HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-13, Page 6PAGE Si Let Delco -Light transform your home WE away your dangerous ?amps and lanterns NJ Hutt add their share to the burden of daily toil. furnish the menace of open blames. Instead, with Delco -Light, blood your home or farm with safe, bruit electric light. The cont of bringing Deleolight advantages to your home is low and the General Motors payment terms easier >iti1L Let ',se give you * demonstration. DELCO-LIGHT SALES AND SERVICE Campbell St button, tot No. 1, KonloRa, Ont. W. Wt Cook, °Wade!: BOOK LOVERS CORNER (1y Jane Tioltby) "A Good Book is the Best Co+rtrtpanion" ;Prim Three Counter.," by Compton MCarkentie, published by J;)oubkeday, Dem and Gandy, Toronto, Ims a9 its Esellettitle "A Tale of the Secret Seer• once in the Ralknns. • Tia :author has Lmselt served, in the i Sea of Service tend he is evidently • nd 8 [s a ryniial exposition of matey of, the. tbod.s ,employed. Ile es twilight» *lay saturieal, but '1st spite of this awl of the really clever portrayal of liTte in n little capital, ?the hotbed, of political intrigue,- ltii:..story Tis not particularly interesting. .pierce .couriers carrying supposedly importantt papers between Germany and the Ring of --et- escape • the most elaborately laid plans of the Seeret .Service of both Britain and France. The 'obvious way is never chosen and .any xppareiit1y simlile plan er action must always be shroud - cd in deepest mystery and intrigue. The life depicted is interesting and the subtle ironical liuniar.is Compton Mackenzie at his but. "nlr. Standfast" Of a very different type of Secret Service yarn is .Mr Standfast and the aiety-Nine .Steps," by John 'Due eaten, published by Hodder and Stott. ghtoli-(Musson Books Co.,, Toronto). M1. Buchan's stories are always en - V. -bridling and in tittle two books where the Britieh titeeret Sirvi , tracks down the head of the Garman epy ayeteat, in England, wee inters/it never flap. And .it is si stupe» dews teal., so carefully has this human spieler ween his web and eitablieieed such reliable and unelel*tttel source* of infernistion, The *rumens Amer- ken who i$ attached to the Bfritiah Segel Service, and who delighted all metiers in " Greenmentie, its to the fore again as are also the, aid South African and of course Richard Ilan.': nay. .Merle these two 1.1.1;s 9re net new. amino- who enjoys the we -welling oi' difficulties will get a great deal of enjoyment from them. For Boys ••Juvenile "lialssrar Pirates," by Clarence Stratton, published by the MacMillan Co..• Toronto, is a splendid bay's story. David had been born in Central America, where his another bad die and brad been kit in the waterfront home of kindly Uirs. liirri, by hie wandering father. illevid is loved as one of her own +children. film, her son, is David's champion in an excite ing fight with "Spider Iiiggins„ the biggest boy at school. David loves the harbor, the boats and everything connected with the sett and most of his work is at the wharves. ate its able by observation and courage to help round up a Rang of "harbor pirates who have hem stealing valuable silk, As his ase- ward the lean for whom Tom work offers David two thousand dollars end'I)avid's dream comestrue—that of being a.atiarino architeet. For •tittle bites In the' Canadian Stories Series. pul,liehed by Thos. Nelson iC Sons, Toronto, for fifteen cents each, are two very ranee little hooks. In "Anna's Adventure on the Rive er`," by Agnes Fisher, Anna,whose father is .a lumberman, begs Bell, one of the log.,drivers, to let her go on a ,"drive." She . docs and discovers a little house where site is sure a fairy lives.: She finds no fairy, but drops off to sleep and wakens. to find she is. floating down the river. Her navel). - *tire ends happily end while she does- lt't find a water .fairy', she Adds Del again end she doesn't try to he a rive er .driverany more. ' "Ralph and Tinker Jimmie" - is a story based en an old tale.that is told THE GODERTCH STAR Book Miert Mor Mo Mad to Miro M' Mor ilossowork Mrs, Ii., J Mauer e, Juniper Station, Nal,. writes "1 can truly sway that JA1anR i itiney 1tii1i put me or. any feet, after A week of suffering with a .lame • bacL,. "My Imie!: hurt 1".i@ so I could not sit up, and alio hurt when I kW down on the tied. I got so lied I had to give up my bon; earl: aei go to bed. "I le..d rublee1 oa :several limb of Itnimeat bet Sot ao relief . "• I •l;ot a boa pf Doaa s Kidney Pills 'Ind started taking