HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-27, Page 8• PAGE EIGHT j HIGH GRADE English China u NILE DINGANNON 1 legeteletiv entoyed the alecesegn Rev. C. H. BleMmild has Nrehimi -ton lcreperanee sit -en on Sunday at 4 the three point* of the Nile charge by •Ar. F. W. Inwiep ,of Teronte. num way ef his OVill of preeenting [with teu Many futt and figure* and farm Wine by the eteetitne of a fine ed new Wm, Reid, of the sixth curet* THE GODERICH STAT TilL190.4.1", JUNE 270, 1941 Pm4.•••••ammi ••• mg Now is the time to have your . of Ashfieid, aildivg a new it . , sewing mac hint . tO helve. the matter that *theta confogne maw stet -are is emoting we! OVERHAULED ;arguments gees right beck. to what, inew kitchen, " Part* Oil', 'Ehu, boort syipmezr,,, of L.,,,,x4itsh ,•to the tthrietilin man and wreiren. are ;fundamental end guiding principles, Cifini leas Sent Derived, TAW ; ,14 ineaeent eel modal -104 (mile 1tl), nes re o w‘lcetee c°Ine in iUI ',Toe:13y at *ize tone of !Mrs; Wilbert hoe around at ell oar nen- eJeliteeteir. Mrs. hang Watsen pre - beautiful de is igns „, ehhu.en tire at sence of the preoldent. • Neinn took the scrieeure read - ranee are envy medevate. : Eng and Seesie Met:anti tee, eeudy „ - we ila;veit, inendefai ticiestion froze Allem Dele3Illy hilpetricka baote ...Prince Rattle. There were about - et (tat Goods to choose from ot cletiateen iv-. •t, Witt ert John - all prime. it en and Mrs. ltass bleleme eerveit • 1 el Tho Juue meeting of the Iteeburn e W. el. S. was held at tile parsonage on Tirareday of last week with a good -Isettelitience. Misa Belle Shaw mead - ed. Mane Lizzie and Evelyn 'Lorton ossisted tbe program, Mre. Iloy ittintor gave treplendid.eynonsis of .Book and Gift Shoppe the fittit vintner of utertune in the Dernness" mail Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Irate- • --- elitortgofeeldierleb, evbitewith tier else • ter. Miss Oliver. were honored guests, n very Interesting, short talk. - Woe What You Sign , "Read what you tegn" %voted seem Bathing in the Maittand river bee to be good advice. A eon I of nitw- it become quite populav during these, *agents luive been operating in °clench, selling a cook book which 'teot days. A number of nem epent tool oxen, includes eubscriptioti to • a magazine e, for three -Menthe, all for tif• cents, slag remdring the Inas ef the' suet' But there. WaS u tontract to sign And thumb at Ilerimiller, and cleaning whieh requires tbat you subseribe for '11P the grounds* '•° te, the unigazine for three years at $I; a Sant lieddle ,wris seized -woe a sort "yea -paydble et month fine Mien ene sPell last Satura1y. but is nOW smenills. This part was not.nead to staking good Drawees toward move the preepeetive subecribers, however, try, althougb still under the doctor's ore. lie ie staying with Jonattaes ," understand, end the two agents appeared in 'Magistrate Rd' eourt Pisher at Present. yestoday Winning churned with ob- :The Young PeoPle's Club presented veining money under false pretences. • " their PtlY Vhntnes 'tend United Tbey were let go on suspended sere' *berth strav:Terry social Inet Tuesdey evening, assisted by MISS Jean Smith tenet, on peement of costs, and venue ed os to tient° methods. Two rases of • v° Senferth, Deader, And 'the liaanY metchants purelmeing eggs not grad. • literrte Quartette -of Goderich. 'eta ed were herd winghare thiteereen welting was a great succees. end tee penalty heposed. A lumber Public echool eloses this week. and of cuees under the Traffic Act and the' exemioatious will tbori nil he ever; Liottor Centre' Act have- been dealt then oyes the well 'eerned holidays with by tee come. • for both pupils and teacher. Ben.; 0:6110 to the big union congrega. miller is bidding a veluetant goodttY0 tiottal mei settee' Menlo next Satute to two of the most faithful teactevs day$ June epth, at port Albeit, Otke the school vection tea eyev !mown.