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The Goderich Star, 1929-06-13, Page 2
PAGE TWO veto • 4 rub frost T E Ate,, THIq AT,, • lethe ltd! THE GODERICH STAR Itot the State ax bribe of e1,000 in re- WRE!i BABY IS WELL. e a pest of the g'i'ant of a eenceesie n for a busy route. The Attorney•Genexal' 1 cEr A REAL COAT OF TAN TH MOTHER IS HAPPY SUMMER has been Asti -Wed. to take criminel the ihei baby i —« state s as inlet' over a #em eLe i thekerne suftere -ret only through place" From 'there smart . little state sue!" as his predecessoe°a► had worry over the little one but through steamers Baht to take you to nsiy �6� CHAS. RLACKS TILE LEADING MEAPS STORE PUN a Holiday in the Lie of Bays roceedin,gs. The happy "nether is one ^ hese` P b L ¢ 'weir 't is the l hukaiflt gUr District d Sesta R t Huntsville is the "getters ad' Clap los and a cling lieby who always brings Joy to prpaa Pius stool coecn?nly affirmed the hankie. When Baby ra rll ew;eryontj .. n - � • ante reed prior to MO. although. his • g l eep•A•n© ©no c• • 'i'tn4 xeS,'of the pretty resorts thetedow tide• a ---e 4195 fi3 ti @ ty agreement, is less in intent. Joy- vay ful r,estlungs oe ch bens 11 th a sick baby in the Koine. Thou- , ettnds of mothers aro IipY ]keep their little once well—or if sick. church ie s as iia mothers throughout the City vY Ramo shade that because they have foti,ela the way to Mich at noon the glad tidings Premier Mussolini and Cardinal as piss does conte oda a uddenly, as 1t a --1 clay. All ,outdoor sports await you.. "partz Iliad excliav,gc l ratifications of d with little opera they have the Melita" Treaty ending the 'Arlie Found the way to speedily rtttg o . . , famous chain of Irnctu est1ue lakes. hays spent in the northers sunlight .moonlight nights In a drifting' Le_-. canoe—you can't bare a ]letter •hull -1 . trails* poi vv t i c ,. 7 the Golf, tennis boating swimming, i between the holy See and the Xing. baby back to health twain. Mrs, dancieg you'll have n v. onejerfui dem of Italy. George Isech, Lindberg, Alta., is one time in this fairyland, National authen► offends Governor GE mese ech, Lia and she w�gteq nen Cisnadhi 'National airyd RAilwftys haM1ni Viand Tailoring 'Special Orders Ow ,MEN'S' SMART y�TLAR �+ �a�r t lege next vveek because thq authog well at nlf;ht, I Iraua he will oast. Any htgent t will g Y give �......—,*•• ,j�,alael���r rtlt h h 1 ins at upon huavlcig d but Baby s Ativn� Tn'b}eta and You onq t 'Jas, b, Free S Governor-Generalte, may f at of follows: "1 am �tice happy' niotlsee* prepared a. new 1ha;L•1et on Lake of tate Iriale Free Mate. inay not attend of a seventeen l 1 seventeen -mouth -old looby' iJ .* . Bays. it's crammed full of piCtnree.--•• and strong and slCtrpa� tells you where to go-•-lso�v moat ie the Annual festivities at Trinity Col- Baby is healthy e i- r no other v t lad] ties of the t?c axr i medicine .. 'pt�fiA a ` iii the hymns "God Save the Id. a' sit she Aust Ion ea them. am never , matt of tnQ program, instead of •thc�, without the Tablets in the house." •..•--�.-r----.- "` -•.-- ._.• ...... ...:. t . at A,g'i0,440,p00. That is to saJ,,if national song of the free Stade. The} orougs : axe Tablets aro g mite but Baldwin 'dalinryatafce I!resniershin a could a up at once, thv•rredhf- Free State national anthem i "T1se hoxou ► laxative reg znd taus ecd t a d' 1 11 "noun ll Fen people were surprised she would accept less than rano bel- Soldiers' Song. It was the when rt, hymn of,bowels, sweeten the stomach h t Itt lion delve out constipation and indigestion was o a: a as •• tithient against it among Unionists, and make the cutting of teeth easy►.. Stahnley 14s1�d'win, premier of Great;. �elnt.do axe, kind- cancel the J vvhole the &inn b'ein, and there ins mac sen- ,. Dalton" ape leader of the Conserve- Transallantic Plane Down It hall never been played at Trinity m The ey,me sold fly medicine dealers or five party, had decided to resign in g ,>�, 11incT#htnuld and the The Swedish seeps neki Sverige, College. � Export Liquor by Williams Medicine CaX altos t-il.a, off favor a ms'uy Refuse On decisi:inas. Ile aauld Kava a fee thewind' e route t from York, was for- •Although half u dozen Progressive Ont. • rir, � goad dare the Liberal erty, which coast of t sever ly RFIE*Cx 'VACATION s a; a , . t :Although Caption Albin . Ahreeberg crrn zeb. ostiae the 'clueing to ban _ C 0 companions q $ ooto ex ministry, to a;tpy in office, re.form infnistry, and then enter Parliament ecd down at Skaptaxos, on the Rnat!► Members of the Canadian Comnionu' Ice by engine trouble. a criticized Cho Canadian Gov- T1I 1'I* liquor clearances to the United,States, Father; holds th balance of polder, n vote ti. theyoung man and ` would pad' his two fell short of lima out of of iec. Thus V Ou fro. a. •and enti11Y,1'.dlsalwreed . with .-HQf. sista','leo 'elks" oda t}iev all get tiwayf-- g l of reaching refuel g li for c ik, arhQre :they were et e\ batty ~litive caused ;a fiesit ca William reed blithieter► together o a 'vs►cation, and it trouble and unrest k to the r St ley `Rigto e ve'York itheyn were ab to who kited inne, "' effect, that it wrr' they do win' sort of a: vi►cation is it try .And it saccate well for 3 • tach a s;af© haven despite the exip- up to the United Statins to enforce for trhother':' A. cottage in the aeon - even Judgments who t' noted for leis aex reach her own dry iawa, reit` marls enthit- try means le her only another Placa h eparties. that he otiose the pled dne kind eu Their encountered s tong head a}stem or support was artou e"e in the where cooking\ and domestic place path leasttrul to the wellaxe of winds after passing the Faroe Islands Commons today .for the sup�,'latian' those two Pill ns of the household work— his beloved Motherland. half way from Norway, but by means. that Canada shoo d prohibit• liquors Ii1atY :offal] piirei . her. Yet there is Elitist' Labor Takes Reiiui of their radio they were able:to keep exports to the United States,. a clear solution 0. the great vacation the world informed of the situation, pilgrims Welcomed a Clea m all ready .to Brand, genet y* 1tlul a th has chosen his Where Immigrants Are Settling apabinet wisely in office. the. British now- Of the 2,7'50,000 acres taken up by . Canada extended 'her first weleonne "Across GR who d ase back #AurLthas, denParty is now m Chancellor Philip snow a to the greatest religiexus pilgrimage "Acssummer will wend . Race' weeks is Aden has been made e vethery swaog c n in h rt eiy"8'districts ons to leave' the shores of England since what willn� #o ti pe ectly� weeks nn Excbetluer, and judging by h veryn Richard Coeur de Leen led his Blit- I sensible budget lie brought before Prince AvertDiist icat Saskatche an Airing ,'hosts in. the .FUniteed' when a n eo eQ continually re ell c abesu ycace River presentatives of the United Church p.. Canada, the railways, and the tees and monists abed' w en the tick -1 este boarded the White Star liner its buys been bought fro the'near- at Itimouski, Quebec, to . wee. est Canadian Pacific. Ra syr egent,l. t Where 4,004 hame� ea were the 1,055' pilgrims from the you can forget everything • vee anti- Arthur Hinder- up last year, In is dish Free Church,, who willispend eipat}on of one.of the bra_ est and rata still available e ome time in the Dominion studying .most av ohaid vacations . • tic- ;son, Via.. rend yet one at the Clyde he reenite of church union is1, this l workers,haland yet one of the most ra-'fertile ad 'dollars tone annualival eiof ve ever haVetton,d-anferrries ao at etc. #ions] wall Bruised and hest , are eliminated. mon in the British house ofCom, :Canadian Poet Passes The trill v rstoiisi. A first woman •a past in the MiniQtry is 11tuxgaret 'The nest Labor f;avernmgrit has With the passing of Bliss Carman,, adonald College, this fact _al „nee t Saturday, 'Canbe the House when Italie' reigned in 1924, he would aupeav well -fitted for and the Peace River Distract, Alber the position. The appointment of The migration . northwe River eves en Foreign Secretery, one . which meats pronounced in the . Peace R`veregt no much to Britain and the Empire a this district the 1•Irge wrs reser d to x fur B i1 bl 40,000,000 acres oi. . li t laked Rene a oar cou'nt'y and in sig seeing. d C m the Dominion crape.will be the sixth a nual Th fi t n an to be given Trotsky Turtle to Britain tourducted by Dean hair, of 3iandsfield. rvle0nt RainsaYacl)on. been handed its first problem in fors who died suddenly on old oras ,sTinseca to eb his nt Minister of eign policy by 'the request of Leon achaslost is her rant most fan pent et. testiobst o the Kao thbe n ovei inch taboo. Sidney. Webb, lantous nate T�•otsky for permission to visit Eng- Although g ea 'Bei- Starting from Toronto July 22n , retme of St, has for the Dominio Sec- land. It appeared as ..if • the former, great deal of his time i.tt Gr t- et leader, who is now in exile tain and the• United,Sttates '-he was will go. through to Victoria and. back, tetany of :State the tloiiienions> a Soni rood to he a Canadian and the in.. visiting major, cities of the west en position which R. 11on.. Amery-oe- near Constantinople. had Awaited' on- 'p ee led teeth much merit in the' 'Con- lr, the fall of the Conservative. Gov, spiration of ,his Miarii im Pia lines. route end passing ingtbro h hes beauty ser votive xeaamP. J. H. Tk�mas is + + t'rPrtt $ritetiii and the ,w may be traced inLL "many oficnndret-mile-motoretrepsockies e the new Lora Y .aca� nnu �epu>y es len o a government known tai be y' k tT e in the House. 'd tribute mountains and sailings on G If bender Allies Re�iarations Pact After fifttueii years of uncertainty Germany 'knows the total of her war bills to foreign countries, which be. bo - an to pile up when her armies.cros- sed the Belgian border in 1111,4.. Four months of labor hy*' on international committee of financial experts bas produced a plan --!known as the Young plan .under W:cia:h Germany will make' 69 more annual payments to her creditors•••• -Great Britain, b't"anee -. United States, Japan, Italy, feleiuni, Roumania. Jugoslavin, Greece. Porth- • gal and Poland. Tile annuities for the first 07. yeaara will average about $492,000,000, end for the remaining ;' -gears about S408,000.000. or a to- tal yin the i"9 ':years of about moo,. 000,000. The experts, tlana•, the pres- ent value of Germany's fig -year mete Some earil neo' ane lean an u , u of favorable to 'recognition of; 'tussle. ors' Associati<of poi a great possible that the request of Trot- to Bliss ' Carman by crowning'his' _ Georgia ii ant atedat Lakes eamsh steamships. zskle ill be given attention at the `"Poet Laureate, y reIous trip aPPla* to N. B. Flarit , U. erst formal Cabinet ;meeting. Saska'itehewon , Election p v R Agent. Coder, No jui ipy feeling: ' NOW when I drive through tragi relieves tensk n fan The act of itl !!. it Wrigley's. , as motorists have disuse- std, hoe a gentle soothing effect. The healthful amusing action of Weisittee reeteihes the mouth and s the n+erver. • • 1 tion coni lex 'ch . Ont.. Or to Oise of the great political surprises Prof.�•Sinelair Laird, Box 225, O P. • Mac-- Ganaida'was the remarkable recov- iionald College, P, Que. ery of the Conservative patty in A lea n mane t th OQO words' tin,Saskwhicvvun anted. Cho recent in. the. dictionary must be 7,000 words pion, modish ogin the s, holden : ent and Progressive groups • holding to a .lawyer. the balance of power. The Govern, ment. Party or Liberals wen twenty- .-- ''six seats, while the Conservati`,re un, der the leadershi of Dr. J. T. Mf An- derson, collected twenty-five. The Progressives . have four seats,. and the Independents, six. What • the next. neove will lee in the complex situa- tion remains ire doubt. The Conser- •vative. leader has made it plain that the next move must 'come from the ?rennet. There are tWo courses;`to follow. He can resign or face • the'. House at the next session. Some be- lieve the Liberals will carry on until the deferred elections are held in Ile eat: Crosse and Cumberland, possibly in August. But whatever the result, the Independents and Progreaasives still eontxol the situation.. The Inde- pendents are almost certain to sup• nitrrA'n'S NEW.:PItEMIElt post theeConsorvatives, but there re- t. note. RIamnsey Madleaneld, Leader mine sotnodoubt las to the attitueie of;e, the Progressives. They are of the Labor potty,use ho in a known to tend toward the Gardiner to lain 11aa3esty"s request ext fo 'it a pelades to 50118 extent,. but :xi far Cabinet and head the next. T31•Mae. have remained silent as to their utti- Cprernntent.' 1Wt 'Envoy, ei jI.\ i 1►iar• mane support, Donald Kae n party neiSeritY over the . _.,-. f C by90 i theee ht veto its dreadful Conservatives,` he i.e'in the minority: The Terror of Asthma conies lit in the House o gxitntoita me ` tltfef n l; • thirty-two• sents. throttling, robbing its victim- of � breath. It, seems beyond the power Irish Government Victorious of human aid be relieve thelia one' trial A Government victory was scored is made of that remarkable ptepi ra in:e by-rleetion in Sligo and Leitriun,'tion, Dr, .1.° D. Kellogg's Atttma Ireland, when General Sean McEoim Remedy. Then relict ,comes witha ' was returned with 28,491; votes rash. Lite becomes worth Iiving, and against 24,621 polled by Eamon I)on if the remedy be used persistently► nilly, this Republican candidate. The the disease is putp0ixnanently to atiavevuntent regarded the election its : rout. Melte ne substitute a test of confidence in connection with Personal is Whit a young ;'mon e the question of Deemed or non pay, : "tent, of land purcliaae annuities tohas if he is homely and dull eine �awra5, ort 'modeler. the British Government. The Gov- ,a nip eminent 'chordee the elretion as a test of confidence in connection with the: question of Payment or non -pay- "rent of land purchase annuities to Nervous Headaches the Thein (7)1rnient. Ile G h Faint and Sick After Day's Work 11ez i It4.0M ! t -e. 'Titln.abaarlt 110„ 'writer. --' d'1er so.' 1ir:st doki a Y!! born 11 wanatoak'I. NIV 4 i:» tiewu, aril n t`7rtie'• 1 atilt ninth ie (t l the tiElie. ^^AIte2 rasa•-cimad'Wait Isotn I true • never wad teed re eI otte ht'e11:wl.t', and if if did "lard w3 0 s,naa:l 1 Waled. l+o front nod F Q, in C'ua t 1 r+ae t%1 lead vs. tta„oral • an net' bag tt l _l:a1 za Inc •.;ale stew 1 t:'oudd tot be alr,,.e r 11;C^ b.e fi a [tt v3'QtTI . c,1 ria•( t.ovoto T illi tt'1a-45-;1.^.riata eotteehi i ,- rel F.i na'f l Ii'.ipoen• ° age tie llor eelew'tringle edvieed int to. tett' et-nmert candidat© canepaigned opt e plat.farnn that fniluro to do would ba t tt trench nf'faith, while the Republi- can folie maintained the tinnuitie hauld be paid into the Lisle instead of the Iiritiett treasury. wctilets (let Free Tuition, . , A free uniwereity course available , t^► the "mat ta^mete-_fettler in Albeer•- .... in, provided he Inas a voile receiving' t`et, i0 nen posvibte. The extension 4lepastinent of the Ilniveraity of Ala ^ herta, eentrelled -by the Provincial Goverment, uoty has its itwn radios broadeniet station and in the autumn an aertiasgrd educational ptegranx veil Iw gitett. For flee pastfive sears the Urniveeeity has been doing f what esteneien work was prossible cive-r the radio, La xdcast from n ata - I. tet n in ledment*ti owrned by one of 1the city newerpaperr. Titthe fall and 1 Wi'd'e will lir nitdertaken in field huebnnciri animal >,usbandrv, dairy, ling., heueehnld ee nnmics pmt a nem - II her of Mbar eubeecte bracing en *tri. , }cultuve E t mspiracy la ieatelatare After nn intluire, kilt .luitire Revel idsote. Ronal C:elnmtlsioneE bedew fo►mii that Major M. Jat- e, M(:e, member r f the Ntve Synth Weirs . (:lustrali ft- ! etreilattiee+ • Aftee nbly. eeel 01)1410,11y eenepnett W ath i,rrl 1eif ee t leele, ,'PCF' of rentee timet*.,. 1 E a t?ta . le a ;, t i emote t1 fi„t ,” , 't eehttf 4v �a t,aa Vis ) '• c t'a r,ArF the f» X•t`!!ti '.,::r. 1f,.e LF.... 'Er,, 'tee Flt,r'vhl +:+-- - - '7i e.4 !'^"�f' f ��'i!'., t_, Se4.N11 h 1a- i - - - __._.._ .. i 1.': It �,!,Tl f,' '' i{YDS �l� cA Toa :40 tF':"1 rot : fa 7. +.-11 tn5' i: M`!" ti ai e^,.1',,. #M Liss For Over 30 Yams !•...r 'il ,wr ,r'I,.I' W ' .. A1lw+$ MIR* .w .1..b- i .•. ••- 4-g ,1i , ..n .w•.•, the i,.,.. r., t', tt.�1.-;n, i, , i;td , 11n1Ns.r .+4 TetuSGa, Iat,t. t For labium and C1►ltiteet' N ,1 �,. , . t, . c: TRAVEL FUNDS or. CANADIAN TRAVELLERS .... WHN1ikeither tenming a trip '>.cities y or unfrequented 'places, ou•tr y obt , from the Bank of Montreal travel funds suited to bead O$tec ifooreort • • • your individual, needs. Travellers' Cheques its convenient form and cashable in Canada. and in other countries, or Letters of Credit that are acceptable the world over, supply funds with. safety and convenience.. stabiis'lieel--igl[i :TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $900,000,000' Go, dt:i rch Branch; R. C. WHATELEY. Manager. • • tam 11**44 �5 out Strikingrho • of '> `ol�dnt o's ileW waterfront . taken from Ion's ' obit. The latest C:I'.R. hotel, the 'loyal York, stands prominently in the centre with the new Star building direct' betind it� skyscrapers '� � the Sterling corner Tower an�'llf`o'n�$ between it and the ;ity, hall clock tower. ,On the right are To i of i WORTHY OF THE COSTLI ESTCARS MOT only ht 10 impressive appearance, will finch evidence of it in the harmonious Je but is entry fiend of its construction vont'] ing together of all Oldsmobile parts, itt ecety phase of its performance=—Olds- regardless of speed or road or distance. mobile is comparable to the more costly of You will find, too, quaint”: features un - fine tars, Tide all-round, well•balanced excel- approached by any save the bil lier•priccd cars knee of Oldsmobile Six is obtained in only , . rubber engine mountings; rubber chassis one way .. by the strict Otdstltabile }Colley of precision workmanship and rigidly "rain toned standards of quality. You wilt find the results of this fine.car prey `lir discover the satisfgictiain of linea -rat' cision in the smoothness, ease of handling, ownership, r kt ush arrange a trill] drive in the absence of r` 'alien, response to acceleration ,b' Of Olds t',s 62 iwtsepowcr engine. You new Oldsmobile Six. i±,t:c-2st1. insulation; fabric beading to prevent metal. toarlecal contact; pressutc•tubticatcd piston. ens; bigh,compression cylinder head . . to name but a few. LEIDS0 B MO�JPRODUCT OF ee Nr'itAL MOTORS OF CANADA, t._iMl'Plfr MacEWAN TEBBUTr GO»ERICH, ONT. 11T** *R'liTRIt RS*tAUtelK 1'X',tR t All AcD R' A 77