- , small hat of black and white. Site • Mr. and M q F H f - F. ('lark, and 'is having Saturday,
July 6th, to attend the H'oeld's Con-
vention of Nurses in Montreal for
ten days, before returning to Ohio.
Mrs, E. Lasham, Victoria St., has
arrived home after spending the win-
ter with her suns, of Hollywood, Cal-
ifornia and the past three months
with her sister, Mrs. J. Sands, and
tifece, Mrs. F. Heppe, of '4ancouve..
B. C., itlso visiting Moos. J. Sturdy
and daughter. MIs. Put 'is, e( Clay•
burn, B. c'., and other points.
The tenoning people visited wits
11t and Mts. R. T. Phillips river the
week -end ur.d on Dominion 'Day: Mr.
and Mrs. 1 , she Pui•%•is and son, Jim.
mie, and N(r. and Mrs. Sam Reid, alt
of 1,ucltn,w; Mr, and Nies. W. K.
Farrier and suns, Garnett and Clif-
ford, of Whitechurch, and M•. and
Mrs. Jas, HeJgins and ;Ale and Mrs.
Gro. Itus,o'l1, of Stratford.
D1. W. F. ('I:.ilk attended the grand
circuit race meeting in Toledo. Ohio,
lust work unci saw the first racing
'under lights, attitic•ial illumination,
uIl around the track and for eiX
nights the kings and queens of the
turf contested in the first race meet-
ing in the history of artificial iaum-
ination. Race horse fans 'Were
strongly drawn by the lighting inno-
Mr:t, W. H. Hess d children.
Aileen and Harold, ar n town on a
visa ,
I. It 1 I', MOSS'S Y � '
t M M �R'rc•ttt. .11, nno
Mrs. ,1. Is :Aitken, Mr. Moss has
been moveil from Burdette. Alta.,
where he has been stationed for n
few years to Hythe, Alta„ and al-
though the distance from Burdette to
Hythe is over 800 miles. about the
distance from Goderich to the Mari-
time Pi•cvihces, both places are in the
same conference. wha'li thrnwe a
light on the extent of the westerr
tionferences' Flvtho 4 •n toe Peace
Ricer district and t, parsonage is yet
to I,.e built and Mr.. Meas and chil-
dren .xpert to be in (:uderil h ler
thr•.'e months while a habitation for
the minister and his family is bring
NIr, Will. Can,p}wdl celebrated hi.
'.th birthday anniversary on Moto
day Iast, Dominion lhty. The people
,11' 1;•idertrti ,loin in 4 ongratulat'ln4.
There is a L•trge registrati-n of
sen'nier 51.11'1.4 at the summer re•
•.1111+ at G,w14resh and the inquiries
1 n r,1tta.g••s and hnu,e, for the sum-
.ner .ren, 4 larger than usual.
The hashing hell. h . a le 'puts'.
',la, 4 these days and min. 5isitor,
nue impeel'g .Ila !n Vie lake
Aide tut,1 •p lens hoards are in place
and add mush to the tear') meet of
MI H. I, Smelt, ill lianitlten, %ler
president 1,t !h. Mereurt Mill•, hila
en!wl M1. I'nr•nns' '4.o t.,ege at Blur
Water Beach for the Aeason• Anti
.Nt' Ro5 J-' - -.','k, of Hamilton. musi-
cal 40.1)4 u •our in the 1eheto, trcre, has
taken Mrs. Salkel,i's cot1.age•
Song. 5ety he•auti(4.! Anwers were
on display Iasi week at the l;nde,-ich
Huttirultu al Seterty'• exhibition.
No !irises were offered but the Goole•
; uh IoV1'1 s of flnwrn t ,'k pride In
d14Playrng the in ofu,•t of &hell gar-
dens and g,%ing plen.w-e t • the gen
,•cal Puhbr,
1 est Fl Ida}' w,is ladies' 1.11,4,( Witt'
tilt• 4''4tl'4- . h biers A nunlla'r nr
Senfnit1, 1 Inns end tF •4r Ia•+'e-. rnn'
up for the banquet and .lance at Fin
tel Sunset Mts. Mrt(K,i and NIT.”,
F'rnnk ?sands• ntrlhu•,•d •e nn.