- golookl end mg. myersaimee During the test five Years tibo E. himity loaned their ground; and a . Dolan. of ''Itarrititot, Old hliss *R° go'od program of races. ball and other Cenipbell of Wintliorpe, 'have been games will be run off starting at 2 Ine8"Inlent nuti 17aintltahill o'clock. Canamittees are as followe: :their week.. The good wishes o the Orommunitg will follow them lit their General menagenient, Ileac Currey. Wm, Creseford, Geo. Freeman, Wm. 'Suture tercets. . • innolgon, Raves, Jae. McKenzie, Reed work is being, cermet wee. .t.Tenewe;' genie pongee& Dave. Present, both townehill and mem, Ball gape% softball, Misses 'county &len sioue very recessary re- Johnston, itteltonald, Grant, MeICOn- pain. The diviSion fine te being wide oie Vogler and item. L. Pentland; totted at MeGaw, and it is honed that had eau, Howard Quaid, Lorne gee tome. bump due to the vaisine pen:teem; ether game*, Mrs. Unite Ow C."' P. R. rattrOad treclis will she aceeeten, Was Belle Shaw .111rs. Mane sennother. To .eountv gravel Lunde-. Lunch, 'Mitre Belle 'Green. fret* neeltesi. innueletable tries each Geo; Freeman, Mrs. Telford Nix - COLE'S BENMILLER Ikt 'entvVing erkated ittnne frem the on, Miss May Menem, Mrs. i Alex. gravel itit in ttoderieh two. Ten }torten, Mrs. Jervis McBride. have been let to the townstin. so that there _ stolid -be-TM neumbliorte- Jacob, M. Reed b ereetieg a new 'Belts, Nudists, etc. ' kitchen at the reatt of hi% stole ttenee . , . V.t tileinellill. in Ashileld. . ..... Nr. and )Mee. Jonathan Pettis=of Wingbarn, Wive been newts, with 'the, MISS Se NOBLE letter's sister, Mrs. le A. Meleenzie, for a few days. . biro. (Reve) Writ. E. Pergeeend lit-. tie eat Jerk returned on eaturday to Dungennori following a visit withte- day to hie hoere„ where im is eeport- latives in Louden mut Cent . ed to be resting comfortably. Al- it number from Durileannon anon most at the. !Arne time es Mr. Alton attendance at the district annual was redeye:Dire the operation his meeting of the West !Wren Womentt '14U1 11)1 ftirm heme seeemt five miles ' Institutes:. in, Loedeetero, teday. IlOtth of Dungannon was very near- ' ly bong a prey to flames, fire lay,. Mg caught upon the, roof of the sum- mer kitelien, a fume building at the reav of the main brick hous. ., Fore tenately the smoke was noticed by o , Ilarr 'Treleaven, who was delivering011 Y. brea , also hy swine young men who giait relatives in Stratford and Tor- were journeying to Kincardine. A onto. 1 bucket brigade was formed anti, by visit, with relatives at Hamilton, NW ed at the Keene of the fire, it was Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cowman left speedy 'work on tbeir pert, and the me Friday morning by motor for a, aid of neighbors, who (illicitly gather- gara Fella and other points. Then soon under control. Mi-. Alton, who expect to remain until estursdey., was baking at the time, was unaware A, 11. Mune, teller in the Ilangan, of the five until her attention was . non branch of the Cenadian Battle of called to it. She is very grateful to, Commerce, visited at the home of 1'14a11 wbo rendered each timely aesist- parents m Goderich over the weeff. ;ince, aS in aefeW minutes the fire end. • ' 14/ • ACHE . 4 would have been beyond control. As A. IL Pentland has excavations ;it was the chingleseolt the -south side •- ON... . - -made tor the eellar te his Melee. The i of the roof of the kitchen woe de- .geteeeseseelleeionefeellegetereVeneee****waltgageweNiealletivilfrelleter*WeeveftheintnOttoleeniteilltm40000.0‘ ,nortite wing Will be tieken down and stroyed end the fire had caught on ' -• - used in helping, to build the new the woodshed Mel pumphonao which- ' • t structure.