HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-27, Page 11 1 .111.~.••••m FOR THE SUMMER NUDE Wedding 'tate:mere. comet ia word.* tag wed tors. priateut ia approbeet type *tyke sia fine meekat the Gude- rkir Star Mika Ow Roue of Geed Prietiag. cric • 1( e. pecial Offer 'ti'k New Selscribers"' The Coined' Star niti be *tat to the ailleesea ot sae nee eobeerseer treat so* to Jas. let. 1 eat tee One Salseerile at owe *ad get the tell bearlit of the' apitti41 u1fer, SEVENTIETH SiebecriptIont $2 a year in emcee GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 270, 192D WALTER NAFTEL, UPHAM TEAR alt.60 year to U. points. 7 Big All Day Programme -for Dominion Day in Goderich, Spend the: Day at Goderich on the Lake , ...., . ..,0•0•VROff•MOINA1.7•0026-,, , 10x4Ret-MOMM.4.10.4•001.01....011r.........,....tc.......7.41rim.....!ILV, _ , ,,,,,,,,,at,41.-4,-,t ,, ' --... -gr.", - . .. ,-,- Th......:,...: - ....,A.1.1:1,11., ' ___.......,.. , .,.... . ..,...,..... ,. ......,, _..,.. L., ..„ ....,,,_ -4,7,....,...1 __,..„ _.,_-_-....,_ ........i.. . . were given. • The Ladies* i • Ai.e by Rev.1 the left straulder. 'The Slilrt was 1 PEOPLE WE KNOW ;AMONG THE CHURCHES them 'eesting to note, wits written ;of the ehureit serveel the ereitoriewith . e 4 . , &Rada . 'al. R. Peter% recently of Dungannon. three tiers a gtorgette 1 ieotel in', iThe plwy was well presented, and be -;silver. The tightting cap -like will, Alta- Mit- Gitvin is Visiiing in i••• The meat* meethea of the 'North 1 ovanigell(trgancteGile.4%!IwY -Itft 1111 ' I 8 8811181188 00Illilafig, Of 0 T., ,, tween acts the following peogram 1 of Wen, h net woe held in place ba trauma'. 1Oareee. United church. 'W. 31. te. eaten - will be held en Tuescley in:etc:al) 'baptist churchre-Paskm W.% Hone ':'• , • ;', was given: Trio by three girls; saavreath of orange blessoies. Wheal Dr. and Mrs. Boleter were cap fronC kart t of Monday of next week, fatten Fee Regulate seeviees tea a do. • A FOTW IMPORTAN't 1413ESTIONS -solo, :Rise Lenore Swoon; At piano: kid sboo completed her eodoente andi "'tale olaw the 'week-erid. i . • - .1. eat-ao !mew teat you were g011uc to die tomorrow wont(' you ' duet, Mieses L. Benson and Y. Weill.* she 'carried A lar*. 'shower bentinet 1 Mr. W. ,G. MacEwan atterele,/ the i chtZit'eoleueie pleElliiiiLtbetlol!.rthetlitliloclt)se oil 1.tt,r;r:eirovillo? milailartre3&ic t.;01;tian,teitirbtra , . I er, and a solo, Miss 'Annabel "'revue: of Sweetheart roses,. meet peas or d era' dealero" renvention in Toronto coulou3„ II 4411.) mutipie uo ,uir cioss. It a.m. (impel Semite, 7 . • take insuience toasts . • Rev. •C. P. Clarke oeted as ehairman fororeteme.nots, Miss. Mato. Yltees. last week l ruieds;" 7 p.m. "The Jrivisible Preaap.m., Gospel Se.rvlee. Monday, a • 2 Why do you insure your frroperty evbich may never lie de - and after this part of the prograrn Brantford, aii maid of hoer, wore a o Mre. Jas. Boyle, ofen Augustinese encase D. T. P. te meeting. Si, u31104 e _ atrayjd and not yourself slio meet die some day ° &lee 87.00 pair.. Praise and Pewee was over Douglus Campbell led a gOlVrk Or orchid Tenon, largo Noes*. ; WAS. a guest ot Mrs. Alm ,punkeld . Felexah sellout and bible pane c 3: Would yoralitze to assuve your sen an education, ? sing song•. About seventy young peoo pleture mohair bet. :with satin shoes , etee-"ea, e.,• ' trent 'thrliclay Ven. lexall, J. ILI,Service. Choir tixt.ises Ed 10 o'clock:, • Practise after praise 4. You realize you ought to have this proteetion don't you ? pie sat down to a, -delightful lamb aral ihose to match. Ohe emoted a Mrs. Louis Carey and two etildren..Fotheringliam, a former reetor of Fti and Prater service. alonclso• . 5. '11 14 eve litre your obligations cancelled if you ahould die around beautifully decorated small shower bouquet of yellow roes. The . from the Weat, are visiting relatives e„George's ehura. wilt occupy the pule pan. pester at the paraonago, delight. after 4 tonight ? . . G. Did you ever 'rear of a '41141 4% who objected to Life Insure 'tables, lighted by colored lamps. .bridesmaids, Mies Beulah Smith, of iu elede,„ex 'The thoroughly enjoyable ()young' Oaklandaand Miss Gladys Symonds. al, et's' 'Wt of his old parish here for a nee I vl to meet Mar boy or giti who would . ance? • was closed by a few street speeches of Brantford, \vele *tared satite in Miss Naegele, . oe Ma johnetorra :alai Dominion Day service, and at the lilt e to talk with Irbil about becoming Ooneider these rarestions carefully and consutt 1 y . ts to -da . and the singing of "Blest be the Tie coquette Mu* with uneven henilinee, ofticeein tlto Court Rouse, is le. Bee.. aal5tomp. Osierieluereonlawsnyroadeaelitnioretelliereouh: eatioCI.othr;istviarna,byoroire4Iniittingaft4eitsh rthame.. Office lan . . . 