\1r gaining, '1''Seafurtn, el4,i gave
',mg 414. 1 perp in ,'omnIunlr% + raging
lies, ",t:nda1, Jul) r,1', for the
nnnaI v.., den part) of 1ittona
Woo, .nil s. pool 4''P', t,. 'n : :u t.1
,1 n, II,.•',- made h:tk:r:g and 4and%'
table- on) 4i•h • pond 1'.m 4111'1141•
vieiting with Mt. and Mrs. H. J. A.
MacEwen fon- a month or two before
returning home to Parkland, Alberta,
tor the remainder of .her holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ct:ver, from
Indianapolis, and Mt. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Cantelun. of Stratford, also the
ladies' father, Mr. T. Ramat.), were
Sunday visitors with their uncle and
auto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Russell, Wells
Et., Coderivh.
Mt. and Mrs. N. K. McLeod and
sun, Burke, accompanied by Mrs.
McLeod's parents, Mr. anu Mrs.
Burke, of Wingham, took a motor
trip to Barrie over the week -end, vis-
iting friends in Thornbury ant: other
places un their way.
IDetruit Free Press, June '28tn•
Mr, and Mrs. 1.. E. Dances, of Code-
tieh, Ontatrio, are visiting in the city
for a few days prior to leaving for
Europe. They will sail from Mon-
treal on the Duchess of Bedford on
July 5 for a two months' stay.
July ' urday, June 2Bth. at mor oclock, wore a beautiful silver fox fur, the Mies . , E.
oro, t. fuze
� are being made in the top flat of trio 'A• Taylor, J. �5watlirld and A. L. Jlax- • ••vhrn Elizabeth Naomi, youngest 1 unto, were holiday visitors' iri tow t:.
hospital building to accomodate the well I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas turn of the groom. Upon their cin ! Miss Evelyn Clark is spending the
splendid X -Ray outfit belonging til' \1 <'. T. l'. ('aunty Comentlon 1 the newlyweds will reside in . school vacation at her home here.
Sowerty, taus united in marriage wife Oshawa, Ont.
Dr. Harold Taylor, which he is moo- The Huon County Women's Chris- 4 David Oswald, second son of Mi. and bliss Olive Robertson was hone
ing to the hospital. The outfit be- flan Temperance Union will nold its ; Mrs. N. J. Sitter, of 'Chedford, Ont, I Former G. C. I. Students Make from Toronto over the holiday.
IonK•ir'g 4o the hospital will be sulD' annual cum en:ion in :iensall on' Rea. J. N. H. Mills, rentor of St. Fine Records Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Eagle avert. up
we understand. �'f'uesday, July 11th, three sessions,,George's Anglican church. performed Former students of the C. C. I.
Mr. Parsons President of Goderich ' morning, afternoon and evening, In i the ceremony. The bride was beconi- : have been very successful at the
Elevator Co. ooft. Toronto, will United ca I tress then aftett i tg atitired
withac sleeveless
Nemo 1 hair virion completing thestitutions of tinin 40) t's'
At a meeting of the directors on georgette Kb
the Goderich Elevator and Transit noon and evening meetings, Miss 1 in trimmings and wore hat and shoes, fur their various vocations. \lids
Co. held in Toronto on Wee:nest:ay. Sells, A. L, C. M.. of London, pianist of harmonizing tints. She carried a l Matilda Ann Bannister, in graduat-'
June `20th, Mr. G. L. Parsons was and compose&•, w•;il play at the even- beautiful bouquet of Ophelia rose- 'ng at tit''atford hospital, won tic.
