HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1929-06-06, Page 6• IN I Im• I „;„•=4„.a.s VOA sait THE GODERieti STAR • 11.1,1•!•'11,, ';ii, „;,, The one 1.1,43,4,w /hell &trill( )111 7. "SN.N.444X ' even/ style of dectreaKvove, , Estimates gladly furnished for auy job, in any Gude of Seaman -Kent Oak, Maple or Birch =-4 • tart' ea. ' te Xkinaiin neutral and Ow to incoe-4, and while he hest alwaya discharged coin aw ts-to swas ilia akefixate be all oseced by the fear that mirth vemenite the South, "That au Lan i hit duty fauhfully, bos *twos beer. the ciaarreiling or indifferent fame at some time fail and play the caw - of the Noti it on Ciila inapozze---livat ofd4. satiogt team,' lie receives unofficial informatita eautheen gentlewoman who golthist his regiment is to be orderea out ,t the Lincoln tiousehala as a spy ex. to Saudi Africa and before this latow. cptestea the Eoti:izerli atiitudo tuward ledge is niade.publie alp semb in his lelatterg: 'If ifo itdo this thing 1 papera of xestgnatiditta- Just at this Isbell do co for sus:: ane reason. 1 time lie lam become engaged to Ethne tallow that the institution of slavery ',Eusteees etarraing Irish girt. !fa ceriously menaved. 1 want b keep At a ball at her home in Ireland, 'my plave3 and all that slavery gives mail is handed to Veverollain and he te the South. 1 teller° hslavery bee .open a in her presence a box, 'farce cause I think it producea ihe finest white feathers flutter out with the type of civilisation.” It is difficult -carde of three members of his regi. to realise that this %IQ the Attitude went. When Ethne realizes their of theusatds of peepte in the United significance and Feversbam does not State e 08 years ago. . spare herself before or she break . We are Oven many penetrating • off 4 feather from her fan and adds :glimpsee into the mind and character !it to the other three. of the than. HO bad n illarvCILOUs Feversham goes about redeeming 'capacity- for admitting himself in the :Mese feathera and one ty one the wrong and aacing lasties. "Those sendets • gladly take them hack, for long wrestling anatelies of the spirit. Faversham ghee, through such men - were milestonesof his magnificent tel and !thyme! sufferings Performa hut eminently inanati oowtli." such acts of courage and valor that f Pettinesa wanot n him, vita' all thoughts or cowardice are dispel- s i made it a rule all my life," he saki. bas never really existed ex - 1 9f people wouldn't turn out for me. milt An Fevershalles 'own mind; but clotillistiu.ornnu •toburtt fso;4tn,,Ittint. You avoid it is .conauered there too. The story • , of the redemption of these feathers is No oa was more eonscioul tbali ,very Linceln of the weaknesses of his "The Four Feathers," by A. E. W. cliaracteet Iiie "malice toward none" Mason, is_published by Maemillans. is rather ,overdone in las tolerance of on wEaus LESSONS . BOOK LOVERS' .CORNER. ictilfo tee lieng.rtaLnitiVittgtisafitili. el'r! • • By W. L. Gordon • the insubordination of MeClelian,the IN ENGLISH eumstancea force me. I reckon it re - (Dy Jane Holtby) Good Beek is the Best Companion" • Forever Free -navel of Abraham Lincoln hy •etiolate Willsie litorroet. Those whose knowledge of Abra- *tat Ilacoln and the Civil War is Illnegres Will find in this book a pleas - at and easy way of adding to it, lillate it covers only two years of Itan's • life—two, years in the %lade Iloase—a deep insight into his elkaresetee, that of -his wife and his as- rastinteels given. table atan is. made very human and albe attintan. more -human than in many astaateste.. The early love affair of - • Hameln and Ann Rutledge is dwelt wpm xo often in other accounts that is Interesting to know what a sate • • lisfying and happy life he had with Mary Todd, lane was a constant in- spiration'to him. Ile neglected' her, admitted it, but leved her tenderly.. And she understood him perfectly. Once the seas to hint: "You have no illusions about yourself or anyone else, There lies the stasis of your great strength." lie, too, • realizes • and understandashis nate. • "Igo one • of all the buman beings that he knew had finer poatibilities than his wife or • less chance for happinesea. - • It Will come as asurprise to many that the emancipation of the sla*ves was nota moral issue us much as a 1 military•and political one. .It was a • sop held out to Englaud and France quires a convulsion of nature to get Words