'that Binds." large black picture bets, satin. shoes troit bu helidays. titivation and will preaCh. the raster will gladly meet anyone at Ara°fles: 't Besidexce 540 a FL LONG, District Agent . . Beading on the Green and hose to match. Tbeir shower ' Miss Frances Rebbeek, of Detroit, The A. T. P 1. of St Georgeta tie se bou nets were Sweetheart rose and •48 dlE.rnhI 'lurch on Monday vie e t e il the fallow- a ronfere.nce lexith' hholk Sub...elects Last Friday the weenersin the lo- foregetene-nota The' groom was Sit* a hill ‚3.111 IS)treeras. ex r a. aen 0 ' --- '''''-•--"aaeree-''•'-;:tetter-----t----- eel tournement 'were T. Glazier and tended by the bride's; brother, Mr. . . ing otlie.evs: Hon. President, Rev. J. Lord% Dar. Juno .30: 11 a.m., "Why , ,ff 1 t • TOWN TOPICS IL G. RIgynolds. lint; II. Edwards and Bruee Bonham 31)4)1 314, the signing R. Johnston, second. On Monday ,F. of the register, bliss E. Palen eang. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goldtampe N. IL Mills; president, . bliss Ginn; wo .slrould give the Gospel to the . end Mr. and Mts. Will SYMonds tieite vice preeident, O. W. Sturdy; peen- French Roman Catholiea in Cinekeer eit with WOWS° in Sarnia this week. lima and Ja% MacTitar were win- "At Dlawinng O Love Tou." After they, Mies Gladys Shove; treasurer, 7 pare, °A Four Fold Wonder. A hire WOW* LW '' 1 'a—re; eet • , ' nera and the second prize 'Went to 11.• the ceremony a reception eiv .oad, a Ma William Mountain, of Port Col- Miss Etta Faults; prose secretaree 11 414 '41 1(111311 come, • . • joanston and A. Maxwell. , I •., - , .., Decorate for Dominion Day When the bride'.' mother recieved .in erne; spent the weekaend •with his Miss Laum Sturdy. . to 1 MertilantS end holleehOIders aee Uwe. finks of Goderica howlees A frown of. black georgette and velvet, parents, Mr., and Mee. J.. Mountain. The ServiCes in Victoria St. church Paris Green. and Aesenato of Lead ' • '- $taek &alters . . ' , asked to deCOrate' their filmes of took part in the New Hamburg tourn- with green hat; the groom's meteor! Res e 14. J. IL and Mt% Naftel, of neat Fowler will be taken by the sett0;eio!osa-h-Puutu00 1043 tattedreire ..Drag business and residences for Doma ine met yesterday, Messra Hunt,- A. was gowned in ease beige with erlate Milton, spent a couple ofemtly-ea -with- past. or, el.ifs'th i - his pastorate: In the .....a.............e..............., • . • , i00 'DO. If evere•one does his part Taylor, R. 'Johnston and J. Swatneld 'hat. The bride's table looked lovele reletives in and about Goderieh this mooring the church turd Sunday) , the effect will be Vent aleaaing. and Messrs. Brophey, Glazier, JAS, with tall coquette candles and orchid week. ' ' school will unite awe the message Witt I ' ., .,„ ' //"N ' ' . • Mac -Vicar end Maxwell: and Me.ssrs. bows centred with the 'wedding cake Mr. aerd atrs. W. A. Coulthurst have be 'The Appeemeation ee chaste I :Nt.11,11`1N„,—.11 Alexandra 'Marine Goderieb Lady Cellists Make It All . . Hand Dealers • . insurance. . - ---- ' But thaanimous . A. Goldthorpe and 'W. Symonds play- and a silvor -basket of Sweetheart ,returned home alter spending a few 1.tittthalettevron.ding the ()range Order midi lune. -tetil lu .leioleei i- 1. on . Tanana ed at the Sarnia dotibles tournament. roses. Later • the bride and groom days visiting friends. and. relatives et % • ' ges aill attend service. a ealeittae .alatta-tati:e":1 Mr''' ""rtlito . • ; .ROYAL 'BANK BUILDING ,' .Ten lody golf edayers focon learcare A ladies' bowling, thrb has been left by Motor for Detroit, Gedericir Toronto. - - The sabject aill be, AlThe Vietory of 1 '.' • ' Righteousness." • , ' cline visited Maitland alb on Ales- • • IN 111E5101t1Aal • . ' . ee" ae -Goderich. Oaterto - • • orgamzed with the following officerst and other points north, the bride tea. Miss Dorothy -Allen and her sister. . , • Phone. 