elected president, suceeet inp he late ing meeting. A geed program is ar-; and maiden hair fern, Mr. and Mrs. gold nitdinl for general protiriency
John L A. Hunt and Mr. M. McLaug- I:Ir'i,c•d. F:very.1ne welctor::e, Jieals , Sitter left by motor on a trip to Ile- ''ionated by Mayor J. A. Ant 1944. and
will be se y.1.1 '! • he shut 'i hent, where the honeymoon will be at tar graduating exercise'4 en the
lin, of Toronto, was elected vice -pre,[- .neat, tar bride travellin in a Dress °tith ult.. held in the city hall. on he-
- T_--Goderich Ilre•untst Gene Owen sound 1 K half of the graduating class of four-
- LOST AND FOUND .e o lointment of French blue georgette with navy
_ _ _ __ __ _ 11 teen. presented the rive flower Kites
•broad; inti, coat. On their return' 5ci,th initialled gold lockets. Miss
nDel' ^lilt VJill) "eine a binder rets M1. C. A. R. Wilkinson, F.T,C.M., they will he at home to then• friends, ,
I Fwd.,' pl':4-'• I,'o ,. at rte• IIr11r. aarti, 1.:4s 1.rcn the efficient organist after July '20th in Theti:orc•. Tac Agnes I. Fraser graduated :1'1,111 Dec
and Ft. George'' Toronto General Hospital and Miss
F. \I, \ 1lorlet ileo,, bride was the recipient of many
I I on! +num4 .4 elate, l,, Goderich, for some years, ha • ' beautiful presents. eho vine. tnc
Genevieve Spa•• from Joseph s
-41444 of "44444"\ 1454-10'1• 4.411 4,J''• received the appointment of organist . hospital, as already noted In tees,.
,nue on 5 -es I,r•iri ",'I . .It .1/un,•. R esteem •in which she is held.
Ie'n1,1„n'.I Iho,Iw,r, r11'r•. \u41url,. and choir 1lirertor of St. Gent-e's: columns. And Thomas Meseta:1y,
church, Owen Sound, and en:ers on' A Dredge with De Line svho completed his course for the
I'OL'L'I'lil' FOR SALE his new duties Sept. 1st. 'The up- .accommodation Roman Catholic priestheot•. at as ol-
' pointment came to Mr. Wilkinson un- Contractor Forrest's new dredge is • lamed and celebrated his first Mas ,
j \k1 4)HI,'Kr, -1x117•• ran' 11ot,• sought. :During his residence 11: nearing completion and is getting in St. Peter's, Goderich, recently a,
1, 41.•11•, ,Inns est!., hereof nests: Goderich Mr. Wilkinson has proved the finishing touches. A visit to this. reported in The Star at the time,
.'•roto. I;, \\'. I.oah.,rn, i:1 ''•ih'+' himself a thoaough musician and; dredge reveals accomnuwtatmns that; Douglas Clark stout' third in first
'•41!,. .1111' :.II', leder, frocks tar. Lore_ both in the church and band, of whicn } the average person would never class honors in his second year •n :or-
b',eern, II soul, ewe,. This i41 your 1,-1 he act,:: leader, he will be much mis- dream of finding on n dredge. The. estr•y, Charles Humber pn...,,'ci his
, h MVO for 114.1. .,..loon rn ,.•rnr.' c1111.1—, sed. ' sleeping apartments tar ;nscance are ' third year in ch>10111 al engineering.
fr..11 nl 1• t.1 ,. r.• , •'•r. re
I 1 1 I r r r f
Ir , pens. I'sWallaceJohn 1A a•n
beingbeds tl has crimple
ted It. N. \,1. :, .\uhn:•n. +1411 ' (l• (•• I. Well Represented at furnished with el, and beiace t nr rltted his sixth
hien[ Myth to 1• '?i. Education Dept. This fear I ding that almost suggest the sleep- ' and final year in medieinl•. lfeldrun.
from Hamilton over the week -end.
Miss Gladys Murray ie up, from
Tm•ont0 on a visit.
:Hiss Irene Abell is home trent
Tur.:nto for holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buchanan of
Toronto. avert. with Goderich friend.,
for the holiday.
