HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-27, Page 7>ti
%ii'1 PSl.IAi'.rJ1' 1 ;teat :ate
4' A Galt for United Act on /
have saved the f n:wince many intim* of dollar*
is the past few years in tlte►e1Tt,rts to rid bath
- town and country of WEEDS.
Millions of Dollars are still bring lost, however.
The work is only begun. Pietsners, knowing their
l,ersonal loss through weeds, to -operate to end the
nuisance. Municipal councils and individuals in
villages,, towns and cities are wholeheartedly joining
in the fight against the common enemy -WEEDS,
NOW is the time to strike, to. prevent most weeds
from seeding. Cut the weeds down BEFORE they
Bower and seed,'
right weeds as you•would lire You wisely protect
yourself from losses by fire •. which rare st
Protect your property from Heavy losses by weeds.
Neglect makes these losses a. certainty.
Weeds spread like wildfire if neglected. Destroy
all noxious weeds on . your lands. Notify your
municipal council or weed inspector of weed n,ulths
found on roadways,vacantproperties, cem,eteriesund
other public places.
W ARNING aUudt r este provisions of nee ',Weed
Contn,l Act, *merry occupant of land and every esatortot
aatocoupisel hod it required tod.itroyocelot* wiethebe-
fore their eeedeOpen. Road Authorities are1Iquitrdto
destroy all weeds growing capon the htgbwere
-rtparttent of Acuxtum
•Pariiagtient Buildings, Tornado -
.17.0A. Carroll
r ini$gna.429_-.
iron. john 5. itxtaalis;
`-gii'En to unfit ri{ind t:tat: hie i1t[y1n'!'1 th'' ofpe+atunitb r f peeing * the ,
utgitt not at prat to receive! 1),:kthe �n 'chaiup one e•1' the fettna•r►.. We do
Are*, eo *lent he war; to tichvrr ea;.. pct titeri`t that they v ht t.) have the Lard itaid, "And aiRy, whether!. iatrecl the t het th year Ziatte heat
AN Run Down
_. and
t -
they wtil hear, fie wlmother they alio ter to flair k`enu or to have, put aa'
forbear Met, The prophet ie not teltt seen Wuty en tally vegetable'. 'They
go at his twn .Marat , or to deliver;.ld 'Ie+aight• to n..:c s�ntpatiti*ed with she
aeasti es of i1s3 own invention eatillut 'ire. 1'�4ariui, 4.� r l a1c r , S�►iiner,�`t�t't,uit'ss iall«I not to have
thou, soon t•i nian, hear whet .1 ray un' ,�r _ �t Mr. Seen ct lialdintanJ take that
ta, tyres, And r«pef with try **vie heeihiuotear hrttar to t�itdahheer tele, '1r 1'cblas vehement pretest
zs u being He
t«. a "reealcie ort a aa"I wwydiaae 6athteclic,nce,l,ut 1,,a°Rde: t,
1 untoem." a is assured that, he that tRie sabtrcas sin's well cite was
•parlance speech lag oe a hen"' Iath dictootget au y relief. Country Breeds Great Meta
tliirtitteenieh. N. S., Choke -0
The t i°:es have inapt,Etcd melt ei' t
f their great, exit iron the runners.
-1ltary did Viet hatiptti h ue rause sora l
tact with tweeze quietens. the nerves,
Ilianpese3 the mind, and pots a titan i
7 is a itesitien tet eon::entrate laid t:tena l
tal and ebe. leaf feeee;.
• It Basins:s
(W. A. Imin in Mel can's)
The 'Wheat Pool is the only bus!•
news in Canada that has an average
i turarover of more than a million 'dot•
lass for vacr3' tvorl in y in day the
R�tage. whose words thou const not 6•1 wee adti t visatoil
understand." This was an encour- ,
agement but what followed was aaa dig -1,
ceuragen eans.t. The Most High sa•,
"`Surely, bud 1 sent thee to then," 8
' that les a people of a strange speech
and of a hard language-r•t;iev would
9 .vr hems enrd unto thee." , me pro
st .et WA? than assure t that i,he would
have receive.l Letter treatment front
the aettal heathen than from the l
perverted Israelites. The prophet
ayes further assured in •tnost expres-
site terms ,lint •'i:� ministry would be,
ineirectuat--•-'taut the , butts of Israel
Cvill na boort=, r unite thee: for tyteY
oily not heaelten unto me; for all the
awl attest' pacing taken four bottles r wear. Conceived by farmers, eroded j
house of Israel ere impudent nn! heatdracbto'tts not bonier t filth jn tet all, by' forayers. Awned by farmers, dire
satil d that
Hore it is : distinctly tseurtsettreel INPARI only by T M�illbturn a d ltnx dly i g a� million dollies a day
stated tlttaa it was not Ezel,tels mesa .