430 and 44a, • , Mrs. J. -E. 'Finnigan, are ite present geltrteb itt ,," oUnnnitfehl ribnutbeolere‘i,e,u,seI 1 1A1/11.1%. -In hi In tnfitub" a miP doer end played an equal number of Pree., Mrs. Robert Jefinistoe- 'first Yelling in. A rate )%clge ensemble. fox ' loeal golfists.. In all but one contest I . . . the local ladies won met, the sc.ore v ce president, Mrs. Hall; second vice fur, • mohair but, with matelang visiting eelatives in Stretford and a-fai-.--tLiii,-,-;-./te-iip-in• a ...ate lizeiTip,;i ;Igtlic411%1111IC;N13:-.414r: tilieliielrha:•11e5onl'Prolli?;;;rItig: '''• : '. • 3310 dont, Mr- Litt, sr.,- secretary- gloves, shoes, hose and Parse. abe Toronto. e ,,,,o,„,,,,,,,e_afteeera being as follows e treasurer. Miss Hetherington. Twen- wore the gift of 'tbe giaout. an amber Mrs. The% Gauley and daughter: ,Our i'athere," alio acute meetiarg Audi h"lav, JIM.' "III. MK, • a • • • i Kincardine . Mission „Band. 11 a.m., annual Chil- ,Z.1,jit,11,4•Tg.' ebItt,itItefe,"r;rtil". , • WAINITE"' ••• • .- , .*Mrs. ellolcolm....0 Mtdegfebraiug 3, tzatimonerombeersotij4.ineodoup,i,oaetsgahye oar:min. a' Ihl:Itcl17111 Zit: 4{4;i7neliiff %Lir knife ti:iTel! '33(4)t '1 dier lits itareti witil (ken's Day and Piewet 80aviet- 'The II'etler'etitte"1111;aly a'at Iiiitiesne, ••a"T ply Vie« lartentei Ccieourg et- Mrs, Morrmon.. -0 Mrs. • Denaldsoni, come members. '7 4',J et:Ina:etym. maid- ara Me% Menlo:tell_ a Iviise wititares 0 number of others are .expected to bee land 'dein.. to the maid of boner an aeiBasyisjesfa, tu orchid and silvex- inesh bag, to the ineite-for this (01'. 09 .' , pan., patrio- 1:11•1e4;‘,1ififtett•il'illitieee4;41:F4-11t,:t.iiiis11,1 .1!;1141141;41e Mat. - tSiaeasdtelrYviceoe,ht,),A01, Banapdpycorna;oevglear?ion will e . u;s, . one c . urra•any4, -aaenee je," '.. - " ., ' • 'Mrs Cottrell.....0 Miss Allen....1 . . - 1 . bridesmaids and soloist, is, McKerracher, of •Catawaeoaneestamons for summer Sun • „asty.7. rnIcrtl, flA11,1M-Alli loving not/1101,y . arria1/4011.1111. W.Ansil r r , 4' 101111 ua 'Vass Morriee.....0 Mrs.- C. Reld..1 Van Beevora daughter of . ,_ ..0 .G, o .,,- .1o... ' leirsaMagwood. a 0 Miss R. Hays 1 aones-Batemati--Vea Dervort ' , a., "ebss Scougall.,..0 Mrs. Ite Nate' 1 The matriage of Miss Mildred T. e . Ida. •and Ireuests were . a brilliant bracelet, - Out-of-towe • 'brilliant chokers, and t. 'the plarast at neari • and eeldloseekeeeon, of Edmonton, guests 'with 144% and Mrs. Walter •The visit of the choi1. arid organist . deer of ILucknow United church to North vole, to muuntimither, 'Mrs,. lima itp,ey, - • 1i3.4 4(4 away one year Oft0, thdalek los to eeuataelee emteeetese, ..e.aary Meets! Maecerlh._ ersen..:0 Mrs; Eohe4soni Mrs. Charles E. Van Dervort, of '5 Toronto, gumPiligrt.utfidi."I'Proprintftlo.°1-41..'1. NahItteesisrteh.i8J10vbeneW.:And Bert Duff and st. United ehurch on Sundny evening,' June tla, ip9jA, . . . • tigst-fIa$s peenrenent emettleate. e auto, . „vow alloy to Gem , et FEA(.1..v:,,, "1". •DrucV. • •• • .0 Mrs.• Etenen-1 East SonnYside, TroY, N.Y. to John on their returo the newlyweds will Mrs. Frank Dunlop, Of Toronto, were JUne 17th. was much aperociated,. A iaO,:yEar aaS passf•gt shier, mai ,ele day., . Jones-13ateman, youngee son'of Arch- reside In. Brantford. ' - , week -end visitors with their: mother, sok: by Mra Joyntor double queetette When nee 1 loviel was etilleflawot . 11, FL No. ; Auburi1, - . ' ; illre. 'Robert Davidsen, Dungannon, deacon and Mrs. Warred Jorteseleate. • • • ' ‘• Mrs. Robt. Duff. : . • ' and an anthem. were among the nana I Mine Putman her end NiF none • • • ' Io President of West Huron , . WeNTFD -Perm to rent. abotit 1•°°' Womerr's Inititutes - • • -• • . man, of Goderieh, cook place on Weda . TEMPLE BUILDING • . - '• aerea. be trotober let, Ina with .. nesday, June 12th, at the home of the • • -.---- ' ' Kingston, ere' spending tevo months in . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seeger - of roe:. ,1311,y,finnitt..111p.ris.o.oliadeer:,tthoo .0Lrguackne. '1:141:tolyt'lltl,leittioil7y1 IttiOrattgreanwillet!kitri.41:tert . • Apply to rml) outak:EVr, 34.4 1341111 O. Tuoday atLoridesbero, eveth „an t- . 