tlteni andl after j bad taken four clog. 1 ban to feel I was est' n e I' F and be?ore 1 had :Cinisloegd titer box zany Giii k was entirely better." Price, Ott rents at los at all druggists ordeal. ns, or mailed dirtrt on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. in Western Ontario of the Indians who bid their treasures of Wampum in the ereviceii of the ,Elora. "'rocks: e These little batiks are attractively printed, have fascinating black and white illustrations and will be great. ly enjoyed by children from five tp eight. • SCHOOL: PAIR DATES, -1929_.._ .. h ions school fairs to be. in Huron' County this year: Sept. tlth- -I3 s*li Sept. 12th—Zurieh • Sept, 13th -grand Bend Sept. 16th—Oolborne Townehip Sept. 17th,-•Asbfleld ,Township Sept.. 18th—,St. Helens Sept. 19th—Wroxeter Sept.. 20th- Ho*lek Tlownship Sept. 28rd---Ethel.. . ' . • Sept. 24th—Eeia'trave Sept. 25th•-•-Goderich Townshi ; Sept. 27tle tl h • Sept. silth firediton Get. 1st eelYsborne Township Ott3rd.-•Clifton Town Oct. dth -Clinton Rural. Following Ave the dates of io ver- FACTS ABOUT ANIMALS • 1.40111; PEt7°I,a 1BN7trati OV WILD - 1 • I,• E FORD. CAR. SrTEEL BOD; Combin (with 5 tLi a thee. t gth HE;high grade steal halt ptb building ding ror4 car bodies give's maximum (Living pot. tion. Beauty of design has beau ee i,bined with rued strength its: these alb1-30eI laodaies. The wood plazas shown in the diagram are used only for attaching the interior trim. .and roof material. If this body- hat of the Tudor Se4an in. esti instance— mounted on a lxfodet "A" were turned over mut toting ©At etc roof, it �y would support the chassis, engine and all with. out even bending, the narrow window pillars. -Such..i -the strength -and bigl slafety factors of p, Ford eugi:1 a ng. *SIAM obstruction is reduced to a minimumEn by tide Rise of narrow steel pi!13rs. Lower rear 4 panels, including the wheel housing, aromatic in one piece. This Unusual feature on. body, construction gives additional (strength. • Electrical welding adds gr iter rigidity and reduces the possibility tut squeal: and rattle. Panels and frame sections arc welded or ri4tetl,. in assembly of largo unit3 where bolts are necessary, strips of anti•squtaatz material are used between sections. Sound deadening material is alio used. Soft roof construction, Of heavy padding over galvani;:cti mesh wire, provides an �+1• ditionat element of quietness. Arrange for yogir d motslntratioi= nearest Ford deakr Drive it Yourself— them .is no- Better Test Ford Car . • Features ['lata s of ettbatrt cs to 03 'mi'H as hose 43.73..e potrtr imaine ret whim *eel" Puny twe!a.ed ai' 4V1ttas *lac* 4 ll.d re PisOrewlie sllcck ot•MtDat t) to to alien tor W!)* '1 el **Mair.* 1.--Aefergr se ,aroma miutdiee +r,'e!r;! roof i iron be* ref/Ability tad tete u)tkett with the F. H. WOOD & SON GODERICH, ONT. 44' ,...,......T.. awareserrilw Lioarww Will Help Her Mate In Tanta of Troubie-Tiger 1a not s Free t'Iirubew-,03,ena a »esirable tIO• sea—t• lepi ant'8 Teeth, Tho lioness, in timers of peril, vein come to the asalstanee of Ler mate, but not SO with the 1193, who shows a. tkeided "yellow sin alt. ' and, when in danger. will leave his mate to tight her own battles. The lion doOs not chew its food, eonsisting of about twelve pounds of beet a, day. when in captivity, but swallows it in ebonite. ,seep: when Its licks it off the bones with Its tongue, which is like a sharp rasp.. then the meat comes off In shreds. So sharp aro the spines in itir tongue that three Playful licks on your hand will take the skin orf. In seeking safety from the attacks of the tiger; huntera have often found 4 =aft tree a sate refine. The tiger is: a powerful swishier, but no:. a tree climber. Its whiskers A17' atilt quilts, like those of the porcupine, and are so sensitive that it dee nds on them almost entirely for guidance, when prowling in the jungle at night. , An elephant's Instinct telia him not to cross a bridge that %yin not bold his weight. This, has often occurred. against his keeper's judgment'. No coaxing or threatening will •cause him to croon, until .it lel& boon strength- . . ; eneithet he -will go aca.witlout 4t.tL'[tlif)1?:i C:i! Ti1tRSDA k, JUNE 1Cth, 3529 aux coaxiag or•;torce, p a. nroik• of normo [;o to '11*** ny pin men our enormous tattle, only The •elephant Ia 3 rovided bible. eight of which, however, four In emit Single n Jaw, are in setter* at one title. ; The, The hiilfolic et Burma in India, as other two sets, of eight each:, are re- they,come:ihto a Shan bazaar,. are a serve teeth, coming into use as the curious sight, Says Asia Magazine. others are worn out So accustomed arethey to treading The stomach of a'l:ippopotamuo, to the arrow paths of their jungle -glad river horse, will ;hold about rout bids ° that eve+n an the broad, oper. bushels. Is food caneists of roots ;nl plain they want one etriett behlut • another. while still sota iutlUul;a. from the luarket plate t1ley draw in. to A CQSt31n*rtline.