Often Misused tee going;" but once started no eon- DO not eay, "The store was filled • sideration could stop him, itis wife with patrons," Say, "'mate:inters." eays: _‘‘I can. influeatee hie manners, Do notsay "She knew that he was, • 1 can rouse his ambition; but in deeeiving her," if the knowledge ex - twenty years 1 have never been aide isted. Say, She. knew that be was to get hint to revise a moral decision,' attempting to deceive her." once made." ' Do not say, "Every one has their It is glimpses such as •these that peculiarities " or "have their." .Etty make the great historical character "Evortr one 'has his Pecisliarities."' a living personality to us. • Do not say, °Half of the books is • s e '4 Ilp The authoress 'worked seven years au The table.'" SO' 'are when %elf on her subject .and consulted imam. refera to a plural noun, erabe beaks, diaries and documents, • "She played. the piano" is prefer - thus giving us a great deal of taster- able.toa °She performed on the foal accuracy in a Ver' pleasant form. Planta' t • 'Tense" menus to read carefully. • The Four Fe.athers es, FP • an means to examine point by • By A. E, W. Mason. Altboughtbis , point. Generally speaking it is bet - book was pubiighed, in 1902, it it as ter to say, 'T read the newspaper." • absorbing in its interest now as then. •• Harry Feversi'Words Often Misproaounced ann, son of General Feverslinere and descendant 4 a lorig 1 Fortune. Pronounce for -tun o 'a line af !wittier/a is himself a soldiery in "Ors" u as it "lige," Or for.chun. i • , • 1 • roascssolle.ipainallarom 11111 I11111 11111• III 11 I I 1 I THE Folup CAR SilcoBRAKE SYSTEM, .444v0rtps with 131 , t.i• 1 lient P�er greatest safety feature on any auto. mobile—the braking system—has been, developed on. the Ford car to.* degree that insures absolute driving confidence. Being fully enclosed, the internal expanding brakes on all four wheels are free from any danger of impaired performance front mud, sand, road dirt, grease or other foreign matter entering the mechanism or between the bands and drtun. The four wheel system is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one on each rear wb.eel, h distinct and separate, operated -by a hand lever. This added security is made possible through the unique design of the Ford steel spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to accommodate two -sets of internal brakes on the rear wheels. The smooth, even braking of the Ford car yields more advantages than maxitnunt safety at all times, since it makes tires last •• aqt4 .at • , Drive it Yourself there is no Better Test Ford Car • Features Choke. fit retool ry 05 ttitea ass hoar 49.hotga power eeities Pis11 teams tires • reliu tneord at2.7,5rsts itustess ./lcitisie legiess!le also4 absarbtrs isVcs ore eteZs'a 0! asic,lise aottertgast e'en, taste/O'er! 2'4.74 p7coy br.iron toe!) • e7ar)0(39 and Pao isrlteep „4•44.44. longer and adds 'immeasurably to riding ease L - LA -A — and driving comfort. • Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nem* Ford deekr F. H. WOOD & SON GODERICK, ONT. 0 1 II at a a 01111111111W I I 1 1JILIDAY JUNE atia lat* Epiwde; e as in "let," i as itt ' • o as in esti," accent tiro. ayllable, lie a take. Fromm's' •-ifs in -be," a as in "ask," i as in a‘kiss," *event tirst Indiscernible. FP:swum-J.) the s as *emit titer the r. Epitaph. Peeriounce eialattia 0 as • :in let," j as in "it," a aa itt"ale" (not us in "at"). iseeent as•Patle.. • Four; u itt "foe," not "for." • 'Words Often Misspelled • Cancel; one 1; cancelled and manta ling, eitaer one er twa Po. iteyeott ; two t's. Dishevel; el, no; le. At. ' •I taek•ed; not cktcd. Jaundice; ice, not Ise. Dieinteetant; ant, Gaudy, i trivr,showy,1*'ras,ostenta.: tious, garish, Ratans. Accompany, atm:11 escort, conduet, , convoy-, guide. Malicious, malign, malignant, maSee volent, invidious, spiteful, tesentfiaL i : Taint, pollute, vitiate, cOriOnunate, , iinfect, corrupt, stain. . Gaze, gape, glare,. stare. glotv'er. • Itlfstic, rural, plain, simple, comes boorish. • Word Study 'Use a word three times and it is 1 yours." Let us increase our vocabu- lary by mastering one word each day. Words for Oda lesson VAT.LIBIITY; state of being lb. ble to err or ta be deceived. "We mustrecognize the fallibility of IlUln- •'311APaAE tule.MENT; overvisheiming won: - der. "She stood in awed amaze- ineAng1Ral; to asaert positively. N "This much 