HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-27, Page 2,i PAC.E, TWe) $*LADA hes tbs Meet lkv.ur la the'world snd It esats fitly ame•gaarti rr .1 n seat a sap. "SALAD T A. 'Fresh trout theipotesi' SPt =oriel service to General William': Bramwell Bo nh, former. freed of slur Salvation Avnly. • To the .attiring music a 200 iaande nen a the Army .the procession Leering tits Italy en- • terve the hail and matched ti the place cf /tenor in the centre, Prince of Wales!* Birthday The Prince of :tales spent his at1ia birthttan (Jur:e 23), (Piety at etone He untorcd count is o er to Windsor �Cattle did tialeth vepri1andn the seg gave a^ g ie dinner party to sa tow intimate friends. Congratulations from friends anti members sof the royal family car - 1 rived all day. New Zealand Earthquake: THE GODERICH STAR H er Nerves PRISRN IATION 10 citrin. PAMR ; • The Pollyanna ti'itwti_ of *ignites at.`Sinewy screen met at tar Bests. ua Ur. arur ikrs►. C. Siincltriri4, Aragate Silt Nei TOM ig QTa J;rrenday *stellar, .lame stain. to give Ince warner. fllrst, xaeary i; fare - lee r. fine forst team of tiie evening poorly sot Best of NI, ,�eiai% ...Ein eery interesting games, j a in whic=h the give joined moss, lie.trts rsly. 9ltss Iaarothy Steeps, president mu, 1);.e itt todtka, Rpc;; titian*, ct ^the class, then react c.ie farewell, iiih I lsvhile Miss Hilda, `;tewarz vice:.=piesis aft, gr' meted wiiieh was a lovely paint: silk tied- thinir to .fee as I was in a rue down > read. The addle: s was aS foflititv.3: condi*.on e,ti sc �?•rs7t of t,oai'dtng a pricer Mrs, Purr: rai;iril,,.r ei i..c?a. i4e, trier inc=h, rs of t:tc Pollyanna 1,, 1 t1 nearlp tido dies r, t1d e w tee:=="° e° dent cf the class, presented the gift, i c 1 say^ testae were Fetae' * My nerves tiers ser • tc lea Class, have met together to bid you st tt lest of ire, act the last little Ystrewell tinct express our ,axpipirecia- cxcatesreent would set um trembling, endtion for the servo, a and blesfatnst you iienewel of canto shocks, which a th a zit the l ,reek age, did serious damage, have • caused the remover •of the entire pep aeration remaining at Mur.:hieo*t to --_:1 Nelson. 't'..irtuai1 ' all settlers iia out- lying districts evhaae heroes a°rere cies strove d, have now been rescued. Some of them have travelled) .for three days, almost without sleep. to retch the koncentration e;imps. Two heavy shocks were felt Saturday night, atFarwell Spit, which extin- guished lights. Tile shocks were al- so felt in the Takata and Westport districts but no material damage Wan reported. JEN'LV1EtW eve • 'i st Graat.Canadian Passes F rat Sault Au iiecollet near Montreal Ore of Canada's most distinguish- euttforits educating tueil'zes, s Ed rts:ee - ii hese finished his task totally destroyed by lire which broke :and gone on do the person of Rlgitt out this afternoon when the building Honorable W. S. Fielding, who died was struck by a bolt of lightning. est Ottawa to sumo, June 20rd. at with the names stili 1,0ging, damage the age of 80. Mr. Fielding was for was estimated at close to $1,000,000 fifteen consecutive year,`) Minister of whit' the. Insurance earried amounts. Yinattce u' rho Domiiiaon of r lanadct to only $200,000. Pout firemen were and for the, twelve preceding yearsinjured in fighting the blaze, and one 1 Premier of ids .native province of of them is in a serious condition in j Xova Scotia, which is a record that teostatne All .inmates, including 22 is perhaps unique in t'hc political his- eenv'aleseent nuns, escaped to safety, tory of 'Canada.. Ile served lm Q0UT* however. try from X884 until his withdrawal Mexico Celebrates • from public activities in 1024, when One . Hundred thousand pilgrims Parliament voted lila Fielding a pen- moved in unending streams toward upon of $10,000 per onnuni to express ,rho histarie otd await of the Virgin in a,tongiblo way its .appreciation of of Guadeloupe, Mexico's national the en -anent serviees he had rendered. shrine, to offer up thanks there for hist loss is deeply felt throughout the the healing of the breach which has Dominion. assisted for three years between the ° Rum''itiwners Persist. Homan Catholie rehurch and the Gov- l The ruins •minters at the Canadian ernment of that gauntry. 