Dr. and Mrs. llal risen, of Detroit.
are visiting Mrs. I{arrisor'., parents,
11r. and Mr'...I. S. 11,Wrte•
Miss Reta Weis, and Mr. Fart
\Mei ss, of Detroit, were wee'. -err
%lsuers at their home here,
Miss Constance Stewart, o1' '4 n, or.
to, spent the week -end with Prion;+
to town_
Ylr. F. H. \lunro, of Toronto, nisi
ed with his sister, Mrs .Ino, `'tory,
oyes• the holiday •
Mr. and Mrs. Inn. liar,5ry and Miss
Ethel Handy' Arent the week emit .11
Dr. and airs. MacKay, of Hamil-
ton, were week -end visitors with 11r.
anti Mrs. :A. J. MacKay.
:Bro. Dutton, of Stratford, is 5l+it-
>' \ s .
in th • ht nu 1 t -Magistrate [late nn t
at e t
Mrs. Reid.
4laster Teddy Hewson is visiting
at the honor of his grandmother, 11r,
Miss Mabel Strang is visiting '41
the home f Mr. and Mrs. Hewson 1:,
ssiiri'r 4(4)1( lliiiii\bl ut 1) •\)i1' CHICK -1 for lmau••,11,It,' ,i9in••t•
I:eod1 • oil Ir. li. 1'. (if k ”' tie.[,•- )
D from I:unada'. I'Lh•+t ;.ort 1;rv'a!,•-t
• !tidal '1 eh.. 1f r 14. ! I,:,\ in_ efr ' 1. '44'!)-- 1,..!e,rne, lee
It �.11.E. N};a.gata" `fit rr-auluhl- each, sato' number• Safe :Irene,'
1`' P :,lrte,al. 1\•„ \\ere Ilr.4 in l;,'n.1dn 1•,
I.0e1 1.111••• :41'01 hlth :read" f'r•- :l.hertise and .hill , hick. (serge raLi•
r, .ih':\s in .took Prompt ,6 • h ▪ fr FI�IdF:fi 11111 1,'1'1)1 1':4011,
•.•r% •.t•\n••' t%i,.',i !•,••'torr,) H. It H"1 '._a'(, \sten, „nit 4.11
1-.1 It It. \e , 1....1"tubo tad
F2 EAI, EST.\TE AND INSL•R.1N('E .I„ .I•,!r1,l.,n. 11 11 No I re.). '4'!, It
"'--"- • •\\1E0 Farm 1.. root, ,1.eut HO'
rlaff) \!t\l-I'}tl,\l; its St, I'«I'\'Ii. '^Id Iv ! I"'I•,h,r 1'1• Ile::' .,%1111
I\-1 11 \\I.F: •\1,1•:\ta• (,,,.. n: I nr ,t't. 4 y..1:4
._ 44 ..1;,1 . 4„• t' ,r t4', • n, ., •,
\. 1 . . .I, pr• -'pelf 1,''''.1 III , 5 \','.15 1 . f 111.11 . 1 1.111- 41 . \,,.•n' ill II
t•, ' .L'•,t' 1•,,.,,•..)r,'. - lin. fore n••'.
11••• •,••11, 4% 1t,••- a 41,rc, • ch (`1 \l.f.-\II%\ \\ \\'I f1, \I. n Harlot
sl ',III. '14'. ,•,• 4?�Y1 r 1.11. -,,,,,1 t 1•1, \ 1w. ...Ie. i•\ pe.4''11 . Wake
• .r 1..I II. • 1„ r1 ,111,1' 1,• t', :1 r. „1 \\.4.. r,- 1,,11 • .,n \\, \\ ,11
•, • ..,., \ 1 .•u., 11..,,6 VII e,11111'. 11, 11, \.4,I n, .kc - . ,.l 1 , l'.4,1 .,;,1,„ 1•
• .., 4•• ,•4n-, . i.!•,-, ::,I' 1'• 1 1111,14 1•.\rill..%. •.. ,I % ••b
ap rr -!r \\ ed•• en n.: 0„I .1, 0111 •,lien
.t'.r' mete ),.Ir)ls h'oh r!•s,•' 1., 1'h, .1 It \4 \TRl\,i „1\)1'\\1.
