The Goderich Star, 1929-06-27, Page 5T1fliRSDAY, Jt:NF 27th, 1t►2t
MO on their grant: A noluterY of ,:rf the lire committee's report. ahs i
# aravu,tt• °.,cat rr.umn►e for pitay 'ware referred beck w the e
umpci.tee ,� ll nests' Ilene
Paris Green and Arsenate el Lead..Reece Pamir *eked of wait the got heneelf
lartw! sae f ileus• Yte rrcwaauitai,aaaa(i liarbcY h 11 Th � left with th(•�g•�•++'
We keep the Tit ate Rock Bottom Price*:
PARIS GREEN, par lh.. ..... < . .4Sc
ARSENATE Of LEAD, par. Xb..,.,,....,>45c
ARSENATE OF LEAD, bade, per TEt... , .. , . 40c
Campbell's Drug Stare
waetlA �, i . i
- ( tae p(' Ii Work* e:otnrnitwe iv- intention of titer council. feel oil the. tkw' l:a:..nt c.," etet is huts putty
o i is tasks l e •
'that Messrs. �fatreliwatt * Tebbutt be!' public blic a erke ewnnatture with power; A lot of the Pctt ntc c,t art gett;ng
*liked to furnish a bond of_ indemnity ? to act tlr►ir baek+rhest ground realty and
in- connecti .n with placing ti a. olnte, Reeve Turner *leo asked who waa. quite nuiti.Iaer have already eciwee
tank on tic:uria street in trent of ;gi-ting as reed inwpector during the' some et tie Merl t eaa down sit
their gaiage. We eve applying *ear embeence of the chief. - This will be the lake cin et oda} e,cnwng tieehing
of Rotas K on the streets. Aleato►s. `;thedutltruf the acting c}ay pian *nil -era they .must of had ,food icier% as
Bell Bros, have delivered 218 yawls the matter w left with the choice ti➢ay went la?ltto happy.
of screened hand and w find that ue I man of spec al committee.
will require more. We recommend ; A reiluest from Messrs. Beli Bros.
that the ebairman of this committee :for payment on their 1929 sidewalk
be empowered to purchase more sand jcontreet was dealt wi-h in the follows
, required, The following petitions :salt rerwhttion;
for road oil have been presented . Moved by Cour:111er' ;IIeLotn,
Brock et. ft m Catitbria road to AI- : e, onded b� Councillor evert, that the
belt• :t.; Newgate st. from Cambria treasuee bi' instructed to arrange to
=oacl to Alhert st.; Newgate st.front provide $1500 -for payment to Bell
Cambria road to Albert et.; Elgin Bros. on their 192'9 sidewalk contract,
ave.. from Victoria st, to W*terloo ravment to 1 e made upon signature
et„ Biot}s st. from Victoria st. to of the chairman of the public works
tad* to � std. a ttce.
C f_ .
AO; SWen teas busy ploughing ia>t•"
k ot.t �i
(.as the l ennit fat-lti war :
Cracttfvtd with the tenter and three
'lewd. He eau di the work iigltt too, i
'lite 'rilowere et Sunday and Mons
day night /rave made quite a differs,;
epee on the leek of the springs grange:
We. need the rain yet, tis eceretltirg
is liretteedrs, eh; so dry we are.
Jas. McWhinney, of Dungannon, is
busy at Orville iturnie'e house these
tea bre a
m is ,road• Nelson st. from Vie- a mm} dove A few more days' work and
tori at. • Nelson st.• • trou tvon'i , Away, it was the camp,
from Cambria road to Albert' st.• ` house Q'" '
obauig st... tom. Lighthouse alt, to Mr. Pam Alton reed- his tensile' zee Road work seems to be the order
:lake bank; Parti et, front Victoria st. moved in this hospital in Laindon, of the day arlund Crewe at preeent
to. Gambiae road; Essex and Li ht-� Mr. and M. Roy Alton and fancily ord gait know it, too. if you drive or
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will 11a1k on the made, but we hate to
McLean, of Saltford. have the gravel •tut on some time so
Mr. and Mrs. Wit Baldwin motor- it is better to get it on now. •
ed to London on Friday, Mrs, MM. The Crewe United chur.h Sunday'
'of �+ Masala streets from Wellesley st. to
,L' I�sSt Streets to Be Treated With TarviaNar�falk st:: Quebec t. #ram tet to
loos to W1'ellington st$ 'l a rillri r
st, from Cambria road to Victoria
et; Elgin ave. from Waterloo st. to
This Year
%lxe regular meeting of the town.