'border. dear, Windsor, :Ontario, who 'Trans -Atlantic Fliers Missing It work between Windsor and . Detroit, While. this continent and Sura. e have now brought into existence a are still discussing the wonder fright oystent whereby They have armed oe teen three Frenchmen from Naw convoys to protect their eargoes from 'yo,rk to Main, across 'the Ailantic .the United States coast guards act Ocean, last week, news comes from' , cording to police wba have cradled London that nothing has been heard runnfpg' enratneS have furbished Fridayfrom Cartagena, Simile fen P. D. Ross, publishes- of the Ottawa.l .armed guards for their shipments, Nese 'ore, on the more periloes Journal newspapers, who has been gunmen who operate. in scout craft, route from East to West. The plane named by the Ontario Government as •which. do not necessarily enter Cana.is supposed to . be needing . for -St. the Chairman of the Royal Commis etien watero. at cost in the elettime. J: John, Newfoundland,. Sion which will .make an exhaustive Prince Holds Investitures The Prince of Wales will hold two investitures on July 9 , and 10. On behalf of His Majesty the Prince will. present the insignia and decorations of orders and honors conferred in the birthday honors list. Dissolution limners, which will . have liven an- nounced by then, will probably be in- eluded as well. The first investiture will be an official (meal:wiled all at, tending will wear levee dress. The second, following usual Custom, will lents • ci be a � "private" one. and the ie p of honors will wear morning dress. Canadian . Team in Europe. t •In fine condition, prepared to battle for the trophies they Ioa last year, . it * the Canadian teann. for Risley :arrived Bost England, �Q S Ba�b� �Xi-Thescoria Or so of e>`- • �� in pent marksmen are. participating in theUNDERWE AR N t o Rifle Association's great a ional a shooting meet at BslcyCamp, Sur- ' - - rey, opening in two weeks' time. On :the youthful :shoulders of Lieutenant o -. v r � 4er a ofthe e;10 n �� . Special XIC lJcsmond T. Berke '- Guards, . Ott wa rests Genoral s Body a r . „ taken by the MaeDonald „ininistrY Boys* Balbriggan the chief Canadian hope of capturing, T5 S fje)g. 1? without waiting to consult with the the classic of the meet for individual jj g Shirts .end 'I�rtl�tVgXs, sizes 22" : e - 0404 o ;Kin 's ones, Lieut. LTnii•Led Sthtes Government regarding . O 1.1 ''' Special client sm n, the is p inits attitude; toward Russia. •�, errant n,,11Barka f won this high award, . close sec- . The oGovermir is also represent- eev .r s. d la... ai as l a '124 n at e 0 a Y r 9 , I lot b just one ed as anxious to adhere ns soots as d In 1.27 a so he s j ,, on Y „ nbc is lair �` T��. ��(11' t• . il+t+e t the � optional. c se the situation. Certain of the rttm ( of the Spanish fliers who set out fast I HEADS ROYAL COMMiSS`r0:,1 I These scouts meet the rum fleet in United States vetoes and the guns men escort the :rum boats in their dash through the hostile' zone. - Canedian Convent Gutted ' '1'ho'Convent of the Sacred: Heart .�.....�..-.« 04....11.... a. FOR 55 YEARS 1W.. FAVU121T1 tIV•'1•l- OI1. t )1).1 Scotts Emulsion investigation into the general '«wet« fare" situation in Ontaro. ..: