HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 8•
TerreieSPAle Keel. dee, leen
Iron Clubs, each *2 and up
Maori and Braiaiev. $4,50
and up.
Steel Shaft Clubs,$.QO
and up.
Golf Balk 35c, 50c and 75e
Mao Golf Tees.
Totals Bali.. ...... SOc
Racket* M OM and up.
Col 's Book Store
of the farintreeeester, Mre, frel. IMCGANNON
keage, of Durgannen,
. mr„ ,and mil, ihe A, camie;erd ginei . Jas. Pio.;:dipou *Yu-. a Gotierivii v:.;,,t, ,
taimii v:iia.:Lii on Seceay 'et ree eerie, , c''» 4 4"111Y° ,.
er Nee, caonteire seiree, gee, lures!, AElen teentrand was loire foal thei
*fit Cadiner,.. a Uurloto-a. 1 t;, tr. I, owe '..4an4ay.,
Masite Debbie Arm:strong retatece I De' Vekee ie eleeteling a ilAY or
herefreee t4int972 treseitai en Mon, !tee> Ifee week in 'iorentra I,
aiee,. Itee_seeetong tie :live a3 ean be ' Me. ami etre, Wm. Wiesen %roe re '
cereeetea. colt viseasee at Seakeaeeare,
ebra. A. IL Jens:fore ce .Wet Wa• • R, L. P.ceci, ef Gederich, viectel
wanoeh, arei else. Review,' GE Escter,1 Daegannen reletieee on f.3undey.
wet %educe:lay with tee farmer's
Ceregliree, Mae. &ward Ceeiebell,
Mrs. Wm. leelly retareer to T2er
trersa On S,by • ofter ci3 endinc3
weee wee lee inothee, inra. J. 1111..
stiel win' Mire Margaret Ventiand was a
we &le wee are
1.1 •,
4eampenice izer •toe, .
,,,nrerel couple of eseeee with lier- week -end guest with 'her parynt5, Mi
Mester Allan Reed vtee reiativea
in •Gedeekla for a fow days at t.iie
Me T. G. Alien, of Getleriele wee t"
Dueganneu •visitor bet week, being '
tem on •businers.
awe Mr. A. D. Pentland,
emerd, of
Zir."23. Tees. Anderson and Misseg 010(1004 visited at the heme of Mr. r Arlo beizig rcratehed and her leg, just
!Mee and Dello Anderoore visited and elre. ce. Ryan reeentlye leib
el friends at Cl t
era sorry to learn that she is vomit'. the village, is a tine large yellow Col.
, Mae Audereen, eof lontion, ed to bed °wine to poor beanie
Mr. and Um. George Dr "1 -
Lovely new Pottery
.fast In
esysi•• trstti, Ironton@ Hang-
ing Rosette and Jerdineres.
Wan Vast%
trek 21e up,
Jardineree gee, 35c, 50c. Tie, $1.
Estra large Jardiaeree buitelhe
for big terris and rebber
Graceful tan Vt..92,3 ler Gladioli
and Rio.
Jest pop in and see it.
Smith's Art ad Gift Store
el en 'end Loudooboe0 Many frlendesof Mrs. Jaeoe Ryan wo%•111; the.1'li 1
ed r'la :leifij; 7t: 01'4% it
novae -In -training at Veotorie hos
e_ Ine •Illiee Amber McKenzie, of straill,, with it. While suffering' somewhat,
tal, L3 ”pendling .her holidays tutu' re. Toy, visited her earepts, err. and Mrs. utrithetlinluweelelTdceourde feruelltelluvilear.
.i letrrea here end at Luelnlow- R. A. litch'enzie, for a tew clays.
e Air. Theo. Andereen wol a Clinton , tendauce at seh' al d '
Miss Annie M. MacDonsild, oe De
troit, 2s visiting at her Lome in Kin
Mr. Duncan MacRae, Milverton
epent the week -end tit hie eoree in
Alberte Veceett, Lueltrenv
visited tit ber home in Kintail 145
Mr. -Mid Mrs. David MOAN 'of
Winghane cloned friend, in this.vicr
bitty last week.
