HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 7THU•RkIAl. J1`1t: tn. 111:41+ ij: ra p I eou$a 60gi L D +� Nr • ii iI it II nig II II II I III SMA 0eTaa ktELI 1 W R, ,ears, two >5 galm(0 st.wCK „O.R 111E Dom'. sLA ,,.,nom' TS The bodied rh bness wird mellow flavour of. Gold Medal have made it a most popular %ever age, You'll. like Fold - , Medal: Fear.' ,GOLD frkFJ :7, 11 111 iv I 111111111 I II THE t3ODERICH STAR !them �•g E„ucit than t�rtty l>,►t, fit.. t them to sell us S)S;l 00 0tla north I London Conference N. S., :� No Ow Steering tFinare at Peet United Church ofcanadae krn;i;P.nt I1 i? q SiPli etinei itti:nrgra- tnt`ta j?Le lye lCaa, It is aotern►; anat;er3 to theft. We have the madden of tine Thein wise apr,o4ituatcly 250 den vener with Mica Mergacet Geddes of ie 1s tf "y' e im g-eizv a9➢:rty' t-y,z� � 3 '1 " L:3 i 9 113 1 as ani a). lac. t 1 ➢cz. . a elates to the third ,annual meeting of 1.nnbrn and Mrrs. Curets of Sarnia es- Li,sine1U anti finan . that the go:erris tae We' eta°s Missionary .Sicict�' £at' Cii*t3n:,:i, Mrs' Jas- 11I,'(laae, ea•i1Cn't molt lla a3^e$ tuning 113 mfigeat.oit Lr Urntetl Church et Venetia Landon lin, was appointed cunver.er far to lonely. No one tee recy�9! i.�l Leit?anfcrcr e, ttaieh opened Tuesday. memorial committee, to be assisted b,; doing, env t?tC<rin�, u May Lith, in St. Ar:irewa, tenitea Mrs Larne Eddy and Mia nogg, of • Aa, for Instance, the (io2ericfl :clench, Ceatieun, Miss A. M. Ren- Clinton,The touatesy camnart'to Fleeetor r e , of New ilahr;ur;�, Ste nod the composes Mra. Ferguson, of Vseex, 41 innan.:al Pest) cssiona at, 1,110 °'clerk. Mrs, R. S. Heard, of St. Thomas, and A totvii gains twee from heipieg 1 Win pre;,hyterints, Kent, Eneee, Mrs. G. W. llenderson, of Chatham. an established industry than fto- Lampton, 11121 11 ' Elgip, Midticscx, In her rereet, Mrs. J. R, cucleonalci° tryittg to steal a 8aettesy £.,iii �a Oxford and Perth counties are repro- recording' secretary, lamented' the neighboring to«n. seated in the 250 delegates. fact that too little interest had been f Aa Plain As triose on Your Face The excc'ntive • was busy DIonday taken n the rare: among the a oungtbt' the NosPrcon Y )l riiglit disettesiug the preliminaries of women and girls of the churches, the The 1.Tnited States has the .se. ..on. source from tenth the s•re •tit help linty on Canadian dairy prodnets -dun I At the close of the afternoon segs in the future could be expeetcd to be til today it amounts almost to a ban. 1 cion, Rev. W. J. Preston, nester of St. gleaned. , Our meets to the renblic of but- see- Androw's, celebrated the sacrament Mrs. R. Lundy, the strangers see- P cif the Lardis Supper. reta1y, . urged that more rtterest be ter° milk. cream, etc., or'? dropping As honor guests to the conference taken an this department of wore*, ye rly, V lth the new taxiir the sit • r . i , the ladies have Miss, Minnie }Shipley, stating that if a more sturdy argan' 11a.ton wilt I}© rvor,cotlnan ever. fen : h lies xe�ran alae tacivtareecl g osiYlana of Ronan, Miss Chita Preston, of ization rets to be prneured, both at : cho antlter hand. in 111«a. i Ice tuiifr on wlaiel1 she once field in cotaalrtnrlson Henan,. Mies Jessie Weir, of India;. home and abroad this stela teas eon butter ttlnaing into Canada, was reduce tr:ith tlae pubbe educational cystoma , ed from three cents to one cent front . MMissiona,n ins. Meek, rdsayf 4 oth Border ti In�makin tht argumt+nt stronflcr, Australia. and New Zealand. `Spire of Canada end other countries of the Cities Mission and Miss E. ..t. Arden, Mrs. Lundy gave n particular ins minions date exports franc hatovthese two df- rsotld, minions into Canada have iunnped of n xe ding uddze s London. era iveii this eounir so. ome tip of India. a .� visitingifrom 1J3,d4x bounds: to 25,0(i',1,JI G ADVERTISE IN THE STAR received by the missionary` pounds in 1928. The problem' dairy-. 0 PALE 1Lk'V�M A wife'saver for the warm days SHREDDED HEA 1111 full size biscuits With salt the Matt of rho t►lwtewhott It is readv.c ked and ready.toneat ---'lest crises the bisa:uib ittt the oven and pour milk t r cream over thein -=,i elicio ss wii be ries, prunes or canned fruits. xirlax E liittt'cr s }e. the paper !Inserts in each ;l►ahekapls:, b these ladies. cordially ng faces is as plain as the naso on "A�at religious revival. is on the saeieties and tuns nnade to feet quite . u ' Way " predicted Rev. W. It. Meintosh, at home wherever he chanced to be. Your aces. a 13.A., D.1)., of London, in presenting As the result, upon his return to hie Globe Congratulates,Premier Per. greeting's, to the Woru+en's Missionary 'native shore. he was quite enthusias- guson Society dutin ' the evening session. tie toyer the posaiibilities of the socio stet will (TorontonGlobe) 1 h ma1`lig ro- I have come here, he =said, to ty and did amazing things in helping „ C, Howard Fee - pay vi in , pay 11 debt. of gratitude to the ;women _ the people of bits place of nativity elm, on• . f says the of the church' in the wonderful sere treating" the Missionaries with deeper guson of his proposed sweeping ellen' vire they Italie been rendering." respect, thereby pushing the Gospel ges to the Ontario educational sys-: a'We :w we too devoted to things," he farther afield. tem. That description is no exaggor- plan for a e 'applied ap i r when t. i "and'at 01 'int the pp secretaryr rtd t o h eree e t God. . Th The po notenough o od said,, Au ,,4 t: 1 level of i' to nrA i �,,;+ I ;�;� *, is it great religious 'revival, an the work. of •.this department had cam- pxeeiably.ra sing ,h 6"e ` 1 way. Men and .women have grown- pletely� doubled itself•during the past the public education of the entire tired of things; they look to thein far year. Nearly three thousand swan Province. Mr. Ferguson .is to be• iiomimsomommoimak meosio liteett�istimasoftBlsaeesonsiloc gotsifEeea atamiwisusew the comforts of life. There is too gena to Canada were visited and With Provintulttted for deali 1! 8 v crouch x'ritieisin in the *world today; other people who needed assistance, a ove. We saaR elflike eve to We Xan't all like everybody at once, it - total of 6,760 were cared for during E y cr4fterncaon x�� ■ Sunda isn't human nosare'; ■ "Although ow 1B. isn't human nature; but is is Gaffey to the year. This report met with great enthusiasm from tete ladies, )r "Atlthough we owe a debt of,gratis A plea that the Missionary Month - y ..SAB L . EA1V11LTON, GodertTch, . 311 tuck to the ^women rue' also are in debt iy, the official organ of the Dominion aatwoari' 1e to the Lord of Life, What used to be' wide Missionary Society, be support- MailBlkw9PMU* 1"nlanilinJtn �stl®n4ea4sinam '"a,x ' 'n femme®kgaa the slave of man now 'is'les pride and ed;4 a•-�better:manner was extended 3C've wandered far away from God, the, light of life. In Jesus'• name we Joy, woman. 'The greatest feature of•'by' Mrs.. W0 H. Willis, secretary of the church is the women and ehildren this department. therein." '11he paths of sin too, long I've trod, pray. Amen. • I've wasted many precious years, S. S. LESSON FOR JUNE 16th, 1929 -111.43W reheat with bitter tears, .-••''--- - - 1:eeron ".Total «-ludah 'Taken Cap - I'm: tired of An and straying Lord, tive. 1'11 trust Thy love, •believe Thy word,. Lesson Tessa;e-2 icings 2611-t2. My only hope. my only plea," That Jesus died and died for n e. Golden Text ---Proverbs 14.34. W. ,T, Kirkpatrie1ci In the preceding chapter we read the future. Rev. James Meeraae, B.A.., dies comprising the conference has PRATER how the king. of'Babyron invaded Jude extended the greeting- of. the Kent taken the weekly budget system in Oto Heavenly 'Father''.we thank an and .besieged :Jerusalem, and.how Presbytery*. 'Several reports were re- order 'to raise •funds. • 45 per cent. of Thee for the many' missionaries who the kin,' went cut to; hint and, surren.. ceiveai. the circles had reached their alloca- are serving' Thee in the hand places - dered. °Wanting 'the faith and piety The sessions proper opened: at 1.30 tion. The gain to be raised this year - o f an Israelite, he lead not the resole- TuesdS2iJ w len Miss A. M. Rennie took by the London eoinferent:e' was 3149, - :and who, by Thy 'grace; are leading tion of a ninn,•et a' soldier, of aprince. the •chair. Scripture reading' was 000, and the beautiful. part. of this riiany but oi' the bondage of sin into With hint were carried away into given by. Mrs. C. W, DeWitt Cosens. was that no* adverse criticism had Although the allocution of monies Miss A. M. Bennie. president, also of the (London Conference had -not yet addressed the gathering in the even -. been reached, the report of Mrs.' W. nig confining her talk to the work W. Prudhann, Christian stewardship which the 'arganizatian has done and and finance secretary, was very en - that to which it has pledged itself in cour'aging. 98 per cent. of the eir- • captivity his wives; his servants, ;his The nominating :committee reported been made regarding this. sum. princes the militery'men the crafts'- upon their morning deliberations, cove "Tete money is needed," '•she said, +i: h DD THOMAS CLECTRIC E AND SIMPLIt REMEDY vOSRpAALL THE 0 BEMAS ON „A1A elN LOAA A mons 5Ert. Vp10EVILrF FRtE,yFACH "BEEE OU Dania Aqq Fvg„rMBE HEN FOU AVE 1i O -DAY,. waLt. C,IHEo• tT. 10 rh+�r ,rw�ri.ve* T SWARTS'' er �il O On gorse il. Hank Slabl ,r Ein. men .aird manyi of ,the rich people, einrt,�!. co�► mittees on...reeolutions, me- "so ry yr not organize and give eon Then the. king of Babylon appointed rrnnriels and mutton. For the reso- seientiously to tet it. Let us aip}, die a new king to reign as his deputy. tenons committee Mrs. W. B. Mein- high and remember that . we are all over the poor of:the_lancl. Had this tosh of London was. appointed con- Stewards." • doing continued true to the "king of • T .. Huron Presbyterial Statement n m iSse el oe .0 .4 is. o 0 47.00 .Babylon he would. have protected hint:. By rebelling he but hastened the ' ruin of the. kingdom' and his own downfall. For nine years he did evil . . in the sight, of the Lord as his prede- cessors on the throne had done for long years. fled he sought the help. of God even the mighty array of Bab- ( ylon count not have accomplished the tiM.pntreent Serest just oft the Square eseatise SEVERAL PlRSi'•CLASS AUTOS REM)T FOR SERVICE' -- GET YOU IINVWIIERE AND WHEN fl9tJ WANT Tear TORRE . . •.'Busses Meet all Trains and Passenger Boats Passengers called for hi any part of the town loin off trains at G. Ta Ri or;C:11�. R. • Depots. • Prompt Service and Careful Attendance. moo' Our Livery and flack Service • ' •wilt, be found uprta=date • In evFtY respect. Arsdkats Your PatrOna*e Solicited • M_ SWARTS Phone 197 , 'Montreal Street USE Hydro -Electric TI -JE PEOPLE'S. STORE Cook by Electricity 0 Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK Cheaper than Coal or Wood An electric Vat niil Cleaner removes the dust; a broods just I1IOVes the dust. We guarantee all 11 J d rr o ��?�? q, Lamp for 9„500 %Valk ill .LIdi ::ec display at The Hydro Store dowrifell of Jerusalem. It was,: con-. 'a �' sidering the_strength' of the besieged Ashfield .. , .. 250,00 and he.besiegers. tubborn:.con- Auburn, Knox....,..:. 350,00 the,. a. stubborn Bayfield StAndrews'240.04. test 'Dor two years- almost they held Belgrave, Knox..,::. :153.28 , out. When their 'supplies failed` and Blake.. .. .... 150.00 famine stalked. through the city,,.Jer- Blake....'.. ....... 286.00. tosninth earnestly -persuaded' the king' Blyth, Queen.St, .... :300,00 to surrender, but' his heart was hard- ened, . to his destruction (.Jer. . 38:17). Blyth, St. Andrews 460.00. ' At length, ,the city was• taken by I BrBrickleyhurch 124.05 storm, A( breach was' made in the 13rucefield,; .. 613.35,'. wall and the enemy made its way ins Brussels, , . , °500;00 to. it. The:king, his 'family' and. all ,,Burns and Knox, Lon- by on- his great'men'managed 'to steal out by''night but this soon became known desboro;, . 143.75 and they were followed anct .captures Cerntralia.. . 302.00 or scattered. The king and his eons Chiselhurst. 58.30 , were brought to the king of Babylon, Clinton, Ontario St, 600.00 There he was •tried for rebelling 'CI5 t'n, 'Wesley -Willis 700.14 against hfm who had set him upon Constance 116 0• 0 the throne and to whom he .lied sworn . Crediton.: • • . • 145.50 fidelity. Ile was forsaken by both Crewe, , , . , ... • ... 53.90. God and nein and 'great was his put. Donnybrook.. . ..... 120.00 ishment for the last thing he looked Dungannon, , . • . • • • 150,00 8378 upon was the putting to death of his Egmondville. .. 860.00 109.:)5 27.22 sons. 'Then .leis. eyes we-,; put cut Ellmville... • 200.00 150A0 31,00 and he was fettered and led away Ethel- 146.02 1461 captive to a strange land. • Time Motor, ,James St. , 627.90 302.4: 15.60 were two prophecies that seemed to 'Exeter, Main St400.30' • 129.65 " 62.16 • 47.00 i502 100.00 162.10 50.00 ,. 78.45 22.90 85.00 ' 5.4:00 14.58 25.31 . 10.93 h otherfulfilled. .J I+'+ordlvieh 220.0 contradict sae , ,. cr- Goderich, North + St.. 860.00 emia'll propinecied .that yedehiad Goderich, Victoria st. 170.30 should be brought -to Babylon and Ezekiel prophesied that he should net Gorrie.. . .. 290:00 see Babylon. • Goshen.. . 148.88 It would appear that the 'king oo i Grand Bend,.......146.00' Babylon did' not intend to'send any Greenway. , 90.85 1 i to people Jeruscxlenr' #or the Hensel' i 423.0C, eo on ea . 88.00 walls were 'broken • down, and the llilisgreen. .... Neinole city with that tniagnlileent %rolmesville.. . 77.62 An utterly destroyed. By the burning of structure. the temple !built at such Kipppeenn St. A retell 377,76 cost by Solomon. was set on fire and tee urn.. . 132.15 ' Landesboro (former the 'temple, God wonld show how .lit. Methodist .. , 111.00 tie, he cares for the external pomp of McKillop. *Dutra. , .. 70.61 his worship, when the life and power Moncriefr.. . ...... 125.00 21.70 of religion are neglected. It had Nile... 135:ia stood for over four hundred years. Port Albert, St., An- `1Ve are told by Jbsephus that the �drews.... 100.85 second temple was destroyed -by the Roe n church 75,00 Romans on the name flay; the 10th •-.f Be r ,. church 151.00 August. as tele. Chteldeane destroyed Solent 850.00 (C'ondensecl from Iienry'a1 Biblet Smith's }Bile ..... 185.00 'IliaAs a busineaa man speaking to neo Road. circuit* 110,00 buainese mien. I am prepared to say Union, Godcrieb trop. 02.3n. Varna ` 100.00 Walton. Huff's 371.00 �atrlt 'Westfield. 216.83 `'Vlialen, . . 188.81 61L00 the first one. Seaforth 'WORLD MISSIONS tet Helens 160.00 hey ca hint 'W'liitechureh.. . , ... 157.00• • �`yWincrinam.. . ....... /!11.00 ,ate inanyoucavi rattle* Winthrop, Cavan..., 180.55 wroxeter.. 364.00 516.74 . Zion •1.linigt'le eitsuit'.: '122.00 „. 255.01 122.00 05,00 .18.60 X320 60,410 .40,00 21,45 104.10 16.93 11,20 10.00 10.00 100.00 20.00 31.00 0 C.. E-' � ani • cc C 3a r . EpgiF $ 2110.00 • 397,00 240.04 7,50 .. 160.78 ..197.00 301.02 400,00 •work• without any trouble, and r 622.10 am the mothei' of five children and live 74.00 oix a. farm you can see 1 have. plenty 178.95. to do." t 1114.70 1'rieo GOc. a box nt all druggists or 585.00' dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of a price be The T. Milburn Co.. Ltd., 143.70' Toronto, Ont. 316.58' • . 6050858.03030 t 725.45 11E0;4 120,00 233.78 5.00 502,17 381.00 160.53 845.92 592.11 0 3.00 140220..010 170:30 355.00 148.88' 164,50 9,3. 528,0055 • 109117,2.45 1;1 394.09 143.35 1.00 112.00 70.61 156.70 135.13 n' : with a great `opportunity in a big way. If next year's bill measures up to pro s - eat promises, it will deserve the sup port of all these 'maple, regaedlese of suety. Who wish tra crag •thio Pro. Heart Was Weak Nerves Were Bad MUNI 00 HOUSEWORK Many women become. weak and run down and uneblo 'to look after their household duties owing to the heart action 'becoming itnpafred or •,tbe nervous 'system unstrung. Nature intended women to be strong, heaitlty and bappy instead of weak anal wretched, and to all women whose heart is not ',functioning properly raid whose nerves are unstrung we would recommend s ' c) t Nell �lilt� i�lt,t 1, Scott's Erna s1L " the '{fest Street. CANADIAN NATIONAL IT _as the best remedy to tone up ..nil strengthen .these 'weakened organs. , • Sirs.. E. Barron, • Bulrwer, Que„ writest---"Over a year ago ray heart was weak; and I was so nervous. 1 could .get very little sleep. • 1 became . . so bifid I was unable to do my brise.• work: I got some of Milburn et Heart and Nerve fills which I used with great success. '1 can now .'do elf my 110.85 75.00 251.00 8'1.00 23.00 1)00.00 18:‘,0e 15,25- 105.23 225.211 110.00 62.55 190.00 49.50 420.5r 10.00 226.8e 188.81 13.18 170,11 .330.00 100.00 20.00 1201,00 ° 186.53. 420,76 102.00 Many sueretiful business .nen ',regularly use Wrigley's. The act of chewing hag a soothing effect. The healthful' cleansing action of Weft's refreshes the' mouth- gently stimulates the flow of the natural 5&cts-steadies the nerves= aids cllgeetio n. IGLI ar, tl, rti : �ls"� etatt.ir t.. wtpr\ racks i %41Rie 5fi 1_......_.... 44_4_,4. �.,......r_ ... - .. ... -41:3 m o m ...444.4.... $13495.02 $131.63 $1772.42 $1210.401 61,•60S -1867 9,99t Total sent. to Braneat 'Treasurer.. , . ' .1,13014,52 MRS, PhlTER GARDINER, Treas. $peeial donationa included in above : Winghoni Auxiliary C'aroltne Wells' cod, cot in Chengtu hospital West China .• • a vrea4v..... a 5;0.00; 1,Viuubanni, Victory Mission Circle -Por. the .support of Wiugham Vietary Cot, Chengtu, Chong. ;0.00 • A gari in Kitaniaat 'Tome, British coiumbia.... . ......... 50.00 A girl in the Oriental 'tome in Vaneoiwc , . .. 50.110 Greenway Atiitiliary .Mea Mae Wilaou, in niennory of her mother10,00 ri that the tv+nrlt tmlaich ha o lreern clone WHAT OT ERS SAY 1 by iniasianary ere tier? in India cgs" I eeede in irtrirnr".n1 •a all.that ban tiecii Empire Syhopping +•• • !�1 bean (Rano) peel' (and ranch .t . driwela 1 arae ii (Now tI 1. clone , n s e a: aJu 1 0 D J ( L 1 t u: . ', ;tole lfti•itiarlr r,.�vert a,< int. its India niiitty • our eatoiiler i:at� Ili• tlaiti:r:a ' iia eosnniuieticetineaf.-Mu, W. Mac:L 1. Erupiar, ,,...et 'wc' buy tnia4i'0 frunu tilt' , wa.a-2li'YD121i , N. C'. 14In Tj41tcri Ntato+, Them' at'e ai.ssl ac•_s-.i '' s" ,ta.1 'cvla3 tram claouhi Iry vcry orlon - Only tht' titaival'Fatinc l es:.ltare tf,tr .Pho bu3it n a ti'ar3.aa{tic,21 ts2ttwoolt it n ;;ony of cam. `CAP kr:a-Myer; 004Canada and Ise,' flar0 t vers.i or, Fact . 0r7inl„r ileaalowayttr tau l c:a et' rrttrl thcre d©.:- not CCcr.r �a )k,f' nay .e.#‘13-" imt EcI2of. wittciat, nal Losz vitiy v c ul:<uhi alnw • Ile trial Soho • n We etary•a good stock of 'leetrl cal A,pplianeesa Fixtures, etc. We Specialize in Wiring of All Kinds Estimates given on application. 411 Work Guaranteed Frank McArthur Phone 82 + Wiest Sa(reet TRAIN SERVICE to MOM C »AIi 1XCEP'l SUNDAY' Lye, Goder,c is '2420 a.m. 2 rte :Clintuu 044 a.m. ".1'.5g oma. " Seaforth 0.59 s.in. •2:1111 sum- " a" Mitchell 7.21 0.411, inti eau Arr. Stratford 7.4C *an.. guts gu Kitchener 8,40E a,'itt. 510 am. " `Guelph • 8A4 a.m. 1$11. to " Toronto . 10.25 a.m. •211 rEe. Returning: -Leave Toronto % can„ M 3 12.55 and6. a '• .ass 2 a .Iii. 0 p� Parlor Cafe Car aodoriela da 101e - onto on morning train, and 'Ttttnritlat to Goderich on 6.05 p.m. trill*., lfiira ehaege of earn between Goderlek sires Termite. Phone 8 J. A. LAWVIRENC18, Town Passenger soli Ticket Agtue Enjoy a RestE'ui N• ight ou. Like Eric on your trip- East or West, or to and frown Canada. l(`VJ'JiiliTaEa traveling by train or auto, enjoy an all nights ride' VV on beautiful Iakerie. Cri: B Line stcamcts are magnaticein Molting hotels, with large comfortable staterooms, excellent .dining room service and courteous attendants. Mole and Dancing ouslre seen ship "SBEANDBEE". Ainelsts tavu� itde'C&!Liacs'n.4.vQldwiles *ndmilesofeoocasteeestewat New Ca&B Triangle Tour LeaveeithetIlu(falo or rim StantayforCicve- gad, returning pe the oppneitc division. Wale us orn ask your nn this new,fdeFlidghMttful weekcod tour. Antes es . .r �7 sfie � x llufi'ailo Pad Cleveland Division nee wap, every night, leaving: at 0:00ca„ attiviog 1:10 a. m., UW.S.T.J May in to November 1Sdt. Pt. Stanley,Can. aan., and Cleveland Division Daily service, 5eavitaa Pott Stanley. /Loop ca.. arrivinas Cleveland 9:3o p. m., June 50th 10- Stvtcrabcr :nth, Connections,atClevelandforCeilarPoLtr,Ptu a ltiy, 1cuoit, points ',Renaud southwest NEW LOW VARIES 114.50 antiwar IlIJL'PALO 70, Autos Camped :SS.50rd. trip. CLOVES.AND •0,50 and up x.00 one way P't'e enne'L)'V ee•es r s,*tie 5.00 rd..uip to 4E1.Vl.Let $ THE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRtANSI'T COMPANY Porn Stanley, Canada lioBalu, New Yetk / q 1• 1MHoar A%t�, h iulullllHhII IIIIII) 111111llfliinnir ..iii•= .2111-:R.,, Style Beyond Its Price Class Price Below Comparison Only eustom.built mars can compare in beauty of design and luxury of finish with the ne i etvle 'Willytl-Knight. Sweeps sand verve of lute,, distinctive harmony of color and perfeetton of detail make if the outstanding creation of today's style specialists. And never before has sueh a large and powerful Kni,ht• engined car been offered at so low a price. The new.sti Wallys-Knight brings theppatented, double sleeve-%al%e t'n{4(ne within easy .reach 'ot the thousands who have previously hteent. restrained from buying by the neceeearily higher Coat of skim superior motor. It offers au engine free from costly esrbon eleauin y aced valve grinding. An engine s'ltnooth, silent, powerful at the he. ginning, that actually inereases in power and antootbneetr to a mileage limit impossible to determine. Arrange today for a demonstration. - at . °I'INGEII.?IP CONTLtO L," One button eta anter of steering wheel controls shinier, iirlits and horn.. F4tanlale doeign, cony atprrar• Mien, No wires in eteers iter poet. GEO. JOHNSTON, Wald 0 fOAI11 $11,1-01/ - Eden el Steattarepe S1420 ' llraatetcc '414211; pceaniirm '':, !fsillc n -IS nZ lrt I.31" a a Coo; -h01 ° "a:, fisihn 81117. • Prices 1,45. i3; festa re, me .t9, taste I SIra. • 0