1111141 r'. in fele state- ef ropaire! The annual eetine 'of the• West Would 1. 444 . for -Ave or more lama, Huron Women's ns i u e was re 131/ ta- t • •1 Id on bride's 1/arcuts' 141° eerentailY wUs- MA4°,11-s - fore a floral altar in the living roona Able Sermon on This Topic.- . performed by the groom's father'be- . 'Church. Sunday Evening and Hear Lighthouse street. Ateand„,Noral_eatee United town and twe occupying a cottage on After the service the vieitors wee: 1‘411..11;kijirl.iiifiltiliep slinitib.1 vie.ors ., Mr. and Mr. Len. Dunkeld and ;Iit.:,l't/trillIrt.(1Jaatortsilteorill, (");:te°eiooroasetraet,,,,t. 0.4,4 ,:revva.,,,. .-Iii i:e4.11,:e • a:err:wry or '11'.4 4.4 • : • ' '4411 '-"411 eletleTteae-alea. without a. , . • •••, : etenclance of two hundred delegates • • ' • and the reeethig was considered One , of the jnoet successful dietrict cono - • . • rendered by Mrs. A. L Smith, at Late' .Maitland Lodge, No..33, A., F. and and a program of nuptial laUaie Was . .-e......e. son of Pontiac, Miele, •spent the, N o ith street United' choir and .. yt.'4.,li:tiecit"le•11.%Istgiltill: ,t -i‘'. !to, litt•:;, , orgemst exehanged With the Luck - good Voltir ea Iron tap. toi.li,..lre.....wi,11. alsent eo , aunstemem, was oectec. cOodsinT,- Miss 'Grace I. Vaa Dervort, three., ineluding • a.. umber from ' • '' tole Yeauraake '00'1' '''.7ul'uts"" °PI"' president by • acclamatiere ' an ames Gwynn, of Buffalo, was. 'lambing Star Lodgee, No. 309, oar.. Mo. crud Vies. Gordon Noble, Toren - Mr and. Mrs, Alex. Dankeld. • ' . itavp•epialerlieeeen,Ftedleutire'ttt'll:L:11111.°41.1„,riBourn:' '(...;.;:.181 '141:11. 1.1‘.`niellInst:.1"11: 41.:$81.:' '11:111:is:ti.1: ra'tif)::::/::::::41::11:1" . , • . ' ham; The bride was attended by her• A, NI, and a number'of :visiting bre. - wee -'1c -end with the former's. parents - 'a, 3)1 0'. sales 'experience Wee" Oentions• weer held Mrs. Robt. Dav- no . As at the hour im (missed ;mar te, matered up met spent the week - ;‘1".' Geddes AViestam, first vice areal- beet mat, Toe bade ore, te. gownt . low, attended divine service • in North :Welty. Exeirisive i eer; t ory• In . 1 • of white satin, and carried a nquque street United church on eat ndae even- end with the former's parents, Mr.. — ----- - ''- - -Oe.e.7— • - ' --- •• *rich' Write i'th'il'A. uge enq teleCliPati4. d t• lii s M. Salkeld -God ieh • 2.3' ette S. It. 'WATKINS ,C031PANNe ea, , 5 , er ,sec' . . .of White. roses clod lilies of tbe val- pig last for their annual church' ser- and bb's• D. E'N'ohle. West st. %aft • • • - eated t° betvr arallm. engine "Pk% WillitiM Frasere 'emitters. A fund- - • AvANTE6.-44attle, -Planer, Sletter owlet. T, manila, apeeefeee federa-tio-i:. of *Pink geOrgette :and carried PelP11* 'delivered a 'very. impress:ye sermore and two children, of Gardner, North bob I ' Radial Drat Bands. Mee atatiet'- ' erlenee • - end - - • ‘Winghem, seeretaryotreasurer; Mit T Henderson iniunr sad • pink roses, A reeeption on the subject of "Temple Building.". Dakota, are visiting their uncle and • 1110R ley • Miss Va'n•Porvort wore a Veva vice end Wore Bro. Rev. C. F. Clarke Mrs. Sterling, her son end his wife IR 11111111:., )111. ....,../14111411111011:11111 114/11110111111k ilk IDIOM 1Pall • followed tbe ceremony, -the eevent Y ear hii text he arc* two Passages, aunt, Ida and Mrs. R. Russell, Code- 01 A '-itOther b ottbkheti der .114 • , . . MI • Dept PV, Haralltoe, Ont.'. • • • . , ona vice president; Mrs. Je. J. Mott wages, regaired.to Box an, STAR 0 . and eom and ,their parents, Mrs. - temple' .at Jerusalem and the ether Mrs W. L. Rome two , daughters teferaing' to the •building of the ricer. ...leiply slat:nee age, ' • ex`P' p rePOrt. ,14f the COTWomplon will be pub-• guests being received by the bride. one •"' P h d 3I 3100k - - •• • , Van Drvort wore blue georgette end from the new totanrent,1.0 are the and two, little grandchildren and Mr. • - , -.' . • g.. , , e "WANTED teirelEDIATELY•••-ltrePerlena North St. 