sage that would be rejected but that Ltd, "I'oronty, Ont. The t<aanad?an his given„ new mean -
sage good measetre. and then tate tee,,' -,nonce is reneieraile 1<cet eats
tog to flat#, word farmer.
Q'the Most High himself. ,. _, " ; �-"" A Dirty Business cher: from the Sulaaey gi:eol Came zt now ricer snecches about our upper•
T1r_ Parker in his exposition on Oda . •n elided prosperity over a radio that
Pet;,E t i ilk'4'
CoenIs t Mt%Iwo INC
Flit contains a special repelling intro
dime that keeps away Viet, ut scs
and other insects outdoors. array lit on
v ur perela fake Hit along Campine.
Enjoy the outdoors without inieet an.
novante. Herndon to petiplcand dote
not stain.
f'111.; wileaso
cam �,iitiia ..eio
block smear+
hem11�� tv en ne to t rvr t. tt ann«,v.r
'Tire opinion "of late -abiding and she tldnite I fiat stun down for.
H God (Ileo tiow Outlook) h i (1 0171., %eat : isn't rid for.
lou • unit battle met out for hrtt<:tlp'1
pase�ba says: h :toes o meet 1 Hex'e and T
the haralneas of the human hear';, u d 1
• We find the answer in :1•J- "As an •self respeettrg citizens throughout e
r Kissing; shortens life srnglc tii't:
• adarnant harder than flint have I tem )the =entire Dominion was expressed
made thy forehead: fear them arca, New • awe bucket seats for firm • cmpbatleally in numberless petitions,
stRGBR5 N"16N111100 10011d*110111 i COOP PPEREPOPPPi91PPPEtpiNiN lOPPA188EJPEPOOPIEEPECP ®.
ie r pg
a gin verses I0, 11, Ire .is sintedy to lets-
• v bear, a ten e
tett 'to rosea a to h a and h h
. 's � is is to loo.ttnd hewing gulps, he is ;tt,
ts at
oven his commission and continuo it
`1T3y ISABE tfA3iirIL? ON Gceiericlt, Ont.as and conclude . it -with 'the words,
1e 'Thus saith the Lord Gott.
n8e FB iwta (��9 w 6a
W iptegat p R+ W i� tmta,
� at to ib®�iBpt �#t�g;�Yh�Nerlprcr.tt wsaeirsilia6ttsr.afltu
' Exciciel 24a15•.18. :In the first 'part:
ofthiser t o parable of a boil-
Blest ere the pure in heart.. be. motile known upon earth artery Thy . .chane ,c p stye
For they mealy :see their Cod : sasvitsg 'health among all nations,. 'ng pot. By the sign of flesh boiling
The secret of the Lord is 'theirs Amen,(Selected? in ,a pot giver the fire, are shown
the miseries that Jerusalemsha d
'i to soul is y go Christ's abode. S. S. 7.ISSON FUIR JULY 7th, 1929
m rrwu
Still to the 1Q�vdy soul °� suffer during the seise 'by the icing
He doth Harr. -iii impart: Lesson Topic :The Story` it' Ezek- of Behalon.
