HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-13, Page 3Bronhou 13130S• Tie ieel sgit�,lt ervice Ir trttetrat Director* tied Embalmershitt. Aft b*lartcte: Orders rar+efuully aft at *0 hours -night or dile: We are the inapectots of anatomy' and foe the County of Phones: Store 120; Residence 217• rowairlro. • TilleKWA'ke JUNE1, lila, 1029 Cramps Diarrhoea Pains is Stomach Mr. Rov 1,ightheil, Milford, Out., writes: --"1 /Ream veru ill; 'oat my appetite, hail cramps, diarrhoea, and severe paean in my atomeser. "I purchased a bottle er and before I lead taken :half of it I weal, completely re, lieved, and have had no t;t�ia to q . p of the'tronblesuwe. cannot pulse "lite Extract too .highly, .and will never be without a bottle of it in the house. "It is pleetsant'to •take•ma *tete very quickly. "My brother had the same experience with it as 1,lead. Dr. Fowler's" has been'on the market 'for the past 84 yearsi Soar'don't experi- ment when you buyet. Trice, 50 cents bottle at all dealrs; put up only by The T. Milburn Co. Ltd. 'Termite. Out. .LEGAL ICMDS THE OODERICR STAR „. 011110.11MONINIMP ,aeo. +ter. ;ford, t.ci: place Wednesday e•►ening•.y ee lDtrteJti-lYiilltsrrg /stay .:1, and 'wain presided over by., Rev. Gardiner pickle, MA., alk, of A pw*ty t. embolic is a ureh, seat eteen. tnudetatt.r of the Preeb • in �t, JJitaeat' C*c11A71k church, aa"4tei of Prince Albert and Saskatoon, • fartb, Setw'tay:. Juiw let, 'b,' Iteer'. FL i t,oeLY, trheu MI.4 1 et to WiIh, ma,ii ilpatk of ililliittr ('wtuef P From r Exchanges''iAultttter cI air, cued Itra, ' ,elonren; ;Kr. tirn, t't?nneu, as reiipectiee cite 'Williams, was united in marriage to'xen of I.ueknaw, passed AWAY On Chas, Dietrich, of Kitchener. They, Thur: dor•, 'flay alith, at tieatlerieh, He will spend their honeymoon et Mar, was taken to the t oderi, h heaspitel Assistant Agricultural Representative+hila and is now confined t:e the Galt ty-r"s Hilt, near Bache•^. 'They will !a Keen before anti had been losing M. Ian McLeod, recei t graduate ofa Geeeral hospital, realise at kitchener. Guelph, StrantTwry+Ashton heath of W.B. Beesleythe f1.Pt.C'., uel h, is the new assist+ ant representative for Huron °ounty,A cguiet but pretty rvecltiin. was 'The following from a Moose Jaw, Lutheran Synod Isolenunzed at the 'home of Mr. and Sask., daily, refers to the passing of The sixty-seventh eoncera:cin of the , M e. a'i,ert Ashton, tlorrie, .at high a former Clinton citizen : "'Follow= i-p • ' i n n a tri tl eet*s illness 'with c $ ti i; hear. Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Can, noon can Tuesday, Duna ;nth, w+len disease, AV. It. Beesley, well known ads was field in St. Meter's 1 utlaeran their daughter, Margaret Evelyn, was " church, Zurich, beginning Wednesday, united in the holy bonds of auatri and very highly respeetcd Pioneer of AIae 2;lth. th it lbe 1. ' t I t d Accepts New Position o Mr. C. E. Corbin, of Clinton, has accepted a position .as science teacher} There Passed away at his late regi- on the staff of the East York High denee, 525 Lansdowne ave., Toronto, The Late 11Irs. M#rry,Gasman School and will tato over his new on May 'nth, Mr. Jna. Diamond, a rem The following refers to the death of into the etrcumstanees of an accident duties at the opening of the fall sident of llucvale, who with his par- s forage resident of Myth; The on Friday Morning, May "Ash, in; term. rents came to the township of Turn» death of Mrs. Barry Gusman. Tren- which Harland, four year old son of berry in 1809 from his birthplace, illness ova Scotia. oti . 