• , are reteicent. e ' Arnold Yokes • motored. to A pleasing feature of he inaugure 'Stewart; 'no bride entered the par. when Menlhere Of ;the getenlittee re- 1S8, when tr. J. M. Roberts was ap- .- Toronto, on Tuesday bringing with ail meeting et the Wonintre 'Assooin- tor on the arm of her father, the toes pteeettett, neve renereent eepecriptione. pointed. 00 continued in office until tim on hie return ettra vokes end tion of Dungannon United oburch wee lumen taking place beneath: Jen arch tu tee tittloinit .61 *61,700. .1:ne etan't 1010. When Mr. ORS. G. Allen "ma infant son, who we Wele,ome as eta- a er,g4e/Antion..bv the enngrooktion to prettily' decoreted with flowees and n nuttee egteitit to at3e eYerY enaeavOr I elected, •the latter retiring . in Feb., bell. ' ItittV. mrs Lundy waa to Ulereabe um .'nenibev ot subscrio- 11929. The present secretary is, Mr. aens of ear village. WttlIcer and Dire. Wallier woLkling ' MV. ,and Mrs, Samuel Oeborne mid who are giving up their 'duties on this Abe. °telethon Clergyman. lee wed- ere ona seea In tnoir hots to Reitert I G. Cecil Treleaven, who was antedate little daughter, of,Drirbare Mau., and eircuit at. the .beginning of. July, it ding Mardi IN'no PlaYed. by lYire. taur'nY' DY t14 ra*St aaY °I 44avel4 ed UP" 34t• All"'S "titenient ' ustine. were guests on ettechneday West China ti-T.tinetlietsilonnateles!ettgatd°- Lundy. the veer% acted as best 'man end limn on April 5th of the sante year 'iitritheteorPsfeosreantesQlfircoellostvaslid Pbretlaariddenl, Miss Rebecca Thompson, of St Aug. being hamlet Stewart, brother of lbefe with Dir. and Mrs. Burton Roach. Clara Willis., slater of the bride, ems the 2o416Wint; Minutes, INtoton were re- lirtuito .0.. mrstsee; viee.p,es,, mos. - Noma and heroin mewhianey, I tintielit Ill:: readtlie Mrs. But 'Roach !preeentation was made by ihridesufald. The bride was ebernetng eaten, at a Meeting' In the tliWne'llili Hewett; setoy, Cecil 'rrelsaVenrireaSir chltdreneof Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mc. gale , Jag ,Igewilinney,. 110,4 and in peach georgette, with .silver gang hall speak far themselves; Whinney, of 'Menem, are guests at Mrs. Vitalhet ' were made the vecip.. Ming% and she carried a shower bott- "At a meeting held this day, ac- Thos. Stealers- atiditOrs,' Donald Mo- und Mrs. Wm. Carr, West Wawanosh. georgette. witn bead teimming. Lite sent to each subscriber, it was moved. le addition to tee presWen't and vice- kaetatinngaellteg oainaLrit°•V tile years). the home of their grendparents, Mr. Mr. end Mrs. Heber Flecle bed as following is tbe addleng: . lents of two steamer rugs, a thennos quet...1The bridesmaitie 'dell McDonald, niece of the bride, by C. Darren, seconded by Alexender president. Tim Griffin, Alex. Nichoie d wore coral cording to advertisement and notice bottle andet welt -filled purse, The guetts meetly the former's per- q,e atoo. too %et., J., A. water . Wee ilowee girl. Following tire cerecameren, that obaries Gievin be eon. We P. Reed, William McQuillan, ents, Abe ami Mrs. Wm, Eedy, of and enteergyr , • monY A wedding dinner WAS served chairman of ',the meeting.-Careled. WfIliani J. 'Thompson, Retreat David - Millbank, else his sister, Mrs. Mel. Our deer rrielida,n-As ..„,„,,, are to the immediate families of the pan- oeeTtondwedasbynioved by Jelin Bailie, • _ - _ . Edwin Gaunt that Ran ' The text pigeon 'flight will be on' ' linner. and cbildren Of Milverton. about to leave our' midst, we -level that eiPalls* after Ivilieli the happy eenPle • vin Schoittentuere with Me Schotte- left by motor fox London, Toronto mit ' Murray be secretary. Carriee.. Saturday next from Cornwall, a dis- ot .s., Abraham,. who is relieving 'You should nee deleavt witlutut us fah. and Niagara Falls amid showers of It WAS MOV0d by Jobe Bailie, second- tance of 380 miles. at the Dungannon branch of the can. ing Ms OPPOrtniiitY of expreseing our no your confetti. Mane friends wiell them ei ed by Edwin gaunt that this Com- _ Ohm Bank. of Corameree in the reb. nPPreeintihn' et 'what' Yen family bets queent to us during the long and happy .ivedded life. pany he called "The West Wawanosh geete - - '"' "'"` - '- June Ditet being -the golden tube. Mutual Tire Relevance Co.