And for His t'lvicelline,and His throne lel By the sign of Ezekiel's not mourn-
Ghoasetla the ;nape in heart. Lemoni Pas, a; e-.•�Ezekiel 3.4.1x ; ing for the death of Niswife, is
-John Keeble. 24:15-111. showery' that the calamities coming
1ItwkYER Golden Text -••-Ezekiel 33:11. upon Jerusalem were too r•reat to be
Jeremiah and Ezekiel were content- t:tmen`ed, so wrest that 'they should
We Thou
ta,, within Thy Ieouse to- poser prophets. Dr. pitta in his sink clown under them 'into a silent
dar .ou wilt cIethc Thy Arrests with series of writings on the prophets despair (15-27);
righteousness and cause: Thy. suints sa . 'While Jeremiah tobis active
to- sing, aloud for joy. hitt J h 'wa
salsa z an c WORLD •k1'iisSl'ONS
J Y Y Y Y in the storing e• remite antes of
the times, and was sub'eetei to much In' Exchange for a fear
ersonail injury and wrong, Ezekiel, By Mise Wir.ni1red Warren: eihwei,
in a r l" land
t, regarded
e , ,HO�u, .: • .. r W
by the of exile, eg'arded
from lifer, and in personal 'quiet, the In one of the large .cities of China,
-strange events passing' in the land some twenty or tnirty- years ago,
from whieh he had been retnoved, and there lived a.,wealthy retrieval, a proud
__took eta t_in _them elk' in: mind and
neither be dismayed rat their Iooks, -class coaches on t:apadtstn Patine
though they be a rebellious house." day fast s e -averttment to do the decent thing
The adamant is they diamond tea the diced tt*xtralmregularhavtrainsbeam oflatrotit r tend refuse clearances to smuggling
Lord says that the people to whom conapauy alai are omelet ^vers. ^vessels. And it is a mutter 'for con -
Ezekiel vets sent were as flint,•buthe
:letters and spewhes, calling upon the
tells the prophet that beshall be to
them as a diamond. and the e:amend
is able to eut the ?iorilest Hurt, So
the words o'f Ezekiel, lboing the wards
of 'God. were able to .out through all
their resistance, and make themselves
felt in she moral datura that was to
all appearance destroyed. •
In all this, however, Ezekiel is
never allowed to speak' one word of
his own; on the contrary, as we read
is the best remedy.
known $ r sunburn,
,� H ,.
best rashes, eczema,a
sore ftp;stings
blisllte. skin fund!
dirsilmijcgrrtoudSaw 504
10 and f orae• Liv
Montesat Stesei
put oil the Square
Chinese scholar. lie used to be
dopes Henee less of the man ap greatly riled by the sight of a mis-
•peach •'in the prophecy of Ezekiel sintlarS standing on the street pro-
less zyfnersonal history, of individual claiming what he counted as heretical
ehtrracter, ' of • human eine:ion. We doctrine. He tried : to persuade the
'know, in fact, very little' sibout him. erowds not to waste their time listen-
lir the year 599 B.C., Jeconiah,'kinr ing. Hetried to interrupt and(lis-
i -
di Judah, was obliged, off• er a brief Curb the speaker; but still they gear. -
reign of three months. to ,,nu'bntit to cred around him='
a ' h triednew plan.
the 'king of the :Ckialdeazia and .vias, One ti 1* � a p n.
led nway into exile, together math i'rom a fruit render ort the edge of
many 'important 'persons ofthe court the crowd he • bought a pear. Then
and ° nation, Among these were forgetting for the moment his dignity
Ezekiel and everead in chapter :' of us a Canese gentleman he threw it
this Tieing' at Tel-aibib on the .river.zit the preacher.. But the minister
a , was equal to him. Q icic as' a flash
he eaugh: the pear, .bowed to the
stranger and offered profuse thanks
for -this kind gif_tt Before the stran-
ger had time to retiee the missionary
"Sinn you htive so kindly present-
ed me with this delteious "fruit, allow
me •to return the: eompliment and
preset: to you this books -the, best I
have to effete'
So saying, he heeded him ;a..beauti-
'flit bound copy of one of the Gospels.
►rite chagrined man.: could not but, ac-
cept it, .and amid the .smiles of the'
'Dosses Meet all Tratnr and . erawd, turned. to make his way home-
- Posterior Boats ward.
Passengers called for In *Oh ti ; For a long. time he hies too proud
part of the town • tor -,all to open the book to read it;:.batt still
k,,ra • � p
trains et U. T. R. or C. P. R. d i a at was a handsonie volume and must
Depots. not be det:troyed! , So it'lay ,awaiting
Prompt Service
till a day dame when the scholar teas
am and d
ed to a e i s pages,and a en.to 0
Careful Attendance, +' r to the missionary to -heat the story
explained. And _the'God who .works
wonders changed this proud ..scoffer
into a humble follower of the .Lord
Heretofore he had been one.who
,had sadly fallen into the.many.temp-
taations of the official circles ;in China;
drinking, gambling and kindred sine.