'Young People Entereelia et,l,rs. ktoneseatateman was gowned in temple of the 11033. Ghost.' - • ,J. Ve Witistore of Teronto, epent the 00(1.etaldpeke1tItetsetrintarelea On alcoultate.er eninoho*. thirtY•47-aY . ., -,TheelanteYnrentr• %eluded sole.:.Arre clerk low e*, • P&MeNinsigh; into 314.010 (01(3 With 'Ma arid' Wee (.411144 aaa-a" • lusters 'for Immeetate and afeeder PM;' tnembere eafetharaToung ,Peopleits- . So- • ee'al , elays. spent • in Godetich at the the .magnificent, seige .0n- which the Grath. .- , .. , . element' 7,e/rev. reasonWhle; • waKes*Tow 441etiezfrom Mitehellometerotte:North Inoe ef the groom's parents, where temple •of Solomon wag erected and Me. anti '4111 Donald T. -Murray, of Alk tont 01' 73(4110(1 goad Alva* eceiditiotis at . t ,.. •,.. .• Pf,'40derieh; liti-rtniexi of the -visit a reception was held In honor of the the marry thousands of people thet . . , 1 • Bayfield, • and Mrs. Wm; Birnie, of e, , start worthies at onee. Fortyemen lea 'Woodstock on Sunday aird visited . -.. Championship. ill t h 14- .. ern coup a ire , , pe Goderlea perd Mitehell a temple of lW Y uco . ' . • , ,.. were engaae n 0 0 Ag . ., Godemeli, motored to London cid psi • Must be exPeriviced ood prepared' to Months age, The taain feature' of Bateouni will reside at•Albany, Nato In was' usually spoken of :xi Solent - e ee eee , evenina. was o -five -act ,phy,. -whet, Mr. jones-Baternan is connect- on's. temple birt VMS teally. plarined . with friends. ' - • ' - • • MI .. . , • - . . . a .c. ii,. ... • . attired: 43 I'4 Manager, '.I';ot 40.ai eoe e e • . oney ane Marti" which. it is• inter. p41 with the Times 'Union, 'The'bride b3. d, aelkaymg the genteel plan ' evirehatiiatolf., 114 0- Nylogham .34 .. . . ....... i . • . e daytinneereo 20. evealsgs• ' r, ' - . • pa -c- . _ enema cf the class of le20. ' is a' graduate of Reese' Sage Collier; k O .4he tebernaele but with the dimee- • : Mr. and Mree Jack Archer and oti daughrtee, Marion, and Miss Margaret ' for, a Purse of $760 • • . • . .... • '4441 . ,.• , . • .. • • . ......1 • .• ' WOOS Idoubleti. The nolde 'purpose c_ith of London, were week -end I... • • rlarANTaleereeroderich Preelar "Oehliolaea""eeeee '''''''''''"4":".--"V"'t"" . '' • ' . . . of David, even if he could nit exeeute ere"----, visitors at the 'tome of aire anti Mrs. , , , . • e ' Becrara requires a •traclier 'fdr 4r• •• Fotrx1).-7.A. frpalece10 eouotain pen, Mitchell -Galt D. W. Worthea PR . ,... Wil.J. • 1 r ,le _AI Ire Ir4", . All, . . ' '' " I•tiOhe ' jet' . ." • : ' . - - On Saturday afternoonoJene 22, at • it, enriched hia own lifelese oer Ilvo -a.- - • • AT . 'Viotorla.:Sebool, ' 'duties ' eOMMejlcing - "--` ' . KnoX charch. Goderieh, the -marriage were enriched by nobie purposes we ei1 alisses Ethel Doyle, Venetia Doyle. 104 aourth and. Senior • Eritrea': Otassee in ' • - ' ' Vim SALE OR TO RENT was solemnized ot lielep Al ri evert if w a not li a position to . . Sepe 3rd: :Soma. at. once. 1.. L. aNOX, and •Mr. Hugh Doyle and Mr, Oswald Ir . • ... . . ---a'rear carry out our plans, • • • • , .• • e PPORTISNITIBIG •-• PAY./ POSIe .a.. , aCettli SALF..--Two-storry frame noueo, John Galt, to Douglas Arinstrong , ,It raldPra eonvenlenees, on MItchell, son of Mra Mitchell and the Rivera of,. Tyre end the othe.r Hire Larratertuir. of Asdiniboi. Sask., are To arre epolten of as the son of a widow, .visiting friends in town, having made. oDERIcH . .... Seay, Cockade. Ont. • e . .....e..........„,_ ______,e,e,„_e, ybengest daughter of liav. and Mrs. . a !pm foe $40 to. $00.weekey, parole- • striae e...... ' •. Rev. IL C. McDereeld offielated. Mr. . Guelph. who 'Hiram of Tyre sent. to Solomon the trip by motor, to take charge of ,the work of the ISIr. lend Mee. J. 11.. Wheeler. and WEI • TIONS, ' ‘.• / :- , lereclt Stea MOS, ef. SetaZate, Newrate late Mr. John Mitcbella. of „ . . , , gave friendly assistance in .Misses Gertrude and Irene Wheelea • . wading,. rirklevIng. irraftlage paean- ' lag in uto Methanirs. Auk . 1..11eetrieal. 1 Sattfry, 1),:ty-Aeet),4ene. and illeetrical ,-;--- ,---7---,-„, , le . - a00,1 eeireee, la it, (2 1.E'.. taode. A. W. Deacon M.C., of Stratford, arid "iift seLee-ollver Bull aureweret. g ,. rroom acted as best man Colonel John B. Mitchell, brother of the • • dently •a very- skilled artifieme ivith est, Sarnia, landon and Stratford.. ttleir Pwleork which Solomon had in mind accompanied by Mrs. A. Paltridge and Hiram, the earidow'rt SOOp was evi- and .,on 'Willie, spent Sunday a For. ea D i • D , jilt.