-e-Catried; • zle, on a fortnight's vacation, spent °net Yeats. 'olVe tan bardly realize I . West It ,was moved by, Charles Durnin, settee ,:of the ntanAger, G. M. McKee - the week -end at his home at Port .E1- whet it hee erielitIt for YOU to resume lee et tae aegarnehteen 44 tne Inutuel Vire insurance seconded by henry, helloed, that the • . gin, - tlYei:triflega„t1),,aolt aindhien twxteesnbsignol wi,.:„'41414411:ysrlt Ow oceesion , wag cemorat-' lined office of the company. be in Dun- , Airs, Walter hawthorn° and three Kindly eeeert ;these sifts ea or ca 14 At IftOnSter picnic at geinearaine ganrion,-Oarried- , children, Dons, Robert, end Franklin, opearte e nosorigneytegtog finest trip . boot on Wednesuay, June lett, 1929, It was moved by John Washington, of Goderat, .were week -end guests eatsibie, low with lenge. unettneeted when A gala claY was spent iv tee seconded by Charles Stewart, that . with Mr. end Mrs. it. Davidson and t'"e poncytiolders seven directors be elected for the cur- I , otner rotatives in Dungannon. They of loony friends novena. the NtrAy WW1 their iaouties. ' Upon seercning rent year. -Carried. • ' and harreY•inciditigvied th;iWe'eting . dneetere$ enicet4 and returned to their ethe archives of the company, it. Was On -a ballot 'being taken the follow- ' he -me on 'Sunda?, The words of Robert Lou' St li . re ep en 44.„,..,,4 u -n ,,,,,,,,AritO tiii,.-tilat, On Deeeneper .8oth-,-1878, Mgt directoreg vreree edely - elected: noolgRePrgatoet - , •epit *nogg tt-ev.rrie7e. dolles, Cattle 'McIntire' end li•Itte..Vtirerttt-11117gt"e1Xteis",;;;;;;I ehue trest meetmg was bele to diseuss Merles Gievire Charles Durnin. " • EXCHANGE BLOC: ite 0-.644411 ra. J. .8 mon re u c Sunday from vieiting her parents, • Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Allen, of Gode- rieb. Mut. J. Everett Finnigan, of West 'Wawanosh, and sieteze aliss DorothY CLEARANCE of COATS ONE-THIRD to ONE -HALE REDUCED COATS of tine, hroadcloths and tricotines ' iv squirrel, •navys, .bIack and summer many are ,eollared w th mole and emk p` ALE ttveed effects. Sizes 16 to 44...... 1 -PHIGES •' miEss sronxs AND DIMITY'S' '‘ SURPRISING SALE OP BATH TOWELS • Finest quality and in dainty patterns. Heavy• Turkish weave mut beautiftli Colors ars.: tuhfast and guaranteed. A •, vivid stripes and effects .1:4,nd, large nett= range in to da, priCed 1484, size about 21 42. Special Sale, , and Sae per yard. " Pair . ... menage Impbrted 'finest bleached Brtglishi UNDF4RWEAR Alen's Balbriggan Combination Under. Sheeting, good weight and absolutely - pure. 84 inches' wide. Yar..d...850 wear, tong or short sleeves, Penman's. Superior make, sizes 34 to 46. Reg. DRESSES , $1.50, per ,garment, for... • -.954 Celanese Silk Dresses and latest New York designs And styles; gxteuisite IluSitatz , quality and well Made, white,and in all Fun fashioned, ail pure sInc garter the season's. ehcles. Sizest8 to 41 top, fancy heel, eight tleW shades, in Priced.. $12.00 to $18,00 sizes 814 to 10. Pair $1.45 . • ,Wioar% • FOR STRONG BONES GIVE BABY Scotts Er,litilSion , • " nunviteve. everybotig should be Nati*, • miss Beryl Johnston, at Lanark, le this Mr. "", • hente on vacation • • - trip awl fiehing expedition to 'Winn. so fittIng es a fatencell--"Go forward. 