1dagsycafts us a Gordono Findlay. farmer, of Chatham Engagement Announced n t township, Waterloo county. N wa fatally inured. The Mr. and Mrs, Herbert C. Cos, of Parker -Norris great Shock, not only to the family lad was strttek by a car driven by Mr. Goderieh township, announce the en -1 .fiat to the people of town generally'. David P. Rowelifte, of Exeter. who ,~agement of their eldest daughter, ' A very pretty June wedding was phut had been in good. health right rues driving west ou the provincial Verna. Eileen, to Air. Kingsley male solemnized at the United ehurcltiitemize but eontracte;d double pileup, highway, and Barris, son of Mr. and Mrs. John manse, (. U..(lhurst, 'Saturday, Jane .gilla and the end came 'with Neighborhood News Nuggets mow to Mr. Wm. Strangway, of Sar- e e e • is r e sin for several ' Sears 'an energetic and popular eiti. Beath of John Diamond residence of the city, passed away at his residence on Redland: avenue, strength for several days so that the end was not unexpected. Mr. Cion. • nen was in his eth year and is sura rived by one son. Dr. 1V, M. Cannell, cif Lueknow; and one daughter, Mrs, EAfi + Cleland. of Hamilton. Ills partner- o od tea in -life, a daughter of Jas. Somerville. is �,�r, one of the ,ftt�r:nders f Ie g .ow e u kr ,tiled _ o PAGE Tilttt:r. Every package of Red Rose Tea is prepared with the sante care -pis if our reputation were to stand oC . fall upon that single package. e s just ten years ago -.-Mev 20th, 10It ; Driver Exonerated in Child's De*tht A verdict of death by accident and attaehinbaa t was returned by a coroner's jury at: Chatham at the close of an inquest, g no nie o any person., Harris, also of Goderieh townshi ,tine let. 1989,. when Eva Ismona, dough -'ling suddenness. • • FOR SAFETY ON THE HIGHWAY morels to tat lace this mont�, reit of Mr.and Mrs. Ilug'h Norris. of 'R'1AltuGal ,eP ibbert, became the bride of Mr, t,4'il- Death of Youn',c Bay Word ryas reeei ed from Toronto n .-�-- 4liver.Dunlop 'Tito funeral of il}onald G. 11#eMfltnn,few Maya ago that the Highway Safe. iam• George Parker, son of Atr, and ty toletmut.ee nail rtneeveu tee eau.- -Barrister, rolicitor, Notary Public, Eh,. A very interesting wedding took Mrs. Enoch Parker, of Tuckersmith. 1.1• -year-old sort of Mr. and Airs. Wil-, Successor to Ile Hillman place at- the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Bain McMillan, of London, formerly palsies for the prevention of lilt: Pts. Phone 07. Office, The Square, Oederich. Bug}' Dunlop, of Grey township, at ' Rev' Sinclair performed the of Blyth; was held at Ia3Q p.m. on an this paper t ne committee pubo ltCs ERNEST M. LEE la Tuesday, Juno +#., The service was its Ts advertisement, calculated ,o w en their daughter, Vera was unit- 11 Celebrate- . Dominion held In rt. Andrew's United church - _ • • high noon on' Satutda'y, • June 1st, au cltt*oty Will h h � Day This Year , Encouraged Tho young boy was ill with the flu by the splendid sic- during the. wrote and complications T 1 P ed in e v problem. n of o of bl m. h h bomb mat 'm o Barrister and Solicitor r, _. Mr* C1l f � township, oy�p e i.e... the -presence o e ou ty guests. cess 'which attended the effort made set in 'since thenthatslowly sapped flied the question. tfRt ernotor tray - Sun Life Bldg, Ad laid and Victoria © arei, o row in f b t fi£ Telephone: It is stated by those who have stu- Elgin 