His poor wife bad urged hiati_in vein
to change his habits. Now she saw
her husband with no word from .her
become in truth a new man. .Eagerly
he told her . of the power which had
,wrought the change within him, annd
soon not only the father but the
mother and children in the home were
willing `te accept the Gospel which
could bear seep fruit as they haft seen
in his; life.
Sorbs Flee storert.--There are
many who have. been „afflicted With
sores and have driven them Away
with Dr. 'Tylomas' Eelectric 01I. All
similarly troubled should lose no time
vat applying this splendid remedy, as
there is nothing like it to be had. it
io cheap, but its; power in in no way
expressed by its low price.
amber.and that his futility -Wag -With
Willi. 'He had been there five years.
before 'hila' Wes, called .by 'God to go
and prophesy, against the children of
We read in the Stet.elrapter of a
wonderful =vision he had as a .prel,ar-
ation. "introductoty to the =ser^'iee to
which he was to 'be called. 'Then in
the kecosid chapter the prophet was
Our Livery and flack Service
wilt be round t , to•date
in' even' reopen. . '
Your Petroeage SolicitedI.
•` Phone 102 Mt etreal Streit
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
.trent by Etetlricity
• Cheaper than Coto! or Wood
•Att electric 'Vacuum 'Cleaner
removes the dust; 'a broom
Lust 1110Ve5 elle (lust.
We guarantee all E°1 y d r o
Lamps for9 L, Sohl- hOtllc.
Welk lit and cce display at
The Hydro Store
Are.y.0 afraid La
eat a hearty
f•Ili-IAt does meal -
vv time mean to you?
Xs it the plleasisre that it
should he to Testot'e the
energy. your work has
taken from jolt?
Or mast • you pick mod
stooge « ht Arad of
Rewe is a remedy that
tips brought relief to men
and women the world
over. Dr. Willisuste ' P nk
Pills are taken eve try day
in many countries, sped.
focally for slirgat1ve gran.
*yes and atnmaelt 41s.
oats, told have brought
happiness to tlippnanwls
a afntot4iMeartfferre ra. Niro
Wider ptfengtheting the
trArtinte "erten, they ht.
irieritate and purify the
order system and. lay the
Biose for connoted
'lfuyDr. Witltaol 'Pink
Pills now at your drug.
OA t' any dealer i
serbymail, 50
censm,petaipaid, from The
Dr. Williams Merlicitee
Co B6rritte, Ont. 11 47/
ssoostacc_e NAME
art is CatA1113tt,"
Woman Strengthened by
Taking Lydia R.
P nkkairn's "Vegetable
Pat C"eihesrle, Ont. d AftC I "s ' p
j on operation, I w
lsopuler. The seats etre upholster-
ed In a cool moquette material wee
•are provided on their backs with
=coat rail, umbrella stand and caseose
•bolder for the 'convenience of .,pal-
The stork. recently visited +Cana-
dfan Pacific train No. l't between
'gratulation that the leading newspa.
eters in pr:tctisally -every city in Can-
•ada „took the VIM that .the American
request wtis reasonable and honest,
and that our Government should get
'out of what. was variously termed, "a
dirty btasintmss," "a shameful posi-
tion," "a national disgr.aee." All
the : talk that ` Uncle Sant should do
Lanigan and Saskatoon and left .n
his own coast guarding --The `oi-
daughter =to Mee Maruyk Alexander read Act is none of our lousiness!"
on her way whit her husband eta et }, simply rang that and .false iu
settle on a farm near ledettonton,
of the truth of the ugly aitutt-
tion. Uncle Sam was not ass.'
to guard his Coasts or take respon-
sibility for enforcing his prohibition
laws. He was simply asking our
Government to refuse to be a part -
tier n of the rum -runner.
Tic was ask-
to ale
ing Canadians to step out of the
smuggling business, only he did not
put it that way. But the naked
s th a
truth i •tt this country , s nt is 'd"
Mos Binning, government conduct-
rose •of tris Immigration department •
'at Quebec, was on the train. She
secured a first aid lett from the
conductor and. took charge of the
case, ' Mother . an daughter .are
doing well. . ' '
Sixth annual :trail ride_in the '
Canadian oc' e will art from
ad R .tis i1 start
rng us
zlanrf : August h. arid: end a . few. and abetting . the rum -runner. That
days later at Castle Mountain Bun- Canada is. !n este liquor business Woof
r. n
, acus fro
t gads sews e.