4 11-e • h edvisablirty eif ,organizing such a Thomas E. Finlay, William _Farquhar -I' 941110513N . . 4 t d Adrian P. Dialler enjeyed' a motor too riot roan off the oig t place ,, cerneanya 'Ine folowml: minutes of eon, Jahn Cantelon, 'Edwin ,Grount r •teitiO aunt 40; filepaag a r/ ail 004`WiSheS WM be with • . West leawanosu CounOil Hall, i after the meeting closed tbe direct- et Tie ags tganp andtug, ezoeg mate WI ey v s e t e -latter. e son, Mr. and birs. Thos. Antllanoll ated. Ciente to t e tiecif3eant Which befell _lege %gee genats enee les. etee yonsement to co a Signed on betestVof tne Committee.' .• , . . lost .0)., wheuter „it Is premium notes printed." • WE cARRy tonally atterided the county commis mg walker at the rn raising, the whitener. etgolootiou pagge, expecent to orgatuzet e ei4e4i Mr. and Mrs. joint Blake attd Mine oretee linReal ctueetes. which Walp a ftnintatn:ye.0 ky it Was mime by tt li. in's - On the 12th of April the•directore treeom. puu - palmed s‘oieetee. A INOt ri. Ike cere: Prceidebt, Chas. Girein; vice., .• e Bernice left Monday On a motor trip 0 b held et gore Albeit on Satutgset school. tie - • ' 4eeended i i r f • i ert Murree'. e hie elassitint es at t atnttle ° ' tires T E Virden' emetreas, itob-; u .131, ., met and elected the fallenieg ofti- urea; aotge oe. epecti wage nte . pende at BaYlield Thursdele joint plate' of the Dungentene and housed wantee twee presented. with tare* teolnPutet neon, te -njt h 13.1311 to 'tVittnipeg --------- other westeroints of this week, bas been oestpe.ned Inl. , he Edwin Gitunt, that thiS, .• • • r SNIVI.11na HYCINVH3A • • ton on Wednesday While in Wier- that me Mg were ‘reco ded and Thomas R. Taylor. Immediately Ont •ginOt eete Wen et 0 AL bliss Olive Kilpatrick has finished t th ft d • ri Finally you may be assure( thet our • JIOL Normal course tend •is holidaying Delos Disbelief ' et home. • . 1 the Ronal Bank In' Ye g • dm de Decemeer June este, or, met ancl inetructed the seeretery apex. 1,4agpeAt emt set; exooplo you in al your e eti av to d -1e#4tenleopi ,xoe melee einem emit 4-tran tbat ace. At e.matting Item according to ad- get 1,000 applieationg,• ; reeeetts an .004 eaereitgeg •eadielle AComplete Line of GROCERIES CALVIN CUTT Kingston St Phone 116 • • meetuee e lap o trout% teet.a on May 13tlit 1870, the directors III .Sarnla and Ohioan*. wednesday, July (intended fii,tglast weelt).. • • Vire insurance Company upon the ears. s, Run -atria and John Savage ret reed from . Orville Ryan 1st uest )1 Vela' AtUttlat Prinel 1 te a met and trimlientions for 'ingiannee ONV'S'ONINOV, - toe, Misses jessie and• Robb. of pleasant visit in Torotuno Where ee tives in Daniptnioirtlt present, ' -112. - , . e amotinting to 898.800 w ee aecePtea ----r -- pa . aS a 4k,-+ ays • . Broceville• vieited iiite nod 'Mrs. S. J. 'n eg ' rt • t Itupture bpecialist Rupture, Vericocele, Vallee:1e' 4, . . Was a guest with his ,daughter, mre, , r, and• illes: „Harold .Tigert and'. • rt wits moved by Edwin • Gaunt, tend polities numbering 71, 'granted. •' • . Kilpetrick and other relatives tore Lend gunge'. ege wao accompanied family, cd Sheptierdton. visited Duren secended hY Jan ies .t1ose,.tItat dames -- - . - gel, who,. anent- the weekeehd lancet Mr. end „Mrs. -Neiman Moffatt, of nin, Edward Sinth .eicLean, Rebert of w.odaY. at the end of 128, there are . '5,m pollee holders, with a total risk -thitgeveek, , • t on hie return by Mr.' and Mrs. Stirt.'