council • wale held oat Friday evening
last with all the' .nietr:'aers present
with ,the exception• of• Councillor
Gould. A letter from Miss Ferguson
tusking for permission to ere -et a tour-
ist sign was >'efei^red to the public
works -committee- and. also a letter
at'rom Mrs Jos. Elliott'asking for the
oiling•only of Lighthouse street past
her property.
A Ieti,er- from the Ontario Motor
League -called attention to the desire
,ability of slaving' street intersections
town well marked for,the .convene
. !once . of tourr'sts and -offered-signs
•for the purpose free. This was re
ferrel -to the special vonimittee. V.
A letter teem *the local• C. P. R.
agent called attention to the difSculty.
cof shortening sup their tracks. . at the
beach on account off the use made of
ath The clerk^'hath a}ready rept}gd
and the maeter..was referred to_ the
special committee ,to continue, The
;town asks' for the shortening :up 'of
the tracks en;account of the water
-raving risen covering the beach up
to the tracks.
Rev; Canon Hill asked for the oil-
ing ed. St. George's Crescent. The
letter was .referred to. the public,
works committee with. power oto act.
A letter from • Mr, : Chas. Reale
made objection .to the proposal to
establish a.: rifle range at .the south
end of the town on the lake bank. A
letter from the militiii headquarters
at: London pressed for some decision
on the :natter as unless something
was done soon they Would shave to
recommend that the` project be .aban-
doncd: The matter was:referred to:
the committee 'which had been' dmrg-
'ed with looking into this before,.to
elle reported on at next meeting.
The • following petition. for the
construction of . cement sidewalks
were referred oto'. the public • works
;committee: • Prom- residents on the
meth east side, of Toronto st. between
Elgin avenue and Britannia road; and
1 T:41-
40 lit
Watterloa st. froiu 4 wan remaining' there fora short time school held their annual picnic at
on the north sole of Quebec st bee Lighthouse to Elgin ave.; :Adage st.. taking treatment, Porte Albert last Saturday and there
tweed -Wellington shat„« tend deseie froru' Victoria st. w:o Cambria. road; Miss 'Violet 'fwc'antley spent Salute. was a. grsind:t n>,e spent try all. The+
street; Nebaoti st. front Vietoria et. to North day )dight and Sunday with her eon- water - .as tine said there was a good
;the town engineer reported on the st•;o South sts from Elgin ave. to.Bri- sin,, Mrs. Andrew taunt, of West many took (tdvaantstge of it. Tho
sidewalks covered by petitions pre, tannia road; Wellington st: front Brie 't4 aw'anesh. recast, everat fol° ttie young anti nId and
sentedbethis, Year) the :estimated cast tannic, ct o I:Ig}ir ; ave.; Cobourg Mr. and. hire. tering ,';6i R: fitld ehil• idtile she and everyone seemed to
B $ Q• 5. , of which the toet'n s t. fro West et. to Wellesley st.; demi of the general st ro 'motored to e. muY theatirelves.
s to on aturdtt;.r ancT.sgentl the bui)ERI.J TOWNSHIP
day there,
share is $3,8I►'.t f►Pi -and the property .Norfolk st. from Elgin. live, to Brie Rg f ld S J • ;
owners' sheat II0;374,29. tanner road; Elgin ave. front Norfolk
• The engineer also. submitted final st. to that of lot •191; Colborne. st.