Y r Seven of
slaty Camp,' glacier -fed
,• e
,a Seven la e ( d
. Bakes are on the route whichkwill her. nine •rrot4nees are making and
form halfof the long -desired High foiling ::ind colleetlnt huge revenues
%too tra'►l (ram Banff to Lake from liquor. But that she should
Louise. ' The second halt will also leave hesaelf. Open to the accusation
skirt several glacial Lakes. About ef. partnership .tri the rum -running
August !1 the long distance trail
ride from Lake Louise to' the Col-
ttmbia. ieefield will make a start, -
This icefleld covers the largest and
most spectaceier body of ice left on. ;lance o£ :tf+t). ntilc!s,
the North- American continent sue -
;rounded_ a Its asbleb as 12 000
b,l ,
feet. ' •The second trail ride will
take nearly three weeks:'
Tho n golf trophy offered on
only 8 p1tY .o red
the continent of America by His
Royal Highness, the Prin0e of
'u presented to t Banff
Wales G r se la of
Spring Golf Club 1er'annual com-
petition by bona fide amateurs an
the course there, will be among the
outstanding prizesof len when
utsian no d m keen
members" At he "Canadian Golfer'
tour special train which is crossing
Canada from 'Toronto lo "Victoria
and back this summer, arrive at
Banff early in September. .
"Scotland and Glasgow are proud
of Canada for the; part she is play-
• in> in •trans-Atlantic .ithipping,e
said T. L. Doti. well-known ship-
owner and broker. when'interview:
ed at Banff.reeentty. •"rhe build-
!ng of`a ship directly employs about
1,000 craftsmen. on ;the -Clyde," he
added,. "and the supplying of the
materials and fittings =required in
ecnstructiofl indirectly 'benefit In-
dustries througbout Scotland." Mr.
Duff surd that Scots felt 'that the
Canadian Pacific whose recent ship
eso c for cot -
orders had -done mu h S
;tisk industry, was as mucei Scotch
as Canadian. the founders having
been of Scottish descent, mid,. so
many at Use ships or Scottish, con.
cti n. ,
stru a
During the past "five Months All
milk production records at Strath-
more farm' .have been ',broken,
Strathmore Sylvia in the mature
class by producing 29.371 pounds
of milk maned the mature +class
record up 4,821 pounds, In the
four-year-old Class Streththore
Texal4ne Sylvia exceeded the for-
mer tarns record by 2.145 pounds
with a production of 22,830 pounds.
Strathmore -Lassie Sylvia, in the
.three-year-old' pians, finished on
I'ehruary 22nd. 1929. with 23,502
point& of trails, or 3,968 noun&
more than the former record.l To
Franey, in the two-year-old elass.
1, -...,. worms the prentierlibn-
is worse then disgrace.
Ptryeors to Fly from Cornwall
:Saturday; ' •
The next -.pigeon flight will be •en
Sa lmi:iv ',eve f -'c nx Cornwall, a ells -
#ttt'H1:i.13i Mt%
Treasures et Enormous Vales Poona
In Swedish Churches.
A national inventory of old Swed-
ish churches, covering a person of tern
wars. bas revealed art trranures et
•tenorwoo -5 once. ' SWcdtsit sella lona
life of to -day is ehuraetelired by a
general renalssanee, which is oilmen
in the restoration and rededication of
many old chrtrehcs for yrtrs left des
eertsd aped unused. -
• The reat,on..why these atedlevnl
temples have not been limier -vett
before is that the Boat of repatrint
them often •et,eeet.c•d •the expellee tat
bn.itdine nrte ones, 'fiwrntote, water
the lniluence of the questiouattltr
arelitteetntal t;tste' of the Pant wean-
tory, ninny small unseemly chit/mites
were eonntruete=ct, while the older-
ones were allowed to decay. • -
A revival of ecclesiastical art rind
ti •
tame luta now
sounder etc,. •tot
a ou ft
Whops, vicars and antictueel{nns to
restore matte 'n« thf'sr tenil�ten wi It
exeellent results. 14etch erhtirciu e, or
church rules, whieh are twain t�t•inat
used toe divine ;,scree P. Are set: tt t reel
•alt over the ountry from tie= rotate,
e • , 'yr:'n1 to
t nrrri)t�. province of , a a up
Lapland border,
. Duren; the restoration worst many ,
interesting alenvt'rien • haws bf ee
made. A earcfat treatment cit nnedt•ttt
Owlet walla bas revealed beautiful
neural paintina,s from the middle
Rees which were csivered with white-
wash at the thee of the Itr.fc:rhettlen
against the papal influence.' 'l'ut'es
watt decorations, mlracrtlously well
Preserved ander the white'-t�vaelt . ncn(-
refresh the I.tttlteran cliurcli^oar s
eye withzntt Offending his reliictoua
Rich end va'!ttabkc clivus nave ai>:t,
been made in the tetters of these pro-
vincial churches, snob as small Ivory
Madonnas, • mysterious tt otter sculO
tures and beautifully carved eruet-
e , rt t t •texts,
x s also wocaclr n rstn r a r a.t
h a t
bapth until treats a nil tapestries valued
by antinuartaas at,•mtilions of Swed-
ish -crimps but In. reality without
lrrieit .utter sect' :torr ,sale, •
Cola -Lindbergh hits been. •tzaiking
freely, Something niunt be the mat -
et boy
ter with th�
The +� West Street
Frid'iy-••-Littel Stint Buckner -our-
past are house' this afternoon all
-hefted up.'and ran oat him what was
thematterwith, him and he repiyed
• - and sed• m was rushers home Deem
they had:;'a new babfe at his house.
hitt est him what was it and he sed. it
was a child of sum kind but so fur
:le diddent no'weather he was a bru-
ther or a sister yet.
,k aterday-I - trged to tawk mu out
of a try peace of Challtlit pie today
t t dinner tattle but1 faked very
zt , he d nit e
had, Ant I:anmy piped ..in and says.
Dont you no that Pie .kills more peo..
plc. than bullets.. does. I :'iinserred
back and Sed Well mebby so= but I
drather die with a stuniiek full of pie
than a stuntick full of led enny ways:
Sanday-Ant Emmy , azcually got
off a wise erode today. We had went
;to, chireh and seen Mrs. Cory Blunt
there with her sister. Ant Emmy
new all about her and sed she had
ben•dovorced three times at Ieaadde and
that when :she was here at home why
people tawked about her no rnuteh a:t
they did about the weather. Witch
Cory seamed to be not to bo caning
i nothing about. -
Munday-Pa was envited out to a
Stag party tonite.and after he had
srreees`ho broke the farm record, of gat ,trent and went Ant Emmy kinder
i',. 19 pounds. /tlthouab only a smiled -arid sed Well . Well I never
two-year-old when placed on test,
till ,now what a Stag party was.
see nraduced 22.922 bounds of milk. 31 all
WO a party it
ora ti a soots pef a
which was sola to the tYnlon y4tiltt
Cemnanv for t"o4 Ov. Her bole }animal . went ectessed like a different
now one year old, is priced • at $400.°
• T'euadny-Ant. Emmy says she ain't
'Vhe Oil or the People. -Many olio never a game to vote aeon. Site
havt� cativo and gone, phut Ur. sham- g voted last Fail for the lot time and
aa' lacleetrie Oil continues u o main• ,� iter Cendutlbt(' was elected but she
titin its position and inereose its d oars to this clay the habit herd a wird
sphere of usefulness cash year. Its [ frim hytn AO she dont•think he pooh
:starling qualities have brought it tt, sapper hiutrys wlrnt she done for hint a'
the front and kept it there, and it tAWensetay-.Me foci Slimily Buchner
truly he called the 1 f th
ply 'JC`houwands have benefited by it
cin ru y ca a o, o the,
pea- glad a Cltc today and 1teleave me I got
tl 'b at of t I I Ant 1'
seta :would use no otherpreparation.to • e i and rim. .maty
. sed it Was bccu2 t had lite rite on my
414 .iEatt tis
Mt�►ettYeiMrr7g le .4
�/�iat REAL
Flawo ur
Selected coffees .�
scientificaslty� blend;
eel . give Godes
Medal its GaptiwaliK
int; flavour.
Electrical. Shop TM SERVICE la TORONTO
We Carry a good.' etocl"of
Electrical Appliances
ai''ixtures, etc. '
We Specialize in
Wiring of All Kinds,.