53Q1 year, 1 his lite. He passed away Sunday at • • 'Toronto 2. FIre Destroys Home 1 A fire home, 97 Princess ave,: Lon - on on July lst.of last ear Lueknow win ' • • . lie in Ontario ine ceased between L'0. celebrate D.omin;an Dain this : S i ss ., and 2G per cent. lir 19ii8 ovot• i;►�i, again ce DUDLEY 'la, IfOL 1tES. re -of unknown origin occurred year. This was decided at a meet don. but •that the fatal aeeidents Mafia was on ;Saturday evening -,411.140 • h .... evening Sudden Death of Seaforth Man lower 'than iia ilf2A• Bighway olii- the home. of Mir, and Mrs. Tied Lobb in the council chamber. Atr. John Stewart, of Seaforth; cials l;ivo a good deal of credit' for of Ebenezer was ,destroyed, t'i'lto skins Trip to hlnskoka � these figures to the ednneatdve of%its y -at;, 'v en I ¢ of citizens held Monday Barrister Solicitor; Notary ?ono. 'GonvPv neete eta beingcame to his death in a tragic PiitOA'E 27 T1i; tit\ a"9REE'r, house dial ' of stone structure il; her. G. H Elliott, the well ltnowri early Wednesday morning oft last of the Highway„ , Safety Committee nner "'--e-------..e-=---:-•- - burned slowly and moat of the con< auctioneer and insurance agent, of week in the home of Mr. W. R. Plant,, during the last two years. As the .SPECIALIStents were saved, but every eerap of. Clinton. leaves on ,Tune 17th for a five C. N.: Ib. aent. Mr. Stewarttraffic grows the time committee find that wood work was (burned. ''day holiday to be spent at the Royal found tit the foot of the tairbout thoy 'have to continuo their" efforts Muskoka Hotel 3n Muskoka, as a 0 o'clock but life was extinct. It is. with renewed vigor in order ,q keep TAR, F`. J, 'R 'FQReer ft. . EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT . • Late House Surgeon New York Qph- thaInnia and AuralBospital, assistant at Moorefield's Eye 'Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng. 93 Waterloo .St,, S. Stretford. Tele - phew 267. At Hetet Bedford; Goderieh. , on the evening e n of hard Monday f ra t ora a ea month In ay. till the following day, Tuesday, at 1 CHIROPRACTIC DiiiiGUESS 011:80TIT1ON1:'R. »R. A. N. ATEI(V$QN. Chiropractor and Drtiptess Therapist, 'God erieh Q9u'onic, Organic and Nervous Diseases E' uieped' with •Diathermy, Eleetro-. Mtagnettc Baths. Eloctranio' Electric . Treatments and f;hiropraotio. • Office •ho�jFw..-2 to 3 and 7 to 9 p, tri: and lay appointment, excepting eion((ay and Thursday afternoons and evcnh* s.. Office Hours --2 to 5 and 7 to.9 pen. " Lady in Attendance.. Residence and 0llire--Corner South St.: and 'Britannia ',toad, •. Ai}CTIONEERIriG rnH0:1IAS °(IL:VDRS & SON. Live Stock and General Auctioneers, Eidin Ave., Goderieh. Sales •rttatte mare -where and'all efforts ' de' t e vo and v u sfa o sats cti R'1 ad Farmers Sale Notes dtst:oa.:ted. Phorie'i19. WESLEY 1V. FISHER, AUCTIONEER, et Will conduct sales anywhere. My teems are reasonable and I will biy end give satisfaction. Phone. Carlow 131f, or address R. R. 4, Goderleh. Fortner' Clinton itizeh Injuredthis ratio at as low a figura as pos. Mr. Harry Hunt, for many years a guest of the Canada Life 7nsuranee believed he was stricken with a heart resident of ' Clinton,' 'who lived on 'Company. Mr. Elliott sold over attack while descending the stairs' Bible. committeeAlteeful study Ted that Princess .street, And who now resides' $100,000 worth of insurance for' this ,and fell the remaining steps, striking of the have conclude- that with his son In (Galt, had