Rev. Dr. Simpson, of Toronto, oc-
copied the pulpit in Ashileld Plushy.
terian church on Sunday. ,
- Mts. - eoluistnee,e Luelmow,
visited at the home of ber brother,
Mr. Holliday Caird, on Sunday.
The W. M. S. will bold their
monthly meeting at the home of Miss
Annie 14. Modeoneld, Eintail, oo
Mr. Dick MacDonald met witli an
accident when returning from the
inill on Monday morning. When trio
ieg to adjure a bag which -wee slip-
ping off, his band was caught in the
buggy top and he was dragged some
distaece. Mr. IffaeDontild eufeered
eats MIAs fee% neck. and hands, and
ono Imo woe badly scratched. •
was `able, however, to Avulk to Doctor
Sinipson'es, where a number of Alt-
ehes were neeessary.
4Tsd Mrs. IL hoover, of tilyth,
were the e'iseste of Mr. Mid Mr. W.
lie, and its owner win he loath to part
Willeun McClure bas neremsed o an no mewls
Monday 00 on county 400114 'business. new truck, which will be used M con- sults are anticipeied.
and will attend county council at 'nection with bis increasing businees..
Mrs. Geo. Free returned to her n FftivfetY occurred An the improvised
babe chicks were /est when
mholinnoe, in Dungannon. leiter oolong, brooder of George GIenn, of the vil-
the winter with her eaughter in Thee late* Tw° c°41.°11 ismPs lv"11 us"
miss rerli Itehh luls won eilvioyed tor keeping the chickens wainu 4114
to :wt. as °touter in elle Central of
from these. It was fortunatety seen
some *mane the tire origiretted
P803'. Mr, and 'Mrs. hoary Retrainee of sintroitinag beviaviled wbeitesnbitohweinzgesuanitel elhear
rTeolartoivtees, awterlea urgeenlintonvIsaitn°d1.4 Wlevsitt-b borujighLints(tstoxedhenfieacer rabertnerewotsheglortre
it. D. Madre, teller the Dungan- live was A0031 under control but not
non branch of the Dank ef Commerce, until the chicken, which were about
spent ,the week -end and holiday at two weeks old, were destroyed.
hie home in Goderiele
Nes. Bert Jones left on Weeinesdalt iti4tnheedputrritsir blat4111, 07uinse'b:ninnogn,heoln4
_Morning for a three week' visit with Friffity, June 1.403; corameneing .at
relatives at Druce Wessaion Leo pan, 'Anis gathering is being held
and Sault Ste. Marc. for the townships ot Ashlield,
Mrs. N. F. Whyatel left last week borne and West Wawanosli, and a
eor Kennedy, Sask., owing to the large meeting is. ariticipated. The
death of her father, the late Mr. Da- speakers will lee Rev. IL W. Snell, of
ley, who noosed away there. ,Stretford, president of the Trurtees'
Mr. end Mro. ties. 'Given had es land Ratepayers' Associatioe, mid W.
Musts roomier their daughter, Mrs. M. 'Morris, of Toronto, seeretarle
Mervin Reed, .of Lueknow, and two " treasurer of tee eerie department:
Muleteer) the remainder of the week.
• Mr. caul elra. Jno. Rieke. eh'. Rich-
ard Johnston aud Mrs. Albert Alton
.• attended the funeral of the late 1111%
• Juelmon, Listowel Saturday. •
lifesers, Milton Kilpatrick and Cc-
, ell Jobnoton were at Toronto Satule
truck and they drove home in it Sat-
iday. The latter purcbased a. Ford
. orilay -evening.
L.; 34toet tho folk from °Cranberie
Cornera" at the Aslitiold eimele gar -
dee Petty iM the efereng of June le,
on Mr. jolin liasenbre grounds, cor-
ner of 9th con. ane gravel read.
Mr.. Tufford. of Goderich, visited
with -her neice, Alro. FlOrenee Law;
oon on Monday. .
Mr. C. A., Roberti -on has added a
veranda to Iiie bouse, welch will be a
great improvement.
Mr.` and Mrs. Isaac Fieeer, Mr.
and Mrs. RUste# of LeturkingtoU) viat-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Young
and eamily over the week -end.