;n n-. \,".I" .,grit. r,i,, , 4, r, 11' ;,1 I,\, 11 nuillen I,nl :
,•d'~' "41
II,•1It” r•ellsr, ('11. 11 c 1..1 r\\TI•'.I,. 1..1111.. 1'I:r•1• - :,.tl. ,• old
li.elr,tl Dndl lintel. 41,-1, .toe I-,_
14.14,1•, !,r.nt0: 1•,•ntri. - 'nl^,f 1., hr.,t s !thin'', 1•111111- 44•,' I,
'•.1) r,nco,l for heatInc owe. n. \1'pl5 .I,Fnc ,x, 41.11.1 .r• 1'111
n1 • 111.1 .411..x1 F41,•I, 46•,' ,' 11e11.
5%.1u.. r,.pui•. .I to I(„\ 11111 .I'\ft 1'P-
,,e1„•Int .,4nditi,1n fa'•rl rnr li7:11.•'I I'14 F
.1.111,1 f•e” 4,"t Irl) rot.) 55Y'1'r •';•410' _
• 1 i modern equipped it.,lbroon, good' .1 ``r \\'{ 1,I, I \I411- 14 \'I'I- 1.1 1.\,o 1 i,•n-'
1 .• 1 ',.,•I,, a t1•ef'r •Ind eon{ ! I • • ....1 r , hin.•ho.,k I '11111;,'14.
- I rr I%•r•al, ,rt botn.vl'.,I 111.1-4.,•.'s 1,,r unrn,•,h:It.• .111,1 .h•, )' ,nu -
..0 ,'' ie. 'iw144
I•',•, •. r1n- p,l•o nn nl '4-' \ r,•.,.,'n,l.l %% 1 Ln\
' (r.•1,1 or 1,..1.4 .r.,,..) h% -tr ,',lo0 'n,
• 4 • oil .c 'n ,d• I.,. 1 1114 111,1 1o12,4, 11 .•111I•14, /11,..,1 f\[•illi. •111.
1•• "•ll>
-1 .4 • ..1 1,-...... h .11.4- I, 1,1, •'••
, . ' , �4. N:d,(1
'I .._. _ *'11541 ..•1111, +::!(51
, some, •.1411 .t,
• 1' 41,., • .•r''a Yl
1.111 101i1'1)Irr, two 14ra,
,•41•,111),' rIrl, JI, ..,•
t..- 1 ('-,, . I.-1 .1 f
' • 1ler. 5%r'IL' ,,- cc
1 \t' .111.\t"IT(In\.,
Real 1')
rtes Ri)
nnl-1 to • xe-r11 n. "I .roll to. 1.4',•,I 1..
s%..' -,,iii .41 ••n1-' l',.et 5 ,nen '
,I' 1, •1 11 I.I\ \I•,' • 11 .. 'et'1
\\,ua+Ion .not - ),I,•,
.I .l t 4:1,• .r' '91 • 4, 144 11'.
( )I'1" tit') I 4,1 1) 4 • '1 h • 1' 11
1'1 ,.p e•, for icor 1 .. .1 • . , 1' • • I .
.1. '1„ ..1 . „•,, ,4, n'4 Ilre, 14 4,11
11111 n \n4'. \f,•.•J.11111-. \nt.• F...1,„•„
11:,11.. \,-.•I\I.•u, ,.1 FI••. Irve 1• \\.1.1
rile F"inch,. Ir•:, k„ ,4 1'1 ..I• r
11 _ -111. It.\i _ In ,flue: 1,• -levee:'
Itu4hl)u, I'r I.1.. F n,1,lo•aI „I -or'.
\\ ell, ,I' 1 11\I\11•:111 1 41. 1• \r ,l\
F FItI\4, �1 11111 41., -+ 1, \,• I, , ,
Nile, to the Star this week Many
thanks. Mr. 001-14', for the word)
appreciation lir. It .>'Ir'- ne.5 1141
dress is Belton
Elertrie Ranee and Other Seri ice.
'I he regular nn•it^'L• of 'h•• Weis,
end 1.'g ht Conu1Isslon was h.-4114.1•
Thursday, June 1:4h, all the 111 •'0))1 I.4
prlaent The following apple ate•n<
for ele'trc range ., 1'% ire %%err pa.
sect: T. G. Allen. Norte s'., D, .1
A. t,iaham, Waterloo st ; Baptist
churl h parsln4ge, Pluton st ; Gee
MacEe,an, \1'n'erino st , Ile \. tllt.'1\,
Waterloo .4 ; alai, an appal at ion f. 1
etec inc water heater aPl\'Irl• r, ILP
Park Hnti4P and a numhet '.1 ..pilin a
tem' ft., eleetrie lighting +rr,"ea
A letter free, the ('adwlll Fond and
(;rtisel ('n asked that elect' 1' tom, ,
servo e to their gravel plant on the
fi5 err hr, ,kw ater ie dose nntinue,l and
: 1 m. , 11 \\ , I •.r.•. I•. i 1I this was granted, the amount • m_
(Int. --- - ----- M he toile 'ted. A numht'l .of
1'a 11. 041>01--1,\1\'4)\4 \\ \\IFI'
counts were 'sagged
• in r,o.l1•r•1rn I ., II !11u•11 else., '•'.
i "' nr,1' 11, [1-i: 1 • col ,, ,,,•••,11,1, .h\, North Huron 1'. 1', O. Officer.
'6•nd., w'th 4ssn).,".'t4"'' nt I'•.)ln+"" Al the annual meeting of the Nor'h
sleek f r• ,1 „Inc, • Huron 1' F. O. at Wingham, the fol
Real „p )''''tll•r,{t• for r.lri,e.) „1''n ' 1' lowing officers were elected Pre...
11"11. \th1e d.•.,, ' /l'emo'n) a•nd•W. J
bell.& 1hh x'.1111,41-1 F.%, r' p4ss)h11• den( Thng- Wilson: vire-pres.,
rn ,,rt.rnth•n \t\It-rf.,\ y \14'e \ , llend.rwon: 2r4 sirs-prPA., Mre .1
1.41 . :Tall Ras !41r ,-1. 1.-"...I • F inch McRae; filet •rrina.. R J. Currie; and
991r.) II 4:, ',torn, WFghtman and Wilfred Reid
._� toavnshijt ehntrmen, Ashfield, Mrs
•X:en. Lane; Colborne, T A. Cameron.
Jas. (lhisholmc and Mrt R. Lawson;
West Wawannah, John Webster and
Mra Wm. Rutherford; Fast Wawn•
nosh, ti. Morton and Mrs Oliver ,An-
dersnn; 'Turr4serrv• Jrlhn McEwen
and Mr. .foe. Rrcckcnbridge; How
10)1. S 7•urhrigg and Mrs 1. Mell
amine, of Morris; A. Proctor and
Mrs W' 3 Hend.rann, of Grey , Wil
Ilam Turnbull and Mrs. 'Wheeler, of
Blyth; Willirm Pollex•k and Mr■ R
W'itfhtmen. of Brussels; Elston an.t
Mrs (:.n Sperling, of Cardiff
Real Estate al>ti insurance
O. F. CAREY & SON, Ltd.
Telephone 2:30
it pith hale t4 ! 1• he It up from the
neer as support, for the biro.. Whim
'ars o.0rrk is . "rnph•rel, in '&Ieult n nue an, v ' „m s ,e, Under r an areft
D H ItI lr.,In. ..f the Bank e;
%%et.) line ;11,1h11hl}, 1.114' progress
5%111 1n• 1(1011 n, lice:011y rapid The
nr%% 4111>4 me I.•, and maehlner) in
come. (J•ot '+ here I, ! will he pins r•.I
vhortl5_ The neo% I. -1• la (r' 1w• I.101
pleted 1n t me ft.' ' ' oiling (:ill hu -i ra.41, • 1 dr.•s. woe tete), retie,/ ,n,,,,, •lay t,•it••,s enth the f•.rcrier'• Pa,
n'••' t'lr)1" 4.) •i oh '.hired full.', 1,,,,,,, •. 1•111.., 11, ind Mr.. H. A l urfo,,,
The 5&4,11, ••n .'4 •th pin•, err t;n the 1• -,el. 54101 e math an, a \Ira 11 in Baal ll left 1n F'aul4% ler
111,1 tion .t•1, ted la- t . ear is near'ng l,!n k , -,tent Homos, and carne,; .. 1\ alfa, Poul g. item who h p•ioe .:n
cenoder ei The ' 1 indah on the '11.o,n-„ ,.i pink , arn•,tion. an) f.'1n lett (n4 it }Plat '1 tp with her Inl.hand.