the misfor= 'company last year. lois head. A fractured skull was the be vast ed frits of m le cul ran tune to fall and in so doing broke'his Tiffin-Purdon • immediate cause of death. be prevented if a few simple rules of The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. safety are kept constantly in rtinci. ;. Purdon, Whitechurch was the 1'asnedUniversity Exams _ One official of the Highways ale- ' ' The following graduates of the pertinent asserted that during . ewe scene of very er re v pretty wedding o P Y d n y ng Min periods of this . summer Wednesday, May 29th, when. their succes th Collegiate .Institute have n s s ci may yoatngPst. daughter, Lucretia Isabel, successfully passed their university expect cars in use on Ontario %Iigit- 'vas united in »carriage. to Mr. George examinations; McMaster'-•. F. Grain. ways to equal one tai to every these Albert Tiffin, sari of Mr. and Mrs. Jos;: ,ger' third year' Toronto a cal -C. h people living in the Province, These Tif in, of ban 'de. 1st year Arts, Toronto Medical --C. figures, of courser take into .account ! Abethart,third year (honors);the increasing number of tourist cars • y . C. H. Clinton's : New Chemical Fire Truck Hough. third year; A. M. Hough. 3rd using Ontario highways. to' be Loaned to Nearby Town- ,year: R. L. Norris. 2nd year: Den - NOTARY PUBLIC. » TC. Vine, BAILIE. . NOTARY PUBLIC ea General Conveyeneing done • Rood 'Companies Represented Phone No. 29S. Coderlch, Ont. rssuRA'NCE nych"TLLOP' eiliTt'AL FIRE , I:VSLiR- ERTY INSURED. FARM AND ISOLATED TEs) TOWN PROP - BRAY INsi'Rt;D. . Value of 'property insured up to Jan- nsry 1910. a3,0i8, 073.00. QFFTCEAIS-•-,lames Connolly; Press. debt, Goderieh, Jas. Evans. Viee-I'resi- +t.nt, Beechwood; T. E. Hays, Seg.- Treas.. Sraforth. - Dllil'(;TCRS-i). P. Mr(lregor, See-- • teeth; J. fl. 'Grieve, 'Winthrop: Wm. eWPM...ConManro: Geor:';' .McCartney. Tuchersmith: John Ferele, Itarlocit; Bohn Bennewisr Broadhagen; eturi.ay ( Gibson Bruer leid. AGENTS--..7.AV Yeo. Goilerielr Sandy Leitch, Clinton: Wm. Chesney, Sea- earth; 0. Tlinchley, Seaforlli. Policyholders can pay their assess- merits at Calvin Cutt's store, Goderieh; A. J Moorish's Mottling store, Clinton; er J. H. Held's, Rayfield. . rutin INSURANCE Have it attended to by the *ESTWAWANOSN MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO Established 'ISIS llfead Office: Ilunnanuot, Ont. Wm. J. Thomson. Auburn, 'Pres.; Wm. Watson, Vico Pres.; James (Mr • - ten, 'lion. 'elector; directors -Wm, . McQuillan, St. Helens; W. P. Reed, D. R. No. 2, ,Ltiekaow: Harry L. Sat- Retd, floder*eh; Alex. Ntcttoison, Lucl: mow; Tim Griffin, 11. Ii. No. 7. Lnct now; Gras. 'Hewitt, IEincardine; llobt. Mould- son. Dungannon. Rate --2.00- per them:and..-.__ 'PHOS. STPirtiPIE , T. Cr. ALLEN, Trees, J. ft. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Goderich, Ontario An calla promptly 1tCCSI C1 i day or night, Phones; ftlbdre 3i1L; Bade 35SW HAT WILL IT DO? Women are ming: "PInkba m's Compound keeps me fit to do i�v. work." "I was nervous and all .rid` down. Now T eat better and sleep bette3'--". "It helped my thirteen • ' ships in Case of:Fire • sal College --J. R. Edmonds, 3rd year - year olddaughter,"-•-"Xtookitbe- At the last meeiing. of Clinton 1(honors). parks. committee recommended that Successful Clinton Students e Clinton's new chemical fire lighting . Mr. 