-tale tr Jogs edging in et their heels—put their flutes in* tO n - to their capaciobs bags auti come on decorously, almost shyly, their voices and even .he clink of the silver or- I nanients . on their women se,en:114,1 subdued:. Per to the hill folk this cluster of thaatclied lean -Los, where the ;ihrans frdm .neil hboring .villages on the prlains gather every rive days to :.a- change produce, Is as natt.repolis or Commerce; and the Siaans t'h anseives (those simple and naive people at the • interior ofDurum) are worldly wase extra crisp and oven - fresh. The patented waxtite inner sealed wrapper protects the goodness of Kellogg's Com Flakes even after you open the package. Another reason for saying °Kelloggs! 9R• FLAKE .last try,Ihet:t wilb bony and malt or cream! -k water Plants in its native laud; and hay, carrots and eabbag>e, In captlw. ity. It has long been .supposed that. the hippo sweats blood. This mistake arises tro* r the presence on its -skin of reddish brown' oil globules, which •serve to keep the thick 'hide pliant, • The hyena pane the strangest jaws in.animal kingdom, and secures the• marrow in the 'bones, left ty the Ilona, by • erat;king *than 'weir ite teeth, then eating not only the mar• row, but also •the bone, which tits powerful acids of Ito stomach readily 'dissolve, •The hyena is -considered a desirable, citizen, because it a thor- ough. ;oifg'scavenger. The jaguar eatclies fish by lyieg on a lot; over the water, and flipping them out with its. claws. One of its eevorable dashes is turtles and turtle 1e ,gs. It is the "el tire" of South America, :and. the largest of the rats lathe Western Hemisphere: It can be distinguished , by a chain; of black'. splotches long its .back, which are wanting in the coat of the Leopard. ' Grouse More. Numerous. Dr. J. 13. May, director of urziit'hce logy, Lor the State of elassaachuatetts, in the monthly notes he blindly .sends, renlarke that +,rouse are reported from many plates as decidedly more numerous than a year ago, but ley' yet up to their normal numbers an The kangaroo at birth is scarcely -still la need of a.clesed season froze the size of a Menge. .It is placed by hunters. • tate mother in.a pouch peculiar to that marsupials, where it stays for weeks; Autoinobilear In Hos la. , banally groveinglarge enough to crawl There is one automobile in hast+iia out and hope around. Th'e' opossu a is' to each 7,000 inhabitants. •• the only animal in•the 'Western Hein-' , - - ' Upham Possessing a. paoueh like the ,p,,,seientist thinks the end of the Wh n eroobeing pursued by bun . The female, erss,awilt mosquito is let sight. 'Miele end throw out heroffspring and leave - theua to' tpyeti fate. . The,. giraffe "ilea ve»' prominent eyes, and`littte depressions behind theta Iso that it ,can see in • every di- rection, : without' turning; • its head. • When a giraffe desires to feed en some tempting gears, 11 lies ,downs eats 'all' within ata' reach, and their moves. its hoofs are very dani,eretie weapons, but full sae damaging Ja the ;use of its Head, which It swings from aide to side with sledge -hammer force The 'giraffe heal no vocal cords and is literally dumb. The leopard seems to hove a mania `. for destruction, often killing wanton- ly Avery' sheep in a dock, where Pa lion would only kill• one for food. Tree -tops are the •favorite haunts of - the leopard; its bleak rosettes blend- ing so 'perfectly with Its surround. Ingsthat it Is almost invisible. • ?i or - thisreason, it would Pot change spots; even it it. could, • The large ape called the gibbon In- perfeetly formed to excel fa gymnast ties. Its arms, and hands are long and powerful; its shoulders and chest are broad, to give ekcef,tional lung; paw- er, and the lower bart'of its body and legal are small, so tlaet there' is nn unnecessary weight to carry. iby ttelz- - 'ing a'breach, and twinging itself once. - or twice to ,gain toren, it launeheS it- self through the air thirty or forty feet to ianother,braneh, which it tarv- er misses. The gibbon is of ite very. gentle nature, and is easily tamed. The stripes on tile zebra are a, • striking example of'pst'oteetive elrioh. otton, Inc' when it ties down in the .