• • citl, y 4Ir evening; spore Ithne train- i . . V. OR sALE • D. D. Major was, at the -organ. Mr. i • ' tome, Free - alleakY fare end room: too aural llele. 104'14* . account, and got a conception of the two children ancl Mrs. Samuel ale - all sorts -of material by the Biblical oet . Op, Doll ug -. nudes. a pawn'', , , ,„ „ ,,,„ a . , Lieut..CoL W. K. Ball,. of Woodstock,. Ma and Mrs. Will Hamilton and significance • of 'the temple which Guirei of Iucicnow, also Mrs. and tali -''' illik _ . - ushered the guests to their seats. The Write or ere (4441433ENteLee ' Ei'lfliNG S(111° ''S' Sults i e 4 Qua- ar• •lialcires. Jime 28th, Harreit Hocks -W., Torento. e N.„ itABY MIMI -0n1Y two more church was •beautifully decorated for the, occasion with peonies and ferns. 104 ilea July ethert Web' Beets 13r. Leg- by her father, was lovely in a gown cl,ilew outt•lais talents, consecrated in is grea work. visitors. at 'the &erne of Mr. and Mar. ; ''''' Mae Ellis, of Hensel', 'Were weetc-end li., • le emits. S•Leer antis ;ill (4'1111° - The bride who was given in marriage REAL ESTATE Alri iNsuilinu i.,,,,,..4 it • . • . • • re.xts Paell. .11dt; tr; yelle lest The Mirsonic Art consisted in cher. IL 11. Mew,. McDonald St. • - ' . . irk zaster orancit'of Buffalo Pit , of eggshel! -satin. She „wom a be. a.cter building. Mastmer Wa3 tiat a • S d , r p . tee a atnr ey s tree ress. . an . $ - ...,--. ------- chanv, for• 11(14331.151111to secure, Omits a eptiE Arleferrrorea. P •. 1. r.., vi and from our 'choice beveling pens. .n. . a corning tulle veil, with cap of real religion but the handmaid of the Mrs. Chester Abbott will leave short- 1928 Champions of.blew-York St t • d• 0. t'. • Illi T" INWBANOS AGEN Yo I (11:SIPilr.i.J., B. 11, No -2. aulturn, lint. lace and ° rune hiesseufs. tier euty church. It was 'a bea.,itifill system Of ly for their summer bome In • Gode - - f the gift of the oorn , Her bou uet hated by eyncbols. It had ats its old Smith, and Mr. Smith' will be , • • _ .• • • • • .. •• • Very eheap preperty. Gard ile 'story Phone myth e0 r 21. • . ovimment was a necktace , of pearls, morale veiled • in allearory' end • Blue- . • -rich, where their daughter, Mrs. liar- the Team that beat the Osiers in 1928 . '. illi , intlfiediate '' Oosseeslon: has • farmer. , their guests for part of th'e Beeson. yir4 . . VS. 1011 SALE.-••Nlagrira" ouper-oomble was Sunset roses and lily of the val. irst grea pr neip e heuse. line location, good. eandition; • . inizers Malays In stock. Prompt cle. York, sister of o emir townelip, announce the en- II . Tame Lime: also 'deli grade fee- ker. Mrs L. de V. Headiee, of New Supreme tieing, whose will was re-. aeir. and Mae Thos. Soy/miry, of . • • . rights, 'bathroom. water, pa ea rte. - AL,. Prier MAW e200 or en00 eaol gnod. , • „ .1 lir terms for belance tai reliable per on e Ilisere' sera ee When venervi. el. 11 - • , . .. of honor, with Miss Oliva Al '114, ot • the bride , was matron .t .., . law,. and while Masonry did not, an st vented in the volume of the sacred- n A . d" gaeanient of their youngest daughter, . , Miehigan's---Greatest Colored lot .., . . . itp.onANR. 11.. 11' 'I", Dederien* ont. Cederich, and . Miss Bertha Fle.feing, ,phone Carlow 2S21, could Mat, teke the' place of religion Elizabeth Naomi, to Mr. DrivM Os- Ball Team of Detroit . , teed. three to' Square; price ele0.. G iel • . . . .. , . of VI/edger, as bridesmaids. The Mr. Clarke said Ire could not conceive f 111111 wald Sitter, second son of afr. and .telnly eliOap. lea I V011 -SAI.E.-aF.ges tor nateeine, 0, matron of honor wor0. p( 30,1 melee, of a true Mason not 'being a suppoete tttl' Mrs. N. J. Sitter, of Thedford the lit All Players of National Repute fa story. bowie. pertly bate. cse ej • A. IL aredefo.ely. orlon, Barret with matching hat and•shoee, and the r of the church and of everer in- Iluence which mede for the good of marriage o ake place .2 01 y. ' bathroone. Bettie, (teller. ete. itig 'bar- , to Squere. Needs some repairer luts Fain et 8950. . - 1 era Pullets of last veer laid at: 11)il brideeMaido wore gowned alike in humanity. om r 4 onth:m s il 0.dn 1110411',ave, Mae, n. greeoitee with hats and 021008 to • And the alasoree `build. BRIEF TOWN TOPICS . 