.gannott friendeeonSundaY. • ' J Johnetoe, John -Bailie. •Charies In& ,-- . The Aslifield Ladies Aidgarden -party wen quite e micoess. in everY 1+,11.4. Stingel will remain for a longer Ancestor, and. Mr and Mrs. Cecil $14,000,000. Of this, $8.1711,889 were 'Tim weather was perfect, visit $ ban •of et. 6 ite• Wete Weelgen" a comnlittee with- Power to. adit to there being an ericlition of 260 imlicY- Veins, Abdominal' Votaress e Murree end • Avehileald Andersoi, be ewes added . dating the year 1928, . outeide entertaintnerit. The Ladles trs. rector of St, Paul's 'aurae Dungan- , and Mrs- Sani..Viiiitgland. free., Call or .write front owners of property ns to the the risk carried by the comiteny has .11eseriby for their kindrtess in giving for the past two years, has been ap:1Meater Allah Reid . were Bludvale vised Sfat 01 t 101'S t' ty fold eneeiellet 10 Downie their 'house And gnlinds. ' Whitt ensuved a large evowd an e Rev. Win. E. PeerY, wito has been guests 'with the.taiher parents, Mr. their number,' to 'take subscriptiens holder,. •Thu' the holeccentury spinal Deformity. Consultation Aid are grateful to Mr. arid 1% non and Christ dhuroh, Port Albert Mr. ancr-ilita. Davidson end amounts they will insure as required 'increased almost one hundred and ' ,J. O. SMITH, British Appliance ollowing sections." Carried.. tpuring the 60-Yeare fife- of the ford', Strat- Mutes of a meeting ef the eoloreit. peereterles. Mr. Robert Murray who penned as rector at nun-tine:ford mid; visitors on Moiday evening, being ut zorra, and 'will preaelt for the Jaen ',attendance at the annual, garden, Entrance exnreibetene are beieg utirt. in his present Parish on Sunday I party of tee chureh there. Miss Rutherford Buriedee-The fulgi n Jan ary 17th, 1879, the following ComPanv. there hob been but four es, mi? ec ton • ASIIPIELD bold in Mandl atitool this week. . Tho Entrunce examinations come: oral of the late miss Jane Rather. tee appointed at the „prevents meet., filled the, office from 1879 -March 8th, • • • me are recordedr ‘Coolinittee Met • Mias Doris hibben, of Kineartline, mined on Wedneedity of this weeke ford, who sassed woray Lucknow, • Mr. jeck (mean, of oronto, Inas centres at WIlieli can tdatee wi I write- was e d on • on ay to ungannon 1 ibal A d *444* I Transportation t Service bong 11We-two Short Distant • r,dr • Engagement% Phone I 8. R. MeMath. g Waite Chnton Central. (River rootlet, Operator: CIO reti, Cltutot Centrah in Robert Alurrayn °nese, St. Ifeleins, is visiting, at her home Kintigh Dungennon school teing one of thee after an " 'nese of seeeral menthe• in • T I 1 ' b I let d inesent Charles Durmn, Mtn Bailie, Better leave the Otto- te forint* W YOU NEED • ithig at his gtandtathers home Fredetiek Rees will be uresiding ex.:cemetery. The late Miss Rutherford, %Wray. It 'was moved by John Bail- • ' Rov. Nicholson, of Quebee, Woode, Saltford, Will Preside at. Rev. Charles M. Rotherford, at one e d d b C. D Glen, Robert Benison and Charles . T.1 h !Dry Clean ,u • C' miner at: Kilned school. while Geo.. who was the tele Sister of the late pretrehed• in Ashileld Presbyterian Dungannon. New Furniture Unto paetor Egsnine Presbyterian Gi • rvin be udded to this committee, , church on Sunday. - Mrs. Wm. Crawford and daughter, church. Durigennon, resided' for a • serieteon 'Soiled.spots in garments nre qtaite apt • t and Ira Jack Ribbon of St. Mien, of Victoria, le C., (7. 12.41 on number of yews in the Mainfe here atherinos, are visiting at the home Sunday for a visit With Mr. Crave. with her brother and by her kindly • It was moved by C. Durnln, sewn- to cantle no 4nid of trouble when at - of the formers parents in Kilda. fold's parents. Mr. end Tetra. B. J. manner WWI tile respect of all who Miss Ida Bea -talon Miss Lily Crawford. The trio WKS Aid& bY * • .4. ded by Archilrald Anderson, that sub- taelted with the meagre facilities of end that each member receive e sub - of any clesertptton r . "4 • :SEE US IRST nemerson mss viltude and itir. motor, from London. that being the brother, Dan Rutherford, of tee wen, scriPtion lists he returned on the home dry. •cleaning. Look for runt. • • 4 el • eVentli day of FebrunrY at 1 etloelt 'thing from ru------------------------ Aloe fluAtanair, ell of *Monticello, nearest noint ttf cootect for Sunday Three sistere, the late Mrs. •John visited at the home of Miss Lilian trains. Th y will be- Seined tater by Lime of Kirdough, and the\ XisSo3 and that' committee meet,,tri townsbip sionseenothing more. You 'Will not 51iV, oalte YOU .et e Mackenzie on Sunday. Ctawfor4l. wheee bushiest 'Christeine and Mitrgaret Rutherford A he dis.eppointed if you send your nothet.