A number from here attended tee
graduation of nurses in Goderieli, on
Monday evening oriel report A large
gatbering and a very interesting
Air. and Mrs, Duncan Crat,forel and,
three children,. of Flint, spent the holo
WRY, and weekeend at the home of the
lady s parents, Mr, • and 'Zero. Allen
Wilson, returning to their lime on
Sunday afternoon. ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McPhee and
two children motored to Hamilton on
Sunda and spent the day with Dr.
land Mr. Denby. They were accom-
periled Junto by Airs. McPhee, sr., to
spend some time with. her son,_Gor.
don, and family.
Mr. Ernest Eoremen of Flint V'
ited with Mr. and Mrfe Allen Wilson +erten): They rote d M
Fe Campbell ma Sunday.
Mr. 3plin Clark, of i'OrOnt0,. wag
the ineest of his sister, 'Mrs, Marvin
McDowell, el couple of days last weeic.
Mr. ancl Mrs. nat. Reducer) Vis-
ited over the eveek-end with the fore!
Moos brother, Arr. Aleeitefluchanot. I
ef reruseele.
Mr. and Mr. Howard Camr.bril
visited on Sunday at the home of
theirtrother, Dr. Vict,or Johnston, of
_Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor and fam-
spent Saturdae. at the home of
Tolor's sister, bire. R. Stone.
uee, cie Goderieh.
efr. and Mts. J. L. McDowell all
family visited on Sunday at tee home
44 hoe sar*
lihis cold meat..
'Top sews ems. can get some
I more front Raeehlerei in uot
, jiffy if you telephone:"
Vaxiaty Loaf
Macaroni and Cheats Loal
Clikkan Loaf
- Wahiawa
•Allioall Moo
',Pea Maid Back Bacon
7,Sasokad Back Bacon
4,11raakfrait Bacon .
llama *Made PE ryes It
1,11:soet's Ice Cream
:1c. Cold Drinks
A Full Line of
4114 0/1.0,111
, Prompt Attention
' To Phone Order*
at all eoure
• the Gederle Rural Telephone Come elen,g,nwn. terolire.Qutnogetn7 ons'. tieutruirerintV4.4=gelit.
are some citizens xesponded and tile.
children, Girvin end Doilse Other s eakore wbo are expected are
and Mrs. eirm. Alta, of the loco mothers of Parlament and
lee, and Miss Olive Alton, of Windo E. C. Beacom, for West Ser.
sor, visited the fox -melee brother, on. Ladies as well as geetremen ere
Chas. Alton* end hers. Alton eecently eOrdially invited. -
Mr. and AL% eecesenele nue, A twe.clay course in, household
sTlinrionAttilla6vhinier'e irhetecienpeint teae rwefer:it eSfiinienpecteitero°naschievIlifl Cibeasliserd than iuedfaring-
end Arid King's birthday with retie. ish Dungannon, on 'Wednesday
ayes, , and Thursday, June 12th, and 13th,
master eemeon whmine returned when theefollowing program, will be
lovneekT.eunesadanyto, tfoicenntripa wvitheryirreineadeseintt carrieel out: First day -10 eau, to
12 a.m., clothing; ;,ao pete-Literae
Goderieli to elreeristoeie Niagara eine and illestrated material on dis-
Palls and' other points. • IdaY; 2 to 4 p.m. ---Nutrition; 4 be
0- S' E"eh'ond`geemisdeeghtnei 81101-".30-"te 12fAzi.m.m.---kitellEarneRY
Iniss Lorna Reach, spent the Iveel - menthe school runeeee. clothing
end in Exeter As guests with Aira. II thrall, etc. 2 to 4,20 ima,„*.Rause.
Give New Life to Your Rugs
Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum Specially Priced
4.6 x •ieee ft,.., ...• • • . • • • •Sigeleet
recI s... .... • .$27.04
9 .7; 0 ft.
n 10.6 ft. 13.1.7s
9 or, 12 it.. 639.75
A most attractive group to select from
and good patterns, "Barrymore" qual-
ity guaranteed. or_
High grade 81 -inch wide, b1eache4
- Sheeting, finest stock,. free from tilling,'
I• heavy, at per yard 85o
Twill Sheeting, 80 inches wi4,. best
unbleached, yard .. . .. .