11/1 This is the One and Only Annual Baseball Treat 11111 - • x in • rina 4;1. ing would be married 'on in the devel- °lament of. life beyond the grave, The Saltford Hospital Auxiliary boa • , FIrtsir GAME CALLED AT2.00 P. M. • Fine &Derain house, besides entree; BANODSON., Dungannon. Phone Dun- mettle Then. bouquets were of Ophe- • all well atranged ter heather eonven.„ g• l 0 . .: - lia roses and mauve • sweat peas. Thethymho and •other alUaleg mine- will meet at the home of Mrs. Herbert 'fence aud cemfort. 'Finely derootted. ---e-- Following the cerernohy a teceation bers for the service evere very appro.. Merris on Thursday, July 4tli, at 1.30 'rill. Three Mile Marathon, (open to County) , Planate(' foe Ina mid 01)1(3 1', serrice. . excellent Vondltion. Ulitetrio Ilfrhten. ' Full modern equipped. Bathroom, gomt • e rireilir\rIl tIVIGEGEO.-tror refresh - PUBLIC NoTic,,E, ........ was lield art tho korno' of. the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Galt and Mao:them, "0 Come to My Heart. lord Mr. J. B. Ireynolds replaces len. mien) in their *election. In the an. pan. ;174 To BE RUN BETWEEN THE BALI4 GAIMES bi.m. 1„i„. yew location, terematao, at aerieneetra „Park or on the Square cellar. Ohleten looter. and yard. 2 meet coneession pr vi eges' ._ 1 1 Mita& received with the bridal par- ey bare. Galt, mother Of the bride. good voice by Mr, R. Fishee, a young Goderich Baseball aub, Mr. Dean Jesusee; the solo part 3.1i45 taken in E. Detre ' on the executive of the ruG.oP-WAR COMPETITION— , i , -11 . A 1 . t„ le 14 wcire a leveler black gown•with ecru rneniber of the char .4 14') le 41.. (101) being on the 34-o .3.310)1 execialve. . inb/s'Aesstsn'.1"•tre 8184*• l'"asY 'tell" le 4t"- !"1"." 9" V", " % -I' Lace a.bittek hat, and 31 30 of or• ing into a very good soloiet. Miss P. The regular meeting of the Code. tok, lgri f H or tiron Old I3oys' Cup and; Prizes, to 1)e pullecl PM it • •desired. " • Red brat ialtage. modern, ft lute. • c• ' t:Al). i'llait;"" '‘,4'n"ssii'n ................. Mi'.;. Miteliell, mother of the proctor. of Brussels, Wag Pregant In rich Werner* Institute will, be held in immediately after the Ball Games , Houl ta".° gleam: prier searoo , • - • • 1 bridegroom, evore a -been wn the *holt* and' delighted the congrega. made 11 u d ft rt • , fle etory red hetet femme 10011era, F li A TlIallo.--. You an erave your', of grey lace, with hat to r equinned, 1? 10'9 P4.300. •frather lied made Into a omit:aryl ryino a bouquet of pink roses. Later , ch. ear' eion with her solo. "The Silent jute 43trIth, Mae o'elelcilt? IfYhectre exerillaV e ilemenntention lecture on roses. r fr.41 bah. The above program will be at Agricultural PI:wit oitk , _ argee emoceeee000, eta ...... a .. .. Thebeet prier. -teed foe 3. .411.",.. Been or trip, theride teavellinir in a 01.roretwoietital705.1111e'effcet in hi -j-.8° ti'• Brio; • ngn.,,N.....4000, $3j00. look roll . mattress or deft, tomforter.I,Mr. and larseeeittehell left for a yoete: Voice." are Mr. Georee Belcher wire A large number of Goderieh people 1011 1 e . ADMISSION: Adults, 50c; Children, 25c . Ltatne nryieeer of reciott frame homiest e "TA I" Dr/MINION VP:. 111E11 strati Arnett eneemble of greY twee4 with' were in Stratford on Monday to take. , Nr.vrrim.44 co., Goopleit; -mot our; blue hat aed shoe% • The out-of.town in the big circus, "tingling Bros. arid} Olt The Morning Pro felon KM to erelie gram will start .at 10.00 a. ni. boo Cniclien 'farm, li ore% ',loge in re (meld 'will 4'01. ' ' . . _ . _, • ......• ..••• ..... A.T THE HARBOR B i ' i .ailie combined. TheY I • with a Monster Parade, headed by pig N. R. etatirre. teoleeleb, WWI RAVI 'N'131 1(3 MFA*N4F.Tirvi pkittx \pito ' emetal pleasure craft have been ia VOW n good r, ev, 'with neven rinas , Wit Godericli Band , eousee, bare era omildinto. twit bare lee' .a....T.Tee, "i stZ ZIPTI1 ' \ e.rigirt, Mien Kidd, Miaow' Mrs. Peter etre. port daring. the week •bound to nod -operating at ;,I eNeaine tiller. , rite large nattilose gam' fume ;Neel for . ,8attured • ,jytg.1Y..e?ftelh,l.rtatriltal • . a •• followed by Cbildren's Gatnes,Bicycle Races, lik inerthatere. hydraulic rem. 33, •. eine ."".