• meetine Vas held by the The U.. P. W. a held their menthe wouldelot permit his canting at pres- mid three Inottievs. tbe late Hugh and Money 124Meeting•at the home of Mine C. enl. ese eolur Retherford of se, miens* and committee on Febtuary 189, cleaning, to Maekenele milt Wednesdary last. Tire Jeny Crantenn lied 27. euccessful the late Rev. Chett. let Rutherford of I te rt-etee new president, Mrs. Neil J. Mocken. "raising') nt his fine firm on the Lucknow, uredeceitsed her. The funs, • - /tie, occupied the their. Interesting eeventh oratession of West Wewa. end services were conducted by Rev.! [sayers were given by Mrs. Neil G. nosh on Thureday, when almost one C. IL McDonekt, pastor of Lueknotig nod% :Mackenzie and Mrs. TO, IffeeLean. hundred Mali were present. A levee Presbyterian thatch, of which • etre GRAND' REND cAsinu 'The meeting was cleeed by the sing- wing is beitte athlete to his already Was member. , in of the National Anthem after lupe bern. During the raising Rev. The. anniversary sogices which which lunch was served by the tose J.. A. Walker. who was present, was were held in Erskine Presbifirian Specitil Attractions t.'5. ntruck on the foot by a crow-letr ehurch. Dungannon, on Sunday, were reggae• which fell frown* etrnetnte, and the an unqualified success. Delightful 4.IVION. JULY 1st. wen Fer ow WO of walking stick is neceessry. weather conditions with the added at- - It was foitunitte that the necident traetion of bating former popular ii SOFTBALL Oro° a n r e . pastor of the• tongregation as the Pam p.tn. Peggy leettitier Orange kigale3 1 8. 1,0141311 ISPS4 NOM SHOE TOVRIMMIENT Open to all horn -elm° letelleen DANCING AFTERNOON ssil EVENING Eight.Piette Oreliestra 111.0111011.1040.1 Tentlet addreseed to • the ..undere Ca mpbell-Fowleree-The marriegs , minieter for the day. drew •out large signed will be received by the Towel quietly itokennixed at the manse4tortgregatiors at both efterneon RThi Council up to JULY 1st, 1920, for the Lucknow, on FA. tturday. June 15th, of evening services. At the latter sot - building on the Videan lot IA 1I.5.g Miss '•• Edna Isabel Fowler, eltitsVvice espeeially the seating capaeity on Wilton greet. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. liarest...uf the ehureh watt treed to its utineet The building WAS formerly occupied Fowler, 7th eon. Nest Weevanoehg to accommodate the advt. Rev. Ag as, 3 dwelling and has ibeen vacant tied Mr. Dsews C' ientibell, only aft of G. Ringed of Forest. who eonductedi aome time on act•ourit of being pare Mr. and Mrs. John tettembell, lOtle!the services excelled himself in thee Gaily ilestroe*d by fit*. ton, of Aehfield. The teremony WAS 'delivery of two eloquent teed, rot cefult Building and all material to be ree performed hy Rev. C. 11. MaeDonnld, sermons. Assisting the thole of the moved at once and grounds left clean of Lueknew. Mv. *rid Mrs. Campo church in the service of praise were and in geed order. bell will retitle in Ashfield. Miss joseehine 'Weir, Mrs. Rice end 1 No offer receeriarily aceepted. Itotri--To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyn Me. Harvey MeGee, all *A Arburn. and! 1,, 1, tegog, town ti GAt onto Whinney. 