'certificate -foe; sidewelks :Itgllt> lix 102e. from - fihureh ,t, ta=Wlarterloo st.^, -
Total' coat :`$1«' 162.2,58, already :paid hreWgtt e, st.'' from Cambria road "to'
$100G00,: balance duet, $2.022.58. Hamilton st.; Trafalgar. et. frem'Vie-:
f lowing applications .fol , ria st.•to North st.; .Pietro* st. from
building pernifts :were referred tothe, Waterloo• st. to,; St, Vine
fire committees, From Allan L.•Cent et. froth Waterloo •St. to ;North
Mw r dieter erect range a on the: south at Gloucester Terrace. from Victoria
side of Nelson et.; from F. H. Mar- st. to•North st; Lighthouse st, from.
lane to erect "two-story brick veneer ; Montreal st to Wellington at.; . Gale-:
dwelling one the south -side of. Briton- . donia Terrace from North st. to Wit -
nig road, rat an estimated cost of trloo st.; *Waterloo et. from. caledonta
$5000; from. Jno. Pell to re -roof duel- vera stce to .Nelson et.; Albert st. from
ling oneast tide Cambria road ad
stto East st• Sor.h s+
. from
from Geo.
Steevurt,to put in new.- Britannia roodto south of
flot 92
side wills togreen house;fron IiIIFithoso st from Wellington
Morrison, to erect eaal shed -and porch : Wellesley st.. We recommend that
at rear of dwelling en north side; of •these streete be oiled and that the
Caledonia Terrace; from Dr..Atkin. :following be treated also: East st,,
son. to *reproof kitchen 'on east side 'North st., Montreal. sit., West st..
of South st.; from Jas. Buchanan, to. Waterloo set;. Wellington st, Welles
erreet garage on east side of Wright ley et., Britannia road, Nelson street
st.;. from D. C Munnings, to ie -roof from North to '• Waterloo, Cobourg
cottage on the : south side of Nelson from Wellesley to Lie'hthouse. Bruce
et.; from A. 4. Wilkins,to shinglest. from Victoria to, North. Regard
kitchen on south side of Gloucester ing pure/awe of lignid asphalt we re-
Terraee; and from W. L. McLean to commend that the Imperial Oil Com -
erect sleeping. porch. et rear of dwel- nano /IA asked for an adiustth nt on
ling on south side of Elgin ave. 'road oil purchased in 1927.
The cemetery and parks committee ' The fire comncittee'repeated kkaving
reported: We have received a price passed all the .applications for build -
Of :8S each for a combination table ing permits referred to it at the last
and seat for use at the Herber Park meetingof the .council, and. in the
and Motor Camp ground and we re- matter of the request of the imperial
commend that the matter of i,urchgs-. Oil Co. for permission to erect a gas=
ing these tables be left in the handsoline storage tank at the Harbor. with.
of: the ehairmaan of this:conimittee'.pipe line to the dock. the committee
with power to act. t rees:e mended that pending further
The finance • committee reported as consideration the town solicitor draft
follows:: We recommend that the an agreement to be approved by this
Collegiate Institute,Ecurd, be paid cornmisgion end to be suardtted -to
further sum; of 42,000 on their levy. the cornpanly.
We recommend C
m end that the 'Public Lill- Thee reports ort. were all adopted,
ratty Board be paid O. further sum of with the exception the 1
pa h e p n of . e ...est clause
1925 FORD 4 dool'�1
$675.00 $1500O
!!30U!E $190•00
and' Mrs, Thos. Pci•gusun went . A. E. Bend sports. a . new,+i;hrys•
to Tnranta Tuesday matrir:ag3 :11rs. ler ;sedan, •
Mt, end, stirs. J. ToarrancG and
family spert.,Sunda_y with friends in -
Mr. Austin Ramis, of Tisdalel,
a n t a summer is.
koros; in Goderieh tttp,
MSS aori Reeds and Mr. C. W.
f Detroit, spent a. few days
in he community last week.
The Goderieh Township Hospital
Auxiliary- will teem; at Mal.'hay Hall
on 'Friday, July iia h, at- 2.;111 o'clock.
The Ladies' Aid of Taylor's Corriere
will .
1 give as str tv r' • s
at be a festival n
fe i n�
Tuesday, July 2nd, at the home of
Mr. Chas. Groves, Huron Road. Sup•
per served from 6 to 8, followed by CARLOW •' now belongs analis in his fiftieth ve:a:
We are pleased . to relate that Mr. .