`..""''' illanmbell. afiee Louie° Cooke. j . \ Garrey, Mr. .Taniea Gamow, of Tor. rerom the Bay. Trawling artiund Tioterelant:09,ii;ve 'C1;11 P it 1.1;'. I 4 'retie notice tali ,the rroya•nellip teti onto:: Mr. and Mee. 'Beefy, MM. Ad t'Ill."'°I4Y loi,...5a.re.gur.te.d re :Thome Intend* to fuethee hirproyei Bucher. Mre. Wileon,,,Miete f' 4,) , •Aw 1 ,„ lo - tilt ''' - Athletid'EVents; including Pole Vault bik"'" , - ee a7 11.4!wl.tgliteNi1.1,11tUrf.51R, a• a esetheatfeltaktinelttilk toada otua •they'011iaand Mr• -e. Lynn Wileon. of London; , bound 0011EO • plea ). , ., 'R.. e-al E..s..„ta..te.._, , .-_ •, i,t..nhaatee. • nledm tioe aaflcimei. myelietnTa:V1exoMIwvuPiletereetrie.t'. i lttelS y tt4h-0aiaetr'teeha,.lt, Wirpe' ohil r.qiail/Mst• orT.ehkre;inbdaeraMru. orsnia,luinaa1d Lr, rl. i aeetfr, e,BaSlaerioef/acWe,o'''o odf. ei:t,, ,tas CCOootnm:. terLgaaaemtoolref tFthoereGate'owrgeieaene neearyeenaepaeirdea1.!i1, r it3ireot5o,-er,er, ne,es I1-h11r"h;ee1eA1ee1-Lm9hEo-dP.r.,,e°p,h21<a4b4r., 1tfa e.'tdcgiTtsun.•er-g--n-, .-gem.,,earldevohe••icd,. at,r enrz,dn3,•y.- . . 11ll,e114t1i ".. ' H or"sesh•oe Coonmp5thetetoitSiopun. al. atetreehaand upon thIs benefitted by teNotYork. sed Colonel Hatch, of Windsor districts, wasdin GoderieSafetRealoree_Mott. Hamiton. on Tneeday, corranoirt Isa,theinoe ede, Ie each or2a do.(lThpalmate:IvatlaZOO41at1Waaleta'outman ctionofdoublecdg,4ouch.(nett°J* W. CRAftim inoNTCollnsonBtflwnt t1h0a70V1wneteda doznA THDUTg&InSOMETHING NEW—ORTHOPHtO..VN IiCctoCOriNaCPERaTrSP‘r4tatla4h" lvsMand MrABonham, Oaktarlolow the beterte new dredgand Weat4t)71130.bewrmot nlifo1aasthemene.eeftlovaswddisg6tenrfiISaenTe.on theSquarefrom11 amto 1 pnand-1f. . romRealEe In FaturdsyJu15hen the IeeDatonWittlroeriretTildlbfr413.leNornranweeUCV7m5EleTleIIEBINtiieeBrowsMa/anlOnt., fernier enctorwin bady o sttoilte t kwtin i _ /IoPrmlkikRat . - . 11,./c 311 ti,.rth'rieh. ftat st* *bride. united in Marengo the ,tiredging oPeratione. • porary absence frora town, mime for - 0---------- '-;- '`'-------r-;-----'."-=7."--'-':12--- ----1-:'7-- - ..-7 Y-- 7. . . - ''-'''''' Herold Alexander Cellineon. - - ------- • - --a- • only eleatgater, Illteel Elizabeth. ,.tsev, The Georgian evith e Cateo a 11O,. Iitsaloadeeteallearp 11: 1:151t. ts,1:30,,t,v put d'oo I Picnic Grounds, - Bathing Reach, ilk d , ma am mee, Gea, aemeteen, osf3Ititt".: 000 bushels of 1-. i. card 27,000 base/ gr7,..vvInl.wspezietmanE.ca • ,mtitihs of tbe Leheogrin wellina •• —e-----1- —, iteil. Peomptly ot 3.00 pan. to the:' et% ui; (1°3 atrived • Veer today for tire Rol lino of tramples and will pereonally 1.eret St., who will il3VO a cOmpktc, ' expert tailor, 1111 • Tourist Cainp, with every Convenience — lit l'• 0 F CA11E11'416 SON4 Lit ' ', . CO* and Sped ike Vile Day at Goderich-en4h4ake. imi i . LNVESTIVIENTS AND INSURANCEmart% .ffisS'eti hr the (SUM of tbe .U1IIROPILit-TOR OUT OF TOWN tete frreesueto. , i1beade, Mrs. Gerdon Benbonaathe bele,. oe ,loe, Atehleeto cLiropracter, win FIRE 1: 121111-1 E PICKJEM.I.IP CONiEST AT 7.00 P. 31. ,Telephotte 230 : ittski patty tcok. their , au. eottreen tkech. hauPhiedlleet,t3arlitealiTs.ibawte fon:it:el, telan from July 1st to Clarid, ' Now its Cie time to fire out yew ......_______...., 1' GoDER-114ciffASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING .., . i- ,. , . ......... . . , oNTARTo ot vNte storgetto tv,th eerie erteetee. ter. I•• O. D. E.. Wediteeder, Jute, :lit a STEAte, lam Cae. Gederleli P. 0.. ii . - •• aivee in metriege by 'ate fathea u A emelt* fair will be given nrelealeaeli pace Deal ,fee everything. An . elm" anwers, The bride., vitro was teeked lady in her wecIthrig goo re the awakes of the 'Replete:if eta? a, Poneet clealf. Mop a card to ee HAI, -a-aree ritel cell larde of Sunk. Ifigtreet ; ' I 111A1:01t, II. L A6 MacEIVAN', S. I). CItOkl„ lik Clairman of Committee. . Secretary. Ilk ________ - • ,ti.folt:fitolg botike, fil,i3;,,,A with igt alt. punier.. Laois for fuetact ral. "Mint ply for the coat when I call t1P4•1 11110111111111111111111110111010101111111 III 111111114 4101141111 _..--.-•-•.,... ..."4.'"' , . facquies and a Three satin lee% aeoe_te tece, -tem, 0 • BAND CONCERT ON THE SQUARE IN THE EVENING Pik