'Garnet VanHorne passed his . ,apparatus be put at the disposal of second year in the Ontario College,of the immediate surrounding communi Pharmacy with second .class honors. ties: in ease of fire, some arrange- Miss . Esther Trewartha graduates fore and after my baby was born." am gaining every., day." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound council, Chairman Holmes of the rents. being made as to .remuneration from Toronto University this year; ---- s - taking • second class honors in lan- . guavas; Miss Ethel ,Hogg, Miss Iso- bel Fraser and Messrs.; Eimer Pais-'<.` There are many Coins ley and Fired. McTag;,zt .graduated. x?^ s Lb� in circulation,''and ly» Will Be Tried at Fall Assizes' ins aroud in drawers Russell ; McGregor , aged' 20, of • x ran Bend, charged with, vies the envy fisted car which struck and killed Miss Dia. that have great value. For example -the Copper P Grand E d h d h drf ' h 1839, with the Banlc of Montreal -on its face is today worth 'Ina Spiers, of Queen .Alexandra Sant- , a CAT d 'n t e i h County Police P e un y e C6urt, committed fox' trial at the fall assizes by Magistrate Hawkshaw. McGreg- or, who faces a charge of manslaugh- ter, was released on. bail of $10,000. 'Rev. David K. Perrie Becomes Pastor -of • St.Aridrew's Presbyterian Church, North Batticford The ordination and induction ser- viire' of David j . Perrie, M. A,, re, cent •graduate of. lKnox College, Tor- onto, and son of Rev. D. '.Perrie, D.eD., and Mrs. Perrie; of Winghant, who has aecepted the call to 1St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, North Battle. tariuin at rm ba o S nk on 2 a P Eg Y P l :oa. I is of so t�� th . ��nflinch e age that counts --it $tt is the s a .cityfparticular C ' .aares of certain art dates. . THE RARE COIN CATALOGUE. Tells you about the Rare .Coins of different' count- ries -including Canada and the British Colonies -and gives you the prictsi I guarantee to pay for same. With the book of re- ference, you will know that if the Coin§'you have are not listed, they have no premium value. SENT: POSTPAID FOR.EIGHTEI N CENTS. (Sine' 2e stsilps tr(ll do) A. E. DOCRERTY & CO 96 Wurtemburg Street - Ottawa Ont. London the othe • mining London, r ilio n ttg and was The World's Sime Inst Fughie In Canada's Best Styled Camel`. It was inevitable that such a beautiful ear as the new Willyys. K•nightee7O W'ahouldstep ick' into preferred plnee inpublic* favor. Each month we are build more Knight -unglued ears than ever were built in any prec g month. Here is a ear whose high-powered, Sonet -accelerating motor is simplicity itself. 118 to 158 less parts than any other automobile engine. Just two metal sleeves in each cylinder Sliding up and down, one within the other, ina film ofoit--that is alt. -With no carbon troubles, no valves to be ground, no springs to weaken, the new Willys-Knight engine cuts upkeep costs two. "Your neatest Willys•Rnight dealer will gladly give you a demonstration. '"'FINGER-TIP CONTROL" One butters in center of Metiitig wheel central" stetter. ligbte *ad hone Staple design, eiery ever - stew. Nov/time 'esteem hie port. WILLYS Gwr CEO. JOHNSTON, Gderich $1420 Se4Jlann $1,543; Coupe $1420: litisldeter $I420; Touring ' 01323. Wines•Knitht .164. Coach 112L7: Sedaii 21'S43. Priem F.O.B. ]Factory, ' Toronto, teem extra. 1 HON. GEO.S. HENRY ' Minister cf Highways, and •. Chairman of the Executive of the . Highway Safety Committee, who has again launched an extensive eampaign looking to accident prevention on 'Ontario highways. . Muscular Rheumatism Subdued.