C1' a rrspt►naentl
Ferguson going to the llospatal ,to
hive something removed Which has
'been: lodged in her throat Once the
29th f IF
Miss Dtargaret Allen -anti, brother,
Arnold; spent Sunday in Stretford..
Mrs. John Treble io visiting her
daughter, Mas. 'Will: Clayton, at Put-
llir. and hits, John . Treble and
*tinnily ly visit:(td' friend*• in Stratford
tin Sunday. -
Mr. 'and Mrs. ate J. McMillan and.
little son, Donald, spent Sunday at.
the home t 'as. Feaag'an.
- Mr. and -ht'rs. Wes. McLean, of
Goderieh, visited with.Mrs, Chas.
Allen and family Sunday evening..
Donglas Reagan, Mildred, Milian
Lucie and.Wilmer Hardy, .of the G.
C. L, one spending their' holidays at
. Mr. and Mrs.. Carman Fea gan and
two.•+;hildren, of Goderieh vies ted the
formers parents. Mr. and Mrs, John.
Feagan on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Alien re-
turned to Detroit on r Monday after a
pleasant two weeks vacation with
friends here and at' Listowel.
Miss' Mary Ellis is s' engin a, few
week • in "o •
s Toronto.
.Mrs. J. E. Ellis weed Galt visitor -
a couple o1 days least week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell. were
Goderieh: visitors on Tuesday.
Mr. D. C. Rodger, of 'Woodstock,
was home over the wetrk-end..
Mr. Simpson is visitingeet the`home
of• Mr. and Mrs. Witt, tiyleDowell.
Mr, :Fred J. Cook endeMr. Fred W.
Cook were. Stat'tid'ord evil➢tors=on Mon-
day'. , : • :r
Mrs. ii . 1.1. Campbell is visiting:
her •daughter, Mrs. Win. 'Crozier, of
Crewe; - •, ..
Mrs. Taylor, of Blyth, spent over
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, Al-
bert Wealidh. -
Mrs. Jas. Wood was in Londesboro
on Tuesday attending the Women's
Institute Convention.
`the play, '°Lena Rivers," presented
by the Auburn people. on Monday
night was much enjoyed by all.
Miss Evelyn McDowell Omit* a few
days last week with her cousin, Miss.
Beatrice Bradford,.of Goderieh.
"Miss N. 'Wells, of Bullett, return-
ed home on Saturday after" spending
a couple of weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Harry Armstrong.
The members of the Westfield play
present .their play, "Cyclone •Sally,"
at Tayloi•'s Corners:on July 2in;1 and
at :Whitechurch on. July 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor, . of
Guelph. were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mts. Melvin Taylor and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McDowell on Sunday
We are glad to report Glenn Mee
Gill. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Gill. on a fair way to recovery after
having a serious operation for mase
Wide • at"'tileW}ngham'hospital.
Misses Marjorie Campbell, Edythe
'McDowell, Florence R}an and Mas.
tern Harvey and Graben' hleDowell
and flay Vincent were in Goderieh
writing their high school exams, We
wish them success,
Sask., ispe dips th a at h
$2.95, $3.'' , and $4.50
I Ie&utar $1.3,5 per yard and $1,50 per yard
5per yard
JUST, ARRIVED - - . -..
Phone 86
tt E. 1.
the' play, "Cyclone Sally,,' by the its a past :easter.
Westfield Y. P. C. Admission Go cts.
and 25 acts.
On' Friday evening last the Young'
People's Society of Grace Unite.
cheetah presented Miss . Dorothy
Reinke alio foe thet t •s'
o pas two
Sandy -Young is able to he out again
after his long illness..
The picnic - tallith was announced
for the 29th has been postponed un-
til July 10th at Meneset Parke
has been teaching at Porter's Hill;; Preparatory seririce was held at
and was president- of the Y. P. S., the parted. r.'hureh ou d'
with a kodak and address on hearing evening. by \lr, Cummins; prior to
of her intended departure from the. communion on Sunday,
community. • Mr. and Mrs.• Will Young and hate
an Monday evening, June 1'l The Mary `Y;oung 11111 :'(1iss Mary Red -
members and adherents of Grace 1711: tumid were in et➢atfor(l on Monday
ited church gathered at the home of on buSitichs and also attended the
Mr. and Mrs. It C. Cole and present cercus.:
ed Miss Verna Cox,. on the eve of Mrs, AloLarty and two boys, Junior
her inorriaae. with a chair end fern- a and Tom, of London, who spent the
ery The following is the address 1 last Week tvith Mr, and :.Mrs. C. A.
- De'ar•. Friend. -l'i'e, the cungeega- -Robertson, heft on Theis:lay to spend
tion of Grace: United church, on hears a few days in Lueknow with relatives.
ing of your approaiehing wedding, • Mr. and Mrs, George Paterson and
have deeniecl this an opportune time daughters are on a visit to their re -
to you 0U1 long ave1 Iue lativea .here. Florence. and Martha
gratitude and appreciation of your 1►hil stay for their holidays. Mr. and
faithfulness in every°-departtnent of 1 Mrs. Paterson will return an Mondex
eilureh work
As Organist, you 'lave ofileieted in
cry Reid bas resigned her position of
capable manner send, eve hoot%
to the Paterson picnic at Brantferd.
We regret to renert that Misa A.
have often saerifteed 'Your : persotlal j teacher in Na, 1 school. Site has done
conveniences to be in your place ee good work here .for the hast. yearend
organist. the community will feel her lobe in
As Sunday school teacher you have more ways than ane. an she has help -
been very efficient and endeared your-
self ed in church and other social events.
to your pupils and the other 'Mr, ;led stirs. ' Gordon '..Young. at
of the Sunday.seboot, tended the ,graduation, exereisea in
eoh tit . , t'.. nn F'icrind
As an ofiker of the Young People's reportGeInrr verythe rienjAoy�ible• tithre:layMia;
t ncie'ty, your willingness to forward Isobel .Yonne was sable to attend .the
the interests of the society h'asbeen groduatinn after her severe illness
very gratifying to all and; contribute end aceontoon'ed her pure"ts home
cd much to the succese of the society' the same • night :rind we met pleeetel to
:Tat th t we c:cn'ill any way ex- state site is gradually getting strong -
the fullest out" thankfulness (1 .
to you oe in any way repay you for We .regret ve"y smelt to learn of
your services bat as a slight token of the death of Mrs. Robert Allen, of
the sincerity of our good -wishes, We Winebane which took place 'in
would ask you to accept this chair Toronto, trri'dn,rdny morning. Mrs.
and fernery. Allen was the last remaininu: daugh-
One pleasing aspect of the centime • ter of the late Mr. and: Mee. John
event is the fact 'that you are not Hanna, of Wingham, who- Ira -sell and
leaving the community ars is often favorably known} here. Much teen -
the case in.rsnrh occurrences, but will 101thyis extended to Mr. Allen And
still continue with us in the Work, , two sons, also to John Ramie( the
and again extending to you and your . only remaining member of the ' fain
,partner, Mr..'Harris, our very best,' 1y
wishes and eve trust that the blessing ' • "�"" ""'•
tom ° Anoth r .eor
Miss Elsie f,a➢tvlor - is spewing d
lairs, 141,
few days wto�epsot •
5I , of Toronto, tewistt-
her cousins, the Misses Blair, at
Mr. and Mrs, (Thee. Anderson calla
led on friends in this local ty • on Moe -
dee • 'lost.
It- Le reported that wedding belie
win ring in, this vicinity the. mid of
this week.
Mr, and Mos, le , Jenksri s . ,1 s ➢*.
t (. i
tT.on.were Sunday visitors at' Mr. Cr.
Miss Ethel Washington Arrived
home early tide week for atter swun1er -
The pupils of Auburn `wooIkeda
1 p h }
Vents, at fay,tiold on Tuesday of this.
week. •
Mrs. A. Walker, who %van s, ending,'`
some week► -with her mothers Moselle
Taylor, left to join her husband its
Toronto last Saturday,
•- Mre. . Thompnom t(aturnerl lea
'Hamilton on Saturdny last after ten.
days with her parents, A1r. and Mrs.