bathing hoe., h , - • een complete,' 1 "- 4r•' ,04 w•a. attende,l ' e air 14a 1 rpt. Itoull. of the St' 4'an.ur . Safety 11 ,' n 0114.1x- •;,:u pined'
-4n1) tar 14111.495 .. k, ItpSP been 5,.) l,l-' of Ilett .'f '{ nr• 'loin&% ‘It- and Mi t. .1 Seil,P,, of Sand Single ...k,. '. each . r ;11'.' a Jnr. .
.hn,teno.( o tint r do not inter \II•- I d ••'n •Inhnsto'1 ova• Rowe 441ah, 44+1)04) with the lath. '• i1•u 4,411' ,.1.,,,, 1 .'t h I,11110,4. Maple*
o ith the ft. r0 ', of the h,'ac11 dee ,rd m "-hilt' , r. ,)e ,!e• .1111, ••nts, \Ir. and \1r • \1'n,. 3,,,...,,.. .,.1 :5c _, r1-,,,', \ 1,,,,1,,,,ot.,1¢^ guiarsn•
.The higl Ito, el of ,1 '.oke•. the• V11111 .11.1 ,..1 :I1 the ne'k, ''.11)44.•') with tar holiday. te,',l. '.1 f' "fl'i:1!1 f1' &till\,
mad,' tar. r''an r , , 4.4)4 and nor, i.,•a. •, ,41•1 it, I11 Iron, 4. loll no.. \1',•s• Si
that the %t -,',I< 1. the hem( h w,1: and 11,.I -!I pima .. .end . at 1',..• a Hi.
Ills. Ito.), Ma, tm l,•fl i;e.l ,,,•••kf•• '1,•1-,,T11,1%%hole Om win A-, 4.•
110 found 111,1!0 011,'>' than 0%0• 1 •'I 1••'t.•, ilia ,•t tar \al)e%, .writ ti, + s,
ett.n 1f ass1,4,
owing to the Ims''4•nmd
p.ent ae ni pea- :1', 1 hal' lo-,,ne
,• 4' ,, , ,' or,d
41 1'n.%rl'It V I allege
the bathing hou.e step. up to the %''1'•'n•'+ f0 h. 1',r• Hole w•,4 a 141:11.