1 affirm as true." WapsEaSIttiAlertioNfaiIietpllaWiertss.aiiimeThal eine • her voice." .satviixaNytri barrihe evft°11t uat vi'ecoveav *iltr !Vitsitansugar.. " Sept.ptl . ialx— t.11-toxeteHe lr Mot generation; descendants,w ' POSTITI!PaY; offspring to the fur- ssue equal weight of sugar. .Let stand Sept.sept. 20th—Ilowiek liownship 'Cook Allitil thick stir- ,Sept. Mal—Ethel e - ring frequently. Put ns small boa, 0 crttical eyes a posterity wal be upon over night or ex_ ties_said cover with wax. • e Sept,Septirthh----Badgreria':he Township , us. . ..t'•52012.. STOUR, note ea,e4113'.'4"eled . a , . .4 4 . CI 04; unpassiv . is stolid alstins: Pine pple. Salad Sept. 27M-aB1yth ancy remainetl unmoved." _ 1 leuPpinalliePtireti :bef)rl.ritule4s.easahrebratiizi,. oeSept".13s04—ustrerdnietoTnownshir Ort. 3rd—Clinton Town Oct. 4th—Clinton Rucal. theme Sang ef the Frontal:at We ert, einIT and: serve air sherbet glasses; .. Children VII thesedaye for our movies but one for Its Quality Sells It.—The i'act that t.:"- ASTOR r, A. rOR FLETCHER'S accustomea to bating it theme song - a radio program was a new idea. If so malty theaSands of intelligent my articles should have s tfiertie song people continue to use Dr. Thomas' .... a. I guess it would be "lViilk and Leafy 'Ecleetrie Oil speaks volumes for ha. Vegetiblee." 'SPinara is .at its best healiag efficiency. Ever since it was now And to those who have a taste' first introduced, it has groWn Stead- • for it, natural or acquired, it is a ily la public favota owing entirely to treat, Most ehild specialists give its manifold usefulness in telievinga• spinach to the 'babies at six menthe ' and healing sielmess„ As a specifie or even esrlier. Chia heir tee indir. for tuts, bares, scalds and various ect advantage of giving them a liking inflaraniatory 'pains, its*record is in- fer at and tiny mother who has. tried ynnd tent each, ., . te feral. Drihe pr, cafi,de Inininie or CRISP corn it one of natures- zno4 appetizing and:. healthful grains. 12 million people everr day enjoy the flavor of golden corn at its best fiat crisp, delicious, ICelllogg't Corn Mayes:. CORN FLAK.ES tsd""1.4.iipr. *Aar* good, with freilhort • canna. haute.. Ph/feign/le and Strawaerav Jam aept. 1001—Colborne Towns* 1 Pinenteeleaahreddede 2' boxes of . Sept; 17th-eekslifield Townehlif HINTS allele.. Add oranges ;Ind tbanattas (By sIeSsie Alien Brown). stieed' and the strawberries. • Ar. Spinach range on settuce. Laver with may- •• ounaise thinned with Whipped cream Recently one ilf the radio announe- or pineapple e)trii- ers said that 4 x‘ertain song tees the oti -fs rleferre,1 s :fled 172.ifii:arsItvoeettassate17, •„,ifenny into eatins;.--thts; spineets he- - MUSKOHA. FOR. HEALTH AND tease it yase good for them will teas '• St_e_P°11`” lize to the falls akat an tolvautage Spend Your Holidays In the High- , lands ef aantaria Take our advice and go North this" Sunnuter. .AfeW weeks itt the High- ' ' Vitamins that 1.1., • Spitach has been tailed the "broom • of the storeath." It provides the tougbage which is always so neees- lands aOntario will 'give you the -fiti- • sary to the astern. Tfien it has Vit- est vacation you Sohld choose. Just amine galore. A. B. .a. C. - It luta a abet train Tun from Torobto. Con. • large quantities of Vitamin A which venient rail and boat connections to can be stored up in the systetn'when all resorts on the Lakes. Wide var. there is a surplus: 'Vitamin B cannot setof liotele .and boarding houses. be storedabut must be taxa as need- Outdoor sports of every description -a • ed; Vitamin C which of course is de- golf and tennis among the health-giv- - stroyed by cooking. mg tang of the Pines. •ContainsDescriptive literature, booklets and ,Mineral Matters whith eontains a considerable variety vegotablea 'full information front any •Csinadian apirtacti is one of the National Railways.A.srent. of mineraIe. Calcium heads the list' , 'scsooLmut DATES • as it is to be found in quantity in '• spinach. There is about the same iottelselohwiooarfatorreatthoe,hdeates of.the var. quautity of magnesium and it is very held in ninon •• rkh en iron. btu- that reason it Is r County this yee: • . apt to 'be on tbe diet daily foe it • Sept. /1th—flatfeefl anaemic patierit.