Estimates given on
All k G'traraxttteed
Frank McArthur
Phone 82 - West Street
Lye. Goderirh fl.2'Q a.m. 2.29 pm
• " Clinton 5.44 a.m. • 2.50 ir.m.
" eleaforth 5.59 a m. 3.05 Nog-
Mitchell 7,21 a.m. 8.115 troy...
Arr. Stratford 7.45 a.m. 4r,Og page:
ILltehcner 0.40 a.m. 5,20 egret,
" Guelph 9.04 a.m. 5.M;,.ec..
Toronto - 10.25 a.m. 7,3(1; ia.w
Returning -Leave Toronto 7.55 ,
12.55 p.m. ansa. 0105 p.ar..
Parlor Cafe Car •Gadorieb to"gar-
n morning train, stood Torer..t,'aiw
to. Goderieh• on 0.01 p,m. basm..1VC,dr.
change of cars between Goderiielt' ands
Toronto, •
• •:Town Passenger and
R Ticket Agent.
Coo _gtM
OTHERS SAY 1"" nide Tile way it was iliir•t a=sal -
�Liil[lSa .1inY
Township School Boards Bill =hogs.
(Sirocco Reformer)
i bie stat ted. and 1 give him a ()fife
Some melt co-ordination as . sur- i 110110)1.
gestcd in the lotvnahip School 1Doard3 ^ 'bipeds And teen atgen bidet,_..1 y
Bill. 'r evidently t erative • if tI ase coed and have rt mother ilea.- x ltl�x
rxtrava stat ori endituress are to be � ma
tvassent tit to asIIaciate vi;a • e' ,e ►atoms Stay Shiny!
1 sed he was
sac then the .¢rub- _ /
Iff-TXSHiNG tip after a meal cooked on * Perfection is rase
¢vv work. The pots and parts keep clean because there's so .Penh
It means yon can keep your thinks. so shiny and clean with liege
,i eta Y to p i i with Ilinky. +trees --when 1 finely
r-htrkedg p iGooi:a batt with_n-upiter Out to else
Don't Get Peace by Preparing for 1 Jzity wiy i f ive ilia] two r►.' 3 e eery
n , •y n Ciao-
d±s very iviiserable, r :-
°ask, nervouti and(1,vui.:v,tloCourier-t?aur;iali """�ergneerunfitto fol war te•-obtain peace
in liege c➢rewsintr t't pall tt, r n to
ark. t tsar'L,yd,3 ehurc-b It_.L na't in cliaracter and it
. I trtkinaui ss �r,,� ,
ttblo corinoucci ion't Tofte; hec-ause fur one thing,'
6dvortrooct ones Dec1a1e are prone to do what they are
tried at acid boehae " Prepered to de- natiuno nouzilly get
t ltt91ted rcae;;ior., what they prcgiare for and don't get
lab l have no pr',{'e t,a gsrmys triple~ fol v.ar.
Belk !pats any Not Sympathetic to Earmera •
torr, rho gains
r'_ hose left conte and
tatter 1 Sct1 eek
fi wing ly,tea E. 'sinkholes 1t C1h
Einte have helped me woricAully. „-:-,
ns, Wit lit.li rienonit3p!', Iles HO,
Poo 0* 1bOr±n, Ont.,
(1,mulees' f Gull
The I;ibe:eels efela 20 bas's lrrin^cd •
Oh liUrea, Ori •
C A 8 T O R! A
Perfection oil stoves ate, as fast asigat , rased by city folk, end ger
Pater then rkark ranges. Be right ttp-to late. See the 1125
model Perfections. r1Ve0 matte, nise.eksegns. All sizes. Poptrtsr
pale es from 09.00 to $225.00.
er�«i Oil Burning
11si t. acro , G. • -4 c.„-,4 'trio:•.. `fe; ..xa, t i + • e to
t !Flee!.! , ee tete SACC C sa�•.ta ab Lcole;x on dart., rl n. �cf r: -.'4.144s 5
!y1 y, 1 t
13010"a*C VCACYC.(1C9ot:I.,CJ' Cap,:, cY R.t- CIOs?a4ar. t9bc,.* ., ,*04.4.,e46$.o,.g... .o C,C
t ashore 1 cis r.o t a
I Moho