2nd coneeesiori of Ashfleld, ithe mile quartette of Lueknow Pres., otierieh. on Sunday, Aunt lath. a daughter. Intetut eiAtorth,.etvoiataiturstenvi. , • ,•• „,,,,a,„,,,„„„ We extendcongratulation& jThomas Watson, Ocoee Douglae., • .Mont dote it betmen that two Horace Aitebeeen and Macau Johnet- griirtintera of on. place take leave of ;sten. The trountette wave * number their respective congregations at the net vett service, alto Mies Weir ten. *ante Akar, but such is the rate &red solos at both afternonn emd Dungartiwiti. whet* OR Sunday leen, leveeing ecreleen, while Harvey Me - June ttOthe Rev. W. E. Petrie, L. The Ittee ateng ertio at the letter Itervice. 'ef Ft. Paulet Anglican church. prem. nti.tie Mary temente* of Lucknovr rhes tes hot "TM" " Sardine Meet Winnifred Rourten and Met, • 4...4 wo For The Horne of Her Dretuns A bride's new , home fteeds many excellent Pictures. These wry te found in our store. Charraite Marines, quaint Col- or Prints. dignified reprodue- 'Gene from great masterpiece*. Let us help you select the season's wedding gifts. Smith's Attila Gift Store Eact St. " Plume lint 'Summer Footwear We have a lam variety in Sport Footwear Running Shoes for the Boys said Girls morning at ii *".. while Rev. J. A. 'flier, `Of Auburn. tinted AS at -romping t 'Bowling Shoes. Golfing Shoes and TRIOttitt WARR le. i se1 thee At flanoation t United mated for tile wectorion with &mere -, - B i rhurdi at the forefeet at 7 nem Dun- are triatne, The *Retina' *mounted Our 80%7:ling Shoes are made to give comfort and ' orcitykon *14 tinity are **wry to Ittee " Me. While I* tid* iveleitbortmed No tiresome heating with eAsy.to. elm from mornin t11 " ht Th h th t ' Itis*t """ ''"*"4"*' 'whgsitiPP'''' A' G.' srgi *IL' Iti"nd lette 1517 eirlishIlIi-Gaa Seei Alt.. g it mg . ey awe R . entice* are required elsewbere. etrenneetta with tire WOW* parent& Rev.' I Walker. A- will Prom" far the iete. Ilie thurelt wee teetefully de. lltoopColit The * h I Froth Dry Magog Web I J. It VROOIVIAN Phone 122 West Street Illotration No. 23 So Easy to Clean snug fitting m the arch. Try them. twadww. win weeeed R. re'tittr. Ithereal oleo aftiltad. bla welter 1 ,if garment, etagent 4ef 'Strew college ,111‘ kicia ami Ur*, roff;o. f t thel iiv Peng *a 0011•1511111•At Of' 3t. PASIN At PeAsIAA, 113410041rit044 At ronmkti Our Golfing Shoes wet* made topocially to our order and believe yr* they are real Golf Shoes GET 'YOUR OPTING SHOES' AT latft W. Hern's Shoe Store 747.6 • .MMINIMMIIIMI1 ll111.111111114 ,eltoriek. Iltomotavittost. oitet elrf4at's wet* 44+04000A Rev, te It Nit'rnost aticacitioe pattent5., nil un. ,rharelt. 'Port Albert, mot nor.Pnottiel, iflolua will lar neater to Ito Ilttalteti ratty hoolf-Offaillolf tOrAt OilifO,tendti44131/Y AtIA"nted' Tatoraowiti a114 Cream 1.4 alio lora* of )4r oval Ifri Proittltil A- - esiteet. oftiberweat a ‘4" 191/1" .44.4.1„tr"14"it el*Md°4- R WHEELER MiSS MacVICAR, Kingston St. Ailtasitle two went& illgesperdtrat. wit Wedtweileve I a** tee rwoaval af tostallo to , t• Vow, A 11.11.0oth., vrittl torts IllespItol. loritlern. no Werliwit. Ivi vaerrtwr 11", Wiffoo6 hwal binder tiay owerilwr rotoriteal Fri Other). wo of 111r. fled Mr,,, Nottlt fitiiiirt ---- 1 HAROLD BLACKSTbNES FURNITURE ENHANCE - MKT 10k likeSliell MAIlletent . SOLICITOUS OP YOUR PATRONAGE "CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPE " royale nwrivrrs 11.4EDWAPF.) Kvt.Vord IneHONE tieft . •Open Evenings° -r FOR APPOINTMENT By appointment,* -4111R4) .0 • 1 • .0 0=0. C).EARANOE Summer liklinery .61101101 Three Big Special Groups at Sensational Prices for FRIDAY and SAT., JUNE 28th and 29th rolleetion of Hats in many attractive styles tor summer. Color and trimming etieete are good. Note the reductions: Roglooti hook, ...$0.50 $10.00 to noti000d from-. - .$7.00 to $3.78 Roliocod Not- - - ....MCA* 40 P.75 Yost ore torah* Writoil to iloopott ow stock b