13', Mogt idee.
Miss Mary- Tenpins returned itoane
on Sunday after ripe:ui5: ' ton slays
with her :sister•. Mee. O. 1:, 1.4741,, '
whore Ave are, Ilhad to eopnt•t is naueat
improved in health.
c • Istat Thursday afternoon tate tnai -
riage of Miss Io1111 Mr-(`Iinchcy to 'Mr.
i.hh9• .1' h r'snn. of Jlonnybronh, obis
eeso,,meal et ,the mans=e by i ev. lig.
I., Alp. We wish the- young 'couple
joy throughout along journey 2(i (2:lia •
There wag a Inge eoittereeeI.1pn at •
:Knox United church last Sabbath
evening when the. Orangemen ent(+n off -
Auhurn and t*urroundin:r vicinity ate
tender} le a body. ,Rev. 31i. Alp con.
ducted ,the service. Srserial inti;1,
was rendered by the 'chair and Blyth
brass band wase. in :ittcn4l:itii ' 211i
:rave a maxed .concert et➢ t'ae lawn of
the Anglican c}ture•hi after '-'4 public
of God may :attend yon. both -in your - - AUBURN •
new life. ,
Signed -diem McClure, Allele Bet 411 Ilobt, fir<itt, of the ailiwtge, ie'
flea. J•g„Torraince,.3. L. Co.>a- ... _ viscthiti f+lentis }n 7faroata. ..
Miss Verna made a suitable reply.' -
e 1 Last week parties from this local
and the evening was spent in games, sty vistte(ei both of Ibe pt,itieal
and music. .At the close ,of a very' C
Our village school held their an•
enjoyable evening;, lunch was served.,
Harris -Cove -A pretty June wed., null plc -win. at ljayIield last'Tuesday
ding waa solemnized at the hoarse of ; afternoon and a good time was spent.
Air. and Mrs. H. G. Coax on 1''ridey,'s an Re hisbrother,5.ilnon, f- Brampton,
h ami to I,
- ,lune 21, at.high noon, when their' Wow:mode is ethfriends ill this set
oldest daughter; 'Vera Eileen and
the vieited ie the this.
came •alio bnfde • of Kingsley ltichatd Al anti Mre. Vere Bokinger•; of
Barris, non of Mr. and Airs. John i f'•.
Haxrit . all of Goderfc}i township.
,Detroit, are visiting the parents .of
The ceremony was performed by nev.pthe latter at present, Aft•. and taro.
f. ee. Gale, of Bayfield. To tee ! Archie Robinson, lath con,' of Heller,
strains of tiendelssclhn'u :lent Sabbath morning the otch
march .�l:eyed by illista Gladys GAIe,..choir from Toronto will take ehar'4
then ide, tsho vitas given in marriage lof tate singinie in the Pre tbvteriatr
l y her father, took her place betiorc'
church. In the aafternoot, they wilt
a beautiful ar(•11 of evergreen bankedefalre charge to the llaptiiet church,
w i
with • t} \ver
o &on •
, the- spacious v
pea us creeds.; The service in the, i,aptir;t churnlr
' The greatest heart story ever, told. 'rite youthful bride looked lovely in a, mea Sunday will he held at the hour
A picture the -whole family will en gown of shell pink georgette with ' of 7 p,r,t, instead of ;1 o'cloclt, the
joy. With Margaret Tt!; nm as the hose and sltow to niatele and wore a' regular trine of ner•vtee. The singing
Mother, June Colyer as the girl and Bandeau of pink rosebuds. Site card' will b4'' lead by the hcoteh choir of
Francis X. Bushman Jr., James Hall, tied n bouquet of Sweetheart roses Toronto _
-Geos;;e.-blacker,.-. Chance --Manana as::and-fern-and -wore`thee"aroones• i"f; " TIM- nniivai sheeting of the Stock-
FOU;, SONS a platinum har-pin.• The' bride waa lioldere of Bailee c'einetery will. • be •
attended by her younger sister, Anse held oh the cc•ntetnry • grounds on
Stirring,. Thrilling and Big as the Iielen Cox, of London, who carried a lfuecday evening, July 2itd,M, at 7
• 'heart of humanity. bouquet of pink carnations and fern,wo'clock. -All steekholdera are invited
Matinee Mon. at *.00 p.m. and was prettily attired in poud}'e' fa attend.