---. When one is a sufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do better than to hiave the region rubbed -with- D.r. Thomas' Eclectric 011. Let the rub- bing she brisk and continue until ease is secured. There is more virtue in a bottle of It than tai be'fu11y esti- mated. • • The objection to waiting for an ideal mate is that you are overlooked by others doing the same thing. -r- ; THE GODER 1CH FAt.KS ARE. eLtik oops. THERE IS NO MIXTURE WITH THE SLATE Oft STONE FAMILIES fel OUR FAMU.yTRUE Y155lR,WRRe fiFFs+- FIRST -IMBUES OP rtHE FoRts•p Have you ever noticed the imprint of a leaf on a piece of coal •' You'll find one sometitne,--a silent reminder of the pro-hwtot e fo*'&ut:, t from which coal came. Think of the centurieal of nunehino .and fresh air that meet i*ave- beet), ttti:orbed by these forests before• they were finally buried That is the c.aai we offer you: w*nid mixed with concentrated nunsiiine and +nsyaen, argil preeeed ,fere thou -1 • manic ei rearm! No wonder it burro. so well. • I1ot Good Clear* *.oat 1.tLI. TIII: tat PM,R1, J. Be MUSTARD egg Nil Pboec 98 Goaeri t ° RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good! __ 1Y - QRT meta � umora " And onee it to*, four al.. po (net %Ytel wee Aeneleilt weeelteile hieludeng .er hu3l_lttdl, to slott;o a woman. _ When the meek inherit the eartrr One of tie, most aetoulsbingC teat* they'll only be able to run it by tit a' In the history of Argonne railroad+ Loa of their large, e aaielee ',five,. lug isdho driving In three -years' Unto : 1 r of an elght»iniln tunnel muter the platter°s Wverm- i"otedere are a Cascade Ranee for th0 Great North- • prompt relief frora the attache of ern Railway-. It is the' longest rail- worms in eliltdren, They aro Tower. way tunnel in thee' Western lientt- ful in their cation and, while itavinee ' %Alae t and :the- titt)i hinges, in t;io nothing to he desired as a tvorsi ex - world, The speed with whtelt it watt imitate, have au invi :orating -effect driven ttirqugh tlw`t,mako rib 02 the? upon the ,youthful system rtnioviur precipitous eo,tUt ranee alai •eelt;a ed fever, eni'Yeucness, toss of appetite, all world regards, sleeplessness s, and other , ihrteetet that Seldom in ree int years have gall- follow dkgttrrl:rs rauseat &ty rrorntu ant way en.sl u.-ra and gontraetar5 been :the stomach and towels. assigned 0 More thrilling adve*t ore than that of p enetratit „ eight i et U te, tri i i through a mountain rant: a. Little wee known of the diameter et' the Haile ;lint' %head tis e�tteottutt lS'd,': no. - • thin:; was known au tel what nubter- ranean streams ^and pools *night be` tapped, • -- Driving a tunnel *Hough a 'moue-, twin rani;' Is quite unlike ether rola- struction projec.s. The wrote import ant difference, and the one which 1 , t e ' a 1 governs'. 0 s. S t, rn tit time element, i fi ter l iu nt 'lo the very limited .surface on whleh tits attack ran he prosecuted at ontr. time. 1t* . excava inti a. canal, for lu• Stance, it fa .possible to scatter work- men and'egnfputent over monk milt's.: but to dtstr'bute worlunon and. equip - Tent , u n*b:r a rnountain. rani;' Is seemingly •t oattel opt the tatpost:tole. 1, Gig ;x36 illustrative of the i'o-ordlnati(nt or all tunneling art -Wilke triel1.~errei:t;t -.For Upholstering, Repairing a 't1 li lea t t a date the drat i) t rontlrinol:• het RafiaiohinQ 'vas opened trough the • main bola • A larme :reeve of Sample Cover stx.nnd our -half miles of the tunnel - in"*. carried already had been lfnrtl'witii-espttere.