4elnn,1811 (tont the 4' 4'? at one end 11,1.4•,. •111 ,s• -prig hag, to t n• e, ill,,, \111, 0111/1. Gnld'11 ,,u•, ..f I„I'•nto
and down to the heti. ti al the of he ma'') a • lntb'nat'o.4,
n ng a
,1\+ , nn'i her father, M. Joseph Loll&
ova' 1' wes•
ir, in OW '•'r
he ',each f, ,n' 'b -.arms ol1 L•,'.',l., to the •x••••, • . .,
in.., pe. ..f Goltlthurlae•, Orewr,r
'outh pier very eon.eni+•nt b,Ilfold,', 1h.• 41•,wrt gal a .Igor' •,.un,4 ,n 1••5(0 fn ,4',.1'11,1
Work 1. 'aortic ; ,,.hw) on the ' 1'ln +,ng and the i'1anisl •1 ''11)141 '1 0• '41r and Mrs Earl Fleming and
l nt work on the north tiler and w„t„ ilde'. m• the. ...II` a dies. .•f Ida. . t55o I Mailer'. pf Owen Sound, %\tiltedI
ham started on the ,',netrur•t ton n( •:,ten with ,•.r•.! tr11nm'ng •n lla , "''h M1'r• eottng'4 parent. 1u 'III 1 - u\\- I. 4, ••1
ar,•th, r genion of ' ' 110', 444 for Ihr corsage of .went pen' and .1,5' 1•f 'hr and 1Ir. \\ in !lealt•y, dor:nl, the ”
meor'ng pie! at the 54 rot aide 1,1 the \diet The gl non)'. inn, ,er w..le n 4.44? v. 1'e•1
harlwu drP+. of brown 4.4t,n t• •nn•d worf• 11r andMI. \\'o, 14..-'10 and
Palmer -Hunt 1renm Ince el')• a ,,,ring., .-4,1• Iergl,4.,n Mabel and Ales Done•, .•f
pea, and lilt• of the •.al et 1frer ON. 1,,, nt••, are %letting in (;"'h
A ver; vett y 55 ed.) ng Wa•t eolern r•eremnrta a buffet lun,-h,•nn 55 n. eer' 4410\ \I1 Ind firs .1 \4 4 1 4. ,r14' 4h•,
sized Saturday afternoon, June 'l", ed to fort gee -.t. Mr en) Mrs \I. and \1,- Ab•I1.
at the home of Rev and Mre W T Lo\PP lett .ono after Inn, `)rnr on a \II -.0'I 41,• 1'. 4,4 ,1. h...;'n, M'4,
Hunt. of (''4nderirh, e. her. ••4,'r laugh eeek '. honea•m'.•41 to he spent at 1t. \15rt1' .lolnattu,, MI rind Mrs ('Inrr
tea, Je'ilp Gertrude, ova. g• en In low.tnnr• \alionrl Per's. i\ v»m'ne „n It '.,,r-Irl.n nn,i 10tl.• rtatighter,
marriage to Clifford .Auam, anu of The hrtde trivellesd ,n a beige en Kathleen, 40'411 nn Pnl ah'. wee',
Mt• and Mrs. Cha. F. Palmer. of ,enahle, .lith hat. 4h.o•. and ins•• t•• .rid at \&nears Frill.
Oshawa. The'hridP entered the r,•on- match (ln their return "ley w1;1 re• '
on the arm sof h.r hrldh.r, '.Ir (.or 1 1,..1 r' g 14^;141 °field, I..on,, d onus) sand \1•,•.11'1„• .• t 4 ••1 " 1,n'
.,,,-Ip In r f (Int of 'nw�n oesl.
don t$urt. of Oshawa. In Pee 'Ir ern mere \Ir, Meng 1 owe ,:.s.• \1 .4 eV 11'enl hiked from •''00.ln, to -141111 •.I• •' Ned"• -•11..
of the wedding' march rendered 'co 1 \4 i1, •' toles- 4f•_, , 4, •1.•1 ' h on \W„In,•„tat milking 1h.• In, f•., I'r \%, • \t1 a • 1'••. . i. if.
Miss Esther Runt, a sister of the t' 4 m 9 ''''' t1'. h.,u,, a••,4 \ ",•`:,I ,Mol
Hnrn1 . Mr and Mrs Haigh 1' .. k ti .• ^g fol a leo 'Inv+ ,, r:• V ^,n' 1
arid. Rev Mr Runt father of the •^ 'I 1•f I( ,If- as r. T a' 1 r, _n• 1 1r,.1,. lot. rrh a,
\1'• 11 J A \larlwan, Ft' "l %' 1., , 51.” „1 •--n•.1.
arid., performed the , rrPtrrnnv Thr of ('owrnn,, Mr. and Mrs /' 'a =r•r
5t. 1 4, r•. \I• . Man fret `St '' .en •,f 'h' .• ' e Ire neeu
hr'etal party arr.w{ un.lrr sn wrvh of '1.r. '• a' 'foto, 4 .,�„ to.5 ¢ \lo•
g'.ld and whit° P.,-4-anked 11['11 pn!'n• Taylor. Mr and Mrs, .Foo Carter. Miss
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