71.1trzfe extra heavy, unbleached .40c .
42 MOOS British make. At per
pair. ..... .590 and 95c
Well seasoned inlaid Linoleum% in a
range of designs ,and patternse yards
^ wide in three qualities. Priced, at per
square yard. .$1.35, $1.50 and 61.75
COO turnNa
lixtra heavy, No. 1 quality,. yard wide,
for verandahs or step -s., Laid at per
yard $145
6 x 9 ft. Each.... 43.25
, Heavy quality, No, t in' trot, pattern,
all widths, for surround.. 1, 144, 1
2, 214 yarr15., Square yarki 60e'
Pure Silk and full faskiOned Service
weight, in 12 new eorrea shades and
colors, 834 to 10. Par.. - $1.50
morning eor Grand Reek:Wier attend
the funeral..
A vety enjoyable evening was Spenc
by, the officers end menthers of L..0.
ie No. 324 on Thursday evening,
when they were privileged to enjoy
a visit from County Master Goultes,
-County Secretary, Deo. iinitteki and
County Finencial 'Secretary Patter-
son, representing the tounte. Be-
sides the above named brethren, the
efficers and degree team of telgrave
L. 0, L. were also on hand and ex.
emplinedtho Orange degree in a very,
tommendable manner. • This degree
team is certainly a credit to DelgrAVe
And inspiration to ether lodges to
ry to o ikewise. Following the
general routine of business and ex-
ereplitleatiOn of the Orange degree,
lunch was eerved, *Web was fellow -
ed by a short program whieh every-
one enjoyed.
The Orange lodges of Dungannon,
L. 0, L. and L. O. B. A., held their
anneal aura service on Sunday eve-
ning', elite 2nd, when with vieiting
representatives they attended divine
service in the United ehurch. The
Goderieli Flute Band led the perade
of about 150 members of the Order.
The choir was assisted Miss Mar -
0).4 Pentlaiid, contra/to, arid the
*tine nieree quartette from Godee
. the eecond eldest O'. A faintly Of 'km:Wed to the' Itittia' conceesion. of
eight sone -and one daugbter oz the Grey, and ten years , ago retired to
late Mr. and.Mrs. EdWard•Blereteaud 'thew present home. efhe children
' Wal4 born in Ireland. 'With his par- and grandchildren were all home to
I ents, ,brothers and. sister heecame to „enjoy this happy' oecaSiori with their
lCanada at the age of nine. years, the extrents, as well 45 a reunion ximone
1 family settling on the emeriti), con- themselves. There were ten children.
100951012. 01 Ashfield, where he grew to two •of whont are deceased, Hilda ely-
inardwed. Ile moved .to Kinloss ing in infamy and Chester in 1918..
on the rixtvathecieenieleesslour.hltHseedre4luefaresIns T.ShinIrsat, oPfrTesoerortintolVeker:. nUMIsIkre.44.1n11"
tablished a comfortable, home, eater A. Campbell, of.' Ironelon; Mr: ends
ieletiring the land of trinities., and eon- Mrs, George U. Sornervilleelefargaret.
tinuate reelee on the farni'.for for- and Fyfe, of Acton; 31r5. Fearl Arm-•
tiy-nine, years. Some eighteen years strong and Loreen, of Hyde Perk e
rage, he purehased a home in Rory. bliss MAY, at hOmel Mr. and Mrs. J.'
rood, weer* he spent hie. declining W. Armstrong, Joyce and Glenna; of
years. Iris -wife, who, prevroue to Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aims
her marriage, was Miss France; Eli- strong, • of Toronto: Sidney ' Arm-
zabeth harper, predeceased' him a strong and Miss Audrey. of Capreol,
year ago at the age of eighty-eight and Mr, and Mrs. James Armstrong,
1 Years. Of a fondle of ' eleven chit- of nieerson. Other guests -were 244
dna horn to them, ten survive. The and Mrs. 3. C. Clarke and Mr. and
deceased survived els() by one bro- i •Mre. W. J. Thompson, of Auburn, and
ther, James, and by his only sister, i Mrs. Mina Ciarii:e. of Toronto. Af.
Mrs., 3olin Stevenson, of 1,:onderi.' ter •the wedding diiiner an addiess
The funeral" service, which was eon- was read by LOreerr• Armstrong, and.
,dlietect 14-Y Rev. C. M. McKenzie, of , Audrey Armstroeg- presented the
Melee United ehureh, was held' at grandparents with a purse well filled
the femily home, and interment was I with gold, mul Meageret Somerville
made in Greenhill cemetery, Lueleeend Joyce Avmstrong a basket of 50
now. Relatives from a diStalree 'SOM. golden roses. Manriettere and tele-
/U*0110E10e funeridervenee lelie and, grams were rteetred- of -UM NM-
IVITS, .1ohn Stevenson, London; Mr. • gratulatione to the bride 444 bride -
nu rs. ..T; 4. iStevensom also et eroont. Gifts of money, golti and
tide The service was led'hy 'the pas.
over the holiday and weak -end and evening. rne ondaY planning, . letor0e deeeeetnee and eetor the.ehurele ..11). A. WafleIrs icTinnnte :11'1; .14w% ana.dohAniree" eil 2tv 0er- ,lianfleerrsiewneeer", el'Iney'l:oentrl.thfceuteee*:eboigletutbuoietee
. •
wrs eccompaeled bole°. On gUnde3" Mr e arid Mrs. Robe 'Wraith, their olanbrlivallinvginfuo4mesv,ices' tam rwinetucelll.1*Dleatitiv4;ae sereat6 'e4"11.!' 'cl-"1-"A"Idk"- - of 50 •* zetillefelnat:' Ladhls'-‘4311.
Mee. POrenntn,,wbo bed tined two eon, Jas. Weerith, doe efreeDheie Ed. ,t• d • • - • ono' froittrimetveefern eivnization.today is - 'Gogagegeo— eggeenerG
Aitc,as with ber parrente, Inv. and Afre. ,
gar, of Curies t hi 'he tVec't"S V.
W443V 44 • 11 ea ld f
s owns ,p Ntt re • t p increase o mater a ream:re INOrnm
Allen Wilson.
The community was grieved to
hear that Miss Isobel Young. of the
O. A, C.. bad token suddenly 'al ane
W35 rushedeo tbe hospital in Guelph
on Tuesday 'afterreon. An operation
was performed tent temp erminc.
Last reports were that she WAS doing
as well es could he .expected. Her
mother, Mrs. U. At Young, affireofiee
Lawson were ether° but not in /time
for the operntion: Atrs. emit Walter
mei Julia sisters reached there in
time. .•
Mr. Joseph Wilson. of London, eel.*
led on friend:; In. the village tide
The Orangemen from the village
attended divine services iielemtigen-
nun lot Sabbath,
Mr. and Mrs. IlleIntyre, of Due-
eannon, spent the week -end with the
latter' s parentS here.
Messrs. Thos. Adams and George
Lawlor are treating the Orange hall
• to a coat of paint this week.
Mr. Joseph Carter and family, of
Port Elgin. visited Mr. Carter's par-
ents over the week -end.
• Mr. Alexander McKenzie, of the
village, went to Toronto this week on
IL visit to hi; daughter; Mrs. 1Valker,
of that eity.
Mi. John Stalker., of Flint, Iniche
ie eisiting friends and renesving old
acfmaintances 'in the village and
ueighborhood at peesent.
Ihe PresbeterY of Iluron United
church of Canada, will meet in regu-
lar session in Kiwi: United thurch, on
ihursdase June 13th, next, at DM
i a.m. The WHO of the 'church will
erve dinner. .
Mr. Victor Yungblut And his tester,
lard.Miss Leilic, Were at Belt River this
They were accompanied on
week, visiting their brother, Leon -
their return by their mother, who had
been visiting there.
We hear a good deal at present
labut the spear limit on our high-
ways. Even an effieer him been are
gtinted to see the law enfolved.
. What about our bridge over the Wit«
441d here. It appeals there is Ma
emit there. even heavily loaded
trucks disiegard the rate. That ie
' if the county has any.
....., deo.
Now is the time 10 think Omit
yofir PloWer Beds, Hanging Bask-
et.% Verandah Boxes, ete.
j We have a large storsk or
Dahlia Bulbs to Om
Gadoefick nolo 106 t
e le"' ire insiarallee to. held their eluee
cent visitors with the folener's steer
Mrs. Thee, Culbert. • meeting in the comeaue's offiee On eedit 0-0tuoutat power.eeespoogielruggrxenreahrse.
Mrs. It. A. MeXenzie was- a vieitor Tollit3dYloWsnithofa011,0t(tahe s•dvails'eestartsleczn,lthese. inzationo passed away' 'when at the
111r, and lies. „la* Aenistrong or
•, • Brimsebe Mark Happy 'Event
aftniod on her return by her deuge- now belonging to Mi, Itvin" 'ill -
in London leet weelt, and was nCeOre. loss berme large hare north of Lack. height of their material grandeur, be- e
teem ef neglect of the invisible sour. vn Tueediry afternoon, Tarty 2Stle
children, Mary and Kenneth. monster basket pieenic to be held in
weto completed for the ces er pewee. rn the ion struggle e veil hapor Ment WM telebrated at
between the evil and the good, the
usumiy being their edam weeldino- arirever.
44 Strong, Elora street. Bruseels, it
the lime of 'Mr. and Aire. JO. Art114
Urt Ws. Jas, IffeEachern and ton - rangements
Nee. (Rev./ C. xr, moDonara lett Kiiieawf,,,,, botich, on Wednesday I•nowere of righteousness had
visible force, 0 •
on ;Woodsy for Ottawa, where sbe June 10th, to celebrate the 5011h an. -eon outnumbered in
will be e' guest with relatives and en. niversary of the inauguration of' the
303' the sessions of tee Gwent As-- eompanee Lots of sports, hot tea
senility welch openS there this week, and coffee on the grounds by the bus.
Mrs. Thos, -Stewart, who. spent the Iness 112".6 48S"iatkin °I IChiertrdine
minter 'menthe .• with relatives at And the` Kincardine PlPe Rend in
Now is the tune to have
Smiting Machine
Burks Fans aniPToronto, returned ore tOldtmeel eonttibUte te the plea-
,Satuveray to ber. SIM* DUngaiinen Sere or the day's outing. .Come and
'Where she will remain for the sum. brit* your basket mid enjoy the day
met be the lake -side.
Miss Larnonte, need eecretary in Ihe 1.)110/%1*11 b°14r.tt
connection with the missions at the eni_e,"„.4.Wetedeti6ekr4044. enveenvre!ont, the
Peciebyterisui cleirele eddresatho ,eeeeeee„-se'with
inadetheso °ethuErer-gkertleeseillnenre. 'hoe Deet*ondlrauenenelni °cOuiVZd'ut-herxr'repstige3:11tIttio' n4rehfe Fb°raelddevril
evening, June retie noes, who for seventeen years and a
eeeetee wee° lergens d half has been the efficient mincipal of
but had mount"' won because of the
Cinrire. hi 4 clorriAter o
strength of the invisible. 'The Fru- tire eani John' and AraellaeCtarkea
: ntr.
teotant Ali:robes must continue to
TameS. ArrOstrottg, eldest. eon of Wil -
emphasize the sliritual in life lir+ lee,s, tree patience eereo,troee, were
and to laiow the power of the un. at the isersoriege, Duratannon. 'thee*
teaching their chi dren to love tvuth,tentoed marriage Rev; Mr. Don
seem The Orange Order had come made their home at Albino until the'
into existenee.becatise of great de-
sire for freedom of wersinn, the open ""*”*.--Ielree------",
Jebel. and peace and order., These you wai n.of
iost, not through opposition butl be i)isappointect.
throe• no 1 t tl e 44 h
privileges were in (tenger of being
g . • Alter iure
serv ce eve es n brief meeting in
the Orriree Ilan with words of greet -
rite by visiting membees.
Goderieh relatives over the WeIk..('fl(1I the school. The reason given by Mr The death (+oeuvre et holy -rood Of
Roes fo
DeniedJohnJohn Serimgeour and dough. .
MI And ltabinlar he a"°161- to ill-heelth. Duving
r hiresignation s was owing
the. lent per: a Asformer highly respected resident of
isfield, in The person of Ileere
Weadock arid Allagera Falls. . cess, 42101 r ' . V K. G rionoerevee,aurst tohnedandvioaencitdooatothes.ofnneinwetay;
ler, Miss Mary, on 4 ringer trip telolh r he bee met with obenonleaml SW-
od since Mr. Ross has been the tea -
Aliso Kathleen Reed'. of More. were,
*neon And ' who visitedlthenssieliheocreec'ently' ,weexr.: - - - - -
Mr. arid Mrs. jamee M, 4
week -end guests with Mr, and mrs. Pressed very greet gratification with
the redord of the school as judged by Have i Ride In the
IPPt. {CHlvtd"".. MI"'s nudsolt, 'j,' the vety high pertentage et euceess.
1,-,-/oetkon,owitcesonodiPlovotgefithowintotoothiettl WI' ful eutrance eandidates who hsve CHRYSLER
permed tlirough the echool., The
Miss Lida Bruce, daughter of Mr. boatel Were very reluctant to accept
Richard Bruee, underwent a -critical the reeignation Of so sueceesful mad
operation in Alexandra Marine and experienced a teacher and will find And .ihe the judge Yourself
Genertt Ilospitiii. Goderieh, on TueS.. some difficulty in re/ditcher bine
' - you set out
Whie.h. hear PL014ArgNetTESoelle Sweet*
Amooth, Fleshy Tomatoes, .atid. they
an a very heave cropper.
'kraut are 'sure to be .satisfied
When you -buy AV of Our Annuals or
Vegetable: Plants. 242 we sgrow only
Parte Ode*
Welts; Mahal; etc.
the Best.
Ask Tairtealer forStewart's Mitts
Rupture, Specialist
4 "
/Meter°, Verleocele, Varicoee
Veins. Abdominal eVierilniess,
. Spinal Deformity. CenSUltati00
• tree. Call or write
.e. SMITIT, British Applienee
Speelalist, 15 Downie St., Strate
. ford, Cub
Bontiniller Nurseries *
dep. her toudition since the opera- efr. Thos. Voiles received a mes- R. tt t. Ooderich.
At tho serviee in XvskIno e,
tureit en informing him of the desith of ins
thin in reported as favorable. sago by wire on 'Wednesday moiedeg Also we havo —iiie.rne 'PhotrecCarlow 235.
REAL BARGAINS 4 ' ' ' •-
Sundey titernoon the Saerment of holf,hrother, Mr. hen Leckhart, who in treed tfirti
the Lord's Supper was ebserved aral 'missed away at hi 's home at Grand
a very large congregation woe roes- Rapids during the night of Wnesday, 1 1924 FORD COACH. with
etit and partook of eommunion. Miss June 4th, following. a paralytic
Nathleen.Reed. of Elora, nee solo stroke. The Igo Mt. toekbort wan • iltoehotoll axle. loolo.like new
very sweetly. 1 OVERLAND COUPE, 1924
the yourigeet ten of the tete Mrmid e FORD TOURING% 1922
A number from Dungannon attend. Mrs. Matthew Loekhart, Dungan. 1 CREV. DELIVERY, 1923 .
ed the nurse' graduation in Goderieh, none and after kitting Dunitennon 1 OVERLAND TRUCK, 1924
on Monday evening. Among the resided at nominee, Brussels - and 1 BAY MARE. S years old
number wim Miss EXAM Route who Grand Rephis. ta het earlier yea'." IttIRBER Tinto BUGGY and
IO,. made opplicetion to enter the he was a ehoe-itiaker by trade but for
Alexandre Marine and General lios. 202113' years he tad teen employed on oittelln1188'' This 6111'l•
lt itmfbk3
paid Itt Goderieh im a nureeeretiAbie I the railway in Michigen. The Ail -
oral wet be hole front hie rate homo All, overhear work done and a
Rev. W. G. Colgrove is the newly- I on Priday amlinterment will be made inn line of occessories.
tierrwinetetdrnraikiltlisetheitiretoheDsutnogatnoinko:atre a't Grend Rarieds. Ain Thos. 'Wig-
gins and Mr. joie Davidson, of Mill-
race of Rev. J. 44. 'Walker Who is Ovillort; Mr. eno. Scrimgeour and
te.aitovlipn, jeciaitTthoeccennodc %fa
tsi ce:elticgriathes'e6re,R41 IrdPedueltrleebr. ziMndfSliMrsastraY. cllerniTztetl"Dras 41E1
to Ashfield circuit to succeed Rev. A. Lockhart, of Myth, lat 4in ThUrsday
W. Brown, who goee to Byron,
Me' 415. Laverne and Benson Pent -1
land motored up froM Detroit one
Thuredey of last week and spent the °mance
week=ericl at the home of their par -
ride. v. and Mrs. A. It. Pentland.
Imrie. Detroit, *lueiecently cam ' Sk.11.1449 Ni hts
They were artompericd by Mr. Wm. !I
tom Edinburgh. :toothier. They re'-. •.'
turned on Sunday to 1.).Atoit.
"The Tightwad," a three.att rents when you mutt Leek
My by Robert Keith, evill be prenetit. '
ad by Or A. Y. P. A. of ist. tieetetee Your Best
horde Gederieh. ursdrr the anaplees?,
Ilamiltorc Sts Goderieh
Baby Chicks, lower in Mew -
Barre& Roeke. •ea....*..150
* 02W'. teghOrne, te...14e.
s UM,* Jane 12t11,, AM throes' le.
- lower than 00%
1101.11r1WILte P.O.. ONT. /
Kona 611 r2& Clinton) amtral
;Cleveland's Bread
• is. tempting complement to
,any, meal -delicious in itself ,
-and lending, test to the test of
the menu.
"Voile family torM denittnd
twice as murk of our Bread as
,any other. Encourage thein to
do so, as it is the most health.
fur and nourishing food thee
con take.
1 411•411miumille44.114111114 11
Two Days Ooly—Sotorday ad ilooday
JUNE 8th and lOti
175 pair women*. 'Patent and Black and Colored Kid
Strap Pumps and Patent and Black Calf Oxfords
of as Wormin a mind of let, Paul's We forgo,t to odd s 'Toting
etiurrit ta the poriiih haat Dungannon. , man.. fancy P ... ., a n d any on e
Joot 14tb. Thie is a very i r .1, .... . ...a...4 t,,ni fat you to ' So Easy to Clean
hisowu.0** may am, • sc•ftti eeenien's ‘*"reiwni 1" ''-ri- c-- he' No tiresoine beating with easy.t .
entertainment is looked forward to. mane mune you .00 your at, .....,
' Annircramoi wraarea Ion he hold , motieto thy.deomott otocesseoelean tiorritollelor Gold Seal Art.
in Ezekiel., -Proihrterien chureh on freiskom milvelloway imploved. Nook
SUMP% June loth. at 3 pelt and re :IT _, _ ,s.
740 ntft, wh,11, ItAte. A. G. Aletoul, • !' isle MUM IN the other !omericohlo We hit,,ve a full assortment of th
22.24er rotith lore41 , Ili h MAW . y mew. I,
1 wok sioro,..4„ geerier moos yen in am %areal, cesdiew itat. MOSt attractivt, r atten15,, all un.
he roedered be the Agit ***kik! ,SY rn•sts to Ink ,ssith WI e A , ,k7ontltionalky guaranteed.,
IlInittation No. 23
Aims 114 West St,
Regular 64.00 $4,50 and $500. (*minicar
Ali theme olitemot ate!, u.r.to.tiate foot•e tt but ore brisitin _
W. Hern's Shoe Store
:41171,:lorntar= 4%4:4i I6r1It etn. h*tk YMI Fr41
.. .
mi.. cm,' wttiloLER I
10. wilt toword romodellingotel Coolletleoesh •
e4erortitlite rho tburelt.
rPet. Irrft r4.1 Ply bite from * eog • t
be Main 'trete of Diegennore low ' moo ttit Yrs* awls 'howl brut*. Fiorito', holori
New Furniture
of any description
We Nsitively Savo you
Misomeeeeeemeoare,... tit
OT MiliSnet
Showing the Summer modle in CHARMING HATS
in VISCAS and Mohair* in the seonn's new shades, re-
flecting the new softnes that has captured the 'straw
MISS MacVICAR Kingston St