- dry. dust -covered grans of the Attie Can purlins, the mimeo of the grase. • metates the ground color of its COAL .. , - u3d-grass shadows mateh RS stripes, - - rendering it almost invisible. If doe , mestkkated.11 would be valuable, bee eause it le fansnune to the Hite of the polsonoue tsetee fly, A poisonous snake can be distill- gutshed by the fact that the pupil of pits eye'io elliptical like the slit pup)Iw of a eotnnaon hottne eat. Alt no*t poisonous snakes have a circular • pupil. A snake's mouth tan aecom-.-. modate food ten°times the size of fits head. because Its lower jaw, being In .. two parts. separates est tho,ellin, and the skim of the throat etretehes until there le room, for the food to Bass. Atter feeding. tale snake sleeps for weeks, until digestion is complete. novo largest babas. Whales have the la*-gcat bralna of *11 nistri nali;, the largest On rt i'e* 1 weighing 7,000 i;rains. In httapazt1=ly,.. Inge the bratrt Schlott* exec*ed:; an ayer.zt' . wc- iht of 1.wS0 to 1.40 grains in aate•a, an& 1.tee to 1.140 its woo193. ¥ Ai Est yrlE[ii'ii Wl.W ND's` BMW. blade of Cellulose Fibres and Chem. • lenily Treated. A German oheiaitcal engineer',. Franz.. Franck, is reported toy have dieeovered a ' way of milking paper. which will not burn. Izx nrecent demonstration aonstration in Dev- lin lfar.be°took a sheet 9f ordinary news- paper, crumpled it in.o a ball, which .he. wrapped In a sheet of his droproof peeper; Titus Arotceted. he held „It, for a few minutes in the flame of a lab- oratory blast lamp. hot enough to: burn through a'plaster wall. Not.. only 414 the: fireproofwrap- piIng survive, but the ordinary paper inside ware not even scorched. The material ie aai.ade rr cellulose fibres,. just as ordinary paper is, but these. areput through a chemical treatment which makes „help: virtual- ly unburaable, Ancient Cross Found. Part of a. Saxon. eross, said to' bo about 1,1011 years old. has been die - covered half hidden in tI1e graveyard adjoining the' ancient Abbey Church at Serabringhunl, England. .The distrtet is rich In antiqultles many relies having been. unearthed (rain time to time 3n excavations for land drainagewhere the village, do. moltshed centuries ago, origlttalW stood; Semptinghana Is noted as the place. where St, 'Gilbert founded the only religious congregation of Bnglisi origin, the Gilberttu"s. lie died het+tt rn 1189 at the age of 10S. f Sweet and palatable. Mother Graves Worm Exterminator is acceptable, to children, and It does its work surely end promptly, Chinese anconeal le made from net•nteal weeds, tea weeds and char* +peal duet. -,....,,w„ There now be ether cone reaxt0t'Sre, but you wit! not he rotttpiaely satin- fled mail you have used Jitgllowapt"!! COM Rernoitr. Enjoy a Restftl Nigbrt on Lake Erie o your trip East or West, or toand from Canada I#Sit.travelingby train er auto, enjoy en all night's ride on beautiful Lake...Enc. C& B Line Strainers are tnagnikeat Boating hotels. with large comfortable staterooms, excellent dining mom service and courteous attendants Music and Dancing -on the great ship "S1NDS21i". Autoists, Ulm* dais Cdre'S-Line war. Atoldmites andisiieit of congealed tcadway. Iluf'aalo and Cleveland Division Pachon, over,' si,sht,lcavis/r at P:t1O g,:ia., aaivfe'aa; a.m., (11.53%) 7:30Marisrt0Navcwn15th. Pt; Stanley, Can.,and Cleveland. Division Dailyservkkc, leaviogPotrStanlcveilOap.m., Srtivino Cleveland. 9:30 p.m., )wee Loth r. Scdambce 8t$. ConnectioatatCtereleadCotCeduPoint,P a.iay. Detroit, Pointe uveal and sou:twee. NII'W' LOW' PARES $4,so one viay PUnp'ALO TO Atmos Carried 4840td.top ,CLSV>iLA"ait• $6.Soand op i3®daireLVEV�Ssd.ao rd. trio to taLAND soaid up Tus maids= AND i UEP.14LL0 TRANSJITdCtoC e t ]yePortSailrr oaade luintnlitlllll 111 1119lllili naiu'1', 1':<1111:11111111111i11111111111111iIIII Ii iil New Citral Triangle Tent Ixt oo SunlyforCcsro, Iaad, Manlius on the oppOeitedsiriaian. Wier us or ask van ticket iikent fo t deli is on this new,deli;htful wecktad teat. X,rhs of pest s Er/ LCs* uayd your • Stade, %res wail is thesettict'swinter harvest. W'hrrt his own lathe is cleared he may stillobtain employment in the neighbouring forest. )3y rate with fire, the wise settler protects hr own living. auurahyeutlloi tW0i Ifetesesirk Chalks Stewart, 4t.n-.ter of the Eettr'r.