•Sept, 12M--Zutich r • 17sInnotifkliaaellafre:Ithre itlite14ncse, was,,, awl the blood sasiern'il - lillttleint thinned and de• . vittat"Itit:' 44firiedenli3fielliag,"4111r tayi • hold ma the systens. At grit, - •• • quickly ,resoln boy • weakneie that ordinary tonics- • cannot avail. • Dr- Williams' Pink Piga then become* wonderful ' • They supply the neveseesty • oxygen to the blood. increase • the slocsi. count and• renew . waning vigor. ' • '1 was seized with twee- ntia.," writes Mrs. Charles Lambert of Pose Hope, Qnt., • "end was in a very bad stew e A. a girl I had tikes Dr. - Williams' Pink Pills for runsiowts condition mai de- cided to take them once more... Again the result /voits ' marvellous. Its a little while I was fully well again." three oi them. One of; my friends tloiaYuich7ecPakink"2"°tPen114illsbegianireptIgaid1WellYt. telvisea me to try ' your druggist's or by mail, postpaid, 10 cents, front The Or. Williams IViedicirse Co., Brockville, Ont. • Preparation Suitt. 13th—Grand Bend A good Many WOOleil dislike pre. • -• - • - --------.- • paring spinach teeeause it is -so tilt& as Laid Up cult to get a the grit out, If the • followttig nietticd is used it Will not With Solis • be found difileult. Cut tiff the roots On Her Back • and, watb using two disbes. Wash it eitt one dish of water and then teke it Mrs. 'indent Midge,. •Taskot, MS., • • it leaves the sand Width b heaviest lifting the epitnicit out of the water 11:101t1:08,x'an'o'rlalldsoto6llynttluhienr: • with boils on, my back. I could not • out mad put in the other dish. By • • • • is sufficient. Drain thoroughly, chop er to spinach to cook it as enough provement. Fry a.couple of slices of water drains off the leave. Add salt. • rid ill Color but not brown. 11011 twill, tender, usually 20 minutes • abd season With butter, salt and pep - of times depending on the quantity of • Per. A little sugar is a decided tan • - • • ehopped fine iti 2 tbsps. butterstuirntiini • sand On.,4410 !eaves. as thsp. flour until emooth and add t 1R) hit* It IS not neeeCsosaorykintgo add any wilt. • Creanied Spinach onioit avertt 6aelabottitlediarttearesteez. on? 117 pall! never had any mgat rnoul, ..-bottkey .1% IA Iola x. am in gloa wx.hs:fidityup. ''''Glee'tilookS• 11)14:7111stusseoiu4ssiodussituoT;:441:44,si 841 ]Pil Nit PILLS • in the bottotn of the 'dish. If you • try to pour the water sail' the spinach you simply let the dirt get hack on It Wash in fresh water'and lift front • the water several times, the number slowly; stirring constantly (1 au f Menufeetured only by The T. 101. • Nuo..............a000moa. liquids % eupspina& water an ta. - burn Co., Xatil., Tomato Oat. • eup of milk). Cook until thick. •' --- "et a----- _ • Season 'with salt, pepper and a dash - '••v' , • of nutmeg. ,, ' • i - • To Prepare Pineapple t va Pineapple is one of the %nest della. - 4 . taus traits but it J3 rattier a nuisance I ' to prepare. The following little • I f knOWn method /amplifies the prepar. t ation. Cut A thirt slice from both top and bottom, Divide it into (matters _ Putting from top to bottom, Cut out t. the core in each quarter. If you want to shred the pineapple take 4 strong fora and shred to tile skin. A. ' sall enter way iSt to diee tt. tieora las cutting down to the ekin length. . .. wise arid crostaviee, then eltee and aeon will find your pineapple falling __ . a offtatit ramie tot° meta at tide woe a the skin is taken off and Me skin is left intaet. a' •-• illavreagita avetaanit' tetta pineapple - ''' '' ."' • E LER limard your J „.. set? thieve is a stactence Irt the - in a jelly aud then found it wauld nat . pectin arid eonsequently the jelly will , raw pineapple which elestroys the not atiffen. If you wana to use eine. , -.at . - Slasit 7ires! awe in jelly you most „cook it firtit. Newt ed Pineapple , Wcaxi is the settler's winter harvest. When his own lake or Awed aineapple. Cover land is cleared he may sfillobtairk employment intim witil an equal weight of sugar, or 8.4 neighbouring forest. By ore with Iires, the wise .,. ot s, pouad of sager to a pound of settler protects his own lit ing. froit rney he -tared if areferted. fast /stirring frequently, Thie it tspEisti. tatuei h./ authet,N of /eland over night. itisok uritil thick ly rate for wee in faney deseterts. ifotatirablejmilat,tairoftStthetiztt.os. BURDOCK. • Lo OD B IT T E RS $45 MN COO TO WOO A DAY andalipuparelgareskihmwilierosea, eseerawmonees wows 8"="heaseirwl=t___ rette•asi arealiatelepletitteer, Trittinlr_ acellOOL6 mwstowlstortteotatvewee to Corot ea& 111k-41., lihrdoll 1 111 il