SELECTED PDX IDEAL COMEDY.' blue georgette with grey above and! edet Week there were special nee-'
Et'enini sasAdults Sar, Children 2ue.•' hose, and wore a bandeau of pilver • m•it ea held In tin 13uptixt church, elan
hlatkteemAdults 25c, (Aiwa,15e. 4: leavers. Little Mins Betty Iberia, sic ing an Friday night. The evara;et}nt
ter of flee• groom, dressed in white returned home to Toronto on etatur-
e silly and' carrying a brisket of nwee2 slay, Rite servicen were well attend•
WEDNESDAY find THURSDAY peas, made a nwansome little Plower ! .
itfITCIIELL LEWIS and girl. The groom was ntipported by cd.
ALICE DAY adds brother, Me. Austin Harris. of - A large nurn'lser of (7rantlernen, •
y�reeen file strangest of strange love Tical lice 4n;lr. "Ilse ;;roonYs f;ift se n0111eting about 1., attcml01i divine
t}te l ricleampid tvag tz geatrl n,ack•1ace. p cervices in the United church last :
; of conn s. It wilt
t from ou a thio edge •ta the ,,,txniat rt silver hehese ti, to the Babb }th evening. '1110 peter of the .
thecae ytiel d ntanet ping, meed to fisc chards gave a good edidress. The
"'f1fE WAY OP THE STIt()NG"' I best man ax gold knife and chain.: Illyth banal -vas in attendance anrd
! CHARLIE C1IAI"IAN COMEDY. 11 ,llovrdng the ceremony a ecenty ¢ after the g41-vic•15 its 'tile came h the
: searbeo1 was carved, idee weed hand, gave revere' gelecttions ss 141.
FRIDAY and .SAT[JRDA"Y ' table wart centred renis the Wedd}r1.; h1ar li n 1h0"-1 grou0(4(2 '
AVIf.LfAitt POWELL,. L,. JAMS HALL' ••rule' namti(�d c�tete.ol ria cl�ea happy eounl the ?Ery^o 20th
of y,uTh' � Win, ➢s
LOUISE DROOX 9 and left on a motor tour through :lortil- Ttioraenora and Mr. dotal Wilson, et
SEAN t.1:1.TI:li?lz ern, Oreterin lard on their return, will teselsid the a'cguler tt,eetirlt"" of tie ;
I in au artoundotg ieysiore • l,lay. A reside e➢non tit( 411 (ooe 'ru hs fine Watt, con.
er, nuee®IvZ1tMare 5E(, hilae. C'JVnfro rre 14441
ti,deeoddial rz a➢o:�st l�ttautieee thoee red?. p G
(;'411, calcnlatit,g and brutalise „eless, tt>t1vellirt;, the bride dc;nne d a card ed the 0741(e ia, 1&C9 and went let c tie.
Vet lace death te`dirc ci r�r0tlt city.
f''a1 (•rene dives t�diil lint, Neese ward hs, to bei nixtiet1; eriniverran4 Ido roe
,"MP CA'Iin MURDER 1' ASL"� c,� Meier; 11.174' 1� tale sal1(1 graGia 1.10V0 niac 22W r 4770, 12he role 1 1I 1¢ elivee at ➢. c.(Y'd114 �1 t..i; ho stn
*iERMAl1,DCent2K9.DY 1 rc, ir;:eral o,i' many iii rttrtiiferl end: a(titc' Feta in the aotl; nt' t: e c coal'
, "(WIN
ME" +i Cu: i1J giftnl. tyi21$ i CLOW «1 (.;
0 higi; it . (.41101-.2 Oral.; «^8
; ' 4(yttd 414�74(t 171 (t
�1 tltiecs Mon. and Pat. at :t10 oath
.0CCC) in hated the t;ts t1(;