�; P, A4.ZIMMERMAN another naif,x itad hien enlai*;e•tl tit'- NeI.on Street full stzie and was ready for Conereet- - , intr. and, five utiles of .the electrical equipment for the 'operation 01'- : tratns.`•signals, telephone and • tele , gruph Mien bad been installed; Tr -tin oprratton through :t*e tunnel will bel- 'e gilt anon: - AATWATER...,KENT: Thr primary pur1:010' of the ei„l1t- mile tonna' i.: - to uffortt. the Great, Northern-a-crossini; of the ('a eatta' BATT�RYL�3S . Alouuttdns at :a 1ot..rr elf VA :ion,- f h-i.i . • eliminating • :s'veral tidos or. snow- - . slime, wheel eMI, neni•I, $500400 a - j ' year to. Main tarn. The new routes .re•-• In noddles. �r7i' AFTER .4LL Tht -ts Nothing To Equal amBuK FOR TOE j places elgirtfe'►t miles of winding . • £W' rf: jf j rF track, ten of which ran • under 111': shelter of snow• sheds and through *rel. 174-W for Demon *Ai anti's. in addition tel the saved; reselling from the ;4 11101m •len (*1 anowsheels, the <ellmin'atlon_ of r;rr_•ntue e *quilt A^ 1012t to teen eonmple•tn: t'tu hie;: ictal a redsst t(n to elevation of 0'02 1, b, the Great N111 1t * $ .i! ius intb its the t -tat tilos, r4t11 rt,dut .. flit .leen- ger train srhrdule between Spokane And Soat1.' by r.n' linin .*tat fret,:*t schedules bt• more than three. tomes. The meanest. man is the fu► mer who plants nathing cause to the road except stuff• tourists reel eat. :KIDNEY_% roil PI LLS_ Es ,, • 1l \�\N'- o1sE ' RIONLY. " , -.pea Too- le Se. tite .tiee •;101, il FMS WI ;111 �Dli �;l'a 8 THE P titration • W. MacDONAiD ELECTRICIAN - Britannia, Road • INSURANCE. The Mutual Life Assurance,, Company of Canada ° itetnevehed 1809 IIa3nn ()t:'i tci; ; IYATrttr.(tit, ONT D. D. MOONEY, Agent linoen: .24o Nnt`.'rii Sir. t (iotat:utu u, Crsx. ._4. • o� �-. CSU , Icy ere-��e rJ� ,,TAA Mof•SALES ' ti �1 bohttiisort Sraaes' MANtti:tnt) - . rho 3reil AV W•tik liumhae niivNeale vtitaetag.fIi. l Mahe sure yea have your share. ?he special items sheers are Ter the 2 deyr eased °MLY. 214 WAS' Otte/ WINDOWS DAIL V - - 1.0a:;rta Pastel 2 1480250 P11i13 712 iaa i`Ateht1tia1'7103n2 01 2.*L4a411av¢ . 1(▪ intr;O. Sei 144 ,o7 c, ,wta 4r 2.f„Pbto rim 011ie no I1 oLas,t -no;a :55: i so4'27.i31 tittarsutai I/O 16.' '10:e 1A4,. Dae tip Mitet2.: t1 11?,'a P(42"0' . e . °.rt=:r 222 "i.. tfitIV.30./ 250 i' .a„ e onnalla25o writ* 1+r -.•a 4 d21e'?P4 sfag. 'R-� It {ui F a, oli FRIDAY and 5dTVR DAY1.24161431MO1RDAL * BLICW 'PXACINUESvia a�'. • 25e Awa USCUITS' ' fD *80 GING1eai 6YAr5.. 0,114011 ft" lb.19. lb. 10e kit( INPAY anti ' lonly) P. * O. 170170 21AP7114 SOAP 10 Jima 39. • Ano exam tntAs'3 tvEr.vvnawa 2 Pkti. 15e 440 La d,i.2efay and Thursday II)slsr) son outman etlwPus rm. {'41913 a 4.48 MO PUtilpkin2Ytnsll9e . Oliva. *'; 320 ASO t711af IC 112301 P. Se.2:Y' *max y':q FLOUR 'X 2!e Olive Oil 29. 11oaycd LRMpN AND. (►RANO* ass. ' Jtllr. 211. KKOVAM MEA UX Sohl PRAY 583'2031 1!a 210* Lobsters 25. *am ..w....... ts. f moult (:Oitor Lk 7q, Salome 55e 901227*G1AV 2 03. Sietreke •112. + nlra:os eeaaroev;A tabu root cos ye Salad I tor 217. CLAMK'0 P077431 715. Meats 35e 1ie.toGG'S &N 0 2 PAs. *Aspire 25. 111.74 Dal r.0:.121M..7 132.4.0 003201403 lt:OOLE.2:19Prtro rAi1Gi'D r,... , a s JELL31S/ 0 4.4 Al powntia Illeehmollo Cott., `a 33e we 59. thicken ,RICfCtd0224.407 R4ZO=l, HOCOLATE sA4S BLADES ES . Aga 11 d'i Cee 25e 3 lith lA� DOM VON STORES LIMITED 1 on, aotxf,'g is aviierwm rte • . 4 •• 1 f4